J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
Giorgia Meloni started out as a populist, nationalist, independent etc., became elected as Italian PM and it seems, soon got a visit from Henry Kissinger or more likely the local connected mafia and suddenly started singing some of their tunes. About the time of her transition she made a remarkable speech, broadcasting to the Africans, saying France had been for a long time plundering them with French hegemony, crooked mining and trade deals, militarisation and so forth. This may have been partly a ploy to blame France for the waves of African immigrants. She went astonishingly hard on this, and on the French President, who didn’t appear to have much prepared in his defence. So, when did she start having her strings pulled, was it before this odd venture into foreign policy, or a long time before? It hardly matters because in any case she is presumably on the payroll now, and if a prime minister doesn’t get on the payroll, misfortune will surely arrive soon enough.
So, in the immediate political sense she primed the Niger events, perhaps could even be credited with triggering them.
Cui bono is a 2000 year old term for “who benefits?” showing the principles of such analysis go back a long way. Who benefits from getting Meloni to sing about Africa?
For many non-aligned states, the time has come and the infrastructure is in to leave the USD system and venture into the BRICS system. The 7 wars in 5 years program of the US Deep State is more or less completed and it’s time to move on and move forward with new programs.
Sovereign Russia and China have shown they can function as a team to resist any forces behind USD hegemony and the attacks that followed lesser nations such as Iraq, Libya and Venezuela for their attempted resistance. Now the grass appears greener on the BRICS side of the fence, and may well be for a short while. Circumstances are relatively easy to engineer under the communist systems, where an appointed dictator’s word becomes law. In old times this sort of puppet might be termed a Regent. Any leader is beholden to certain vested interests.
Last week, Giorgia Meloni threw a big red herring at the press, by hitting the banks with a windfall tax, causing an uproar and confirming her, in the minds of the voting public, as being aligned with their interests. The windfall tax was wound back this week, the initial impact having done its PR work. In Australia, we have also seen Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers becoming increasingly anxious about rising interest rates creating societal destruction including homelessness, so a week or two ago he threatened the so-called independent Reserve Bank with an adjustment to their employment target guidelines. Nothing much has seemed to come of this and now the story going around is that there will be no more interest rate rises.
All these proclamations have one thing in common, they are all made of hot air.
The public is being sold an idea of Gold Backed Currency, implemented by the BRICS. The sanitised story goes that Russia and others have been buying gold, but in reality what they have been doing is converting US dollars into something of value. The Chinese are following, but more gingerly, as they have huge volumes of trade with the US.
A new era of gold backed currency cannot work because the financial sector has gone mainstream and every type of instrument has been devised and put into use. We are all tied into it.
Publicly floated shares can be “diluted”, a form of corporate money printing based on anticipated earnings. If a company lets its shares go higher and higher in value, it will have to pay bigger dividends to keep the P/E ratio competitive. The company gains nothing, so instead they float more shares and collect the revenue up front, which stabilises the share price.
In the past, companies were owned privately by royals and the upper classes and shares belonged to family members as with private companies today. Even the right to vote was only granted to landowners, not men as is commonly put about. Universal suffrage was redesigned by elites to become another firewall between the rulers and the unwitting masses, their beloved democracy.
Likewise, share markets went public, it is much more straightforward to harvest funds from the faceless public. This is achieved by inside knowledge, as opposed to “insider trading”, which is illegal. Inside knowledge is what it is and can’t be avoided. Those running the company know intimately what is going on inside and around the company. On that basis they accept personal payment in derivative instruments called options, along with shares and every sort of re-constructed promissory note, which is what a gold-backed note is.
In this way the economy grows and expands in any possible direction. If the created instruments turn out to be worth something they add to economic growth, if they turn out to be worthless, they are called bad investments and forgotten, or preferably dumped into pension funds.
