G5 Information Report. 25.01.14:
What you see is like an iceberg; 7/8ths is below the surface.
There is no Left-Right Paradigm. The balance is with the size of government. Big against small.
Anarchy on one side and Commo-Socio-Fascism on the other. Yes folks: Socialism IS Communism IS Fascism.
And you thought it had something to do with the pejorative fling of alleged extremism on the alleged Right. The alleged Right is Conservatism. You know. That which has been proven over time to engender the best life for humanity in a society.
The cute Left that periodically appears with the young and soft of brain, promises all and delivers nothing. As in America, UK Labour has lost its constituency, because it failed to correctly identify it. There is a time delay for the UK as occurred in America.
Badenoch will lead The Tories to The Treasury Benches, as Starmer destroys the threads that remained after Corbyn. Starmer was not a new minting. Indeed there was a preexisting stench. Cutting pension allowances, taxing the farm community to extinction to send funds to EU bureaucratically destroyed famers, is beyond absurd. As is the gaoling of people for correctly speaking their minds against his authoritarian tyranny.
A non interventionist public service attending to its prime responsibilities, cleaning dog shit off the footpath, quietly collecting garbage and remaining quiet until addressed.
And don’t forget to use the correct pronouns to avoid offending some deranged retard. Who has taken self relevance to a new level of turd floatation spinning the S-Bend of their belief system.
Don’t be afraid to offend a retard. In fact it is encouraged. We have T-Shirts; ‘I voted for The Felon’, and ‘I am a Jew, Fuck You’. There is also toilet paper with printed faces of your favourite leftoid. Where their face meets your precious.
That famous Gove speech effectively destroyed The Labour Party of Corbyn and his Corbynistas, on their slow nauseous creep to The Despatch Box. The silly Conservatives did not have any ammunition in their Treasury Benches. Mogg, Gove, Javid et al sat on their hands, then retired and allowed the obvious to take its course. As did The Trumpster in 2020-2024.
Resulting in a major Truss issue, followed by the apparition of a daddy-in-law money throwing Risky, doing what he was destined to perform as a great DEI Hire. An over appeasement to a confused Khanite arithmetic delusion.
Johnson having returned to attempt to learn the correct Koine Greek pronunciation of The Iliad, together with no line fudging to avoid the many others who have read Greats, not puking with his amateurish drivel and pretense.
Dunce: go back to the red text, Cassivellaunus, Daedalus, and Meleager, and do not approach until you have those down, for consideration for Plato and Homer.
Etonian-Oxfordian is code for Dunce.
The two advisory committees established by BoJo are to his credit. Although I suspect pushing. The first concerns the sanity of house members, following The Anna Soubry Affair. Although it sadly does not apply to those on and surrounding The Woolsack.
The second is the Zimbardo interpretation of Erskine May, following The Justice Baroness Hale of Richmond Affair, concerning prorogation. Alas poor Brenda, she got it wrong.
When the weather in Parsons Green, gets a little brash; Sajid pops down to The Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, where he has a nondescript. (Ba the same coffee bench we use).
And More…
There are two currencies of American Dollars. That floating within the American domestic economy, and that floating internationally. There is a virtual impermeable membrane between the two.
The domestic dollar functions with the virtual protections of bank and related clearing houses, and expanded by fractional banking manipulations, and the ultimate protection of the invention of bail-ins. Bank balance sheets convert what you have deposited as your money, not as the liability of the bank, but as their asset.
The internationally floated dollar is a blackmail through the hospitality and travel industry, and the money transfer monopoly.
I have written separately about the Bretton Woods Accords, Quantitative Easing, Stimulus Packages, The Fed propping and manipulating markets, and the political molestation of Economics. Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’ interestingly published in 1776.
In passing: it was CIA Bob Woodward who manipulated with Deep Throat Heinz Kissinger, to invent Watergate. John Belushi was murdered where I lived.
The Agniew-Nixon-Ford-Rockefeller Fraud of the 22nd Amendment. Washington was president for 22 years (1775-1797). C-in-C of the Army was a presidential office. Washington and Jefferson did not stand for a legal 3rd. term.
