by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Judy Wood’s 20006 book “Where Did the Towers Go?” is a masterpiece. I am only up to page 78 so far. Dr Wood (PhD in mechanical engineering) easily disproves the claim that the collapse of WTC twin towers was caused by fire, as is ludicrously touted by the NIST (that’s the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, within the US Commerce Department).
But she has also destroyed the theory of controlled demolition, the pancaking of the 110 floors of the tower. She presents instead an explanation based on directed energy, a la Nicola Tesla’s work which has been hidden from the public.
I find it annoying that Dr Wood gets hostile when people refer to her work as theory or opinion. She says she only collects empirical evidence. I am in no position, and will never be, to analyze the science of directed energy. I am also unable to run her story against, say, Prof Niels Harrit’s thermite story or the mini-nuke theory of how the towers collapsed.
But her book has many wonderful surprises. In this article I will report what she says on three topics: jumpers, seismic signal, and the bathtub. Her answer to the question “Where did the towers go?” is that they got dustified, i.e., they broke into tiny particles and drifted away — thanks to a directed energy weapon.
Are you ready? Purge whatever you have heard so far, including from the most dedicated dissidents. Particularly, purge rumors of Judy Wood being not up to snuff. Or dishonest. Or trying to sell a book (for the princely sum of fifty bucks). Just purge it.
No question the chapter on Jumpers is the human-interest highpoint of Judy’s writing. (All of her book is clear, and she sounds like a teacher who wants to impart knowledge, not engage in polemics.) We all knew there were a few jumpers but she quotes several First Responders who said “It was raining people.” Wood estimates up to hundreds of jumpers. The sound of them falling made a loud noise if they hit the outdoor covering above the lobby.
One jumper killed a fireman by sheer weight. A first responder said he saw one jumper vaporize in the air. Many said the bodies splashed on the ground and one could see loose body parts. I will have to check on that. Surely there have been experiments of dropping a pig or a sheep from such-and-such height to see if they “explode”? I thought we have fascia under our skin that would hold us intact.

I’m not ready to buy the author’s remarks that a possible reason for the bodies being wet is that the sprinkler system may have been turned on in the offices when the fire broke out. If there were a fire on 80th floor this would not automatically cause all floors to sprinkle, would it?
I expect that later in the book she will argue that the victims at WTC did not suffer heat. She already posits, in the Jumpers chapter, that they may not have truly jumped, in the sense of making a decision to suicide. Rather, they were running away from something like an ADS. Active Denial System which, you may recall, was used on Aussies in Canberra during a protest in 2022. GOD HELP US.
Seismic Signal
What would I know about how a collapsing tower would cause this or that degree of earthquake per the Richter scale? I know nothing. But luckily there are two well-documented events to use for comparison. The government reported that in Palisade NY, 34 kilometers from lower Manhattan, a seismic reading was made both at the times of the planes hitting each building and the times of the fall of each tower.
This can be compared against statistics from a small earthquake in midtown Manhattan on January 2001, and against a 2006 case of a controlled demolition in Seattle WA, known as the Kingdome building. Per Judy Wood’s mathematics, if the twin towers came down by pancaking, the seismic reading should have been 3.8 on the Richter scale, but it was only 2.3 (and she hints that even the report of 2.3 may have been, how you say, doctored).
From Page 77 of Judy Wood’s book, regarding Kingdome:
“Carefully placed explosives — 4,461 pounds in all — collapsed the 25,000-ton roof like a cake taken out of the oven too soon. More than 21 miles of detonating cord exploded in a flash. Rapid puffs of smoke followed, and the massive roof ribs that formed the Domeβs 20 arches buckled first in three pie-shaped wedges. Then came the remaining three roof wedges, followed instantly by explosions in the support columns and in the roofβs tension ring, which had held the roof together by exerting 8 million pounds of force around its base.”
The Kingdome property has a footprint much wider than that of the towers, but was only 36 stories high. The towers weighed about a million tons of material, all crashing down into two small footprints, compared to Kingdome’s mere 130,000 tons being distributed widely. So the KIngdome earthquake should have been much smaller than the WTC’s. Guess how much Kingdome registered on Richter?
Answer to my question: both WTC and Kingdome registered similar seismic signal: 2.3. Isn’t that amazing? Oh, and the WTC earthquake should have lasted longer: 18 seconds, but it lasted only 8 seconds.
Note: bedrock conditions are important, too in affecting earthquake-equivalent Richter readings.