The pool of money also grows by government debt, which is manufactured in the Reserve Banking System. It charges future generations for the infrastructure they are born into. At least this may be true in lucky countries, but in the unlucky they are simply born with debt. All this debt is underwritten in Switzerland, through the Reserve Bank offices in each country, excluding a handful such as Iran and North Korea. The system’s ultimate evolution is to synchronised Globalism.
The Russians most significantly claim they will be impervious to the Swiss BIS system and US-NATO sanctions, which presumably means they will have their own fractional reserve banking system operating in parallel with the Swiss system, this may be gold backed to the extent of any fractional reserve system, backed to a fraction of perhaps 5% or so. However under communism it will be even harder to argue your own case, when you want to actually withdraw your money as gold.
Look at the amount of gold mined in the world and you will see, even in Australia, the gold produced is virtually nothing compared to the debt, which has been run up at the annual rate of $200 billion in recent years. Australia has as much gold in the ground as Russia and China combined, about 8000 tonnes. If it was all somehow extracted at once the value would only be about $500 billion, while our debt is already $1000 billion and rising. You can’t represent the entire economy by these limited amounts of gold, unless the price of gold skyrockets. You may try to represent the amount of paper money in the system with some fractional reserve but with all the other financial instruments available this is almost meaningless.
Digital Ruble:
Digital Ruble:
Digital Ruble:
Digital Ruble:
But, Russian wages are rising by more than 10%:
In a flexible financial system, as in nature, everything successful finds room to grow. If Russian wages are rising, next will be house prices and then who will be able to say no to expanding credit? Before long the Russian system will simply mirror the Swiss system, its immediate raison d’être being of course the avoidance of sanctions and other forms of transnational grand larceny. The state must protect itself first, and the Beast System can, and will, be implemented sooner or later (most likely sooner).
African countries which buy into these communist alternative financial systems will eventually find that they will have been manipulated in exactly the same way, by exactly the same systems, as they were by the Western European colonial powers.
To any doubters, simply look to the present.
We have no finer example of self-interested hypocrisy and deliberate incompetence than the nonsense presented as diplomatic relations by puppet leaders, who first claimed the Russian referenda in the Donbass area was a rigged election, and now are ready to reclaim the principle of it as their proposed solution, while allowing Zelenskyy all the latitude he needs to eradicate as many of his citizens as he can possibly get away with, at the same time running up unknown mountains of debt in this pointless endeavour, by consuming all types of surplus munitions supplied by the arms factories of NATO and allies, such as Australia.
“when did she start having her strings pulled”
Well I picked her as a fraud as soon as she started to get media attention. The “I’m-such-a good-housewife-I’ve-got-to-get-back-to-the-ironing” line was particularly telling. I mean,how out of touch with the real world would you have to be to think that stay-at-home mums have got nothing better to do
My mind always goes to the description of FBI spooks in Tom Wolfe’s
“Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” – fringed leather jacket, beads, and tatty jeans – with shiny black business shoes poking out from the frayed cuffs
A great tirade on the communo-fascist takeover previously posted by cx767
“The white rabbit” (17 min)
A followup on Hawaii fires from August 8 to present
( Click on the link then take out the XXXX )
DEW weapons posted 30 July mentions impending disaster for Hawaii
Antarctic and shipping sources for directed EMF energy
More on energy weapons
Take out the XXXX
J.G. Olsen could probably benefit intellectually from studying the ‘Q’ drops since, October, 2017.
Just finished the latest X22Report.com episode … B.
Bloody hell, I wish someone would grab Dave and and pull out some of his batteries. He sounds like one of those sports broadcasters screaming like some drama Queen. Why cannot sports commentators STOP SCREAMING, they stuff up spectacle. The players are the game, not the bloody loud mouthed screaming girly broadcasters who think they the contest.
Right, just a rant to turn off the sound and enjoy the ladies tonight.
Anyway, I had to suspend our Dave to about half way and return to him when settled down a bit and worked on the factual reporting.
