By Andrew MacGregor. Retired police, Victoria, Australia
Terrorism is defined within the 1934 ‘Oxford Dictionary’ as:
Terrorism n, systematic intimidation as a method of governing or securing political or other ends.
Terrorism is also referred to in the Reesian Theory of War as “Low Intensity Operations”. Terrorism can also be called, “Politically motivated Violence”.
The Aurora Theatre Massacre
In July 2012, Hillary Clinton and the American State Department were debating the possibility of a ‘United Nations’ treaty on firearms. Right on cue on the 20th of July 2012, a “spontaneous” eruption of terror occurred at the Century Movie Theatre at Aurora Colorado. The suspect for this event was one James Eagan Holmes. However, witnesses claimed that there were more than one person involved in the shooting, including a person sporting a beard who opened the ‘fire-exit’ door to permit the gunman to enter as well as the fact that the ‘tear-gas’ grenades were thrown from a different direction from where the gunman was standing.
When the local police chief, Dan Oates was being interviewed in regard to this event, the media also captured a person smirking in the background. That person was quickly identified as FBI Agent, James Yacone.

Joe Quinn of The SOTT Report told us that in the video of Sheriff Dan Oates (being interviewed in regard to the Aurora Theatre massacre), there was a ‘smirking’ James F Yacone’, the local head of the FBI.’ In 2011 he was named special agent in charge of the FBI’s Denver Division by Director Robert S. Mueller III.
Before his Denver posting, Yacone served as a section chief in the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), which involved direct management and oversight of the FBI’s national tactical program, crisis negotiation program, and a variety of mobility and crisis response assets. The CIRG is basically the military wing of the FBI and it “works to successfully resolve critical incidents worldwide.” Yacone was a natural choice for this position given his background. He served eight years in the U.S. Army and is “a decorated combat veteran”. Specifically, he was directly involved in the 1993 ‘Battle of Mogadishu’ that inspired the book and movie Black Hawk Down.
Once he got home, with blood all over his hands, Mr. Yacone joined the FBI in 1995 and was first assigned to the Philadelphia Division, where he investigated violent drug trafficking organizations, organized crime, and financial institution fraud. During his tenure with the CIRG, Mr. Yacone was promoted to supervisory special agent and later unit chief, deploying to multiple critical incidents and major investigations around the world in support of the global fight against terrorism.
Mr. Yacone served as an assistant special agent in charge of the FBI Richmond Division’s National Security Branch from 2007 to 2009. In addition to the counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and intelligence programs, he also implemented the FBI’s new threat-based intelligence process for two FBI field divisions.
Yacone’s resume is written in the ‘Bureaucratic’ language. Let us see just exactly what it means!
“Yacone served as a section chief in the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG), which involved direct management and oversight of the FBI’s national tactical program, crisis negotiation program, and a variety of mobility and crisis response assets. The CIRG is basically the military wing of the FBI and it “works to successfully resolve critical incidents worldwide.“
Firstly, the ‘FBI’ is the ‘Federal Bureau of Investigation’, an American federal body, and as such only has power in America that relate to its ‘Federal powers’. The ‘FBI’ does have powers within American Embassies overseas, but again, once the FBI steps outside those boundaries, the only power they possess is that of “Bluff”.
“Yacone served as a section chief in the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG)”
What we have to consider here are those responsibilities that rested with Yacone; as in ‘direct management’, FBI’s national tactical program, crisis negotiation program, and ‘crisis response assets’. FBI Agent James Yacone now has connections to many other major events that occurred within America since 2012, perhaps all of them.
He served eight years in the U.S. Army and is “a decorated combat veteran”.
Just exactly what does this tell us? There is no unit or rank, but I feel safe to say that Yacone was not a non-commissioned officer.
Specifically, he was directly involved in the 1993 ‘Battle of Mogadishu’.
Now this does tell us something. The Battle of Mogadishu involved the American ‘special forces’ trying to take out a local ‘War-lord’. Things went badly wrong, and the locals being armed, just like the local Americans with their ‘2nd Amendment’, shot the s**t out of the ‘Special Forces’.
For this very reason, Special Agent, James Yacone does not believe in the 2nd Amendment, especially when his men could become targets in America. It also tells you of another quirk of Yacone’s, that being he is an elitist, one of the new ‘aristocracy’ of the ruling class in America.
Mr. Yacone joined the FBI in 1995 and was first assigned to the Philadelphia Division, where he investigated violent drug trafficking organizations, organized crime, and financial institution fraud.
The duties named within this sentence are known as ‘General duties’, and normally carried out by the rank and file policemen within that area. Within a ‘Resume’ it is called ‘Filler’.
During his tenure with the CIRG, Mr. Yacone was promoted to supervisory special agent and later unit chief, deploying to multiple critical incidents and major investigations around the world in support of the global fight against terrorism.
Now this is more ‘with it’, as it gives the reader something to work with. I doubt if James Yacone was involved with the investigations into the Madrid Railway bombing, or the London bombing of 7/7/05.
It is the thought of Mogadishu that reminds me of how the American ‘Intelligence’ units used to interrogate North Vietnamese prisoners. They used to take them for a ride in a helicopter, open the door and chuck a couple out. Then they would ask their questions of the remaining POW’s and depending on the answers, or just how their inquisitors felt at the time, whether the POW’s survived or joined their flightless comrades.
But it is the CIRG that really tells us something. For these units to practise ‘critical responses’ they first have to either study and act out what occurred during such incidents, or create their own incidents, all classroom drama of course. ‘Of course!’
Once the events at the Century Theatre at Aurora Colorado are properly studied, it becomes extremely clear that the person with the ‘expertise’ to create such a ‘critical incident’ as this massacre was, was Special Agent, James Yacone.
