by Paul Craig Roberts
[Editor’s Note: This article first appeared on December 21, 2020 at the website It is reprinted here with permission.]
Attorney General Bill Barr, another of Trump’s mistakes, has sold out not only President Trump but also American democracy, thus proving that it is pointless to vote for Republicans.
Barr has again repeated in the face of conclusive evidence that the November presidential election was organized to be stolen and successfully was stolen that the Trump Justice Department has not found evidence of fraud sufficient to overturn the election. But as we all know, the Department of Justice, like the courts, did not look at the evidence. If they look at the evidence, they will see massive electoral fraud, and they do not want to see it. They want to be rid of Trump.
Barr has now added to his support of massive electoral fraud his statement that there is no basis for seizing the voting machines and software for examination. But, of course, there is basis. There has been abundant testimony from professionals explaining how the machines were programmed to elect Biden.
There are hundreds of signed affidavits from witnesses documenting the use of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots to complete the theft of the election. For an attorney general to say affidavits are not evidence is to fly in the face of the Department of Justice’s own practices. If an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury is not evidence, the DOJ will never be able to again bring a case.
What is really going on is that Barr, a member of the establishment, is doing the establishment’s business of getting rid of a non-establishment president who is in the way of the establishment’s agendas. A president who represents the interests of the people rather than the interests of the establishment is a threat to the establishment and must be removed. John F. Kennedy was removed with a bullet. Trump was removed with a stolen election.
To realize how anti-establishment Trump is, listen to his inaugural address four years ago. Trump meant it, but as I wrote four years ago Trump did not know Washington and had no idea who to appoint to help him in such an ambitious undertaking against the establishment.
He staffed himself up with an establishment government opposed to him and sacrificed the only person who knew how to help him, General Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, to the Democrats. It is extraordinary that Trump thought his son-in-law and his daughter were adequate advisors.
Trump was reckless in his challenges to the establishment and had not one presidential appointee to help him. His complete and total failure to take control of the Justice Department sealed his doom.
I am writing on the evening of December 21 and Barr has resigned as of December 23. In 48 hours or less Barr will be gone, and where is the Durham Report with the indictments of the high-level Obama regime officials in the CIA, FBI, and DOJ who committed known felonies in their attempt to frameup President Trump with “Russiagate.”
Barr is leaving office, and there is no report, no accountability, no indictments. The corrupt Republican establishment has let the Democrats and the security agencies get away with blocking Trump by using up Trump’s four years in office in the Russiagate and impeachment hoaxes.
Where is Barr’s action on the voluminous evidence in Hunter Biden’s laptop, some of which has been made public by the New York Post and all of which is in the FBI’s hands? The Hill, highly biased and highly anti-trump, happily reports that Bill Barr says there is no reason to appoint a special counsel to look into the Hunter Biden matter.
Bill Barr exemplifies the excrement that comprises the Washington establishment and the US government. There is not one ounce of integrity, no sign of honesty or a moral conscience. All that is present in Washington is the greed for more power and more money. Nothing else counts. The American people least of all.
Trump is a populist, not a revolutionary, and a populist cannot take on a revolutionary’s job. A revolution requires a movement full of confidence. It is the confident American ruling elite imposing a revolution from above with globalism, the World Economic Forum’s “Reset,” lockdowns, and mandates.
Even if the people could be made aware, doubtful considering that the media speaks with a single controlled voice, the American people have been so split and fragmented into hostile Identity Politics groupings that they are far too disunited to oppose the revolution from above and government control over their lives.
What can Trump do? There is talk about Trump using presidential powers put in place by George W. Bush and Obama to declare a national emergency and have the military conduct a new election. No such thing can happen. If Trump declares a national emergency no part of the government will support it. If the military were to hold a new election, the military would elect Biden whom the establishment owns.
The military wants rid of Trump who is a threat to the military/security complex’s income and power. Trump wants to bring troops home. He wants to normalize relations with Russia. In other words, Trump wants to reduce the threat that justifies $1,000 billion dollars annually to the military/security complex.
Trump is the only American in politics who can form a real opposition party to replace the useless Republican Party. Trump’s supporters know that although Trump got in the November 2020 election 10 million more votes than he got when he won in 2016 and three times the black support, the election was still stolen from him by programmed voting machines and mail-in ballot fraud.
Many electoral experts believe that Trump actually won the election by 20 million votes. Clearly, Trump could disengage his voters from the useless Republican Party and form a real opposition party full of fight.
Trump could also, if he actually is a multi-billionaire, start a new news service that provides alternative explanations to the controlled explanations of the presstitute media.
The establishment, of course, knows this. Therefore the establishment intends to tie up Trump for the rest of his life in prosecutions and law suits. The corrupt Democrats in NY already have a contrived tax suit waiting for him.
Democrats and alleged “injured parties” will file endless civil suits that Trump will have to defend. The gangster Biden regime will have the Justice Department appoint a special prosecutor for whatever charges they prefer. Trump out of office faces a lifetime of lawsuits and prosecutions.
So the answer to the question, “What can Trump do?,” is that he cannot do anything unless he pardons himself and his family in a blanket way. If this is for some reason not possible, then Trump needs to resign before his term ends with the understanding that Pence as his successor grants the pardons.
Trump also needs to pardon Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Manning, and any number of others who have been persecuted simply because they told the truth about the American Establishment’s crimes.
Trump should make a big deal out of his pardons. He should emphasize that the American Establishment turned not on our real enemies but on our patriots who told us the truth. He should give a speech that the truth lies in the American people, not in Washington, government, media–the totally corrupt institutions of the establishment. He should say that the only defender of the truth is the people and that they must use everything, including violence, to enforce the truth
If Trump does this, the country has a chance. Otherwise, we are finished.
The establishment has concentrated all income and wealth in its hands. The United States, once a fair society, now has an income and wealth distribution worse than third world gangster states. The lockdowns will finish the elimination of the middle class that began with offshoring of manufacturing jobs. The remaining middle class, small business owners, are being ruined by the lockdowns. Henceforth, everything—restaurants, bars, every kind of business, will be monopolized in chains. The entire country will be Walmart and Amazon.
Traditional white Americans are being displaced in education, corporate leadership, media, and entertainment. Where white Americans still exist in employment they are subjected to mandatory “racial training” where they are taught that they are “systemic racists” and instructed how to disavow their racist nature. Resistance to this indoctrination results in unemployment.
The overt intentional institutionalized discrimination against white Americans is why Trump can easily form a real opposition political party. But if he doesn’t get himself and his family pardoned in advance, every dollar of his money and every minute of his life will be used up in defending against criminal and civil lawsuits brought by those who intend to drive him into the ground.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the American Establishment is going to make an example of Donald Trump.
This is what the American Establishment has to say to every one of us: “You are with us or you are destroyed.”
Trump was motivated to avoid war with Russia. The Russian weapons systems are so far superior that the US would be completely destroyed with scant damage to Russia. Moreover, the Russian population is not disunited by Identity Politics. With the exception of some of the more stupid of the Russian youth who are financially supported by Western financed NGOs that the Kremlin foolishly permits, the Russian population understands that Washington has no good intentions toward them. Sooner or later this will also occur to the Russian government, whose incompetent advisers keep saying that Russia’s future lies with the West.
China and Iran already know how they stand with Washington. Once the Kremlin figures it out, the security agreement and cooperation between these three countries effectively ends any prospect of US hegemony. America with its Western European empire will shrivel away as globalism has destroyed its economic foundation and diversity has destroyed its unity.
The US faces crisis on all fronts—political, social, and economic—and there are no solutions. Politically the Democrats and security agencies have committed massive electoral fraud that has split the country and destroyed American democracy. Socially, the native-born white population is demonized and under full-scale attack.
Economically, the Federal Reserve seems to have finally reached the point at which its money printing is threatening the US dollar. How will the Federal Reserve react? Will it save the dollar at the expense of the prices of financial assets, or will it pour out more money into stabilizing financial asset prices at the expense of the dollar. Whichever way, there will be economic hell to pay.
