by G5
There was this security night patrol company wanting to establish in an industrial area. The problem was, that the area was peaceful. Hardly any break-ins and only minor thefts and property damage that were easily managed.
Canvassing for business in the area delivered these truths to the security company. An impetus was needed to promote this unwanted, unneeded, and false enterprise.
So, the security company organized a series of property damages, fires, break-ins and robberies in that industrial area. The local small police contingent was unable to meet the demands suddenly placed on its resources. The sudden crime wave became a mystery. And of course the insurance premiums escalated accordingly.Â
After these months of crime wave, the security company again canvassed the industrial estate. Amazingly, there was a great demand for its services of night patrols. Almost all the business operators in the area contracted for the night patrol services.
This added facility of protection had a positive effect on insurance premiums, which fell as a consequence of the introduced element of competition amongst insurers, who felt that their risk exposure had diminished.
Unfortunately, the problems continued for the businesses in that industrial area that did not employ the services of that security company. Eventually all the business joined. A wonderful example of enterprise at work.
The area was now totally secure, and the crime wave had passed. To prevent businesses leaving this wonderful protective umbrella, and keep increasing the costs of this great service, without businesses believing that they no longer needed to pay, a competitive security company was introduced by the owners of the first.
This new company (the “second company”) canvassed on the basis of cost, and gathered a number of clients. The first company knowing the alarm and security features of all the businesses in the area, and indeed having all access keys, employed a further technique.
Businesses were entered at night, and warehouses stripped of stock. After the trucks had been loaded and driven away, access doors closed and alarms reset, some character would walk pass that business, smash an entry and trigger the alarms.
Eventually the first security company would contact the local police and report the sounding alarm. On prompt arrival, the local police would be amazed how quickly the entire robbery had occurred, and without any clues.
The first security company was conducting its patrols when it heard the alarm and saw nothing. The second was not in attendance at the time as it had reduced its patrols to compensate for the reduced costs to its clients.
Clearly a new crime wave had entered the area, by the thieves observing the times of patrol of the second security company.
So all the businesses returned to the security of the first company. The cost saving was just not worth being robbed and the insurance premiums rising again. It was far cheaper, convenient and less disruptive, to pay the higher and increasing costs of the first security company.
Any competitors who would ever re-enter that particular market had nothing to offer. Lower costs, increased services, even guards permanently posted in each factory, could not meet the services and costs of the first company. Which clearly worked and provided good value, in the overall context.
“which clearly worked and provided good value, in the overall context.”
No No. The good value was before these crims took over.
We need to go retro. RADIX MALORUM EST CUPIDITAS. Stop! Stop!
G5, your nutshell is a masterpiece.
Made me think of the Pullman strike of 1894 (Rockefeller attacked the striking workers), which brought me to this item at a Massachusetts blog:
“I grew up in an era and environment that remembered earlier bloody battles (Pullman strike et al.) workers fought in the face of an industrial base that had the cops and the military in its back pocket.”
Gee thanks, cops and military, you’re so sweet.
Now this confirms something I have always wondered about. If ALL WARS ARE BANKER WARS, and WW 1 & 2 were triggered by Deep State false flag psyops, Vietnam was triggered by the Gulf Of Tonkin false flag incident, Iraq and Afghanistan were triggered by the 9/11″terrorist” false flag, etc, etc, does this mean that there is no real “enemy” to be protected from??
So why do we need a military or “intelligence” agencies? Are they meant to keep us in line and severely out of pocket??
Is everything a psyop, including our monetary system and education system?. I’m beginning to feel really manipulated.
“Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.”
Phil, I believe there is no enemy that could be identified as a nation. Whichever nation you may point to, it’s not free (Including US, Israel and notably UK). They are all under the thumb of the master. Yes we are manipulated to the nth degree.
But as far as your definition of psy-op goes, I think it fits Gumshoe, too. We are certainly trying to convey selected info
(Building 7, Building 7, Beep!)
to influence emotions, motives and ultimately behavior. You are an important part of Gumshoe. Please don’t plan any vacations for the next 3 years.
Here are my solutions to what g5 has describes (and which I feel in the atmosphere every day. Paging Optus!).
Arrest all criminals, e.g. the ones who set those fires. A crime is a crime even if Rocky does it. Even if Rupe does it. Even if Larry does it.
In US, apply the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to prevent monopolies
Use education (even if it means making animated cartoons) to show people how the Nutshell system will happen if they don’t put their foot down, daily, hourly, and throw in some anger too. Show kids the ubiquity of deceit and the need to yell at liars.
E.g. Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on fire!
The emotion of shame actually exists. It is chemically provided for in the brain. No reason why it can’t appear in future, even if Certain Persons have done their best to delete that emotion, just as they are trying to delete some other emotions from our repertoire.
Japan entry into War World II was caused by their starvation of raw materials by you know who, knowing that would cause a reaction by Japan. A necessity for resources to continue existence.
Two video addresses provided by Larry Harrigan to do with the control of money distribution in the World economy. These are not recent videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Jz0LPQAQY
I know most gumshoenews followers will be aware of these stories, but we seem to be attracting newcomers regularly.
Decreasing taxes for the benfit of taxpaying voters, meaning another dollar in the publics pocket, increasing votes for the government to return to power, a return to power is for some politicians half a million dollars per annum, plus big pensions and a expensives paid perks, it is not possible to repay national debts and the purchase of jet fighters costing millions each and general military gear, the payment will eventually have to be paid by future generations, althugh the books can be cooked for national debts, this ommision is all part of doing business,those retired politicians now can be assured they will have such a cash flow that their families will be set up for generations with a good cash flow with the generousity of the masses in debt with no recourse to justice.
this is encouraging…
As Phil said… The Spanish American War was launched by a false-flag incident in a Mexico harbour. A US boat was explosively scuttled, and set up to look attacked. Pearl Harbour was attacked as righteous reaction to US/UK blockade of south American oil and rubber, forcing Japan to cancel the invasion of Manchuria; and instead invade Indonesia and Malaya for alternative sources. Pearl Harbour was to sink the US first supply fleet…. a logistics strategy.
The bombing of Darwin three months later was to sink the US second supply fleet… Australia was never the target (as politicians claimed).
Then there was the phony Gulf of Tonkin Incident, an excuse to bomb Hanoi.
And Diem had lived in NY for 16 years so was hardly a genuine Vietnamese citizen. Ho Chi Min was never a Communist, in fact he disliked them intensely. He was a nationalist who wanted the invaders out of his country. Later, he was forced to join with Communist General Giap to defeat the US.
The Cuban missile crisis was another false flag. Castro was fully entitled to host Russian missiles as these were still further from the US border than were the American missiles in Turkey from the Russian border. JFK realised too late that the CIA had dudded him with false information. He realised this after the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. JFK was told the Cubans would rise up and overthrow Castro. In point of fact, those unarmed peasants massacred the armed US ‘liberation’ troops with machetes and farm implements long before Castro’s forces could rescue them.
The entire Cold War was fabricated to justify expansion of America’s Defense budget.
I could go on and on, but the pattern should be clear.
The four people poisoned by nerve agent lives only a few Ks from a UK nerve gas production and experimental facility. Why would Russia do such a thing prior to the World Cup and elections? Putin is most certainly not that stupid. The Brits most certainly are.
Russia is running rings around NATO on the world stage and so the west is forced to fabricate excuses to support trade sanctions. These won’t work because Austria, Italy, and Hungary and most other EU nations want the cheaper and more reliable Russian gas… NORD STREAM 2… which is what this is all about.