Home Finance Magic Money Tree

Magic Money Tree


Editor’s note: a good reminder of the source of the problem by a new contributor. 

By J.G.Olsen / Finance Expositor 

MMT or Modern Monetary Theory has replaced all the other economic theories and is now used in the US and entities like Australia which simply follow the US lead. Basically, it involves an excess of money-printing, which became known as QE (Quantitative Easing) under the Obama administration. We first noticed the effects of this bout of money printing way back then when the price of old paintings skyrocketed from a few million dollars up to hundreds of millions.

How was all this QE money getting out to the elites so quickly?

We have observed over time the change in company management from General Manager to CEO. The CEO salary skyrocketed to a multiple of hundreds of times the salary of the ordinary worker but also included shares and futures as part of the package. Asset stripping became popular since the 1980’s; this is where (for example) a company sold the land it operates on or the plant it operates with and rents it back from the new owner, who may be an associate of the company’s directors.

By going through various funds, trusts and other companies nobody can ever know who has an interest in what. In Australia, John Howard reduced Capital Gains Tax from 100% of the gain to 50% and reduced the top tax rate as well. He even made a superannuation amnesty for one year where anyone could put $1,000,000 straight into their super. Any company director/shareholder could scoop up all their share options, get taxed on only half then throw it all into super at 15% tax rate. Needless to say, all these people have self-managed super funds, generally known as SMSF. So tax on corporate windfalls was reduced to almost nothing.

Andrew Robb

Politicians, of course, thought they should be paid equally well as CEOs but changing the rates would make them into a target so they have been using a well-known alternative arrangement for many decades, this involves post-political career jobs in private industry. Everyone should be aware of at least one politician performing this manoeuvre. An interesting case is Andrew Robb who leased the Port of Darwin to China for 99 years, subsequently went on paid sick leave for 6 months due to depression, then got a nice job in China for $880,000 per year (source: Wikipedia). 8 is of course the lucky number in China, who knows what bonuses went along with the job. His depression needless to say was cured.

Bill Clinton used to go on speaking tours after his presidency. During his final days in office, he pardoned more than 400 people including his half-brother who was involved in drugs. Paul Craig Roberts (former US Assistant Treasurer to Reagan) tells us Clinton’s speaking tour payments of US $500k or so were owed to him for previous acts carried out as president. Bill Clinton’s greatest achievement was to end the Glass-Steagall Act which was created nearly 100 years ago because of the depression in the 1930’s. This separated the savings & loan banks from the merchant banks. Once this law was removed, mortgages were bundled up into “securities” and sold as blue-chip bonds. The mortgages could be high-risk and sold to low-income people as “lo-doc” loans, meaning if you had a deposit you could get a mortgage whether or not you had much chance of paying it off. Vast numbers of these risky mortgages were sold at the combined face value of the mortgages and they were claimed to be delivering interest equal to the combined mortgage interest. Who would buy such dodgy bonds, based on the pure optimism of lower classes being able to pay? Well, these bonds were put into the pension funds by the fund managers who had connections with the merchant banks, the employment arrangements are known as “revolving door”. Eventually, the low-income people could no longer pay their mortgages, the banks took the deposit, the pension funds took the hit, and the low-income people saw their pensions lose value, so they lost their deposit, house, and pension all in one hit. This was called “The GFC” in 2007. It was all engineered under Bill Clinton and he previously had a practice run at it with a similar arrangement known as “Whitewater” which was the subject of court cases.

The subsequent money printing under Obama (“QE”) I have heard ran to as much as a trillion a month at some points, money is obviously distributed through banks so this is where it first went. It is allocated by the government to go to various agencies and these all have CEOs who get their remuneration arrangements according to conventions some of which are outlined above. Vast amounts go to the military, hospitals, international obligations, and projects, etc., and it all gets siphoned until at the end there is obviously nothing. Modern Monetary Theory enshrines the money-printing so that it is assumed to never end, at least until a new theory comes along, which of course is now known as the Great Reset.