It is entirely possible that all of us, elites included, will go down the drain together.
Does Trump really run his presidency? Some say Reagan ran his, bu I don’t think he did.
Saturday Night Live did a spoof on this:
I don’t remember hearing Paul Craig Roberts pay out on HWBush even though they must have worked together at some point, I think I would have paid attention to whatever he may have said. As for Russians beating US in a nuclear war etc, we got past the point of M.A.D. long ago I would say. With superfast ICBMs, bases everywhere, submarines etc., it’s just extraordinary to claim Russia could pull off an outright win. One does hear of airforce pilots saying they were flying along at night and a UFO pulled up beside them and switched off all their electricity. In terms of physics this seems most likely plausible. Even if the Russians had that and wanted to try to take down the US I don’t think it would be worth the risk. So I think while Paul Craig Roberts comes up with lots of good stuff, he is still just a person and has his particular barrow to push, whatever the reason.
“It is entirely possible that all of us, elites included, will go down the drain together.” – count on it. A parasite has to have a host, if the host dies, the parasite has to find another host. If there are no other hosts, then it is over for the parasite.
The Deagle Report indicated that the American population will decline from 350 million to 100 million in 2025. If that figure comes true, the implications to the ‘American Dream’ are staggering. – Total collapse that even the elites won’t be able to avoid.
From Deagels “disclaimer”:
“The stark reality of diverse and multicultural Western societies is that a collapse will have a toll of 50 to 80 percent depending on several factors but in general terms the most diverse, multicultural, indebted and wealthy (highest standard of living) will suffer the highest toll. The only glue that keeps united such aberrant collage from falling apart is overconsumption with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue.”
Funny stuff but no claims about reliability. All the same I have been warning acquaintances partly tongue-in-cheek in Melbourne about the prospects of cannibalism for some time.
“with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue.” – Black humor, just the facts without any gloss on it.
Apparently the Australian Aborigines preferred the meat of the Chinese workers than the white workers. It had something to do with their primarily vegetarian diets. Something to remember in the future, eat a Vegan diet (more black humor).
Thinking about the slow migration from 1/4 acre block with fruit trees, garden, water tank and chickens to a cubicle in a hirise totally dependent on the supermarket and utilities and e-money, even to survive a week, you are dependent on all the systems. Then juxtapose with the timeframes of these global communist types, one has to say Terry Schulze comes out looking like a winner, I just hope they don’t rezone you to residential.
Nah, it is a small rural town, we’re all ‘bushies’ up here. This afternoon I had a neighbor drop off a bunch of spinach, some cucumbers, a couple of cobs of sweet corn, and three onions (BIG, two white and one red).
My wife and I made up some ham and bean soup for the next door neighbor with some toasted
Turkish bread and butter, some cracked macadamia nuts and chocolate. He lost his wife a few years ago and appreciates the homemade food. In return he gave me a couple of ripe mangoes (he doesn’t like them).
So tomorrow, I’ll swing by the other neighbor and drop off a mango and a bottle of my vodka. We don’t trade with one another, we just gift each other our excess food. Sometimes it travels through several hands before it lands in an appreciative household.
They have all these protocols in Thailand, probably fading out in Bangkok but still strong in the villages, because they didn’t used to have fridges so they cut up a pig for everyone for example
Terry I read that the Aborigines preferred other meat than white man because that was too salty in flavour. Indigenous people from other continents used salt in diet and also for trade. I guess the Australian Aboriginals being mainly nomads transporting very little, they never took on the use of salt for flavour. There would have been a small amount of salt in blood of animals eaten, to give them the essential dietary sodium. The animals eaten were never fully cooked as per the way we at meat, so there was always a certain amount of bloody juices. ( I am not swearing!)
Australian indigenous people’s chucked their catch WHOLE onto fires, scortching the fur and ensuring the insides all shrunk into a small ball, when it was considered cooked, everyone got stuck in. No big secrets here. This method was used for nearly everything they caught with four legs, even turtles were put on the flames upside down, then when cooked, scooped out and enjoyed. Never heard of them consuming white people. Though it did happen in N.Z. In W.A. the whites who were ship wrecked, coupled with indigenous people’s, thus causing consternation when early settlers found indigenous people’s with blue eyes and blond hair. Regarding the salt, never heard of the Ozzi tribes using the stuff, though it was very easy to get here in the West. Plenty of salt lakes and ocean water evaporating on rock head lands leaving behind salt that could be easily scraped off the rocks.
Terry and sundry correspondents
Cherished by Queenslanders, the notion that Aborigines were canibals is pure myth, concocted by graduates of the University of LP (Local Pub).
Ergo, people believe what they want to believe, and if you are a Queenslander, to reinforce one’s own shaky status on the human scale of manifest intelligence and superiority, it is important to identify somebody who actually occupys a lower rung on the ladder. Aborigines appreared to be the only candidates within cooee.
As for an alternative view, for some 50 years, I have regularly eaten bush tucker, including the cooking of wallably. To clear up the above-promulgated confusion, here is how it is done. read this because the way things are headed you might need to know this formulae in the not too distant future.
(1) throw the wallaby/kangaroo on the fire, back first. This burns the fur off that side.
(2) Throw the animal on its front side, which has the same effect. Pull off and brush off all the dark bubbled material which was once fur.
(3) Meanwhile, all this heat has created steam inside, which blows the animal up like a balloon. This makes it very easy to cut the skin, which peels instantly back from the blade (or obsidium or shell, or whatever) much easier than the European way. Cut the gut first, followed by the brisket, cutting the sturnum up the centre. Cut the throat and circle-cut the anus. Pull out the guts, carefully putting the lungs, heart, kidneys and liver to one side on green leaves to prevent contamination. Be careful not to squeeze the bile, and cut this piece off… carefully. Toss the guts at least 20 metres away to attract the flies.
(4) Press down on the rib cage, forcing it flat. Do the same to the pelvis, by first chopping it in half. Then lay this face down (head is still on) for 10 minutes on hot coals. Another 10 minutes on the back.
(5) Then cut the legs, head/thorax, hip section, and tail into separate pieces and return to the coals. Ten minutes later, turn over.
(6) Distribute parts, with liver and kidney going to favoured senior relatives, lungs and heart to next in line, one rear leg to mother-in law, the other to father or brother, and so on.
On a continent with protein ranging prolifically, there was never any motivation to eat people. The prized food was carbohydrate and fat, hence the effort to get yams, dugong, and turtle.
Incidentally, my knowledge of Aboriginal history came from the East Arnhem Land elders, and was presented in their languages half a century ago, so there was no room for ambiguity or miscomprehension. I am currently restoring Muthamul Homeland for Wangurri Baparru (clan) and enjoy a fair amount authority to comment on culture and history.
Now call yourself a real Aussie survivalist.
Tony thanks for that, I’ve only butchered up a roo in the bush for a roast leg and also Texas Chilli – and jerky. Never ate the internal organs, but I probably should have for the nutrition. However, I’m not that keen on half baked roo, just to preserve the moisture like the aborigines did.
As far as the jerky, I followed a bushy’s advice of after the pieces have dried, I threw the pieces on an ants nest to clean off all the fly eggs. Works a treat!
Tony, you might be able to con dreamy New Age teenagers with Rousseau’s “noble savage” ideology but I didn’t come down in that shower. “Ah bin dere an don dat”. In my childhood we shared classrooms and shearing sheds with our darky breters and chichtas. As a young man in the late ’70’s my wife and I spent a couple of years in Kalumburu where, at that time, there were still a few of the elderly population who were born in the bush and had gravitated into the mission for the relative comfort and security it offered. We formed many friendships with the locals some of whom, after a long time, very cautiously offered tales of life in the bush.
We were graciously invited to several of their sing and dance events and some feasts where they had caught a large turtle or dugong. But aside from that they were blardy cruel to one another and any poor animal that came within their power to torment.
