by G5
Barr, Roberts, Pence, and McConnell as The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse, who facilitated the fraud of 2020.
I have written of the connection of Barr’s father with Epstein. I have written about how Barr let Epstein out of a prison sentence when AG of Southern California.Β He twists the first answer from Trump lying to The DOJ to him personally believing that Trump lied. Two totally different scenarios. Therefore Trump did not lie.
They all forget that Trump is the symbol, not the person, and they all ad hominem attack him.
Does Barr believe Biden can be frauded in a second time? That Biden is not corrupt, or that de Santis will perform a Lazarus?

Barr also obstructed the release of The Durham Report.
Barr is a swamp creature. He and Pence should never have seen the light of day in Trump’s administration. Pence was involved with Fauci in the HIV genocidal fraud before the Covid genocidal fraud.
Roberts is sufficiently linked to Epstein for Trump to have removed him and elevated Clarence Thomas.Β Roberts was also involved with The FBI FISA Frauds. Particularly with regard to Judges Rosemary Collyer and Rudolph Contreras.
Gates and Mila
Gates was linked to Mila Antonova from 2010, not the only reason Melinda headed out the complicated door in May 2021.
Gates lingers unaccountable for the present. He continues to preemptively position himself so as to advise the world on how we should conduct our lives. While he pretends not to have bought a path while muddying the others. Entertainment as the many court jesters of the historic coterie to which he belongs. History weighs them all.
One of the many over-enriched hubris endowed self-serving dross that humanity and our civilization have suffered throughout history.
It all passes as the unfortunate flatulence that it is. Beyond a nauseously lingering putrid odour of a dump of history past.
We note this for the benefit of the comprehension of future generations. Should they venture from under their protective rocks and deign to read.
Larry Nasser was sentenced to 360 years in state and federal prisons.
‘Nassar was sentenced to 60 years in federal prison on 7/12/2017, after pleading guilty to child pornography and tampering with evidence charges on 11/7/2017. On 24/1/2018, Nassar was sentenced to an additional 40 to 175 years in Michigan State prison after pleading guilty in Ingham County to seven counts of sexual assault. On 5/2/2018, he was sentenced to an additional 40 to 125 years in Michigan State prison after pleading guilty to an additional three counts of sexual assault in Eaton County.
In addition to his work with USA Gymnastics, Nassar worked as a sports doctor at Michigan State University from 1997 to 2016. In 2018, Michigan State reached a $500 million settlement in lawsuits brought by 332 survivors of Nassar’s abuse.’
A fellow with a Vaticanite work ethic.
Lord Peter Mandelson of theΒ traditional left aisle of reality; ‘Petie’ to his closest as Epstein.
More than sharing with life-long serial disgraces as Prince Andrew (Koo Stark was on the island) and the religion of Savile-Mountbatten-Epstein.
Outed by J.P.Morgans no less; when one delves into the murky abyss of court filings.
Wear duty gloves and carry an independent oxygen supply to protect from stench overload. Wear a rope belt harness, if you need to be urgently extracted from the court reading room.Β Rewarded and protected by links to Tony Blair (Political Correctness, Iraq and Chilcot), Gordon Brown (looter of the BOE gold), Neil Kinnock (a Commons Bill to reduce sexual consent to pre-teen, duped the dufus Thatcher on ‘Spy Catcher’, mentor to Turdbull), and across the aisle to Savilite murdering molester Ted Heath.
The Epsteinites and Savilites are well known. I wrote some time back that Trump was not an Epsteinite. The pictures produced are fake.
The Dems with Derangement Syndrome need to try harder.Β And no one believes the fake rape case. It was a court decision: the sane need no more information.
“Image of Trump and Epstein Appears Out of Nowhere – Two Huge Details Expose It as Fake… A young Donald Trump from his wild and crazy days grins for the camera. Cozying up to Trump on his left shoulder in an almost intimate gesture is convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. And around them are young girls who look like they should be doing their homework instead of cooing over two older men. But once the internet sleuths of social media were through,Β the image seems more relegated to the first lesson in a Photoshop 101 class than a blockbuster discovery.”
Excellent Mike Adams interview with Jeffrey Prather-The Global Cabal is failing-from 37′
After 58:00 in Caracas ( Venezuela ) the police only respond to the rich and they go around killing all the orphans, there’s gangs of orphans, it’s going to start happening in America ( Major Jeffrey Prather Navigating the Coming Collapse ).
Are they already doing it in Northern Australia ?
What has befallen this world has been centuries, if not thousands of years in the making.
In order to destroy what much Evil and time has installed, it first needs to be fully exposed so that all who choose to, can see it.
Only when the depth of Evil, the depravity it generates and organized criminality it spawns, is able to be fully exposed, will the people gain full knowledge of just how corrupted this world has been made. Only then will the people come to no longer take for granted what they are told to believe, but will demand full accountability from those in whom they promote into positions of trust, and forever more.
the more things change the more they stay the same
Here’s Epstein 20 days after his suicide back on his island.
That video proves nothing – however – having seen many dead bodies during my time as a cop, and from various causes, I would testify in a court of law that the body that was gurnied out of the prison, if it was Epstein, was not a deceased person who had allegedly died from self-induced strangulation because the ‘body’ was that of a living and breathing person that showed no signs of having died from asphyxiation – loss of air to the brain via strangulation – which would have caused the face to become blackened.
I have no doubt that Epstein is alive somewhere, but he is not free to do as he would please and is subject to providing concrete evidence against those he once dallied with.
Epstein, Elvis and JFK jr are all on Atlantis waiting for the Rapture.
Wasn’t him.