The Sandy Hook Elementary School Hoax
On the 14th of December 2012 an ‘ERT’ exercise took place at the Carmel School in Connecticut. For such an ‘exercise’ to take place, the ‘Exercise Co-ordinator’ could not use a school that was in proper use at that time. They had to use a ‘vacant’ school.
After the ‘exercise’ was completed, a local news media helicopter flew overhead, and so the local ERT team, not being too intelligent, created a ‘chase’ for the media to film to demonstrate just how good they were and to give the locals something to watch. It later stated that the person chased and apprehended by the police at ‘Sandy Hook’ was in fact an off-duty ERT policeman armed with four handguns!
The real Sandy Hook Elementary School though had been vacant for years, and fenced off permitting this school to become quite dilapidated simply due to ‘Asbestos’ that was contained within the buildings. The presence of asbestos meant that the school could never be used, and it would be extraordinarily expensive to demolish, so it was simply fenced off and left to ruin, until such time as the government could obtain sufficient monies to pay for its demolition.
Naturally the ‘media’ had a field day interviewing all the various parents/actors and even some of the actual police ‘first responders’, but it was not until the Boston Marathon bombing that a vital piece of evidence came into being.
What we have to consider with all the evidence that demonstrates that the Sandy Hook Massacre was a total hoax is that the required legislation that was introduced on the 23rd of February 2012 by four Senators, Mikutel, Fasano, McLachlan and Suzio, in regard to nondisclosure of underage homicide victims. This simply demonstrates that the ‘Sandy Hook’ massacre had been planned prior to this date. The fact that the State Coroner, H. Wayne Carver II disputed this ‘required’ legislature informs us that he was not part of the scheme at that stage.
The Carmel Elementary School Exercise
On the morning of the 14th of December 2012, The Department of Homeland Security was running an ‘Exercise’ (FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters) at the Carmel Elementary School in Connecticut. At this school were assembled all the various players needed for such an exercise.
There were the various ‘first responders’ including the actors to play the roles of children, and ‘their parents’, as well as ‘The Putnam County’ Emergency Response Team.
To quote the Putnam County Courier:
“Ironically, members of the Putnam County Emergency Response Team — a highly trained group of officers used when crises of this type occur — were training Friday in Carmel.”
So just exactly what actual police members were assembled at the Carmel Elementary School? Just exactly who are these three men posing as ‘first responders’? Could they be ‘FBI CIRG’ as per James Yacone?
The Boston Marathon ‘Bomb’ Exercise
On Monday the 15th of April 2013 at 2:49pm, approximately two hours after the winners had crossed the finish line of the Boston Marathon, two bombs are detonated. At this time most of the dignitaries and other ‘hangers-on’ had departed the scene, but with 5,700 competitors still in the race, the crowds are enjoying the event.
Thousands of spectators flee the scene in fear of their lives, and people are reported to have been killed or wounded by these two bomb blasts. The FBI takes command of the ‘investigation’, aided by all of the various alphabetic bureaucracies, the BATFE, the CIA, the NCTC and even the DEA.
Security at the Boston Marathon Race
In an article by Anthony Gucciardi, we are told that, “Boston marathon runner Alastair Stevenson says that before the explosions erupted at the Boston Marathon this morning, he was told by police over the loud speakers that bomb squads and bomb sniffer dogs were part of a ‘training exercise’. There was also mention of ‘Police snipers’ on the roof-tops.
Again from Anthony Gucciardi we have, “There has been much discussion over two individuals fitted with earpieces and military-esque gear spotted at the Boston Marathon, but as it turns out they may likely be employees of the Blackwater-style private military/security firm ‘Craft International’.”
To negate the earlier belief of ‘Craft’ involvement we have this from / “The military looking guys in the video/photos (as pictured above) are actually Massachusetts Guard’s 1st Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team (WMD CST). You may be asking yourself, what they were doing there? Good question. Since the Boston Marathon is so huge, the National Guard plays a significant role, and at the Boston Marathon there were several hundred national guardsmen on duty that day, including small factions of the (WMD CST). Their job isn’t to be first responders, their jobs are to find out what’s going on, and see if there are additional threats. That is what they were doing there.”
This last paragraph is pure bunkum, as in any normal situation where police and ‘other’ support groups work together in large ‘public events’ the police and ‘other support groups’ are interwoven so as to give a more cohesive action. What was extremely noticeable was the ‘absence’ of any police in the specific areas where the two bombs were detonated.
This absence is extremely important. Firstly, because policemen do not like policemen getting killed by ‘accident’. Secondly, because policemen are supposed to notice ‘little things’ something like somebody placing a bomb on the ground. And thirdly, because whoever did the bombing, needed to have control of that area. This being so then who were the ‘Craft’ personnel? Here is the answer!
In this photograph we have an FBI bomb squad truck that has arrived, on cue. We have the driver of this vehicle standing at the front of the vehicle talking with two ‘Craft’ guys and another person in a blue top is standing next to her. The front passenger door is open and another ‘Craft’ guy appears to be reaching into the passenger compartment of the truck, and the driver is not even batting an eyelid.
Now, if this was your vehicle would you be concerned that somebody not known to you was opening the passenger door, especially when two bombs have just gone off? Even if it was ‘just a drill’, would you still let some unknown person into your vehicle? In other words, the ‘guy’ in the truck is FBI! Not ‘Craft’, not WMD CST, but FBI.
Who set off the bombs?
