by Elias Davidsson
We all know that Jews love to be victims. We learned that they eagerly ordered tickets on the trains transporting them and their children to the death camps in the 1930s. The present essay illustrates this particular Jewish trait by showing how Jews have incriminated themselves as suspects for the mass-murder of 9/11. Their self-sacrificial purpose was to shift the blame from Gentiles onto themselves. The real perpetrators of 9/11 are hopefully thankful.
- The five “dancing Israelis”
There were once five young Israeli Jews who filmed the burning Twin Towers in the morning of 9/11 while making high-fives and laughing. They did their stint in full public display, knowing that they would draw attention and perhaps be arrested. Thankfully, a woman, appropriately named Maria, noticed them and called the police. After getting arrested with suspicious box cutters and a van containing traces of explosives, the five young men spent two months in prison.
After the FBI produced a mountain of reports about these men, they were sent home to Israel. There, they soon appeared on a TV show, stating that their task in New York had been “to document the event.” According to their conduct, their admission and the items they carried in their van, their assigned role was to incriminate Israel as an accomplice of 9/11.
- The “4,000 Jews who did not come to work”
On 12 September 2001, the Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli Foreign Ministry had expressed its concern about the fate of 4,000 Israelis believed to work in or around the World Trade Center in New York. This announcement metamorphosed mysteriously into reports in Arab and Muslim media that 4,000 Jews did not come to work in the World Trade Center on 9/11, because they were forewarned. Western media reported the contrived Arab report as a sign of Arab antisemitism but did not mention the original Jerusalem Post report. No one was interested to find out how the Post article metamorphosed into the Arab news reports.
The Foreign Ministry of the Jewish State appears to have deliberately seeded the suspicion that Israelis (or Jews) were forewarned of the 9/11 attacks.
- Odigo
It was reported in the news that two employees of Odigo, Inc., an Israeli company with headquarters in New York and offices in Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv, received warnings of an imminent attack in New York City about two hours before the 9/11 attacks. Odigo, one of the world’s largest instant messaging companies, has its headquarters two blocks from the WTC. The story made it soon to the world media.
Odigo Vice President of Sales and Marketing Alex Diamandis told Newsbytes in a telephone interview that the warning message did not identify the World Trade Center as the attack target. Diamandis declined to say whether the warning named the targets for the attack. “Providing more details would only lead to more conjecture,” he said. But shortly thereafter, Diamandis told the Washington Post that “the messages said something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time, and it did — almost to the minute.” According to the Post, the message “ended with an anti-Semitic slur.”
Christopher Bollyn uses this story to infer Israeli foreknowledge of the attacks. He linked the aforementioned story of the 4,000 forewarned Israelis with the message received by Odigo. He failed, however, to explain how a message received by Odigo two hours before the 9/11 attacks could have reached 4,000 Israelis, let alone that they were actually forewarned.
- Zim American-Israeli Shipping
On the day of 11 September 2001, the Zim Shipping Company was 48.6 percent owned by the Israeli government. The company’s entire U.S. operations “were run out of the 16th floor [of the WTC’s North Tower]” with about 160 employees.
Zim announced in April 2001 its decision to relocate from New York to Norfolk. It said it expects to open its new headquarters by September 4, 2001. Nadav Kaplan, Zim-American’s project manager for the relocation, said Zim-American began already in December 1999 to look for new headquarters. Norfolk was a finalist along with Houston and Richmond. Norfolk emerged as the victor after a February tour of the finalists by executives of the Israeli shipping company, he [Kaplan] said.
As it turned out, Zim opened its headquarters in Norfolk only on 18 October 2001. It relocated there nine days before 9/11, but maintained twenty people working out of the WTC office, although only 10 were there on the day of the attacks. They all escaped to safety.
Did Zim publish its relocation plans in order to provide Christopher Bollyn and his friends with incriminating evidence against itself?
- The “art students”
A vast art-selling operation by young Israelis that appeared suspiciously as a spying operation, surfaced in the United States in 2000. It was reported by The Washington Post, Fox News,, Ha’aretz and most extensively by the Atlanta-based alternative newspaper Creative Loafing.
Agents of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), first began noticing that as many as 120 young Israelis, who claimed to peddle art works, many of them veterans of the Israeli military’s intelligence corps, or experienced in signal interception and ordnance, were traveling door-to-door from Atlanta to Texas. They often turned up at offices of the DEA and other government agencies, on one occasion at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma, where American spy planes are serviced, and on several occasions at the homes of federal law enforcement agents.
In at least one case, the students were spotted in an Atlanta-area office that housed an FBI office not widely known to the public. A 60-page draft report detailing the students’ activities was compiled by a DEA agent and happily leaked to the press.
Christopher Bollyn, citing Forward, which he describes as “one of the oldest and most respected Jewish newspapers in America,” suggests that the alleged Israeli art students “almost certainly had advance foreknowledge about the impending 9-11 attacks.” As evidence he wrote that they lived “close to the homes of Arabs suspected of involvement in the Sept. 11 terror attacks.” The problem is that no Arabs were involved in the attacks of 9/11.
Leaving aside the simple question how selling arts works at DEA offices could have facilitated 9/11, it should be noted that this story was reported by pro-Israel media, such as Fox News, the Washington Post and the Israeli Ha’aretz. It again appears that Israel’s friends tried to highlight suspicious activities of young Israelis in order to provide Christopher Bollyn and his friends with “evidence” of Israel’s foreknowledge of 9/11.
- Eddie Guigui Shalev
Do you remember the one and only Hani Hanjour, who according to U.S. official accounts, managed to fly a Boeing 757 into the side of the Pentagon? All his interviewed instructors described Hani as a poor pilot who could hardly maintain a one-engine Cessna in the air.
But there was one man who gave good marks to Hani: An Israeli by the name of Eddie Guigui Shalev. He was a flight instructor at Congressional Air Charters of Gaithersburg, Maryland. Prior to coming into the United States, Shalev served in the Israeli Defense Forces as a paratrooper. He was the only flight instructor invited by the 9/11 Commission to describe Hani Hanjour’s piloting skills.
In August 2001, Shalev was asked to evaluate Hanjour’s flying ability. Shalev said that Hanjour did not use instrument navigation but ”a landmark or terrain recognition system for navigation.” Shalev suggested to 9/11 Commission staff member Quinn John Tamm that Hanjour “may have received training from a military pilot because of his use of terrain recognition for navigation.” He stated, based on his observations, that Hanjour was a “good” pilot. Shalev said to Quinn John Tamm that he had been interviewed on 13 September 2001 by the FBI.