From them came testimony of cannibalism and ritual orgies. In the diaries of the first missionaries was the observation “Where are their children? They have almost no children!”.
Now then, Mr Tony Rousseau, I leave you to do the math. If even one fertile couple landed here 40,000 years ago and each female produced only 3 offspring in her fertile years (say 15 to 45) and 1.5 of them were female how many should there be in 1778 AD?
So right Terry. You wrote “A parasite has to have a host, if the host dies, the parasite has to find another host. If there are no other hosts, then it is over for the parasite.”
Now they have banned IVERMECTIN, so are banning the cure for the parasite.
Now this is a laugh: ” Meet 10 parasites with the power to control their hosts’ behaviour”
They forgot to mention the parasitic FOURTH ESTATE (and Deep State) controlling the minds of gullible humans.
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat … That is why gentiles were created.”
Interesting observation and question “Where are their children? –still relevant today.
“I spent a couple of years in Kalumburu where, at that time, there were still a few of the elderly population who were born in the bush and had gravitated into the mission for the relative comfort and security it offered. We formed many friendships with the locals some of whom, after a long time, very cautiously offered tales of life in the bush.”
It is 6:45pm on Dec 23 here in NH and in Wash DC. I assume Barr has left the building. I hope he was escorted our by security. And arrested by the police.
My Barr accusations have to do with Iran/Contra.
Oliver North, if you’re reading this, you were used. It was pa-the-tic. Why don’t you now be he hero you always wanted to be. Step forward and confess all. You already have a pardon from Poppy on Christmas Eve 1992, so you don’t have to face prison, as does Barr.
What have you got to lose? And we all have everything to gain. Yipee! Gud Yule!
Oh yeah, Mr Klaus Schwab smartypants of World Economic Forum, think you’ve got it all worked out at age 82? Think you’re on top of your game? Think you can do the big cyber attack?
Well, this kid, Alma Deutscher, composer, is fifteen. Yup, born in 2005. And she’s only getting started. Better watch out, Schwaby:
re lawsuits, they say Dominion has already started a lawsuit against Trump from their Colorado office, note that Colorado is the US HQ for Dominion and they vote Democrat in that state while all the surrounding states tend to vote republican so the officials in chardonnay swilling Denver may have all been put there using Dominion machines.
Well the Trump wife always looks pretty happy and relaxed to me so I don’t feel concerned, just it’s a long haul to Jan 20 after such a ridiculous year (courtesy of MSM)
Paul Craig Roberts is a rock. As in, you know, a rock.
I think he, and Jon Rappaport and James Corbett have, respectively, done the whole job since 9-11. PRC has been holding the fort on Covid and election fraud, day and night.
Young Spiro Skouras is coming along, too.
In Australia it’s Dee McLachlan. Not being nepotistic, folks, it’s a fact. She has been running Gumshoe for 8 years and does not understand her importance.
Dee (“Agent 77,” if you know what I mean) is the top friggin’ journalist of Oz. She sees right through the buzz.
And no, I have not been a-tippling with the holiday eggnog.
“The only hope is to expose the evil”–
To understand trump barr dutton Andrews Hilary pell —–plus plus–I believe they have all been groomed for purpose–enslaved– as I believe to some degree we all are—look at the cults—first we need to understand the extent of MKULTRA psyops- AI-breeding programs —– and cyber warfare and the Grand Satanic Plan
watch between 7-14 minutes where DID MPD is explained—listen to the children listen to the survivors–Australia is one big cult
Good ole Willie Wong. I’d seen him several times before but I thought he was being too circumspect, as though he was pulling punches because he was only a stage prop in a bigger pantomime.
Although I’ve only seen the first hour of the above vid he seems to have taken the gloves off.
He seems to be a bit cautious to mention that Adolf relied on eugenics theory proposed in Inglin and the USA that already had a eugenics programme in operation well before Adolf became boss in Germany.
I repeat–
“The only hope is to expose the evil”–
To understand trump barr dutton Andrews Hilary pell —–plus plus–I believe they have all been groomed for purpose–enslaved– as I believe to some degree we all are—look at the cults—first we need to understand the extent of MKULTRA psyops- AI-breeding programs —– and cyber warfare and the Grand Satanic Plan
watch between 7-14 minutes where DID MPD is explained—listen to the children listen to the survivors–Australia is one big cult
And listen to the testimonies of survivors–who know who they are– to name a few–Fiona Barnett Wendy Hoffman Reina Michaelson Sarah Moore
Cathi Morgan Rachel Vaughan Elisa E Karen Brewer and those Mary knows–and I add myself to those who know–also the advocates who have worked tirelessly to hear and validate our stories
Include all voices–all cultures–the entitled/priviliged ned to learn from the enslaved/marginalised–victimised –targetted
And yes David listen to William Wong–
The US government has been bought and paid for by Israel
Our right lies in force. The word “right” is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
Where does right begin? Where does it end?
In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right – to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism.
Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.
Out of the temporary evil we are now compelled to commit will emerge the good of an unshakable rule, which will restore the regular course of the machinery of the national life, brought to naught by liberalism. The result justifies the means. Let us, however, in our plans, direct our attention not so much to what is good and moral as to what is necessary and useful.
Before us is a plan in which is laid down strategically the line from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing the labor of many centuries brought to naught.
I’m standing by for another 10 or 20 of these “leaflets”
James O’Neill’s comments below are absolutely SPOT ON.
It is true that Trump has been finessed by the deep state since he came into office. It would be a mistake however to assume that he was an unwilling lamb being led to the slaughter. The deep state did not force him into appointing and retaining his Secretary of State. The deep state did not force him to slavishly follow every Israeli wish. The deep state did not force him to wage war on Iran. Nor did it force him to steal Syrian oil. I accept that the election was probably stolen, but that does not turn Trump into a good president. The sad fact is that Biden will be no better, and Australia will be right there cheering him along. God help us all.
Israel has the ambition of being the worlds Messiah and the only way I can see them achieving that is by making war. I can’t see the M.E., Russia or China kow towing peacefully.
Borrowing this comment from elsewhere …
“Biden is …….. well ……. Biden is kinda like standing in sewage up to your eyeballs. But Trump is like standing in sewage up to your chin. Obama, Bush and the Clintons were like swimming in sewage 100 feet deep. Not a lot of difference from where I sit.”
Quite right Fish – the discrepancies between them can only be measured with a micrometer.
As for the asinine ‘what war on Iran’ comment from someone with an agenda here on Gumshoe, Trump initiated an act of war with his treacherous attack and murder of the Iranian General Soleimani (not to mention the crushing sanctions Trump had applied in the lead up to that).
That Iran acted with restraint and did not retaliate with a knee-jerk response, is more good fortune (for the tens of thousands of U.S servicemen whose lives would’ve been forfeited in a war with Iran) for Trump than good planning.
What war on Iran, go and boil your head
“boil your head” … cabbage … I GET IT! Very good bg – up there with your most erudite remarks.
Why should I make any effort to deal with that dunce
What war on Iran, and the Syrian oil is being stolen by everyone who can get their hooks into it, as part of a plan from more than 20 years ago. Pompeo seems to have found a middle ground he is comfortable in. Trump has a battle just working out who he can trust (and how far). I’m now allergic to all the nauseating mainstream narratives, I would rather live in hope than get my brain fed by Samantha Bee. Nobody knows anything until at least Jan 20.
More for thought.
Trump’s final month in office could be his most dangerous one – update
Update: Washington has sent Nuclear Submarines to the Persian Gulf, in a move to “deter” Iran. This combined with Mike Pompeo laying the blame on “Iranian-backes forces” for the alleged “attacks” on the US embassy in Baghdad, leaves us in a very dangerous situation.
Only one month remains of Donald Trump’s presidency. It seems inevitable that the Biden administration will take over the White House come January 20th. While the Trump administration has been very aggressive against the Islamic Republic during the past four years, it has nonetheless refrained from starting a full-fledged war. This could all change as he is about to leave office.