There were two bombs that had to be detonated, as well as charges placed in shop windows to cause the plate glass to shatter and fall outside the actual shops. Had the bombs been real, then the glass panes would had shattered violently into shards and followed the force of the blasts and thus into the shops killing or injuring staff and customers. As it was, the glass lay on the footpaths in opposition to the bomb theory. In this picture we see one ambulance to tend the 150+ wounded and killed, one old gentleman with an empty wheelchair, and most people are either standing around or walking away. It is not the ‘real thing, it is a police drill.
So who did set off the ‘explosions’? Could it be this guy?
Of course not! Infowars tells us that this picture was ‘snapped a few moments after the first bomb detonation. Infowars also tells us that the device he is holding is an “Inspector Radiation Alert” device that detects radiation from a dirty bomb or nuclear attack. Apparently this ‘Craft’ guy is really ‘Inspector Gadget’ of the cartoon fame. Here he is again. Oh, by the way there is an empty red wheelchair under the tree by the kerb. I wonder what happened to its occupant?

Let us go back to FBI Special Agent James Yacone. Yacone served as a section chief in the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG). During his tenure with the CIRG, Mr. Yacone was promoted to supervisory special agent and later unit chief deploying to multiple critical incidents
What we have here are three men, who by the actions at the FBI bomb truck demonstrate they are part of the FBI. We have these three men being deployed at both the ‘Sandy Hook’ hoax, and the Boston Bombing drill. That means that these three men must be part of the FBI ‘Critical Incident Response Group’ (CIRG) as they have been deployed to two (known) critical incidents. The possibility that these three men also placed and detonated the bombs in the Boston Marathon has also got to be extremely high. We will now move on to the Tsarnaev Brothers.
Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev and Ibragim Todashev
Immediately after the Boston bombing, police and FBI initiate a search for ‘the bombers’. They start collecting all of the various CCTV videos from the various businesses and any other source.
On the evening of the 15th of April 2013, a police report states that the ‘bomber’ has been apprehended and is to be charged at a local court house. The media rush to the courthouse, only to find the building locked and the police reports of the apprehension of the ‘bomber’ denied.
The police now instigate a ‘major search for the ‘Boston Bombers’, identified as two brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
So, just exactly how did the Boston Police, superbly aided by the FBI/CIA identify the ‘bombers’? That is easy; Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a FBI/CIA operative and had been employed by them for a number of years. How did the ‘Boston Police/FBI manage to arrest Tamerlan Tsarnaev so quickly? Again that was easy. Tsarnaev was ‘arrested’ when he went to report to his superior.
The question now is why was Tamerlan Tsarnaev framed by his own ‘people’? The answer is that Tsarnaev had unwittingly received information that was ‘extremely classified’. What was this information? All in good time.
On the evening of the 18th of April, police are reported to have killed the main ‘bomber’ suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, after which he was run over by an SUV driven by his 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who fled the scene. This report is later denied by an independent witness who states that the police first ran over the suspect with their own SUV, and then fired shots into the body.
By Friday the19th of April an unarmed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is arrested by police after a supposed shootout in which the 19-year-old was reported to have attempted suicide by shooting himself in the throat with a firearm he did not possess. However in a media interview, the Boston SWAT team that arrested Dzhokhar Tsarnaev described his throat wound as a ‘knife cut’.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was then conveyed to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre where he was treated by a US-born, Israel-trained doctor. Dr. Kevin (Ilan) Tabb told the Israeli website Ynet that Tsarnaev is in stable condition but that because of wounds to his throat, he may never be able to speak again.
Now why would the Tsarnaev brothers both end up at the same hospital and be either treated or laid out in the mortuary? I would suggest that perhaps Dr. Kevin (Ilan) Tabb may belong to an ‘Israeli Intelligence unit’. Whatever else, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would never be able to inform anyone what his older brother Tamerlan may have told him on his return from Dagestan. There is now only one person left who Tamerian may have passed on the information he received in Dagestan, his good friend Ibragim Todashev.
The deaths of Special Agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw

On the 22nd of May 2013, the headlines stated “2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Arrest “FALL” Out of Helicopter and Die”.
On Friday the 17th May 2013, Special Agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw died when they apparently fell from a helicopter during a maritime counterterrorism exercise. They were killed when they fell into the water.
“The FBI agents were participating in a maritime counterterrorism exercise involving helicopters and a ship,” said Special Agent Ann Todd. “The agents were in the process of fast-roping from the aircraft onto the ship when the helicopter encountered difficulties. The agents fell a significant distance and suffered fatal injuries.” “The incident occurred about 20 kilometres from the coastline. The Coast Guard was not involved.”
“Both were members of the bureau’s elite hostage rescue team.”
“Irwin Wells, a former FBI special agent who retired in 1990 after leading the Norfolk field office for three years, stressed that the Hostage Rescue Team is different from the FBI’s regular SWAT teams. He noted that agents assigned to a field office’s SWAT team also must perform other jobs inside the bureau, while agents assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team have no other duties.”
So when CNN interviewed the ‘SWAT’ team that arrested Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the team’s ‘spokesman’ was Jeff Campbell. There is no evidence to suggest that either Lorek or Shaw were actually involved with the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, but if they were, what would be their reaction when the other SWAT team members fire off 300 rounds at the surrendering Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and then Jeff Campbell slit his throat? No wonder they fell out of a helicopter! Now there is one more death to consider, that of Ibragim Todashev.
Ibragim Todashev
“Dead men tell no tales”

Three days after the deaths of Special Agents Lorek and Shaw, Todashev was interviewed at his home in Orlando Florida by an FBI special agent from the Boston Field Office, who was accompanied by two Massachusetts State Police troopers.
From Wikipedia. “…and interviewed Todashev for approximately eight hours in his living room.”
The main question here is why would the FBI agent wish to interview Todashev in his own living room? The answer is that there were no CCTV cameras to record such interviews.
