[Intro by Dee McLachlan: I received a late call last night from G5 to let me know about the young woman journalist that “will soon be canceled”, and that it was important material to get out … with a MUST WATCH VIDEO. ]
by G5
Russia must act now and move through its other surrounding states with great and unannounced force. There will be no resistance.
At this time I will not be adding notes to the clip.
It is important to understand future and pending actions by Russia. They are not the deluded.
The young women reporters will soon be cancelled; I am advised, and all references as this clip will be expunged. Russian intel to lift the women before that order is activated.
I am being briefed almost daily and will write what I can.
I have a considerable file on American Bio-Weapons as the future of their insane hegemony. In which I was personally involved.
They have bought their way to the current position and use diplomatic immunity and contractors to hide.
Trump cannot be trusted to act responsibly against his populist MAGA illusion.
Russia just cleared Ukraine of the eleven Bio-Weapons labs; as I have been writing.
If as claimed by America: all their experiments would be conducted on American territories. THEY LIE.
Please copy and spread the link.
Russia must announce; to service the Geneva Agreement, then immediately expel all American Embassies, Consulates and attachments. It must itself remove all Russian missions from American territories. The loudest warning signal by Russia. From there: all American installations must be seized by Russian military, intel, and special forces.
China can activate Russia’s UNSC Veto. Russia has withdrawn from The WEF. That further unseen war being conducted through the American Ukrainian banking links.
There will be proxy engagements that must be overwhelmingly defeated.
America will lose any war it cares to wage for any lie it claims to justify. The moral issue facing Russia is to maintain the lowest possible death toll, as The Evil Empire, is finally expunged.
It has been written…
America has moved its fixated exceptionalist aggressions into the Bio-Weapons Age, having been defeated at every other hegemonic attempt.
The Bio-weapon Age
And now this final flailing must also be destroyed.
It has become incumbent on Russia to address and destroy this final threat to humanity by The Evil Empire. However, that reality may be understood or not.
While the propagandised deliveries are focussing on the easy deceptions of; humanitarianism, democracy, and inversions of national security; the realities are very different. The easy flung well tutored Conspiracy Theory envelope, cannot hold implausibilities to rational and critical thought. However, the numbers balance. Genocide is not based on The Balance of Probabilities, or even Beyond Reasonable Doubt.
Income streams well beyond the thefts of congressional appropriations have been running in place since before the 1981 conversion into The Anglo-American Drug and Terrorism Proxy Age. Even indeed following the coup d’état of 22 November 1963.
The building onto the Iranian Superbills, the cachés of Yamashita and Göring, and the early entrées into the drug manufacture and government-protected distributions.
Allied to currency and commodity market manipulations and massive gold frauds. Wars in South East Asia, Central and South America, and Eurasia, under various populist digestible guises, to protect fields and facilities. Logistics provided by the unquestioned American military, and allied intel communities.
Parallel wars, incursions, insurrection, and invasions and occupations raging under guises beyond the realities of natural resources and delivery systems. Oblivious to the deluded and distracted masses, preoccupied by self, socio-economics and the drivings of invented and psychopathically protected psychoses.
Some wake. Most never do. The capturing illusions of The Two-Party Political Systems and the fiction of The Left-Right Paradigm.
The world has reached its crossroad. The enemy being the perpetrators AND those who have been absorbed by the deceptions of the fiction of the moral high ground.
The success of the forthcoming Bio-Weapons Wars by America is not primarily the murderd in the first wave of pathogenic release and transmission, but the numbers it occupies in servicing the injured and dying. A ratio of six to one. The devastation of ethnic targets by disguised increments.
At this time of release into the public domain of intel files concerning the exposure of American Bio-Weapons facilities; a concerted propaganda effort has been unleashed on the internet, that these; some six hundred strategically positioned world and clearly questionable facilities; are all researching C19 for the betterment of humankind.
Just one, in particular, is the Lugar facility in Georgia, bordering Russia. I have released footage of independent research on this facility. The implausibility of the countering propaganda is fairly clear.
There were eleven problems in Ukraine that have just been eliminated. Georgia has two; Lugar and Viziani. The problem is the ease of transportability of pathogens.
Effectively; if individual nations cannot be brought to the realities of what their internal corruptions have delivered; then those problems must be resolved for them.
