Rue du Couvent Villerouge-Termenès
The first battle of the crusade against the Cathars occurred in Beziers, close to the Spanish border in France (where some Cathars lived). When they went to slaughter the Cathars, one of Amaury’s men asked: “How will we know which are Cathars?” Amaury replied: “Kill them all! God will recognize his own.” The crusaders proceeded to slaughter around 7,000 citizens, including women and children, even those who had sought sanctuary in the Catholic church. This horrific incident was one of many.
Comment by DM
Today, a history of control, non-compliance and the 1%.
History is constantly being repeated. We are still emerging from a global scam where a very small group of elites decided that all 8 billion humans on earth needed to be injected with “something”. However, across the world freedom-like groups are trying to create new systems outside the banking-controlled elite structures. And we have over 75 million Americans wanting to reverse the swamp-like control over their lives. So are we entering a new era where people will have more freedoms or are we being reordered and prepared for a new set of power and control structures — where people remain pawns (on the global farm).
The Cathars
History reminds us that those in control will do anything to maintain control — even eliminating any human that gets in the way. Back in the 1200s a group of people decided to break away from the mind-controlled structures of Medieval Catholicism out of Rome (Roma). The Cathars (often considered the pure ones or the good people) formed communities and societies outside the control structures. They created a beautiful and peaceful egalitarian life (and described themselves as the Church of Amor – love).
The Fake News at the time tried to label them heretic and “deplorable“. After failing to change them, the Papal militias then moved in to genocide the Cathars from the face of the earth. 19 consecutive Popes prosecuted the war on the Cathars — killing .26% of the earth’s then population.
It feels like the human race has come to another Cather moment. Will those who are compliant be the only people able to own anything and function in society? Will everyone else will be “cancelled”?
Or has there been a human awakening — a shift from the old dark order?
A video from biblical scholar, Paul Wallis.
An interview with David Icke where he explains his view of Elon Musk and the trans-human future — that this ‘freedom’ is just a new sales pitch for a controlled future.
A side note: Elon spends a lot of time writing posts on his own social media platform X, often making adding humour in the mix: “Would you believe it, my neighbor was knocking on my door at 2.30 this morning.” “Luckily I was still up playing my bagpipes”. In response, one user wrote: “You don’t sleep because you’re a vampire?” His reply: “Full disclosure, I’m actually a 3,000 year old vampire…. [which lead to] “I’m a time-traveling vampire alien”.
Redacted video: (I’m sure RFK jr would’ve been a Cathar) RFK, Jr. “We are going to war against the FDA and there’s a reckoning coming”
The People’s Voice: Russia Intercepts Israeli Jet Trafficking Adrenochrome Victims to Hollywood (I think this is repeating old footage)
I noted Ellen is leaving the US for the UK. She claims that she is unable to live in a Red world. But this People’s Voice video offers another opinion. “Ellen DeGeneres Named as ‘Diddy Accomplice’ in Hollywood Pedophile Investigation”.
If you bother to realise now who those are, then that are the WEFers amongst us you will understand how they came into being and where we are at.
To avoid (them🙀) no names are mentioned in this comment.
Just go to http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news and listen to the Alex Jones’s interview with ……..
The heading is deceptive but includes ‘ …… they were all executed…..”
Joe, helloooooo good chap💁🙀🤷♂️, there is a fleeting reference early in the interview to a ex military that you and MM DARE NOT MENTION🙀
Do not miss jone’s assessment after the interview🙀💁
We await the usual gatekeepers to be rushing the gate🔥 because they know all and Derek Johnson is barred!
The ultimate form of Satanic control is rooted in the belief in the existence of a “pure” & “good” religious sect
Or a “pure” & “good” man-made governmental system for that matter
The semantics of said trap spelled out here:
I suppose that’s being “human” (tribal thinking) is all about. I have written about the hive mind.
This feels outdated now
Elspeth. Interesting comment. Not sure where you going with that? “The ultimate form of Satanic control is rooted in the belief in the existence of a “pure” & “good” religious sect” — From what I gather is that the Cather’s were labelled a religious sect… but I think they were following a much broader view of the world and galaxy. So why would it be ultimate satanic control?
The ultimate form of Satanic control always takes the form of what appears to be all sweetness and light – hence the “better the devil you know” adage
Every aspect of the Cathar departure from R.C. doctrine mirrors the 1960’s hippie rejection of conservative values, but as everyone knows, the response to the two rebellions was very different. By 1970 conservative values had been ditched by the bulk of the population and the rest is history
As for the lovely Ellen; (with husband/wife) is allegedly off to the Cotswolds but RMN suggests he has been arrested.