“If a structure is anchored directly into bedrock [yes, for the WTC], its demolition will yield a higher Richter than if it were not anchored this way. Why? Because if a structure is not anchored into bedrock, the energy released by its demolition is dissipated via the earthβs βcushioningβ materials.” [Kingdome was not in bedrock base.]
Another thing. Recall I said we have the benefit of a January 2001 earthquake in NYC for comparison. Page 70:
“The seismic signal from the January 17, 2001 earthquake shows a striking difference from the seismic signals recorded during the final destruction of each of the WTC towers. The signal from the January earthquake shows a lower amplitude signal arriving approximately 3.4 seconds before the main signal. This is the P wave (Primary wave), which arrives before the S wave (Secondary wave). The NIST report notes that the seismic records from the five major WTC events show no clear P or S wave arrivals.”
Oh, and one more thing. One of the 9-11 first responders, Emergency Medical Technician Michael Ober, said:
“I don’t remember the sound of the building hitting the ground. Somebody told me it was measured on the Richter scale. I don’t know how true that is. If the building is hitting the ground that hard, how do I not remember the sound of it?”
The Bathtub
I have skipped the first part of the book in which Dr Wood makes a dog’s breakfast of the pancake idea. Just consider this single point: In a pancake collapse, pressure must be put by each floor onto the floor beneath it, causing it to fall on the next one down, etc. But if the trouble started on the 80th floor, thanks to those awful plane hijackers, what of the 30 floors above the fire? Let’s call it “the Muslim fire.” The government’s theory says that the pancaking began at the top (110th floor). So who provided collapsing pressure for each of those 30 floors above the Muslim fire?
As far as I know, Wood is the only person who has said the pancake theory would falter on that point alone. I don’t know if the Architects and Engineers truth panel thought of it. Did you think of it?
Anyway, Judy has another item to add to the dog’s breakfast. The towers were located at the foot of Manhattan, an area in which several of the lines of New York’s subway system meet. Even before the Towers were constructed in the early 1970s, a protection had to be built to prevent Hudson River water flooding the subway tunnels. This structure (a bit like a moat) is known as “the bathtub.”
On page 45, Judy Wood, a mechanical engineer, says:
“The World Trade Center (WTC) towers did not βcollapseβ on 9/11/01. They didnβt have sufficient time to collapse because they were destroyed faster than is physically possible for a gravity-driven collapse. The evidence indicates that they were reduced to particles of dust in mid-air. This in itself rules out Conventional Controlled Demolition where a building is knocked off its supports and thereafter slams to the ground.
“My own journey through the actual physical evidence began when I considered the so-called WTC ‘bathtub,’ the name given to the retaining wall that protected the foundations of the WTC from water, even though these retaining walls extended as far as 70 feet below the water table.
“If the towers had indeed collapsed, or if conventional bombs had blown up the building, there would have been an enormous amount of material slamming down onto the WTC bathtub and foundation.”
But here it is, guys, undamaged: (photo The Bathtub, Photo: 911 research.wtc7.net)

Hmm. I’ve just made up a new couplet:
“Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason?
For if 51% of the people do it, it’s by definition no longer treason.”
Personally, I do not know who attacked the WTC on September 11, 2001. Neither does Judy Wood. In fact she insists she has no business blaming anyone. Her business is to figure out what happened that day, not why. (Compare Elias Davidsson’s excellent book “America’s Betrayal Confirmed” which is only about the Why.)
Let’s concentrate on the bathtub issue. It seems to me that the men who arranged for the destruction of the towers had to be careful not to harm the bathtub. Wow. That is a vote in favor of the directed-energy theory. Maybe it also accords with the mini-nuke theory of which I am ignorant. But we can see that a controlled demolition would have ruined the bathtub.
So we’ve got to picture men (gender no bar here, OK?) sitting at a table discussing how to get those towers down and yet not slam a lot of weight onto the bathtub. When did they meet? I guess they met before 1970. When skyscrapers are put up, the builders must show how they could be demolished, if necessary, without harming nearby buildings or any other basic infrastructure — in this case, the bathtub.
I am arguing that before the towers went up, in the early 70s, some dastardly bastards (for want of a better designation) already knew about Nicola Tesla’s technology. They talked about protecting the bathtub, at some far future time, when “we’ (whoever the hell “we” is ) decide to perform the drama of the century. Ka-boom, two towers will disappear, and the nation will be duly terrified.
