by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
This morning I looks out the window and what do I see? I see snow, predicted to be very big in New England and other northern states for the coming weekend (today is Friday). Is this cause for panic? Maybe. It depends on whether you know about Dr Day.
Richard Day, MD, was a Rockefeller employee in charge of Planned Parenthood. He gave an after-dinner speech to medical students and a few faculty members in Pennsylvania, in 1969. He asked that no one record the speech or take notes. However, Lawrence Dunegan, MD, in the audience, took notes and, in 1988, he told the tale on Randy Engels Christian Radio show.
Dr Day pitched his talk as “letting a few people in on” some major changes being planned for America, only a few of which involved Medicine (or, as it is now called, the health industry). Futurism was popular at the time, and parts of what Day said were not startling. However, some items, on his list of a hundred predictions, are about terrible things. Dunegan revealed how a new banking system may come about:
“The bringing in of the new system [Dr Day] said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning when everybody wakened there would be an announcement that the New System was in place.”
It seems logical that if people are going to be pushed into a new financial system, such as a purely digital one with no cash available to make private deals, Richard Day may be right as to how it would be abruptly imposed. Consider how President Richard Nixon in 1971 made the huge move of taking the US dollar off the gold standard (and perhaps it was not even in his authority to do so).
Gunther Russbacher’s 1992 Call for People To Wake Up
I will now recount, mostly by paraphrasing, the story written by CIA man Gunther Russbacher 30 years ago. He says he and other Intel guys were surreptitiously helicoptered to a “manufacturing plant” in rural Maryland.
“A corporate official announced, ‘We are one of three companies being considered by the United States Treasury Department to build the printing presses that will print the new U.S. currency.’ “We [Russbacher’s mates] all looked at each other. The expressions on our faces said it all. ‘What new U.S currency?’”
This Maryland corporation was hoping to get the contract for printing a new dollar. It would have a bare spot around the size of a 50-cent piece, on the left side, which contains metallic filaments. This would allow the movement of currency at airports to be detected. Australia already had made such a “dollar,” as had Germany, Brazil, and 10 other countries.
Russbacher heard a rumor that the 12 currencies would later receive a common image linking them into an international monetary system. However, this did not happen. The Bosses moved to a more comprehensive method of globalizing money by eliminating paper money altogether. Who needs cash when the global government can use a digital system of keeping track of which of us peons is entitled to what? Russbacher opines:
“The final step would be to force each individual to be tagged with a personal identification code without which he would be unable to buy or sell. The technology for such a worldwide electronic system is already in place…. In the not-too-distant future, products on our grocery shelves may become labeled with an invisible bar code. The Universal Product Code (UPC), which most of us have complained is an eyesore on product packaging, will no longer be visible. It will still be there, however, only the scanner will be able to read it. Once the transition to an invisible code begins to take place, it will only be a matter of time before humans are tattooed with a similar mark.”
I note that 23 years before Russbacher’s 1992 report, Dr Day had sounded a similar warning:
“If you didn’t have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID. This would at first be an ID card [but] later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual.”
Now back to the late Gunther Russbacher. He wrote, in 1992:
“Wake up America! The implications to personal freedom are staggering! I emphasize the tattoo in order to bring this discussion down to a personal level. …Recent laws have made this global centralization possible by allowing strength and swallow mergers …. Over a 12-state region stretching from New York to the Carolinas, only three New York superbanks control over 85% of all banking assets. … I was well in the know, but even I was shocked to realize that I had merely scratched the surface on the national and international banking plot.”
Your Imminent Future, and the Salami Technique
Recall that this article has to do with a snowy weekend. It is at least conceivable that on Monday the curtain will lift and you will see that the world has been taken over. As of Monday, foreign troops may be on your street. They could confiscate your guns, your food supply, your wife, whatever. They could burn the Library of Congress to the ground.