Same with Derek Johnson, but at least he has conceded his problem.
Yes N, Mr Olsen should do some investigative research on what has been happening for decades or more and consider Q drops since late 2017 when he started…. Dec 2017 drops now current.
Stuffed if I am going to continue to spoon feed anyone these days…… I have worn out a whole cutlery set of spoons…… for a few years here.
As a hint to some who might be bothered, look up what is happening with all the legless charges against T, the program/agenda and ultimate purpose.
As for Trump in Georgia, the nearly all black staff of the courthouse look very satisfied, it’s beyond my scope to say why. The Qanon is mostly a US thing it seems with a few little ripples out to the 5 eyes places. Good luck to
US citizens. at least they might have a chance with Mein Trumpf.
Poor commenter Nemesis thinks he is right over the target but I would suggest he hasn’t yet identified the target, here are some clues
Take out the XXXX
Intro’s go on for at least 5 minutes maybe 10 depends how you count it
Well Joe – at least you are consistent in promoting the MSM’s take on, ‘Q’, which proves to me at least, that you will readily accept whatever anyone tells you, so long as it fits in what you wish to believe.
I don’t think about Q unless you push it at me, and the more you push the less convincing you are.
Joe – I only responded to your comment above – you are the one who pushed, ‘Qanon’ – I only pointed out the parroting from the MSM that you do, and that only propagates what the MSM want you to believe.
You complain that I provide no,’links’, for you to follow, yet you choose to ignore what I am putting down for you to pick up, just in case you may be able to see for yourself?
Indeed Ned – I take Dave in small doses now. He is too full on at times for me to consider his rants. Although, one must take on board that he has been doing this for some time now.
He must get as frustrated with ‘events’ as the rest of us who have noted, ‘Q’ and the Plan.
“Trust the plan” WWG1WGA
” When I saw QAnon, I knew exactly what it was and what it was doing. I had seen it before. I had almost built it before. It was gaming’s evil twin. A game that plays people. (cue ominous music) QAnon has often been compared to ARGs and LARPs and rightly so. It uses many of the same gaming mechanisms and rewards. It has a game-like feel to it that is evident to anyone who has ever played an ARG, online role-play (RP) or LARP before. The similarities are so striking that it has often been referred to as a LARP or ARG. However this beast is very very different from a game…”
Reed Berkowitz.
No doubt the entire talk would be worthy of attention but I’m having audio issues with my PC
Which raises the question as to why all such material isn’t simply transcribed – what, exactly, is the preoccupation with imagery based on?
No such thing as ‘Qanon’ – which is just another MSM ‘conspiracy theory’ deflection for those who are still under its spell.
There is only, ‘Q’ and the messages therein that anyone can learn from.
Only those who trust the words of others without verification,, rather than search for the Truth themselves, would willingly choose to remain ignorant, while gleefully attacking those who have the temerity to point out their ignorance!
I think you got the gist of it in the transcript.
I wouldn’t say this analysis was conclusive since ARG (alternate reality games) are just another product of the human mind even if “next level stuff”. Information, disinformation, it all goes round and round. Half the world now has their nose in a computer, doing God knows what
As usual more chest-beating from commenter Nemesis.
These Q-drops from what little I know could also be said to resemble the daily horoscopes. “Watch the water” and cryptic stuff like that, predicted from years before.
LOL, Joe – it’s now ‘chest beating’ to point out simple facts?
If you had studied ‘Q’ you would realize that what is put out is to expand the thinking of those who may comprehend the questions being put forward.
Nothing ‘cryptic’ in the messages either, just a projection of what the future will bring, as in, ‘future proves past’. The real cryptic messages lay elsewhere, such as in Gematria and the numbers game that the Globalist Cabal have played against us for a very long time.
Now, the tables have been turned on them all.
Everything that ‘Q’ has projected has come to pass – anyone who opens their mind will see that.