(Incidentally, I lived in Manhattan from 1970 to 1974. We all hated the towers. They were ugly and also they prompted many older buildings to lose tenants. I mentioned that, in 2006, on my website when I was running for Congress, but a friend kindly told me to delete that remark as I would look like “a crazy lady” for disrespecting the towers. Apparently, the scenes at which Americans get hit by ‘terrorists’ are supposed to become sentimental symbols of …of… oops, I don’t know what. Boston has erected some sculptures on Boylston Street to honor the Marathon dead.)
Finally, lets’ get back to the dastardly bastards, the DBs. I am the author of a 2011 book entitled “Prosecution for Treason.” So you may think I wish to hunt down some suspects. And I am the plaintiff in Maxwell v FBI et al, blaming the government for the Marathon affair. I did name suspects for that case. And Kevin Ryan has produced such a list for 9-11 baddies, entitled “Another Nineteen.” And Christopher Bollyn makes a good case against Israel for 9-11.
But I am now of the mind that we’re ALL in this. We all did 9-11. I don’t mean you and I would sit there in 1970 calmly planning how the bathtub should be spared whilst 3,000 people above are meeting their death. (“It rained people.”) Granted, there’s a subset of us who were at that table. But if we are the background set, we supply the subset of DBs with the required support.
We all said “Rah, rah, get Bin Laden for attacking the WTC” didn’t we? We all gave in to surveillance legislation, and the upcoming “social credit score system.” We all ducked hearing about the fact that another 3,000 New Yorkers died from breathing the air around the towers. We knew KSM was getting tortured at Gitmo for having masterminded (?) 9-11. We put “the world’s best mayor” (Giuliani) on the cover of Time magazine. Didn’t we?
I’m not trying to get the DBs off the hook. I am merely wishing to switch the focus to the whole society. Yes, there were key liars in the 9-11 affair, but we have all allowed lying to become normalized as a part of American culture. Kids are taught that lying is a means to an end, and so it’s OK. We lack social leaders. The wealthy and the blackmailed make major decisions for us.
This is how society is built. I think we should be attacking the heart of it. It doesn’t have to be structured this way.
My suggestion is that we aim at the fear component. Probably 90% of Americans know, deep down, that 9-11 was an inside job, but are afraid to face it. I say, come on, hurry up, face it.
Take a deep breath and decide to let your neighbors call you a mental case. That’s a harsh fate to endure, but it’s nowhere near as harsh as what you might soon have to endure, if you stick with your instinct to block out the real facts. Even the DBs are not going to have a nice life. The whole civilization has gone mad.
Help! HELP!
— Mary W MaxwellΒ wants to be contacted at MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com. If you are in need of a laugh, please click this link.
Mary, just in case you may not have noticed, but we are presently half way into a world being brought down RIGHT NOW.
They have to go through this Ned and they have to grieve, 21 odd years is not a long time in the “first responders” mind.
Yanks, the problem and the solution if they can hang on. We wing them till they, front up. Even if they can not, just now
why would I bother saying that or pi… pocket.
I never had a bill of rights, and makes those ‘mericans. Anywho I’m jealous k. Hope them’s yanks get it
So far your Austin-Morris bill of rights has served as well as a Cadillac Bill of Rights ( until 1996 anyway )
screw ur bill of rights was said i took off @ 140clicks, but those days and curves were wavey my friend
If people can come to realise the deception of past false flag events like 9/11 – then it may be easier for them to accept the current deception.
as for who dunnit? probably the same folk who are resposible for all such things, current games included.
if you are not interested in 9/11.. no one is holding a gun to your head to make you read every article.
Ned, I answered the Who Dunnit question. My answer is: We dunnit.
You say “the world is being brought down right now.” I am trying to find ways to oppose that awful situation. I don’t feel that my talents would be best used reporting information from Before It’s News, here at Gumshoe. Gumshoe is Gumshoe. Thanks to Dee.
Ned, if you have an answer to the failing of the banks, please provide it now. Everyone would be most appreciative.
From the department of practical suggestions comes this suggestion: I think folks should build a latrine in their backyards. When our Holomodor starts, not only will food disappear but water, electricity, and sewage services will be switched off.
Just sayin’.
The two answers/theories to the failing banks is in the material sent to you.
I need not repeat.
The point is, that they have been failing in a self destructing scheme in the bankerβs fake fiat Ponzi scheme imposed by the banking cartel in 1913 in your country. β¦. And in every country they conquered to impose it.