From Wikipedia “Abdulbaki’s American attorney Eric Ludin said Ibragim had undergone multiple prior interrogations in Florida and was promised this would be the last one, and had cancelled a planned trip to Chechnya earlier in May on the advice of the FBI.”
So, on the advice of the FBI, Ibragim Todashev remains in Orlando to be ‘interviewed’ again, and this time for over 8 hours. There is one action that the FBI did not want Todashev to take, and that was to return to Russia. Why?
From Wikipedia “The investigators later said that Todashev implicated both himself and Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the murders (the 2011 Waltham murders) during the questioning soon after midnight. They reported that Todashev was beginning to write a formal statement when he asked to take a break, and then suddenly attacked the agent. Todashev was shot multiple times and killed.”
This is not correct for so many reasons. Firstly, if Todashev was to be ‘interviewed’ in regard to the 2011 triple murders at Waltham, then he would be interviewed at a proper facility and permitted legal assistance.
So just after midnight, after 8 hours of being ‘interviewed’ by the FBI, Todashev has started to write a ‘formal statement’. Again, this is not proper practice. If this was correct, then all parties should have adjourned to the nearest police station.
Now, how does one write a ‘formal statement’? How about by sitting at a table with pen and paper. What an amazing position from which to launch an attack!
From Wikipedia “According to the account of an unnamed law enforcement official, Todashev knocked the interrogating agent to the ground with a table, and then lunged at him with a metal pole, or possibly a broomstick. In this account there was one detective in the room—who did not fire—besides the FBI agent. The agent sustained minor injuries requiring stitches.”
I shall be nice here. It would be assumed that the FBI agent was also seated at the table, when Todashev pushes the table into the FBI agent, knocking both the agent and his chair over and the table on top of him. We have one of the Massachusetts State Police troopers watching over this event. His reaction at this incident is to simply stand back and watch and in his best ‘Gomer Pyle’ accent says, “Oh golly gosh! Lookout Agent Yacone, Todashev is going to attack you! A normal trooper would have moved in to prevent the ‘attack’.
The FBI agent ensnared by the chair and the table has to extradite himself, reach for his handgun, aim and then shoot Todashev several times whilst still lying on the floor.
There are now three questions that should be considered.
(1) What did Tamerlan Tsarnaev tell Ibragim Todashev?
(2) Why did the FBI not want Ibragim Todashev to return to Russia?
(3) Why was it necessary for the FBI to murder Ibragim Todashev?
Could it be that Ibragim Todashev had finally admitted that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had given him information which he had passed on to his father? And that was when the FBI agent shot him for betraying American ‘interests’.
The CIA agent, Tamerlan Tsarnaev
“Dead men tell no tales”
Mrs Zubeidat Tsarnaev tells us her son was known to the FBI. She also tells us that Tamerlan told her he had become an ‘Islamic’ extremist! Why? The family were not known for their religious beliefs, and also note that Tamerlan had married an attractive young lady and had started a family. In simple words, Tamerlan had been ‘recruited’ by the FBI/CIA as a ‘conduit’ to possible Islamic extremists, and his FBI/CIA cover, demonstrated that agenda.
Again, we have been told by the media that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was in Dagestan, a region bordering Chechnya from January 2012 until June 2012. So who would Tsarnaev visit whilst in an area close to relatives and friends? Is there truth to the rumour that an American Foreign Affairs official in Chechnya is married into the Tsarnaev family?
In a report on Tamerlan Tsarnaev, cited below from, we are informed that Tsarnaev attended a ‘workshop’ sponsored by the ‘Jamestown Foundation’.
[The Russian newspaper cites documents produced by the Counterintelligence Department Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia confirming that the NGO “Fund of Caucasus” held workshops in the summer of 2012 and Tsarnaev attended.]
We are ‘specifically’ not informed of where this ‘workshop was, but I believe we can assume that the workshops took place in ‘Georgia’.
[In 2012, Tsarnaev spent six months in Dagestan, a region neighbouring Chechnya. The FBI interviewed him the previous year but said it found no evidence that he was a threat. On Tuesday, Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano said her agency was aware of the trip and, on Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry stated Tsarnaev returned from Russian trip “with a willingness to kill people.”]
To me, this paragraph is unclear. Did the FBI interview Tsarnaev in 2011, prior to his leaving for Dagestan, or on his return in 2012? The comments made by the FBI and Janet Napolitano, tell us nothing really, but the Secretary of State John Kerry is an idiot! How could Kerry substantiate his remark? What John Kerry has done, though, is tell us when Tamerlan Tsarnaev became ‘the enemy’!
I will now quote from Infowars about the Jamestown Foundation, on April 24, 2013:
“The Caucasus Fund was established in November, 2008, following the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The main purpose of the organization, according to Izvestia, is ‘to recruit young people and intellectuals of the North Caucasus to enhance instability and extremism in the southern regions of Russia.’
“Moscow has explicitly criticized the Jamestown Foundation for engaging in an anti-Russian propaganda campaign. “Organizers again and again resorted to deliberately spreading slander about the situation in Chechnya and other republics of the Russian North Caucasus using the services of supporters of terrorists and pseudo-experts. Speakers were given carte blanche to spread extremist propaganda, [and] incite ethnic and inter-religious discord,” said the Foreign Ministry of Russia in December, 2007.
“The Jamestown Foundation is a known CIA front. It ‘is only an element in a huge machine, which is controlled by Freedom House and linked to the CIA,’ writes the Voltaire Network. ‘In practice, it has become a specialized news agency in subjects such as the communist and post-communist states and terrorism.’ It ‘publishes specialized bulletins on both the post-communist world and terrorism, which serve as reference for Washington’s think tanks. University scholars and journalists are dedicated to depict a ghost-filled world whose very same hostility justifies the U.S. empire.’