Obama, Harris, and GHWB were not born in America and therefore not eligible to be president or VP. FDR was in his 4th. term when intel decided it was enough. He took America into the European War; on which he swore he would never enter; through the monstrous False Flag of Pearl Harbor. He caused The Great Depression that had been resolved by Republics Coolidge and Hoover when commenced by the Dem Wilson’s Fed in 1929.
The worthless USD also leads into the debit/credit card monopoly.
America has some seven hundred government missions and bases in foreign countries. They buy and function within the local economies, floating that captured fiat junk dollar.
The dollar is only worth what you can get for it. It’s the true Economic Value, not the fictional Accounting Value, believed by most.
Where they intersect is how the genuinely wealthy; not the pejorative rich; never pay tax and own moveable cashflow assets. Apart from the ongoing frauds perpetrated primarily by the American government against the world.
G5 Information Report. 25.01.12:
You don’t Defund Police. Governments will always hire narcissistic psychopaths with qualified immunity, and otherwise protected actors. You only concentrate the reduced dross numbers.
They exist not to protect The People. As the judiciary, they exist to protect Good Governance actors from The People. Didn’t you see that during The Covid Lie.
It not only taught the controllers; even with their induced insane collaborator army, and media threats by absurd NLP psychobabble propaganda. It showed that eventually The People will get them with their blackmails, threats and their self interest media functioned junk science propaganda.
Keep lying, thieving, and murdering The People will get you.
Not to be outdone in the professionalism fantasy, junk law was invented. And why not.
As benches can be induced to convict the innocent, they can be equally induced; by the self aggrandisement delusion they hold dear; to gaol the guilty.
Throw police, and other pubic servants as lawyers and government witnesses
into general population in the prisons. Let their victims decide. They manage paedophiles well enough.
At least not the politically connected who are released and hidden in the community. They won’t do it again. Read The Laken Riley File. José Antonio Ibarra; loved by Mayorkas, Garland, and bench warmers in between. Smart professional people. They know. Not an ounce of that silly common sense among any of them.
From the boys who gave you; Houck, Malinowski, and the junk prosecutions of Sandmann, Rittenhouse, Perry, Manafort, Flynn, the 186 fake convictions of J6 innocents (The FBI got away with it again. We shall see), and that great felon Trump.
The opinion of the theatre of legalization against The People. As relevant as that of song sellers in an election. In a store; can The People see the differenece between cheap non durable junk, and a quality product they can trust.
Remember: The People have been conned before, by the same actors in the same theatres.
FEMA issued strongly worded court orders for The Amish to stop building houses, without FEMA authority in North Carolina. The Amish are polite. Let me suggest that The Amish message was; Go Fuck Yourself.
Twelve serviced houses are being built every 48 hours at a cost of $25,000 each. Donations are piling into The Amish. Apart from Musk’s free Starlink connections. Better than the bullshit internet platforms.
If you didn’t think there were that many: a hundred thousand Amish of a four hundred thousand population can perform miracles.
Amish women can work the farms and keep the stock as well as the men. How’s that for real equality. They are doing what American Good Governance failed to do, and cannot do. Clearly The Amish are Domestic Terrorists. Recall government departments chasing them a couple of years ago for failing to obtain government permits for the food crops they are growing for themselves and those they help.
Well all the public servants and their lawyer armies had nothing better to do than to try to bring those Amish Domestic Terrorists to heel.
The opposite and reality of DEI Hire is Qualified and able. It appears that DEI Hire do not slot in and mystically become Qualified or even able, by destroying all around as well as injuring and murdering people.
Merotocracy has always won over Tokenocracy and appeasing the mentally deranged.
Apparently the disengagement by blaming all around and keep believing the logic of lateralizing fault, doesn’t work after all.
The logic that government is responsible for all good and that enterprise; or the so called non tax paying rich; cannot function without government.
So why is it that throughout history, nothing good or constructive ever happens at the hand of government. Big government only wastes, destroys, starves, and murders.
America had reached the end by sectioning people according to group characteristics; skin colour, gender and the many inventions in-between including junk Climatology, junk Racism, junk Moraity, junk Intellectualism, junk Science, junk Medicine, junk Law, and of course good old essential junk Governance.
The ongoing insane project of obedience. Pushing The People into a position of Reaching to Live, but never Living.
Have those guillotines arrived from France?
And More…
Having difficulty understanding the theatrics of Mayorkas in Congressional Hearings. Try: owned by The Mexican Drug and Child Trafficking Cartels. Why would he want the expanded DHS base of BCP, ICE, THS, Coast Guard, and Secret Service.
The gold toilet seat syndrome of every great public servant.
What about Garland’s hatred of America and its People.
Well someone already suffering from mental distortions would be easily pushed over the edge when his very own; conned to nominating him for SCOTUS; just dumps his confirmation on the Senate table until it expires.
The exact same scenario for Billy Boy’s Impeachment; not for quiet Lewinsky moments in the CCTV Oval Office; but Obstruction of Justice rear the end of his second term.
Why is it that only card carrying dumocrats have so many problems, of which they always blame the other.
Why is it that LBJ began to redress Black America into economic slavery, to be pushed as far as possible by that great friend of The Black Community; liar-in-chief, Nobel Laureate for exceptional performance in the gay bathhouses of Cook County Chicago; Son of Perdition, leader of the clueless, Barack Hussein Obama (Kenyan Barry Soetoro-Davis). Entered as a foreign born (Indonesian) student at the dumpster Columbia. HRC is a professor!
LBJ of course; was influential in murdering JFK, saving The Fed, The CIA, and The Oil Depletion Allowance Fraud, expanding The Vietnam Drug War, the Gulf of Tokin Lie, The USS Liberty Lie, turning the Oval Office desk into the greatest bonking platform in American history, and appointing Mary (blackmailer-in-chef, Mafia owned, J.Edgar Hoover) to the position of FBI Director for Life. Well until he, LBJ, and Mrs. Johnson were cancelled by American intel. for services unbecomimg.
To be fair: LBJ cancelled Mary because Mary kept waving LBJ’S history.
Poor LBJ was suffering with The Clinton-Biden Virus. Good old, salt of the earth, rural school teacher LBJ had violently raped his own grandmother, when he was fourteen.
Like the drug addicted: they never really change.
Some History…
The first anniversary of The Chilean American Gonzalo Lira being murdered by The NAZI CIA Ukraine Secret Service on 12/1/24. The anniversary of The Nacista (OSS-CIA NAZI) Coup of Chile. Exposesd by the street murders of 5/9/1938. The CIA NAZI Coup of Ukraine formally commencing with the American invasion of Russian Ukraine in Feb.2014. Russia marched in to its Ukraine state in Feb. 2022. Not a CIS independent state from 1991. Ukraine never signed for its independence.
Argentina in particular became the CIA Operation Paperclip dumping ground of protected German NAZIs; Hitler, Bormann et al. Apart from doubt as to The Spanish Seven; including Hess and Speer; ever spending a day incarcerated.
The unsuicided Goering of course was despatched after he revealed the caches in Europe. Marcos chased out after he located some of The Yamashita caches. Noriega, Hussein, Ghadaffi, Assad, Mosadeeq, Kirk, Yanukovych, Diem, de Klerk, Whitlam, et al, removed when failing to obey orders.
Obama, his father, his pretend mother Stanley Dunham, and mentor Communist Marshall Davis, having enjoyed CIA NAZI lectures by notables as Mengele at The East West Centre at The University of Hawaii.
At face value the opening paragraphs appear to be reasonably valid, but so long as there’s no recognition or understanding of the role of Christian apostasy the full picture will never come into focus
“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
MATTHEW 24: 32 – 35
To be clear from what Mat says… no heaven?
Is there a soul/spirit/consciousness/whatever? an afterlife? If so where does that turn up?
If zilch, been fun at least! Why are you bothering with books?
“Why are you bothering with books?”
Because the written word is the only way of holding the Arrogator of the World to account:
“It is written……”
“It is also written…..”
Why else would Australian literacy be on a sharp decline?
“It is written……”
“It is also written…..”
Both references being in relation to what we call the “Old Testament”
As usual you are a waste of time, you apparently are an example of literacy being in sharp decline. You cannot even understand the logic of my point. LET ALONE attempt to understand or answer it.
You say that Mat said that HIS WORDS WILL NOT PASS AWAY:
Surely you must realise that therefore according to mat ( and you) his words are the only thing left when we all pass away > DISAPPEAR and no one is around either on earth (or the universe) or in heaven to even give a stuff about Mat’s words.
The Bible mentions three different heavens. What are they exactly?
“The concept of heaven in Christian theology is multi-faceted and profound, with the Bible referencing not just one, but three distinct ‘heavens’. This article aims to explore these three heavens, drawing upon Biblical scriptures to understand their different characteristics and significance”
I hope you are not a school or ‘bible’ TEACHER!
Now we have three heavens but no place, per Mat to locate them.
The fact that you’re so ignorant of/hostile to such a basic biblical precept just proves how totally alienated from the foundations of A.D. civilization most “normies” actually are
Well, you cited the biblical precept from
Mat at the beginning and now ‘judge’ me hostile.
Why cannot I ask questions and seek an answer? That makes sense
ESPETH get down to Jacko in the comments and spend some useful TIME with ‘NOW’
Just go to rumormillnews.com and the report that a familiy’s statue of the Virgin Mary SURVIVED the ‘NOW’
My reply from about half an hour ago ha not turned up.
YOU AS USUAL MISSED THE POINT: if heaven and earth shall pass who is left to here mat’s words THAT DO NOT PASS! 🤷♂️
Indeed literacy is in decline as you have demonstrated
3.28 PM
Far more attention needs to be given to the relationship between GB’s purported Muslim problem and this:
The fact is that nature simply abhors a vacuum
Abhoring a vacuum!
Especially between the ears!
Reply posted prior to 8.33 pm
Now 8.35 PM.
Ned I have newer claimed to be all that smart, but I am still trying to understand one of your statements:
“We know SFA and some of us don’t even know that.”
Does “SFA” mean Such a Fantastic Amount? You may not be the swearing type. Maybe it just means we know how to copulate sweetly with everyone, but some of us are disabled.
My only point is that it is worth trying to establish the meaning intended by the speaker, otherwise the possible interpretations are endless.
It could also be helpful in the previous case to know that “ouranos” in Greek can be translated as “Heaven” or “Sky”.
G5– the master of the art of analysis and synthesis– my skill set includes- unravelling and then “ravelling”-using Senge’s “the fifth disciple” of systems thinking– “give me a lever long enough and I can change the course of the world” metaphorically speaking of course.
“Obama, his father, his pretend mother Stanley Dunham, and mentor Communist Marshall Davis, having enjoyed CIA NAZI lectures by notables as Mengele at The East West Centre at The University of Hawaii.”
Message I need to expand my thinking and shift my focus to Hawaii for a while.
A need to reconfigure our hard-wired brain circuitry
Assistance from Philomena Cunk who meets theoretical physicist Jim Al-Khalili
and Clif -The Terrible Understanding of Men Supreme Consciousness
“There is a terrible understanding that awaits men who think very deeply about our common shared reality.
Many interesting aspects present themselves for examination on the way down to that terrible thought. These include the discovery of the ability to have awareness of the Eternal Now, and the never ceasing event-stream. There is so much territory for exploration, and power, within the Eternal Now, that you could fill out all your time there just noting the wonder that presents.
The Terrible Aspect comes into view as you dive deep into the woo of it all, swimming down into the Now. This aspect arises from the awareness that ALL Life in this Matterium is but fractional parts of an infinite, not able to be reduced, Supreme Consciousness.
Your local consciousness, that which is the Life in your body, is but a small fraction of the Supreme Consciousness.
As such, you are eternal, perpetual. You are not able to be destroyed.
Yes, your body will die. You will get another. A good/bad aspect of being Life, in the body, in the Matterium. We wear out these suits of flesh. Occasional visits to the tailor are required.
Think of what this means. You are as eternal as is Supreme Consciousness. But, you are not a ‘free man’. You cannot destroy yourself. All you can do is to kill off this body.