Anyone who thinks that Putin is on a winning streak should take a look at this:
“Possible Outcomes of the Russo-Ukrainian War and China’s Choice”
It was written by Hu Wei on March 5, 2022 and translated by Jiaqi Liu on March 12, 2022; the salient point being that “Hu Wei is the vice-chairman of the Public Policy Research Center of the Counselor’s Office of the State Council, the chairman of Shanghai Public Policy Research Association, the chairman of the Academic Committee of the Chahar Institute, a professor, and a doctoral supervisor”
This extract alone is somewhat telling:
“The law of international politics says that there are “no eternal allies nor perpetual enemies,” but “our interests are eternal and perpetual.” Under current international circumstances, China can only proceed by safeguarding its own best interests, choosing the lesser of two evils, and unloading the burden of Russia as soon as possible. At present, it is estimated that there is still a window period of one or two weeks before China loses its wiggle room. China must act decisively.
China should avoid playing both sides in the same boat, give up being neutral, and choose the mainstream position in the world. At present, China has tried not to offend either side and walked a middle ground in its international statements and choices, including abstaining from the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly votes. However, this position does not meet Russia’s needs, and it has infuriated Ukraine and its supporters as well as sympathizers, putting China on the wrong side of much of the world. In some cases, apparent neutrality is a sensible choice, but it does not apply to this war, where China has nothing to gain. Given that China has always advocated respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, it can avoid further isolation only by standing with the majority of the countries in the world. This position is also conducive to the settlement of the Taiwan issue.”
I can’t see whats happening on the ground but Putin’s blitzkrieg, did not include Stuka die bombers,, an essential component of blitzkrieg. Maybe the translation got muddled.
This is silly, Russia would smash Ukraine a non nuke war. China has no (1 old Ukrainian one) aircraft carrier so supplying air coer to the east is impossible so no option there. A land attack through Mongolia would stretch the supply line and Putin could just tactically harass any staging points and wait. Join the coalition of the willing and come across Mongolia, maybe, but they would go nuke.
CCP , Putin, Johnson, Biden, Morrison, you know WEF could be called the deep state as a collective and us the other side. Hence this hybrid war.
The ‘ol Tiawan recognition thing is for appearances, used to stitch up Tonga as example, Fiji now a staging post for any fishing boats and transportation depot for the people to their East when, surprising climate change happens.
You might remember this world order guy, around that beetroot stain guy. Note all, but WEF and International Crisis Group.
Followed by this, and I mean followed ANU style. Maybe a tad of shirtfront(lol-he did not blink as I tucked him in.)
Note all but the new Columbo plan , piece of work.
I’ll return with Jules, she ties Palmer game , WA Inc , CCP land developers, where this tactic is used to kick peeps put in the agenda 2030 —-crisis style currently running hot building gulags for us local Rohingya, Uyghurs Myannar style.
Note Palladium and Lex Grennsil for more insight of WEF and the scam.
Do we as a nation, comprising all nations, still have the spine to shut down the 5 BSL4 factories here?
Go to it, Ant56. Writing about it here reaches only the converted.
I’m not joking. Your suggestion is excellent.
Your life is at stake. You can act in self-defense.
Got a grandchild? You would swim out to save her if she were drowning, right?
Bishop Vigano has suggested the formation of Anti-Globalist Alliance.
A true party to push back connected corruption here in Oz.
I am mostly on the same page with you, G5.
It is confusng that your code name sounds like 5G.
Could you maybe change it to Gorp5. Or, since there are not 4 other Gorps, maybe just “Gorp”?
Or, since you are truly beating the drum (and we hear you, we hear you), maybe TomTom Gorp.
This is not meant as a criticism. When you started to write for Gumshoe as G5, none of us realized that the 5G weapons may soon be abounding. (Although if that kind of radiation is harmful to the insects that will be carrying the bio stuff, maybe they will have to douse 5G).
Thank you for knocking Trump. His message is primarily useless and possibly harmful.
PS Did not know what you meant about the UNSC veto.
Everyone is playing their part and people slowly move from the mainstream propaganda toward the various cutting edges of investigation at their own speed. There should be less friction between the different cutting edges because they don’t have a monopoly on truth, there can be more than one “right”, they can coexist, the friction serves the mainstream propaganda, which is more disciplined. As for Trump, he has done more than anyone to disparage the mainstream propaganda and if he goes much further there is absolutely no doubt he will be taken out by a drone or poison etc., family members disappeared, etc. He has legitimised the alt-news to a massive extent just at a time in history when it would be getting shut down.
I think it’s appalling how elements in the anti-mainstream want to fracture the alternatives, doing the Globalists work for them. Things cannot be simplified, codified, isolated, they are too complex and constantly changing. Nobody can do or know everything !!! Every individual exists at some point on a spectrum and can’t just jump from one side to another without becoming a liar or making some such sacrifice. It always comes back to the 5 blind men and an elephant story. People need to think more expansively and allow for other possibilities, it doesn’t mean they have to throw out their own convictions, just be less rigid, allow others in.