A few days after the election in November, reports emerged that Trump had “asked his advisers last week about the options he could have to attack Iran’s nuclear sites.”………………..
What a guy …
Roger Stone, Manafort and Jared Kushner’s father included in Trump’s second wave of pardons
“Charles Kushner, the father of Trump’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser Jared, was not a victim of ‘Russiagate.’ He was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering back in 2005, serving a 2-year sentence under a plea deal with then-US attorney Chris Christie, later governor of New Jersey. His illegal donations were to Democrats.
Kushner’s son Jared married Trump’s daughter Ivanka, another White House adviser, in 2009.”
“It is extraordinary that Trump thought his son-in-law and his daughter were adequate advisors.” – yeah, blew my mind also. WTF? Whoa, this guy is a clueless hack…
Oh wait, maybe this was one of those 4th dimensional chess moves to throw the deep state off. Trust the plan…
Oh come on Terry, quit with the surprise.
The son-in-law Jar-head Kushner was ALWAYS going to be one of Trump’s advisors – so said the Zio-dictated script (the go between to Bibi Netanyahu), as per this article below :
From the article :
“Netanyahu has long been a friend of the Kushners, and particularly Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner, a major donor to pro-Israel and Jewish causes. One time, Kantor reports – she doesn’t specify when – Jared gave up his bed and moved to the basement so Netanyahu could spend the night at their home in Livingston, New Jersey.”
And Terry, you can put that ‘4th dimensional chess move’ theory propagated by Q / Zio-Dave and the other disinformation trolls to bed.
No, it was a move to CONSOLIDATE the already strong bond Trump had with the Zio-cabal.
Is that why straight after the Beirut bomb Trump said “My generals told me it was a bomb and they should know” while the MSM kept blabbering about how it was all fertiliser. Fact is you have Zio-Derangement-Syndrome, you are totally blinkered, you see only what you want to see, and your processing skills are hopeless too, maybe some part of that is deliberate.
My agenda is to have no agenda, apart from finding out facts and getting the use of my passport back.
Why do you exist?
Concerning the alleged fertiliser bomb in Beirut, as a Train driver here in the West, we used to haul this stuff in it’s raw shape straight from the factory in Kwinana in open wagons to wherever it was consigned for shipping. In all the 30 years on the job, we never ever had even one incident of fire or explosion. From time to time, we used to scrape up the stuff where it leaked from the wagons and take it home for our lawns which greatly appreciated it. For this stuff to become explosive it needs to be mixed thoroughly with diesel in the correct proportions. The iron ore mining companies in our North West still use this stuff for their explosives. I don’t recall of ever one occassion anywhere in the World, where the raw fertiliser has ever exploded. Fire, yes, but explosions No way. Someone had to mix this stuff correctly and then insert detonators. I believe a missile was used to blow it all up. I’ll leave the guesses to the usual suspects who stood to gain from this event.
Rabbi ‘w3’, your ‘lack of an agenda’ is clear to see – evident from every knee-jerk reaction of yours in defence of Zio-malfeasance.
As to Trump’s comment of ‘my generals told me it was a bomb’ , the average brain-washed MSM watching American would’ve interpreted this as a bomb planted by perhaps one Lebanese faction out to destabilise another – an extension of the sectarian tit for tat violence from the civil war perhaps.
However, if Trump had come right out on Day One and said Beirut was NUKED, something his military advisers would’ve relayed to him immediately after the attack, then the search for a culprit would’ve focussed on the ONLY nuclear armed entity in the region – none other than the Apartheid Israeli state.
But Trump would never bite the hand that feeds his ample girth.
What Trump said was a LIE of OMISSION.
By not mentioning the Zio-Elephant in the room, it necessarily left it open to all the Zio-funded internet misinformation websites (I’ll bet my bottom dollar that Zio-Dave never once mentioned that Israel nuked Beirut), to speculate on the countless range of possible perpetrators and thus muddy the waters still further.
What you’re saying is just more of the usual hyperbole and speculative rubbish and when you say you’ll bet your bottom dollar we have already seen very very clearly that’s a lie, I can’t believe you confront the world at large with such a blatant lie that reflects so personally on yourself.
You are a weasel and you know it, but you couldn’t care less about facts.
Mary, re your US Court Injunction against Covid Vaccination (comments closed on previous thread)
Well done and THANK YOU Mary – that’s one heck of a peg in the ground.
Imagine when the truth is revealed and all the revisionists currently writing alternate history in real time are exposed as gems like this are disclosed – “but you were told – time and time again!!“
I hold out about as much chance of this succeeding as I have of succumbing to this ’Virus’ but it will be interesting to see how they present their word salad. Maybe you simply have no ‘standing’ in whether other people live or die.
There is just no stopping those historical weeds of truth – look what we are learning about WWI and WWII !!
Mary, re your US Court Injunction against Covid Vaccination (comments closed on previous thread)
SADLY, I must comment on that issue. I realise the work you’ve gone to putting this together, however in the World we live in today, that document will, once submitted never again see the light of day. Over the years there have been many similar documents where socially responsibly people believed the only way to deal with issues, was to follow protocol and submit such documents to the courts. However in each and every such case, nothing ever eventuated from such submissions. I dare say, your submission will also follow this path and simply disappear. People cannot get their teeth around the FACT that the old rules no longer apply. We’ve seen that clearly demonstrated with this latest election debacle, the courts simply refuse to accept documents, and will not even contemplate looking at them, DESPITE the FACT, it’s their job. So the question arises, if they refuse to even look at Trump’s submissions and simply dismiss them out of hand, what makes you think yours will be treated differently ?
Mind you, I sincerely hope I’m wrong.
Mary, as per what Fish said for the U.S Court Injunction against Covid you filed, a Double Ditto from me.
Trump could perhaps start a new Party, but as usually happens with nascent organic opposition in the US and elsewhere, the Chosen Ones move in to support and help, and offer their tainted money and media assets to “help” organise and communicate, and before you know its all been co-opted or driven into a ditch, and the establishment remains unchallenged, and anyone who points out what happened is marginalized and de-platformed as an “Anti-Something”.
17:55 forward “6 million doses of that Moderna vaccine…..”
Epic Sellouts Presents: A Very Jewey Christmas
I watched the video, only a very dumbed-down moron could accept some of that obvious mind control bullshit. Crikey, what the Hell has happened to people!
I’m OUT, fork you people, leave me alone.
Terry/Crisscross I could only watch the first two minutes. (Another borrowed comment …]
These hordes of mask wearing subservient slaves filling the streets and airwaves is a massive twist on the zombie/walking dead idea – instead of dead bodies with live spirit we have live bodies with dead spirit.
These people have forfeited their humanity.
“a massive twist on the zombie/walking dead idea – instead of dead bodies with live spirit we have live bodies with dead spirit.” – I’m going to use that, thanks!
This a worry.
Have three of my comments and links posted this afternoon, whilst appearing as logged seemed to have disappeared.
I spoke to you this afternoon and mentioned one.
That link ( plus a another re Powell being locked out of the WH) do not appear at Gs.
One interview deals with how they murdered Epstein by putting the guards to sleep with nitrous oxide.
I will not put the link up again because any aidersc and abettors to murder might have the shits that someone is disclosing murderers
It’s all good Ned – saw you comments – they are on the Stealing America thread.
I was going to comment – you sure you don’t mean Zyklon B through shower heads? 🙂
Zyklon B was manufactured by I.G Farben during WWII and was used for delousing of clothes of the inmates housed in the work camps set up during the Third Reich.
After catastrophic fatality rates amongst skilled workers in these work camps due to the Typhus epidemic of 1942 especially (the largest being Auschwitz-Birkenau), the production of Zyklon B was stepped up and fatality rates dropped precipitously thereafter – as confirmed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC, who were frequent visitors to these camps and kept meticulous records.
