[Federal Budget 2023 — Winners and Losers]
J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
It’s impossible to support a government that is privately owned.
The party which produces the Budget Reply is owned by the same overlapping interests as the party which produced the Budget, on the back of all the other Budgets, produced in a continuous stream, by these two political parties, which by the preferential voting system, citizens are forced to ultimately choose between, or be disenfranchised.
The 2023 Budget surplus is a success story of revenues but savings are not so lauded.
Expensive useless eaters are being steadily removed from the balance sheet so that others can be indulged in their remaining few years.
A source mentioned an ambulance driver cut down ten people in one day during the plandemic implementation, and now the makers of paracetamol pills are reducing packet size from 20 to 16 to theoretically help slow the suicide rate. They pretend to be doing one thing while they are actively doing another. So-called sovereign citizens are also being culled during atypical police visits. As is well understood, suicides and blood clots in the main are steadily eliminating people who are, probably more than average, not contributing to tax revenues. The excess deaths also show up as random unrelated events, such as car crashes and drownings, even ascribed to sporting injuries.
Of course, the excess death count is a smaller contributor to budget surplus than the middle-class transformation into the working poor, but this large contingent can speak for themselves, unlike the randomly killed plandemic victims.
This government won’t do anything to assist the middle class, the “Labor” movement’s long-term objective is to reduce everyone to government handout subsistence.
Governments can be affected by unexpected events but the overall pattern is by design.
We can measure the time-frame of government schemes to enrich themselves and their masters in decades.
Consider the death-throes of the United States dollar which began with the invasion of Iraq, after Saddam took the initiative and tried to break away from the USD-based systems. Saddam lost control of Kuwait to President Bush Snr., a highly strategic state at the head of the Persian Gulf, while Bush Snr.’s eventual successor, President Bush Jr., bewailed the plight of the unfortunate Marsh Arabs. Saddam had found it politically advantageous to drain their swamps, which is another story.
“Operation Shock and Awe”, part of Bush’s “The War Against Terror” brought American Justice on behalf of the Marsh Arab contingents and V.P. Cheney’s infrastructure interests.
Following all of these surprising events, underpinned by “7 wars in 5 years” doctrine, the BRICS alliance was formed and officially announced in 2009. The US response to the BRICS development was to crash their own economy at the earliest convenience, which they did by destroying their own bottom-end mortgage market, stealing the houses and house deposits of all those poor folks. This would have been planned for a year or two later and may have netted more profit but they wanted the element of surprise. They went on a money-printing spree which they imaginatively christened Quantitative Easing because finance is a very creative industry and a new marketing name always has to be invented to make the same old swindles more effective. Many other countries were heavily invested in the US and found their investment diminished and in some cases frozen under political sanctions.
The US had effectively seized as much of every other country’s asset reserves as it possibly could with the ephemeral promise that it would eventually, somehow, be returned, someday.
And now they have devalued the dollar by so much that everyone’s investment in dollars (bonds) has shrunk to half or quarter, depending on how long it has been held.
This brief illustration covers three decades of financial war, where we can see, both sides understand each other’s moves well in advance and engineer accordingly. The politicians and parties come and go but the same strategists are running the strategy.
This 2023 Australian Federal Budget was a budget for the welfare sector, old low-income people, single mothers, and aged care workers.
Domestic violence a centrepiece, gender equity, cheap childhood education or if you prefer, indoctrination.
Hydrogen, the fuel of the future, created with wind turbines and solar farms, seems elaborate and hyper-expensive but nothing could be as demented as Carbon Capture and Storage.
The government seems engaged in blocking the Greens Party while the opposition is incapable of dealing with the Independent Teals Party. They have formed a double-duopoly.
So, if the concessions to the helpless were not enough to appease those who vote with their feelings, the current government boasts they are the first Australian government with a majority of women.
Katy Gallagher the Finance spokesperson may not be the finest example of a woman, she is no Moira Deeming, her opinions presumably align instantly with the party position, possibly pre-empting instantly, but she delivers the talking points every day with total conviction. This is the type of person who will get ahead under “LockStep”.
The tone is free money for all, even if it’s only a little bit. Any more would be inflationary, they cry. Commence the money-printing, in the usual quantities.
Inflation has now been quashed by decree, perhaps their chief explanation is that electricity bill compensation has been handed out, for excessive electricity prices caused by legacy government bungling partly related to the climate hoax, but also directly related to ordinary legacy bungling, possibly under the influence of kickbacks. Nobody should forget the salutary tale of former trade minister Andrew Robb’s six months’ mental illness followed by a career move to China.