Have you counted your dead since then and considered the killing and destruction carried out by your country ever since?
Where have you beenβ¦β¦. Off with James OβNeil who notwithstanding my many entreaties, ignored the elephants in the room.
I sent you the link to SGAnonβs latest and referred you to 42 mins and following. β¦.. in the last hour or so.
Why do you not refer to the banker elephant crushing the populace?
No matter, just dig a hole in your back yard, sit and wait.
βJust sayinβ.
Before itβs news.com has material like your average newspaper, the ABC and mass tv crap.
You have a brain for analysis to chose to join dots, based on an analysis of cogent opinion and evidenceβ¦.. to eat the egg and dispose of the shell, Just like you would apply to your rumormillnews.com brigade.
After all, you have a LL.B β¦β¦ not that helps many, practising samples are not allowed on a jury panel where common sense and analysis is required.
As for who DUNNIT, βweβ DUNNIT comment.
So that is the end result of your research and analysis?
Most appreciated, now I know. Indeed, now we all know.
O, Ned – How does one investigate a crime scene? You need to look at all the evidence (all the anomalies at ground zero) in order to ascertain WHAT happened. Then you can move to HOW it was done, then you can ascertain WHO dunnit and WHY they have dunnit…
If you’ve bothered to look into Dr wood’s work, you would have noticed who the main defendants were in her Qui-Tam case filed with the supreme court in 2007, against NIST and the government contractors that were tasked with helping to write the fraudulent NIST report and it’s various reports contained therein.
those companies were also tasked with security and the cleanup at ground zero…
Here, have a look at this, you’d find it very revealing – https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Who-did-NIST-use-to-write-the-NIST-report:3
Join the discussion – https://t.me/Sept11_Deprogramming
I have looked at the crime scene and had many discussions with many staying in my home from the US ( during two separate conferences) who have investigated it and concerning it, we never had to consider in detail who dunnit. We knew.
We have 7 buildings in a heap on the ground, three on their own footstep.
The ex President of Italy is reported as stating that the day after 911 all the intelligence agencies knew who did it. It was a CIA-MOSSAD operation.
Cheney was in on it β¦.. the young man who came in thrice and on the third asked the VP. Do the orders still stand and soon after the Pentagon was hit wiping out the ONI.
There is heaps of information that many knew it was going to happen and profited from that information. Check all the put options placed in the two weeks before 911 on affected corporations.
Even two of the dancing Israelis set them selves up to βdocument the eventββ¦. They said so on Tel Aviv TV.
I have not the time to bother with reporting my details on 20 years of studying 911.
60 years have been spent on the Kennedy murderβ¦.. who has been charged?
Go ahead, spend your time investigating the βcrime sceneβ and do not forget the Pentagon and the alleged bulltit crash in Pennsylvania while you are at it.
Someone read the information in the three parts of the 911 commission report revised December 2008, by Heidner. Do not bother me till it has been read and considered.
Get with what we have to face NOW.
As for scaler weapons etc, who cares, but research Edna Cintron, the lady who walked through fire and was photographed at the entry hole where a plane, real or imaginary inserted itself, waving for help.
Add the firemen on the 83rd level messagingβ¦.. spotted fires, three hoses will do it.
Research β¦.. f, I cannot recall all the professionals who questioned the bulltit accountβ¦. Professionals etc question 912β¦. Heaps of them, Try Col. Bob Bowman as one who stayed the weekend at my home.
So, Ned – “As for scaler weapons etc, who cares” – O, but it does… It’s part of Nikola Tesla’s vision for a world with free energy – An end to our dependence of “fossil” fuel, and all the other “green” energy bullsh.
So, you seem to have the same opinion and have come to the same conclusions as I have over the 13 years I’ve been looking into 9/11. Why be so condescending to people who are on the same path as you? Or are you just that type of person?
I just drafted a full page in reply and lost it all.
I am not going to bother with you to repeat it.
Except, your judgement and presumptions are TYPICAL UNINFORMED mere Bulltits, if you do not know me, and have no knowledge of the material I have been PERSONALY briefed with and researched β¦..EVEN TESLA.
Excuse me from your presumptions.
Before itβs news.com-people powered news
β6 mins ago! N Tsβstrrrifying message has been release/ March 2023β
Mary,the issue of mini nukes and nanothermite are indeed addressed in the book.
The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth were controlled opposition.