Contrary to the hundreds of released 302-reports that summarize interviews conducted by FBI agents in connection with the 9/11 attacks, the 302-report on Shalev’s interview was not released. The staff of the 9/11 Commission did not apparently interview Hanjour’s numerous instructors who considered him a sub-standard pilot, only this Israeli instructor who gave Hanjour good marks. The Commission staff then recommended Shalev to be included as a witness in a panel of instructors and hinted that it would be desirable for him to obtain a permanent resident status, as his visa expires in July 2004.
For those who search for a “smoking gun” of Israel complicity in 9/11, I just described one. By giving good marks to Hani Hanjour, the Israeli man gave Hanjour the necessary confidence to steer a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon. The only question in my mind: Why did pro-Israeli media in the United States suppress this story?
- Mohammed Atta, Abdul Aziz Alomari, Marwan Alshehhi
Three of the alleged hijackers of 9/11, Mohamed Atta, Marwan Alshehhi and Abdulaziz Alomari, received their mail at 3389 Sheridan Street, Hollywood, Florida. This was Mohamed Atta’s official address in the United States, as shown on his commercial pilot license. His and Alomari’s reservations for flight AA11 were thus mailed to this address. Marwan Alshehhi’s driver’s license was issued to this address. UPS delivered more than 20 packages to this address for Marwan Alshehhi.
Bollyn and his friends might be interested to know that the above building also hosts NACPAC, the nation’s largest pro-Israel political action committee. Perhaps Mohamed Atta’s real name was Moshe Atara, Alshehhi’s – Mor Hashaked and Alomari’s – Avraham Lemari. But what were they doing in Florida, if none of them hijacked aircraft on 9/11?

ICTS is a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm headed by former Israeli military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies. ICTS’s U.S. subsidiary Huntleigh – according to the yearly reports of the company – handled passenger security checks for flight UA175, which reportedly departed from Logan Airport, Boston, on the morning of 9/11.
According to Christopher Bollyn, ICTS is or was a Mossad company. It “let the bad guys on the plane”. PER THE STORY As no Muslim hijackers participated in the attacks of 9/11, who were these “bad guys” and what was their role? Was ICTS also tasked to incriminate Israel?
- Dov Zakheim
Dr. Dov Zakheim, who is reportedly an ordained rabbi, signatory of the Project of a New American Century, a person who held numerous high-ranking academic, political and business positions in the United States, accepted in May 2001 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s invitation to become the Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Defense. Four months after Zakheim was hired and one day before 9/11, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion of Pentagon funds could not be accounted for.
Certain people read into this announcement a hidden message, namely that Zakheim bore some responsibility for this colossal scandal, short of accusing him of embezzlement. Zakheim did apparently not mind. Did he contribute to this story, following the tradition of Jewish self-incrimination? In any case, he continued to serve as Comptroller of the Pentagon until April 2004.
The story of the unaccounted trillions vanished from mainstream media but thrives, due to the efforts of Bollyn and his friends, as further evidence of Jewish malfeasance. These valiant combatants for the truth still owe us an explanation, namely how bookkeeping tricks in the Pentagon could have facilitated 9/11.
- Larry Silverstein
Larry Silverstein, a New York real-estate mogul, is described as the most candid insider with foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. His is nearly a poster-boy for the claim that 9/11 was a Jewish operation.
Silverstein, who on 9/11 owned already WTC-7, publicly and proudly announced in April 2001 to have secured, with the help of Australia’s Westfield group, a 99-year lease on the Twin Towers for $3.2 billion, outbidding others. On 24 July 2001, Silverstein took delivery of the complex in a ceremony, in which “he thrust a giant key chain into the air like a glittering trophy of his ascent from the rags district.” He then insured the buildings for $3.55 billion per terrorist occurrence and claimed from insurers a whopping $7.1 billion, arguing that the two towers were attacked in two “occurrences.”
The cost of rebuilding the complex was estimated between $4 and $6 billion. The underwriters, including Swiss Re and 21 other insurance companies, battled Silverstein in court. Their interpretation of the agreement was that the attacks on the WTC constituted a single, not a double, terrorist occurrence. After a lengthy litigation – widely covered by U.S. and European media – the court granted Silverstein a payout of $4.55 billion, a sum surpassing the strict interpretation of the single occurrence coverage but significantly lower than the claim he had made on behalf of the investors.
Silverstein wanted also everyone to know that he luckily survived the 9/11 attacks. He told journalist Deborah Sontag of The New York Times that, exceptionally on that day, he did not attend his regular breakfast meeting in Windows on the World, at the top floor of one of the Towers. The reason? his wife, Clara, reminded him of an appointment with his dermatologist. Although known as a shrewd businessman, he apparently lacked the imagination to plan a better alibi, say a three-weeks’ holiday in Norway, that would put him far away from the scene of crime.
If all of that was not sufficient for self-incrimination, he ensured that his notorious phrase “pull it” would provide food to 9/11 truthers. By this phrase, he suggested that he gave the order to demolish WTC-7. Forget for a minute that rigging a building such as WTC-7 for demolition takes weeks, if not months.
Going by The New York Times, Silverstein’s company lost four employees in the 9/11 attacks. These include John M. Griffin, 38, of Waldwick, New Jersey, Charles Wilson Magee, 51, of Wantagh, New York and two others, whose names have not been published. This fact alone, if true, in conjunction to his alleged foreknowledge of the attacks, would have made him eligible to the death sentence. Yet, why do Bollyn and his friends, do not demand the death sentence for Silverstein? Don’t they fight for justice?
Silverstein has instituted legal proceedings against AMR, the holding company of American Airlines, claiming that the airline had failed to secure the cockpits of the airliners, thus making their alleged hijacking possible. This, in turn, facilitated the airliners’ impact on his buildings and to their destruction, he argues. He demands damages. AMR could, evidently, defend itself against these accusations by disclosing that no hijackings had at all taken place. But AMR would hardly do so.
The alternative for AMR would be to placate Silverstein with a generous out-of-court settlement. Knowing that 9/11 was a false-flag operation allows people like Silverstein to blackmail those who do not wish to disclose the truth. I wish him good luck.
As for Silverstein’s love affair with Israel, we have his own words, cited by the Jerusalem Post of 18 May 2000. After years of unsuccessfully attempting to sell to the Israelis the idea of a free-trade zone in the Israeli Negev, he gave up and said: “Don’t try to do business in Israel, certainly don’t do business with the government because you’ll get killed. I’m never going to do this again.”
The Cartoon
If the incriminating statements cited above were not sufficient, Ha’aretz published the following cartoon by Amos Biderman on 30 October 2014, depicting the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, as a terrorist pilot flying a plane into one of the towers of the World Trade Center.
The publication of this cartoon led Christopher Bollyn to state as “self-evident” that Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Shimon Peres, Michael Chertoff, and a host of senior members of Israeli intelligence were the real architects and perpetrators of the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11. Bollyn apparently lacks humor.
