Home Australia Depopulation — The Deagel Forecast and Birthgap

Depopulation — The Deagel Forecast and Birthgap


Introduction by DM

No government wants to deal with the “excess deaths” in 2022.

Let’s refer to the FACTS. We have just the organisation to do just that — the ABC.

“CheckMate is a weekly newsletter from RMIT FactLab which recaps the latest in the world of fact-checking and misinformation, drawing on the work of FactLab and its sister organisation, RMIT ABC Fact Check.” (ABC report)

Stating… “No credible evidence’ vaccines are behind a rise in Australian deaths.”

Really!!!!  At least the media is forced to report it. This is from News.com.au:

“Report shows Australia’s excess mortality rate has risen to levels not seen since World War II. A troubling new study released this week has shown Australia is experiencing its highest excess mortality rates in over 80 years.

This is a comparison of the rise in deaths v the vax rollout:


The Deagel Forecast

“Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast is on Target & not just an Estimation”

This is an extract from The Expose article:

“A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, gained attention in 2020 for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event across the Western World by 2025.

“This was a very bold claim to make.Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can be found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order. And sadly, the evidence strongly suggests that Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation.”

To continue:

“The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collect data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank…”

What has Deagel Predicted?

“Deagel.com’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. However, thanks to the Wayback Machine / Internet Archive, we are able to view the original predictions before discovered by critical thinkers.

“Deagel predicted in 2020 that the United Kingdom would see its population decline by 77.1% by the year 2025… [and Australia by 34.6%]

Continue reading HERE.

The Expose alleged that the…

“Confidential Pfizer Documents reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby”

But the statistics don’t seem to hold this out.

I found this graph from statista.com. Please note the graph only records the first 6 months of 2022, so it seems that apart from the slight rise in 2021 the birth rate will more or less average.

But there is another fascinating aspect to depopulation…


Over-population narrative v Population Decline

A video by Redcacted (Natalie Morris) on the movie Birthgap.

Redacted Natalie Morris has a fascinating conversation with Steven J Shaw on POPULATION DECLINE, the director of Birthgap.

Interview with Shaw




  1. Attention:
    The Australian broadcasting controllers.
    The SBS.
    Our poor gullible control globalist control freakish corporate media with its puppet intellectually deficient overpaid shock jokes.
    Our traitorous overpaid/compromised sucked in politicians.

    Clearly, under the auspices of the UN et.al. THEY WANT US DEAD.
    Well just die if you are too dumb to realise THE AGENDA and allow the rest of us to ensure that the killers are brought to justice and we be safe and happy to live our lives on OUR TERMS.

  2. Plandemic genocide of western nations, targets of bioweapon warfare.
    Deagel.com, enforcing beast system with jabs, 60-80% population reduction by 2025 forecast on white races only.

    Let’s pray 🙏 to Almighty for intervention, helping us shut down BSWL4 franchise Doherty CSIRO, WHO wipe out locals with replacements blended. All races Wellcome Trust to Oz, fair skinned and Aborigines not included.

  3. The anti-jew lobby will be loving Deagal, as we are aware the Israel injection program has been very intense and the Deagal statistics show a drop from 8.3m to less than 4m. If this comes true how will the anti-jew lobby reconcile their logic ( that the jews are behind everything ) with reality.

    • The value of the “anti-jew lobby” is that it’s an oblique acknowledgment that everything on the planet is being either allowed or thwarted by a Mastermind.

      The truth is that nothing on the face of the earth was “created perfect”; whingeing & finger-pointing just signifies a refusal to acknowledge the ruckus that’s afoot in the Heavenlies and to take up the challenge of the hour accordingly. The ubiquitous antagonism toward those who were born of said tradition is just a sneaky way of rejecting the omnipotent Power who’s “sifting-out-the-hearts-of-men-before-His-judgment-seat”

      • You are now saying “free will” doesn’t exist or is restricted.
        The heaven-hell-purgatory thesis seems as pointless to me as the reincarnation or Valhalla types of thesis before it.
        I don’t mind at all if people want to talk negatively about Zionists, Khazarian Mafia, Rotschilds or whomever but these sleazy manipulators insist on dragnetting every possible suspect which includes mostly completely innocuous people and blaming them for anything and everything in the world. The fact is the jews outperform them and they don’t like it. The jews are doing something right if they get all their kids into good jobs and some bogans hate that. The fact is society is always going off the rails and it is these days too, and it will do that with or without jews because people are just made that way.
        The anti-jew lobby delights in spreading misinformation mixed with some fact and you can always tell them by their blanket use of their deliberately inaccurate word jew, just like the others that use nigger or whitey in the same way. Muslims also got the treatment for the last 20 years, orchestrated by HW Bush and the NWO crowd.
        If free speech includes free misinformation then someone should call it out.
        I can’t guess what the hell your God is doing or what for. It seems like a bunch of excuses for doing nothing. No wonder everyone has walked out of the church.

