Home Earth/ Climate Professor Zharkova Explains “Super” Grand Solar Minimum and Coming Ice Age

Professor Zharkova Explains “Super” Grand Solar Minimum and Coming Ice Age


by Dee McLachlan

This does not look good. We can always rug up, but it is the food supply and harvests that would be first affected.

Terry Shulze wrote to me, and also in a comment:

“When I first looked at the math on the solar minimum it looked like the minimum would be more like a Dalton minimum rather than a more sever Maunder minimum. Then there was discussion about a year ago about it being closer to a Maunder minimum.

Now the math and observations have firmed up the prognosis and it is FAR worse. During the last grand solar minimum in the 1600s only two of the sun’s dynamos/poles were out of phase. THIS TIME all four poles are out of phase.

We’re looking at a very deep cooling phase that will last 350-400 years.”

Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October, 2018. The information she unveiled is startling.

To quote Sott.net:

“Zharkova was one of the few that correctly predicted solar cycle 24 would be weaker than cycle 23 – only 2 out of 150 models predicted this. Her models have run at a 93% accuracy and her findings suggest a Super Grand Solar Minimum is on the cards beginning 2020 and running for 350-400 years.

The last time we had a little ice age only two magnetic fields of the sun went out of phase. This time, all four magnetic fields are going out of phase.

Skepitcal Science back in January 2018, in an article entitled, “The ‘imminent mini ice age‘ myth is back, and it’s still wrong”, wrote:

“Roughly every two years we’re treated to headlines repeating the myth that Earth is headed for an imminent “mini ice age.” …This time around, the myth appears to have been sparked by a Sky News interview with Northumbria University mathematics professor Valentina Zharkova…

“The most important takeaway point is that the scientific research is clear – were one to occur, a grand solar minimum would temporarily reduce global temperatures by less than 0.3°C, while humans are already causing 0.2°C warming per decade.”

Zharkova disagrees.

A brief video explanation from Diamond and Lee Wheelbarger, here, and then the presentation:



  1. We still have “scientific clowns” talking about human produced CO2 increasing the temperatures of the atmosphere. This is complete bunkum. Many times in the Earth’s history the temperatures have been higher and lower than current trends. But human activity has only increased CO2 levels since the industrial revolution. (No more than 100 years?)

    When challenged the pseudo scientists change the argument to green house gases. Well CO2 makes up a very small percentage of green house gases, but water vapour is the largest proportion by a large percentage. What is mankind to do to reduce water vapour? Put a artificial cover over the planet’s lakes and oceans? Or create cloud cover to reduce evaporation, which means less sunshine for agriculture and meat producing? If this technology was possible, what a way to reduce the population.

    What caused the previous ice ages and mini-ice ages? The afore mentioned clowns can’t explain. (It must have been volcanoes?) Yeah! But they bally-who those that have put scientific knowledge to work.

    I, from my own experience, believe that the last three years have been cooler here in Western Australia, than at any previous time in my 73 years.

