By G5
The recent London train bombing smells of a clumsy False Flag — the Protectors of Realms don’t always talk to each other.
The current, behind the scenes noises are, that it was an ‘amateur’ device. But then the same was heard concerning: the Hilton Bombing, the Bali Bombings, and the London Train and Bus Bombings. There is always more to official renditions.
Perhaps it’s an issue of Professional Amateurism or Criminal Terrorism — as it suits the prevailing narrative. Particularly since what was once regarded as Criminality, now simply slots into Terrorism. A fit for all occasions.
That doesn’t mean that some innocent might not be tagged and blamed for it. After all, the ‘law’ (government) must be seen to triumph. It’s a threat against future evil doers that they will be caught. And so the theories flow.
But then the universal history of Big Sentencing, and MSM Theatrics in chain, delivers no Social gain. But only further economic damage. Now how could that be.
I read the file of a fellow in Australia who was convicted of a large number of rapes. He was on Legal Aid and could barely speak English. I visited him in gaol. Each charge was a separate trial, and each was separately appealed. The manipulative law firm at issue, and made money at the expense of his life. And of course being such cooperative lawyers, there were plenty of Legal Aid Files to follow. He serves a Life Sentence and is Not Guilty. He’s hardly alone.
I searched and found the answer. There were a number of unsolved sexual assault matters in a particular police station. A genius there decided to pool them — load them onto one victim (the accused rapist) and who cares. All files solved and closed — great police and prosecution work, and a promotional jump for the particular police genius at issue.
The Rules of Evidence, Expert Witnesses, and one’s Peers, always confused me.
The problem was that those crimes, of course, is that they kept occurring. They had actually never been solved. They would not suddenly vanish. Now it couldn’t be the fellow who wore all the previous lot, so it had to be a new wave. Well, we need more training, more police, bigger budgets, and better laws — to protect the community.
Is Society not to act to protect itself. Yes — but truthfully and not politically. There are over 82,000 people imprisoned in England. America has the largest percentage of its population in the world, imprisoned. And what has that accomplished.
In Australia, the absurdities of the affairs of: Corby, Hicks, Bryant, and many others, are hardly indicative of successful systems. The Expendable Project overseen by Australia’s “Greatest Profligate Spender”, economic incompetent, liar, and American lackey boy, is an enduring shame.
The same lackey wanted to toy with The Australian Constitution, sold off the nation by deceit, to try to cover his gross incompetence, and wanted all Australians to parade tagged with an identity card. He failed, but introduced an identification program of zero meaning and relevance, beyond incessant annoyance.
He also lied concerning a Goods and Services Tax — which further damaged The Australian Economy, as it would. But of course Governments are a continuum, and Parliamentary Actors are liars.
The Port Arthur Affair (False Flag) had guns confiscated from the lawful. The unlawful don’t actually follow the law. Which is rather inconvenient. [Today in the news, a farmer has his guns confiscated for attempting to defend his family]
All theories help the herds feel comfortable. The nurture of the psychological crutch of Closure. The Warm Inner Glow.
I gave up the delusional mythology of Closure, over half a century ago. I was joyfully a ‘Professional Student’. We woke to realize that ‘government’ lied. I was never a Socialist, in any of its imaginative permutations and combinations. I learnt that there was never a Left-Right Paradigm. It was a diversionary lie to cover the reality of a Paradigm of More or Less Government. It was the size of Government that was the reality — not any ideological meanderings or incantations. Government Did, because it Could. The theory that all need to lose, to protect all from the few — is such a pejorative.
The enduring and believable narrative of the hidden industry of war. The herds would march to a flag and die to an anthem. But all was well because they ‘elected’ impotent ‘representatives’ sitting above a continuum of the dark corridors of government. And to which they could never permeate below.
There are many brilliant examples of decisions from which to choose: The Guildford, Birmingham, and Maguire trials in England are interesting. Involving Australia: the Hilton Bombing, the Martin Place, Bali Bombings, and Port Arthur Affairs, are good. Not to be out done, America has: JFK, RFK, MLK, 9/11, The Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook, and so much more — the home of False Flags, Hoaxes, Fake News, and Conspiracy Theories.