Needless to say, with mortality rates in rapid decline, these much needed workers massively increased output thereafter of much needed munitions and other materials for the German war effort, and industrial output peaked in 1944.
Thereafter, in the final months of the war as Allied saturation bombing (achieved through complete air superiority over German skies), devastated the transportation and logistical structure of the Reich, food deliveries were massively disrupted and not forthcoming in many places resulting in widespread starvation for German civilians and camp inmates alike.
The overwhelming bulk of camp inmates that died in WWII were as a result of these food shortages in the concluding months of the war and, to a much smaller extent, those that had already died from typhus several years earlier – before Zyklon B usage became widespread and saved the lives of countless hundreds of thousands of inmates (mostly Christian *) through the delousing process.
(* It is a documented fact that, at the largest of all the work camps, Auschwitz-Birkenau, more CATHOLICS died than did Jews, and this is almost certainly true elsewhere).
Of course, that doesn’t even factor in the other non-Catholic Christian entity, that being the Russian Orthodox Soviet prisoners of war, who had BY FAR the greatest rate of attrition of any subset group in the war.
Speaking of lice and typhus, in John Sack’s “An Eye For an Eye”, a narrative woven around the first hand ‘memories’ of the central character Lola, it appears that it was the Jews who came up with the idea of disinfecting German prisoners immediately at the end of the war.
Page 44:
“She [Lola] knew that the Germans might have lice, the near invisible carriers of typhus, the disease that had decimated the Jews at Auschwitz. Even in Lola’s stable there’d been a sign that said, ONE LOUSE YOU’RE DEAD, and Lola didn’t want one in her own lodgings in Gleiwitz. She watched while the Germans showered, dried, and painted themselves with Lysol, and while a German barber cut off their hair and, his clippers in hand, then left to the women’s prison to cut off the women’s hair too.”
Note that Lola’s memories include “typhus, the disease that had decimated the Jews at Auschwitz.” [well that’s letting the proverbial cat out of the bag!!] – and that the Germans had previously put up signs like “ONE LOUSE YOU’RE DEAD” … and that they shaved the heads of the German prisoners – how very innovative and humane!
So I guess all that hair lying around proves a premeditated plot to exterminate. You can’t make this stuff up – you just have to read their own testimonies.
You boys are fixated. You are saying the slaves in the work camps died of cold/starvation and because they were made bald Hitler is exonerated from being an idiot who wrecked his own country, therefore, Jews are the sole and unique root of all evil in the world (your extrapolation). For historical details, I don’t bother too much. We all know the victors write the history, and we have all heard “the truth is somewhere in the middle”, that’s good enough for me in very general terms. You boys keep ferreting around with a view to convicting Jews by any means possible and the biggest problem is, apart from certain personal attacks on me which don’t matter so much, the biggest problem is you lower the grade of what the Gumshoe is, you undermine it, because nearly every page ends in this repetitive, useless tirade of ZDS sufferers against their sworn enemy, the Jew. You pull up stupid cartoons and photoshops to try to build a case, and you insist Jews are 100% behind anything bad that ever happened, and this goes on and on, as if you are totally incapable of ever boring yourselves with this fetish. You must drive a lot of people away, who would be interested in a broader view of the world, with your torrent of drivel and schoolboyish triumphalism, and adulation for Hitler, who was equally stupid as Pol Pot and the rest of them. Why not reconsider what you’re doing, you are just a cheer squad for a dead guy who is never going to be redeemed. Why don’t you take off the blinkers and you will find there’s lots more going on aside from simply Jews and Zionists you obsess about. You are unbalanced, and it detracts from the “news” aspect of this website when all you can offer is a stream of boring propaganda.
In Alan Jones’ language, why don’t you put a sock in it.
There, there bg. I was only quoting Lola’s memories as documented by John Sack.
For someone with “no agenda, apart from finding out facts” you certainly seem determined to make sure those facts don’t get found out.
There is a great line in Haruki Murakami’s “Colourless Tsukuru Tazake”:
“The truth sometimes reminds me of a city buried in sand. As time passes, the sand piles up even thicker, and occasionally it’s blown away and what’s below is revealed.“
I can see why you are so triggered. It seems that you have a very severe case of TDS [Truth Derangement Syndrome]. You haven’t even attempted to acknowledge or absorb the facts about what happened in Poland [Danzig in particular] prior to [and to help instigate] WWII.
Here is some more information for you … some of it quite gruesome – evil beyond the imagination of any decent human being in fact.
Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland
(Mind you, I don’t for one minute blame ordinary Polish citizens – it would be like calling ISIS Syrians.) Anyway, I’m sure you can handle it.
But never mind all that for now – it’s Christmas.
“But gifts are not the most important thing about Christmas anyway. Since we can no longer celebrate Christmas as generously and wastefully as in the past, perhaps we will remember even more its spiritual nature. Instead of giving outward gifts to our family, friends, and community, today we will express our love to one another and our faith in all that holds us together. We long for a golden bridge to extend to all those whom we love across the distant reaches, countries, oceans, and continents.”
I tire of your restricted censorship of geocide.
For a change, tell us what the jewish markist Bolsheviks did to the Ukrainian Christians.
Pocket you six millions {?} and I will raise you 14 million to 20 million. plus for the genocide of Christians by Jews in the Ukraine.
Tell Hollywood, wheel your barrow into some history.
Well said and thank you Ned – and for other Realists …
“The alleged “Holocaust” of “6 million Jews” at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is perhaps the greatest deception ever perpetuated against humanity.”
[COVID probably eclipses that deception as it targets the extermination of at least Six Billion people]
“The entire WWII narrative, especially the alleged “Holocaust” narrative, is basically the exact opposite of what truly transpired.
The Jewish Bolshevik terrorists who overthrew the Russian monarchy during WWI and established the Soviet Union and their Western allies – namely, the United States and British Empire – committed the real atrocities during and after WWII.”
• How The “Holocaust” Was Faked – The Realist Report
This topic allows me to bring up my latest thoughts. Has anyone else seen the parallel between the gassings of Jews false story and the false story of the Covid-19 deaths. Both falsehoods were invented by the Zionists to benefit themselves by massive controls over Nations financially and politically and financially through the Big Pharma vaccines and other pharmaceutical products, as well as future control of individuals via the microchips in future vaccines.
These vaccines will negatively affect far more people than the magical 6 million figure of the Zionists dreams. How many millions have they already killed in Africa and India over the years?
Good on you Ned, in mentioning ‘restrictions and censorship of genocide’.
After all, whether it’s taking down You Tube videos of doctors exposing the Covid hoax. muzzling people from speaking truth on the Holohoax / Anthropogenic Climate Change or criminalising those involved in BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions against the Apartheid Israeli state – as is the case in 26 U.S states), the aim of the ZWO (Zionist World Order) that ‘w3’ acts on behalf is the same.
Terry, you’ll have noticed that ‘w3’ trots out his favourite old chestnut of deception in his 8.58pm post :
‘we have all heard “the truth is somewhere in the middle”, that’s good enough for me in very general terms.’
There a gem that I heard from Terry Shulze called ‘The Liars Bargain’ and for those who haven’t heard it, this is how it goes :
“The ‘Liars Bargain’ is often seen in court. One party tells the truth and the other party tells lies. The judge decides that the truth lies somewhere between the two positions and makes a decision.
The liar always wins, he may not get everything, but he gets more than he should. The truth teller always loses something.”
Terry went on to also say :
“People that do not use discernment will constantly advance the efforts of the deceivers. Unfortunately, most people are too lazy or stupid to do the more difficult work of working through the evidence that is available. It is just ‘easier’ to make a judgement between the two positions.’
Terry, that is wisdom for the ages.
The fact that Rabbi w3’s default setting is to revert to the Mossad Handbook’s fall back position and employ the Liars Bargain, tells us how scripted his responses are.