    • Aussiemal, I too am from W.A. I’m a bush walker and cover the Darling scarp from North of Walyunga to south as far as Augusta. We walk the catchment areas every year, I’ve been doing this now for the last 18 years. I don’t sit on my bum at home relying the Corrupt MSM to tell me anything. Nor do I enter data into a P.C. program and allow the P.C. to produce it’s findings. My mind’s made up by what I see/breath/feel with my own eyes. This year is the best year, (winter) we have experienced in 18 years. The water run off needs to be seen to be believed. The Forests are bouncing back in gratitude, and ground covers that were really battling two years ago, are recovering and growing rapidly, almost as if making up for lost time. In my youth, I was an avid scuba diver and spear fisherman, covering our coast from as far north as Kalbarri and south to Esperance, need I point out, that I have not witnessed any change in our sea levels, claimed to be rising. Sure, there’s damage from storm surges, but that’s always been the case, and some localities get harder hit than others, that’s because the installation of break waters, and artificial harbors allowing the mega rich to have water front housing, diverts and upsets currents that used to flow unimpeded, now being blocked and forced to flow alternatively. How many studies are ever undertaken by our Harbors and Rivers Commission into such flows before approval is given to build these monstrosities ? NONE, money rules Humans have stuffed up our environment well and truly, all because of the almighty dollar. However, with the exception of the destruction of our forests and the humidity they used to pump into the atmosphere, I don’t believe we are effecting the World as is being claimed. You can ride a train down thru the Avon valley at night, feel the cool breezes on your skin, then as you come closer to the city environs like Bell’s Rapids, you feel the temperature change and become warmer, the closer you travel into suburbia, the warmer it gets. Which IMHO, verifies my belief that the warming is localised around heavily populated cities, and that’s definately OUR OWN fault. I am far more concerned about the rubbish humans have/and are spreading willy nilly all over the place, time and time again, walking in pristine forests, we come across rubbish dumped by vandals, car bodies burnt out deliberately and asbestos dumping is rampant. This all leaves it’s mark for a very long time.
      Car bodies dumped in the 40’s are still there today. You can identify them by their shape, some of the folks I walk with, had never seen one of these vehicles in their entire lifetimes, until we stumble across them, dumped in the forests. One year camping in the Wittenoom Gorge, (IMHO, one of the finest Gorges we have in our state) rubbish left behind near all the water holes by uncaring, idiots turning a pristine locality into a rubbish dump. The funny thing is, you need to travel a long way to get to Wittenoom, it’s way off the beaten track, making it a once in a lifetime place to visit, yet people couldn’t care less and turn the place into a rubbish tip for our future generations.
      When did our society become a FUCK YOU JACK, I’M ALL RIGHT society ???????????

  2. Off-topic. A friend of mine is Greece or Turkey doing interpreting for Afghan refugees. She send this:

    At least ten times a day, I interpret variations of the words “I lost my medication when we had to throw our bags out as the boat was overflowing with water” or “we were up to our necks in water and we lost all the medication”. When the doctor asks if the patient is continuing their medication, this response is so common that I start the sentence “Well, the water was in the boat…” and the doctor is already nodding their head in understanding because, of course, they know how the sentence ends.

    Often, they need medication for severe mental health problems but we cannot give this. There is one psychologist for the camp of 5000, that people wait for months to see for just one (!) session. The one (!) translator who is supposed to communicate their problems to the one (!) doctor for the whole camp tells them to “get over it” and doesn’t pass on their communication.

    If people are lucky enough to get a chance to go to the hospital, there is another translator who has been corruptly demanding that refugee patients pay him for the honour of being their voice for a moment. I’ve heard this complaint from 90% of the patients I’ve seen.

    Apparently, there is one female translator in the camp that is “khoshakhlaagh” (good tempered) like me. That’s it. And then we send them back to their tents without tarps in the pouring rain next to the overflowing sewers, and this is apparently the best that Greece can do and the best that Europe can do, while you or your friends complain about what a bother those migrants are.

    Let me know if you are a doctor or a nurse or a dentist who is able to give some time. I am also looking for (remote) psychologists who speak refugee languages to discuss an idea I have for a potential project. Or if you know any of the above please pass this on [via mary.maxwell@alumni.adelaide.edu.au] .

    • It is the responsability of all nations involved in the GENOCIDE being waged against these people in the M.E. to ensure their safety, health and well being. Instead of turning them into some kind of threat. Let’s face it, if it wasn’t for the actions of these western countries assisting the U.S. and Israel in their campaign of genocide against these people’s, they would still be home. I believe, the finger should be pointed at the folks responsible for causing this situation in the first place. Yet how often are these talking heads asked these questions on live T.V. ?
      Yesterday I turned on the T.V. and all I saw was idiots rabbiting on about a wonderful person George Bush senior was. W.T.F. ???????? He was a killer, and his hands were drenched in blood, he started these wars against these defenceless people’s under false pretexts. Witness the murderous campaign in Kuwait, where the U.S. (BUSH) gave Saddam their approval to take back their land that has been stolen by the Kuwaitis. Then the moment Saddam started his actions, the American turned around and began the M.E. wars that still continue to this very day. I will never forget the news anchor claiming Saddam’s troops were bashing babies heads against the walls, yet when the smoke died down, it was proven to be all a LIE, yet no one, even the individual who made the claim and the news anchor who publicised it, were ever held to account for their inflamatory lies. Might I also add, there was No ISIS, there were no head choppers or liver eaters, these all came about because of this murderous genocidal agenda unleashed by this evil individual everyone is calling a wonderful person today.
      What a stuffed up World I live in, the hypocrisy is astounding.

