Home Fam-Court Graeme Bell Replies to Solicitor Serene Teffaha’s Video

Graeme Bell Replies to Solicitor Serene Teffaha’s Video


Introduction by Dee McLachlan: This is Graeme Bell’s reply to the video made by Solicitor Serene Teffaha regarding moves to have her struck off the roll of solicitors. See her video HERE. 

Graeme explains how the court committed to trial a person who had custody of a child who alleged abuse. But this person is charged with abduction. He explains how that abuse was covered up by police, and that the court was aware of the video evidence which the police covered up. How were these people charged let alone committed? By making a complaint against the solicitor that is defending one of these “child stealers”, this magistrate has made the entire issue more public.

The State covered up child sexual abuse disclosures and is attempting to gaol the protectors of these children, plus punish those legal professionals mounting a defense.

UPDATE (15 minutes after posting this article.)

Graeme mentioned the coronavirus, and this video was removed within 10 minutes of posting the article. Good luck people. They can ban a past president’s voice; they can ban expert medical opinion that can save your life; they are planning how to “delete” people that oppose the agenda.

I have been contact with Graeme for some years now, and he provides many with the most invaluable and brilliant legal insights. We thank him for his efforts and dedication.

I have uploaded Graeme’s new link.

Reply to Serene.mp4 from Paul Robert Burton on Vimeo.




  1. Interesting, Video removed on youtube, Guess that tells us all we need to know about the subject, thanks to youtubes actions 🙂

  2. Everyone should know by now that is going to happen and they should already be on the alternative Platforms. A waste of time for them. Perhaps they will do another one on Bitchute

  3. I raised a notification to the AHPRA board about the phony social assesor hired by child safety to do false assesments and reccomendation..

    Since AHPRA are investigating…I am not being profiled and so is my child…

    Because child safety were going to reunification and overnight stays and unsupervised visits…the social assesor has now put a stop as she is in front of the board…and child safety are also involved in the notification..

    We now are being profiled to justify the report done by this social assesor…

    All contact has been taken and now I’m allowed to see my beautiful girl only a hour supervised again…like I’m a harm…to proove a social assesor is not wrong..

    If I had known this notification was going to cause this…I would never of made it…

    I am trying to make the department of child safety honest…and hold accountability to there actions..

  4. Oh dear. YouTube is cross with you. This is like censorship by the Inquisition.

    First, we were told that naughty talk comes from conspiracy theorists. That was met with a lot of skeptisism.

    So then we were told it comes from evil Russia and China.

    Soon we will be told that Bill Gates is the second coming, to herald end of days.
    St Anthony Fauci is the Archangel, and Schwarb is St John the Baptist. I’m beginning to understand what all those hovering serephim in the middle ages paintings are meant to be. Deja voux.

    That will make it so much easier to believe that the jab is genetic baptism and the New Order is Heaven.

    Time to burn the heretics.Um. Now I can’t remember which side are the heretics.

    • Reminds me of a book I read decades ago, “Confessions of a Medical Heretic: by Dr Robert S Mendelson, it was a good read, he also wrote another book called “How to raise a healthy child in spite of your doctor”

    • Us whistle blowers are being condemned for doing it and silenced…I weep so much over such corruption..it is disgusting…public servants are running on a rampage destroying lives…when you whistle blow..you are severely punished for doing it… everyone suffers for showing up corruption…and the government scramble to cover up..great isn’t it😭😭😭😭

    • By the way UTUBE executives, spivs and past followers.
      Try a search of ‘Nazi book burning’ history at ………. and you can believe it… would it lie,
      Now we know who your friends are. Don’t we?
      Maybe some kind citizen might put up the full wiki report for all to see?

      • Seriously Ned – when are you going to learn to stop relying on TelAvivPedia ??


        On September 11, 2001, the structure was substantially damaged by debris when the nearby North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. The debris ignited fires on multiple lower floors of the building, which continued to burn uncontrolled throughout the afternoon. The building’s internal fire suppression system lacked water pressure to fight the fires. The collapse began when a critical internal column buckled and triggered cascading failure of nearby columns throughout, which was first visible from the exterior with the crumbling of a rooftop penthouse structure at 5:20:33 pm. This initiated progressive collapse of the entire building at 5:21:10 pm, according to FEMA,:23 while the 2008 NIST study placed the final collapse time at 5:20:52 pm.:19, 21, 50–51 The collapse made the old 7 World Trade Center the first steel skyscraper known to have collapsed primarily due to uncontrolled fires.