Old news, but worth repeating for that clueless segment of the population.
In New news, perhaps Israel will get their war with Iran later this year. Allegedly, there is suppose to be some sort of ‘false flag’ to again trick the clueless. Heads-up everyone!
This is going on all over the world so we must pay better attention and be more vigilant.
The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence (First Edition, 2017)
by Elias Davidsson
3.71 · Rating details · 45 ratings · 3 reviews
The attacks in Mumbai in November 2008 – designated as 26/11 – left 162 people dead in a traumatic event that some people described as India’s 9/11. Extensive media coverage has created the impression that all the relevant facts on this audacious operation have been reported. Unfortunately, this impression is false. This book represents a comprehensive and critical evaluation of the official narrative of 26/11, as reflected in court documents and the news media. It presents testimonies of dozens of important witnesses, whom Indian courts ignored because they shed a radically different light on the events. The book presents a detailed analysis of the benefits accruing to powerful constituencies in India and the US from the mass-murder. The results of this evaluation are shattering for they expose a tacit consensus by leading news media, the political class, the police and the judicial system, to cover up the true facts on 26/11 and thereby shield the real criminals. The book’s ultimate purpose is to serve as a wake-up call to the Indian public to liberate itself from the grips of a predatory, corrupt and ruthless ruling class that prevents the majority of Indian citizens from enjoying a life of dignity and peace. Born in Palestine in 1941 to German-Jewish parents, the author, Elias Davidsson, was sensibilized early on to questions of justice, particularly in the light of the persecutions experienced by Jews in Europe. Opposition to injustice and its variants, such as racism, war and mass deception, constitutes a red thread leading through all his life. (less)
EP.739: Roger Waters-Julian Assange Arrest Proves UK is a SATELLITE STATE OF US EMPIRE!
A great articulation of how we in the world find ourselves observing these huge events in our era that we thought was unbelievable and not possible? We are at the tipping point for sure
The so-called Australian prostitute media and press give no thorough coverage or honest coverage and he is an Australian. Australian has surrounded to the forces already…Its obvious.
As i suggested below……. modus operandi as usual..
Let us/them now throw in a Assange 911 denier to distract from the 911 killlers the subject of the present article.
TA: you lot are idiots. We are not stupid.
Need I express more evidence!?
To counteract my comments below , TA is desperate to replace examination of 911 with Assange bull shit, by placing comments at the top to cover for all the bs below.
Arlyn, get your own TA site.
We tire of your bs here.
Do not bother to read on this topic anything below. Who cares about all the theoretical machinations about what ever is below?
Excluding Arlyn at 12.27 below who merely relates what we allready know.
Merci beaucoup already, Ned.
Dear Terry – ain’t gonna happen mate! Both Iran and North Korea are Globalist/Deep State operations. Globalist strings controlling North Korea were cut back in 2017 – have you not noticed there have been no more rockets or threats from North Korea since then? And you can forget what the fake media put out concerning what the Zika Kid is up to as they have no clue because ALL correspondence between Trump and rocket boy, AKA. the Zika Kid, are by written and hand delivered letters between both leaders.
Iran is already a basket case that is being supported by the European Union and the United Nations – the home of the Globalists – but Trump’s sanctions against Iran are working and economic collapse of that evil empire is just around the corner.
But how do I know of these things? Because I have taken the time to learn how this world really works by venturing down the rabbit hole at
It’s a convoluted journey that requires an open mind to take in what is available to learn from.
And be warned. Once you know the TRUTH it is very hard to deny it.
That’s ok don’t fret. thanks for sending it. 🙂
Ok I will read it. If you have trouble finding Field McConnell of Abel Danger email I have it.
Since you are interested in numbers:
Exact Proof Jesuits Killed 7 US Presidents (Obama is next)
Thank you for the link. Yes, please forward the e-mail address. Do you want mine or can this be done on Gumshoe?
You are most welcome. Not here on FB in Messenger
I’ve contacted Abel Danger, thanks again. My IT skills are very poor but I’m hanging in there.
Tenacious persistence will get you there? 🙂
Evil U.S and Israeli governments were complicit in this mass murder. How many Aussies were wiped that day as a 100% false flag operation. Yet this does no appear to stop Aussies visiting a country who orchestrated this atrocity. Why not boycott them and all goods in our shops?.
Respectfully it is not just the Fascist US nor the evil Zionist regime that you have to be aware of. It is also the Jesuits and the Freemasons. Let us not confine ourselves in thinking 🙂
Sustainable Sydney 2030
Green .Global.Connected .
Sustainable Sydney 2030
Green . Global . Connected
56, obviously you have not taken any notice of the current NSW parliamentary makeup since the March, 2019, elections, if you believe that what you have put up will actually come about.
Mask of Zion
9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception
Israel’s 9/11 connection exposed
The Fox News exposé also reported on the near-total penetration of US communications facilities by Israel, through two “private” Israeli telecommunications companies, Amdocs, Ltd., and Comverse Infosys, which, together, handle virtually all the billing records and government wiretaps in the US. Indeed, many of the “art students” not only had “intelligence expertise,” but also worked for Amdocs “or other companies in Israel that specialize in wiretapping.”
Cameron’s report, which was immediately denied by the Israelis, spread pandemonium throughout the government, and official spokesmen stonewalled. Ari Fleischer was unusually laconic, referring questions from reporters to an unresponsive Justice Department and other equally uncooperative government agencies. As for the rest of the American media – a stunning silence. You could hear a pin drop. As Cameron put it in an interview with CSPAN:
“The biggest story of our time, of Israel spying on all branches of the government, on all our intelligence agencies – in the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], the DEA and the White House itself, is not picked up by the leading newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post.”
What I like best about Online Intelligence is that it names names,
“A few of the operatives are well known in the Israeli intelligence community. The report cited the names of Peer Segalovitz (military registration number 5087989) and Aran Ofek, son of a renowned two-star general in the Israeli army. The network targeted some of the most sensitive sites in the U.S., such as Tanker Air Force Base near Oklahoma City. Indeed, the U.S. Air Force’s Office of Special Investigation sent a letter to the Justice Department on May 16 of last year to ask for assistance in a case against four Israelis suspected of spying: Yaron Ohana, Ronen Kalfon, Zeev Cohen and Naor Topaz.”
According to the DEA, Israel’s underground army in the US consisted of “around 20 units composed of between four and eight members each.” More names are named: Michael Calmanovic headed up the team in Irving, Texas, while Florida was the domain of Hanan Serfaty. Legum Yochai had charge of the Miami operation. Online Intelligence also notes the Amdocs connection: it seems these “art students” “cultivated contacts with Israeli information technology companies based in the US and serving as regular suppliers to various U.S. federal agencies, such as Amdocs” and others. The Fox News series is cited, by Online Intelligence and Le Monde, and the former even provides a convenient map of the Texas chapter of the “art students” underground apparatus, complete with not only names, but arrival dates, corporate connections, when and where they were arrested, and their specific functions in the Israeli military-intelligence apparatus. How much more evidence do we need before the editorialists and the pundits start calling government officials on their lies – and Congress begins an investigation?
The word “Jew/s” is bandied around too loosely and too freely unfortunately. A certain section of society is falsely accused which exacerbates the past and current situation about Jews and their history and leads people to a wrong conclusion and creates a blanket cover for all which is incorrect and just plain wrong.
There are no biblical Jews as they falsely claim as they are ‘Israelis’
There are Jews by their Judaic religion that believe in the Bible and in Christ
There are the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe which is well known for the Ashkenazi mafia
There are the cabalist Jews who despise Christ and are looking forward to another messianic
The anti-semitic card is anti-Zionist in reality
Israel is a ultra right theocracy of sorts
The Jews is religion have been protesting for decades against Zionism in their own country which never gets published
There are people who are aiding and abetting with the cover-up for the Zionists called crypto-Jews of the audacious act of terrorism on US soil against their own people
It is like all Muslims are not Islamists terrorists.
Yes the “Jew Holocaust” ideology card is always played for them to be victims which is a total lie and a deceitful conspiracy on the world and on their culture of citizens
9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece
Long reading here but lots of names named here!
Does anyone have that video clip of the female showing and describing the explosives and the fictitious art students?
The premeditated preparation by the evil Israeli Mossad is obvious like the Port Arthur Massacre as history is forensic evidence.
The entering of over a hundred of Mossad agents as “art students’ living in the Twin Towers with their military technical abilities
The criminal Bush cabal family of Jeb Bush the brother of George Bush was in charge of ‘security’
The pre-warning given exclusively to the Israeli citizens
The evil Zionists controlled all the airport ‘security’ in the US
The top echelon in the White House were dual citizens of the US and Israel but their allegiance and loyalty is to the Zionist nation so Mossad agents were freed by the White House
The ‘Patsy’ Arabs were given passports from Saudi Arabia by the CIA according to an an CIA who passed them out to them
All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company
The 9/11 Commission was a 9/11 Omission Cover-up by Robert Mueller
The Westfield group Frank Lowry must have benefitted from it as well. “with the help of Australia’s Westfield group,” The Murdoch consortium has kept his name out. ” the court granted Silverstein a payout of $4.55 billion, a sum surpassing the strict interpretation of the single occurrence coverage but significantly lower than the claim he had made on behalf of the investors.” FOLLOW THE MONEY!
The Twin Towers was white elephant building problem with asbestos
Why Twin Towers false flag was planned from 1989 – Robert David Steele
Here’s a different take on this timeless topic right in time for Erev Pesach. Judaism is not a religion at all but a universal teaching of metaphysics, a spiritual system of cosmic energy flows and thought energy intelligences for all mankind. Judaism = metaphysics = kabbalah. Eretz Israel, i.e. the “Holy Land” was established in 1948 to bind our minds to the physical, to the five sense reality, in Biblical yet not religious code “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” reality that is filled with chaos and uncertainty, as is happening now everywhere, wherever one looks.
There is a parallel reality, in Biblical yet not religious code “Tree of Life” reality where there is no chaos but total peace of mind, it is the Sixth Sense Reality of the Creator that each one of us can connect with to create Aretz Israel, the earth of Israel, right where each one of us is, which is about being whole, i.e. One with all of Creation and the Creator, not “holy” as religion suggests.
The timeless battle between these two realities is also known as Gog and Magog, which kabbalah explains to be our rational intellectual minds (= Gog) of the five senses vs. our God -like and Messiah -like minds over matter (= Magog) of our Sixth Sense, where we achieve and receive, which is what kabbalah means, absolute peace of mind. This is what Pesach calls for as well, for us to put Seder, order, into our lives to heal, mend and repair ourselves to the original Image each one of us is created in.
The way to bridge the gap between the two realities is to self-cleanse with a “no pain, no gain” attitude as we each distance ourselves from the Creator through self-inflicted ways of selfishness and lack of mercy, lack of caring for and sharing with our Fellow Man. Kabbalah calls these characteristics in each human being “Pharaoh” and “Egypt.”
A pretty perfect metaphor are Adam and Eve, the prototypes of man and woman, and the Biblical apple and the global technology company Apple with the same symbol (not by accident or coincidence as each person with their device has all the five sense temptations in the palm of their hand), a bite taken out of it: we each can return ourselves and our apple so to say to wholeness by remembering and returning all our “forbidden fruit” bites to it on an individual level which, in Passover Haggadah code is “splitting the Red Sea,” and when enough people recall their own “bites,” i.e. thought energy intelligences, the apple will return to wholeness also on a collective level of consciousness.
All Judaic holidays (Shabbat, Pesach, Purim, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Shavuot, Tisha B’Av, etc.) are appointed times to re-connect with our Creator and to re-connect ourselves with the main frame of Creation as it were, via Hebrew letters and “prayers,” neither of which has anything to do with religion.
In a most precious nut shell from Zohar Trumah:
“The Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of power. This truth is found within the Hebrew word for “letter,” which means “pulse” or “vibration,” indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their power is shared with all mankind, though this penetrating truth has been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequeathed to us in this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and physical cosmos.”
Chag Sameach, Shabbat Shalom
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
the ultimate in studying non-physical phenomena = Kabbalah
Karl Rove’s Prophecy
In a famous exchange between a high official at the court of George W. Bush and journalist Ron Susskind, the official – later acknowledged to have been Karl Rove – takes the journalist to task for working in “the reality-based community.” He defined that as believing “that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” Rove then asserted that this was no longer the way in which the world worked. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” (Ron Suskind, NYTimes Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004).
The Murder of America
Among the evil culprits I fingered over the years were such anti-American globalist groups as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Bilderbergs. All play important roles in the on-going conspiracy. But behind them all is the satanic influence and power of Zionists. Zionists, in fact, are the real, but, so often, unheralded authors of the globalist plot.
The Zionist Connection: The CFR is Dominated by Jews
The Zionist Connection is the sinewy thread that ties this entire, vast, traitorous enterprise together. The Bush Administration is only a puppet operation. The Council on Foreign Relations has among its leading members such Zionist fanatics and servants as Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Condi Rice, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. In all, over seventy percent of the membership of the CFR is Jewish!