Schemes for distributing money for political favours become more and more obvious, as the politicians find at every turn, they are getting away with it. Joe Biden’s son has been producing art paintings and selling them for huge sums, so we can see the art market all along has been used as a vehicle for money laundering. The latest invention is called “Non-Fungible Assets” where something is created virtually, for example, a smartphone “emoji” type of thing and anyone can buy the “ownership” of this thing as an art product. The newsreaders tell us with eyes almost imperceptibly widened, that these things sell for vastly different amounts of money, some of them are hugely expensive while others are sold for just pocket change. We already saw another version of this type of arrangement with “Banksy”, the so-called anonymous street artist. To sell high-end art you no longer need to even learn the professional language such as (for example), “I have deconstructed gender as an inherent component of human evolution by juxtaposing a nude Richard/Rachel Levine against cubism-referencing images of the arson attack on the Notre Dame at easter 2019”.

All you need to sell high-end art now is a deal that needs closing.

Lately, all this money has been getting shoveled into various types of “crypto”.

Money used to be based on a gold standard which was USD35 per ounce, abandoned in 1971. Now gold is around USD2000 per ounce, which gives an idea of how much money was printed. This money is not only printed by the Reserve Banking System but is also created as financial tokens such as (for example) company shares which can be created using any excuse and this is called “dilution”. Shares may be created to provide for executives’ futures contracts, and they are supposed to represent the potential value of the company as a whole. The dollar value of the company is increasing even if it does nothing (like a piece of gold) because the actual money it is measured with keeps getting diluted by money-printing. The public takes out mortgages and pays higher interest the more money gets printed. It takes a few years to catch up so they don’t notice. In the same way they don’t notice their pension fund (superannuation) is going nowhere fast.

These types of systems are generally known as rich get richer; poor get poorer.

Meanwhile, the price of manufactures such as appliances goes through the floor. This is powered by cheap labour in China in jails, factories operating as virtual jails (similar to the English “Poorhouses” of the Dickens’ era), financialised slavery etc., and now offshore companies in Bangladesh and other such places. Australian industry is sabotaged by this competition and driven offshore then further destroyed by “dumping”. Items are sold for a few dollars which might be expected to normally sell for up to ten times more. Other stuff is sold which breaks almost instantly. Who is paying for all this dumping? Is this also part of some money laundering schemes? Is it just part of the communo-fascist takeover of Australia?

China went to Afghanistan after the US withdrawal and picked up lots of high-end equipment. Who was paid for this gift? (Hint, a rising star of the art world maybe).

This short opinion piece is just intended to tie together and clarify some of the macro-economic history and techniques of the last few decades since about 1971. It would be interesting if anyone would like to add pertinent facts or even “alternative facts” in particular relating to the era, the last 50 years.

Obviously, there is much, much more to this story.



  1. Good article Jimmy. Apparently a current way of huge payouts for favours done is the (ghost) writing of the life story of such and such a person. Think of Barack O’Bama and now Andrew Cuomo. Who in their right mind would want to read about either of those two?

    • Julius, what do you mean by “Event 201.1”?

      And Jimmy, do you see any solutions? Do you recall Robert Hughes’ TV series on Modern Art? I think he was hinting something. Then he was in a terrible non-fatal accident.

      • That’s good bait you are using there Mary.

        Although it has been discussed at length here on Gumshoe, for other readers who did not connect the dots, Event 201 was the event sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and held at the John Hopkins University on October 18, 2019.

        Here is Spiro Skouras to explain:



        and here is Klaus Schwab explaining the next phase of their genocide and post-human plan (July 8, 2020):

        Hence Event 201.1 (or Event 201 2.0, whatever)

        • With Klaus Swab and Ursula von der Leyen running the Swiss-centric Globalist NWO, it’s timely to see what has already permeated into popular culture as “humour”. Or was the Klaus Swab / Austin Powers crossover generated as a prank on the sheeple, I tend to think so. The first minute is interesting anyway.

        • CO2 is not a pollutant but we have been told it’s destroying the world by global warming, CO2 is about 1/2 of 1% of the atmosphere and trees and especially sea algae suck it all up, but we have been told again and again until people think it must be true, hence, it is a huge prank, to test out gullibility, and we passed the test with flying colours, any rubbish we are told, we believe. Even when the weather keeps getting cooler, they start telling us it’s “Al Nino Effect”. Ask them what causes Al Nino Effect and they say “it’s a phenomenon”.