Since you know so much why don’t you lay it all out in an article and send it to the publisher, if you don’t then you’re just a pussy, repeating what x22 told you, “It’s not Qanon, it’s Q and Anons” he says every day. You’ll have to do better than just parroting a few lines and saying how good you are. It’s called intellectual rigour, not intellectual rigor mortis
I keep pointing Joe – but you choose to not go there. Instead of at least looking at what I point out, you now lower yourself into an adhominem attack concerning my intellectual capabilities and pursuit of Truth.
Not a good look Joe.
I gave you the option of being a pussy and you took it.
So far as I’m concerned the no. 1 sign of all unregenerate religions is that they never cut across all cultural, ethnic or political divides and the no. 2 sign is that the kingpins are forever fleecing the unwitting rabble:
The question that needs to be asked is, why aren’t there any Q members in China, Iran, or any African nation?
Anyone who read reports of the address by Dr. Day to his fellow paediatricians in 1969 would have noted that soccer (football played by the Socceroos) was part of the planned globalist world’s peasant pastime to distract the useless eaters, being happy and owning nothing (uncle shrub) ….. lately described by Harari as the chipped zombie future for mankind.
Ref: ‘NWO EXPOSED BY INSIDER’ at rense.com and here at gumshoe years back by Mary Maxwell.
I have been observing Day’s predictions eventuate over 50+ years.
A example is clear tonight.
As a patriotic lover of the ladies, I watched most of the first half of the Australia v England and chose at half time to go to the balcony and do something worthwhile with some research.
Well, stone the crows, after a few minutes there was a roar down the valley from ‘to be chipped’ humans. I surmised that we had scored a goal.
It took me about 30 seconds to go in and see the goal being scored by Sam Kerr live.
Right, our broadcast might have a thirty second delay.
However going back to Dr. Day, with his soccer prediction, to which he added that women’s sport would also come to the fore.
Well, need I say more?
Dr. Day is on the ball and so was the whole valley.
Anyone awake yet? All planned.
At the time I was catching up on Cliff High. It was interesting …. So far as I understand what he was trying to explain, our material existence is just a novelty conceived in this/ our materialism because in time we chose it as a novelty because we were bored etc…. I have to re-read it. I think he is saying that life is just a soccer match for entertainment to pass infinite time (my take)
Oh well back to the match and watch the usual shoot out? Why do they not just do the shoot out at the beginning and let us do something useful? Like watching a rugby game.
Ok no shoot out, we lost 3:1
What a relief
Ned – Jordan Maxwell (now deceased) has some very pointed views on ball games and the distraction they cause to the populace, along with other observations of psychological imposts that many continue to fall under.
Eustace Mullins is another, Truth teller, that the media are guilty of denigrating to conspiracy theory status and worth listening to.
Nothing wrong with your observations, Ned, just pointing out to others who may wish to learn for themselves, and who are fed up with being told what to believe.
Nedski, any time you can’t work out how to bring up some of Gumshoe’s coverage of Dr Day’s 1969 predictions, just think of this odd phrase: “Forgive me, David Rockefeller.”
That’s the name of a Gumshoie article in which I categorized many of Day’s items. It’s easier to read than his full blast:
Brilliant Mary–nb Tony Ryan comments
“The analysis and recommended means by which humanity can reverse the Rockerfeller/Rothschild Plan was completed in 2010, commenced in 1964.
As a dumb and innocent student teacher, I sudenly realised that everything around me was a lie (government, the Church, media news, and especially history) and, because central orchestration was clearly a critical component of political theatre played on a global scale, I decided to devote ten years to identifying who was behind it all. Little did I realise that this would take 46 years to untangle.
The final piece of the remedial puzzle appeared in supremely ironical and asymmetrical circumstances, when Aboriginal Songmen in Arnhem Land explained how indigenous decision-making processes played out. The key to this was consensus protocols, which I finally realised are the core element of genuine democracy (people power). Sadly, it took me another decade to understand just what those old men had told me, and why; and how their words crystallied the thoughts of Thucydides, Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, and Lord Johannes Acton.