Who would have thought that the world of Universal Suffrage, Daily Cheap Press, and Penny Post, would be ‘modernized’ and ‘democratized’ by America, as it was.
America’s current raft of regulations, and mostly hidden activities (legislation does not function America), would make Stalin, Tito, Mao, Franco, Pol Pot, Hitler, Amin, and America’s Democratically appointed puppets, cringe with envy.
Civil Forfeiture, Secret Apprehension (extraordinary rendition), Self-Written Secret Subpoenas, Pre-emptive Detention, Conspiracy to Commit, Foreign Military Trials, detention without trial and indefinately, refusal of representation, torture (which actually only delivers answers to stop the torture, but not truth), drugged statements (which again never deliver truth or reality), official assassinations (extreme prejudice), and much more. America has squandered all its morality, and then some. The Experiment failed.
If there is any illusion that any of these activities deliver a safe society — look at America and what it has become. Mexico would probably pay for The Wall, to keep Americans out of Mexico.
Sadly, throughout its entire history, from the genocide of its Indigenous (Smallpox) to its long romance with False Flags and Hoaxes, driving Lies and Economic Deceptions — America has caused devastations, worldwide, to the point that it can no longer be trusted.
Who would have thought that what we invented in The City (Banking: London) would be weaponized as the GFC everyone had to have in 2007-8 (40 years later). My portrayal in a 2015 movie I thought was cute. But it hardly touched the surface. Nor did a similar rendition, four years prior.
The most rigorous, expert and eruditely referenced, official government reports, are available in the fiction section of your local library. That’s a repository where books used to be kept. Before the great advance of the digital, paperless world, where truth, fact, and reality, could be universally adjusted by a few key strokes.
When the great library of The Rotunda at The British Museum as The British Library, was moved to Euston Road, it was no longer a ‘Public Library’. The theory and rhetoric never again matching the reality. More than the argument that books may be vandalised. Controlled Stacks have existed from long ago.
The Romans destroyed The Library of Alexandria in 30BC. National Socialist supporters organised bonfires on 10/5/1933 in Berlin. Subsequently, libraries were subdued by the Digital Paperless World.
As Weather became focused as the deception of Climate Change — the Internet has become the font of ‘knowledge’ transmogrified from Deception to Reality.
Information Overload became a method of hiding reality. Randolph Churchill (born 1849) and father of Winston Churchill (born 1874), are nicely confused on the Net — if they are not specifically searched by date of birth. Searching the names alone easily derails valid ‘searching’. It’s all there — but it isn’t.
The wrong characters emerge, especially if you are searching for Jack The Ripper. And if you do manage to match the correct dates of events with the correct characters — you are confronted by cover deceptions — and it can’t be true. Only Fools would believe it.
Randolph Churchill with his Alpha Lodge compatriot William Gull, were Jack the Ripper. Son Winston wrote a magnificent history for daddy. An enduring source of ‘reference’ and authoritative citation. Randolph had two close ‘friends’. One was Lionel Nathan Rothschild (born 1808) and Cecil Rhodes. This particular Rothschild is also ‘confused’ on the Net. When Victoria married her first cousin Albert there was a problem. Lionel stepped quietly to the mark, and sired the new generation of Royal Families of Europe. The Rothschilds share a very close, non public, relationship with the chosen ones of many nations.
Henry Kissinger and Katharine Graham were Deep Throat. Not what has been publicized. Belushi named Kissinger on Saturday Night Live, and was then murdered by the keepers of the institutions of America.
‘Confessions’ are the worst forms of deception. Death bed renditions confirm family payments received and a dutiful deception maintained. So they believe. The JFK Affair is notorious. The 9/11 and JFK Affairs, have produced more intellectualized morons and allied industries — than any other moments of history.
Adapted Photo: National Geographic and G33K
The “farmer has guns confiscated” link was locked up; I found the story here:
I’d have to say that if the guy had any political insight or will he wouldn’t be “feeling let down”. The remark just sums up how ill-informed and delusional most Aussies are.