That liar’s bargain story from Schulze has a lot of merit, but I am not prosecution or defence, I think all humanity is, lets say, not as good as they think themselves, and I have nothing really to gain from one side or another. My point is that you are constantly babbling the same rubbish. I’ll give you another example of how stupid you are. You think Hitler was great because he killed some Jews, then you dig up some old letter which seems to say he didn’t kill Jews, as proof of his greatness and innocence. So which is it.
“The Jews are the biggest liars and troublemakers in history, and let no White person ever forget that”.
“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race” Dr. Noel Ignatiev – Jew
Now that we’ve got stuck into the hollow-hoax:
According to available pre war census there were about 5.5 million people identified as Jewish in all of axis occupied Europe. An unknown number of the important ones fled in good time mainly to the Americas (N&S), the Middle East, Inglin, and a few to Canada, Australia and similar countries. It was reported that Pope Pius XII used a slug of his own money to help establish escape routes, false documentation etc.
Germany wasnt the only country to establish internment camps for people who were thought by the “government” to, perhaps, harbour some sympathy for the “enemy”. In Aus., Inglin, USA, Canada people of German, Italian, Asian (might be Japanese) extraction were interred and I have it on good authority that life was none too pleasant for them, either. However, their deprivations were not as severe as in Germany; due in large part to the mere fact that our primary and secondary industries and infrastructure had not been reduced to rubble by merciless allied bombing.
Now let’s do some sums. To murder 6 million in concentration camps in two years requires that one person every 10 seconds be found, captured, transported, killed, and disposed of 24 hours a day every day for those 2 years. All this at a time when most able bodied German men were away at a war front somewhere and much of the agricultural and industrial output was “requisitioned” for the “war effort”. If we compare the amount of police man-hours it can take to catch even one criminal now, even the catching of 6 m not even there to be caught is impossible.
To wipe out very large numbers of people you need to employ the tactics of the likes of Stalin where a whole community or region is isolated and deprived of life’s necessities (e.g. Holodomor) or where the people are killed in streets and fields so that the temporary survivor victims must dispose of their dead.
So what was it all about? If the uber nasty megalomaniac cabal was playing both sides how come a couple of hundred thousand “Jews” were interred many of whom died, mainly of disease and starvation? (I don’t doubt that there were also many atrocities and murders along the way; it happens everywhere that morally defective people are somewhat unrestrained. You only have to see how some of our own policemen behave without even getting into the SRA, MKultra secretocracy). I am contending that the elite occult narcissists with their insanely megalomaniac ambitions need something like a pogrom every so often to “make use of” some of those who are identified as Jews but which are becoming assimilated and acting like reasonable human beings with “normal” human aspirations. A well orchestrated pogrom will have a double benefit of creating and maintaining a peculiarly “Jewish” paranoia and creating a thick smokescreen for the Synagogue of Satan and their lackeys to hide in.
Merry Christmass, everyone! The one and only antidote to all this filth was born today… but very few care and even fewer want to know the how and why.
Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered
66 Million In Russia
………………It takes 60 to 70 minutes to cremate a human body, with modern cremators. Each Auschwitz cremation oven was in existence for about 600 days. They could not be run 24/7, and there was a significant proportion of downtime for repairs and maintenance. If we say 12 hours / 1 hour = 12 cremations per day per muffle for 600 days, the maximum capacity would be 12 x 52 x 600 = 374,400 bodies. Again, even this is well short of one million.
Zionist spin doctors tried to claim that economies of scale were obtained by simultaneously shoving up to eight bodies into the same muffle. In fact, there is not only the problem of a lower absorbing target area to mass ratio, but in addition the gas velocity is increased as the muffle cross-section is effectively reduced (rather as a river must speed up at shallower or narrower sections), hence there is less time for radiative transfer from the gas and a greater proportion of the heat in the products is vented out through the chimney. Modern cremators are more efficient; the combustion of the fuel takes place inside the muffle itself and the burners are directed towards the corpse, so incineration times are lower than with otherwise comparable coal or coke-fired units.
When the Zionists suggest that the difference was made up by some cremations being carried out in open pits, this does not help their “theory”. It requires at least 200 kg of wood (in India they reckon on 300 kg) per body to cremate in the open air, i.e., 20,000 tonnes of wood per 100,000 bodies. A Douglas fir, for example, provides 800 to 900 kg of merchantable wood. If we say one tonne of wood per tree, and 20,000 trees to cremate 100,000 bodies over three years, that is about 18 trees per day to be felled, sawed and transported to the burning pits by the loggers – for each 100,000 that this method is claimed for (and no accounting for the lack of evidence of wood and bone ash). There were claims of second-hand motor oil being used, and let’s be generous and assume a mere 40 kg per corpse. At around 0.85 kg/lit, it would take 4.7 million liters of motor oil for every 100,000 bodies. You can just imagine it: “Achtung! Please send us a few tins of used oil; ve haf some pigs to burn.” “How many bodies?” “Nearly a million!” [Calculates how much oil is required.] “Duh!”
Ol’ Dave / Criss X, what I can I say, you’ve raised the bar even higher with your outstanding accounts above showing the impossibility of the ‘6 million’ number in the Holohoax.
Now, since the Jewish survivors who worked at the crematoria of Auschwitz (where it was alleged the four out of the 6 million perished), admitted themselves that Coking Coal was used in the crematorium to burn the bodies, and bearing in mind that it takes 50-60 kg of coking coal to cremate a typical adult using today’s far more efficient methods and equipment (it would’ve needed more using the technology of the 1940’s), if 6 million were indeed cremated the German would’ve needed at least 300 million kg (300,000 tonnes) of coking coal.
However, coking coal was a precious commodity needed for the armaments industries and there are NO RECORDS (from surviving documents – of which there are plenty) of anything more than the most minute fraction of this amount of coking coal being shipped to any work camp in aggregate during the entirety of the war.
Very importantly, as historian David Irving points out, in the last two years of the war there were reams of photographic surveillance missions undertaken by Allied spy planes and upon analysis (photos were accurate enough to distinguish individual people on the ground), there is NO photo in the whole camp (let alone nearby the crematoria) showing significant dumps of coking coal.
If 300,000 tonnes of coking coal was used throughout the war, there would have been a dump of several thousand tonnes at any given time and this would’ve been visible from aerial photos.
No such colossal dumps of coking coal were to be found, other than tiniest of stockplies that were utilised by the camp for heating etc, and those used to cremate those that died from natural attrition / deaths from typhus etc.
Historian Details Stalin’s Two-Year `Mobilization’ Plan for European Conquest
Reviewed by Daniel W. Michaels – Institute for Historical Review
… Suvorov presents overwhelming evidence to show that Stalin was preparing for a massive attack against Germany, to be launched in the summer of 1941. (Suvorov believes the attack was set for July 6, 1941.)
In preparation for this, the Soviets had deployed enormous forces right on the German frontier, including paratroops, together with airfields and large caches of weapons, ammunition, fuel and other supplies … While Hitler succeeded in foiling Stalin’s great invasion plan, the German leader fatally underestimated the magnitude and aggressiveness of the Soviet threat … Stalin’s “secret mobilization had reached such an extent that it could no longer be disguised. For Hitler the only possibility left was a preventive strike. Hitler beat Stalin to it by two weeks.”
I had no idea so many people are so knowledgeable about how logistics disprove the six million bodies purportedly disposed of. Or of the myth of gassings. Even old david is optimally tuned in, which just blows me away.
Gumshoe is probably Australia’s premium expose capital and the media hope that we indeed have a future.
Many thanks, Mary and Dee for blazing this trail.
Tony, for you and any others interested in further proof of the impossibility of Holohoax claims, this video below is one of my favourites :
It’s worth mentioning that videos like this and many comparable, were readily available for viewing on YouTube in bygone years.
Now the have been all PURGED from You Tube.
Meanwhile, Bloody-Beaut-Bit-Chute (BBBC) continues to save the day.
