The BIS’s poster boy Augustin Carstens
J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
In response to Klaus Schwab’s famous proclamation, the question is asked, if we are to “own nothing”, how will the rich exempt themselves?
The answer is that the rich need to abide by the rule of law as much as anyone else, but they forge the laws to suit their particular interests.
The well known map of the world taught in schools is simplified compared with the arrangements put in place by the Global oligarchs, but even the simple map is not understood by most people, even at the end of a decade-long career in school.
They fail to notice that Switzerland is the biggest enclave in the world, with ready access to the so-called continent around it, within yet above and aloof, with all the world’s treasure stored inside its boundaries. Luxembourg and Monaco are legendary tax havens but other conspicuous enclaves such as Liechtenstein and Andorra go completely unnoticed, as if these territories were invinsible, not only to school students but also to the militaries whose primary function it is to acquire and defend territories.
(According to Australia’s DFAT in 2021 tiny Luxembourg was the 7th biggest investor in Australia and small Belgium [home to parachuted-in former leader in the Senate and FInance Minister Mathias Cormann] was 3rd. The general region is noted for an unusual concentration of dungeon operating pedophiles).
The most famous enclave, Vatican City, rules over one of the biggest populations in the world, with virtually all of its subjects living outside its borders. The Vatican’s Doctrine of Discovery was issued in 1493, the year after Christopher Columbus arrived in North America from Catholic Spain. The Doctrine meant that Christian explorers could claim land uninhabited by Christians as “Terra Nullius” and therefore belonging to European Monarchies and entities such as The Crown.
In England The Crown is understood by some to reside in the Temple Church, in the City of London. This edifice was built by the Knights Templars and consecrated in 1185 by Heraclius, archbishop of Caesarea and Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. Caesarea itself is an enclave for the elite in Israel, a former Roman city, about an hour’s drive north of Tel Aviv. These types of enclaves are not subject to the same laws as the countries they are embedded in.
San Marino, another Italian enclave lies between Rome and Venice and is one of the smallest countries in the world. For more on this, type j.g. In the search box and go to “How Crusaders Survived History”.
Campione d’Italia is along the celebrated Lake Como shoreline surrounded by a Swiss canton. Campione means champion but it also means “piece”. It’s Italian but residents pay no income tax, no inheritance tax, no gift tax, and no value added/sales tax.

Once dubbed the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” the Amber Room in Catherine Palace was a masterpiece of baroque art, adorned with gold leaf, mirrors, and over six tons of amber. Gifted by Prussia to Russia in the 18th century, its walls were intricately constructed from panels of amber and gold.
Unfortunately, during WWII, Nazi soldiers dismantled it and its whereabouts remain one of history’s greatest mysteries. Today, a meticulous reconstruction stands in its place, and while visitors can view this magnificent replica on guided tours, unauthorised entry or attempts to steal or deface this historical treasure can result in severe legal consequences.
Besides the multitudes of embassies around the world, many exclaves consist of just one building or a small parcel of land, viz:
Villa del Priorato di Malta is one of the two institutional seats of the government of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Cathoilic Knights of Malta). Along with Magistral Palace, the estate is granted extraterritorial status by Italy. It also hosts the Grand Priory of Rome and the embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to Italy.
In the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital: Polline Martignano is an exclave of Rome between Anguillara Sabazia, Campagnano di Roma and Trevignano Romano; Monte Compatri consists of three non-contiguous parts; Grottaferrata has an exclave between Marino, Rocca di Papa and Castel Gandolfo; Artena has an exclave between Lariano, Velletri and the Province of Latina; Rocca Priora has an exclave between Artena, Lariano and Rocca di Papa.
A little secret pass for smugglers:
On the San Marino/Italy border, there is Italian land east of the River San Marino that does not join to any other part of ‘dry’ Italian territory. This area is only a few metres wide, and follows the river’s course for around 500 metres, and is close to the Strada del Lavoro.