    • Diana, why do you think there is so much interest these days for interstellar exploration, bases on Mars and the Moon. There are people on this planet, who have sufficient information on hand, to realise, humanity has stuffed this planet up well and truly on the basis of their greed. There is no going back, a bolt hole must be discovered so the worst of our humanity can escape and repeat the exercise on a new planet all over again.

  3. This planet is about 4 billion years old. During that time there have been constant changes on every possible physical level. That is undoubtedly going on, with documented climatic changes (of different types; i.e. some warmer, some cooler,) in different parts of the planet. There is nothing inconsistent in this, it is entirely part of the 4 billion year cycles.
    The last mini Ice Age was only about 12,000 years ago when the UK for example, was uninhabited because it was under several metres of ice and snow. Human activity had nothing to do with that, nor the other multiple warm and cold periods over the Millenia.
    There is also the well documented fact of species extinction, currently going on at a rapid rate. Unlike earlier extinctions (of which there have been several) this one seems to be at a faster rate because of human depredation of the natural environment.
    It seems to me that the same principle should be applied to anthropogenic climate change. We will not affect the great swings of geological change, but we could, and I stress could, be responsible for at least part of the rate of change.
    Unlike our ancestors, we have a profoundly greater knowledge of what we are doing and its consequences, and the ability to ameliorate the effects. To simply deny that the climate is getting warmer (or colder as the case may be) is to my mind profoundly stupid. We should at the very least be encouraging research to better understand the processes that are occurring, and to formulate policies in response. Two think that we can actually change what is happening in anything other than a highly marginal way is simply delusional.

    • I think you are victim of propaganda, James; although your intuition is sound enough.

      Pretty much nobody is denying climate change. That claim is made to discredit those who believe industrial CO2 is causing change.

      The “deniers are in fact saying:

      Ancient ice core analysis shows CO2 increases FOLLOW warming by an average of 800 years… not cause warming as alarmists claim.

      There was five times more atmospheric CO2 during the Jurassic era, which was also the healthiest of Earths periods both for flora and fauna.

      There was no Arctic ice when the Chines navy explored the area in 1242, but plenty of polar bears. This was due to the warm period which ended in the 13th century, introducing the Little Ice Age, which killed millions and caused Greenland to be all but abandoned. This ice age caused glaciers to extend dramatically, which are still melting and not s source of concern.

      The impact of the sun’s sun spot cycles and Earth’s magnetic mantles has well known to Piers Corbyn, whose weather forecasts were legend in their long term accuracy. He ascribed global warming/cooling to these.

      So far, not one climate-panicked scientist has publicly corrected the myth that Kiribati Island is sinking, not being inundated by rising oceans as claimed. This pretty much shows them up for the frauds that they are.

      Logically, if we were to look for a more probable cause of rising atmospheric CO2 than industry, we identify deforestation. That there is a matching fall in oxygen makes further speculation ludicrous.

      Finally, Aboriginal hunters of the North East Arnhem Land Coast, which whom I have fished and hunted for half a century, support the claim that the seas are rising. These are people for whom every rock along the shore is as intimately recognisable as the back of your hand is to you.

      So, we should ask ourselves, why the industrial AGW hypothesis? Easy. The money behind the UN committee on climate change is that of the investment bankers who own the oil corporations, who make the oil, plastics and chemical fertilisers that are poisoning and pollution the oceans. They want a global crisis which diverts attention form this massive problem, which threatens to suck trillions of their wealth in urgent remediation measures.