“CIA director William Casey and Russian dissident Arkady Shevchenko were instrumental in creating the organization. Jamestown’s board of directors includes Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter. Brzezinski, a high-level globalist operative, initiated the CIA’s recruitment of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan that ultimately produced al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
“The notorious russophobe Brzezinski heads up the foundation’s American Committee for Peace in Chechnya, an NGO based at the Freedom House, the latter funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, the CIA front designed to foment color revolutions and overthrow governments. It also receives funding from Soros Foundations, the CIA’s Ford Foundation, and the U.S. Agency for International Development, the outfit used by the U.S. government to run “humanitarian” NGOs instrumental in running color revolutions in former Russian states.
“The revelation about Tsarnaev’s whereabouts in 2012 and his connection to an anti-Russian NGO sponsored by the CIA should be considered the missing link in the story concerning his purported radicalization at the hands of Salafist militants. However, since the establishment is providing the script and narrative for the official story, we expect the corporate media to give it zero credence.”
I would believe that it is fair enough to state that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been recruited by the CIA. The question that poses the most intriguing answers though would be; “Just exactly who did Tamerlan Tsarnaev meet at the workshop in Georgia?” Was it Dmytro Yarosh? The other question has to be; “Why was it that John Kerry considered Tamerlan Tsarnaev ‘the enemy’, when he returned from the CIA workshop in Georgia?
What one has to consider is that Tamerlan was not set up for the Boston Bombing by coincidence. There has to be a particular reason for it, and one that Tamerlan is totally unaware of. It cannot be that Tamerlan has committed some indiscretion, as such a matter would have been settled in the normal manner. The other facts which include the attempted murder of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and then the outright murder of Ibragim Todashev, who had been also stopped from returning to Russia by the FBI. The only conclusion that I can come up with is that these events were due to ‘National Security’, and the trigger of these events was when Tamerlan was overseas. Again, the main event for Tamerlan going overseas was to attend the ‘workshop in Georgia!
The Revolution in Kiev
This is from
Under the control and in the presence of US diplomats, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine carried out a coup d’état, on 22 and 23 February 2014.
The Parliament first took note of the forced resignation of its president and appointed the former head of the Ukraine Security Service, Oleksandr Turchynov, in his place.
Then, 328 MPs out of 450 repealed the Constitution, substituting it with that of 2004 [1], that is to say without a referendum and in an emergency situation, thereby contravening Articles 156 and 157 of the Constitution.
In the process, the MPs deposed the president of the republic, Viktor Yanukovych, without complying with the impeachment procedure and without review by the Constitutional Court, in other words in violation of Article 111 of the Constitution.
They voted the release of former Prime Minister and billionaire Yulia Tymoshenko sentenced to 7 years in prison for abuse of power, and whose attorney is Oleksandr Turchinov.
Finally, the next day they proclaimed Oleksandr Turchinov acting president, in breach of Article 112 of the Constitution.
Overstepping his interim powers, “president” Turchinov appointed his friend Valentin Nalivaytchenko head of the security service, and then called for a presidential election on May 25 for which Yulia Tymoshenko should be a candidate.
The coup was immediately hailed as a “return to democracy” (sic) by the Western powers .
Now ‘revolutions’ do not take place overnight. There is a lot of planning, training of ‘troops’ and a variety of manipulations that have to take place. With the ‘revolution’ in Kiev, the Ukraine, which included the Crimea, with the Russian port of Sebastopol on the Black Sea, one of Russia’s major naval ports would be denied to Russia, or at least that would have been the plan. So now, consider this (again from Voltaire-net):
The Prosecutor General of Russia has opened an investigation into public calls for terrorism inside Russia posted by Dmytro Yarosh on his website.
Nazi leader Dmytro Yarosh was appointed Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (body that oversees the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces) in the Ukrainian government that emerged from the coup.
Dmytro Yarosh boasted of having fought against the Russians to defend the Islamic Emirate of Ichkeria (Chechnya). On his website, he urged Dokka Umarov, Emir of the North Caucasus and member of al-Qaeda to “commit extremist actions and terror on Russian territory” in support of the “Ukrainian revolution.”
During the riots on Maidan square, Dmytro Yarosh led the Right Sector (Pravy Sektor), an organization of 3,000 battle-hardened militants armed by NATO through Poland. He staged a fake kidnapping by police forces and declared to have fled after being severely tortured. Refusing to show the traces of his ordeal to journalists, he immediately left for Germany – at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s invitation – for treatment.

What better place would there be for Dmytro Yarosh to pick up a ‘likely’ recruit than at the CIA workshop in Georgia? Would Yarosh, as one Chechen to another inform Tamerlan of the ‘coming’ revolution, as well as who was doing the backing once he was aware that Tamerlan came from America?
Did Dmytro Yarosh boast to Tamerlan Tsarnaev that the Ukraine would host a ‘revolution’ in February 2014, and that a ‘terrorist’ event concerning an aircraft would then be used to bring NATO forces into the Ukraine to attack Iran and thus deprive Russia of its bases in Sebastopol?
And once Tamerlan Tsarnaev was aware of the coming event, would he inform his very good friend, Ibragim Todashev, who could very well inform his father, Abdulbaki Todashev who was a ‘high ranking pro-Moscow official’ in Grozny. Is that how President Vladimir Putin learnt about the Malaysian Flight MH 370? Would Tamerlan Tsarnaev also chat to his younger brother Dzhokhar about what he learnt in Georgia?
Do you understand now why the Tsarnaev brothers had to die! Do you see why FBI special Agent James Yacone murdered Ibragim Todashev?
