By Greg Buck
In the phony war that we hear so much about these days between ageing boomers and those following them, the argument is often distilled to whether or not the ageing demographic is a burden on society, a narrative that misses a far more important point.
An ageing population is a problem only because we have built an economic system best described as a Ponzi scheme, the stability of which increasingly relies upon a shrinking proportion of youngsters willing and able to pay top dollar for overvalued assets held by retiring boomers.
A Ponzi is a scheme where the operation itself is not viable, and the folk cashing out are getting paid using the cash deposited by those coming in. This is very different from a viable scheme where withdrawals are funded by the earnings and accumulated savings of the scheme itself.
Artificially overvalued assets in a world of declining wages and gig employment, turbocharged by demographics, are causing our Ponzi economy to run out of suckers willing and able to take on the massive debts needed to pony up to bail out existing asset holders.
Our debt-based financial system loans money into creation, and there are no limits placed on the amount of debt that can be created this way. We’re assured that there are tight limits on how much can be borrowed, including collateral and reserve requirements, the creditworthiness of borrowers, macro-prudential controls, and so on, but that’s all bollocks, attested to by the fact that we have arrived at a place where interest rates are zero and debt everywhere is spiraling out of control. Much of this debt is conjured thanks to central bank policy and it’s used to buy assets, so asset prices are predictably increasing at an increasing rate.
Every time the central banks engage in verbal gymnastics by using terms like quantitative easing and asset purchases, they are trying to bamboozle us into thinking that they are doing something other than printing money by borrowing huge sums from the future, to purposefully goose the prices of assets held primarily by the older demographic, at the expense of the younger ones.
The G-7 central banks bought nearly $US1.4 trillion of financial assets in March alone, Bloomberg reported recently, roughly five times the last monthly record notched in April 2009. Central banks are now perpetually in crisis mode. For just the US Fed, here’s the “debt” chart.
It’s been said that man’s greatest failing is his inability to understand the exponential function, that nothing can grow forever, and that when something can’t continue it won’t.
The entire system has been gamed and played so that in spite of all of the “controls” and all of the “monitoring”, bankers and politicians continue to conjure up as much debt as they can get away with on the future’s dime. And politicians love this because there is no better way to get elected than to promise stuff that doesn’t have to be paid for by the beneficiaries of the promise.
It has not always been like this. It is only since the early 1970s that we have had 100% fiat money, backed by nothing, in a credit-based system where everything is buy now pay later, and where economics has been reduced to more is good, and even more is better. High asset prices are good, and higher asset prices are better. Three cheers for rising bond and house prices purchased with debt created out of thin air on the next generation’s dime.
Every time you hear a politician or banker talk about “growth”, remember that they’re talking about credit growth, aka debt. Our revered economic indicator, GDP, is not discounted by the amount of debt incurred to get it, and so the number can keep getting larger, and we can all get richer, as we all get poorer because every dollar of new debt is now generating well under a dollar of GDP.
Since the introduction of funny money back in the 1970s, labour’s share of the economy has been falling. People who work earn less and less, and people who shuffle money about earn more and more. Once, a decent wage could afford a house, until it took two decent wages. Then it took two wages and a lifetime of debt. Now it takes two wages and two lifetimes of debt. You get the picture. In order to survive, we’ve bridged the gap between what we earn and what it costs by taking on debt. When the debt burden gets too large, interest rates are lowered so that people can borrow more. And so on.
So here we are. Massive debts, low and falling incomes from doing actual work, and zero interest rates.
We keep going by jamming asset prices higher, so that people can cash out some of the “equity” in those jammed-up asset prices to fund their lifestyles. And asset prices simply cannot be allowed to do anything but go up. If your average Joe cannot cash out some of the equity in those jammed-up asset prices, everything stops.
Here’s a recent snapshot of the world stock index vs central bank money printing. Gotta keep those asset prices going up, up, up! The dotted line is “growth” that can vaporise in an instant, blue line is here for good, but – phew – it’s “the next generation’s problem.”
In Australia, a favourite among politicians and economists is to counter the demographic trend by keeping immigration high, for a “bigger Australia”. If you can just cram more people into the place, the growth numbers will go up. A household with eight occupants will spend “per-household” a lot more than one with four occupants. And that’s a good thing, if you only count the dollars, and ignore the cost; the stress, waiting times, noise, smells, and congestion. But if you look “per capita”, is the household better off?
This crazy focus on asset price manipulation is designed to keep house prices going up. Somehow there are a multitude of smart folk in charge who think that an island nation’s inhabitants bidding up the price of existing housing stock by trading among themselves on money borrowed from overseas is smart.
Despite all efforts though, with interest rates already at zero and people up to their eyeballs in debt, this cycle may have met its Waterloo. Demographics delivers the hammer-blow. Too many people sitting on those artificially goosed assets needing to cash out at those insane prices, and not nearly enough asset-rich young people willing or able to pay for them without borrowing eye-watering sums from their futures.
As an infamous US politician once said, “this sucker’s goin’ down.”
I don’t know if Greg would agree with this:
This is another societal wedge, ignores the fact that young should inherit the house from parents, the old ones should not be giving everything to BigPharma, if they cannot look after each other the young and old are at the mercy of strangers. Most young people haven’t contributed anything yet so why are they getting as many dividends as they do ? They need hard work and luck in most cases.
Now to the substance of the main article, here is the first hit I got on the google on this topic:
“Fiat currencies have an average life span of 27 yrs. The USD has been serving as a global reserve currency for over 90 years, 40 of which as a fiat global reserve currency.”
It’s exponential printing, they know it’s going to tank, hence the “Great Reset”.
Don’t worry the super rich have extracted everything they can out of it, now they are chasing distressed assets.
“…………withdrawals are funded by the earnings and accumulated savings of the scheme itself.”
Banks do not lend ‘depositors’ money. If they did you would not have anything left in your account. Gillard’s secretly instituted “Bail In laws” if activated would see a numerical reduction in your Bank account.
As I understand it, the banks could confiscate our savings today, if they felt liquidity was needed.
There is a reason that Gillard was an inaugural member of the Israel-Australia Leadership Forum. Also that she was sponsored by Zionist developer Albert Dadon.
According to professor Werner, in law there is no such thing as a deposit as all money placed in the custody of a Bank is actually a loan to the Bank.
And unless you have done something special, you are merely an unsecured creditor, so you are last in the line if a bank goes belly up.
Copy and paste –
Pilgrimage to Tel Aviv
In December 2010, 17 members of our Federal parliament are going to Israel for the second “Australia-Israel Leadership Forum.”19 Leading them will be Australia’s de facto Foreign Minister, Danby. No other country receives such a contingent of Australian senior civil servants. But who will they be servants to – the leaders in Israel? Last month (16th October), Rabbi Avodia Yosef, the founder and spiritual leader of the Shas Party, one of the three major components of the current Israeli government, gave the following speech: “Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel.”20 https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/1.5128226
The Banksters do not produce anything of value themselves, they through their purchase and monetising of promissory notes are parasiting on the nations productivity. Credit and debit accounting results in a nullity. The Banks through their creative accounting fraud turn the debit into a debt with compound interest.
The Banks so called lending of money is a fraud. Each borrower finances their own loan. If for some reason the so called borrower cannot fulfill the terms of the their promissory note then in reality the Bank has lost nothing.
With the current Banking deception, Banks don’t want you to be able to repay your loan. They want your real estate not the paper they issue called money because that doesn’t make them any richer.
For those who have a grasp of the Duality Principle of double-entry bookkeeping — “for every credit there must be an equal debit” — A Banks debit is a result of you depositing a promissory note [credit ]when applying for a loan. You finance your own loan.
“money ” includes:
(a) currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
(b) promissory notes and bills of exchange; and
(c) any negotiable instrument used or circulated, or intended for use or circulation, as currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
(d) postal notes and money orders; and
(e) whatever is supplied as payment by way of:
(i) credit card or debit card; or
(ii) crediting or debiting an account; or
(iii) creation or transfer of a debt.
Which side of the ledger is your promissory note deposited?