Also on the CFR’s rolls: Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve; Robert Rubin, Clinton’s former Secretary of the Treasury; and Madleine Albright, Clinton’s former Secretary of State. Every one of these persons is a Jew and a Zionist Agent. Their first allegiance is to the Jewish World Authority.
Here are some other top Jewish names that dominate the CFR. Indeed, the CFR is nothing more than America’s premier Zionist Secret Society, a traitorous front for global Jewish interests and headquarters for the furtherance of the Zionist plot for a global Jewish Utopia: Carla Hills, Henry Bienen, Kenneth Duberstein, Martin Feldman, Richard Salomon, Bart Friedman, Maurice Greenberg, Morton Janklow, Ira Lipman, Seymour Sternberg, Frank Wisner, Michael Moscow, Roger Altman, Jessica Einhorn, David Greenberg, Louis Perlmutter, Joshua Steiner, Anita Wien, Douglas Schoen, Malcolm Weiner, Charles Schumer, Nancy Soderberg, Peter Tannoff, Abraham Lowenthal, Marc Thiessen, Daniel Yergin, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Carl Gershman, Peter Rosenblatt, Joseph Lieberman, Mortimer Zuckerman.
All of those listed are CFR Jews. All are globalists. As CFR conspirators and associates, all, in my opinion, are deceitful traitors, guilty of treason, enemies of the Constitution of the United States of America. They deserve to be arrested, indicted, and, if found guilty by a jury of 12 honest American Patriots, sent to prison or executed.
White House strategist Karl Rove is shown here confidently displaying the El Diablo horned devil sign with both hands just after having met with Republican congressmen and giving them their marching orders on the illegal immigration issue. Rove’s immediate boss is Joshua Bolton, a Zionist Jew who runs things as President Bush’s Chief of Staff. Bolton, alias “Mordecai,” speaks fluent Hebrew. His role is to transmit orders from the CFR Jewish elite to Karl Rove, President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Bolton cracks the whip and makes sure the three men stay loyal to the CFR scheme. That scheme is to put Mexico first, end American sovereignty and set up a North American Union to replace the government and Constitution of the “outmoded”
I know about the CFR, Bildebergers, etc., I’ve read David Icke’s books for years. The names you list are just names, there is no such thing as “Jewish names,” or “Irish names”, or “Italian names,” etc. even if we have been brainwashed to think so, that is part of the five sense illusion most people live under, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil reality of chaos creation and spin.
Kabbalah deals with Judaism and the Hebrew language on a totally different level, the language is not a spoken language per se.
I was born and raised in (Lutheran) Finland in the physical reality of the five senses but my, the Sixth Sense me, my Spirit and consciousness that animates and guides me is of no language or nationality or religion.
Hillary Clinton displayed the Diablo horned devil sign at the Democratic convention, as did Steny Hoyer at an AIPAC meeting but ANYONE who wishes harm on others is not a Hebrew or an Israelite (of the Tree of Life reality). John Kerry, the Skull & Bones candidate from the “left” in 2004 said this one the news a couple of years ago, “there were 1,429 bodies in Iraq after an attack…” That’s a code number for 1,492, i.e. when the Spanish Inquisition was signed into law on 9/11 = Tisha B’Av on the Hebrew lunar calendar.
The Iraq war was started on Erev Purim, the eve of Purim in 2003 and Colin Powell said that the date would not be changed no matter what. Back in the days of the Persian empire another horned devil said the same thing about the Hebrews of his day, Haman.
After 9/11 “88” floodlights were placed at the WTC site as a memorial. A memorial to what and to whom, I asked myself? 88 = Heil Hitler.
Joe Scarborough broadcasts his Morning Joe program from studio 8H.
The Ford Motor Company advertised on 9/11 with “88” in their commercial on network tv.
The Jerusalem Post had a “Fuhrer Real Estate Company” advertise on its cover page some years back.
Barack Hussein Obama said, “I, too, have had enough of this speculator breed” in 2008 as he walked out of the $700 billion bail out package meeting.
In May of 2000 George W. Bush said during the Republican Presidential Primaries, “if elected, I’ll go after America’s internal terrorists.”
The last time that was heard was maybe in the 1930’s from Hitler’s mouth?
We are surrounded by fascists in and of any and all languages, religions and nationalities in every country BUT we can separate ourselves from it if we so choose, for our own sanity’s sake and re-connect with the Tree of Life reality.
Yes people know about the CFR but did you know they are a front for the Jesuits?
No need to reply I received your reply in your second post. 🙂
Will CFR Member Newt Gingrich Renounce: The NWO’s Council On Foreign Relations?
“[the CFR has as a goal] submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.… this lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership.… In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as ‘America First’” (Admiral Chester Ward, Kissinger on the Couch, pp. 144-150. 1975.)
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
– David Rockefeller; the Lifetime Emeritus Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
John Bolton is a Zionist war hawk supporter through his history of past events and his present thinking patter ideology
Corruptico the evil Council on Foreign Relations aka CFR
Dixon revealed how his Masonic uncle, John Bolton, is a high-ranking member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)… a top member of the Neoconservative movement (Neocon)… and publicly served under president Bush from 2005-2006 as United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
The Insidious Council on Foreign Relations is a Jesuit Front
yes, that is all known. What is not known so far is that in Creation there is nothing that is of “foreign” origin, everything is of familiar origin all is One.
The goal of Kabbalah is to re-connect us back to that very origin, to that consciousness, so that we are not part of the chaos and spin.
One by one, one person at a time, we are advancing toward that goal and the spinners will be left to spin themselves, with no audience. I have e-mailed members of the CFR about Kabbalah and told them how lucky they are, that by switching their consciousness from doing evil to doing good, they don’t even need to change the name of their organization: CFR, Council of Familiar Relations. In our Lifetime.
Malachi Martin:’The terrorists were all trained by the Jesuits’
The Vatican and the New World Order – Must Watch!
Vatican Jesuits Secret Societies & Terrorism in pursuit of the NWO
The connection between ISIS, the CIA and the Vatican. Keep in mind that the CIA and the Vatican have multiple and various fronts to try to deceive the public and the world! The Knights of Malta are mentioned as well. They unknowingly and knowingly serve the pope as does the Council on Foreign Relations aka CFR which is yet another front for the papacy. As does the Rothschild family who work for the Jesuit Order and are the Treasurer to the Vatican Treasury.
Catholic Confidential | Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed!–deplorable-jesuit-secrets-revealed.html
The Jesuit controlled Islam Network within the USA
Jesuits & Slavery
History of the Jesuits AKA the Knights of the Virgin Mary
Knights of Malta “Iron Cross” in number 10 Dowling St.
The Vatican War of Vietnam and Laos
1 & 2
In every major world wide events such as civil wars, world wars, revolutions, rebellions, terrorism, assassinations, political, social and all kinds of turmoils or chaos – the Jesuits are the orchestrator. Many historians and writers such as ERIC JON PHELPS, AVRO MANHATTAN, ALBERTO RIVERA, JOHN LOFTUS, EDMUND PARIS, DARYL EBERHART, DAVID GUYAT, ALEXANDER JAMES, CHARLES CHINIQUY, JOSE RIZAL, AND OTHERS point their finger to the Jesuits and the Vatican as the culprits.
The Jesuits are also the culprits and detonated the Atomic Bomb blast in Hiroshima during the closing end of World War II. The Jesuits are also the culprits for the Sinking Of Titanic killing John Jacob Astor on board who is against the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank – A Privately Owned Bank. And Jesuit’s boys (satanic bloodlines) meeting better known as the Creatures of the Jekyll Island).
The Roman Catholic Church is a mere continuation of the Roman Empire (Julius Ceasar, Nero, Constantin, Agustus Ceasar, etc.) and the Jesuit Order is the old Roman Empire Pretorian Guard where NAZI SS was pattern from the Jesuit Order. NAZI notorious general Reinhard Ghelen trained and created the CIA and the Israeli Masonic-Zionist MOSSAD. In the Philippines, the Light A Fire Movement during Marcos regime was led by Ed Olaguer and master-minded by the Jesuit Order. Fr. Romeo “Archie” Intengan and Norberto Gonzales (GMA’s National Security Adviser)
The 9/11 WTC Terrorist Attack was ordered by the Jesuit General – Count Peter Hans Kolvenbach according to Eric Jon Phelps. The masonic Osama bin Ladin praised the attack allowed by the traitor to the American people George W. Bush a member of the secret society Skull & Bones. I’ve a picture of Bush Sr. & Bush Jr. including Gen. Eisenhower inside the satanic worship location in the Bohemian Grove in California. Inside the Bohemian Grove, the Jesuit practice satanic rituals. The Jesuit Order are also sorcerers, like Ignatius Loyola founder of the Jesuit Order levitate above the ground during meditation according to Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit Priest.
The Jesuitism is the issue that many Bible Believing Christian Pastors doesn’t realized. In-fact, many of them don’t knew what is New World Order. This is the reason why many Bible Believing Christians led by their Pastors are trapped by their invincible enemies, inflitrated their churches by the Jesuits. This unawareness by many Pastors (not all) cause the death of millions of Bible Believing Christians, they were not been warned and alarmed.
Now, take your time to read below how the Jesuits orchestrated World War 1 & World War II.
a couple of years ago Chris Matthews of MSNBC also said, “88 is a great number.” He is Jesuit educated, he has said so on his Hardball show.
Ellen DeGeneres greeted a caller on her show saying “88,” and the caller responded to Ellen “88.”
Ronald Reagan appointee to the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor says in her autobiography that they had a horse named Swastika on their ranch when she was growing up. Reagan himself visited the Nazi cemetery in Bitburg, West Germany in 1985 with Helmut Kohl, Reagan started the “both sides” argument then that Trump carried on in regards to Charlottsville (sp?).
We have skin in this game:
our daughter is Jacqueline Claire Ades, i.e. Jackie Ades, who was arrested in Phoenix Arizona on May 8, 2018, for trespassing and stalking, it is alleged that she text messaged her “date” 65,000 texts, which is a code number but I don’t know yet for what exactly (65, 650, 6,500, 65,000, etc) and later the New York Post reported that it is now 159k text messages. We tried to get the phone records so we would know what is in the texts and what isn’t in case they get corrupted in the process but the phone company refused to release them even though we have a PoA from our daughter.
On May 10th 2018 Jackie was paraded in global media in an orange jail jumpsuit, she was interviewed by reporters even though she had been labeled “mentally disabled” and didn’t have a lawyer or anybody by her side and she was in no condition to give an interview but the local authorities knew that and that was their goal, to trash her reputation and person. All her rights as a human being were trashed and she incriminated herself in the interview almost (!) beyond repair.
After reading this Gumshoe news article and your messages plus others, it became even clearer to me than it was before that our daughter fell victim to a Mossad operative, i.e. her Israeli “date,” billionaire Seacret Dead Sea beauty product CEO Itzhak Ben Shabat and his colleagues who set her up and framed her, communicating with her via social media, different accounts, different numbers, etc.. It is a long story and history but more and more Light in this situation is helping expose those behind the curtain, pulling the ugly strings.
If you want to see for yourself, Jackie’s interview is on YouTube. Reddit had a great piece on her, as it is very obvious that Jackie is not herself, we, her family, didn’t recognize her at all when we saw her on the news, saying what she says and acting the way she does. Please comment if you take the time to watch it.
Thank you.
What is the motive of all of this?
Do you know about Abel Danger and Field McConnel?
They have a number of experts in a number of areas and connections with intelligence worldwide. See if they can get a lead or find out something.
They have exposed major major events!!!
Send me the Youtube link please
Sorry, I was busy food shopping and cooking all day…
Here it is:
Jackie did not ask for this interview, they had her sign a waiver first so that they, the police and local authorities would not be held responsible for any of this. The initial number of texts was said to be 65k, now it is up to 159k. Next time she’s in the news it may be more… My firm belief is that my daughter has been brain washed or is under some kind of mind control.
Here’s the write up on Reddit:
Jacqueline Claire Ades, our daughter
from Reddit
Why A Woman From Miami Sent 65000 Texts To A Billionaire (What They Aren’t Telling You) Published 5 mins ago on May 14, 2018 By Undisclosed Author
If you’re a Buzzfeed junkie, you may have seen the viral story of a woman who “stalked” an Arizona man by sending him 65,000 text messages after one date. The media held a 19 minute Q&A session with the woman, Jacqueline Claire Ades, from jail.
“Billionaire with possible mind control sex cult sets up a follower to be arrested because she wouldn’t move to his “house” in Mexico like he asked.. frames her as bat-shit-crazy .. after making her bat shit crazy.”
“He introduced her to his parents and put a GPS treacker on her car and wanted her to move to his house in mexico.. and is a billionaire at the head of a pyramid scheme with lots of pretty lady model reps .. you tell me..
He set her up to look like a stalker while encouraging her and fucking with her head. She seems to be in a state of mania, but that doesn’t make him without fault. Probably some dom/sub thing going on. a sadist narcissist playing with pretty girls.”
“Interesting, in the interview this woman claims she and her sweetie Benshabat, both have fathers who are Egyptian Jews, from Cairo, and share the same birthday.
It sounds like this person was being manipulated by this guy. It is clear she has been brainwashed with a lot of occult masonic pseudo-religious doctrine. Perhaps her programming went haywire”
Loose Analysis (Using Primary Documents) Now that we’ve presented some unnoticed facts of the case, the following will border on “conspiracy” but I ask you have an open mind, as some of the odd details seem to have some explanation grounded in primary documents. 1. Prior to 2015, Jackie’s online profiles are relatively normal until this post shows up –
The video reveals that Jackie was on a spiritual trip and was contacted by the victim via, a millionaire online dating service.
What you haven’t heard are the even more bizarre details concerning the “victim.” Izhak Ben Shabat, CEO of Seacret (Dead Sea skin care kiosks across the country), is not just a millionaire… but a billionaire.
Jackie claims in the video that she was in contact with him for over a year, including 3 days spent with Izhak. During the dates, he allegedly had “weird behavior” which included putting a GPS on her car and a device that blocked her phone from use. She also claims she met his parents & Izhak offered her residence in his Mexican home, which Jackie declined because it was filled with cameras.
Early reports claimed that Jackie was armed with a butcher knife when she was arrested by officers taking a bath in his tub after breaking in. However, Populist Wire has gained the police reports:
Yet, the knife is not listed in either of these sections of the police report:
It appears Jackie’s claim that she did not have a butcher knife is true. It also appears there was more than “one date.” You can see some of the facts are not being properly reported, while other facts are being flat out hidden, such as the billionaire tycoon at the center of this. So the question remains: what else is the media not reporting?
Her Instagram & Facebook content radically changes from everyday posts to “esoteric” themed pictures & modeling shots – even claiming to be “illuminati.” This is where it gets WEIRD.
Admitted in CIA Government documents, which you’re welcome to view here, is MK Ultra Mind Control Experiments. Common themes of these experiments are: Monarchs, Alice In Wonderland, LSD Drugging, and a program founded by Nazis. All these themes are recited by Jackie both on her social media and during her interview from jail:
In the jail video, Jackie is seen breathing heavily and her eyes are wide. Leaked this year in 2018 via POPULAR MECHANICS was a mind control program from Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC). Note the image below and the symptoms exuded by Jackie:
Lastly, Jackie is heard in the video saying that “1+1=3.3.” This is a revision on the famous phrase “2+2=5” used by Soviets as propaganda but was adopted later by the Chinese in the 1950’s for interrogation techniques used to create “sleeper cells.” POWs were tortured and shown objects such as an orange and being told it was a banana. POWs were beaten relentlessly until they submitted.
Conclusions Every single thing in our analysis could be flat out wrong!
Jacqueline Claire Ades may just be insane. She may just be crazy “in love.” She may just be a gold digger. But in the age of #MeToo, Hollywood Sex Cults, & the age of the AI, we would be remiss not to ask the question: Why does a woman send 65,000 text messages to a billionaire?
her instagram looks pretty
this is her facebook seems normal rich girl stuff
an article about her on Heavy
“Interesting, in the interview this woman claims she and her sweetie Benshabat, both have fathers who are Egyptian Jews, from Cairo, and share the same birthday.
It sounds like this person was being manipulated by this guy. It is clear she has been brainwashed with a lot of occult masonic pseudo-religious doctrine. Perhaps her programming went haywire”
“Billionaire with possible mind control sex cult sets up a follower to be arrested because she wouldn’t move to his “house” in Mexico like he asked.. frames her as bat-shit-crazy .. after making her bat shit crazy.”
“woman meets billionaire on dating website she goes crazy maybe mkultra sex slave who knows weird stuff. official story doesn’t really match up with known facts. not really a huge conspiracy breakthrough but kind of interesting.”
unds like an elite sex slave.”
“not sure if anyone noticed but she straight up mentions the Illuminati in the video. “the number zero is a belief system that the Illuminati created to create the undertaking of all humankind”
I know it’s easy to say this woman is crazy…I get it. But like Kanye, if you don’t pay attention to the crazy, they are actually saying something worthy of listening and thinking about.”
He introduced her to his parents and put a GPS treacker on her car and wanted her to move to his house in mexico.. and is a billionaire at the head of a pyramid scheme with lots of pretty lady model reps .. you tell me..
He set her up to look like a stalker while encouraging her and fucking with her head. She seems to be in a state of mania, but that doesn’t make him without fault. Probably some dom/sub thing going on. a sadist narcissist playing with pretty girls.”
Why wouldn’t that jackass just block her # if he was annoyed by her.
There’s definitely some fuckery afoot. Great write up.”
Why didn’t Mr. Ben Shabat block her number if Jackie’s texts were unwelcome? Why wait to get to 65,000 texts???
Before her road trip, Jackie was in a 9 year relationship and it was basically mostly a texting relationship due to circumstances and so for her to text a lot was her normal. Jackie could text me 70 texts in 5 minutes.
Is Mr. Ben Shabat’s date of birth really 12/31?
Are his brothers names Jacob and David like Jackie’s brothers names are?
Is Mr. Ben Shabat’s father really from Cairo, Egypt, like Jackie’s father is?
If anyone can help, please do.
We firmly believe and know that our daughter was set up and framed..
Yes obviously she has been on some sort of drug or drugs . She does not give good eye contact and she refuses to answer some of the most important questions for whatever reason. She is certainly not in reality unfortunately and has this obsession with numbers and psychics which I am not a fan of at all. It is almost as if she is hypnotised or mind controlled to a certain degree but she still chooses to answer what she wants. We cannot be ruled by numbers in which she obviously is.
I have a daughter who was on drugs and several times she was placed into a mental institution for 6-8 weeks on 2 occasions so I totally understand what you are going through. She was suicidal as well and tried to take here life on 1 occasion perhaps twice.
1.Was she obsessive about contacting this fellow and stalking by phone etc?
2. Did she break into his house?
3. If so what was here motive?
4. Was she having sexual relations with him?
5. Did she know of others that were as well?
6. As a mother or parent did you have any idea of her sexual requirements?
7. Why text so much when you can chat especially to your mother or loved one?
Thanks for sharing this terrible circumstance that you have Leena. As I said before get in touch with Field McConnell at Abel Danger to see if they can assist in this predicament
This is why they play the racism card (or antisemitism (same thing)), it literally blinds us to what is happening. Jews do not regard themselves as white, which is why Hitler made them wear the Star of David.
Let us look at some contradictions in all this. Let us look at the word Feminism. What does it mean? Most people would say it means equality. But why? it is a word that ends in ‘ism’. Wouldn’t Feminism mean ‘To Feminize (men)’? which is what an enemy race would want.
How about ‘Diversity’ and ‘Multiculturalism’
I have some drinks here: Raspberry, Lemon, Orange, Lime, Cola. Individually, they each have different tastes, even different colours. This is diversity.