All that does is to recycle you through processing.
This means that you are not free to do as you wish. There are physical constraints in this Matterium that prevent you, the doer-in-the-body from altering the conditions by removing yourself from the Experience. Yes, you can check out of this Matterium experience, as Life-in-the-body, but you will then discover yourself as still Life, just not in a body. And awaiting another turn…
So as a man, you then get the idea that the bastard Supreme Consciousness is running this show. It dawns on you that there are no ‘accidents’, nor ‘coincidence’, that everything that happens in this Matterium, in this ‘game of Life’ does so because it suits the Supreme Consciousness that it should.
There is ‘free will’, but you are not a ‘free man’ if you cannot refuse the experience. In fact, spoiler alert, it turns out that no matter how bad your experience is in this body’s Life, you asked for it. You chose to do it. Not lying. It’s fact. You brought yourself here.
Suck it up. Life stinks, hurts, beats the crap out of you, wears you down, erodes your body, your mind and your energy. It exhausts you. It fucks over your mind, assaults you with hormones, bad body days, horrible mind problems, evil cunts in the ‘game’ messing with you, all that shit and so much more you cannot imagine it. But you chose to do it. This is all part of the process and the goals of this body’s Life experience within this Matterium within this iteration of the Supreme Consciousness’ experiment.
At some point, many lives as a bald guy later, you learn stuff. Yes, you are only male, and always will only be incarnated as a male. There are reasons we need not explore now. This is why not to presume you know how it is to be a female. You’ll never know. Never experience it. Don’t think you have their experience of emotion. It will always be foreign, external to you. This participates in the Supreme Consciousness experiment. It sets up certain conditions.
As you learn stuff, things fall into place. Maybe you get weary. It happens as a man. Life experience is hard, harsh, and eroding as a male body. Your awareness finally, all things in this Matterium, including timing are not ours to control, is gifted to you of an interesting idea.
If this view is correct, it stands to reason that as a male body in this experience, knowing it is all Supreme Consciousness doing its thing, we doers-in-the-body may, just may, have our Live experience ‘work’ better, if we were to harmonize with the Supreme Consciousness, and its goals. Such as they may be perceived by us, recognizing we don’t know squat about what is going on at THAT level up there.
Harmony. Daily exercises in harmony with Universe. As it may be perceived.
Does not mean there is not contention, strife, fighting, pain and suffering. This attitude of harmonizing with Universe/Matterium does mean that you have no emotional attachment to the outcome. It ain’t your problem how this shit works out. You did your best choosing in that moment. Rest is up to Universe.
You still suffer, experience the consequences. Do not fail to grasp this point. But you will have far fewer karmic after effects. And no emotional attachments to how it does work out.
It ain’t your fault. You have never had any fucking control over the outcome of any damn thing anyway.
Then, one day, another think happens, of course, Supreme Consciousness puts it there for you. The idea is clean, pure, pristine, crystalline in its perfection….you discover the ‘point’ to your experience. The ‘purpose’ to your Life.
It makes so much sense. You see why it is there, and how men had discovered this same path over time. It was there all of this body’s Life, and it took this long for you to stop stepping over it, and to see it.
To serve the Supreme Consciousness.
It is not mine to reason why. It is mine to do, then die.
I decide in that Eternal Now. I own the Right to Act.
I am the doer-in-the-body.
I am Samurai.
I serve.
Then you will look around. You will see this strange look in the eyes of some men you never before noticed.
One day, you will see that look staring back at you from the mirror.
Welcome. Brother.
Life will get a bit more complex now that you see. Be warned.”
I want to hear and see Clif High and P Cunk at it.
Suck it all up seems to be the message from Clif High at rumormillnews.com in his essay today….. WE CHOSE THIS MATERIALM. Stop whinging.
Time: ?? What is it?
Oops Dianne. We seem to be on a weird wavelength. I just realise where you came from above.
Wonder where Elspeth comes from.
Want to see the full iceberg?
Bloody hell it is the full 7/8ths.
Go to Michael Jack at befireitsnews.com under his report that includes the inauguration at Gitm0
Not up to past 20 mins yet but at least listen to what is happening in California, including Area 51.
His daughter puts in an early report.
The bit that raises my concerns is that he was booked to go to the T show. But has withdrawn. Note why; he was looking out of the window of his digs and saw the explosion/s, so decided not for he.
People who have never followed Jaco of course are the usual lazy normies, but note how he opens his reports with; “……….
Was he predicting with common sense suspicions or Felt something?
Would you take you family to the show if there might be a risk?
Not proof read or edited I have more to listen to.
1.50 PM
Note that the video that was at Bin over lunch “IS NOT NOW AVAILABLE”.
But Dee found it elsewhere. Fancy that!
Might be worth a listen.
3.32 PM
Even the Rumble video takes great effort with interruptions to get to the end, well over a hour.
Well Australia, if I was the belligerent general with the paid infiltrators, preparations, facilities and equipment that’s how I would take over the US and enforce communism and fascist GLOBALIST CONTROL.
Is there a person in our governments who is not a traitor or are they just dumb puppets on a string.?
Well we will need a lot more ‘string’ for them and their collaborators.
6.22 PM.
Terry 0
Where are you?
Missing heaps of fun!🤷♂️🙀🤪
It’s my current understanding that doppelganger Donald will be attending The Donald’s inauguration as it’s just not safe enough for the real one to come out and play .
The real Trump stands 6-3 and the avatar has been noted to be considerably shorter with whiter hair .
0.02 ¢
Benjamin Fulford latest update on Deep State retaliation :
“Anarchy on one side and Commo-Socio-Fascism on the other. Yes folks: Socialism IS Communism IS Fascism.”
There is Anarchy or Commo-Socio-Fascism-Democracy-Republic-Parliamentary Democracy-Monarchy-Oligarchy-Theocracy.
– Fixed
I know which one, me the man would not bother picking. I can not abide scumbags, lying or the ignorant holding the world or parts thereof, hostage.
Yes folks the New World Order is the Old World Order and the Deep State is the State
From the bot:
“G. Edward Griffin, a prominent author and filmmaker, has long explored the interconnectedness of socialism, communism, and fascism, all of which he categorizes under the umbrella of collectivism. …”
Licence to Kill: Drugs with Consequences—with Dr Mike Yeadon
Response to Joe’s post re Muslims and grooming in UK– Global News Stop Press
UK Grooming Gangs Scandal: The backwards code of the West
“Western civilisation is nothing but one huge gigantic grooming Gang”.
True-Interesting revelation–from a psych– but as G5 says only tip of the iceberg
Your question Ned fits in here somewhere with OUR Ned and DIANNE “weird wavelength” courtesy of GS — ahhh just keep going we’re getting there.
“Is there a person in our governments who is not a traitor or are they just dumb puppets on a string.?”
Answer from Fiona’s Alice.
Hang on For the Ride Luna Park just for fun.
Nothing is what it seems.
Over and Out
Timed Out
Well there’s a long running argument if ever there was.
I liked the comment on “self-relevance”
… And don’t forget to use the correct pronouns to avoid offending some deranged retard. Who has taken self relevance to a new level of turd floatation spinning the S-Bend of their belief system.
…The gold toilet seat syndrome of every great public servant.
a theme emerges
Jim Willie today at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com people powered news fro 29 mins during my nap to pass in to the poor Bernie’s AND VICTIMS.
Where have the stupid been?
I even had commented here that I received this information over 45 years ago in regard to just one transport company in Australia.
So listen up to JIM.
Why was the Wood Royal Commission closed down and Gillard’s Commission neutered at inception?
Cannot wait for all that evil to have its guts spread across the highways.
Best run for your lives those who have been blackmailed, politically, in the media and in corporate swill.
Find an island and survive in a cave.
3.54 PM
He, he, he
Forest fires which don’t burn the trees
107 opinion on the ‘SUM Of ALL FEARS’ in Washington on 20/1 and over the next week. Reasonable assessment of the DEWS playbook.and no time for play🙀🔥
16/1 at Dicky Bin for first nine mins.
4.09 PM