    • As everyone knows, there’s a plethora of commentary on who’s running the show.
      But there are certain giveaways re the overarching intent and the quality of the research
      The question that needs to be asked is why would this:

      1 TIMOTHY 6:10
      “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

      get morphed into this

      “A famous quote ‘Money is the root of all evil’ is fitting’ ”

      I think the answer lies in the fact that the original article is an internal admonition, a warning given by one community member to another as to what’s likely to compromise one’s salvation

      Whereas the corruption thereof is all about imputing power to the unsaved

      • The above text is preceded by this:

        “They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.”
        1 TIMOTHY 6:10

        Easy to lose sight of the fact that those who “drown men in destruction and perdition” are simply transmitting their own ensnarement; the belief that they’re beneficiaries just compounds the problem

    • Thanks Jimmy, good job,
      It would be worth extending the mortgage section to show how additionally the FAKE mortgage money is created from nothing and put into the community, while the REAL money mortgage repayment is held by the banks to be sieved of to elites in Swizzy.

      Thus billions of fake money $ circulates while billions of real $ is taken out AND the whole fake for real money scam is hidden when the mortgage is cancelled !!!

      The so caller ‘reserve’ bank is running a similar SCAM printing money for Govt.

  2. And all made possible by a University system and its Pump and Dump schemes: pump students full of intellectual garbage, but pretentious attitude, and dump the unthinking puppets on society to further dilute the intelligence quotient of the society not sufficiently diluted by grade school.

    • Yes Perry
      And perhaps one of the worst parts of that SCAM is the so called alcohol ‘Rite of Passage’ which primes the up and coming young adult to believe they will somehow ‘become someone’ when they are legally allowed to get plastered.

  3. In Afghanistan the “World Food Program” is screaming for donations for aid (source al-Jazeera), even after 1000’s of years, all the subsistence farmers there apparently can’t exist without the US who bailed out after 20 years leaving it to the UN Peacekeepers or some similar Globalist outfit, who it seems will be taking over the opium operations. Trump wanted to reshape the global dynamics by getting out of all sorts of international misadventures, but he would have known that would create a vacuum. Now we can see the various local chieftains in Afghanistan will be paid off by “aid”, probably including new trucks, fuel and so forth, so handy for a large scale commercial operation. Go ahead and make your donations folks, especially you “oxycontin” type of addicts.

    • The lovely Princess Diane collected all the artificial body parts from UK hospitals and sent them to the war in Bosna and Croatia. A no-no for Crown aggression – compassion for suffering victims.

    • Tasty bait,

      All evil is connected. This is dots from article to clip.

      Beware mistaking rabbit holes to rabbit warrens.

      The Sacks-Goths(lol) to Windsor displacing Spencers.
      City of London leads to near Rome(the Vat) too New Rome (Washington DC).
      Our predicament.

      If I were to pick a royal, Diana. That was a “hell of a sacrifice”. Why the video is so strange, therefore an apt pick. 5 Stars