A staggering variety of enclaves and exclaves:
Major tax havens include: Ireland, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Bermuda, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bahamas, Jersey, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Malta, United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Mauritius, Curaçao, Liechtenstein. Notice how most of them spring from the British and Dutch Empires.
A dizzying array of tax havens with a variety of strategies:
World trade is a favourite method for introducing a Globalist middleman into the production-consumption equation. By this means, anything which can be offshored should be, because having local produce going to local markets removes the opportunity for Globalist profit seeking. This was the real reason for the Whitlam government’s Lima Declaration, not some sort of misguided benevolence.
Electronic transactions are obviously designed with the same purpose, the convenience is mostly imaginary as fees of about 2% are extracted along the way.
In the near future, CBDCs will offer fee-free global transactions for a period of time, after which everyone possible will be captured into their system.

Princess Shirley and Prince Leonard
Hutt River
Prince Leonard after much legal work actually declared war on Australia but hostilities were not commenced. Here it gets interesting when he says “It is perhaps of interest to note, that Western Australia was actually never proclaimed by Captain Stirling as British Territory, as was required of him under his Letter Patent, he only Proclaimed a Settlement (the Swan Settlement) in Western Australia”.
The French and Dutch had claims over Western Australia but perhaps, like New Zealand, it was not deemed worthy of warring over. The wealth could be extracted in ways other than via sovereignty.
So who currently has the biggest interest in Western Australia, aside from “The Commonwealth”? Perhaps the big miners, BHP Billiton of London, Rothschilds Rio Tinto and Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest’s FMG. Twiggy is of course from the bloodline of the first Premier of Western Australia.
Here, a Sydney academic pours cold water on Australian micronations including the Principality of Hutt River:

Lynn Forester de Rothschild with artwork
To have an underclass implies having an overclass and our Globalist overclass has a different world view to the rest of us, in a nutshell, we are being farmed by them, in huge free-range paddocks we call nations. The trend is towards battery farming, with hi-rise apartments springing up all over the world.
Now look for example at the most recent destructive events of the Covid or post-Covid period. Beirut was attacked by what appeared to be a mini-nuke, sometimes described as a tactical nuke, following that Hawaii was attacked by Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) with the media in complete denial.
Ukraine was slowly escalated to a state of total war and is being attacked from both sides with conventional weapons, and the process of “Build Back Better” was started in Gaza, using conventional weapons, this time all coming from one side; the other side having no purchasing power. The message we can take is that a new era of weaponry was announced by demonstration, followed by the stockpiles of conventional weapons being run down as quickly as possible, which is based largely on the need to find actual buyers for these stockpiles. The well advised will sell out of their industrial plant and manufacturing equipment and leave it to B-grade super funds to pick up the obsolete. Conventional weaponry still has a limited use to symbolically terrorise small nations and primitive tribes with rebel armies such as Hamas but DEWs are cheaper.
The new era of weaponry will be for the war against the underclasses, by the overclass, as was clearly demonstrated in Hawaii. The new weapons appear to be owned by private interests, not state based, and will also be used judiciously as false flags to ramp up existing wars, to incentivate the opposing sides to destroy one another using the obsolete trans-national Military Industrial Complex products, as with 20th century wars. So far the underclasses are generally none the wiser. As long as the military does as it is ordered, most serving individuals can expect to end up dead, whether they care or not is unclear. What should be clear by now is that the chief casualty in all the wars is the commoner, while the elites profit. As always, the overclass takes the profit and the underclass is on the hook for the bill.
Banking and warmaking have the same endgame, acquisition of assets and territory. Land itself is zoned to the advantage of the overclasses. The overclasses in Europe retain castles on estates for centuries, while the underclass struggles to buy a hobby farm of 2 acres or so. If a local shire council receives the right persuasion, the hobby farm can be rezoned into residential and if the actual (supposed) owner can’t afford to develop it with subdivision applications and drainage etc., they will have to carve some off or sell it. Does the underclass really own their land at all, when they can be shifted off it simply by taxes? Failing that, government has other ways to get them off their land if so required.