Great work by the journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva and team in the main video, just outstanding. The shutdown / kissing scene was bizarre, reminded me of the mafia greeting each other at breakfast.
Saner commentary – always – from The Duran team.
The filming of journalist is odd, usually high end security cameras do that.
Hydrogen sulfide has rotten egg gas smell at low concentrations and death with no smell(burns out olfactory receptors in nose-we used to make it at school).
It is a precursor for drug manufacture(illicit too, why the hazmat suits seen on news at drug busts)
TMC awarded counter narcotic contact per video(counter is code for not counter). Hunter Biden has admitted illicit drug use.
Adronchrome I don’t know but would explain so many labs because of the local product(children), required and less chance of discovery. Diplomatic pouch’s used for narcotics traditionally
ww2 Japanese Unit 731 bio-weapon military wing did hide itself as water treatment plant and experimented with dropping insect ectors and rats etc on Wuhan China. All doctors paper-clipped to US post Japanese surrender. Emperor Hirohito has his Honours restored prior to death because these “people” feel they need to die as Knight, shows complicit too.
Mosquitoes could technically distribute a nRNA quaxxine but these labs(so many) stink and not required for either agent or vector(flea whatever), the DNA targeting too, does not advantage field placement.
Geo engineering shows they can just spray us like bugs on any continent without fear of Air Force interception. In Australia they clandestinely release stuff all the time, Japanese Encephalitis on news lately seems this happening currently, but its known regardless.
Hydrogen sulfide has been associated with prior extinction events, but impracticable here requirements many factors higher for that.
Surmise, drug labs of the worst kind. and fear, uncertainty, and doubt —>crisis management
for the whole narrative.
I would look here.
Whole world is super corrupt nobody needs to leave home for it.
Two bulletins re Assange this week. One said Stella Morris and he will wed, in Belmarsh “and he will wear a kilt.”
The other, announced by his lawyer, is that the UK refuses Julian’ appeal of the decision to extradite. So now it will go to the Home Secretary, who could easily transport Assange to Barbecuaria. Why not?
Really a kilt, thats very jacobite wonder if Brother William Ramsay McGhee will attend.
You know, any way it happened, a lot of things came on the table. I have been reviewing the satanic cult families in Australia with a new tool. I’m a bit freaked out, you know. I’d be happy enough with him home, might get to chat(really how good would that be)
Australian National Review-ANR-12th March 2022
Victorian Infectious Diseases Laboratory In Melbourne(Doherty Institute)Caught Importing Blood Serum From Ukrainian Bio-Weapons Laboratories.
Import documents dated Nov/Dec 2018.
Is that correct Prime Minister Morrison?
If so, we might like to know what is going on…… or do you not care and will not answer?
If you do not care, why are you the country’s PRIME MINISTER?
Here’s the Australian guy we keep hearing about, government will not use his product, prefers Pzifer
“Prof. Petrovsky is the Director of Endocrinology at Flinders Medical Centre with a conjoint position as Professor of Medicine at Flinders University. He is also vice-president and secretary-general of the International Immunomics Society.
Active in diabetes, endocrinology and vaccine research, he is the founder of Vaxine, a company funded by the US National Institutes of Health to develop novel vaccine technologies. In 2009 Vaxine won the AMP Innovation Award at the Telstra Business Awards and Australia’s Coolest Company Award from Australian Anthill Magazine.
Prof. Petrovsky has developed vaccines against Influenza, Hepatitis B, Sting Allergy, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies and HIV, has authored over 90 papers and chapters and is a regular invited speaker at international vaccine conferences.”
The krown kabal have dumped all of us, in 5 eye nations and Europe, over the cliff in forming a SECRET alliance with Russia and China – the Belt & Road smart cities surveillance digital social credit score techno – totalitarian state rule by oligarchs, with Rothschild central bank digital currency one world government.
The facts of WHO our true enemy is, have never been more widely known than now. These ruthless criminals, more loaded from one crisis to another, are fully exposed. Ukraina is their money laundering capital for drug trafficking, human/child sex trafficking and human organ trafficking. To add, child blood sacrifice and adrenochrome labs/factories industrial scale.
The pilgrims and khazars demand total domination.
Putin is now in their vice, and they will discard him when they have used him up, like all before. He is aware of these cold hard facts, by showing true colours with the BSL4 labs and weapons of MAD at his doorstep. He is not to blame, maybe we should be looking at the roots of conflicts, local and international, slavemasons on all bases loaded here in Canberra.
Disneyland: Human Trafficking Node