Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Frost — How does it affect Australians? From the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
“The occurrence of frost can have a devastating effect on vegetation and crops… Frost is a localised phenomenon, the severity of which can vary significantly over a very small area. Different crops and plants have different tolerances to frost. Crop type, variety, sowing date, nutrition and stage of growth can all determine the extent to which the crop is affected by a frost.”
We would expect that with the “global warming” mantra, frosts would be diminishing. Below a chart comparison of maximums (over 20 years) ending 1930 and 2020.

This article points to frosts increasing — and this could be a threat to the food supply. Below, is the article by Jo Nova.
Climate experts wrong on Australian frosts, and media say nothing
The IPCC experts were sure there would be less frosts in Australia, but buried in a government-funded ABC weather report was the virtually unknown admission that the frost season is actually growing across southern Australia, not shrinking. And in some places by an astonishing 40 extra days a year. What’s more, the researchers have known about this long-term trend for years but didn’t think to mention it, and the ABC didn’t have a problem with that either. (It’s not like farmers need to know these things?)
When asked for an explanation for the increase in frosts, the ANU climate expert said “I think this is one of those climate surprises,” as if the IPCC unexpectedly won a game of Bingo, instead of getting a core weather trend 100% wrong.
We note the ABC feigned journalism to cover up for the Bureau of Meteorology and IPCC failures. Where were the headlines: “Climate Change causes more frosts, not less“, or “IPCC models dangerously misleading on frosts?” Did any Australian farmers and investors buy up properties and plant the wrong crops based on the global warming misinformation repeated or tacitly endorsed by the ABC, BoM and CSIRO?
Frost damage costs Australian farmers around $400 million each year. (Perhaps if we sold the ABC we could cover that).
Frost expected across nearly every state and territory in Australia this weekend
By Tyne Logan, ABC Australia
“Buried under 450 words of weather, trite caveats, and preamble the ABC journalist finally gets to a new virtually unknown climate trend that affects farmers, investors, researchers, and rural Australia:
“The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report projected, with high confidence, that frost events would decrease, in general, across southern Australia in the future with climate change. ANU climate applications scientist Steven Crimp said some parts of New South Wales were now experiencing five more frost events on average each year, compared to 1960.”
And he has known for years:
“He said this was based on local weather station data between 1960 and 2018, but the trend was unlikely to have changed much in the past five years. “I think this is one of those climate surprises,” he said.”
Scientifically they are not caught unaware because climate models are useless politicized fantasies, it’s because there is more “climate-nuance” around now:
“Despite the sort of overall warming trend in our temperatures, the extremes of our temperatures, be they hot or cold, are acting in a slightly more nuanced and complex way, which can be quite surprising at times,” he said.
But jokes aside, this actually seems like a trend that matters:
“Dr Crimp said they had also found the frost season was lengthening across southern Australia.
“So if we think about the east coast first, we see an earlier start and a later finish to that frost window,” he said. “In some cases, the extension of that frost window is greater than 40 days.
“But in Western Australia in particular, we see that it’s less to do with the later frost occurrence, but more earlier frost occurrence.”
The frosts are due to the dry conditions, says Dr Crimp, putting in an admirable effort at scientific-word-salad to cover up for what he’s not allowed to say — that they have no idea.
Why aren’t frost days decreasing?
“Dr Crimp said, ironically, the observations could be explained by the types of weather system that brought warmer, drier weather. That was high pressure systems which often produced the clear, still nights needed for frost to settle.
“As anyone knows who’s outside at night in winter, you have to have those clear night skies and the atmosphere needs to be very dry,” he said.
“That way the surface of the Earth loses heat very rapidly and any moisture in the air then condenses as a frost. “So because we are getting those dry conditions that are starting to emerge, that is more conducive for frosts to occur.”
Continue reading HERE
One has to wonder how much climate geo-engineering is responsible for this!
20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be a Bad Idea
Thank goodness for global warming, otherwise we would be freezing our cajones off.
The Bureau of Meteorology or weather office seems to have become answerable and subservient to the World Meteorology Organisation, this is the bullshit factory and have a look, it’s a big one
The Australian weather office is banned from talking about solar cycles, all they are allowed to talk about is El Nino / La Nina and they say the climate is controlled by the oceans. They look somewhat abashed as they are telling us this, like it’s my job man what do you expect me to say, I have to say it, come on man.
The weather lies are getting so big that they have to have a giant bullshit factory
7bis, avenue de la Paix,
Case postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel.: + 41 (0) 22 730 81 11
Fax: + 41 (0) 22 730 81 81
They encourage the reporting of fraud but I would not bother reporting their fraud to them, governmental agencies love nothing better than investigating themselves.
Well look what happened with the World “Health” Organisation, it was quickly turned into a weapon to use against ordinary people. No doubt the intent is the same with the World Meteorology Organisation.
Wipe out marginalised populations like bugs, televise it and tell us we need more CO2 reduction measures, such as 5-minute cities and lockdowns.
I wonder how much more of this bullshit the stoopids can take.
I overlook the Southern Ocean where I’ve been growing my own food for the past 37 years and I can vouch safe that more winter, not less, is better for most crops.
As most of the Country suffers from drought a cooler, wetter change would obviously be beneficial, but I seriously doubt that any major shift either way is on the horizon
What’s never taken into account re the Southern regions of Auus is that the Southern Hemisphere cycles aren’t just a back-to-front version of whatever happens north of the tropics:
The old timers on the south coast of Western Australia were complaining there had been a drought since about 1970 and all the drains they had cut through paddocks hadn’t filled up since around then
The human condition has been exemplified by moaning about the weather/claiming that time-honoured cycles are extraordinary for how long?
According to this doco the medieval cold-spell was attributed to the witches & the Jews:
ANY belief that any mere mortal has such control is superstitious rot; a frivolous distraction from the real and pressing issues of the hour
“If the whole global warming farrago collapsed there’d be a lot of people out of jobs and looking for work”
ditto the health & education narratives that keep the population entralled
My greenhouse is doing very well, everything inside is growing like crazy. However, my permaculture is taking a hit. I have three fig trees and none of them produced figs this year. The second growth never even materialized and the leaves have dropped off. I wasn’t the only one without figs this year, one of my neighbors complained of the same thing. Also, a few of my more ‘tropical’ plants failed to produce anything at all.
I’ll have to see how things are going, but I may have to pull out a few plants next year and put in something else.
In Perth the figs were going ballistic for a month or so and they were being marketed in fancy egg-carton style packaging, also lots of mangoes, but not much stone-fruit because they have been breeding them or modifying them to make them so horrible and inedible for shelf life.
They are flavourless and go bad before they go good so they probably don’t get much repeat custom. Maybe the Chinese are buying the good ones in little gold coloured boxes.
A Dearth of Carbon-Dr Patrick Moore
Great video. I was always wondering how we could convert some of the calcium carbonate (like the White Cliffs of Dover) to carbon dioxide. Patrick Moore talked about using nuclear or sun energy to convert it to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide – GREAT IDEA! We would have heaps of cement for building and at the same time be greening the planet with carbon dioxide.
As he explains, we came close during the last Ice Age to having an extinction level event on Earth. Before the ice age the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was around 220 parts per million. When the oceans cooled they sucked a bunch of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere down to 180 parts per million. That is the level that many plants go into suspension of growing, essentially they are just trying to survive. If it had dropped to 150 parts per million, then it would have been game over on the Earth. All terrestrial life would have died.
Thankfully, the human race discovered fossil fuels and we have bumped up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 420 parts per million at this point. Hopefully, we will be able to bump it up further to around 1,000 parts per million and really start greening the Earth. Lee
“Accidental Geoengineering” with Ship Tracks and Contrails.
It’s awful how things get mixed around, this guy says 16 ships produce more CO2 than all the cars in the world, completely misreading the ( Daily Mail ) article he is quoting from, which is about sulphur, but noboy is saying anything about volcanic emissions which probably include sulfur, or fluctuations in solar radiation which cause global warming and cooling.
Here’s an idea for Big Government.
Let’s ban volcanoes, and let’s standardise the sun so the output is constant.
America was once known as a ‘food basket’, an exporter of food. Now ‘food scarcity’ is beginning to hit many Americans. – If they think it is bad now, just wait…
Weather events, such as Grand Solar Minimums, have been adequately recorded by the diligent among us for the past two thousand years.
Look up the meaning of Grand Solar Minimums for a very accurate indication of why our weather has now become unpredictable
David Dubyne over at Adapt 2030, on YT, has some very useful info about what we are now entering world wide.
Gumshoes has been aware of the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) for years. Here is an article going back to 2018 –
If people are just beginning to wake up to the GSM, it’s not because the information wasn’t available.