I wonder why the need for the censorship ? After all, if the evidence is overwhelming (like our resident Zio-apologist claims), that the official Steven Spielberg / Hollywood movie narrative is the factual one, surely one would want people to compare the evidence side by side with that of the revisionists to humiliate the latter category.
Ahhhh, but there lies the rub. The ZWO don’t want us to debate certain topic (Holohax / Covid Deception / Climate Change / Zio-domination of the financial system of the western world), because we may learn more about said issue than we’re entitled to know.
Meanwhile, for those of you with 4 hours up your sleeve, and wanting to learn about the even more insidious fraud of the so-called deaths at Treblinka, Sobibor etc, you need to watch this :
Ta J.
Found it but it it will be ignored by the wheel barrow brigade.
And of course the FACT the Jews declared WAR on Germany well before Hitler even came to power, never gets a mention. I wonder why not. So what were the Germans supposed to do, lay down and take it on the chin ? Just like the Brits and Yanks would do ??? Not likely.
The Germans went after the oil by train, just after the British Empire go the whole Suez canal scheme going, that’s what started it. If you like to say Jewish banks backed the Suez project etc, please supply numbers. They could not function without the British Navy so you are saying they funded that too? What are the numbers? Did the British ruling classes have any control at all over the empire? Why not?
And, if the Zionist/Jew is so good, why are they taking so long to annex Lebanon? Nobody else ever dragged out an invasion like this. British Palestine used to include Jordan. Why didn’t the Jews get that too, if they control everything?
Also, for those misguided individuals here in Gumshoe that slavishly follow all the nonsensical propaganda from the Yanks about ‘American Military Might’, take note of PCR’s comment from the article above :
“The Russian weapons systems are so far superior that the US would be completely destroyed with scant damage to Russia.”
Recall, this comes from the highest ranking living cabinet member (alongside David Stockman) of the Reagan administration – as opposed to the clueless Stallone/Rambo movie buffs with their infantile little websites that some Gumshoe contributors have been getting their information from.
U.S ground forces are a hollowed-out husk after years of these pointless wars for Israel and the morale is shot to bits.
If you believe otherwise, go back to your Sly Stallone / (Zio-produced ‘Golan and Globus’ ** Chuck Norris Delta Force movies and keep revelling in your ‘bottom of the barrel scripted’ fantasies.
(** 1979–1985: Golan-Globus Era :
By 1979, Cannon [a film production company] had hit serious financial difficulties, and Friedland and Dewey sold Cannon to Israeli cousins Menahem Golan (who had directed The Apple) and Yoram Globus for $500,000. The two cousins forged a business model of buying bottom-barrel scripts and putting them into production.).
You talking to me again, I never heard of “Delta Force” movies, this is more rubbish you’ve dreamed up, I’ll give you this, you’re consistent, nearly everything you produce is rubbish
C’mon Rabbi ‘w3’, who are you kidding.
When you went to Mount Scopus College along with fellow miscreants Mark Regev, Josh Fry-dem-burgers and Mark Leibler, that was the film that they showed on movie nights when they weren’t showing yet another monotonous Holohoax fictional tale from Steven Spielberg :
All the fellow students loved it because all proceeds went to the Zionist producers who’d channel the money back into procuring armaments for the IDF, and enabling further death and despair to be perpetrated on the Palestinians.
Of course, one movie that you’d wished you’d seen more of but was withdrawn (because it gave away too many predictive programming clues as to what was going to go down on 9/11), was the 1978 film ‘The Medusa Touch’ :
The poster above is the original one used to publicise the movie and which was also displayed on the Wikipedia page for the movie.(The climax of the film involves a large commercial airliner impacting with a tall building).
Now the Wikipedia page has been toned down with this poster removed – evidently too many goyim were joining the dots and had worked out that it was no coincidence that it was produced by rabid Zionist and arms procurer for Israeli Arnon Milchan :
Arnon Milchan, as sinister as they come.
Yes, he also produced Oliver Stone’s movie JFK in his role as ‘controlled opposition’.
The fact is, the movie JFK only released info that was already in the public domain. ie: the basic fundamentals that there had to be a shooter from the front and hence implied a conspiracy as it was no longer the lone gunman.
A lot of what Oliver Stone wanted featured in the movie was edited out.
Most important of all, Milchan’s job was to MAKE SURE that the final takeaway of the film was that the CIA / Military Industrial Complex was blamed and that there wasn’t to be even a scintilla of allluded to / hinted at Zio-complicity.
But Michael Collins Piper had other ideas and a few years later blew the lid off this False Flag with his book ‘Final Judgement’ :
Click on the link for a free read.
Just more infantile allegations, you are too stupid for words, of course I don’t bother with your rubbish links, I read your text in 3 seconds that’s it, go to bed
Any competent mass murder inquiry and exposure is not infantile Rub..Bush.
Since you’re interested in justice for all the massacres of history here’s one with a nice Christmassy theme for you
note – the photos are from an old movie
Ned, have you noticed that the 12.15pm Dec 25 response below from Sayanim-Sam (our resident Zio-apologist), is a classic example of a rat cornered (unable to disprove the irrefutable proof you’ve offered), so he goes on the offensive and doubes-down with more B.S and obfuscation.
That is text book Rabbi Gold-borrower in action there Ned.
An Irish said to me, “Don’t let a good story die for want of feeding”.
You are quite entitled to be critical of individuals who deliberately conflate and inflate things. Your information fits with the globalist pattern of “fulfilling” the ancient prophesies. As with Gates and all his weirdo 666 stuff. And, history does get recycled, as for example various stories about Jesus apparently emerged earlier in connection with Pythagoras. If the dead Jews figure was 1 million or 11 million I hardly care, as with the crowd at Tienanmen Square, who knows exactly the number, it’s a symbolic event, it’s not about bean-counting. To me the greatest insult of the CCP was the murder of Teresa Teng, only one person, a whistle-blower, the death count at Tienanmen was all anonymous protesters.
So what do I care about? I care about the here and now and the financial aspects driving it. I think Rotschilds are scraping a very good living off a very many major enterprises, and they will finance opposing sides, as will any bank, they are on their own side, 100%. Usury is their national culture and prerogative, just as casinos are James Packer’s inheritance. If you enter the premises, it’s of free will.
“Lockstep” however and the bat-flu hoax are not of free will and it seems to me they have their origins in the mischief of the Rockerfellas.
Look at the money trail. Rockerfellas have been selling a tank of gas to everyone, every week, for 100 years. Lets say they had a billion customers on average, and made $1000 per year from each, that is 1 trillion per annum, cleverly invested … Bill Gates says he can get 20:1 return on vaccines. From the US money printing post W Bush, they get even more. Who is really driving this Lockstep program, and who is the passenger. All you VW car enthusiasts say it is the Jew driving. I say it appears otherwise. Where is your proof. You have none. You grope around in 1000 year old history. Indeed we hear the pope delivered 1/4 billion(?) recently, presumably through Pell to Australia. Do you think the Italian mafia would let the Jews run Italy? Would the English lords really let the Jews run the UK? The Jews’ best chance is in multicultural places, the US and Australia (which may as well be a US territory). Sure they are global and get in everywhere, but are they driving Lockstep, I don’t see that. That’s the issue I have with you boys. I suggest, the Jews are put up as a smokescreen by some of the gentiles and you boys are all taking the bait, all because of your little proclivities, you may not be objective enough, to reach the best verdict.
All I ask for is evidence, and instead I get stupid abuse and rubbish. Shoot the messenger they say.
Where would Britain be without the Bank of England – its sole money supplier?
The Bank of England resides on private property in the Crown City of London which territory is not a part of G.B. nor is it associated with the E.U.
The queen has to ask permission to enter the Crown City of London and has to trail behind the Cities Mayor when she does so.
Therefore the queen is not the sovereign nor is she the Crown, but Lord Rothschild who owns the Bank of England and who is a Jew is.
The Italian mafia was originally established by Jews who were kicked out of Spain by queen Isabella.