Can you understand why the two agents from the ‘Hostage Rescue Team’ who would have flipped when the other SWAT teams started to shoot at an unarmed youth surrendering to them and thus earned themselves a one-way helicopter ride!
–Andrew MacGregor is best known in Australia for his research and activism in regard to the Port Arthur case of 1996. See him on Youtube.
If only the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team could have saved Sally and David Martin at Seascape. And poor old Rick.
Hey, wait a minute. Maybe they did!
MH17 is MH370 english subtitles provides another piece of the false flags deceptions puzzle involving efforts to blame Putin/Russia as cover for the putsch in Ukraine. formaldehyde-soaked bodies, winter clothing in luggage, mostly adult Asian passengers, erased camera memory chips–evidence indicating that MH17 was not a plane with northern Europeans (half adults and half children) going on tropical holiday. Who would perpetrate such a heinous deception? The usual suspects, of course.
Yes , many incidents ( the murders of innocents ) lead back to 911 , for it set the path for the new century .
“Is that how President Vladimir Putin learnt about the Malaysian Flight MH 370?” Did you mean MH-17, shot down by “the Russians” over Ukraine?- at least according to Australian 60 Minutes.
What a perverted, twisted pack of morons. How many innocents killed so far in this crazy saga?
The plane passengers, the Maidan victims, The Donbass war casualties, the Tsarnaevs and Todashev, the two FBI agents…
These people are stupid!
For anyone interested, a Russian doco on Ukraine and the Crimean “annexation” is well worth it., but long. English subtitles are a pain but better than nothing.(unless you speak Russian)
Andrew is not saying the Russians shot down MAS370 but once the bad guys did kill those on board by depressurising it they took control of it and brought it down as gentle as possible so it could do no harm to where it was headed.
No, I meant MH370. MH17 was a completely different attempt to put blame on Russia in regard to the Ukraine. Never forget the very first story of MH370 where there had been two Iranians on board with false passports, and other passport problems as well.
The original Saudi payments to Najib Razak, the Malaysian PM was $US680million, but later that figure was adjusted to $1B, and Razak spent the lot
In regard to MH370 there were at least three military radar stations that tracked the aircraft and saw it go down in the Andaman Sea in the Bay of Bengal; Butterworth, Kuta Baru and a Thai. The Saudi passenger liner that flew over MH370 where both aircrew and at least one passenger saw the plane still floating in the water, and then finally the Rolls Royce engine tracking Inmanset who made the mistake of honestly stating that they had tracked signals from the plane’s engines for six hours, which couldn’t be disputed and so the story was made up of the plane flying into the Indian Ocean.
Yes Russia never interfered with Flight MH17 over Ukraine – the bad guys were behind that too – globalist forces trying to start WW3. Trying to pin it on Putin after their MH370 plot failed.
All of this will eventually backfire on them in the end as is seen with Nationalist forces growing worldwide.
Its a pity some deal cant be done to sort out the Ukraine war as it is silly for them to be fighting.
We need terrorism, it is of non significance as to who is behind terrorism, whether it is state inspired or another culture that having alien values to us is irrelevant, this peculiar way of looking at this issue is unravelled when we think of something unpleasant that is freedom? if we had no terror, our lives would be boring, why we need terrorists is when we go out for a good time the thrill of not coming home is a exciting thrill that we have a basic need to have.
If you get back home safely you feel good that you survived the evening, the soldiers having come back from war, our heroes who may have no legs is happy to come back with no legs as he now has a challenge, he or she can be on TV interviewed on how as the hero can play sport whether tennis or car racing and the myriad of outlets forthe crippled and those whom are wounded are now playing a role in the next phase of stardom is required by many, al least you are someone as opposed to someone such as me who is irrelevent to society other than a menace as a low consumer of stuff, and having no significance to society dead or alive.
Oh my, Don, we really are having a bad hair day, aren’t we.
But think of it this way: You’re old and they haven’t killed you yet.
isn’t that astonishing?
Hey Mary,
Funny meeting you here. Just finished reading your post on Rumour Mill News re Dr Fred Tobins eulogy re: Ernst Zuendel on The Holocaust Issue..
We truly are living in strange times..
And Don, cheer up. None of us are getting out of this alive. We love your comments.
When a senior retired copper puts together a competent, credible and thoughtful analysis above, it makes me wonder why we are paying heaps for some of our spook boffins with a Burley Lake view.
We are being had.
Have been for decades.
Hey BGCC ( Burley Grifin Country Club) who is the boss of the Lake Burley Griffin bottomless money pit?
The good work done by the investigators should not be white-anted by senior management with credibility issues and a BS political agenda costing heaps on borrowed money.
Try the authorities wanting to issue a warrant on a suspect Arab lot acting suspiciously before 911 only to have senior psychos stuff the investigation.
It has been reliably reported/conceded that in the US most alleged terrorist and gun shows are set up by US government sponsored killers and/or manipulators of the intellectually deficient or those who are known nut cases.
Andrew, you have once again unravelled a master plot by the EVIL Cabal.
How is it that serving personnel in both military and civil police forces are unable or unwilling to connect the dots that people in civilian life are able to do, without the same resources as those in Service? They are being paid by “the people” to solve the question, of who created these dirty deeds. And to bring the culprits to Justice. Isn’t that their job, their career?
thanks for saying what i was thinking Mal.
and thanks also to Andrew MacGregor for this article.
i sometimes wish there would be some in the comments that question, or challenge the articles on gumshoe, but none do.
I think the fact they must be simply to scared to be smacked down with truth and facts, is testament to the calibre of all things gumshoe.
thanks to everyone.
and if Im allowed to post a youtube.. Ill just leave this here.
It is a fabulous team of thinkers that contribute to the conversations
Thanks Dee for bringing out the best!