The land you buy is not the same as the land the overclasses buy. The underclasses take it all on faith, that they are somehow protected by the politicians, army, navy etc., since their taxes pay for these things. In Australia, the trail to the head of the armed forces goes back to the monarchy in England. The underclasses do not have the lawyers to unscramble the deals they are stitched into. So long as the underclasses fail to see the obvious they will be doomed to repeat their mistakes of generations past. The current plan is for them to lose everything.
Well, if you cannot manage 7 min to read and digest whatever is in the subject article just go to the club of cultists at before its news.com people powered news.
This is really new, Jim Willie and Ben Fulford get together and it covers the reality.
‘ B ….. F ….. and J….. W…. Ts big comeback!’
Brilliant 🍿💁🤪💁⚖️ FUN!
Keep going after Willie and on to Hawaii … etc.
well, it is not the ABC OR SBS….. so why have the tv on?
Ok will try has a bit of cred
Omg they are saying the “white hats” are hamstrung because they haven’t figured out how to get themselves weekly paychecks
Maybe they should copy Alex Jones and sell vitamins and survival food
Everyone else has
Proof positive that the World System is being held together by the belief that eternal life can be secured by pouring $$$ into some natty little formula
The “off-grid” mantra is also absurd nonsense. Whereas it’s a good idea to work out how everyone can create their own drinking water supply and otherwise minimise dependence on centralised control the doozy of the hour is that we’re all hooked into some satellite dish or other
The crooked ABC-TV cannot help themselves from lying, they are overcome with delight to see the rigged Democrat NY court system has supplied a “guilty” verdict using the imaginative Stormy Daniels and notorious liar Michael Cohen as witnesses. The ABC on-site reporter opens by saying “Donald Trump is lying as he usually does” when he accused the Biden administration of involvement. The ABC-TV on-site reporter then goes on to back up their claim by saying there is nothing to link Sleepy Joe Biden to this case. Trump said “Biden Administration” not Joe Biden”. This is a huge, deliberate lie based on FALSE PREMISE which the reporter is aware of, having constructed it and presented it first off. The ABC-TV is a disgrace and the SCOTUS who should have sorted all this out months ago is a disgrace, and now we have to endure appeals etc until election day November 5, who chose that date ??? King James’ fake gunpowder plot date from 1605.
So why keep going back there ?
Isn’t there enough on-line rubbish to keep you entertained/distracted?
We are expected to PAY FOR IT
Always good to be reminded that public broadcasting was specifically designed as a warfare tool
OFF TOPIC BUT RELEVANT TO THIS POST – Trump found guilty on all 34 charges that each charge could get him four years imprisonment.
If that finding doesn’t convince you of just how corrupt the judicial system truly is, then you are in for the biggest shock of your life.
Buckle up everyone! Now the fun begins!
Just listen to latest X22report.com episode B to wake up.
How they get rich💁
Just listen to Mary at situation update at beforeitsnews.com from about 16 mins. Note the Reece history of bankers and Zionism tormenting wars and thievery for profit. …. I think from about 24 mins.
My connection was frozen?
EB, for heart attacks put an aspirin under your tongue and call an ambulance. We do not want to lose you💁😱
My connection was slow to load, so slow in fact that I had to give it away – buffering not working either.
But, I did get the history of Hitler and the ‘jews’ and who backed it all.
Yet, go to a YouTube channel and there is no problem at all.
Inasmuch as the likes of Klaus Schwab and George Soros are a visual reminder that no amount of wealth can overcome mortality, they’ve really done mankind a great service. I really can’t think of a better illustration of the fact that there’s only ONE WAY of overcoming the power of death
E.B – Soros and Schwab, just as the rest of the bastards are now dead, but it was the cutting off of the Adrenochrome supply, by the military alliance, that has had much more to do with their downfall than the cutting off of their illicit money supply.