I am proposing, in a separate article, how we should proceed in these dire circumstances. Namely, we should immediately reject the move toward Global Government. All other nations should reject it too. My proposal has to do with punishing the bad guys. But for this article I offer Russbacher’s preferred solution.
Gunther immigrated to the US from Austria, as the son of a wealthy father. He became a CIA man with responsibility for money. I think we can say he knew what was going on — and he had a conscience, to boot. With his wife, Rayelan Allen, he founded Rumor Mill News, at first a paper publication in the 1990s. It is now still hell’s-a-poppin’, online.
The following is Gunther Russbacher’s call to arms. Not exactly “arms” as in “call to arms,” but as in your actual two arms. He wrote, in 1992:
“We cannot let this country be lost because her citizenry cannot see what the global masters have in store for us. We must form a figurative chain, interlocking arms to show our national pride and unity. This must be done immediately, before they manage to separate and divide us.
“Their tactics include clever plans for dividing and conquering a people. If you are made to believe that you are separate and apart from other Americans, you won’t mind when their rights are taken from them. And slowly one by one, with the same tactic known in prewar Germany as “the salami tactique”, you will suddenly realize that you have given up all your rights and you too will have become a slave of the new world order.
“Fight for your freedom…fight with everything you have. Let us proudly tell the world … We will not be swallowed up by global masters who wish to exploit us for their own economic gain. We will march forward with our arms interlocked….”
Note: Russbacher’s article is printed in full in the book “Obergon Chronicles,” by Rayelan Allen. It is also online at whale.to. The Dr Day speech was published in full at Rense.com, and it appears in full in a book authored by Dee Mclachlan and myself entitled “Truth in Journalism.” In 2018, I wrote a sort of letter to David Rockefeller about Dr Day’s 1969 speech, which is linked here.
What a wonderful wold?
The world, with moon phases:
“In 1988 Dunegan revealed how a new banking system may come about”
Which theory could just as easily have been adopted via chapter 4 of the January 1, 1980 publication entitled “Warning”
Chapter 4: The New World Monetary System
Galloping Inflation
Reasons for Inflation
What Will Happen?
Cash Cancelled
The Computer World
What Do We Do Now?
And there were no doubt countless other bods spruiking the same stuff
Dunegan was giving us a list of over 100 predictions that Dr Day made. Day was an insider, hence the unusualness of his being frank about the unified bank.
excellent article Mary, go over most peeps head even with your abc layout.
was a conspiracy theory a few years back(-50 Chicago, peeps freezing going to work) but was home vid showing peeps trying to burn the snow with candle type flame. take you 5 minutes humour me; dissolve some in red wine then let try on plate for extra honours wink
The school nurse will give out contraceptives.
Automobile manufacturing will be moved out of the US to Japan.
New diseases will appear and will be hard to cure.
Old folks will be given free or discounted bus rides.
Sex will be more “out in the open.”
Music will get worse.
Banks will merge to fewer and fewer banks (eventually to one).
The scores from girls’ sports teams will appear in newspapers alongside boys’ teams.
Drug abuse will become more prevalent.
Many more people will be arrested for drunk driving.
The Christian religion will fall off in membership.
Some key words in the Bible will be subtly changed.
Guns will be harder to obtain; sportsmen may have to rent gun rather than own it.
Dining out will replace family mealtime.
Scientists will fudge their data.
Migration to the Sun Belt will be encouraged.
There will be an increasing number of psychiatrists.
Purchases will all be made on one credit card.
New bridges will be prone to collapse.
Hospital personnel will need to wear a lanyard with ID.
Books will be lost within libraries.
More convenience foods will be sold.
Bras will be softer, showing natural movement.
Little girls will not play dolls or tea party anymore.
Divorce will become common.
Homosexuality will become accepted.
Athletic costume such as running shoes will come into fashion.
There will be more car accidents and plane crashes.
Condoms will be sold on the shelf at pharmacies.
A cancer cure has been found but won’t be released as cancer keeps population down.
The age of puberty will be lower.
Blue laws to keep shops closed on Sunday will be repealed.
Government will get into gambling.
Bankruptcy laws will be changed
Anti-trust law will change or be interpreted differently.
There will be a new industry of residential security with alarms.
Most doctors won’t have solo practices; they will work for an employer.
Soccer will become a popular sport, and will help internationalism.
The cost of medical care will rise high, so all will need insurance.
Doctors and lawyers will start advertising their services.
Everyone would need an ID card; later the ID will be implanted under the skin.
We will be able to make rain and make drought.
Rains can be made heavy, so fields will be too muddy to bring in the harvest.
Computer record of all your purchases will be kept.
The ability to save will be greatly curtailed.
It is now possible to assassinate someone by a means that looks like heart attack.
There will be fast lanes on highways to make it difficult for elderly to drive.
Forms will be in pale ink so the elderly will need help filling them out.
Men’s jobs will send them to a distant city; they won’t be with family so much.
All the old movies will be brought back for a while.
Future movies will not have soft romance.
Some buildings will be allowed to stand empty and deteriorate.
Police in suburbs will be coordinated by the city.
Growing your own food will be outlawed.
MM’s old article:
The school nurse will give out contraceptives.
Automobile manufacturing will be moved out of the US to Japan.
New diseases will appear and will be hard to cure.
Old folks will be given free or discounted bus rides.
Sex will be more “out in the open.”
Music will get worse.
Banks will merge to fewer and fewer banks (eventually to one).
The scores from girls’ sports teams will appear in newspapers alongside boys’ teams.
Drug abuse will become more prevalent.
Many more people will be arrested for drunk driving.
The Christian religion will fall off in membership.
Some key words in the Bible will be subtly changed.
Guns will be harder to obtain; sportsmen may have to rent gun rather than own it.
Dining out will replace family mealtime.
Scientists will fudge their data.
Migration to the Sun Belt will be encouraged.
There will be an increasing number of psychiatrists.
Purchases will all be made on one credit card.
New bridges will be prone to collapse.
Hospital personnel will need to wear a lanyard with ID.
Books will be lost within libraries.
More convenience foods will be sold.
Bras will be softer, showing natural movement.
Little girls will not play dolls or tea party anymore.
Divorce will become common.
Homosexuality will become accepted.
Athletic costume such as running shoes will come into fashion.
There will be more car accidents and plane crashes.
Condoms will be sold on the shelf at pharmacies.
A cancer cure has been found but won’t be released as cancer keeps population down.
The age of puberty will be lower.
Blue laws to keep shops closed on Sunday will be repealed.
Government will get into gambling.
Bankruptcy laws will be changed
Anti-trust law will change or be interpreted differently.
There will be a new industry of residential security with alarms.
Most doctors won’t have solo practices; they will work for an employer.
Soccer will become a popular sport, and will help internationalism.
The cost of medical care will rise high, so all will need insurance.
Doctors and lawyers will start advertising their services.
Everyone would need an ID card; later the ID will be implanted under the skin.
We will be able to make rain and make drought.
Rains can be made heavy, so fields will be too muddy to bring in the harvest.
Computer record of all your purchases will be kept.
The ability to save will be greatly curtailed.
It is now possible to assassinate someone by a means that looks like heart attack.
There will be fast lanes on highways to make it difficult for elderly to drive.
Forms will be in pale ink so the elderly will need help filling them out.
Men’s jobs will send them to a distant city; they won’t be with family so much.
All the old movies will be brought back for a while.
Future movies will not have soft romance.
Some buildings will be allowed to stand empty and deteriorate.
Police in suburbs will be coordinated by the city.
Growing your own food will be outlawed.
As most of those trends were already up and running by the late 60s they could hardly be have been called predictions
“We will march forward with our arms interlocked”
Just like the Civil Rights protesters did in 1963:
Whoever would have imagined that said movement would wind being kidnapped by the King of all Oppressors
But it seems that Thomas Sowell saw where it was headed as early as 1962: