(R) Salome Balthus
Introduction by DM
If you ask me, I’d believe a high-end escort over any attendee at the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos, Switzerland.
Salome Balthus, 40, is a high-end escort and author from Berlin who has traveled to Davos to met up with “clients” and has now spilled the beans.
Good on her.
This, the headline from the DailyMail:
“What the global elite reveal to Davos sex workers: High-class escort spills the beans on what happens behind closed doors – and how wealthy ‘know the world is doomed, so may as well go out with a bang’
“A high-class escort has spilled the beans… including what the wealthy think really will happen to the world in the near future. Salome … revealed to MailOnline what she has learned about the global elite – and for many it is that they are doom-mongering about the fate of the world… so they’ve decided to enjoy it while it lasts. Convinced that a climate change apocalypse is upon us they shamelessly spend their vast wealth on expensive escorts in Switzerland… which they fly to in their environmentally-unfriendly private jets. ‘The elephant in the room is climate change. Everyone knows it can’t be prevented any more,’ she said, adding that the ‘super rich’ could generally be split into two groups… ‘The one half is in despair and the other, dumber, half is celebrating future mass deaths. It’s not just like that in Davos of course, but it’s concentrated there [during the WEF].’
“Salome elaborated that some of the uber wealthy people fitting into the first group were saying that those in third world countries ‘might all die but us in the North, we’re fine’. … She said: ‘They say that in a democracy you have to sell it, to lie to people and tell them “we didn’t know better and didn’t think it would get this bad”, not admitting that they know. ‘Then there’s the other group…. they say they can’t do anything against the others so they live following the mantra “after us, the deluge”. ‘They say they will enjoy a few more nice years on earth and know that there’s no future. They are very cynical and somehow deeply sad.’
“Salome said … ‘They are extremely proud of it [and therefore talking about it] or they just see me as an object and don’t think about the fact that I’m also thinking when they’re with me.’ ‘The public must know that that the enemies of the poor and the lower class are not the migrants but the super rich,’ Salome added. ‘Tax the Rich etc. is a joke behind closed doors […] … They feel untouchable.’
“Salome said client meetings are often about ‘the passion of erotica and the passion of power, although the latter so much more that it can even erase the former’. ‘It’s not the super powerful that do something like this [hiring an escort] – they are happy when they get a bit of time for their families – no, it’s the more the subaltern workers who are excited, maybe even there for the first time,’ Salome revealed.
The article continues:
“In Davos, sought-after escorts are smartly dressed in business suits, so they don’t stand out, and are often well-educated as well as fluent in at least two languages. … According to an escort who goes by the name of Tiffany, ‘discretion is the number one skill for an escort – especially a high-end one’.”
Salome is not telling us anything new — but is simply confirming what we already know of the elite-elite Davos class. They are fearful and soulless people. They obviously lack common sense, or any will to guide humanity. They are selfish and reckless — the traits we do not need from the so-called self-appointed leaders of the world.
There were two Salomes as I understand.
One was watching at the crucifixion of Christ.
The other seems to be of our DAVOS PLAYERS.
She was the daughter of ‘HER-ODAVOS
Seems that she danced well for the Herods and pleased the Herod’s of Davos who asked her what she wanted.
Advised by her Mum , Herodias, she requested the head of John the Baptist.
Accordingly, she presented John’s head on a platter to the Herodotus.
Well, we know who the Herods are and Salome is presenting our heads (John’s) as agreed by our politicians.
Josephus has a guess who Salome was….. and can we guess; the mother of all WEFers the ‘Herofics’ she works for?
Poor Herodus was as suckered in as our Lake Burley Griffin tadpoles and lived with regret thereafter…… because he realised that he was a compromised sucked in stupid💁💃🔥
8.59 PM
Confucius: he say, what was is now.
TIME: now 9.11 💁pm
One day a normie tadpole will look at Now and listen to real Mary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE ON 28/1 at:
http://www beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
AND SAY “NO. F’n way”.
9.21 PM
So keep your mind and hang on to your heads.
Why would the ruling elites attend boring Davos when they have unlimited underlings to send along. Who knows how dumb &/or brainwashed the underlings are. You only have to listen to Keating and his underling the current Treasury presenter, to see what DUMMMM really is. You sell off the silver, sell the house, sell the shirt off your back and then try to solve the problem by sucking up to China. Finally try to win an election on “the Voice” and the “MaD Bill”. This stoopidity is epic, can it be real stoopidity or are we just being taken for yet another ride, this time in Chromedome’s cop car.
Professional escort whatever it was probably means sets up the spy camera properly first, Epstein’s job got delegated out
African states bail out on France and join BRICS, now the French economy falls to pieces
Australian economy has been plundered so bad, sold off to BlackRock etc and seems to be falling to pieces as well, inflation and homelessness is just the beginning when the likes of Keating and Howard have sold everything off and hocked us to the eyeballs, no wonder the politicians are thieving so much, they are first on the lifeboat when the ship is going down
Next time you hear an advertisement iRENEMBER:: George Carlin at rumormillnews.com reading room on 29/1 2025 at 11.23 timeline.
(Warning – language for half an hour)
Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia
Asserting Australia's First Nations Sovereignty into Governance www.sovereignunion.mobi
Media release 30 January 2025
WARNING! First Nations beware of the far right in Australian politics
Professor Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union, last surviving member of the founding four of the 1972 Aboriginal Embassy in Canberra and Head of State of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic provides a warning about the possible consequences of electoral success of the far right Liberals.
The fear and considerations that most fair-minded people have with Dutton and Jacinta Price’s political headlines are not just mere rhetoric. This article has the heading of WARNING in red because of the potential for Dutton’s success in the coming election which I predict will be disastrous for First Nations Peoples in this country.
For those good people out there in the Australian population who wanted to vote ‘Yes’ in the recent Voice referendum, but who chose to vote ‘No” because of the lack of detail and information should also exercise discretion with Dutton’s and Jacinta Price’s campaign in regards to Aboriginal affairs policies.
Jacinta Price’s policy, of blaming her People for not being able to adapt and accept the impact and consequences of colonialism, shows clearly that her conservatism and lack of understanding of the scourge of colonialism is a deep-rooted rejection of the continuing trauma of hopelessness and despair that pervades our communities.
Blaming our people for the situation we are in shows her ignorance of the truth. Her own mindset shows that she is dogged by the Stockholm syndome, which is described as a person with a deep bond which forms between a victim and their abuser.
Unfortunately for Jacinta, her ego and personal ambitions blind her from seeing how Dutton is using her own prejudices to his advantage. She is a pawn in his far right-wing game.
Remember he was a detective senior constable in the Queensland police force in his former life.
What Jacinta fails to see is Dutton’s far right agenda, which I believe is underpinned by Part 1, Article 1(4) of the UN instrument, the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) which gives rise to the Australian Racial Discrimination Act 1975. For the purposes of this article I will quote Article 1(4) of ICERD:
Special measures taken for the sole purpose of securing adequate advancement of certain racial or ethnic groups or individuals requiring such protection as may be necessary in order to ensure such groups or individuals equal enjoyment or exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms shall not be deemed racially discriminatory, provided, however, that such measures do not, as a consequence, lead to the maintenance of separate rights for different racial groups and they shall not be continued after the objectives for which they were taken have been achieved.
Based on Jacinta Price’s requests for special inquiries into child abuse in the Northern Territory and her inferences that there should be no need for any type of Special Measures to continue through public funding for community programs and projects, represents her callous disregard for the continuing deprivations, loss and grief that continue to pervade our Peoples, no matter what part of the country we live in.
Her callousness reveals a lot about her make up. For whatever reason, she appears to be equally as traumatised and as mentally disturbed as the people she talks about. This shows up when she prefers to blame her own people for their situation – something that the far right Liberals have latched on to, and I reiterate, her ego and personal ambitions blind her from the reality of ‘the scourge of colonialism in all its manifestation.’
The interviews Jacinta Price has been involved in demonstrate that she is in denial of the need for Australia to acknowledge and accept the cruel and inhumane treatment of First Nations Peoples in this country, and her inferences which suggest we should ‘get over it’ and move on, are appalling and abhorrent.