      Thus, it is not “we” who must save the world but these irresponsible trillionaires who own our politicians and media. They will not act without commensurate urging… which I interpret as nothing less than lethal force…. very manifest people power.

        • My apologies… that post is so riddled with errors, correction would be confusing. However, as one of my editors requested just such an article a few minutes ago, here is the corrected draft…

          What the evidence says about global warming alarmists.

          By Tony Ryan

          There is a lot of media coverage which presents climate change as the story of two warring factions: the first, being the intelligent and educated majority; and the second, the knuckle-dragging, red-necked supporters of corruption and environmental degradation.

          Now… why would the global media want to promote such an unlikely contest of entities? The answer will emerge at the end of this article. Meanwhile, I will not repeat painfully what millions of climate scientists and academics have already claimed, with which you, the long-suffering reader, have already been inundated on a daily basis for an entire decade..

          First, let’s get something straight… Pretty much nobody is denying climate change. That claim is made to discredit those who do not believe industrial CO2 is causing change.

          These “deniers” are in fact saying:
          Ancient ice core analysis shows CO2 increases, FOLLOW warming by an average of 800 years… not precipitate warming as alarmist’s computer-modeling claims.
          There was five times more atmospheric CO2 during the Jurassic era, which was also the healthiest of Earth’s periods both for flora and fauna.
          There was no Arctic ice when the Chinese navy explored the area in 1242, but plenty of polar bears. This was due to the warm period which ended in the 13th century, introducing the Little Ice Age, which killed millions and caused Greenland to be all but abandoned. This mini-ice age caused glaciers to extend dramatically until the 18th century, which are still melting two centuries later and are not a source of concern.
          The interaction between the Sun’s sun-spot cycles and Earth’s magnetic mantle was well known to Piers Corbyn, whose weather forecasts were legend in their long term accuracy. He ascribed global warming/cooling to these.
          So far, not one climate-panicked scientist has publicly corrected the myth that Kiribati Island is sinking, and is not being inundated by rising oceans as claimed. This pretty much shows them up the AGW scientists for the frauds that they are.
          Logically, if we were to look for a more probable cause of rising atmospheric CO2 than industry, we could more credibly identify deforestation. That there is a matching fall in oxygen makes further speculation ludicrous.
          Scientists who ridicule the CO2 hypothesis do not get employed. Only those that toe the propaganda line receive grants.
          Finally, Aboriginal hunters of the North East Arnhem Land Coast, with whom I have fished and hunted for half a century, reject the claim that the seas are rising. These are people for whom every rock along the shore is as intimately recognisable as the back of your hand is to you.

          So, we should ask ourselves, why the industrial AGW hypothesis? Easy. The money behind the UN committee on climate change is that of the investment bankers who own the oil corporations, who make the oil, plastics and chemical fertilisers that are poisoning and polluting the oceans. They want a phony global crisis which diverts attention from this massive problem, which threatens to suck trillions of their wealth in urgent remediation measures.

          Thus, it is not “we” who must save the world but these irresponsible trillionaires who own our politicians and media. They will not act without commensurate urging… which I interpret as nothing less than irresistible people power… ie fix the oceans or go to prison.

          Tony Ryan is an Australian globalisation researcher whose articles can be read on oziz4oziz.com/

  4. I think the debate has been hijacked by the word “CLIMATE” — What it is, is “POLLUTION”. We should be concerned about is pollution… just plain and simple fouling up the planet and destroying habitats. Fishing out oceans. Do climate scientist really know how the system works — feedback loops etc.?

    The talk about climate is a complete distraction to the real problems.

    • “I think the debate has been hijacked by the word “CLIMATE” — What it is, is “POLLUTION”. We should be concerned about is pollution… just plain and simple fouling up the planet and destroying habitats. Fishing out oceans.”