“The Rich Will Stay Rich”
What, throughout eternity ?
Such remarks just testify a paucity of vision
Such remarks just testify a paucity of vision; a condition that’s synonymous with harbouring a hefty investment in what’s ostensibly being opposed
A mere glance at the pic of Lynn Forester de Rothschild was enough for me to do some nosing around,and sure enough:
“In 2014, Harper’s Bazaar profiled Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who runs a private investment firm with her husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. The article features a photo gallery showing Lady de Rothschild at her “storied English estate.” Among the photos is one showing her standing in front of a fireplace with a painting by George Stubbs above the hearth called “Five Brood Mares at the Duke of Cumberland’s Stud Farm.”
The oil painting shows five horses. Not a demon chowing down on children. But a doctored image being shared on social media shows otherwise.
‘Evil mega mass murderer Lynn Rothschild and her eating babies decor,’ reads the description above the photo. ‘How conscious are you? What is a few trillion dollars of currency and devil eating baby art to you?’
This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.”
The fact that anyone would even bother to curtail such childishness also speaks volumes
The nature of Facebook is also known by every other ludicrous attempt to create a clean public image
Just as the nature of J.G. Olsen style raves is known by the fact that Israeli Muslims are written off as a, quote: “primitive tribe” and Hamas as a, quote “rebel army”
An accurate analysis of such blabber here:
“Behind the phoney anti-colonialism of the Israelophobic left there lurks the nauseatingly colonialist belief that Arabs are essentially overgrown children who must never be judged – not even when a small section of that people launch a pogrom against the Jewish State and invite war across the Palestinian territories. Behold the double racism of the woke left: the racism of hating the Jewish State above all others, and the racism of refusing to condemn Palestinians for anything, ever. The racism of unrealistic expectations of Israel, and the racism of no expectations of Palestine. “
My only reservation is that he says “Palestinian” instead of “Muslim” and “racism” instead of “religiosity”
David Straight “You don’t own your house” etc
Those who have managed to survive the ‘housing crisis’ and have held onto their properties, will soon own them outright, when NESARA is enacted.
Nesara only applies to the USA, for the rest of the world it was Gesara, are you sure you are really on top of your material ?
GESARA is Global. NESARA is every nation’s fixer upper.
There, Joe – brought you up to date.
Not as I heard it, Nesara applied to the US nation excluding global, but in any case if you think you will get your mortgage refunded you are even more delusional, if that happened everyone would retire and nothing would get done. While you are jumping around with happiness people are getting bombed out as usual. They are having limbs removed at every age and half the men in Ukraina are already dead. First term of Trump all we got was warp speed and the next term if it happens will likely be more carrot dangled on a longer stick. “Every nations fixer upper” and you just sit on your hands and it falls in your lap hey. Sounds like you never outgrew Santa Claus.
All individual debt will be removed so long as the debts have been held under the financial aspects of the Central Banking System.
The whole system is a criminal enterprise.
Word is, that all taxes, fines and other unlawful money grabs will be refunded in full.
NESARA will usher in the QFS which will eventually control all BRICS signatories.
Interesting documentary sets out some of the amazing old world order before we were reset in the early 1900s…..many questions about how the current overlord midgets were able to take out the giants of the time….
All good Melina. The two ladies at Tartarian Truthers on Youtube, have much to present about Australian buildings and systems – educational for those who can keep an open mind.
The landmark buildings of the 19th century appear to have been built mostly by the banksters, in boomtown locations. If you go around small towns in the Western Districts and all the way over to Bendigo you will find excellent bank buildings for sale cheap or rented out to places like a “surf shop”. Melbourne and San Francisco were two of the biggest gold rushes of the world, the banksters would have thrown themselves into the middle of it, especially since they were funded by the elites, and often run through the state government. Swapping gold for paper, a magnificent business, for which you need a good shop-front.
Consider also, they build things much much faster in Bangkok than here, for instance they have put in a huge rail network in just a few years, the reason is cheap labour and they do not have the excessive safety laws and administration they have here. Bangkok, in fact all Thailand, is powered by oil and the Thai kings are very much on side with the Arab sheikhs. The Thais run the drilling and presumably get paid in oil.
When the Thai officials were asked about Global Warming and sea-level-rise, they said “it won’t happen here”, then they built a long breakwater from memory around Chonburi but I haven’t been there for years so I haven’t seen it. So they make it look like they are preparing for sea-level-rise while building a project they wanted anyway. Thai diplomacy at work.
“The answer is that the rich need to abide by the rule of law as much as anyone else, but they forge the laws to suit their particular interests.”
Not only applicable to the rich
When The Lie becomes the Truth: “Israel is the Victim of Palestinian Aggression”. According to the ICC, “There is No Genocide”.
Outright Fraud: The Criminalization of International Law
Twiggy’s ancestor, John Forrest, was also Australia’s first baron – 1st Baron Of Bunbury. The guy was a surveyor and commissioner of Crown lands. He married a Hammersley, apparently.
You’ve just got to laugh.
When you stop laughing, you need to get angry with what they have collectively done to us all.
Freemasonry, has been our controlling factor ever since Philip landed in Port Jackson.
“Australia’s first baron – 1st Baron Of Bunbury”, that’s fascinating, especially since they installed Robert Holmes a Court here too. Who is actually running Western Australia ? Looks like it was all New Holland until NSW was proclaimed over all the east starting from the current WA border which remained New Holland. When you peel away the Federated State overlay, what is Western Australia ??? As the bible said, “Do not build ye houses on sand”, the old guy used to repeat this to us on Sunday mornings when we were about 5, as well as stuff about Noah’s Ark, Red Sea Pedestrians etc.
And there sure is plenty of sand in WA.
One correction Michael, Hamersley with one “m”. My mother was a Hamersley. There are Hammersley’s but a different family.
Mr Olsen is now into exposing just one of the many problems that has plagued this world for millenia – the concentration of power and wealth into the hands of a tiny minority. But, who are their masters? Who, or what entities, enforces their own needs and requirements by controlling those who are believed, by the controlled masses, to posses all the power and wealth, when in fact they are just the shop front, the public face, if you will, for the real controllers of this world?
When doing any research, an open mind is your best assistant.
In my view the story is essentially about land classification and doesn’t digress into exactly who is the ultimate owner. David Icke can say it is lizards and I personally don’t have any evidence either way. As usual you make these hints without providing backup or a scrap of evidence, you would not last the first semester on any university course. All the stuff you proclaim about is well known to everyone but lacking in evidence, hearsay is not much evidence. Why continue to preach to everyone about your superior knowledge when it is all based on hearsay from chatshows, RealRawNews and wishful thinking. If you ever came up with anything new or a single original thought or even a reference it would be a miracle. The fact is the future is unclear and it is 50-50 if your messiah Trump gets back in and unplugs the DeepState. If he does get back in you will claim it’s all your doing and proof of your superior genius. If it all comes to nothing and we get more “health” management, de-banked etc., you will slide away like a shadow, won’t you.
I’m just a messenger Joe – you can’t seem to appreciate that all I am doing is to point to what I have uncovered.
Learning the Truth about anything has always been a personal journey – it is the programming from birth in this world, that still continues to befuddle many – including yourself – that one has to break free from.
And you’re reliance on ‘backup’ or evidence, while not recognizing your reliance on a ‘university semester’as a focal point to determine what may pass or fail, that in reality is simply being a continuation of THEIR programming, only belies your own naivety that still grips you in THEIR corrupted system, and which is now slowly fading into oblivion – and rightly so.
Hearsay comes about from what may appear to be rumors – even in a Court of Law, hearsay evidence can be used if it is found to have a basis in fact.
You appear reliant only on what you choose to believe – so tell me I am wrong?
There can be no choice when it comes to Truth – it is either right or wrong.
You want me to be able to substantiate what I put out – like so many on this site – yet feel you may provide criticism without actually looking and judging for yourself, at where I point.
Don’t you find that attitude to be just a little hypocritical?
We are all learning on this journey. I simple point to where the evidence is. It is up to you to seek it out, it is not for me to proclaim anything as Truth because it will always be your choice to accept what you find as being right or wrong.
Typo – There can only be one choice when it comes to Truth.
Nobody knows where you are pointing because you just woffle about white hats and so forth before launching into yet another appraisal of your own wondrous abilities to discover insights that inevitably, everyone already knows about. You seem totally immune to logic and dazzled by your own brilliance. If you can’t put a link to whatever the latest thing you are raving about how is anyone to know, are you now radiating psychic information from your super-brain ???
It was a very strange metamorphosis from commenter Nemesis to commenter Mr Plodgers, I preferred the former.
All your comments are the same, a rave about nothing followed by pinning a gold medal on yourself.
Joe – just one question. Why do you bother reading my comments?
Quite often you direct them specifically at me, I did stop reading them then you went away saying you would not come back but now you have unfortunately come back to degrade the bloggs again, so disappointing
Joe – in this instance you read and then chose to respond to my comment – and as usual, you chose deflect from the question asked of you.
I asked of you another question about your continual baggage of bad news that you just love to peddle, and without providing any thoughts as to remedies.
You have chosen to ignore that question.
You deflect on the subject of what you are prepared to engage in, to bring about the collapse of our unlawful governments by choosing to devalue the only worthwhile remedy available to this nation’s people, without getting us all involved in THEIR attempt to bring us all to a civil war.
You tell me you are already on strike – really? How so? And if so why ridicule the site that already has over 10,000 Patriots signed up, and growing, to participate in bringing down our unlawful governments?
Why would you choose to ridicule a patriotic movement if you too are apparently striking?
You’re just like Veggie – you deflect, attack, ignore, ridicule, criticize and target those who merely point a direction to follow to anyone who can appreciate that knowledge is the only road to Truth.
In my eyes at least, you seem to me, to be an agent provocateur.
Just another doppelganger.
The Clown Show continues
Confirmation that the U. S. justice system is every bit as kaput as the Aus model:
“Trump is certainly no saint. And there are plenty of legitimate reasons not to want him anywhere near the White House again. But what was done to him in that Manhattan courtroom goes well beyond good-faith debate.
Many commentators have pointed out at length the flaws in how this case was handled. This ranges from ‘flagrant violations’ by the prosecution during the trial to bizarre rulings from the judge, including blocking a witness who could have exonerated Trump from the charge of federal election violation. Even the very premise of the case – that categorising hush-money payments to his lawyer as ‘legal expenses’ was not only illegal, but also a felony – was patently absurd. The act of falsifying business records is itself usually just a misdemeanour, and was outside the statute of limitations anyway. But this was transformed into a more serious felony charge with some legal jiggery-pokery.
This case was so obviously political that even a blind toddler could see it. The daughter of the presiding judge, New York State Supreme Court justice Juan Merchan, is an executive of a political consulting firm, which counts among its clients some of Trump’s biggest adversaries. That includes Democratic senator Adam Schiff, who led the first impeachment trial against the former president in 2020. According to the New York Post, Democratic politicians who are clients of Merchan’s daughter have even referenced her father’s case in their fundraising emails.”
USA all out to stop the BRICS juggernaut.
Comment to DOTS video ended up separated below
US gold dollar to petro dollar took years to transition (1947-1971), during this time the gold valuation was fudged while money printing ran amok. Now the CCP thinks they can copy this like everything else they copy. Copying is a fast way to catch up but what happens when you run out of things to copy ? Fudging and bluff of course. Now in typical communist fashion the CCP is trying to decree x gold = y oil. The USA runs itself into the ground and the communists cannot get off the ground, it seems nobody can do anything without resources and in particular oil. If you have plenty of oil and a big army you’re laughing ( Russia, Saudi ).
Well look what our crooked ABC has come up with, something interesting for once, this is weird, what new racket is going on now, they give the gas away for free and nobody on the east coast can afford electricity ? ? ? ? ? bizarre
Well Joe, you bring us all the bad news, what about some good news?
How about the fight now in motion to bring down our current so called, governments?
Will you join the fightback Joe? Or will you just keep on bringing us all the bad news without providing any remedy to our current situation?
Here again, a comment directed specifically to urge me to “shape up”.
Well Commo John’s National Strike has been going for a couple of months now and that’s all you can come up with. I have already been on strike for years. You said you can’t even get the wife to listen to you. Why don’t you do something instead of relentlessly talking yourself up.
Some straight talking.
“Dmitry Orlov discusses the state of the world and that we have passed the turning point. The West is collapsing on itself and the rest of the world is simply ignoring it and moving on. The U.S. elections are a clown show and the U.S. is going to slowly collapse. He doesn’t believe there will be a Third World War. He comments on Russian sanctions and the West’s confiscation of Russian assets, the shuffling in the Kremlin’s cabinet, the future of Ukraine, the multipolar world, Unitcoin, and how Washington’s strategic initiative to dismember Russia will FAIL! His biggest fear is China losing access to cheap energy which would affect the entire world”
Dmitry Orlov: West Collapsing On Itself, Rest of World Moving On
Musk and Trump in secret talks – WSJ
I thought Trump was going to “drain the swamp”again as he promised after the 2016 election.
Sandra – you are not going to see anything at all, if you choose to not look at what is going on all around you.
More dribble from Mr Plodgers
Some swamps are Worldwide and full of unknown creatures that have to be identified and flushed out with a baited hook.
If the tactic fails, we are stuffed.🙏🏻🙏
The actions of this “government” are not due to mere incompetence but intentionality, following the dictates of their globalist overlords.
Communists and antichrists have eroded the foundations of Oz, demoralising all here, degenerating this nation into a oligarchy ruled by banksters where all downunder are slaves to beasts loaded. Everyone crushed by the jackboots of consolidation and conformity, as the enemy absorbs all common wealth.
Wake up, reject their programming and embrace Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Don’t Miss: Maori Civil War
I hope they burn “the Beehive” down when Jabintya goes for a visit.
That’s not hate speech because it’s about a different country.
Who is Jabi-in-t-ya?
Why does that seem to Rhine with Ja-SIN-ta?
Yep, you had me thinking of Simon. Where is he?
Too tired to worry about burning a beehive, plenty of that going on here.
Someone has a purpose for every created problem, ask the millions of chickens being destroyed in the US.
Some old political cynic claimed that in politics; ‘nothing happens by accident’
Next , the VICs will be running up another stockade.
Rhyme 💁
There are two buildings opposed in every town of Australia, Catholic Churches and masonic halls. When people used to go to Mass, this place was prosperous and self sufficient. Now most Aussies are pagans worshipping beasts, tale is in the pudding as we’re all handed to CCP digital AI CBDC social credit score slavery sold as convenience. A nation shackled and destroyed by krown kabal komunizm.
Just 50 years ago, Oz was most affordable housing market in the world when everything was made here. Today it is the most unaffordable cause we make nothing.
ant – the only thing that has changed is that we are now seeing the dark side of what has been controlling all of us.
Rev Michelle Hopkins: Damascus and Prophesy – We are Right At The Door
Listen to the Benny show and T’s speech is dynamite from about 24 mins++
First time I have seen him using notes… note how much he has raised … 39m
Compare reports from our FAKE LYING DISINFORMING DECEITFUL MSM… in press today.
Note the comments coming in on bottom left.
Check mate in ………..
From 24 min about
Then go back to the start to hear Benny’s legal summary
And some will still not get THE GAME😭🐒😱💁🍿🥂🥂⚖️
Others do, tap the comments icon and see them coming up during the whole report
Mentioned twice (?) by Trump.
That is noted by Jaco at BIN and he explains (first five minutes) that it is now runnings the US. Both parties are controlled! (Sound familiar?) Just as in Italy and Germany to WW11 and the Vichy government. (he did not mention Spain!)
Basically, “ ……the fascists just moved on ….. “ to the US….. look up ‘OPERATION PAPER CLIP’.
Think: does Jaco’s description apply to our governments …… they do not care about us.
I note that our federal Heath minister still wants the Tedros WHO treaty. Dr Chant is now pushing flu injections. (so now ‘the flu’ is back💁🏼😱🤣🤣🤣)
For the normies that have no clue about WHO….. Tedros and his backers want to destroy our sovereignty and in effect, employ our medical running dogs as their storm troopers……our health ministers and doctors are too stupid to realise what their globalist function is destined to be, if they do not have the intellect, a knowledge of history or guts to realise, they are being amalgamated by the bankers…… with goodies to be corporates and traitors. Just go back to what Dr Day forecast in 1969 in his speech in Philadelphia to the paediatricians as reported by Dr. Dunegan. (NWO EXPOSED BY INSIDER AT RENSE.COM AND HERE ON GS NEWS BACK IN ABOUT 2915.)
Then there is the WEF, (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM) a private fascist mob in Geneva as well….. who have their agents infiltrating our government, Klaus ‘Schrub’ admitted that they infiltrated the Canadian government (recall how a Canadian MP wasted a question in parliament on the claim and his microphone was ‘CUT OFF’….. they are the ‘WEFers’ and should be sent packing as TRAITORS TO AUSTRALIA.
We better wake up🙀🤷👹👹👹👹👹👹… the globalist mass media should be blackballed with its advertisers as well, it’s silence exposes them.
Americans are more awake than us and value their freedom more, but the DeepState is such a total parasitic infection, Trump will have to vet all his congress and senate candidates so carefully it’s virtually impossible to take out all the garbage in one hit especially since they are probably only half of them up for election.
Why the looney left is voting for Biden’s war in Ukraina is beyond belief, now today he wants to shoot stuff over the Russian border, they think they are masters of brinkmanship, they don’t care because they might be gone anyway. Hunter Biden will go and live in Brazil or Israel or somewhere else and Biden near death won’t give a
Joseph, I do not think I have referred gs to a Judy Byington report before.
It appears at BIN tonight with her promo of Trump with a child in each arm and as usual a interesting st(c)roll.
I have found it challenging over the years for simple dung beetle to discern. So beetles should taste before biting.
Any way.
I note your comment that: ‘ …. it is virtually impossible to take out all the garbage in one hit ….’
For an old cultist dung beetle observer, I have been noting the Brunson case for a couple of years……
Rumours abound over time that the USSC decided sometime ago and not published. (Timing💁🏼🤷?)
The dung beetles gossip a bit and in committee are praying that the decision will be ….. ALL OUT IN ONE HIT.
You would know the basis.
That aside, there is the usual smorgasbord spread out to taste for our beetle table.
The report is also under title at RMN.
Mary usual adds to the reports in her daily ‘situation update.
I have watched hundreds of dung beetles filling themselves with glee. Cannot wait untill they get into our parliaments
Well for the Americans’ sake I hope the biggest sting in history works out, I don’t know about here though, Trump gave Scotty a medal, did Scotty really deserve it ? I did like Scotty’s one comment, “It’s not a race”, he even got in trouble for saying that much.
Game on alright. Come June 5, and Saudi Arabia will no longer sell their oil in U.S. inc dollars.
Buckle up, SHTF.
Hope Chalmers does not have too much of our money, if any, in US government bonds….. Jim Willie will giggle his heart out.
Funny title for a article.