Have to love it all🙀💁🤪🤷♂️ we know SFA!
End times stuff – where’s Elbow ? Looks like they need a leader
no reason but I like the vibe here lets see what muse has to say
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
Well if no one wants to research Derek Johnson, ex US MILITARY, what if an Australian ex Lt. Col. has something to tell you?
No, OK, just do not go to 43 mins and wag a dog.
Hi Joe💁🤪 it’s not uncle VAL.
Swissyland is hiding behind everything, America, the Vatican, jews, foreign currencies, private banks, NATO, UN, and it’s not the Swiss commoners, it’s the Global elites who are sucking up all the money. Australia is in “debt” 1 trillion for fiat currency and a monetary system, interest bill therefore about 50 billion pa or 1 billion per week. Private banks suck up mortgage interest and feed it back to Swissyland. Insurance and pharmaceuticals back to Swissyland. It all ends up in Swissyland. The US military is part of a puppet state which is owned by . . . Swissyland. The USA did not come to save you personally from Tojo, they came to save British colonies from Japanese hegemony, because the British army screwed up in Singabore. Mein Trumpf likes to walk both sides of the street and I like some of the stuff he says but he will walk it back in an instant if he needs to, as seen with Julian Assange and vaccine skepticism. You should follow the example of Commenter Shulze as you are concerned about grandchildren etc.
You and MM both could spend a few seconds looking at this from Clif High
Seems that the censor is bored and has nothing else to do for the last ten minutes, so I await till he has finished his smoko break.
Time 10.20 pm
Oh he just turned up, what joy, he is happy.
Time: 10.23 pm
For Mike KING followers: huge update………
25/11 at BIN.
It is all a game and you have to be led carefully🤪💁🤷♂️ you need to do the research. We are the pawns.
Boring Col Klink, where is my Mike king’s update, reference?
After ten minutes I now want to know who are our characters here from ‘central casting’?
10.58 pm
Eyes wide shut – under the Vatikan
Under White House and Westminster Parliament House etc
Ursula Haverbach has died at age 96. If you wish to write an obit, please contact me at MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com
or McLachlanDee@gmail.com
A Brave Woman Has Passed: Ursula Haverbeck
Ambrose Kane • November 23, 2024
I see commenter cx767 is on his last warning over at cairns news !!!
Maybe will pop back over here where the 1st amendment is more inviolate.
“The jews are from Esau and Edom blah blah”
“So says the Sages des Sion, Jewish encyclopedia 1913 bla bla”
He has found one or two good things in his time on the neo-nazi sites.
I never gave him a rough time.
They are not bad sites but they always have the culprit framed up before they collect the evidence so they are too predictable for me.
Veterans Today
Renegade Tribune ( nearly wrote renegade veggie )
Unz Review etc
Not to forget from Pyongyang
“Are you experienced”
“The stepford wives experience”
from Ju*fish the Moronbung Band
A robot is nice but a real wife is better if you can put up with them, my opinion.
Come back boys don’t be sooky.
No it’s not the jews, it’s just made to look that way.
Mesmerising (1 min)
Wife intolerant mad butcher
We had one here in Highgate too but he was a Turkish kebap man.
Caused a localized recession but after the kebap shops moved out it took off as a struggle street for restaurants + cafe and gay bar district.
Guy was really pissed off. He destroyed three knifes in the process. Since he was a butcher, he likely only kept quality knifes around.
Marrying a butcher should have been a red flag
that’s a bit vegan bro, Greymouth is a tough gig
sorry, wink, not to mention one knife would be ample in a ambush. 3 knives suggest a protracted battle
Watch this interview of Scott Ritter and REALLY listen to what he is saying. If this is ‘Trust the Plan’, then get ready for the Deagel Report analysis to come true.
US is no longer fully funded, one way to help balance the books is get the useless eaters off. Maybe the Russians will swap us their obsolete submarines for some lobsters and Barossa Valley gift baskets.
Economic reality in Australia:
INDEED BATTLE FOR OUR MINDS.–The world was their laboratory.
Dee I remember you recording my story and at the end there was a map on a wall connecting dots William Sargant Tavistock Churchill Lewin Dax Rees Trist Bowlby
Maybe it could become a feature article in the future –archival material
294 pages
Dr. William Sargent of the Tavistock Institute, reported to have been at the time working in the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control program, in his 1957 book Battle for the Mind—A Physiology of Coversion and Brain-Washing elaborated on Lewin’s theories by stating: “Various beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.”