        Israel apologized for the attack, saying that the USS Liberty had been attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship. Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the ship’s identity.

        What sort of ‘books’ do you think were burned … mmm?

        Do you think it could have been pornographic filth and other Marxist society-destroying and dehumanising depravity – the very foundation material of child trafficking and molestation that thrives unabated today?

        • Look up the list of books, and do not obfuscate with limited references you rely upon.
          Try and appreciate the concept of satire. Re-read my comment, even so there is some truth that you ignore for your own purposes and run off to another topic.
          Perhaps you are ignorant of my views on 911 and the mass murders of crewmen on the US Liberty, so you chose not to refer to the topic I presented.
          Go back and read about 6 years of my comments at GS before alleging falsities on my beliefs.
          Cool it fish, you might appear a bit incredulous.

        • Good God. Fish, you’re getting warm

          Possibly time to take heed to the fact that:
          “Luke-warm I will spew you out of my mouth”
          REVELATION 3:16

          • By the rivers of Babylon …

            Psalm 137:


            By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.


            Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell.
            “Tear it down,” they cried, “tear it down to its foundations!”

            8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us.

            9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

            [Nice sentiments …]

          • The violence depicted in numerous other passages of the Bible doesn’t stop short of sentimental revenge: Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew boy babies to be drowned; all the Jewish boy babies born within 2 years of the Nativity were beheaded at the behest of Herod, which event was predicted 627 years earlier (JEREMIAH 31:15)

            “Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying:
            ‘A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted, Because they are no more.’ ” – MATHEW 2:18 (JEREMIAH 31:15)

            The prediction for this Age is that the overarching Forces will be unleashed as never before; hence the intensifying collapse of all decency that we’re currently witnessing. Easy to loose sight of the fact that the real victims are actually those who’re being used as vehicles by said Forces

      • Poor fish, he probably has not looked up the books the Nazis banned.
        Do not be suckered by obfuscations, just at least read the wiki account. But old fish appears not to have looked of ALL the banned topics, but concentrates on porno stuff and directs readers to other murder accounts, that any one with a brain may rely upon for wiki to present bs as fact
        Strangely misleading phishing.

  5. Fish,
    Now that you have unloaded you wheelbarrow on us go wheel off .
    Informed know most of your manic interests, however the topic here is hiding the bureaucratic abuse of children,,, if you care to consider the present problem…… if you really care..

    • I was getting there, thanks Ned – as you have so pointedly and sarcastically made this article as much about ‘book burning’…

      Here’s one they won’t burn …

      • Black Friday: Walmart and Amazon Selling a ‘Children’s Book of Demons’ for Kids and Families Who Want to Learn How to Summon the Devil


      or this … (very topical)

      • Netflix Promotes “Cuties”, Amazon Bans Movie Raising Awareness About Child Sex Trafficking

      Netflix – Amazon – Wikipedia … all from the same basket.

      But these …?
      • Amazon Banned These 9 Academic Books Questioning Certain Aspects of the ‘Holocaust’. Why?


      Care to share any actual links or discuss any points already raised?

      Here’s a little thought …

      You go to a doctor with a very irritating and debilitating case of pruritus (that’s an itch).

      The doctor advises you to scratch the itch, as all the peer reviewed literature points to that as the gold standard of treatment. He doesn’t even prescribe a balm or cream, let alone investigate the underlying cause.

      But before he even sees you he demands that you cover your face with a germ-infested rag and insists on prescribing and administering a gene modifying and immune system-destroying ‘concoction’.

    • Here’s another, Ned.

      In order to get to the situation that people like Dee and Serene are battling against, you first have to normalise debauchery and depravity in the day to day culture in the once civilised world.

      This will open up a PDF directly

      “Voluptuous Panic – The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin (Expanded Edition)” by Mel Gordon (PDF) … re Magnus Hirschfeld, Alfred Kinsey (the science of sexology type stuff) et al – the ‘literature’ that was being burned by Germans in the 1930s.