All the present budget handouts will be paid for with the created (borrowed) money, building up inflationary pressure at some future time, years away. How can government collect tax from government employees and make a gain, when the government is paying them? It’s more nonsense but they frame the equation as if it were true.
Normally these types of benevolent pittances would be doled out as part of a pre-election budget but in this case, it is designed to sweeten up the base before the ALP Referendum on the Constitution, which is disguised as “The Voice” referendum on aborigines. The main objective of this parliamentary term is the Constitutional change, to be completed before the next plandemic and the subsequent cancelling of all human rights.
As they say with track’n’trace, cancellable e-money, full GPS surveillance etc., “You have nothing to fear if you have done nothing wrong”. So roll up your sleeve or you will be placed in the quarantine centre for months at your own expense.
Was it all just a dream? Many people seem to think so. They seem to prefer to have forgotten already. Surely the new government would not do the same as the old government. Surely not. But new and old are all the same.
And the aborigines, surely they would not have their rights swindled from under them, like the superannuation account holders, who have lost perhaps half since the petrol price went up, a couple of years ago. Surely not. P.M. Albo is such a nice man. But the party hirelings are all the same.
So, maybe after the forthcoming referendum, scheduled later this year, expert TV presenter (and youthful Federal Treasurer) Jim Chalmers will finally have to confront his unpleasant duty, a big increase to Medicare levy to pay for all Gates’ past, present, and future unwanted poison brews which are going up the incinerator chimneys.
In fact there is even a government program underway now, known as “waste to energy”, ostensibly a more sensible alternative to recycling, where the storage facilities are frequently destroyed by fire when full. Burning the cartons full of mRNA product is a tiny recovery but that’s all we can expect to get back on all those millions of vials of bio-weapon at roughly $20 each, just a few joules of energy and a puff of smoke.
Medicare levy is uglier and worse than your normal income tax because it starts at your first dollar and continues right up to your last dollar. If they reduce the middle rate of income tax by 1% and raise Medicare levy by 1% you are not in the same place, you lose around double what you gained because they only change the income tax rate by one income tax bracket at a time, but their medicare levy covers everything you earn.
A person on average wage loses nearly $1000 per year of disposable income with a 1% Medicare increase; that is money for the mortgage, kids or whatever, forfeited. Medicare is “Universal” which means paying for it is “Compulsory”, whether you want their range of treatments or not, and in many cases you can’t access them anyway, without buying extra private health insurance for at least one year before applying to their specialists, surgeons etc.
Q If I go overseas for 6 months do I get a pro-rata discount on medicare?
A No
Q If I need a major elective operation how long is the queue?
A Realistically, a number of years
Q If I want to opt-out and buy medicine directly from the pharmacist is that possible?
A No because Medicare is universal you need to go through the doctor
Q Will Medicare pay for the doctor they force me to see?
A You may have to pay about half, which based on average earnings will cost you about two hours’ work, nett of living expenses, for a 5-minute consult to get the prescription.
Q If I buy the pills I want in Asia can I bring them into Australia?
A Not without the prescription.
Q Is there any way to opt out of “health care”?
A The simple answer is NO
Someone has to compensate the pharmaceutical companies for their investment in their mRNA products, which is claimed to be around 5% of the end user’s total cost. So stand by for another increase to the Medicare Levy and it can’t be too far away. It has become painfully evident in recent years who owns the majority share in the government, with Health Ministers, “Chief Health Officers”, the illegitimate medical governing body AHPRA, spokespeople from media and think tank-type institutes, all in absolute LockStep.
Here’s an unusual traditional resonant frequency medicine that will be considered as nonsense by the Big Pharma operatives, while they continue to promote their bizarre and dangerous injected experimental cocktails as serious medicine.
The 2023 Federal Budget has now tripled the Medicare funding for doctors treating kids under 16 to receive bulk-billing in order to start them early on all the programs.
Sorry JGO, leads to excise, Murphy’s law, Dan Murphy, 3 dollars and those should keep for a good decade, spend the 12 dollars while you can and maybe get two decades and still m , currency and you can be happy. Your doctor of course will take “issues” and orders
Federal Reserve Instant Payments, this is the same as the Reserve Bank of Australia is experimenting with and recommending, their PayID, which if it’s anything like Telstra Yellow Pages debacle will just see a lot of money hosed in one direction or another and finally the whole operation downsized to almost nothing while the Globalist version takes over. The frontrunner was posted by commenter Sandra a few days ago:
Meanwhile we hear China is moving to a gold backed e-currency where you park all your gold with the CCP bank, will the Chinese be mad enough to trust it ? Possibly, if they find they can bank yuans and withdraw gold coupons which are redeemable at the CCP Mint. Until of course they can’t, and then they are as good as on the CBDCs.
While the West collapses, industrially, economically and morally, those still asleep to the obvious, which is so obvious to the folk already awake, those still snoring believe that their vote actually counts!
And for a very analysis on how our system of ‘democracy’ has been hijacked, may I point those who wish to see that analysis tune into Project Matilda, on Telegram, or, AustraliaOne on Rumble or Bitchute
Great exposure J.G. Olsen! You can see through the bullshit!
How could Australia possibly have a surplus budget with all the costs associated with Covid-19. Surely Big Pharma is not going to reimburse our government for the scam and “vaccines”. Those costs must run into the billions of dollars if not trillion, if they are accounted for, correctly.
Banking … start around 24min
Go further, note from 1 hour….. ( to the end) Willie with his optimist conclusions, is corroborating the white hat program as T being the figurehead and JW then deals with how we can trade/ purchase with precious metals.
Actually listen to all of it and wake up to what the bankers are stealing .,….
…no doubt our government has no clue as to the GDP power of the growing BRICS financial system with billions of people. Just add up China, India, Russia and the Middle East populations.💁🏼💁🏼💁🏼for a start.
Good one Australia…… we are controlled by idiots.
We are in the shit ….. and our government and passe’ globalists is/are up to their ears in it….. yes, well, that is what they have done to us.
It can be all audio…. Play it on your phone when driving and skip the fake ABC and corporate media bulltits.
Oh, and do not miss his assessment of informed contact of 5 mil dead because of .?…. Then there are the injured who will be unemployable. Multiple millions😢
BTW ..
No, forget it, listen yourselves re China and the US East coast info.
Jim Willie says “The White Hats are not going to act until the banks collapse”. We have all known about the Global Casino, the Giant Ponzi etc for a long time. Jim Willie says US debt is 32 trillion USD, if they feel a need to pay it to the Central Banking System !!! If !!!
It is increasing by Ponzi proportions, doubling every administration, or however much. At the moment they are arguing over raising their “debt ceiling” as usual.
Australian debt is about 1 trillion, we assume this is in AUD so about 0.7 trillion USD. DIvide between 25 million people we owe US$28k each. The workers shoulder the interest but the debt keeps piling up. The debt is owed by the young, the “new Australians”, the unborn. Meanwhile US debt 32 trillion and rising, divided between their population, is US$100k each.
That’s how they fund the USD military backed hegemony, it’s money from Swissy’s BIS, using US citizens as hostages to the debt. Swissy is hiding behind the entire Washington foreign policy using the US citizens as human shields.
So when will the banking system collapse and the “White Hats” take over. Well we have heard 2030, and the CBDCs are already implemented in Australia ( RBA’s “PayID” ) and the US ( “FedNow” Service ), both promoting instant transfers, blockchained we presume. Nobody will get an actual CBDC, it will just be backed / underwritten by that.
The banking system collapse, hmmm, the White Hats, who are they, hmmm
Our crooked government wants to claw back on their NDIS scheme already, maybe they thought the injections would kill off the disabled faster but thanks to the failure of the scamdemic they are still rolling around in their wheelchairs expressing discontent. The scamdemic has indeed been more of a failure than a success but in money terms Gates is still laughing his way to the bank and they are brazen enough to keep going with their plans. Swab’s bum-boy Yuval Harari is going to hack us with his nano-powders if we don’t get massacred by a drag queen first. Bizarre end times brought to you by channel 7, 9, 10, ABC and SBS, addicted to lies.
It’s time for a Tax Rebellion
The Story of the Commonwealth Bank
(D.J. Amos)
$ 5.00 each
In 1947, Australia, in the person of Mr. Makin, signed the articles of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank. She was the 45th victim. A Gallup Poll, revealed that only ten percent of Australians had any rudimentary knowledge of the Bretton Woods Agreements.
“Here ends the story of the Commonwealth Bank and 3 features in it stand out very clearly;
That of all the Administrations which have carried on the government of Australia, two of them are pre eminent for the injuries they have inflicted upon the people they, were appointed to serve: – The Bruce-Page of 1923-1929, and the Chifley Administration of 1945-1949. The former enslaved to domestic financiers an institution, which stood between Australia and ruin during the WWI, and could have been used to create permanent prosperity in times of peace. The latter rescued that institution from domestic slavery only to hand it over to a far harsher servitude abroad.
That institutions, no matter how excellent they may be, are of little permanent use to a people who do not understand the value of them. The right of the people of this Commonwealth to expand or contract financial credit in accordance with their needs, by means of the Commonwealth Bank, was something that Australians should have safeguarded with the same jealously as they safeguard the right to vote. They did not do this, so when the artificial depression of the “thirties” burst upon them, they were exposed to the mercy of domestic and foreign financiers, who knew no mercy. Today, thanks to the International Monetary Agreements Act of the Chifley Administration, they are just as powerless to help themselves against future depressions, which those same financiers may be preparing for them.
That International Finance now has complete control over the policy of the Commonwealth Bank – and through it over the policy of the entire banking system of Australia – no matter in whose hands the administration of the various banks may rest. International Finance can be trusted to see to it that the banking system in Australia is used, not for the benefit of the people but in furtherance of its own policy; we prosper or starve as it determines.”
The Royal Crowning of King Charles III and the WEF’s Great Reset
“…..British royalty has a way of richly endorsing crimes against humanity, provided they serve ‘the cause’. Charles’s mother, Queen Elizabeth, bestowed a knighthood on Klaus Schwab at Davos in 2006, via attendee Jack Straw, a British parliamentarian.
‘Arise Sir Klaus, and do thy deadly deeds with the blessings of Her Majesty.’
Just as was done earlier for George Bush, General Norman Schwarzkopf and most recently (by King Charles), Pascal Soriot, director of AstraZeneca. All individuals at the very forefront of large scale adventures in mass murder.
There is a low vibrational, primitive and insidious darkness that underlies the fake regal demeanour of modern royals. They are all in service to the court of Mammon, while outwardly displaying the facade of ‘good Christians’……………”
crisscross767 – of all the intended damage inflicted on this nation by those who had/have a vested interest in seeing such a betrayal carried out, it will be what the false and so very evil institution of the ‘royal’ families, and their fake ‘governments’ have done, that will be the most bitter of pills to swallow for so many.
What a surprise,
Who could foresee …
Roll up. Roll up – to the greatest show on earth: a monkey (government) atop four horses (conquest, war, famine, death) riding round and around in circles.
The voters clap, whistle and yell for more.
And the Ringmasters give thanks the circus sponsor: Germ Theory.
… Send in the clowns.
A bit of perspective on Geopolitics
Seems to have been written by a Rhodesian
Don’t miss this very brief story
Explanatory note:
“The Visegrád Group is a cultural and political alliance of four Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.”
Formed 1991 but harks back to the 1335 AD.
Dodgy AHPRA to name and shame Dodgy Doctors
After the scamdemic, isn’t that all of them ?
Anyway we can see how this scapegoating will be used.
For every nine dodgy doctors they will throw in one conscientious doctor who isn’t simply marketing the toxic injections as Dodgy AHRPA
https://www.hit.com.au/story/dodgy-doctors-to-be-named-and-shamed-under-national-law-amendments-217577 would wish.
AHPRA, a dodgy non-government body ( funded by ? ) that popped up from God knows where and has been assigned ownership of “medical practitioners”
As mentioned, our government is cracking down on the NDIS ( national Disability Support Scheme ), it is way too expensive so they are going to make it harder for crippled people to qualify for this enhanced dole, we have already seen the prostitute doctors, and I know of this personally, that they call things like visible blood clots “Long Covid”. The prostitute doctors will be told to delete people on the basis of whether they took Rockerfellers / Gates’ injectable substances. Already injured and not taking all your boosters ? You’re off the NDIS. This is basically nazi eugenics 2.0, but using money not guns this time
we are broke so can we have at least have good music to rally too
Gotta luv a F4, stupid but fun(i never had the pleasure or fear)
Behold a pale horse
was thinking Tweedledee/Tweedledum, but yeah
Bald headed opposition leader Dutton has called out the ALP budget as bald faced lies saying Inflation comes from Canberra with their reckless spending. Well he should know since his side was at it for two years. Can’t wait for the ALP to bring this up or is Covid-19™ so totally taboo. If they both start blaming each other for the inflation and wrecking the economy, does it mean they admit they are both unfit for office ? It’s about time they woke up to the fact.
Questions and Answers – covering everything Geopolitic & Financial