Eventually, I identified all 17 elements of the globalist programme and published these online at oziz4oziz.com/
And a bit more from Tony
“What Dr Day described happened, but not in the way most people would have expected.
For example, the “strangers may live with you” excerpt referred to refugees. And it is here that the Rothschild signature appears, as transpired in the old Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. To avoid compensation for and resistance to oil and gas pipelines, civil wars were initiated which required NATO intervention. The flow of refugees was directed into Europe, with calculated three-fold effect; (1) To cause disruption and conflict; (2) To dilute national identity (and hence resistance to globalisation); and, (3) To generate cultural, religious, civil, and economic breakdown.
The reference to feminism is the least understood. Prior to 1973, the feminist battle cry was for equal opportunity and equal pay for equal work. This was the subject of my very first survey and I found that 99% of men supported these objectives. But in 1973, Zbigniew Brzezinski completed David’s Trilateral Commission and the very next day he invited Rupert Murdoch to become an American citizen and to take command of tax avoidance and media, world-wide. This is when News Ltd seduced those feminists who were elitist and provided them with unlimited public exposure, thereby changing the movement’s direction to anti-man, anti-husband, and anti-father. Essentially, the goal was the destruction of the Family Unit.
Meanwhile, viz a viz the Rockefeller-controlled UN, dedicated primary school teachers training colleges were scrapped and new teachers indoctrinated in universities, wherein they were taught that they had a responsibility to “sever the intergenerational transfer of values”, followed by inculcation of new international values. These included multiculturalisation, internationalism, rejection of parenting, and elimination of family-oriented gender roles.
And so on… all in detail on the above web site… “How free trade destroyed 4 million full time jobs”.
What I do not know”, Mary, is how to take the first step to mobilise reclamation of humanity’s peaceful evolutionary path. Hence, I write on sites such as yours in the hope that somebody, somewhere, will trigger this event
Thank you Tony Ryan
Full circle
Great Link TY
more from Tony that personally resonates and validates my “existence”
— and strength to “us all”—and all Gumshoers super sleuths
“Actually, the Queen to whom politicians so piously refer is a non-existant sheila dubbed the Queen of Australia.
This reality of constitutions goes some way to explain why no national constitution in the world includes the very word that represents people power… democracy.
Prior to 1975, Australia was a partial democracy inasmuch as aspiring politicians were required to door-knock the electorate and seek the views of constituents, which meant that reelection would depend upon the electorate approving a degree of politician’s loyalty to election promises. The media duopoly in Australia smothered this convention and the electoral mood was fabricated through phony polls.
But the most decisive factor in the loss of national sovereignty came with the sacking of the Whitlam Government in 1975.
One can only speculate, but many Australians wondered why Gough Whitlam did not fight back. As Pilger and others have revealed, five hours after his sacking, Whitlam had been scheduled to list CIA operatives in Australia to the Australian Parliament. These included: Sir Arthur Tange, Permanent Head (ie Secretary) of Canberra’s Department of Administrative Affairs; Doug Anthony, head of the National Party; Sir Peter Ables of TNT; and his close mate Bob Hawke, President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).
It is my belief that the CIA, true to form, would have warned Whitlam that if he pursued this course, he and his family would have been destroyed. I very much doubt that he alone was the recipient of this threat, others also being in the know; which kinda explains why he later said to an interviewer, with very evident bitterness, that he “owes nothing to history”. Those who could have banded together with Gough to reveal the truth to the nation, caved in and distanced themselves. I fully expect one of these people to release the truth pothumously.