      I grew up in a ‘fishing village’ in Southern California , my parents dug bait for a living. I remember ‘stomping crawdads’ (a way to bring them to the surface), ‘spearing razor clams’ around the walrus and seals on the flats (I still have an old ‘spear’ my Dad made), scooping sand crabs (soft and hard shell), collecting ‘blood worms’ from old wooden pilings, salting anchovies, collecting mussels from the breakwater (my Dad laughed that the Frenchies actually ate the mussels, later I did), collecting the Grunion when they ran, going on half-day boats for Yellow Fin tuna – so many memories – and the beaches only had organic flotsam like timber, old bottles with corks, hemp rope and old life preservers made from cork and tar.

      What you see now is POLLUTION. Plastic crap everywhere.

      It used to be that when an old Japanese glass bottle net float washed ashore, we looked upon that as some interesting refuse that somebody might put on a shelf – or not. – Now the floats are plastic like the rest of the crap on the beach.

      It is a different world now and I’m glad I remember what it used to be.

  5. Thank you Dianne for the above video. I wonder why the FBI came to the party and stopped the downloading of such important information that should be made available to every human on this planet. Does this not emphasise the criminality of the project?

  6. Dee, you have hit the nail on the head. The group depending on the climate, weather change propaganda are those that have the most to lose financially if the pollution problem is to be tackled. Oil companies, plastics manufacturers, nuclear industries and other manufacturers of non-biodegradable products, artificial fertiliser and chemical producers of all types are the main culprits.

  7. I’ll take it up one and suggest that what may be happening is that at most a normal variation of global climate could be occurring, and that certain vested interests (mostly Bankers) have super-imposed an explanation (corrupted science) on top of an observed natural phenomenon that, while not related to reality, allows for a massive new investment model to be created that incorporates massive loans for Nation-level infrastructure with the usual fake money), the interest for which is paid by global taxpayers to said Bankers, giving them undreamed of wealth and power. If I’m even close with this idea then it explains a lot of how we are fed this via mainstream media, and the propaganda stratagems employed on a large scale against those who disagree or question anything. It also explains the focus on getting control of the minds of children. They are buying the future.

    We aren’t going to vote our way out of this.

  8. I had an email exchange with another person that suggested I may have been a bit harsh with my earlier post on this subject in the comments to the earthquake article. In particular –

    “F–K ’em. This information has been available for years. If you are stupid enough to believe the MSM, the Government and their bought and paid for experts – then prima facie you are too stupid to be part of the human race. Your genes will be eliminated from the pool.”

    I will therefore include my email comments to that person in this thread.

    It is my opinion that they can’t claim innocent ignorance as the information has been available – what they have done is engaged in wilful ignorance. Wilful ignorance is also known by the word ‘stupid’.

    Further, they have been part of the PROBLEM, not a solution. I’ve had a gut full of self-righteous, morally superior dumb-asses that have tried to aggressively shout me down with various insults when I have tried to explain factual information to them. Whether it was with Port Arthur and gun control where I was condemned as if I had committed the massacre myself or with the global warming crowd where I was a ‘denier’.

    Most importantly, those smug fools were actually working for the ‘bad guys’. They were supporting the false narratives and trying to crush any open discussion. They were and are members of an evil army that promotes the agendas of the PTB. – So again I say “F–k ’em”

  9. Interesting letter exchange with Martin Armstrong. –

    Furthermore, couldn´t it be that the promoters of global warming (IPCC et al) actually know that CO2 is NOT the problem but by feeding us the propaganda, they actually catch two flies in one blow: increased taxes and reduction of the population because the majority will not be prepared for the upcoming cold/famine.

    What is your opinion? Is this a crazy conspiracy theory or is there a chance it could be true?

    Best regards,


    REPLY: I am not one for conspiracy theories. My reporting on this subject is not even SPECULATIONor a wild IMAGINATION. I was at the White House dinner and was seated at a table of ten with the heads of environmental groups. I cannot get my head around how these people think. They DO NOTbelieve in Global Warming or CO2. They are using this to reduce the population.

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