I sometimes miss those debates a few years back when the 911 belieber-trolls visited us. The sane comments drove them to other pastures.
Yes, they scarpered off wirh their tales between their legs to deceive dupes in other places.
As have; Dr Carl, Faine, SMH and all the other cowards who cannot present a argument defending their deceit of the Australian public and global corporate fascism.
Dear Aussiemal,
To be fair to the present serving members of both Police and Military, these people are all working in a strictly orientated sphere. In the Victoria Police I saw over at least ten years of corruption which was never to be mentioned due to what is now called ‘the brotherhood’. One should never dob in another copper no matter how evil he is.
Look what happened to Constable Carl Conrad when he exposed the ‘window shutter’ affair. He was the only policeman to be sacked.
What happened with the ‘Continental Airlines’ scandal? The Assistant Commissioner, Bob Stewart ‘resigned’ immediately B11 asked for an appointment to interview him and then the CEO in Melbourne of Continental Airlines was ‘suicided’ in a sleepy little village called Talbot and that was the end of the Internal Investigations and their case
The last case I heard of was a member of the CIB was appointed by a superior to investigate corruption and then when that superior was retired he suddenly found himself alone and being blacklisted, and was also forced into early retirement.
And finally every Police Commissioner is ‘appointed’ by the political hacks who rule at the time. If there have been some honest pollies then you get an honest police force, but if the pollies are bent, well corruption always starts from the top and works downwards.
It was interesting to note the comments of the retired Australian general, Jim Molan last month in regard to the US military strengths, but most of our military leaders follow the lead of Tom Blamey and have brown noses right up to their nostrils.
I missed the comments of Jim Molan, so looked them up –
I have to agree with Molan. He mentioned something I noticed a long time ago, having fuel available during a conflict. Considering how corrupt the fuel industry is in Oz, if he wanted to make some changes, he may have some conflict with the corrupt politicians that are in on the ‘pay to play’ game.
If there ever is a war that gets Australia involved, the best thing that could happen would be an enemy that decides to do a first strike on Canberra.
Molans just playing the usual game. America is well capable of defending us, its just that it wont. Molans just wants to get us to lend more money to waste on helping out Americas controllers. We have no defence force only a limited attack force. I dont want to feed it. We refine no fuel currently but its not that hard. Remember all wars are bankers wars, and the sick pedophiles with Australia’s checkbook will lie and screw us with pleasure to make the masters happy. Unfortunately this is all they know, and all they want to know. I know some appear to be good, but its just a game of divide and rule . All the worlds governments , gov agencies , military, church’s, corporations and law are infected beyond redemption. I always go for the underdog, go us, but we have to get over the old ways. Or we can have a royal commission, and sink our heads in the ground again.
dear Simon,
I can remember debating this question at school back in 1964. Then later I had some chats with some returned Vets, and I got similar answers to what we have today.
The average American grunt is not very well trained; Australians had far superior training then those poor blokes, which also explains all the ‘Collateral’ damage inflicted by them.
Jim Molan’s expertise came not from sitting behind a seat and listening to all the rhetoric but in actually serving in Iraq with them
I personally am offended by the dickhead Australians who still believe that we will be ‘protected’ by somebody else. First it was ‘Mother England’ and when the time came Churchill tried to send the 6th Divvy to India to ‘protect the Empire’ rather than our home, and then our Pollies latched onto the good ole American boys, who will end up having more problems defending the USA than to even think of us!!!
Perhaps just once our pollies will get some guts and look at the situation and work out just exactly how Australians can defend Australia, rather than pass the buck again, and again, and bloody again.
Oh, by the way, are you aware of the what a Royal Commission is all about?
It is the last line of defence in protecting the pollies who have been caught stuffing up. That is why we have Royal Commissions and that is the only reason.
Thanks Andrew great well thought , and original article. Cops are a secret society, and like a russian doll , secret society’s within secret society. The system has us and themed the police to isolate the cops from their wish to serve and protect (most new recruits). Should they persist with that wish, or show talent , there are many ways to marginalize them within the force, or if they are naive use them for propaganda. Pity they don’t trust us , and choose the devil they know. Its understandable of course, but the people are the only ones that could protect them, and we have shown little ability for this. ML 370 i read had patent holders of ID technology, that only they would understand and possibly thwart. The last patent holder alive gets the patent and now is only one. I am concerned by ability that can make people believe it just flew off. And discussed by the distruction of the ocean creatures by sonar that followed. Wonder what they are really mapping for.
Andrew , I go back to your port arthur work , as you and Wendy open my eyes. I personally don’t think anything went wrong that day, and it went like clockwork , including the kids that mind locked many including myself for many years. If asio operatives died, they should not play crisis acting as some people played that day. Any ideas who the last girlfriend was, she is unfindable to me, and the ex cop , embarmer with all the gear at hand who became ex senator perry has gone awal now.
To the point though, I have wondered who the lindt seige controller was, do you think professor paul mullins is the most likely ? Kidman had died a few months before. You alerted me to this creature and he would seem the man. Mon hamis had done a lot of work demonizing the Muslims already, and must have gone rogue to be chosen as the patsie
I know its off topic to your above story, but am sure you would have tried to pick the possibilities, and would value your opinion on this as my investigation has stalled to the identity of this controller.
Simon, it is interesting that you pick the topic of Lindt Café. I cannot answer your question to Andrew, but it touches on something that Andrew mentioned in his above article.
As with other “false flags” there is quite often a pre-cursor to such events. In the case of the Lindt Café an anti-terrorist exercise was given a run-through at the very Mall where the EVENT took place at a later date. What a coincidence!