The Australian Labor Party (ALP) is now the living legacy of this betrayal and it has become evermore globalised as time progresses; fully supporting the free trade that decimated its membership. Worker members have become replaced by academics and professionals and the branch membership has fallen from 350,000 in 1975, to approximately 30,000 today. The ALP is now a PR illusion. One Queensland branch reported that it can no longer achieve a legal AGM quorum.
The ALP today is a mere extension of the Tavistock Institute, which is a branch of the WEF administration.”
Taking leave for a while
China does not have democracy, it has a benevolent government.
Why China Doesn’t Identify with the West, Explained
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act
An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia
[9th July 1900]
WHEREAS the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established:
Well, the politicians fixed up the indissoluble bit when they sold the governments Bank for the Commonwealth – the Commonwealth Bank to Jewish international Bankers.
The original Commonwealth Bank issued interest free money based on the nations productivity’
The current Jewish owned Commonwealth/RBA Bank issues money as an interest bearing debt and doesn’t care if it cannot be repaid – “The borrower is servant to the lender”
The Commonwealth of Australia went bankrupt long ago and is now registered as a corporation with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Story of the Commonwealth Bank (D.J. Amos)
The Story of the Commonwealth Bank (D.J. Amos) $ 5.00 each 364 items in stock Add to cart In 1947, Australia, in the person of Mr. Makin, signed the articles of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank. She was the 45th victim.
That Corporation, that was registered as the Australian Government, is now bankrupt as well.
Hence the recent federal election writ was not signed off by the GG, but a high level public servant, and why no capital city newspapers were given a copy of the ‘election writ’ to print for public perusal, and those masquerading as elected members of parliament, have never been sworn in.
Which is why there has been a permanent demonstration outside of the GG’s residence since that fake election took place, and that no compliant media will cover.
We are all just pure and simply, mushrooms!!!
The Italian sheila was always on their payroll being a member of the Aspen Institute. Confirming Italians, like Australians, assess politicians by what they say and not what they do or the company they keep.
BRICSs and gold will never be enough to compete against the euro loan market which is underwritten by the $Trillions of assets hidden in unregistered trusts in British ‘secrecy jurisdictions’ around the globe. Estimates have African (private) trust assets at five times African (public) debt.
If anyone thinks East India Company heirs, African leaders, an Australian politician according to their ABCs expose of the Panama Papers, and an assortment of ‘saving their world for our benefit’ philanthropists are going to give up their not so little ‘secrets’ and pay the taxes their ancestors introduced to buy the guns they need to point at our heads to keep us under their control then they need their heads read.
Hear hear
The latest from Niger is that the army has cancelled a pipeline through to France, the French response is to talk up their energy security, which they describe as “-15%” at the end of a summer which the English describe as cold.
Do not poke the bear !!!
Janet Yellen was saying BRICS is a nothingburger, when the major countries are being plundered by oligarchs and most citizens are living hand to mouth, it has a lot of catch-up to do.
poke the bear, I can’t bare it
Two all beef patties, rice erso style
biggest gun will win, you can bank on it, until you can’t
micheal – and which is why most of the movers and shakers have been taken out by the White Hats.
And as for your ‘assessment’ as to why Italian and Australian ‘voters’ only listen to what is spewed out of the controlled politicians mouths – are you not aware of the mass psychological operation that was put into place some sixty years ago called, Operation Mockingbird’, an operation designed to achieve exactly what we now see with a cognitive dissonant population?
You need to get yourself up to speed with what is actually occurring worldwide.
Finnish Politician Could Face Jail Time After Sharing Bible Verse
Are COVID vaccines contanimated with DNA?
In Western Africa, GAVI and MasterCard have introduced a cashless system with the human body replacing iPhones and cards.
Now the beasts are bringing it here, this evol completely out in the open, coming to neighbourhood pharmacies in the form of jabs with periodic boosters.
