by J.G.Olsen / Finance ExpositorΒ
Did you ever find a fork in the track, say you were walking back to a campsite, picnic ground, carpark or similar and you werenβt sure where you were exactly but you had a confident sense of where you were going, so at the fork you chose one path and later you see they join together or come out at much the same place?
I have now got a new term to clarify fascism which has become confused over time with what might better be called traditional brutalism; the new term is bankster feudalism, but itβs hardly a new concept.
Just look at what theyβre telling us now, after a money printing spree of more than a decade the banks and politicians tell us βweβ caused the price inflation, which is really a dollar devaluation, because the prices have all stayed much the same relative to each other, the small relative price changes just reflect supply & demand, new technology, logistics, etc.
But they are telling us βweβ caused the price inflation, and the cure is that βweβ have to contribute more mortgage interest to the banks, to stop this price inflation.
How is giving our money to the banks going to make anything cheaper when the banks will multiply their increased βsecuritiesβ (mortgages etc) by a factor of about ten, by creating new loans from this increased revenue.
What will really happen is that prices will continue to be driven up and we will be told we need to pay more to the banksters until eventually all the prices settle at a new maximum, and then the government can start printing money again. Or switch out the currency as they did in Australia on Valentineβs day 1966, just before the raging inflation of the 1970βs, disorienting everyone who was brought up on the pound.
[The US reluctantly dropped their gold standard in 1971, because they had been printing too much money, and blamed the crisis on OPEC – a bunch of Arabs innocently selling oil but trying to maintain the gold price equivalent.]
Basically the banksters, through their mouthpieces the reserve bank heads and controlled politicians, are telling us the opposite of the truth, itβs flagrantly untrue and itβs obvious to anyone, put simply the way to stop price inflation is to stop printing so much money, and handing it out for injections, unnecessary medical procedures, administration, maintaining unemployed, filling budgets etc. We have all seen the wheelbarrows of money in Germany 100 years ago and more recently Zimbabwe was printing 100 Trillion dollar notes. This historically famous inflation was not caused by mortgage interest being too low.
The banksters who control the MainStreamMedia and politicians look at their investments over a period of decades and centuries, planning the rise & fall of economies like the ebb & flow of tides, including tsunamis, and βeventsβ. They have the end result in sight and they arenβt deeply concerned if they take this or that fork in the road because they know where they are going and they are nearly there. Bit by bit they are getting there, hence their extreme confidence. Even with the fragmentation of empires, splitting from the USD domination of the late 20th century such as the semi-independent states now known as BRICS, the final objective is the same, itβs bankster feudalism, it relies on infiltration, bribery, corruption etc, etc, and its public brand name is Communism.
By Communism the lazy and stupid are engaged, they too have egos and a desire to be equal, they resent the years of effort to buy a house and consider it their right. The truth may be somewhere in the middle. Some of the homeless have the highest aspirations of all, in regard to real estate, they inhabit inner city parkland or streets where rents are beyond average people. In βdemocracyβ, these people can be co-opted to a Communist agenda quite readily, because they donβt think two steps ahead.
Communism arrives it always seems with a slaughter, of these same useless eaters along with βintellectualsβ and any type of objector, and we have seen some of the biggest massacres in human history arrive along with Communism. From internet:
- 65 million in the People’s Republic of China
- 20 million in the Soviet Union
- 2 million in Cambodia
- 2 million in North Korea
- 7 million in Ethiopia
- 5 million in Afghanistan
- 1 million in the Eastern Bloc
- 1 million in Vietnam
- 150,000 in Latin America
The two biggest Communist countries, Russia and China, have stuck with Communism, though it has already reverted to something closer to bankster-feudalism. The heads of state in these places operate at armβs length from central bankers but money is the same everywhere, and most people it seems can be bribed &/or threatened to comply with the wishes of the Globalist Banking Establishment.
Now we see the USA under attack from every conceivable angle, this attack was premeditated for many decades, centuries in fact, for daring to usurp the power of British Royalty, in 1776.