This video gives an excellent overview.
Thank you, Sandra. I glanced at it but I can’t spare an hour for it. At 22 minutes he shows all the paper on the ground, but does not tell us why the paper survived. If you can say it in a few words, please do.
Indeed if you are willing to tell us about the mini-nukes, please do. The title of the article shows what my mission is — to deal with OUR treason. It really does not matter to me what method was used to kill the towers. It does matter that it could not have been Bin Laden and I reckon the colorful info from Judy is a bit more likely to “reach” the average bloke, than, say, the science of heat.
By the way, since I mentioned Hurricane Erin in my Geburtstag article, I did not repeat it here but it, too, is an understandable element to which the public has never been treated. ( I got it from the pilot at Amazon review, not from Wood’s book, but he got it from Wood’s book.)
The lying is itself the problem, no?
Sandra – one of the best docci’s on Dr Wood’s and Andrew Johnson’s work over the last 14 years.
Come join the discussion – https://t.me/Sept11_Deprogramming
There will be no more time for grieving if the globalist succeed on their latest 911.
AT beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
The UBS takeover of Credit Suizze fallen through as a start.
At 17 mins plus, note the Australia situation.
Get present, get real and listen to a Mary on the ball.
When all this is brought down we will probably find out all about 911 FACTS.
In the meantime protect yourselves NOW.,
I have just sent the link to the above report to you.
There are many RELEVANT topics.to consider.
NOTE 45 mins.+ a few.
Morrison and Adhern mentioned
Voted at state elections 5.30pm. Local metro council, Indian security guard at door, young Chinese lady to tick me off, cold and ugly chief CCP lady tarted up bright red lipstick pro like standing next to ballot boxes destined for recycling unopened, reminding us whoβs really in charge downunder. Keeping the dream with BS, mouths zipped with hands in chains.
NSW labour is back and ready to, inflate, not only wages but hot air in general.
Educations the key, to your 15 minute gulag and shrinking happiness
But what if Perrotits had Wong, as the say, some white guy had to Manderwin
Thanks for telling us, Ant. Is it all hand-count. no machines? You should sign up to be a scrutineer, I’m not kidding.
As for Chinese Australians and Indian Australians, demography being what it is, the Oz continent will inevitably get asianized. I think we ought to be trying to share ideas with them. Surely evey Aussie is in the same boat as immigrants today: desperate.
Controlled demolitions
Save getting bored just look at 3:00 and 9:20
and a short one
These demolitions occur mostly at ground level and the Chinese one actually dug a huge trench around it for debris to blow into
Gosh, Joe. That short one about mega-demolition. It puts “barbecuearea” to shame. Sickening.
Hi Joe
You might enjoy this video – 37 story building prepped for demolition, vs the dustified 47 story WTC7 – see the differences?
Everything’s always so inconclusive
As far as directed energy I think you have to use resonant frequencies or harmonic vibration or however you like to call it, of one form or another, otherwise you have to target it really accurately, otherwise where is all this energy supposed to be coming from and how is it controlled, maybe the ETs have it but I’m just considering the rest of us
obviously, building 7 fell down out of sympathy for the other two …
Thanks be to God for humor. “Shitfuckery” at 2.20 mins.
Thanks, Diane. It’s always comforting when you come in with a gem. Your Gambino gem the other day was quite something.
They said we can’t afford the NDIS but didn’t we just inject them all ???
We can swing all the welfare money to the submarine contract by getting more injections on our credit card (IMF SDRs) that should cover it
If your attention wanders skip the first minute or two
So funny Joe, gotta luv dumb shit. Me and my brother used to ab-sail/repel with borrowed garden hoses. Did crazy stuff, but never nRNA
“The towers weighed about a million tons of material, all crashing down into two small footprints, ” the debris field was 15 acres in size and took 8 months to clean up.
Really Mike? How sure are you?
Have a look see: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Where-are-the-Towers—where-did-they-go—best-visualisation:4
To fully understand how much steel there was used in the construction of the towers, you need to study this great article –
Controlled demolition / thermite / buried nukes / mini nukes, just donβt explain WHAT happened to all 7 x WTC buildingsβ¦ And one smoking gun is the 16 survivors in stairway B of tower 1.
Some more vidβs to watch in order to understand what the survivors of Tower 1 testified to:
Here is a very good wrap-up of the crimes of covid.
[…] Judy Wood’s 9-11 Thesis and How We Can Deal with Our Treason […]