by Greg Buck
If you are concerned by the impacts of climate change, extreme wealth inequality and environmental destruction, then the central banks are not your friend. Hoping for a future where these problems are tackled seriously? Then the central banks and their enablers are public enemy number-one. Intergenerational does not get more acute than this.
According to the EU and Forbes, central banks can and should become more involved in key issues like income inequality and climate change. That sounds like a plan.
The organisations perhaps most responsible for exacerbating inequality, obstructing constructive action on climate change, and perpetuating environmental vandalism are going to ride to the rescue. Like the fox guarding the henhouse, or the arsonist coming to help put the fire out! What they should do instead is get out of the way.
In a previous article, I wrote that man’s greatest failing is his inability to understand the exponential function, and that as a result, this sucker – our status quo – is going down. The ineptitude, inability, and unwillingness of the current crowd in charge to understand the consequences of infinite growth on a finite planet is placing future generations directly in harm’s way.
Is the sucker going to be brought down in a manner over which we have some control, or is the brutal mathematics of our stubborn refusal to adapt going to do it for us?
There is no greater booster of the gap between the haves and the have nots than a bunch of central banks repeatedly bailing out hedge funds, millionaires, billionaires, and zombie companies by printing up trillions of dollars out of thin air and spraying them at the financial system.
And there is no greater facilitator of rampant consumerism, waste, and environmental destruction than those same central bank apparatchiks stepping in to spray low-interest-rate money at consumers, speculators, and markets every time the free market tries to price goods, services, assets and risk properly.
Today’s free money is distorting everything to such a degree that it’s impossible to price anything anymore.
Everything from huge houses, coal-fired power stations, rainforest destruction, pollution, green energy and rampant waste is subsidised. It makes more sense to gamble on bankrupt companies and junk bonds and to boost your company’s share price via buybacks than to perform useful work. The stuff we need more of, like volunteering or caring, or being genuinely smart and finding solutions to real problems is paid the very least while destructive financial engineering is paid the very most.
It makes no sense to be frugal or to save because interest rates are negative, and so borrowing, consuming, and engaging in profligate behaviour is rewarded while frugality and thrift is punished. Speculators are encouraged to spew greenhouse gases by building more apartments, more offices, and more shopping malls, even when millions already stand empty. Any signal from the market that we need to do less of anything is met with a deluge of “do more” free money.
The free money encouraging this appalling state of affairs is created out of nothing by a politburo of unelectable and unaccountable bankers who are loading up the resulting debt and inevitable chaos on our kids’ dime.
How the hell can things possibly be this way? Well, it has been said it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. Jay Powell, the chairman of the very same US Federal Reserve that’s thrown $trillions at market bailouts in 2020 and 2021, just happens to own between $55 and $100 million in stocks.
How are we going to deal with the rampant consumerism and growth obsession that is destroying our planet, when any decline in either of these is greeted with politicians and bankers hell-bent on getting that consumerism and growth going again?
In Japan the population is declining, having peaked around 2010, so one might expect that this would naturally lead to a reduction in the need to buy, build and consume more stuff. Not so. The Bank of Japan, desperate to keep the party going, is a world leader in spewing money and dropping interest rates to zero, chasing the Holy Grail called “growth”.
Now, over a decade after this nonsense started, the central bank owns nearly half of the stock market, buying anything not nailed down with conjured up money to keep assets inflated, and the wealth effect alive, in order to induce consumers to keep on spending.
Governments the world over have feigned action on climate change for decades, and advised by bankers, come up with schemes like carbon and emissions trading as a euphemism for carbon and emissions reduction. So while we’re all “doing something” about the problem, actual emissions keep going up. And the more emissions there are, the more trading can be done, and wealth can be shifted from the majority to the minority in the name of climate action.
The poster child for this craziness is an outfit called Tesla, maker of EV cars and a speculator in bitcoin, one of the most energy-hungry speculative assets on the planet. Tesla, a tiny car manufacturer making less than 1% of the world’s cars is revered and worth more than most of the remaining car manufacturers of the world, combined.
How so? How did Tesla manage to pull this off, and make its founder pretty much the world’s richest person? Not by selling cars. Just about every dime of Tesla’s “profits” come from the sale of carbon credits. The maker of EV cars is allowed to sell its “we don’t pollute” credits to other carmakers allowing Tesla to trouser “profits” by allowing others to pollute, all because EV cars don’t have exhaust pipes and so apparently do not pollute.