It has had its entrails gnawed out like a half-dead corpse, its eyes blinded and its brains befuddled by a program that has been running throughout most of the 20th century. Finally, it is near to collapse and Communist instincts will be played to, but this time Bankster-Feudalism is disguised as democracy, a type of progressive egalitarianism.
Having secured Russia and China, with tight central control, the Globalist Banking Establishment understands that they need only bribe those at the top to get what they want, and punish those who donβt comply.
The elephant in the room is India where Democracy still seems to have some meaning.
This week PM Modi opened some modest Democracy monuments, which mean nothing to the cynical but attached to that he opened a medicinal plants garden, containing about 100 various types of traditional plants. This is a clear indication to the Globalist Banking Establishment that the Indian population does not accept the infiltration by BigPharma, which has been bribing individuals and lying about the uptake of their various injectable products.
India does not plan a great cull, and walks both sides of the street in regards to the lately much-hyped WW3, joining the βQuadβ and buying weapons from Russia, because theyβre more affordable. India has even claimed the 21st Century, swiping this mantle that was bestowed upon China some years ago. This could well be the Indian Century, and other states such as Myanmar and Australia could well gravitate toward India as its stature and power grows. Meanwhile, BigPharma wonβt be impressed with Modiβs support of the native Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic medical systems and someone may well have put a bounty on his head by now, he is old and undoubtedly understands the risks.

The Globalist Banking Establishment will forge ahead regardless of such interruptions to their program, when the people think they have won a victory, it is only temporary, no matter how many forks there are in the road, the Bankster-Feudalists only see them all meeting up in the same place, with the same ancient bloodlines jostling between themselves for increased control of the known world.
Not really a fork if it intersects with only itself, later. Some good points and you may have picked that the current US hegemony has cheated(printed) since day one of its reset, some hundred years.and not ww2 that some say.
The bankers do tie China, Russia, US, Europe, pretty much the UN guest list together. The rest theater, like the ’71 US gold window slammed shut on someone with the de Gaulle for the part. Casting went with the classic bankster, look, that’s almost Shakespearean, ou la la.
Grass is always greener under the inverse paradigm, The play book a known formula, that you can almost use as a clock alarm for your “new life starts today” reset.
I would like to who Jimmy Olsen is, what else he has written and what are his sources for this very condensed piece of 20th century history. I donβt understand or agree with everything here but in the meantime,
β’ NWO Communism By The Backdoor part 1 β 22 by Dennis Wise
Episode titles in case you want to zone in on a specific subtopic:
β1. The New World Order β The Decline of America
β2. Occult Connections β Secret Beginnings
β3. The Evil of Freemasonry
β4. Freemasonry and The Music Business
β5. The Roman Catholic Church
β6. Satanic England
β7. The United Nations
β8. Hollywood Babylon
β9. The War On Christianity
β10. Jewish World Domination
β11. The Khazars
β12. White Democide
β13. The Enemy in the Land
β14. How America became Communist
β15. The Mystery Teachings
β16. Usury: The Cancer of the World
β17. The Rothschild Dynasty
β18. Secret Societies
β19. Slaves For Israel
β20. Whoβs Running America?
β21. The Bottom of The Rabbit Hole
β22. Summary of sources and Disclaimer re Wikipedia (Zionist toxic fake news)
At last someone who recognises that Russia is still communist( is it really that hard to figure out that Putin wouldnβt otherwise be the head boy and that a fundamental regime change never happens without a bloody revolution in any case ?)
But I disagree that the U.S. is being destroyed by external forces. The direction that education has taken can only be attributed to the enemy within:
Compared to Australia and the US neither Russia nor China can hardly be called communist!
The basic platform of the Communist Manifesto β βAbolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.β
In βCommunistβ China no rates/rent tax is payable on property.
In βCommunistβ Russia in normal cases no more than 0.1% is payable on a nominal value
In Australia you pay taxes rated on the full value of your property and guess what happens when you stop paying?
Which part of the Communist Manifesto does Australia not follow?
10 Communist Manifesto Planks of the US Government
February 21, 2015β167 years ago today, Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto. In it, Marx outlined 10 Planks, or policies, for overturning capitalist economies. How many of Marxβs planks are already implemented in the U.S.? Letβs examine the planks to find out.
The 1st Plank: βAbolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.β
The 14th Amendment in 1868 granted the US government eminent domain power to expropriate private property in the name of the βpublic good.β Thereβs also the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which wields enormous zoning and regulatory power, as well as school and property taxes, and environmental considerations which take precedence over private property and individual rights. You donβt pay your property taxes? The government takes your house. So is it really your house to begin with?
Read on β
I didnβt say anything about Australia or China
My salient point β that a fundamental regime change never happens without a bloody revolution – is spelled out in the dissertation I posted re the U. S education system, the core tenets of which can be traced back to the regime change that took place within said nation as a consequence of the 1860s civil war( sometimes a shift takes a few generations to really kick in)
Unwillingness to broach said point is also spelled out in the absurd romanticisation of Putin and Russia
The fact that there’s no such thing as personal land ownership in Aus isn’t a problem for anyone who holds fast to the fact that every square inch actually belongs to the Creator. In fact it’s an ever-present prompt that puts one’s entire existence into perspective
How can products that cause sickness be βsmartβ?
What if evil is portrayed as good so that a handful can reap billions in profit? If true, we have a huge problem – the secret war by absolute organised crime with a genocide program.
SMART stands for βSecret Militarised Armaments in Residential Technology.β
Elimination of cash and everything digitalised is hell on earth. The template in China is now being forced on all nations, whether we want it or not.
I am not inclined to argue with Jimmy Olsen, but, India deals with Russia because Russia has proved to be India’s friend for a nigh on a century. Second, it has the world’s best weapons.
But to call India a Democracy, and taking into account other references to democracy, Jimmy ain’t got no diea what a democacy is.
But all the rest is OK.
Someone saved all the Deagal screenshots from a couple of years ago before they got censored off the internet, they also stuck a lot of other stuff on the end of the file, it’s like a greatest hits
So the US is going down to 80 million, that is about 3/4 dead, still leaves all the independent minded, a lot of heavily armed who don’t trust government, quite a different demographic.
And Australia to lose about 1/3, that will probably save the economy quite a lot, and they will just get new people in, you won’t recognise it in ten years, I think Hitler promised something like that.
Meanwhile here they are scaring us with foot & mouth disease now, more threats of quarantine camps, the monkey-pox turned out a fizzer, Bill Gates maybe getting scared now, to release his SPARS 2025 smallpox concoction, EVERYONE KNOWS IT’S HIM !!!
i come to a fork in the road – and i choose the one that feels good/.
i give it all i have, and if down the road i feel i may have taken a wrong turn, i just veer off at the next fork..
i dont care for names, i just do it my way π
all blessings to everyone
gangster can sing
PS – jimmy.. perry white wants you to ring him – UR in trouble!@
China and Russia’s actions in going alone means that the Jewish owned world Banks are not going to get their “pound of flesh” as they have done with the likes of Australia.
Global debt β which Bank owns Australia? The Commonwealth of Australia is a bankrupt nation now registered in the US with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Shakespeares The Merchants of Venice, βIβll have my Bond!β
When Shylock the Usurer got ready to cut a pound of flesh nearest Antonioβs heart, he parrots time and again, βIβll have my bond!β waving his legal contract, formally enforceable under the laws of Venice.
One will never understand a Usurerβs mindset if you believe that Shylock loaned the money to Antonio in order to get it back. Oh, no!! Shylock was betting on NOT getting it back!!
You see, rich, sovereign creditors who cannot pay back loans are music to bankersβ ears! What good is a sovereign creditor who CAN and will actually pay back a loan? That undermines the very essence of usury! It thwarts parasitism forcing usurer bankers to have to work to find new victims to loan all that money toβ¦
Jesus! Do you expect a banker to work!?!? Banker Business thrives on refinancing debt, rolling it over year after year, exponentially ballooning it through compound interestβ¦
When a country canβt pay its debts, then our modern Shylock Banksters demand their βpound of fleshβ: full control of the country turning it into a Financial Colony of the Global Power Masters, who impose their Trilateral Commission brethren in key positions of power: Papademos, Monti, Cavallo, Geithnerβ¦
It was never Shylockβs goal to recover his 3.000 Ducats. No, Sir! He only wanted his pound of flesh. The loan and the bond were just the mechanism to get to that flesh. Shylockβs Model was to legally indebt Antonio under the laws of Venice, so that those laws would then enforce his immoral outrage of executing the collateral: a pound of flesh.
Said worldly concept of Jewry betrays an unwillingness to look at the bigger picture – which. like it or not, is synonymous with eternal damnation:
βWhen the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of man,
He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.β
(Deuteronomy 32:8)
βThus says the Lord God, βThis is Jerusalem; I have set her at the center of the nations, with
lands around her.β β(Ezekiel 5:5)
Exert from “Apostolic Foundations:The Challenge of Living an Authentic Christian Life”
“This is not just the issue of Godβs strategy and design; it is the issue of God as God. That is
why men oppose it. It is not just the way in which He wants real estate to be understood, but
the way in which He wants Himself to be understood, by appointing what He appoints, and choosing what He chooses. Nations want to be autonomous so that they can choose their own course, and perform their own will, in the seeking of their own glory. The very existence of Israel in the world is a stubborn reminder of a God whose will they hate. To remove Israel is to remove Godβs righteous demand upon them. To blot Israel out from their sight, by the
liquidation of that people, is one of the reasons why Jews have suffered near annihilation in all their history. They were not innocent victims though, for their own sinful conduct justified the wrath that has been poured out upon them. Both things are true at the same time. Nations ventilating their hatred against God, and the fury that comes upon Israel, are exactly Israelβs deserving in proportion to their sinsβnot least being their failure to desire to be chosen, and to be for God what He has always intended.
The greatest drama of the Last Days (which is already in process) is the attempt to annihilate
Israel by the nations so as to remove Godβs very provision for their relatedness to Him. That is why the “nations rage and take thought against God and His Anointed and want to break their bands from them” (Psalm 2). If you want to be freed from the requirement of God, as a nation,in the relationship of nations to God, then you must remove the nation Israel. That explains why the last drama in history, before the Lordβs coming, is the attempt again to annihilate Israel, as well as the motive for it.β
Texans wants to secede
Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana, mother of his 3 older kids has died in NYC, age 75, no reason given.
I heard something like heart attack, so chalk up another one for Bill Gates
Everyone over 21 who got vaccinated is the victim of their own folly
Bill Gates shouldn’t be given undue credit
Bill Gates “GAVI” – Global Alliance for Va666ination”
Refer to previous Gumshoe article “Grand Jury Segment 2”
Integrated with the WHO in Switzerland and other government agencies
Is it still your own fault if you are actually held down and forcibly injected, and is lethal force in self defence acceptable, even if it only works for a matter of hours or days, when more force is brought against you ?
So who, exactly, was held down and forcibly vaccinated?
Lots of people were held down by their mortgage and existential arrangements, but my morality question relates to the WA legislation which has been proclaimed but not applied yet. So the answer in future tense, it could well be you.
I was, very obviously, referring to what’s actually taken place, not some sort of hypothetical scenario.
What needs to be understood is that all oppression takes hold on the basis fueling ideas when, most of the time, there’s no actual physical means of implementation. The examples are too numerous to mention
So if you are kicked out of your hand-to-mouth job for refusing the va666ine it’s all just your imagination ? Wasn’t that a catch-phrase from about 50 or more years ago, “it’s all in the mind”.
So someone has to go on the dole;tough titty.