  4. A big one for South Australia:
    ( Not everyone in government is evil, in fact they only need 51% ).

    Your freedom is at stake!
    A special guest post by freedom fighter Senator Alex Antic.
    Dec 15
    Former United States President, the late great Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
    Looking around the country at the moment, one wonders whether someone like President Reagan would have been worried about how many of our freedoms have been sacrificed at the altar of COVID paranoia in the last two years.
    If you haven’t yet done so, subscribe to the Nation First e-newsletter via the feature below:
    COVID politics has become toxic, and the following statement demonstrates just how toxic it has become, but I need to be clear, I am not an anti vaxxer. I believe in medical science, but I also believe in the preservation of our most basic and fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech, thought, association and freedom of choice.
    If we are told to “trust the science” then that means being told the whole story, not just the parts which suit a particular narrative.
    Our democracy needs medical science to be portrayed honestly and fairly and at the moment, the media and much of the political class are refusing to tell the whole truth. The truth is that those who are fully vaccinated still transmit COVID to others. That is why we have COVID cases in this State.
    It is wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated. That is not just my view, that is the view of eminent German doctor Gunter Kampf writing in the highly respected medical journal The Lancet.
    Many South Australians are suffering due to job losses, border restrictions, vaccine mandates and the social isolation which our COVID response has caused.
    South Australians have been very patient in the last two years, but when the State reached the landmark 80% vaccination rate, we were told by bureaucratic class that border closures, contact tracing and medi-hotels were not a thing of the past. How can that be?
    Millions of Australians have had enough and are protesting across the country. These are the largest protests of my lifetime and for the media and political class to call these people “right wing agitators”, “anti vaxxers” and “white supremacists” is an insult. It degrades them as our fellow Australians, and it degrades the institution of journalism itself. It needs to stop.
    These protestors are doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, and taxi drivers. They are from many different backgrounds, races, religions, faiths and even voting patterns. If you want to see genuine unity and diversity in the country at the moment, find a live stream of a protest and make up your own mind.
    My office has been flooded with calls and emails from people across the country whose lives are being shattered by COVID restrictions. Many are worried about what is happening in our country. Many have lost their jobs and have nowhere to turn. All for the simple “crime” of wanting to make their own medical choices.
    These Australians are worried that our freedoms are now “earned” by complying with government mandates, and that government has the right to dictate medical procedures to us.
    It is my strongly held view that important medical decisions must always be an individual’s choice. What happened to “my body, my choice”? That disappeared quickly.
    They are also concerned about the development of a two-tiered society which is being created on vaccination battle lines. Our system is dividing Australians for no good reason. Whether discrimination and exclusion are based on race, religion, or medical decisions is irrelevant. It is all wrong.
    As a result of standing up for these views I’ve been labelled a “rebel” and a “rogue”. I don’t see what’s so rebellious about doing the job I was elected to do, which is to serve the interests of the people of South Australia. All people, not just those who have made a particular medical choice.
    If you like this edition of Nation First, why not share it with friends and family?
    Last week I was advised by SA Health, that to come back to my home State from Canberra, I would be required to spend 14 days in a medi-hotel. I had recently tested negative for COVID and was willing to quarantine at home.
    When I reached the airport, I was confronted by the news media and cameras. I didn’t tip them off, but someone did. I wonder why there was such interest in splashing my trip to a medi-hotel across the media?
    Whatever the reason, rest assured, I will not stop speaking about these issues until they are fixed. Even if the system is letting people down, I don’t propose to.
    We must start becoming more magnanimous about our fellow Aussies and cease the division and demonisation. We must start learning to live with COVID and that means living like we used to, not living subject to unreasonable bureaucratic demands and restrictions.
    If freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction, we are now dancing dangerously close to a world which we don’t want to pass onto our children. After all, regardless of the medical choices people make, I thought we were “all in this together.”
    — Senator Alex Antic
    Senator Alex Antic is running an online campaign asking people to sign the ‘Freedom Pledge’.

    Sign the pledge to say that you want the bureaucratic class to stop their authoritarian creep through weaponising the power of fear.
    If you liked this post from Nation First, why not promote the newsletter?
    Share Nation First, by George Christensen
    Email archive: nationfirst.substack.com & (prior to October 2021) http://www.georgechristensen.com.au/nation-first
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    WEBSITE: http://www.georgechristensen.com.au
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  5. There seems to be a fair bit of understanding that debt & enslavement are one and the same but what’s never given much attention is that money, by definition, is debt.

    • Yes he’s got that crazy look, Jeff Kennett also into similar stuff, his outfit is called beyond blue, now what was the scandal there. I can’t quite recall. maybe someone else can.

    • Learning to use distressful experiences to your advantage is critical to withstanding the PTB: psychedelic drugs won’t do anything but rot your brain-cells. Depression is the most common form of demonic oppression and there’s only ONE WAY of turning it on it’s head

      • Depending exactly what is meant by “depression”, the cure can be as simple as correcting your diet with high levels of nutrition typically found in leaves and so forth.

        • The point I’m trying to make is that emotional and mental turmoil is a warning – something’s not working properly, something needs to be addressed – so it should be embraced as a blessing in disguise.