Two loans are exchanged –
Crisscross, I honestly cannot figure out whom you are quoting, or if this is coming from your pen. I don’t want to have to leave the page to find out.
For example, Did austlii.edu.au proved everything you wrote from the words “The Banksters” down to “your own loan”? If yes, how did you expect the reader to know that? t sounds really brilliant. If you are the author, please take credit.
Furthermore, as I read along, it makes a difference to me whether it is Marx or Blynken or whoever else. Pleeeeze use a proper system. We thank you for giving us plenty of good material.
Fact is, I skip right over the whole thing if I can’t make out who’s talking.
The business of banking is under the equity jurisdiction, even if some of the players are legal fictions.
This link is to the youtube interview with Prof. Werner:
And the following is some of the transcription:
about 6 mins in:
Prof Richard Werner: They’re (banks) creators of the money supply.
Ross Ashcroft: So you are firmly of the view that banks create money out of thin air?
Prof Richard Werner: Yes. I have produced the first empirical studies to prove that in the five thousand year history of banking, banks are thought of as deposit-taking institutions that lend money.
The legal reality is banks don’t take deposits, and banks don’t lend money.
So what is a deposit? A “deposit” is not actually a deposit. It’s not a bailment. it’s not held in custody.
At law, the word ‘deposit’ is meaningless. The law courts and various judgments have made it very clear. If you give your money to a bank, even though it’s called the deposit, this money is simply a loan to the bank.
David Buik: That is true!
Prof Richard Werner: So there is no such thing as a ‘deposit’.
David Buik: So you think it’s poorly and inadequately named then?
Prof Richard Werner: Banks borrow from the public. That much we’ve established. What about lending? Surely they’re lending money?
No they don’t! Banks don’t lend money.
Banks, again at law, it’s very clear, they’re in the business of purchasing securities. That’s it!
So you say “okay don’t confuse me with all that legalese. I want a loan”.
Fine! Here’s the loan contract. Here’s the offer letter and you sign.
At law it’s very clear that you have issued a ‘security’, namely a promissory-note, and the bank is going to purchase that. That’s what’s happening.
Ross Ashcroft: Putting it in layman’s terms, what does that mean?
Prof Richard Werner: It means that what the bank is-doing, is very different from what it presents to the public that it’s-doing.
How does this fit together?
So you say “fine; the bank purchases my promissory-note, but how do I get my money? I don’t care about the details, I want the money.”
The bank will say “well you’ll find it in your account with us”, they will be technically correct.
If they say, “we’ll transfer it to your account” that’s wrong, because no ‘money’ is transferred at all, from anywhere inside the bank, or, outside the bank.
Because what we call a “deposit” is simply the bank’s record of its debt-to-the-public. Now it also owes you money, and it’s record of the ‘money’ it-owes-you is what you “think” you’re getting as ‘money’. That’s all it is.
And that is how the banks create the money-supply. The money-supply consists to 97% of bank deposits, and these are created out-of-nothing by banks when they lend, because they invent fictitious-customer-deposits.
They simply re-state, slightly incorrectly in accounting-terms, what is an Accounts-PayableLiability, arising-from the loan-contract, having purchased your promissory-note, as a customer deposit, but nobody has deposited any money.
I wonder how the FCA deals with this because in the financial sector you are not to mislead your customers?
So Prof Werner is stating that the bank is buying the promissory note, which they convert into a negotiable security, which is then traded on the securities market (think “The Big Short”).
This is at law.
And then he specifically says:
“So you say “okay don’t confuse me with all that legalese. I want a loan”.
Fine! Here’s the loan contract. Here’s the offer letter and you sign.
At law it’s very clear that you have issued a ‘security’, namely a promissory-note, and the bank is going to purchase that. That’s what’s happening.”
So the “offer letter”, once signed becomes the promissory note, and the “contract” (the mortgage deed/trust) is the security instrument guaranteeing performance.
Given that the bank “buys” your promissory note, then what do you owe the Bank ?