      Hitler on Cultural Marxism

      Damn – I keep forgetting …


      By the way, your trusted wikidepravia insists that this cultural Marxism filth is a ‘natzee’ thing. See how projection works?

      • According to your tits & bums book, there were gay bars all over Berlin

        “The erotic world of Weimar Berlin crumbled by
        degrees. Already in the spring and summer of 1932,
        there were serious attempts by the Socis (Berlin’s
        reigning Social Democrats) to ban most pornographic
        publications and seal the doors to the most flagrant
        transvestite clubs. Even Koch’s nudist Berlin clinics were
        shuttered before the November 1932 elections.
        Gay leaders equivocated over the impending Nazi
        threat. Hitler’s second in command, SA-Führer Röhm, had
        been ridiculed as a pederast in the leftist press and many
        of his Storm-Trooping cohorts were rumored to be aficionados of boy-love as well. Hirschfeld, who had the most
        to lose from a Nazi-led government, defended Röhm’s
        orientation. Papa declared it was Röhm’s thuggish politics that should be combated, not his sexual escapades.
        Other Militant Homosexualists welcomed the jack-booted Nazi warriors as fellow revolutionaries. Most Berliners
        were in state of denial or shock at the prospects of a
        “Brown Germany.” Hitler was kitsch incarnate.
        The March 5th, 1933 elections, held five days after
        the Reichstag conflagration, handed the Nazis their final
        civic victory. Now legal guardians of the nation, National
        Socialist private militias proceeded to “cleanse”
        Germany of Jewish and Marxist elements. They
        started with Hirschfeld’s Institute of Sexology.”

    • Just in time Mary 😊

      Just the other day I was reading this delightful essay on how Catherine the Great acquired so many works of art …

      [I was thinking of basing Part II on Catherine on this article and elaborating on the Nakaz.]

      • Catherine the Great and the Art of Collecting: Acquiring the Paintings that Founded the Hermitage by Cynthia Hyla Whittaker


      “Simultaneously, Diderot, working with Falconet, acquired the forty-six paintings of Louis-Jean Gaignat, secretary to Louis XV, which included Murillo’s masterpiece, The Seated Virgin.41 Soon after, an agent in Amsterdam—in a “masterstroke,” according to contemporaries—purchased the magnificent collection of Count Heinrich von Brühl, a minister of Augustus II, king of Poland and elector of Saxony, with whom he shared a love of art, creating in Dresden one of the finest galleries in Europe. The six hundred paintings included Rembrandts, Rubens, and two of the best landscapes ever created by Ruisdael.“

      Dresden – I guess we can be thankful to Catherine for extricating so many (priceless) works of art – Rembrandts, Rubens, Ruisdael – from Dresden before Churchill unleashed his wilful massacre of the civilians in the defenceless and non-strategical city of Dresden – the true purpose of this massacre being the secondary [collateral] destruction of such cultural heritage, particularly as it was of German origin and represented European cultural history.

      Try joogling ‘Rubens’ – you don’t even get Peter Paul Rubens at the top

      Instead …

      [Never heard of them …]

      From the lyrics: “So lessons learned can quickly be erased”

      Oh well, at least it’s called ‘Masterpiece”.

    • Kneeling to some lies and insults does not always produce peace it is a surrender to bullies.
      Ask Chamberlain.
      Now dear girl kindly resist referring to me as boy.

  6. “He (Mag. Gett) ordered the unrepresented defendants to file their submissions on or before 26/3/20”(13;20 min)

    And here’s me thinking that the innocent-till-proven-guilty Rule would belie any such requirement at any point.

    If anyone would care to elucidate I’d be grateful

  7. On topic, I’m surprised anyone takes the law seriously, I thought it was only there to collect speeding tickets and resolve fence disputes, and everything else HAD TO BE PAID FOR

    • And each will have 3 days to master the barcarolle from Offenbach’s Tales of Hoffman [Nuit d’amour type thing] to be sung as a duet at Adelaide’s Elder Hall. With box office proceeds to go to Gumshoe.

      • OK I walked right into it.

