Biological men in women’s sports (Lia Thomas) Source https://www.thedp.com/
[The 24.11.31 Report continues. There will be an update very soon.]
by G5
Russia and China having just overflown South Korea comes as a surprise to the uninformed. Trump needs to control the rhetoric. Not: we are the greatest. But: we can live peacefully.
Zelensky; the Democrat and War Machine funding manager, lives in Miami. He recently met with Trump in New York. The substance of which was: that war is over. Ukraine, America, NATO, and The EU, lost to Russia, reclaiming its territory of Ukraine, following Ukraine not claiming its independence in 1991 (CIS).
Obama’s experts had him invade Russia in Feb, 2014. Ukraine reverts to Russia. Close to $10 trillion not well spent by America. The americanized insane have been pushed to the Polish border, now given to Poland by Russia. All of which I have previously written.
A Chinese freighter Yi Peng 3, on 19/11/24, dragged an anchor, for over 100 miles, in The Baltic, of Kattegat Strait, severing communications between; Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, amd Noway. Payback for the silence of the Norwegian seismic facility, not advising of America detonating The Baltic Connector Russian Pipeline in Oct. 2023 (not The Chinese New Polar Bear also known as The Baltic Fulmar), and the detonation, on the fifth attempt of The NordStream Russian Pipeline in Sept 2022.
In passing: PanAm 103, dropped over Lockerbie on 21/12/1988; was an American Intel False Flag. Not as a consequence of any Libyan Intel. Albeit a fake trial was conducted by America, which then alleged compensation was paid by Libya.
How do you know America is lying…
As China took Taiwan when it advised it would. As it did Hong Kong and Macau, and Shanghai long before that, it controls the fishing down to the West Philippine Sea: and has recently eyed South Korea.
Invasions are not as America and the americanized would imagine. No landings, no destruction of infrastructure, no bombings, no shootings. Sea access is blocked. England used to do it, and it still works. Only England no longer has a functioning Navy. it only thinks it dose. Just like America. An area of interest concerns its resources, technology and work force. Manipulation of media and elections, is not a great mystery.
America still sits on the precipice until 20/1/2025. Its Deep State is still owned by everyone except The American People.
Basket Case
The world is picking up where it may have left off with America. America is a basket case, caused by an insane left and owner leaning bureaucracy with a disengaged mostly inculcated populace, led by an insane propagandist media and a totally failed education system.
If they don’t even know what questions to ask, they’ll never find out. America is in no condition to lecture the world nor make stupid threats, economically or militarily.
Trump cannot sanction, or tariff anyone. As with Obama; it is wind and will fail dramatically, if the incessant fallback of threat rhetoric is not toned. Surprisingly: the great stupidity of the world’s Expert classes, is not unique to America.
The current threat to sanction BRICS is beyond idiocy.
From The Bretton Woods Accords; after America aided in the destruction of all the major industrial foundations of the world during WWII; partnering with The UK and NAZI Germany; the only industrial foundation left in tact was America. Consequently, almost by default: the world accepted the change from The British Pound to The US Dollar as the World Reserve Currency.
America being in no position to lecture; let alone threaten; having lost to Russia: continued on its journey of threat, aggression, and regime change, wherever it could gain ground. Having a military and weaponry of its imagination and with a laissez faire approach to economics, and effectively how the world functions: America began printing currency, flooding everywhere it could.
The Marshall Plan for Germany, and its derivative for Japan, were effectively subcontracts of The American Economy, with cheap and desperate work forces. As Germany and Japan remained militarily occupied.
The American created problems emerged in Korea and Vietnam, and spread from there. Even though American aggressions were being pushed back by Russia and China. As with England of a prior era; America entered the drug industry. Which partly explains, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Vietnam before that. Fast and Furious and Iran-Contra also fit in for the more adventurous researchers. As well as The Goering and Yamashita Caches for the avid. All of which I have written.
A two tiered American dollar was invented to prevent hyperinflation entering America, due to the flood America had created. Foreign bases; even to this day (some 700); bleed off the local economies onto which they are saddled. America buys goods and services for worthless paper invented digital assets.
As the Dutch Tulip Game: a currency is accepted on the basis that the belief system of another will accept it in line for trade,
To compound the problems, FDR stole all the domestic gold he could and revalued what he had stolen. Subsequently the experts under Nixon (Rockefeller Chase and The New York Fed); withdrew the gold backing of the USD, officially floating a fiat worthless currency: ‘In God We Trust’.
In passing: In Feb. 2014, when Obama invaded Ukraine; USAF freighters loaded with the assets of looted banks and institutions in Ukraine; delivered all the stolen to the New York Fed, owned by The Rockefeller consortium. This was followed by the gold reserves of America, including those of Germany and other trusting, being looted and disappearing. The same followed the looting of The Bank of England reserves by communists Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
The short end market raiding of the GBP, was only a small step to take by The Soros consortium.
Similarly, at present, BRICS is advising it wants hard currency and assets from America, not the junk it floats.
A recent media float advises that Saudi will accept USD for oil. Which pretends to reverse the American stance on BRICS. But of course there is more to that story as well.
On the journey of the worthless nature of The USD; it floated The Petrodollar to attempt an English Empire Fraud, of cornering The World Oil Market by underpinning it with blackmailed printed junk.
As that economic lunacy went by the way: The Bretton Woods Members, decided that the USD can no longer stand alone, as The World Reserve Currency. But must sit in a basket of currencies. Over time: the percentage of The USD’s occupation of that basket has steadily and gradually declined. The Basket; not the USD alone; to be used by America to trade and buy oil.
The only support of The USD is that which it blackmails through international currency exchange in transfers and from the further blackmailed hospitality industry. By control of the SWIFT and Credit Card Systems. BRICS standing against the USD, includes OPEC, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela, and effectively America’s energy supplies; until it manages to reverse the insanities of its Renewable, Green, and Electric insanities. A major part of which is the pipeline from Canada (destroyed by Trudeau and Biden), and the Oil Sands rail link.
Bakken and West Texas needing to be brought on line as soon as possible.
America needs to pay Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq (now owned by Iran. Great invasion for WMDs, about which you were not advised), and Venezuela in hard currencies. America is caught. Threatening assumes an ability to perform beyond cheek flapping. America no longer exists.
The rational approach; tell the yokels anything you want; is to sit down with the sellers and honour their requirements. While forcing in to become as self-sufficient a possible.
India also became a part of Putin’s created BRICS economic bloc; as America laughed.
Cheap consumer goods can only be derived from; China, India and Vietnam. Remember The Genocide of The Vietnam War. China and India are loyal to BRICS, and protect their own currencies and assets.
America is now as the bashed bully from the schoolyard, standing in the street outside begging for money, and threatening violence against those refusing to contribute. We know America never learns. It is begging for a bigger lesson.
Russia patrols the three seas about America with submarines and Google Maps hide Russian facilities at Santa Clara and Lourdes. Russia also over-flys America with bombers; as a display. Similarly overflying facilities as Guam. Venezuela has been strengthen by Russia, creating a price for any fool’s errand by America. Similarly; Russia and China just overflew South Korea.
Syndromes and DEI
Zimbardo Syndrome tractions well amongst the GirlBoss, Group Think, Lock Step, Karenized. An expression of self beyond the cat farms.
When DHS TSA was hatched as a point of psychopathic control and obedience; we had the mysterious discoveries of the; collar, underwear, and shoe bombers. Although how these devices would down an aircraft was never rationally explained. So the big frisk was enhanced with vengeance. Big responsibilities. Even liquids were restricted for further unknown reasons. Exploding alcohol and perfume became great dangers.
This allowed insanity was not to be lost on plane stewardesses; of the two genders; who quickly grasped their life’s tasks and the meaning of their existence.
With great noise, threats of force and absurd arrests: older men were separated on aircraft, and not permitted to sit even with their own grandchildren. One can’t be too careful. And a clear responsibility must be enforced. It reached a stage where there were screams on public transport for men to cross their legs when seated.
As the demands became more insane and the multi-million dollar payouts mounted. It was time for retraining.
That combined with obtuse media, the flicker of insanity, and the great empowerment inculcation to the weakest links in school time: gave us the lingering treat of sociopathic Karenization. The short jump to Zimbardo Syndrome Narcissistic Psychopathy.
Arm it, badge it, empower it, and qualify immune it, and massive payouts with injuries and deaths (murders) run rampant.
There was an assumption that women could slap men; during a mental venting; with impunity. Well, not everyone agrees. Consequently the reflexive return delivers very expensive cranio-facial reconstruction. And the affected brain never quite returns.
Insurers have not been amused by the problems of DEI Hire. Nor have the Cities, and Corporations footing the ever increasing and dramatic premiums. It becoming more obvious for the deluded of Equalization: that any employment or position of authority and trust needs other criteria or skill sets beyond genitalia and skin tone.
The obvious becomes the M word, anti DEI and even anti ESG.
Following Civil Rights; for which the proponents were murdered by the same politically agendered who postured to have supported the efforts; the dead end alleys of Affirmative Action and DEI Hire loomed large in the distorted social matrix.
The attempted invention of forced, inserted, and tokenized opportunity to deliver theoretically equal outcomes. The results being the reverse of the cute theories, had the correct path of equal opportunity been addressed. The avoidance of coloured and feminese professionals. The documentation of training requires a following income stream. When that is not forthcoming; because people do not believe; what is the point.
Currently there is still an outstanding $1.7 trillion in American College and University loans. Bills are mounting for useless courses delivering useless awards for non existent employments. And with the slashing of the government parasite agenda; the future looks glim.
Capable Asians are obstructed from school to college to university, to employment. Along with declared White students. The entrance and pass standard for declared Black or Coloured; on some unknown skin tone scale; has been dropped to passing in the lower 25%.
Has this produced Black or Coloured graduates where they would otherwise be discriminated against as to Race or Gender. It has generated skin colour and gender as issues to avoid. The professions are suffering from lack of confidence of the assumed improperly qualified.
AA and DEI have caused Racism and Sexism where this did not naturally occur, when it believed that an equal playing field had evolved.
Similarly: is it only Black Lives (Lesbian Hub) that matter. Is Antifa anti fascist, or is it promoting Commo-Facscism. Is contemporary Feminism a natural protective movement from Suffrage and Succession. Is the Eugenics formed Planned Parenthood Infanticide machine, actually protecting some theoretically invented female right to murder the voiceless.
Where was the voice of Feminism, when Women’s spaces were pervert deranged violated and Women’s sports were destroyed by the insane.
Trump can think one jump ahead of the insane, his election winning slogan:
Thank you, G5.