There is a Nevada Court Case ‘Mitchell vs MERS (Case no. BK-S-07-16226-LBR), page 8:
A mortgage loan consists of a promissory note and a security instrument, typically a mortgage or a deed of trust. 31 When the note is split from the deed of trust, “the note becomes, as a practical matter, unsecured.” RESTATEMENT (THIRD ) OF PROPERTY (MORTGAGES) § 5.4 cmt. a (1997). A person holding only a note lacks the power to foreclose because it lacks the security, and a person holding only a deed of trust suffers no default because only the holder of the note is entitled to payment on it. See RESTATEMENT (THIRD ) OF PROPERTY (MORTGAGES) § 5.4 cmt. e (1997). “Where the mortgagee has ‘transferred’ only the mortgage, the transaction is a nullity and his ‘assignee,’ having received no interest in the underlying debt or obligation, has a worthless piece of paper.” 4 RICHARD R. POWELL, POWELL ON REAL PROPERTY , § 37.27[2] (2000).
Check out footnote 31.
If the maker of the note is the trustor (the one taking out the mortgage) then it must be a trust!
And the trustor/grantor makes the law of the trust, unless they allow the holder of the note to provide the law in the form of the contract in the at law jurisdiction.
This is the definition of a ‘security’:
Security Black’s 8th
1. Collateral given or pledged to guarantee the fulfilment of an obligation.
4. An instrument that evidences the holder’s ownership rights in a firm (e.g., a stock), the holder’s creditor relationship with a firm or government (e.g., a bond), or the holder’s other rights (e.g., an option).
Securities differ from most other commodities in which people deal. They have no intrinsic value in themselves – they represent rights in something else.
That which we, as one of the people, create is of an equitable nature.
When we ‘give’ it to an ‘at law’ institution, it is debased and reverts to a legal character, but its true nature is still equitable.
The following link is a text on equity describing ‘executory contracts’ specifically to do with the transfer of land.
If you have ever wondered why when you sign a purchase of land document that you then had the instant obligation to carry insurance for it, even if the legal transfer of title was to occur sometime in the future, you will find the answer in Sect. 368
Mary has a point and I must admit I tend to skim and focus on the goodies you offer in any links provided.
Yes, please heed Mary’s counsel re making clear what is being quoted versus free-form comment, but having said that, thanks for the link to the “Banksters Gangsters Traitors” booklet.
The first thing we read is the definition:
“Mortgage – a Death Pledge (Mort = Death … gage = Pledge)”
This is also spelled out clearly by Ken O’Keefe in the introductory scene to
Europa – The Last Battle
or here for full documentary
So it appears that nothing is to be learned from my comments because they were not quotes?
Not at all CC – Mary’s was just an editorial point of order re which passages are being quoted. If I see that an article is being quoted I skim through the preliminary comments and go straight to the link.
On that very thought, when I am posting a link to an article I feel obliged to quote a few key lines to give the reader an inkling into what the article contains. I feel guilty when I don’t have time to do so.
Nobody delivers more profound truth(s) than you and thank you again for the many great links. I am humbly and appreciatively in awe. And I miss TV for the same reason – I think he just got frustrated with getting through to some of the other contributors here. It’s hard holding that jelly in your hands sometimes.
I don’t miss constantly being told I am a “samyonim” or whatever it was, not sure how that was ever meant to “get through”, pumped sewage
Baitfish, the muslims know it is the jews behind everything but they cannot denounce the MSM version of 9-11, at the same time they are doing peace treaties with Israel, while lost souls around the world fight on like ww2 soldiers of the emperor on small pacific islands. The muslims don’t care what reality is, it changes to suit their purpose. Clearly HWBush was director of the CIA and their operations are funded by things like Afghanistan and HW worked through Cheney using his idiot son as a prop (when the idiot couldn’t handle the stress they got in a jew Ari Fleisher to read the news for a couple of years). Bush’s and Rockerfellas go back 100 years, probably more. Look at everyone in the US with a big foundation, Rockerfellas, Carnegies, Fords, Clintons, Gates; are jews even allowed in this ? Can jews make it to golf when they have to meet up at synagog every week ? Banking is a legit business as are casinos, you won’t change human nature.
Let’s have a list of who owns and controls the world, you fix it up, put it in the correct order and apportion a % to each. So then we will know what the argument is about exactly.
US squillionaries with foundations + MIC * Japan
CIA mafia freemasons + Latin America
Vatican/Venetian banksters + Swiss
The British Empire + tax havens
Zionists incl Goldman Sachs etc.
Ancient bloodlines kabbal whatever etc
Euro 4th reich risen from the wreckage incl Turks
CCP plastic junk boom under ghost of Deng Xiao Ping
India incl diaspora
Russia incl Iran, Syria, Caucasus
Democratic Republic of North Korea
The link is by the Australian government and shows that the government knows that the promissory note that you give to the Bank is money and by the way the Bank on-sells your promissory note.
I am quoting in my own words knowledge gained from various sources, so is the getting of knowledge a form of plagiarism?
Whoa! You know I did no refer to plagiarism. I think I explained my position clearly. Anybody else want to add or subtract?
I just noticed my spelling error. I said: Did auslii PROVED.. I meant PROVIDE.
Goody. Maybe that was why Crsiscross did not catch my drift. Sorry.
I just added that as food for thought.
URGENT NOTICE for UK Prisoners.
There was the iron curtain, then the bamboo curtain now the UK has invented the Channel Moat.
Am I jesting? NO.
Look up UK statute from the last few days.
Public Health England the Health Protection (corona virus restrictions (steps) England Regulation 2021.
Then go to schedule 5 and read the list of ‘reasonable’ reasons you can declare to get out of the UK or face a substantial fine.
Sorry, do not know how to post link with this typing machine.
Well, we knew this whole pandemic charade has another purpose, did we not?
Of course we did…. well those who read Dr Dunegan’s account of Dr Day’s forecast in 1969 have. Ref NWO exposed by insider….. at jeffrense.com and here at gs news years back.
Also re the ever green Hilary company boat stuck (CIA transport) in Suez Canal (the numbers referred to at Charlie’s site are a bit of a riddle for the patient and Q followers…… note recent photo (ref to. But I have seen it elsewhere ) of Harry and MM with ‘evergreen’ sign in the background.
Charlie ward has a short account of it on his site….. laugh at the 8 min mark for some military humour.
All fun, pity TV is missing out.
Per favour, can some geek post the link just to schedule 5. Easy to read and understand……. you shall comply☠️☠️☠️
Dancing With The Devil In One of World’s Largest Cathedrals In New York City: Occult Predictive Programming and the Coming One World Religion
The stupids do not understand.
President Kennedy did with his speech about secret societies
Ford was on to them.
So too was Jesuit Malachi Martin.
Satan is a clever devil!.. Or does one have to be so clever in a dumb world.
Do not omit General Pyke.
Poor Jews are the world’s ‘used’ lead village idiots with the rest of the stupids.
Is there any solid data re exactly what caused the price of used cars and household commodities to shoot up like a rocket within a month of the implementation of the Corona lock-down?
And why they haven’t dropped ?
At the time I assumed that the situation was due to the fact that loans for new gear are never approved for Social Security dependents(there sure was a dramatic increase in said sector.)
During the preceding 5 years the price of Perth rental accommodation had actually dropped. Up until recently prices were frozen, but from what I can gather, a marked increase in demand has since caused a significant rise. There are various theories floating around but there doesn’t appear to have been any formal study.
“from what I can gather, a marked increase in demand has since caused a significant rise.” – just wait until the de-population agenda starts getting it’s legs. Rents of empty units should be dropping as fast as the population.
Much less money is flowing overseas, that’s obvious, but Perth infrastructure has been growing strongly in anticipation of population growth, this is fundamental infrastructure not tweaking like Dicktator Dan’s level crossings initiatives. Perth is building huge new highways at least one of which is a road to nowhere. The reasons are simple, strategic and resources, don’t forget who bought Rio Tinto in 1880 – Rotschilds. And who owns BHP (now BHP Bilitton) – probably everyone in London including Rotschilds. Why would they shut the place down ? Better to lock it up and the natives like it that way too. Now we are all locked up and held to ransom by stupid uninformed fears.
[ Today I went for an exercise bushwalk up a small mountain and river gorge. Everyone passing on the track was whining about walking up a small hill and asking the ranger about safety issues and talking to each other about possible threats of the natural environment. Children were being carried along the track for safety – they weren’t tired, this was before 9am. The fear industry appears to be fully in vogue and anything outside of the chemist’s shop is viewed as a threat. ]
We are fenced in by our own gullibility and some paddocks are going to the abattoir while others have more product to deliver. Elites through the ages have always viewed the hoi polloi as disposable assets and here we are again.
I daresay that closing the WA borders had an impact on the price of used vehicles within said State(A WA tradition is to save money by purchasing elsewhere)
But that doesn’t account for the sudden scarcity & commensurate price-rise of used white goods and furniture listed on Gumtree
Besides which the rental accommodation crisis is nation-wide
Cars are a total scam and dealers will probably export trade-ins rather than flood the market here
Domestic export is a thing too.
Why don’t you ring up a roadhouse on the NullArbor and ask them how many car trucks are going east with 8 or 10 cars and coming back empty, the guy at Caiguna used to be quite approachable but I haven’t been through for a very long time.
Berry… there never will be a genuine study.
Since 1973, which I suppose is the date that Gross National Product became Gross Domestic Product, instead of economics being the measure of productivity, it is the theoretical measure of productivity, as reflected in the investment market.
Unemployment and underemployment and homelessness are no longer elements; just interesting descriptions tacked on. In other words, the ‘ecomomy’ is now about how well the rich are doing. If you are rich, consumer prices don’t matter.
What I don’t get is how property investers will get on following the great reset, if ownership no longer exists.
Any ideas?
I take it that you are referring to communists taking private property.
That is what I have read is the target in Canada via leaked documents. Get debt forgiveness and hand over your property to the Canadian communist state.
Well same as present system. Let people believe they own something and tax them to death, then take it with duties, capital gains etc.
Before starving and killing people with vaccines?
Stalin policies are on our doorstep.
Problem in the US, they have arms and may not tolerate BS.
Thanks John Winston Howard you were suckered.?
Naw Johnny wasn’t suckered, he was in on the whole thing. It made his alleged ratings go much higher as he was perceived as ‘protecting’ the citizens of Oz.
I do believe that his Attorney General, Darryl Willams, was deceived. The idiot was the person entrusted to implement the ‘tough new gun laws’ (he was also the patron for the Western Australian branch of the Coalition for Gun Control – gave them $40,000 of taxpayer money even).
I was advised that someone had gotten to him about what was really going on and he nearly had a nervous breakdown. He made one last speech in Parliament about the success of the new guns laws, then dropped out of politics at the next election.
Johnny on the other hand went on to Washington DC to be there when 9-11 happened. What a coincidence…
Thus the ? Added to my
Last post.
The killers all know the truth.
My guess is that, sooner or later, so called “property investors” will be hit by the fact that greed,sloth & poverty all belong to the same orbit – which could just open the door to salvation.
Meanwhile I can’t help but wonder how the purported upsurge in the number of such folk lines up with the sudden and very obvious shortage of rental accommodation?
What,exactly, am I missing?
New kids on the block are CCP. The acquisition of ‘western’ cities, surpassing their spectacular takeover of global production past thirty years. It is crown kabal communist one world government,
a calculated economic collapse under the camouflage of plandemic, to make way for artificial insanities that are 5G smart cities. All we can do is watch, as the empire with feet of clay crushes any that dare to speak the obvious. These days. truth is forbidden and lies lead to promotion worldwide. It seems nothing can be done, yet there is hope in faith.
Pray for His guidance, present in all hearts.
Stand behind me Satan.
Ordinary savings and loans banks help to strengthen an economy by determining who is credit worthy. Under Bill Clinton Glass-Steagall was axed rolling the S&L banks into the merchant banks. There followed the GFC, approx 10 years after we were assured “this could never happen (again)”.
Central banks print money in return for treasury bonds and any other assets thrown at them. The central banks are presumed to be determining which government schemes are credit worthy. They are supposedly distributing their printed money through governments, and the governments raise their “loan ceilings” and so forth on a regular basis, whatever they can get away with. Unfortunately there is a revolving door between the reserve banks and treasuries and the same people work in both places, ie the corruption is on a scale you would never find out anything about. The average human we are told has about 8 litres of blood but I guess they can survive on 5 or maybe even less. Finding out exactly how much can be removed before killing the host seems to be the mission of the banks nowadays. Governments and reserve banks having “discovered” exponential money printing, the only thing that can stop it is thought to be a collapse. This is not because of the money itself, it is because of the “exponential”. The money could be fixed to gold etc anytime, then it would not be “fiat” anymore. The problem is, the burden of parasites has become too huge, we have administrators producing nothing, and they are living way beyond their means. Government programs are counter-productive, and there is no way to cover the cost of such rubbish. Even today, more pharmaceuticals were added onto the “free” list. The purpose of many pharmaceuticals seems to be to allow people to continue eating more and more junk food. There needs to be a cultural change, this used to be done by wars and famines, now we apparently do it by pandemics and resets.
Most high rise developments, in all our cities, are to accomodate the CCP invasion in progress now. The slaves needed to service this dystopia are also brought in from global peripheries.
We can grumble, under our breath, but 5G is here (100% Huawei owned produced enforced) along with vaxxxes, for qualification to trance humanism with ethnic cleansing via jabs for the undesirables. Turn off the television, it’s the same program on every channel in all cities worldwide. Stupid is stronger since Google took over. This net is a global gulag, administered by Serco enforcing transition to pig pharma beast dragon systematic hell. Pull the plug from the wall and the juice runs flat in a few hours. What use are gadgets without power?
Nobody in their right mind should buy a vertical shitbox ponzi compartment unless they love “speculation” (gambling) and are prepared to break even or lose. They have a funny old thing in St Kilda called Edgewater Towers, I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen down yet. South Melbourne is a disaster, mom&pop investors getting ripped off all over the place, they say they will manage your apartment then you end up with nothing as it waits on the back of the queue.
If I stay where I am now I might get an off-grid solar system but I’m not sure they exist yet, except as customised. It will cost a bundle compared to on-grid.
‘Fighting Us on a Daily Basis’: Expert Sounds Alarm on CCP’s Political Warfare Against the West
The following quote could be sent to Scomo suggesting to him that he abide by his words –
Scott Morrison: Let Us Pray
………..In his first speech to Parliament in 2008, Morrison said that from his faith he derived “the values of loving kindness, justice and righteousness, to act with compassion and kindness, acknowledging our common humanity and to consider the welfare of others; to fight for a fair go for everyone to fulfil their human potential and to remove whatever unjust obstacles stand in their way”……….
and this quote is worth keeping in mind
Proverbs 23:1-4, “When you sit down to eat with a ruler, look carefully at what is before you; and put a knife to your throat if you are a possessor of a soul. Do not desire his delicacies, for it is the bread of lies.
They are compulsive liars and deniers. I’m sure if you ask Karen Brewer he is in with the evil Freemason mob who are also behind this declared pandemic. Religion is a front for many of these criminal leaders. aka Willy Clinton and HRC, Bush senor, Bush jr. Biden etc… They have taken a foreign oath to a foreign power. These evil Freemasons will not stop at anything unless there is solid resistance. They have been participating in sedition, treason and misprision for decades with impunity…
The main reason why real estate is going up, is because 95% of buyers are CCP.
Surely they are not still printing the attache cases full of USD/AUD and developers accepting them ? What is the use of a financial “system” if it is played by outsiders ? How do they launder so much cash ? Could we shut down the mint now ?
The mint is owned by the banksters cartel who are in bed with 130 million party members fleecing China dry.
‘Heavily Armed’ ANTIFA Rioters Stormed Oregon Capital; 3 Arrested; Communist Origins | Facts Matter
re: last item, Ted Cruz attempts to video children filling up Biden’s border cages … Ted has obviously picked Trump as the ultimate winner DESPITE his rumoured family connections.
Or maybe he has a conscience, who knows, anything’s possible.