Never mind that most of the EV car is manufactured using polluting technology, and that the batteries are highly toxic, and that the cars are mainly charged using electricity generated from burning coal. And companies like Tesla, with surging share prices thanks to the endless stream of almost free money sprayed at them by the central banks, don’t even need to run viable businesses, opting instead to raise capital by issuing shares to the hordes of gamblers looking for a quick buck in the casino called the stock market.
“Net” zero emissions, as opposed to zero emissions. That’s how we manage to do something about emissions without actually reducing them!
Central banks spraying cheap money about in order to “boost the economy” is not consequence-free. Aside from the many economic distortions caused by too much money chasing too few goods, moral hazard, obscene wealth inequality and the like, there is the simple truth that money is a claim on resources.
Every dollar held by consumers is convertible into stuff, meaning goods and services produced by using scarce energy. Money created out of nothing ranks equally with money earned by doing hard, useful work.
And money created out of nothing has precisely nothing to do with payment for hard work already performed. It’s not savings. It’s a claim, to be paid, somehow, out of future work, future energy use, and future resource depletion. “House prices up by $60,000 in two months?” Hooray. That’s $60,000 of claims on resources baked into the Earth’s pile of future IOUs for every single house out there without anybody having to do any real work to make that happen.
I say to the geniuses in charge of the money-for-nothing spigots: Good luck with that, you f*cking idiots.
Please look up x22report.com No 2444b to that things are changing and who is the enemy you would recognise.
It is not long and explains that we can do something.
Oops, sorry Greg the one for you is x22report.comm No 2444A re CB knows they are doomed, damage control initiated.
But I suggest that you listen to both reports.
Whatever you’re smoking, Mr Bucking genius, only expands your consciousness into a myopia that confuses the symptoms with causes.
“Public enemy number one” is moral and intellectual degeneracy, commonly applauded and sold as a new age enlightenment. The predatory banks and “New Order” ideologues don’t stand a chance except in a society degraded with hedonistic autonomy.
There is no such thing as “free money” as belched out by the usurers; it is all a mortgage imposed on the whole World, ultimately. They’re already saying that you people have been “living beyond your means” and that the “solution” is for our oligarchy to “own” and “manage” all people and property and to appease the Malthusian Moloch “Mother Earth” by “reducing” the scourge of humanity.
Never mind, Greg, you have many friends in high places. They don’t mind the likes of you complaining about remote “bankers” as long as you endorse “public enemy number one” and the notion that “Earth enemy number one” is humanity.
Suggest people watch. SEASPIRACY.
Frightening clip and it is the usual greedy criminals into everything.
So who finances their fleets?
Rape and pillage is not responsible stewardship of the World but neither is despising its bounty and purpose.
Old David… ha ha ha ha. The sharpest thing I have ever heard you say.
Old david… the first thing you said, not the second.
You, Mr Ryan, are a bitter and twisted misanthrope. I guess you learned at the same school as all the most notorious tyrants of recent history.
Alternative attention-seeking headline
Gen Z fried to a crisp by massive solar flares – 2050 experts’ prediction
I wrote before but probably nobody was paying attention, the printed money values the present infrastructure with a view to the future, this includes gunboats, killer satellites, evil geniuses, the sum of everything. BUT, the dollar unit is irrelevant to anything except most of all our own wages which are on a death spiral. The “dollar” can be fixed (to gold etc) at any time however this would stop its exponential growth. The “exponential” is the problem, not the actual dollars. Why is it exponential. It is to fund the shiny bums who create nothing of value but all draw salaries.
So producers’ wages are shrinking so fast, they have to get things made in Bangladesh to compete. Shiny bums get as close as they can to the source of money, to get the biggest share, this is called Cantillon Effect. Units of currency now or forward dated are meaningless. It is the stuff which it values, and people are putting a huge bet on things like Tesla, that Tesla is the future and the other stuff is legacy. Future generations will owe nothing (Klaus Schwab has already mentioned that they will own nothing) the main reason is they are worth nothing (Gina Reinhart told us that; “$2 an hour” is UBI (universal basic income, or, basic subsistence). There are fruit picking and vegetable uprooting machines now, probably all owned by John Deere (some oligarchs such as Rockerfellas). Don’t worry about having to pay, they simply will be unable to pay. Technology is putting everyone on the scrapheap. Now there are only maintenance and service jobs and swindles left. You want to get ahead, swindle or be swindled (inevitably the latter, as even James Packer is finding out).
W3… Glad to see you at least understand. However, it seems to me that the term ‘exponential’ may soon be applicable to the rising curve of people catching on to the giant con.
Around 85% of global fish stocks are over-exploited, depleted, fully exploited or in recovery from exploitation.
Is this by the same estimators that predict deaths by the “covid epidemic”? Perhaps it’s the same “experts” that predicted in the early C19 that London couldn’t get any bigger because they couldn’t feed the horses or get rid of the horse sh!t.
A few years ago an ordinary pub expert was expounding contemporary wisdom when he said that he used to go to Monkey Mia and get heaps of fish. Now, he said, there’s a lot less because some other barsads had been there fishing. I casually asked are there lots of pet dolphins in the area? I guess that a good sized dolphin would eat an esky full of fish every day. Obviously, my loveability increased enormously when I suggested “eat a few dolphins and the fish will come back”.
There seems to be plenty of circumstantial evidence to suggest that when great marine predators are low in number harvest able fish stocks are high.
None of that matters to ideological despisers of God and Man.
Dolphins interesting brothers, have to come up for air every three to six minutes. Not much sleep over a lifetime, probably contributes to why they don’t live past three or four decades. Still interesting beings, when I used to visit the ocean, saw them on many occasions always playing surfing family groups small and large. One time a wall stood up before me, before it broke thirty or forty breached the wave, thought I was a goner from coming contact, dived under they didn’t touch me although there wasn’t a few feet
between them. Another time alone, went backhand sunset in eyes, bang, felt like I hit a bomb, blood in water from face. The fisherman on the rocks, said I went left and dolphin right, neither of us giving way, I saw nothing. Although I saw him a few moments before breaching 360, didn’t see others. Maybe he didn’t see me either, waves travel quickly. Usually they pop up to say hallo and take off. Sharks, you don’t see them, a bit like the ones in human shapes.
56, I come from a long line of farmers and have been involved with all sorts of domesticated animals my whole life. As a child we had pets of every description and I can assure you that there is nothing more cheeky, mischievous, endearing and infuriating than a pet crow… closely followed by a magpie. Sheep, cows, goats, are all playful and friendly if you treat them well and don’t terrorise them… but we eat them.
Old David… not too many whales eat fish. And, apart from the Japs, not too many people caught dolphins in significant numbers.
But the ones that do eat a blardy lot of fishes. The ones that don’t eat prodigious amounts of what smaller fishes eat.
Vikings and eskimoes would eat every kind of whale they could get hold of, they still do in the Faroes
I think it’s safe to say that if commercial fishing was confined to properly managed farms there’d be a significant drop in species depletion(the demand for Omega 3 would be more efficiently met by farming emus)
But as for allowing sharks and the like to breed up ad infinitum, I think Oldavid definitely has a point.
I remember swimming in the Fitzroy river(NW W. A.) in 1974 – you’d be hard pressed to find a more pristine/ majestic environment on the planet – something that only those “created in God’s image” would be capable of appreciating. Ever since “Croc rights” kicked in only an abject fool would so much as throw a line into the same waterway; everyone’s far too stressed to drink in the Glory of the Lord.
And given the food and apparel value of such critters, why, hasn’t broadscale farming taken off?
The value of leafing through the Bible is that it soon becomes very obvious that the very concept of both human and animal “rights” is averse to the Creation. If everyone fulfilled his/her duty& obligation there’d be no environmental degradation and nobodies’ integrity or freedom would be violated
I thought the crocodiles were a volunteer unit of the ADF
Not hard to read between the lines of this spiel:
The folly of eco-facism:
Malcolm Turnbull created a nice collection of funds to tackle climate change then immediately apon leaving his post, became a global business advisor for the creators of the leveraged buy out, the barbarians at the gate….KKR. And KKR promptly purchased Greencollar, at that time the biggest benefactor of afore mentioned funds, winning the bid with a lower price but favoured as they are a U.N sustainable development player (agenda 2030 technocratic land grab) Therefore, while our ex Prime Minister is a Second tier criminal rising through the ranks, nobody blinks an eye. I was privvy to KKR’s intentions over the next 4.5 years and the only way they can acheive the ‘exponential growth’ they expect in the psuedo science cult of carbon markets (and they will) will require Government (use of force and coercion) to make some huge mandatory changes in regards to end user involvement in this heist to end all heists. Incidentally at the exact same time Greencollars closest competitor in the environmental credit market was bought by Shell. These companies seeded by various silent partners and fronted by charismatic technocrats were always structured to ciphen the billions off shore , just like other dinky-di commodities. The dominion provides.
Trumbull, Bishop & Downer it seems were our defacto yellowcake marketing board, Julie Bishop was very hot for nucular power and was actually a croweater despite having an office in Perth. This fits in with “climate change prevention” but the whole thing fell apart when Trumbull started giving orders to Trump while at the same time foisting gay marriage on the Queensland faction. Oh dear what a fiasco. This hot on the heels of Abbott and Gillard destroying the local car industry, while on the other side of the world, Tesla was starting up (refer graph in main article). What a horrible outcome our career politicians produced.
Even the Labor party had sufficient cunning to knock back Mal dam .. bull.
Whilst our NSW state stupids just appointed him to position in his conflict of interest scenario with Twiggies green interests as a chairman of a twiggy interest.
Btw, he is a nutter tin foil hatter conspiracy theorist believing (?) the official unscientific official conspiracy theory.
We have to suffer the consequences of what we tolerate from those we elect …. or wake up.
Re the mass murders on 911, need I have said? Clearly he has to be as Suspect as his political mates of all parties and msms fakes,
This morning’s news.
Turnbull dumped from government appointment.
(😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭) per his interview on ABC with his friends.
Now he can spend some spare time looking at the scientific evidence on 911.
Malcolm knows more than we think, previously living next door to defacto leader of Oz for many decades. My late father used to call the non producers, movie stars.
I think many of us know what he knows😎😎😎 and is.😎😎😎😎😎😎 and was.🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Search nationalgeographic.com After 25 years wolves bring back the environment at Yellowstone.
Seems we need some wolves to eat up some bankers.
And to clean up the swamp. (:—}
Ned asked me to post this:
Twenty-five years ago, the national park attempted to reintroduce wolves – now scientists are celebrating it as one of the greatest rewilding stories ever
Scientists always knew that as the top predator, wolves were the missing piece in this ecosystem. But they were astonished at how quickly their return stimulated a transformation. The elk and deer populations started responding immediately. Within about 10 years, willows rebounded. In 20, the aspen began flourishing. Riverbanks stabilized. Songbirds returned as did beavers, eagles, foxes and badgers. “And those are just the things we have the time and funding to study,” said Smith. “There are probably myriad other effects just waiting to be discovered.”
Thank you Dee, I knew you would appreciate……. now for the readers to pass it all onto for thought when electing politicians.
Thanks, Greg
“The Petrodollar is officially over, and the IMF is creating their own World Reserve Currency, the Special Drawing Rights. They are no longer lending in Dollar, but in their own money. Washington no longer dominates the IMF, the IMF is now morphing into the official World Central Bank.
And let there be no mistake, if there’s a World Central Bank and a World Reserve Currency, open World Government is not far away.
There’s also massive housing speculation, in Australia. Much of it is driven by China, which has expanded credit with an even greater amount than the Fed over the last few years. Some say as much as $30 Trillion.”
Anthony Migchels
Thank you, 56. That is overwhelming. Who be Anthony?
Anthony blogs about the nature of money, Henry Makow features his articles at times.
JFK had the solution, not complicated simple and essential truth in all ages, for fair over fare.
“The US Empire is not the New World Order. America and the US Empire were created to conquer the World for them, and now they have, they can go.
The Bank is planning to foreclose on the entire West in the decade ahead. The issue that has swept through the ages, that of the People vs. the Banks, will have to be faced now. Will be faced now.”
Anthony Migchels
Thanks for that, 56.
Dunno who Anthony Migchels is but he is spot-on. Since its 1918 genesis, the Rothschild-owned Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has had no office in Australia. Now, suddenly, it has several.
Bear in mind that the BIS owns the RBA, the Governor, and Board. The end is nigh, as they say.
“The whole financial system of the world is built upon usury, it is Satanic, and does not serve God in any way. The financial system as it exists today defies the natural law of economics and there is nothing good that can come from it except it’s eventual and complete failure.
Simply stated, usury is in the same class of sin as idolatry, fornication, violence and many other sins. A just man feeds and helps the poor. But our whole economic existence depends upon usury…
Banking as we know it could not exist without usury. And it certainly could not exercise such extraordinary power over the nations if there was not usury. Few wars would be started, because any sensible government would not want to spend their hard earned resources on the military. And it is the banking interests that facilitate the starting of wars; then funding the rebuilding and reconstruction of the conquered.”
Allen Thompson
Some of these genius philosophers are a bit wayward, according to my sources wars actually started somewhere like “Assyria” 4000 years ago as a result of agriculture, and being able to store enough grain to supply armies. I don’t know what they were doing in China at the time.
The financial system nowadays, by all the money printing, is siphoning off an ever increasing amount which supplies the passengers (our increasingly wealthy capitalist class) with more and more assets while the producers get thrown on the scrapheap. A few producers hold their own such as electricians, plumbers, dentists, and anyone else protected with a licence. Doctors are a special case and most GPs seem intent on robbing the government in 10 minute increments. The latest phenomenon of money printing, that is the Special Drawing Rights or SDR has all been worked out long ago and what they have done now is expand it by I think triple. (I did write some stuff about it a week ago in the Greg Hunt story and supplied the video below, but I don’t know if anyone likes to give much consideration to my “reports” where they appear to clash with accepted dogma).
Next year they will probably go from triple to quadruple and continue the exponential stuff like that. It’s a longer term thing.
Can somebody explain to Allen Thompson that Rome (ie Emperor Constantine) invented God and Christianity around 364 ish, as recorded by several contemporary historians of India, Mesopotamia, Gaul, and Greece.
In the 8th century, the Khazari Emperor read about this cute invention and decided to do the same, and created the Askenazi ‘Jews’.
It just goes to show what trouble can ensue when you fiddle with the natural order. Unforseen consequences.
The little credibility you might have had has now vanished into the Black Hole of bitter narcissism.
Put your entirely fabricated history lesson to the test then give us a practical demonstration of your misanthropy by feeding yourself to some polar bears, or something.
oldavid, if you replace “invented God and Christianity” with “invented Catholicism” you two would have no argument ??? Mohammad went of a bit later to invent Mohammedanism in similar fashion and overthrow Constantine. Religion used to be the psychological weapon of the time !!!
Bullsh!t, w3. Constantine didn’t invent anything. All he did was decide to have “a bob each way” and decriminalise Christianity because he didn’t want to run foul of the Christian God. There is no reliable historical evidence that he even converted to Christianity. If he did it was an unrecorded event on his death bed. Publicly he stuck with the Roman pantheon of gods.
Yes, he did call a council and sat like a fly on the wall while the Christian authorities defined some contentious issues.
Muhammad was another matter. He proposed a sly synthesis of Talmudic Judaism, Bedouin superstition and a token nod to Christianity.
Look, you bods, there’s a wealth of written evidence of Christian history right from the first century pre-dating Constantine by a couple of hundred years.
“Religion used to be the psychological weapon of the time”
And these days everyone’s so enlightened there’s no need to ponder the fact that the monetary system and the purported pandemic aren’t being held together by anything more than belief
Why is it bullsh!t when all you have said is, he was a Roman emperor first and founder of Catholicism second.
Who is the spiritual father of Catholicism then, because it wasn’t Jesus to judge by the Spanish Inquisition and some of the other stuff. Mohammad was a camel logistics guy, the equivalent of Lindsay Fox perhaps. A smart politician and a patriot I would say. Why would you lump Zoroastrianism under “Bedouin superstition”.
berry, brains need exercise and the brains these days seem to be getting less than ever
So far as dinky-di discipleship being railroaded by an insidious political agenda “364 ish” does appear to have been a signifcant turning point but the balance of the comment is just woo woo
I’m not an expert on anything and I don’t study it all too much but for my part I don’t know why there is so much skepticism about the Shroud of Turin, it looks pretty good to me
I’d be interested to hear what those who poohhoo the Bible have to say about the “secular” record of the eclipse that took place at the hour of His “death” (11:20)
Interesting to hear that some buildings fell down
More bullsh!t, w3. I never said that: “he was a Roman emperor first and founder of Catholicism second.” Catholic (always and everywhere the same) Christianity had been alive and kicking for about 300 years and spread over just about all the known World before Constantine was even a twinkle in his father’s eye.
So you hate Christianity and would like to subvert it to your ambition. You’re not alone. There are many children of those who shouted to Pilate: “His blood be on us and on our children!”
You are projecting that I hate Christianity, I think you should take a deep breath and reflect on what Christianity is !!!
I provided my summary or interpretation of what you said, not a quote, a roman emperor would have handled things as you described. OK when was first pope, when was first bishop, when is your marker for the start of Catholiism, it was not Jesus, the whole thing got hijacked, if you don’t agree then explain all the gold stuff, the hats, the army (?!), the inquisition, Jesus himself was a follower of Judaism was he not ? The leap from Judaism to the pope as “representative of Christ” was when ? I would say, off the top of my head, when the Romans took over, that would be when Catholicism started. Otherwise it would have stayed a Jew-centric thing ? If you say the wafer and wine went back to year 33 so that was the first catholic act then when did they Yule log or Christmas tree first appear, was that 1000BC, was that the beginning of Christianity ??? If you follow my drift.
I’m not beholden to any official version handed down through some interpretation, I’d rather draw my own conclusion.
Top comment W3 !
Officially, Pentecost is recognised as the “birth” of the Christian Catholic Church. According to your lot, that’d be when the blanky pagan Romans sent the Apostles and their disciples out to baptise and teach the same message as recorded all over the Middle East, Egypt and North Africa, all around the Mediterranean, through Europe and Asia.
The Old Law was a type and portent to be completed in Christ and his Church. As Jesus said: “I have come, not abolish the Law but to fulfil it”. Indeed, as much of the old memorials, ceremonies and rituals as were significant and appropriate have been incorporated in the authentic and ancient Catholic liturgy and calendar. I have seen some “Jewish” converts exclaim, almost incredulously, that the Mass liturgy is “Jewish!”
As for the supposed wealth of the Church, there is not even an old “law” that prohibits any ornamentation or precious materials to adorn the Temple in honour of God.
As for the largely fabricated accounts of the “Inquisition”; the Church has laws that prohibit forced conversions and any churchman to cause serious harm or death to anyone. I says that serious crimes are to be handed over to secular authorities to be dealt with. Her most severe authorised penalty is excommunication. Compare that to your beloved Synagogue of Satan. Who goaded Pilate to have Christ put to death and why? What was Paul (was then Saul) on his way to Damascus for?
You bitter, twisted hypocrites!
“My beloved synagog of satan” I really don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about. As for your questions it’s not my business to provide conclusions but my best guess is that Jesus was on a suicide mission and the supporting actors don’t amount to much. Saul / Paul is in my mind a suspect character. I don’t know if I’m twisted but you seem to be bitter, and projecting spontaneous bursts of anger we would perhaps be better off without.
“Officially, Pentecost is recognised as the “birth” of the Christian Catholic Church”
Well that might be the case within Roman Catholicism but nowhere else
“The “Inquisition” was largely fabricated”
By who,exactly? Where’s the evidence ?
“Your beloved Synagogue of Satan”
Sooner or later you’re going to have to deal with the consequences of removing that phrase from the context in which it was spoken and bandying it around in support of the most devilish heresy
“But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches.”
ROMANS 11: 17 – 18
IF YOU GO TO ASIA you will find out the religion is almost entirely nationally based, in the past for example the Thais and Burmese would raid each others’ temples and steal the big gold Buddha, melt it down and make their own Buddha. Based on that I would say Catholicism would not have started until some part of the bible was first translated into Latin, or the HQ was moved to Rome, or an Italian bishop or pope was created, or some act like that, or combination of those acts.
In my mind Catholicism is a European thing, and also take note, I have nothing particularly against it in fact I am sympathetic to it, and the old Catholic vs Protto thing is from before my time.
Orrite, you bods! the way this forum is organised it’s a bit hard to reply individually so I’ll just blunder along in what may be some kind of chronological order.
Berry first. The birth of the Catholic church is not peculiarly “Roman”. There are ancient Catholic rites with some incidental peculiarities right from the get go of Apostolic establishment that are identical in core (Catholic) beliefs but with some ethnic or cultural differences. The Coptic, Armenian, Melkite, Sarum rites to mention just a few from the top of my head. Even the schismatic Eastern Orthodox agree as to where it all started and some (most) of the original teachings. All way preceding the upstart “churchophobes” of the last couple of hundred years of determined attacks on Christianity.
The Inquisition:
Without getting too emotionally involved in polemics work your way through this brief historical account:
The Synagogue of Satan is alive and active.
Weethree. Catholicism is not at all a European thing (see above) but that is where it flourished most abundantly which is why, I guess, European Christian men are so much despised by the Judaeo-Masonic “New Order” establishment.
I am no stranger to the ploy wherein it’s perfectly acceptable to denigrate Catholicism with any gratuitous assertions whatsoever but should anyone stand up to defend themselves the orchestra begins playing “poor me! that nasty person is attacking me!”
Get used to it, buster! I’m going to keep at it until I am consigned to the Colosseum to feed the lions.
I almost forgot to propose a reasonable bust of the pagan “Ishtar”/Easter fantasies. I jolly well hope that someone sent berry a chocolate Easter egg.
All excitement aside. I looked in my old dictionary (not internet) and Catholic is a Latin word derived from Greek, not from Hebrew, so by my interpretation “Catholic” has simply attempted to usurp the early Christian church, an ordinary rewriting of history if you will, so if you want to persuade me it was “terra nullius” you have not yet succeeded. I insist the aboriginal culture was alive and well, and the Greeks and Latins came along at some point which we probably aren’t going to agree on. Here’s a nice tune for you, “who are these christians, throw them to the lions, 10 pieces of gold for every man, nobody believes in the old gods anymore, how tiresome attending to the rituals, throw them to the lions” etc It’s Roman Catholicism meets popular culture,,, can only be a disaster, there you go, that’s my argument up to date
The demarcation between Paul’s outreach and the institutions that took hold 3 centuries later is that the former didn’t incorporate a financed Levite-style clergy. Paul supported himself by making tents(ACTS 18) the crucifixion having totaled the need for career priests(MATHEW 27:51)
The backslide was a failure to appreciate the fullness of said advent as disseminated by these guys:
That black guy is the real deal, I especially like the arm waving and “call & respond” style of dialog which goes back at least to cotton fields shanties I think. I would like to see a championship match with him against Brian Houston of “Hillsong” but Houston would get whupped pretty bad
“They’re using the church as a business!”(1:44)
I think Houston’s pretty shameless about that one
RE the Jewish egg-tradition outlined by Taylor Marshall, I’ve no doubt at all that fertility celebrations had been incorporated into Passover well before Jesus came on the scene ( not hard to figure out that prior to factory farming domestic egg production in the Nth hemisphere didn’t begin till March – April ).
Not surprisingly 21st Century Kosher Jews also use the event as an excuse for nature worship, as evidenced by the gorging & boozing:
A phenomena that couldn’t be more alien to honouring an unmistakably super-natural event i. e.the Angel of Death passing over the Hebrews.
Those who claim to understand the full significance of what took place should setting an example
Don’t get the idea that a grumpy ole farmer’s boy like me is the “last word” on everything. Let’s have it from someone who’s “been through the mill”.
Former Jew and Evangelical Minister Discovers the Fullness
The Barren Harvest of Denominationalism
This old bird is the founder of a group of nuns and she has a regular broadcast as “Mother Miriam”.
I have serious disagreements with the kind of “papalatry” implied but that’s a whole ‘nother argument.
“The US Empire is not the New World Order. America and the US Empire were created to conquer the World for them, and now they have, they can go.
Agenda 2030 and it’s far reaching social engineering goals, including the end of private land holdings, will be called for by the masses everywhere.
The Bank is planning to foreclose on the entire West in the decade ahead.
The issue that has swept through the ages, that of the People vs. the Banks, will have to be faced now.
Will be faced now.”