Mow let us mix them all together! We’ll need a bigger jug. Ok. Now, who wants a glass? What colour is it? As any kid will tell you, it will taste horrible. And what colour is it?
Ok so it is better to go back to diversity. But diversity is all gone! it has been multiculturalized. You now have no other choice. Multiculturalism is transitory, and leads to monoculture. Who wants to be a sour sob? And where is your grandchild’s right to be white?
Barbara Lerner Spectre:
“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”
“Islam is the broom of Israel, you must know this” (from a Rabbi)
All these things (racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia “You Name It”) are coordinated attacks. They just look like they come from different directions To Us. All these things fit the UN definition of Genocide.
Speaking of which, Ben Netanyahu wants to replace the UN with their own version based in Israel.
those who embrace the lies of the deception of the realms of darkness ar reaping the wind and should stop before they reap the wirlwind!!!
gumshoe why do you post this kind of conspiracies not fact based lies.were is actual proof?please send me.a synopsis so I will know if I am interpreting correctly
OK, here’s a synopsis: “Every tale you hear on the Internet — such as The Dancing Israeli’s — is not to be swallowed hook, line, and sinker.”
When Elias Davidsson writes an 800-page book like “Betrayal of India,” about a false-flag op, (the Mumbai bombings), there is nary a page that came from an unidentified source on the Internet.
Old man Davidsson applies his neocortex (i.e., neuronal pathways built up from years of seeking) to both the facts he can find and the circumstantial evidence.
The latter often comes from observation of “what’s missing here?” If the Pentagon has hundreds of cameras but won’t cough up even one surveillance video of the event, that lacuna has value. Lots of value.
Although I’ve always thought that Larry S made a slip of the tongue with “We pulled it”, I am willing to listen to Elias’ innovative interpretation.
Can you be more specific on what conspiracies? What do you want to know exactly? Interpreting is not evidence or facts… it is your personal opinion unless you review and receive all of the facts available to make a decision “Beyond Reasonable Doubt”
The only obstacle to the new world disorder is His words .Embrace them and spread the Truth , the Way and the Life .
Evil is international , it crosses all borders and races .
The choice is individual .These days the 1% and their 9% foot soldiers rule globally .
We the 90% are not part of their equation . It has always been this way . Previously , it was done in secrecy . Today , it’s in our face . Not only can they blow up this earth but the whole solar system with it .
Unless you stop them.
Or at least try… Stopping is much better as we are at the tipping point of constant inaction as a collective
Serco’s IAI Trump in Demon Fraud on Lloyd’s
McConnell believes that Serco tracked Lloyd’s Names and their investees and the investors of the CAI Private Equity Group including the late Gen. Alexander Haig, 7th Supreme Allied Commander in Europe; Joseph Melone former President and CEO at The (AXA) Equitable Companies and the late David Culver, former Alcan chairman and CEO, with Demon software through pig-farm junkets in B.C. and allegedly hired the late Stephen Paddock, a former USPS letter carrier and auditor of the IRS, DOD and Lockheed Martin predecessor-company, to structure the Vancouver Model Cat Bonds which were triggered on 9/11.
Link to Livestream Broadcast:…
McConnell alleges that Serco used blackmailed “Demons” in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the federal bridge certification authority networks to access various patented cyber-weapons and digital-fires devices developed by Serco investees including IAI, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon to trigger the cat bonds and destroy evidence of insurance frauds or junket-room betting with SABOT* incendiary bombs.
SABOT* – Incendiary bombs allegedly designed by Serco digital-fires instructors to demolish the Salomon Brothers building (WTC7) on 9/11 with dual-use patented insulation devices from Alcan, Boeing and Otis (UTC).
McConnell believes that Serco‘s 8(a) protégé company Base One Technologies (fd. New York Feb 15, 1994 under Secretary of State File # 1795583) equipped Paddock’s CIA, IRS and DOD agents on the 25th floor of WTC7 bridge with command post systems needed by the Greek Life associates of Serco‘s former investment banker at N M Rothschild & Sons, Wilbur Ross (Kappa Beta Phi) and Bill Clinton (Phi Beta Kappa) to trigger cat bonds during the 9/11 war games and coordinate the launch of an EU super state with a coordinated attack by 8(a) insurrectionists to disable America’s defense contractors over the federal bridge network.
Call Field McConnell for a briefing on why the Five Eyes countries must help the United Kingdom with BREXIT and why Serco and the CAI Private Equity Group must be treated and dismantled as a joint, racketeering influenced and corrupt organization (RICO) engaged in Vancouver Model money laundering and cat-bond frauds on Lloyd’s Names, 8(a) loan sharking, junket-room extortion and
Remember Malaysia was the only country to convict those involved in the 9/11 attack. Mary and Dee you will find this most interesting and a way to bring a legal action against the perpetrators. Catherine Austin Fitts has found that 23 Trillion dollars was also stolen
Originally published by GR in November 2011, this report outlines the 2011 judgment of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal. It is of particular relevance to the role of Tony Blair in the Iraq war, which is currently the object of controversy and debate in the UK.
A Malaysian tribunal has found former US President George W Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of committing crimes against humanity during the Iraq war, Press TV reported.
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal found the former heads of state guilty after a four-day hearing. A seven-member panel chaired by former Malaysian Federal Court judge Abdul Kadir Sulaiman presided over the trial.
Sunday September 30, 2017 Cafe with Field and Pelitical’s Phil Roberts Episode 7
Full Broadcast: MH370 Target Petronas Towers Exposed by Abel Danger Day Before They Expose NORTHERN TRUST As 9/11 Underwriter…
Agent RPM interviews Agent Chips and coerces Chips into identifying, for the first time ever, the target of remotely redirected flight MH370. Think Twin Towers but not in New York City
Arlyn ,
Great investigative research .
Interesting how not much has changed , in the corridors of power , over the past one hundred years or so . The black (hidden) hand still in full spectrum dominance with the new technology advancements at the touch of their fingertips .
Looks like the great grand children of those war pigs are still at the reigns and they have even less compassion , for all living creatures , than their predecessors had .
Yes , we are ruled by psychophatic war criminals absolutely worldwide .We have no good leaders because they are all screened groomed and “ethnically cleansed” if necessary .
Thanks I have been at this ever since the day as I originally come from the US.
Ok if you appreciated that this is a real insight to the global corporations that are running the governments of the world. It is an excellent research tool! It’s mind boggling…
Chrissy Chat – Lets Muckety Around Serco
This is one of the most controversial organisations today for a number of reasons. This would help to open up a whole new parameter of insight and connections most valuable to researchers of truth
Mobile Playback Version
Abel Danger Serco articles
Abel Danger’s Field McConnell on 9/11 & the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot.