Home News Everybody Knows, Part 11: Dear Racketeers, Consider the Larger Context

Everybody Knows, Part 11: Dear Racketeers, Consider the Larger Context


Sung by Battler's Ballad in Sydney in 2012: "Jim Jones at Botany Bay"
Sung by Battler’s Ballad in Sydney in 2012: “Jim Jones at Botany Bay”

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This article is in the form of a letter to the people who are busy in the child-trafficking industry.

Dear Racketeers,

You poor dopes. I bet you haven’t got a clue what child-stealing is all about.

Possibly, if you think only in terms of consumerism and capitalism, you assume that there is a market for this forbidden product and its forbiden-ness puts the price up. You could thereby get in on a nice take-home. All you need do is harden your heart when the child screams.

Or maybe the money is simply your pay for your career. You are a lawyer — maybe an Independent Children’s Lawyer, an ICL — oo, how sophisticated!  It was explained to you when you signed up, that there are a lot of bad mothers who alienate their children from the father — oo, those bad mothers. If you do the right thing, which is to quell kids’ complaints, and make mincemeat of the mothers, you’ll be all set.  Oo — judges will smile at you, isn’t that exciting!

But ah, a different group.  You are old-school mafia. Organized crime is your thing.  It’s what you do. The instructions come from the boss. Camaraderie is what makes the world go round.  And don’t forget omerta. Questioning the choice of the group is a no-no. And if you do something out-of-line, well, the Hail Mary could be interrupted with a bang on the lake.

Wait.  Maybe you are the Epstein type. Here the goal is to compromise as many politicians and decision makers as possible.  What could be easier than to set them up with a cooperative 12-year-old and make a nice video?  Hmm. Your end of the trafficking business may consist of offering a modeling career to a girl and thus grooming her for the real thing. Virginia Giuffre says it happened to her.

Maybe you are indeed Epstein himself, in which case you already know the little bomb I am about to drop. Namely, that the sex-trafficking business is not really based on a male urge for pedo activity (though such an urge is real), nor on the profit motive (famously real). It is instead part of a huge plan to undo society.

I am hoping that by revealing this, I can talk many non-whistleblowers into becoming whistleblowers. i can’t solve the immediate problem of how they will put food on the table once they stop doing this evil work.  I just want them to know that they will be worse off than merely sacked, hungry, or financially broke. There will no longer live in a human society.


Now here is the point of my writing to you, Dopes, especially ones at the higher end.

You should exercise a bit of the old grey matter. You should not want all this HG Wells stuff to happen.  The world will be so unpretty.  If you think the big guys are going to save a place for you out of gratitude, oh my, how could you ever think such an unlikely thing.

So what to do? DROP OUT.  And take as many colleagues out with you as possible. I presume you don’t want to be the leader of this move, but no one does.  Yet the public would be thrilled if it happened.

As it is, the public expects that in the long run, wrongs get righted. Maybe that was true in the past but today the quality of weapons owned by the bad guys vastly outperforms that of us folk. Because of this, it may eventually happen that some people in the military will do a mutiny.

In South America this used to happen, but not to right wrongs.  Rather, some general wanted the presidency — generals were members of the upper social class. And more importantly they had a friend at the Chase Manhattan. We know that Gen Pinochet could not have toppled Dr Allende in Chile but for Kissinger’s guiding hand. And our taxpayer money.

Anyway, it’s a thought. Those who have kids, or want to be represented in future generations, have got to act as a society to resist, forcibly, the force coming at us. As it happens, you are part of the force coming at us, see?  This also means you are the force coming at yourself which is pathetic. Really, it’s ignominious.


I have had a leisurely life in which I could study what’s going on. I am pretty sure I’m right in my vision of the near future.  Admittedly I could be off base, but let me tell you my theory.  I got it from my long-term study of sociobiology.

That’s the science of animal behavior that tries to find the instincts of individuals whose species are social.  Wolves, for example hunt in packs.  And colonies wipe out other ant colonies. The question of sociobiology is always: When can the normal instinct of selfishness (mainly the urge to preserve one’s life) give way to another instinct, to perform on behalf of the whole group’s welfare?

This is really a tricky question, but the fact is that social instincts did evolve. An individual animal does make sacrifices for kin and for the group, if necessary. I guess this true of me as an animal, too. I am primarily selfish, wanting to preserve my life above all, but I can experience an urge to help others.

It is my mathematics-based theory that the social instinct to be helpful stops when one is enjoying full control over one’s group. A male who has become the alpha is assured of survival. The fur seal species is amazing. The alpha will occupy the sole position of sirer, to put it politely. The others accept their fate; no dirty weekends for them.

All offspring in the next fur-seal generation, in that locality, are the alpha’s. Finally, due to age, or whatever, he gets replaced. But the manner of alphaness in that particular species means that his successor to the throne will also be the sole sirer.

Homo sapiens has no such arrangement. Some tribes contain men who can’t get a mate, as the higher-up men take more than one wife. And in a two-class society, the non-privileged class will be deprived of economic freedom, as we all know.

Today the plan is for something far more austere.  The Elite (self-appointed) have decided to let themselves live, plus a few friends or servants, and the rest will be kicked out, exteeminated.

I believe a small group as far back as the Roman Empire may have had fun thinking of such a scheme. And in the last couple of hundred years a document called “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” describes a scheme to take world control (such as by using the media and the Freemasons!).

Th writings of HG Wells in the 1920s seem to me to have been an assignment that Wells was given by the Elite to prepare us for this sort of takeover.  Wells’ book The Open Conspiracy praised the “brilliant” plan to get rid of three things that people look to for social support: the family, religion, and nationalism.

I think George Orwell, too, was in that tradition even though he was critical of it.  Then in 1969, Rockefeller’s man, Dr Richard Day — head of Planned Parenthood, mind you — gave a speech saying all was now accomplished. “Everything is in place, nothing can stop us now.”

We know from a number of women who underwent the MK-Ultra torture that they were transformed into robots or made to do things they did not consciously know they were doing. Luckily they later got their memories back.

I believe it is possible that a much large group has been hypnotized or otherwise brain controlled. This would make the Elite pretty cocky.  For example, they may have brain controlled most soldiers and in future can call on them — subtly — to perform.

Unfortunately, this kind of talk makes people laugh, or cringe. Most if my friends are embarrassed by my theories. I hope they will get over the embarrassment problem — it is killing us.

The Pridgeon Breakthrough

An unusual thing has happened in Australia. They arrested the wrong guy. It’s an everyday thing to kill or arrest a whistleblower. I guess the AFP — or a higher power — thought it had sufficient tools in the old tool kit, to destroy or emasculate this particular guy.

After all, they could rely on the media to do a dazzling job, couldn’t they?

They fully expected to get away with calling Russell Pridgeon a kingpin of child abductors.  He did actually hide kids of two families, who were in extreme danger — but that’s not what we normally call an abduction, much less does it maketh a kingpin.

The same too-clever-by-half people also orchestrated Pridgeon’s loss of medical license, which impoverished him and demoralised him. They also remembered to use Trick 31c — kill his dog.

And blah blah blah — but he wasn’t having it. As he proudly says in the book “We who were in the Rhodesian Army do not resile from duty.” (I had to look up ‘resile.’)

Zheesh, who could have anticipated that! Isn’t Zimbabwe a Third World country? Anyway, the prosecutors also delayed the game for now four-and-a-half years during which time Mr No-resile did not remain idle. Or should say he did not rest on his ankle bracelet.

I do believe Russell would have jumped ship, and gone back to Africa.  So would Patrick O’Dea. But oh no, the idiots at Prosecutionville had to seize their passports. (I’m omitting an interesting side story of torturous harassment.  Pastor Paul Robert Burton, who has been helping the two men, has also been put through every possible ringer.)

By a nice coincidence, there has been quite a brouhaha this season, at least in the alternative media, about the sexualization of children. Schools and government and even the so-called United Nations, are unabashedly pushing children to grow up way before their time.

As a result, Dr Pridgeon’s report about sexual abuse can possibly be seen as part of a deliberate scheme. Thus folks will listen to him.  Yay!

It has been unfortunate that the most frequent explanation given for the child stealing racket is money. The paying of bribes to police, however, doesn’t mean that money is the driving force. As I said in regard to HG Wells’ writings in the 1920s, he was told to extol the breakdown of the family as a good thing. See? There really is an agenda: Get rid of the family.

Anyway, Russell Pridgeon gummed up the works.  Even in regard to moi, your humble servant at Gumshoe, see how his book is making me bring out other factors that need to be looked into. The first two parts of this series shed light on medical codes of ethics and lawyer codes of ethics.

And recall what William Sumner Scott figured out about the role of the ABA in setting the curriculum for law schools. Nary a word should be said to law students about the perils of judicial corruption! (Interview, May 4, 2023 at Gumshoe.)

And Russell really got to the heart of “70NAE” — that great swindle in the Family Law Act (See Part 9 of this Everybody Knows series).

There’s more coming but I’ll end it there for now.

Here is a poignant song in honor of our two leg-braced defendants.

“The crows will pick your bones.”

“I’d rather join those buccaneers…”

“They’ll yet regret they sent Jim Jones in chains to Botany Bay….”



  1. As Gordon Gecko said “Greed is Good” and that’s what they live by.
    Here’s our champion Lord Musk handing over twitter to one of Klaus Swab’s sidekicks.
    Lord Musk says “Looking forward to working with Linda to transform this platform into X, the everything app.”.
    Don’t forget who is putting up SkyNet, SpaceLink or whatever it’s called. Our hero Lord Musk is supplanting the old Zucker et al who didn’t get enough public endorsement before they went global. Lord Musk however has had oodles of manufactured endorsement and his fans will be rusted on by now.

    • Remember “3 cheers”?
      Hip, hip, hoorah !!!
      Hoorah, SkyNet !!! Hoorah, RBA PayID !!! Hoorah, Internet of Things !!! Hoorah, Nanny State Safety !!! Hoorah, AI control !!! Hoorah, government funded fully mandated Public Health !!! Hurrah, daily drone delivered lab grown rations !!!
      I am already happy and own nothing ( upon checking the fine print ).
      Welcome to 21C, formerly known as the end times.

      • Yeah finally a misogynistic PayPal can become PayLass.(leads to PayBow).
        Elon Wolf spends a lot of time boring and also drilling subterranean tunnels, gets him Grimes but that’s the fastest way to communism and unexpected babies J. Adhern style.

        Part of the fun here is that all this misinformation must be monitored by sentient’s (well close, they are official).


        Yes Mary, they must know and therefore makes some very dangerous to us.

  2. lets consider a larger context,


    Nobody needs a “smallpox” handout. We have to fix this, and only the second nation can lift now with first and its our time. Which is now appears short too. Be, honest, fair and real. I’m sure we all know, … act local, ridicule NGO’s and GO’s, beware all the false roads, risk taking your own way home.

    Like the knitting nannas

    They don’t get fifth generational warfare, but somehow intuit a way home, or at least cause no harm

    • they nit warm-wear for all mum’s that they can, and even de-haired forest burned fauna, all on their own coin and time, they are pretty cool

  3. Any Gumshoer who did not read the above article AND SING THE SONG will have to stay after school and clap the erasers.

    And if u dont know what clapping the erasers means, nulla salus extra ecclesiam est type thing to you.

  4. Limits to Growth, Climate Change, Digitization of Everything and Worldwide Censorship — All Leading to WEF and the Behemoth Cult Commanding It

    May 10, 2023 — “Limits to Growth,” written in 1972 by various authors of the Club of Rome, has been advocating mass genocide already for over 50 years. The Club of Rome was created in 1968 by David Rockefeller (1915 – 2017), a notorious eugenicist. The Rockefeller and Gates families—also eugenicists—are related.

    Since 2008, the Club of Rome is quietly settled in ‘tranquil’ Winterthur, Switzerland, which coincidentally accommodates many of the world’s most infamous white collar delinquent institutions, such as the World Health Organization; GAVI the Vaccination Association and close ally of WHO, also called the pharma-industry’s “cash cow”; the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), seated in Basle, close to the border with Germany, from where it was routing US Federal Reserve money to Germany’s Reichsbank to finance Hitler’s war against Russia during WWII. Today, the BIS goes as the Rothschild-controlled Central Bank of all central banks; the dark below the surface Swiss Banking Conglomerate—and more . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca


  5. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that the case against Russell Pridgeon is entirely based on aiding and abetting mothers who dared to defy reprobate Family Court Orders. Conflating it with the case against Jeffry Epstein & the Brit transportation policy of the1800s couldn’t possibly do anything more than subvert the import. Small wonder that each and every one of the above 11 comments are wildly off-topic

    • I sent in some perfectly on-topic comments yesterday while you were singing hymns and preserving rhubarb. The headline is a moral appeal but this is futile because the morals of the offenders have not been transgressed yet.

    • What IS significant re looking at the two cases side-by-side is that the State has turned to classifying the seduction of teenage girls and even mature aged women as a heinous crime whilst systematically orchestrating a major cover-up of the abuse of per-pubescent children

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