Whoever said freedom was cost-free
The culture of the Age is so myopic, so me-centric,it’s sickening
If I hadn’t pitted myself against the PTB I’d be a rich woman today:
“Then Jesus called the crowd to Him along with His disciples, and He told them, βIf anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and for the gospel will save it.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? ”
MARK 8:34 – 37
The sickness of the Age is exemplified by the idea that everyone is supposed to make it into their 90s
Humans usually die because some particular part conked out.
In such cases we like to know which part and exactly why.
Your usual perspective would be that God chose Bill Gates to depopulate the world.
This would not be vastly different from Bill Gates’ perspective.
The depopulation conspiracy theory imputes far too much credit to mere mortals
Is it theory or is it fact ?
And are you implying the existence of a “satan”, if so, I would personally expect that satan is a fairy story, part of the pantheistic stuff that has gone on since …
My usual perspective is that sin was conquered once and for all at Calvary
And that salvation is a matter of being crucified with Christ:
βNo pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.β ~ William Penn
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God..”
Welcome Jimmy Olsen, a new writer with a different point of view and new topic.
Eventually, evil destroys itself
In Ukraine, Russian forces continue to make steady gains in the Donbas territory. Donbas is one of the breakaway republics after the US-led coup in Kiev in 2014. Ukrainian forces have occupied Donbas since then in an attempt to force them back under the Kiev government. They have been shelling the towns for years. Now the Russian forces are slowly driving them back, and it seems that the liberation of Donbas will be accomplished within a few weeks.
Meanwhile, the Kiev government is now drafting everyone in sightβeven womenβin an attempt to raise an army of 1 million shopkeepers, farmers, and housewives. It shows the desperation of the Ukrainian government, and unfortunately, it means that the economy is being shut down so that more people can die to achieve the goals of the US government and NATO.
The economy is so bad that the government is now asking for $9 billion per month from the West.
Richard Branson seen meeting with Vlod Z recently. Perhaps they intend making the $$ shortfall in the Epstein style.
Ahem, Sir Richard Branson, celebrity dogooder, only weakness is follow-through.
Public Image tour for (a) himself, for (b) his controllers, (c) organising skullduggery, or, (d) all of the above
The Discernable Interviews
Peter Fam: Understanding HumanRights in Australia
1hr 17min
What are human rights? Do our laws create our human rights or do they simply recognise rights that pre-exist government?
Human rights lawyer Peter Fam joins us to explore the state of human rights in Australia and how the period 2020-2022 confirms the fears of many pracitioners: that human rights are not well understood by Australians.
Peterβs law firm Maats Method is making a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission stressing the duties and functions of the AHRC to investigate potential human rights abuses by governments around the country. You can read the full submission at: https://www.maatsmethod.com.au/post/australian-human-rights-commission-failed-to-perform-their-statutory-function-during-covid-19
In this discussion we explored the history and basis for human rights law in Australia, the realities of human rights advocacy in the legal profession, and the general misunderstanding of human rights principles.
Escape inwards
“Give peace a chance” quote from a DeepState victim
And, layering randomised tones, machine generated soundscapes from half a century ago
Origins of the Jewish-Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the expansion of their Soviet Experiment which Germany attempted to halt.
Featured here
β’ The Morgenthau Plan: A Soviet-Created Document
Revelations 17:6
Gives an idea of just how much information is around (ie being suppressed)
Trump hater Sean Hross dishes up the dirt on Iran
Bees can’t find their way home with 5G and die
But wait, our government tells us the bees around Sydney got a parasite
Bees in lockdown !!! Next, foot and mouth !!! Quarantine camps !!!
Everything is just a coating to hide the truth
Reminds me of late 2019, nearly two years ago, the anti-Globalist protests were embryonic, I went to one at the side of the Perth Parliament House, there were about 50-100 people, and around the corner, about 50-100 Indian farmer sympathisers were also protesting, in Australia, about events in India. Here, Modi is the bad guy, now he seems to have recovered:
Not India but somewhere over that way, if you want an hour or so of middle east tunes some pretty good
Hope this is the whole hour
or if you prefer the hits
Here’s another one