Luciferace is a creation of DARPA. When are doctors here going to realise they have been complicit in mass murder? Meanwhile media with government continue to ignore facts, shamelessly pushing this wicked agenda.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
With smart 5G we’re all rats in their lab, with varying types of shots injected. All this AI BS is now a total tool for transhumanist enslavement, the freaks running this jig downunder, blending people with digital to create a new race to hell.
Wars have devolved from battlefields to within all bodies injected. We are living under the jackboots of krown kabal komunizm, where many still don’t get it, refusing to believe such evol exists. It’s way past time to get up from the kouch and switch off the brainwashing box in every living room.
All we need is love to realise many leaders are adrenochrome pedo junkies pushing satanic ritual sacrifice.
Natural immunity is always best, all these bioweapons made in sorcerers labs, marketed as medicine, cause suffering and death. This a hard pill to swallow, but it is the truth.
Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Witchcraft, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacy, Pharmacist …
ernestlmartin.com/images/Pharmacy, Drugs, Sorcery, IG Farbin.pdf
THE TRUE MEANING OF THE WORDS “PHARMACY”, “PHARMACIST” & “PHARMACEUTICAL” Pharmakeia (sorcery) is a form of the Greek root from which we get our English words pharmacy, pharmacist, and pharmaceutical. In the New Testament, pharmakeia carried with it the idea of sorcery, occultism, and black magic.
Linked from WRH is a globalresearch.com article on treatment for the injected stuff.
Mentions turmeric and another.
Have not read it, I am already on turmeric etc…… FOR YEARS.
Plenty of other reports at WRH ….. including a pilot dying suddenly in the crew washroom, in flight.
Well at least the passengers had three co-pilots to land safely.
Great informative contributions in the comments appearing above.
Pity our politicians and fake MSMs do not read gumshoenews.com….. they will regret all their misinformation and fakery as the people awaken and recognise them ‘walking down the street’. ( ref: old ‘Q’ drop)
Update from Hadley a moment ago 11.58 am: nuclear isotopes found in a house in Arncliffe. NSW. …… WEIRD. ( yes I listen ……. Better to know what and whom the msm is protecting)
“Bromelaine”, being the ‘another’.
Amusing Pzifer promo (1 min)
The evil WHO plan in the EU parliament (2 mins)
Pilot went into toilet and dropped dead from heart attack (2 mins)
There is also included on another report to the Miami flight incident, at BIN a report of two other flights over the last two weeks or so having pilots in trouble.
Only safe way to fly nowadays is with Hunt-Gallagher airlines.
Or with QANTAS Joy experiences.
Malcolm Roberts on the front foot, Katie Gallagher the walking corpse
https://newtube.app/user/Fredyatelmstreet13/Ri50ajg ( 4 min )
Hawaii hit by barium chemtrails and DEWs ( 1 min then footage )
Everything burned but the trees still have green leaves all over + chatGPT book
https://newtube.app/Sato/oZgEZCV ( the bald explorer 7 min )
U.S. Marines are on the ground in Maui taking out the criminal Deep staters. RealRawNews
Zelensky with overlords have been sacrificing white Ukrainians and supplying their children to the global pedo market, Ukraina central for sex trafficking, having the most corrupt regime on the planet.
Central banks are the secret world government doing everything they can to maintain power. Master plan is the final solution with CBDC digital prison.
BRICS nations are dumping US$ and adopting Yuan. CCP on steroids to be the global force with belt and road. All finance and industry shifted there this century, now coming full circle for Oz, with toll collectors same as before.
Aim of slavemasonry is destroying Christianity, enforcing krown kabal komunizm OWG with members faithful to the lie, always the same Hidden Hand.
F around and find out
Massive Kiev necropolis after 5:00
This legislation – which targets everyday Australians, independent media, and non-government political parties while carving out protections for government, mainstream media and approved organisations – would give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) draconian powers to silence critics of the government by imposing fines up to $6.8 million on social media platforms if, in ACMA’s opinion, they “have not done enough” to prevent the dissemination of what ACMA considers to be misinformation or disinformation.