          Eating junk food is an escape route that’s bound to acerbate it but it’s never been known to disappear merely by cultivating better eating habits and no drug could possibly do anything more than subvert or suppress it.

      • The question I always ask is why would anyone be looking at the Rothchilds when the worst sort of bondage was created by this crew:

        Between ages 13 – 30 was plagued by what’s commonly known as depression and talked into believing that imperfect parenting was to blame: treating imperfect children as though they have some sort of disease is just another facet of the same monster.

        As to the former, what I witnessed in California as a 22 year-old was a “repressed memory” industry dominated by Jews, therapists and patients alike, an industry that was an unmistakable scam.
        However, 7 years went by before it began to dawn on me that the phenomena was entirely due to a failure to acknowledge their own Messiah. When the subject of the therapeutic techniques came up at a Christian dinner to which I’d been invited one guy said “that mob claim they’re being released but the truth is that they’re sinking deeper into bondage” . That really nailed it: a cultural group that was smart enough to figure out it’s innate flaws but dull enough to believe that liberation could be bought & sold was obviously a perfect candidate for You-Know-Who

  6. Jimmy, good writing.
    It’s all about connections, certainly a club with money possessing all creeds and races, moronic stupidity exponential simultaneously as inflated assets and diminishing returns compete with professionals from most sufferable locations globally, exploiting ‘free trade’ building stick houses bent and twisted poison.
    Here, in late ‘70’s a house in posh suburbia of Sin city 100k max. labourers on 120$ cash per day.
    Today similar house 5 million $ minimum. and labourers still on same money as forty years ago with professionals on 100k per year gross, if lucky to have job. This place was stitched up long ago, banksters taking all the money still. Great reset, whites the new black, used up discarded and now replaced.

  7. x22 said Mein Trumpf just had his case thrown out, he wanted to keep his tax returns secret, now he has to appeal that and it’s probably going to end up in the Supreme Court. x22 makes a Brer Rabbit voice like “oh no please don’t throw me in the briar patch” and says “oh no not my tax returns”, the idea is that once he is forced to show his tax returns then Obama and Biden will also have to show theirs.
    A rare moment of humour from x22 who is usually like a high school teacher drumming it in to all the students. Nonetheless a good listen if you can work at the same time or even snooze a bit.

    • W3,
      Yes I have heard every broadcast at lunch time in my big comfy office retirement chair.
      Having heard every one of his broadcasts for 3,5 yeas, one knows when to take a nap.
      I prick my ears often, especially with the q drops.
      Then I know he is on the ball,
      I spend about three hours a day getting the picture also from many sources.
      Getting there…….soon.
      NESARA GESARA.⚖️🌈🙏💰💰💰💰??
      Better than re- reading the old telephone books.

      • Not sure if GESARA is just implementation of Klaus Swab’s “You Will Own Nothing” ( because you will not be able to pay your debts in Weimar Republic conditions ) but others see it as the end of the Federal Reserve, well. Mein Trumpf is choosing his enemies and they include the Washington Deep State and not much else. He is not really a global thing whereas, the opposing parties have had their hooks into everything for a long time as we know. So without investigating too much I would say “the patriots” are looking at hijacking something that was made in Switzerland.

        • Meanwhile here the Reserve Bank of Australia insists it is fully owned by the Australian government – or should that be THE GOVERNMENT FOR AUSTRALIA (?). Still obviously answers to the BIS over there in Swissyland and obviously pays the fees, I wonder where we find them …

          • Funny how the Economist magazine is owned by Rotschilds and Cadburys, then you go in the gas station and all the wares are from Cadburys and Schweppes, with Rockerfellas dispensing the actual petrol outside. Eventually there will probably be a “Who’s Who” published of all these Globalist interests and we will have the 1% of the 1% that owns 50% and controls the other 50%.

  8. A decade of sun in one minute.
    Watch the sun going dark after 2016 (date counter in the corner), the volcanoes / flares around the sun’s equator just go dormant, and for how long ? Some people say it might be a long time.
    Global warming is reduced to complete bunkum by this NASA video, but still the authorities keep lying, about everything:

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