        Julius has now sent me one of the “newspapers” I can scold him with. Actually it s a compilatton of news itemsfrom well before 1940 that refer to 6 mlllon Jewish deaths.

        • I welcome edification but this doesn’t mean anything, if you listen to the old reporters from the defunct Melbourne (afternoon) Herald, they just had to make stuff up. The photographer couldn’t make it in time for the tram crash and so forth. And so old stories get passed around and aren’t allowed to die for want of feeding. For example Jesus made water out of wine, following the example of Pythagorus 500 years before – or whatever.
          In all arguments I am well aware that both sides can be right at the same time. The most famous example of this is the story of 5 blind men and the elephant, which everyone is probably familiar with. For a non-Jew example I refer people to the debate on whether corona virus is transmissable or self-generated. My position is that probably both can be true but for practical purposes I just go with the mainstream. Another example follows, if I wanted to prove the world was round, I would not try to raise funds for my sailing ship expedition by saying that, when the king, pope, and 99% of people believed it was flat.
          So, if people want to assert that something is the singular truth and everything else is lies, they should be able to back it up convincingly. And that’s the problem with many “arguments” especially those of the ad-hominem variety.

    • Well here is a old bone that has been around for a decade at least if anyone had bothered to look up some of my old references to
      http://www.whatreally happened.com
      Just look up the index boxes at the top of the site and click on
      ‘Of the liars for the liars etc..’
      Scroll right through the historic lies till you get to newspaper headlines from about 1917 for the origin of the magic six million.
      So there you are Mary, a very old bone to chew over, meantime I will open a can of ‘Pal’ and hope not to stop on my ‘walkies in the middle of the road to have a ‘scratch’ and be run over.

          • Dear Mary,
            Possibly you never looked at the index, so I have managed to find the liars link for you.
            http://www.what really happened.com/WRHARticles/oftheliars.php.
            I will check that it works, but I have sent it to by e-Mail for your convenience.

          • ‘Eureka’, the link works for me ……. just down from the coloured sheeples.
            History report goes Back BC.
            But no mention of USS Liberty murders, that is a separate box in the index at the main page.
            By the way, whilst some may be interested in bankers killing us, just look at the index under all wars are bankers wars and note the latest report at X22Report.com

          • … on regional government committees deciding everything (video):
            At the university they have a thing called department of Architecture & Planning, it is made to appear the losers have to go and work for the council while the winners get helped by their uncles. But in fact the planners are part of the “capital raisers” network for the super-winner architects who get the big commissions.
            So get in the aircon mall, pay your rent and shut up.

  8. OK, Dee, I have just now seen your re-do of Graeme’s talk. He seems to think Serene will be disbarred. All solicitors in Oz need to get up on their high horse to make this not happen.

  9. Global control requires a fully operational 5G energy grid. The ruling Zionists know that they must control the entire 5G roll-out. The money behind Huawei is the International Banking Cartel, headquarters in Tel Aviv. The deal made with CCP by the secret masters in London and New York.
    Communism is used by the banksters to establish corporate plantations worldwide. The CCP have colluded with globalist cabal, Israel owns China.
    Coronavirus was funded and patented by Wellcome Trust(UK), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, DARPA, DERFA(UK), World Health Organisation, European Commision(EU) via The Pirbright Institute(UK). The deployment of 5G worldwide is the central pillar of the NWO agenda, wherever they are rolling it out, spraying chemtrails regularly and pushing vaccines, be aware it is them the masters of deception, the beast and dragon enforcers.

  10. off topic
    Nothing really wrong with things as they are but I wonder what would happen if there was an “editorial + letters to the editor” page with a space bar for each day, then the breaking news posts would be at the top, and there would be no need for voluntary “off topic” code.
    So today I heard on the foreign news Australia is filling up with celebs while the citizens cannot get back in due to quarantine (!!!), who are these celebs I wonder … and …
    Why can governments not find somewhere in an ENTIRE CONTINENT to put returnees for a fortnight’s holiday, I think I could find several somewheres easily enough.
    They have airports at Christmas Island, Darwin, Cairns, it should be extremely easy to organise quarantine holidays, the only thing really stopping them would be that THEY DON’T WANT TO.

    Who is directing our governments since Washington cannot even direct itself these days.

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