        • With respect, there’s no such thing as an “innocuous person”; everyone is creating something or other 24/7 whether or not they’re aware of it.
          Jews tend to outperform others re earthly achievements due to the inheritance factor I reference, an inheritance that actually incorporates acknowledging freewill/personal empowerment – as opposed to identifying with victimhood/enslavement.
          Point being that said quality is never going to bode well with the Principalities and Powers that have beleaguered mankind since time immemorial – hence the plethora of on-line CC-style libel

          • NB:
            *The hypothesis “that free will doesn’t exist or is restricted” is the brainchild of those who hold dear to the flesh-and-blood cabal theory not vice versa

            Zionism is, and always has been a core tenet of bible-based Christianity and as such remains diametrically opposed to so-called secularism and any form of Worldly domination
            The “Jews are Khazars” theory has been exhaustively dis-proven, as disseminated here:

            and here:

            Proof that the respective Mafia rot is still top of the pops here:

            *The hypothesis “that free will doesn’t exist or is restricted” is the brainchild of those who hold dear to the flesh-and-blood cabal theory not vice versa

            Zionism is, and always has been a core tenet of bible-based Christianity and as such remains diametrically opposed to so-called secularism and any form of Worldly domination
            The “Jews are Khazars” theory has been exhaustively dis-proven as disseminated here:

            and here:

            Proof that the “mafia” myth remains top of the pops regardless here:

          • “I think” ?

            So you think you can make something stick on the basis of hear-say?

            As for the nations listed in that archive, ever “thought” about why each and every one of them subsequently fell apart?

          • (((elspeth))) What’s the matter, the truth is that they have been kicked out of 109 countries and it’s well documented, as to the quote it’s been buried, imagine my surprise, as to those nations failing it’s in the nature of nations to fail but those that fail fastest have a pestilence of traitors internally and we all know who they are.

  4. Demonic all belong in same clubs, same secret societies, their agenda is genocide and enslaving survivors to their AI surveillance state global gulag.
    In this living hell here now, most end up with no property, no assets chained to the system with Google the new god. Skools with universities now teach communist lies as standard brainwashing. CCP as role model, eating dogs new diet recommended for slaves only.

    • This place has had the juice sucked out of it, becoming a shadow of its former glory, where losers wonder picking butts for fix, where cards titles instruments policies derivatives stocks contracts and corporate abominations have replaced family farms, gardens and homegrown honesty.
      Now the working class poor, trapped in filthy smart woke Sydney, try with little success keeping up with bills on top of usury and taxation, all their labour stolen.
      System remains the same, not natural based on good work ethic, but based on every evil concocted by demons on all bases loaded krown kabal komunizm.

      Almighty will help through tribulation, now getting worse, when we turn back to Him.
      No other way will work.

  5. The birthrate in Australia

    According to marcro trends…

    1950 – Births 23.1 per 1000
    slow decline over the decades to…
    2023 – Births 12 per 1000

    About half the number of births per population since 1950.

    In macrotrends they do not see a change after this. Estimating in 2100 about 9.8 births per 1000. But if one projected the (DESCENT) “trend” from over 70 years, the decline would be about 5 births per 1000 people in 2100. WOW

    • Si if Australia remains at 25 million, according to the birthrate we would need about 225,000 immigrants each year for the population to remain as is. That’s what they doing???

      • No, they are now bringing in 700,000 a year, mostly from India or China…what educated European would wish to live in Australia considering it’s history the past three years?…what I find strange is the Deage numbers are not just depopulation in the West, odd countries have been targetted for termination, this is no nuclear war coming…something else brewing.l

  6. @Joe Bogan. Who are the ‘anti jew’ lobby, not sure that I’ve heard of them, you make the assumption that everybody knows that the Israeli injection program has been very intense, given that not a single politician has suffered a sudden death the Israelis are probably getting saline jabs like they did, then you go straight to cloud cuckoo land with your next assertion, that If this comes true how will the anti-jew lobby reconcile their logic, well I just did that in case you failed to notice, methinks the only person divorced from reality here is you.

  7. Covid 19 is not a pandemic, rather a media blitzkrieg crowning the oligarchs plutocratic beast system. There’s a spiritual battle going on, that underpins all events and we have no hope without Almighty’s support, ‘cause this war is against satanic breed. They don’t play by rules, to them it is virtuous to lie cheat steal divide conquer and kill, murdering innocents for no reason. As we now clearly see, they’ve honed deception, politics and science into blended abominations of bs.

    Like a scratched record stuck on repeat, there’s no political solution ‘cause the enemy controls the process. In good time, Jesus will provide the strength we’ve been praying for.

  8. they’ve tried to make a highly contageous virus for a long long time. since that isnt working – they will mimic a virus using graphene and 5g. the blisters will then awaken an old ancient parasite? okay, when did i shift into another dimension/timeline?

    • “okay, when did i shift into another dimension/timeline?” – The changes via the ‘Mandela Effect’ had me laughing at first, but obviously there are other things in the timeline that can be very serious. I wish I could figure it out before I end up in some dark place.

    • Sounds like shingles they are always banging on about.
      There are so many specific parasites in the world it’s astonishing.
      I had a great piece of luck with the black salve killing off 4 little melanomas in a bunch on my neck, I put it down to too much welding when I was young, used to enjoy doing that in winter, should have covered up better.
      They got the distinctive sulfur-yellow colour around, of a dying cancer, but the middle was still black, then eventually they all turned into a type of skin-cheese and I scratched them out, no blood and no scarring two weeks later all normal.
      Black salve is totally banned by our medical guardians of the patent medicines.
      They say it’s dangerous !!! They are the ones who are dangerous !!!

  9. Under communism, enforced here with Covid, whatever freedom we had before is now replaced with jackboot dystopian credit score surveillance living hell. The Chinese system enforced by CCP now here on steroids in global gulag downunder. Look on the streets, eyes don’t lie, only tourists in Sin city these days are CCP, no Yanks or Euros to be seen. Looking from the outside, they know what Oz has become since 911.

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