The reason that I am so sure that the Lindt Café event was a false flag, is twofold. The Coroner’s Office has refused several times to release particular evidence to me, that I applied for, and the ADF refuse to answer Dee’s enquiries as to when the “mock up” of the café was built. That is, was it erected before or after, the terror event had started. The third reason is of course a question and answer to that question, that “our Mary” thought was spoken at the Coroner’s inquest.
Oh dear, the Lindt Café Siege. How does a female solicitor die three times? She dies by being shot with a full metal jacket bullet- hang on, that cannot be correct as Mon Hamis only had a shotgun. Then she died of a heart attack bought on by the siege and finally she died by bleeding to death after being hit by a shotgun pellet near the heart. What!!! on one pellet.
I have no evidence whatsoever, but my belief is that this particular psy-ops was run by Commissioner Catherine Burns.
Mons Hamas came to Australia as a refugee from Iran in about 1995. He left his wife behind and had worked in ‘Intelligence’. He used to be interviewed by our ‘Gay’ ABC where he was described as an Ayatollah, which suggests he was a Shia Muslim The Muslim Clerics in Sydney screamed and asked who this man was as there were no Ayatollahs in Australia, but they received no reply from the Gay ABC.
Have you heard the joke about the Irishman Paddy who was dying in hospital. He called for the priest and then confessed that he wished to become a Protestant, Why asked the priest, when you have been such a good catholic all your life? Oh father, father, I’d much rather one of them die than one of us!
And this describes Mon Hamis to a ‘T’. At the Lindt Café siege Mon Hamis had an ISIS flag. This meant that Mons was following the Wahhabi sect from Saudi Arabia, and tells us everything we need to know.
The final clue was when the NSW SOG’s stormed the café they supposedly fired over 80 rounds of ammunition. In a siege situation!! With live hostages!!! Have you seen how small the café was!!!
So it was a psy-ops and nobody died and Mon Hamis has moved on.
Thanks Andrew, but and we only have the story , and it has mo not having a flag , trying to print one. The lawyers brother acted strange over the death of his sister, which would explained if he knew she was not dead. Burns is definitely involved but has isolated herself by this unknown controller. It would seem risky to leave her alive, she is or was a real person . The others seem like actors and operators, Tory I dont know, but I dont think a couple of deaths would worry them.
Not sure its mentioned, your very though but another false flag or story stopper, is a compensation payment , usually after a successful 60 minutes. I think colombine was treated this way among others
Thanks Mal, it would appear the military are the false flag planners . I just went to the adf mental health site and alarm bells. We do know thats lots of young soldiers return and suicide, but its not reported. You have to go to a funeral, and hear the mates talking about how often they attend the units deaths by suicide from their experiences. The adf has the whole care thing, but then i noticed that a goal is to enhance resiliency to pdsd. I don’t know how they intend to do this, im sure its amoral, they could stop deploying personal but thats impossible while overseas locals insist on trying to live on our buddies assets
Strange, so many deaths when home by returned serviceman, not to mention the mental collatearal damage to personel and families.
When was the last time a Federal member has committed suicide or is suffering pds disorders because of their decisions (and continuing) to go invade, kill and thieve in faraway locations that are no immenent threat to Australia. ( sorry forgot to mention the terrorists who we have created)
Why are they not before a International trial?
John Howard and crew, care to comment?
How about our ABC?
Jonathon Faine, (ABC) please explain…… just another israeli ‘errant missile’, explaining the attack and murder of crew on the USS Liberty in 1967? (As claimed to Ex PM Malcolm Fraser in an interview conducted by Dee and logged here at gs)
Oh, how many ‘whoremongering’ lounge lizard msm journos are suffering psd destroying their families?
Senate elect ex Major General Moylan; when you take your Senate seat, please keep in mind your duty to yours and our past soldiers, but also to the people you will represent.
Hint: wake up to the bullshit official overnment 911 conspiracy and do not bother turning up on shock joke radio again until you do.
The BS is over, tell your future colleagues and tell Australia, if you are fair dinkum.
“I would suggest that perhaps Dr. Kevin (Ilan) Tabb may belong to an ‘Israeli Intelligence unit’.”
At the minimum he would be an active Sayan.
Yeah , he treated the boys throat and speculated he would never talk again. Made a odd comment about the Isreali staff being used to terror attacks. But they have so few, that they could hardly be used to it. They might be used to battlefield work though . Claims privacy stopped media interviewing his 20 or thirty patients, hardly free speech.
Now he is joining health facilities into a mega hospital in Boston and massively increasing some peoples salary and will have to make cuts because they use so many pharmaceutical drugs . Anti free speech and anti freedom of choice, he does have a mission so he is more likely your first choice. Says that in Isreal that they treat terrorists and victims side by side but this would not happen, for obvious reasons.
The only time that “terrorist and victim” get treated side by side in Israel is when the Palestinian donor organ gets put into the paying recipient.
Good article. I have no doubt whatsoever that Port Arthur, Dunblane, Aurora, OKC, 9/11, Sandy Hook & Boston were all false flags. And when you examine them with the benefit of hind-sight, you see that the time was ripe for exactly what the Deep State was aiming to achieve at that time.
I believe that the time is absolutely ripe right now for a great big fat false-flag to distract the sheeple from the impending purge of the Deep State, which QAnon is revealing.
saw a tweet about “Drills”
James Perloff @jamesperloff
“As best as I can tell, the reason false flags occur when a drill is scheduled is this: if anything looks wrong, they can cancel the false flag and simply keep it as a drill. But if the coast is clear, then “all systems are go,” the drill goes live, and the violence becomes real.”
[…] five years ago, on January 28, 2018, retired cop Andrew Macgregor of Geelong Victoria, wrote an article at in which he speculated that James Yacone of the FBI is involved in some […]