Precisely, Terry. Been available for over 2,000 years for those who wished to look.
Nemesis and Terry you have the answer to our problem but because no financial organisation can make money the stoopids will still be fed bullshit and they will swallow it. ( Like Covid-19 and mask wearing.)Those in the media wouldn’t lie would they?
Don’t believe the story that frosts don’t happen near the coast either. When I was a young fellow for a few years at Kwinana, 1/2 mile from the beach we had frosty mornings in which the duck’s water drums would ice over and in those days the hoses were made of rubber. The water laying in them overnight would freeze solid. One year in the 1980’s I witnessed ice on the sand dunes where I was working.
We have been warned in recent years that the Sun is creating less sunspot activity which will produce a colder climate. If we wait for a media announcement we will all have frozen to death. Could that be the reason for the Russian gas pipeline attack? Freeze Europeans to death.
Today, Sunday it has started to rain in Perth, maybe the end of frosts for W.A. this year.
The Great Global Warming Swindle.
Sorry elspeth for the duplication
Back to the control freaks for a moment.
At 6.53 at on 2nd June there is a report that the Māoris are doing the Harka with Reiner Fuelmich before the NZ court system concerning the pandemic.
As Reiner quips, the Māoris know how to stand up, fight and know what a man and a woman is💁🏼🤣
Could be fun. Seems that the Māoris are relying on a declaration in about 1840s with the settlers that provides and agreed, that the Māoris are the boss and run the show.
Seems that they knew how to put up a ‘voice’ against the insurgents?
ABC TV has been running a victims’ parade, these are psychologically damaged people who have been trying to get compensation for joining sports clubs and so forth, they call themselves survivors and permanently damaged sometimes because people yelled at them or called them rude names etc. Obviously no time left for discussion of your Maori issue on ABC TV news or chat forum shows.
Zeee has some interesting thoughts as to how this action might tie in with disabeleses ‘ VOICE’.
Hey ABC, better jump off your asses and put a brain in to gear, it needs a spray of a full can of WD40.
Yes, there is usually a hidden reason why politicians do ANYTHING.
Did someone say: “We can stuff up those pesky injured indigenous if they try to follow the Māoris”?
As Confucius, he say: “shake hand with government, hand lose all fingers”.
We are being sprayed to death here in UK. Solar radiation management or stratospheric Aerosol Injections the UK Gov calls it. Our spring was a month late, very cold. They are still spraying, but I suspect a drought will occur.
Deagal has shown a massive death toll in the UK over the next couple of years so I guess they are working on eradicating all your Useless Eaters. With USD/GBP hegemony fast disappearing, there is no money left for passengers.
Same idiots same time same channel
So forever it was to make weathermen laughing stocks because they could not pick weather even twelve hours before, now made to order
I enjoy a cool change, no good apples(have some), miss the good cold country stone fruit, but avo’s bananas and mangoes are good non frost round my neck of the woods
I watch a YT channel titled, The facts on how to hunt. Steve Isdahl is the presenter – an active hunter in the Canadian Rockies and rivers of Canada.
Their winters – North America – are becoming longer with each passing year with snow around Isdahl’s place still falling just two weeks ago.
The first few days after the snow began melting off he recorded a temperature of 33C – snow aplenty just days before and bang, straight into the heat.
Where I live – 1000 feet above a flood plain in the Hunter Valley – we have just recorded the coldest May ever, according to the manipulators at the BOM.
We had fire going every night – now – the past couple days, it’s jeans and T-shirt weather – no fires.
what could possibly go wrong, wink
Climate is changing but how they decided to implicate CO2 is bizarre, however the sun is dimming slightly and this probably affects patterns of thermal layers, wind and cold fronts. Southern places like Tasmania and Melbourne always had sudden cold fronts and the temperature could drop 20 degrees in an hour, so this type of effect could spread closer to the equator with global dimming. Basically we are hyper-sensitive to our comfort zone, and we get worse with age, speaking from personal experience.
There’s been some heavy spraying over Sydney past week 24/7. Past three days blowing north, right now 20 degrees.
Southerly just hit, off shore in morning, hoodies back on.
Correction, south easterlies blowing probably be mild.
Relating to my comment above I seem to remember reading somewhere that these minor Solar changes happen about every seventy years. That would fit in with my experiences as a youngster of about age six or seven.