If anyone hasn’t figured out the whole ‘gun control – Port Arthur’ wasn’t an Australian disarmament agenda, they need to have their heads examined.
This case is sooooo very similar to so many cases I became involved with that I watched the video and thought, why is this news? Been there, done that.
Fork me people, wake up.
Terry, I posted the article about the confiscation. The constable in Albury considers him a hero.
thanks for the article G5 – theres a documentary film being shown on netflix at the moment. Unacknowledged.
it primarily focuses on ufos and aliens and the coverup of such.. but it also does go into such things as shadow government, false flags, and a world being run by the elite, mentioning podesta and clinton..
it mentions the best way to hide things, is in plain sight.. I cant work out if this is one that slipped through the net, or if it is some sort of part truth / misinformation mix..
as for the JFK files, i read today that some soon to be declassified volumes have… ooops, been found to have gone missing! http://thefreethoughtproject.com/cia-volume-oswald-missing/
Berry, one way to get around some firewalled articles is to enter the article title into google, then click on the top link in the serach results.
Great article as always G5 – so many rabbit holes to follow, thank you.
Your sentence “National Socialist supporters organised BONFIRES [trigger word] on 10/5/1933 in Berlin.“ prompts this contribution …
I was recently watching an article on those very bonfires – here is an alternative history – one that makes much more sense:
See from 6:19:00
• Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told ~ Full Documentary
• https://youtu.be/3HWxKahieBY?t=22742
But please go back to around 6:17:30 for the start of this 15-minute segment where it says:
“During the 1920s, Berlin became known as the cesspit of Europe, a city where any and every depraved sexual activity could be had at a price.
With drugs, prostitution, paedophilia and homosexuality and even bestiality rampant, it was a place too dangerous and unfit for any self-respecting German family to reside.”
Not to mention the poverty (hence so much prostitution and depravity), debt and massive inflation orchestrated by the you-know-who banking cartel.
Berlin had replaced Paris as the cesspool sex capital of Europe – the centre of hedonism, the Babylon of the 20s.
Every variety of drug was freely available – morphine, cocaine, on prescription, opium widely available – drugs were used in ‘sexual science’. Berlin had become the centre of sexual experimentation (Magnus Hirschfeld).
In 1928, a Nationalist Socialist (“Nazi”) propaganda sheet denounced Berlin as a “melting pot of everything that is evil”. Hitler had earlier personally appointed Goebbels to ‘clean up’ Berlin and he met fierce opposition by the Jewish Bolsheviks/communists.
When Hitler became Chancellor on Jan 30, 1933 he made his plans clear – “what is ugly in Berlin we shall remove”. The Eldorado was transformed from the home of transvestites into the National Socialist headquarters.
So it was after the DEMOCRATIC rise of Adolf Hitler that the first ‘BONFIRE’ occurred – it was actually targeted at jewish communist material depicting depravity, pornography, erotica etc.
There was then a mass exodus of the decadent jewish communist ‘leftists’ from Berlin to Hollywood – including people like Marlene Dietrich … and the brilliantly marketed Albert Einstein.
It was then in 1933 (or 1934 ?) that the International Jewry officially and literally ‘declared WAR on Germany’. The rest of ‘history’ followed.
And speaking of bonfires … It was AFTER the WWII that the real bonfire occurred – when the ‘victors’ destroyed all the German literature, art and history they could in an attempt to annihilate the ‘soul of Germany’.
Yep, the same Nation-Wreckers that are pushing the agendas of today. Germany was just their starting point.
Excellent articles, G5 and Julius. Mention was made early in the main piece of the Bali Bombing. Both that event and the Australian Embassy Bombing in Indonesia were caused by mini-nukes, but our brave lying Australian Police Force Commissioner, (Mick Keelty) stood in front of a T.V. camera and stated the damage was done by car bombs.
He is the ultimate liar or knows nothing of science. Car bombs cannot create craters, especially in hard surfaces.
An explosion blast takes the least line of resistance. In these cases, it was upward, where there is only the weight of the car body. The crater at one site was at least as deep as the height of a human.