302 pages – revised 1961 edition –
Publication date 1957
Topics Mind Control, Brainwashing, Psychiatry, PTSD, LSD, abreaction, Sleep Room, Deep Sleep Treatment, Torture Experimentation, Coma, NHS, National Heath Service, Tavistok Institute, Belmont Hospital, Porton Down, MI6, Ministry of Defence, Allen Institute Canada, Dr Ewen Cameron, Chalmsford Clinic Sydney, Dr Harry Bailey, CIA, MKUltra, An Unquiet Mind, Mystery Babylon
Collection opensource
Language English
Item Size 238.5M
302 pages – revised 1961 edition –
“How can an evangelist convert a hardboiled sophisticate? Why does a POW sign a “confession” that he knows is false? How is a criminal pressured into admitting his guilt? Do the evangelist, the POW’s captor, and the policeman use similar methods to gain their ends? These and other compelling questions are discussed in this definitive work by William Sargant. Sargant explains and illustrates the basic techniques used by evangelists, psychiatrists, and brain-washers to dissolve existing, established patterns of belief, and then substitute new beliefs and behaviors.
Addeddate 2015-10-16 08:37:36
Identifier BattleForTheMind-Sargant
Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t03z1zh7f
Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0
Ppi 600
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3
Ceasefire in Lebanon-sure!
Aaron Maté : Biden’s Reckless War Escalation.
Another interesting development, FEMA advising on how to survive a nuclear war. Gee, what timely advice. – Probably just more of ‘the Plan’ that I don’t understand. I was never any good at 3D chess let alone 4D chess.
If you’ve got an old school desk set it up in your lounge room.
LOL! Yeah, I remember those days.
I also remember a training instructor in Basic Training that taught ‘Chemical, Biological and Nuclear’ survival skills. After he had gone through all the Chemical and Biological information, he was asked, “What about nuclear?” – His reply was “Don’t be there when it goes off.”
and don’t get into those ‘ol Westinghouse door lock type fridges if your a kid down the tip and the sirens go off.
remember that missile warning text/broadcast “accidentally” in Hawaii a few years ago . parents shoving their kids down storm-water drains with no retrieval plan
whats a stealth missile that can not be intercepted, I only imagine because there is not need to produce one when your enemy believes in cliff jumping lemming’s
The ‘battle for the mind’.
Well who goes into a battle unarmed?
The mind has to be also armed…… with research to decide who is your enemy and how they arm themselves.
So research for a few ‘mind’ weapons💁 to try out.
Some good clues from Lt. Col. ( ex) Ricardo Bosi at his situation update on 26/11 at
http://www.beforeit’snews.com – people powered news
Are you a Tesla vehicle owner? 💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
They are so scared that the comment just made with the BIN link has been deleted
It appeared at gs ‘fleetingly’ as I tested the BIN link in the comment.
These fascists are serious book burners.
Anyway, if you go to DuckDuckGo, as I just did the BIN site comes up and the referenced situation update is still there.
But I dare not say here on this site who I referred to.
You can stiff the censorship book burners by going to BIN and just go down the articles to a LT Col…., (OZ) you should already know of.
11.43 am and my original comment does not appear IT WAS DELETED BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT YOU THE PUBLIC INFORMED ABOUT LITTLE 6 year olds ……?
Yes, now it is back… someone is moderating? Well piss off in future get a real job!? You frightened of Lt Col Bosi?
They have delays for you and Grammarly for me and when it all comes together it will be RiteThink GPT™ and you won’t even be allowed to post anything except their edited version, meanwhile you get a knock at the door
Well knock knock all, now listen up.
After the electric vehicle exposures get to 35 mins, after they go through all their technical ‘glitches’.
From about 35 they put up a video by the unknown Mr Punter who explains in detail the major parties and their ant-democratic (GLOBALIST RUNNING DOGS$) funding scams…. All a BLOODY SCAM TO ONLY BENEFIT OUR SWAMP!🙀💁
After some more interesting exposures. Yes I recall the Teal’s grandfather when I worked for the government.🐀
Plus, you will love this Joe, a comment on our Charlie Ward🤷♂️🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Anyway as for the knocking Charlies; they could only be foreigners, or alleged Australians who had ancestral relatives , killed in globalist wars, thinking they suffered just for us, in which case they are also foreigners.
Time: about 1.10 pm