80 years ago Austria and Poland were liberated after the horrific policies of the Nazis and the world was told never to forget this history and that it never happens again. But no-one wants to deal with the consequences of colonialism and its impact on Indigenous People throughout the world.
Globally there are more than 476 million Indigenous people whose lands were seized at gunpoint and still to this day their cries are met with foul rebuke by the beneficiaries of the proceeds of crime.
Our constant protest is a reminder to all concerned that we did not just experience the mass killings and genocidal horrors but we also suffered the loss of our homelands, puts us into the category of displaced Peoples. Moreover, we are denied the benefits of wealth creation from our natural resources. Consequently, colonialism results in the Indigenous populations of the world becoming refugees and paupers in lands that were once their own, and are now being forced into living in a colonial administered welfare state.
The pauperisation of the First Nations’ populations, made it impossible to see a way forward to competing in a capitalist society, when their primary objectives and mindset were just simply to survive.
I ask Jacinta Price: “Do you understand this, especially when you consider we never sought to have our lives administered by the colonising authorities, and/or to be taught another way of existing under Christian mission ideologies and beliefs?
Jacinta and Dutton, you both need to take a long hard look at victimhood, and ask yourselves this question: If democracy and the Christian faith are what you believe we should be aspiring to, then accept these three facts:
It was the Christians who started World Wars I and II, and let’s not forget the Crusades of the papal appointed knights, which resulted in mass killings to steal the Christian icons from the ‘Holy Land’.
Let us not forget that the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were blessed by American Father George Zabelka, a member of the Catholic faith.
The continuing war by the Christian believers against people of the Islamic faith, who are being demonised.
And you, the far Liberal right, want us to assimilate into that world of thinking?
Should we see Dutton’s far right Liberals assume power after the next election, then total assimilation is what is we have to look forward to. In order for us to prevent this disaster means four years of constant protest against being called Australians. We are not Australians, we are Euahlayi, Wiradjuri , Gomeroi, Yolngu, Gija, Walpiri, Wakka Wakka, Gunditjmara, Ngarrindjeri etc etc.
I do hope the current PM reads this article because, in my estimation, his current policies cannot be any closer to Dutton’s projections on First Nations policies.
In concluding my concerns of Dutton’s policies supported by Jacinta Price, we need to recall that he was the only politician who walked out of the parliament while former PM Kevin Rudd was making his Apology to the Stolen Generations in 2008.
If that is not sufficient enough to raise the red flag of WARNING of the extremism Dutton could bring in his leadership as PM, then we will be better served to remain with the lame duck we call Albo.
Professor Ghillar, Michael Anderson
Convenor of Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia
and Head of State of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic
ghillar29@gmail.com, 0499 080 660 http://www.sovereignunion.mobi
Thanks Ned—am currently writing about the Cult of the Family and Raynor Johnson is a “person of interest”.
It is said that Anne Hamilton Byrne called him her John the Baptist. Ahh that’s another story.a
John the Baptist
“In the summer of 1962-63 Johnson visited India, where he had an audience with the president and philosopher Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who had invited him to address both houses of parliament on science and spirituality. The main purpose of his travels, however, was to meet two noted Indian mystics, Vinoba Bhave at Santiniketan, an ashram founded by Rabindranath Tagore, and Swami Pratyagatmananda at Calcutta. The visit strengthened his conviction that he would never understand the meaning of life by intellectual endeavour alone. Returning to Melbourne he affirmed the certainty of God’s existence and the possibility of knowing Him through the discipline of contemplation. On retirement he and his wife committed themselves to this quest at their cottage in the Dandenong Ranges.
Small, of slight build with domed forehead and slightly receding chin, Johnson had a warm, friendly, expressive face, twinkling eyes and a genial sense of humour. His outstanding qualities were sincerity, humility and simplicity. He had a mind that spanned the whole of human experience, but he never displayed his learning for its own sake. His goal was to understand the meaning of life and he was always ready to help others in their quest. His later books included The Spiritual Path (1971) and Pool of Reflections (1975). Shunning publicity for himself, he was distressed when a cult with which he was associated, known as The Family, received adverse media attention in the 1970s.”