Anthony Migchels
“Digital ID is required to prove one has had the necessary vaccines to return to normal life. and that all must be tracked (via smartphones or chips) to ensure they’re not coming into contact with ‘the infected’ (or just the wrong type of people). The Chinese Social Credit System is coming, and this fake-pandemic is the Trojan Horse by which all will welcome it into their kingdom. Some are even suggesting that blackouts and diagnoses will be the cover by which dissidents are removed from the playing field.”
Dan Capp
They won’t need a blackout if nanny state can continue to incite the mindless masses as they are expertly doing, a sizeable part of the masses genuinely believe everything the TV tells them, such as computers are friends you have conversations with, anything with sanitiser on it must be good, the Health Industry Minister is looking after you and the Chief Health Officer is truthful. The masses mass opinion is backed up by their jobs, working for the council as enforcement officers and so forth, so the TV indoctrination is actually just homework-reinforcement.
Notice how the Chief Health Officer is a corporatised sort of title not a government title. Now they have CEO used to be general manager, CFO used to be accounts manager, COO used to be operations manager, they have all become officers !!! The local council appoints a highly paid CEO to implement the decisions of the actual council (theoretically). They have hybridised corporations and government into a merged entity in preparation for the full merger of enterprise and state (ie communism).
From managing directors and managers to officers. Neat observation, w3. The militarisation of government, by stealth.
Greg, does this comport with your thinking?
Yanis is always trying to get himself off the hook, fair enough he got caught up in the Goldman Sachs ripoff machine, but the show goes on and the Greek debacle is now history (but not forgotten).
Here’s a good short story about the coming US mega-depression, especially for those among us living in the US, from the esteemed Michael Pento
Just checking the bank mortgage interest and it’s flat for 3-5 years so the bank is not expecting rates to jump up until after then. Who knows what they are thinking, apart from, they want to get people in.
In terms of “the end is nigh” etc., I think when you start to watch them they start to pretend they aren’t doing anything, so the time frame is simply extended, a few C”x”Officers disappear and are replaced through the revolving door and the show goes slowly on.
One could say the time frame is different for the various classes:
Plebs – next paycheck
Middle class – tax years
Chinese – 5 year plans
Euro royalty – dynastic plans
Zio bankers – centuries
As always we can learn from the Jews, they seem to get onto all this stuff pretty quickly
More floating around on SDRs (Special Drawing Rights), notably Martin North reading from a brochure. It appears to me this is real globalised money printing and starts off with just a toenail in the door, the foot in the door comes after a good decade long hammering by Covid-19™ I suppose.
Big countries can use this type of central bank insurance funding in a crisis. They are given an allocation, something like when you start a game of Monopoly you get a few hundred dollars given to you. If you start spending them you start paying fees because you are no longer getting interest to offset the Monopoly money. The interest is so tiny !!! What government could resist spending it at a crisis time such as election pork-barrelling. So you see anyone can print money, as long as you can get people to agree to use it, if you have the money printer, you’re in luck.
The amount of money has to expand as long as there is growth in the economy, 2% population growth + 2% inflation means probably about 4% extra money needs to be printed to stay in the same place. But what if your economy and population stops growing but you keep printing money and buying stuff with it anyway. Well we call that “Modern Monetary Theory”.
Low interest rates are required because it’s just Monopoly money after all. Low interest backed by SDRs at super low interest must mean asset prices keep going up !!! In reality it’s just the value of the money going down, and with it, your wages. Globalism requires that we all get on a parity with Bangladesh. (except the super-rich)
“Every dollar held by consumers is convertible into stuff, meaning goods and services produced by using scarce energy.”
I’d say that energy is never scarce per se, but that greed is one of the prime ways of thwarting the supply, as exemplified by what happens when we overeat.
And as every loaned dollar is a gateway to every other form of escapism and entertainment the corresponding “goods and services” are bound to have an adverse effect on the environment.
As I mentioned a while back, a classic example is 4WD vehicles being driven aimlessly up and down the beach. Those at the wheel aren’t just wrecking their own bodies and those of their children for want of exercise, they’re degrading the beach (heavy vehicles are known to have a detrimental effect) AND a commodity that was never built to withstand the effects of salt & sand.
Nothing ever happens in isolation; everything has a flow-on effect
Crown Zionist Communist bs is what it is.
Using fancy intellectual english gibberish does not camouflage the beast and dragon hellbent.