So they got their ideas from Jews, just as they got gunpowder from the Chinese, I’m not convinced by some of your other suggestions, I think my argument is stronger, but you boys can’t see it, because you only see what you want to see.
Oh we can see what you’ve euphemistically labelled as your ‘argument’ Rabbi ‘w3’.
Only we prefer to call a spade a spade and dispense with the euphemisms.
We’d rather refer to it by what it actually is : ie : a BALD FACED LIE.
Stop being silly Veg
Truth Vigilante, came across article the other day regarding the Yank’s new A/C carrier. which is still undergoing trails now for THREE YEARS. An unprecidented trail period.
Apparently the launching system operates only sometimes, they have to carry 200 personnel from the builder to repair it. To repair it, the whole ship needs to be shut down before repairs can begin. thereby making it a floating target. L.O.L. The same arrestor system required to catch the planes on landing has similar faults, thus ensuring carrier cannot go to far from a land based airstrip in case the retrieval system fails and the planes cannot land on the carrier. Kinda contradicts the whole purpose of the carrier in the first place. I wonder how those civilian technicians would feel if the shite started flying and they were still on board ? Wonderful expenditure of taxpayer’s money, and this is the sort of crap our politicians want to spend out money on buying such crap from them, which ultimately turns out to be useless. So much for the might of the U.S. Navy.
Just printed money don’t worry, keeping one of the last remaining US industries going
Eddy, your story has shades of the F35 Lightning Joint Strike Fighter, that Australia has committed taxpayers money to – the most expensive weapons programme in world history and by all accounts an unreliable flop :
Yes readers, you read right.
The F16, which first became operational in 1974, can beat the F35 in a dogfight.
When are people going to learn that a large proportion of so-called Military and space exploration expenditure by the U.S post-JFK, has been siphoned off by the Zio-owned Military Industrial Complex and the Apartheid Israeli state.
Like I said before, a hollowed-out husk is the U.S military.
ABC Background Briefing:
F35 Is the Joint Strike Fighter the right plane for Australia?
In March 2016:
Sarah Dingle: So how many of those 58 approved for purchase in 2014 are currently in production?
Christopher Bogdan: [whispering] I would tell you that there’s probably somewhere between 0 and 16.
[… psst … actually it’s approximately Zero]
I also get nothing for all my compulsory insurance, as for the technology, it has all moved on to drones, satellites, cyber and germ warfare and so forth, these top-gun planes are history like horses and sabres, good for terrorising brown people and not much else. The idea is you pay your insurance and shut up.
“good for terrorising brown people and not much else”
Partly true – but actually, as Mr Cabbage says … It is for laundering billions to the “Zio-owned Military Industrial Complex and the Apartheid Israeli state.”
Wait ’til you see Christopher Pyne’s submarines – they really fly. Infidel China is going to s-o-r-r-y!
Please refer to the link under JEWS-BAD-EVIL below
It’s a free-for-all
God’s Chosen People
LOL, so controlling Hollywood and the media isn’t enough to combat the mountain of ill feelings the Amish have built up over the years, now they have to have a special Ambassador (with extra finances and clout) to represent the issue. – It never ends…
You VW car club nutters just don’t get it, all through history, everyone was bad, all the time, is there any way I can get this through some thick skulls ??? Or will I die trying ???
If you want to make an economic case about what % of the world is controlled by Rotschilds I will happily contribute but all you have is witch burning level of stuff and it’s junk.
I wonder where that guy Nemesis went, Happy Xmas Nemesis, btw what’s this about Jews being involved in Xmas, is that going to set the paranoid Veggie off next
‘w3’, don’t be coy about the whereabouts of Nemesis.
You guys have been bosom buddies since you served in the Negev desert together and did your apprenticeship with the Shin Bet.
We all know that you’re in regular touch with him via the Odigo messenger service and other Hebrew only social media.
Meanwhile, since you brought up Christmas ‘w3’, refer to my posts at 1.56pm, 2.24pm and 2.40pm on the previous Gumshoe thread below (scroll down to near the bottom) :
Yes readers, it speaks of Ebenezer Scrooge ‘w3’ and how he accumulated his fortune by hook and by crook.
You’re an idiot
Now that I have your attention, here is a story about middle east oil and wars starring the Bush family, who worked for Rockerfellas since about 1900 and also assisted the nazis until the US government made them stop. It comes from some WestCoastZionist fish&chip wrapper rubbish called LA Times archive, but some parts most likely true.
So you’re saying the earth is flat …?
No actually baitfish
Finally. something that is relevant to the forthcoming uprising from the masses against the ZWO (Zionist World Order) because of the suffering the ZWO has inflicted on the world via the Covid Deception, another stolen and rigged election cycle or just impoverished them at the hands of their Usury Cartel of Bankers, comes these wise words from Frank Herbert :
“When you marginalise the tens of millions of people who produce the goods which sustain their false reality, when you remove their ability to speak their mind and make their voices heard, when you insult them, berate them, hector them and beat them then you will bear the consequences when the sleeper awakens”.
God only knows when you will wake up
Long since woken up to you my Sheldon Adelson / Roy Cohn worshipping friend (not).
TV, welcome to your Christmas desires. as the people in their millions wake up.
See you in DC on 6th January……….It will be fun and bring your flag/
Ned, I don’t care how it’s done and who gets the credit for unravelling the Zio-cabal as long it happens.
I’m doing my bit here to expose one of the Zio-cabal’s minions here on Gumshoe – none other than Sayanim-Sam (who, like a typical Mossad operative has numerous aliases, a fake Australian passport, goes by various pseudonyms here on Gumshoe like ‘w3’, ‘bg’, dsw, Rabbi Bobby Gold-borrower etc).
This change of identities / pseudonyms is standard fare for these Zio-operatives – a signature modus operandi.
You are totally paranoid, obsessive, developing mental problems I would guess, seek help
Over two millenia past, a Baby was born bringing joyous peace. He gave us two laws for good living. Simple in essence, but soo difficult to practise, in these times of flickering screens and distracted minds. Instant gratification via artificial insanity is hellish delusion. We don’t have to subscribe if we choose not to. His words have survived the ages, more important now than before. Have faith in the King of Kings, all glory to His eternal wisdom. Merry Christmass to all friends, and keep up the good works. Love and forgive, we are all sinners.
Worth listening to. He makes his point by 6 minutes. His talk finishes at 14.50 minutes.
The gist of it is this: at midnight on Nov 3 he won. But hours later in the swing states, there was the sudden arrival of more votes, say 300,000. Of them, an impossible percentage, say 94%, were for Biden.
Looking back I recall going to bed at midnight feeling surprised that Trump won. Why surprised? Because all the MSM had been saying for weeks that the polls showed Biden would get a landsllde.
“Predictive programming.” Ha ha.
Readers! Readers! Here be a perfect 8-minute piece that supports Wlfred, whom I have likened to Dr Russell Pridgeon. Betcha their arrests were organized by the same gang.
Too bad the Australian Federal Police can’t be real men.
I wonder if there is a vaccine for wimpishness.
(Any closet reader of Gumshoe who wants to contact me off-page, the email is
“The Two Babylons”
Chapter III
Section I. Christmas and Lady-day
“……..How, then, did the Romish Church fix on December the 25th as Christmas-day? Why, thus: Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen, at that precise time of the year, in honour of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ
This tendency on the part of Christians to meet Paganism half-way was very early developed; and we find Tertullian, even in his day, about the year 230, bitterly lamenting the inconsistency of the disciples of Christ in this respect, and contrasting it with the strict fidelity of the Pagans to their own superstition.
“By us,” says he, “who are strangers to Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals, once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of January, the Brumalia, and Matronalia, are now frequented; gifts are carried to and fro, new year’s day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians.”
Upright men strive to stem the tide, but in spite of all their efforts, the apostacy went on, till the Church, with the exception of a small remnant, was submerged under Pagan superstition.
That Christmas was originally a Pagan festival, is beyond all doubt. The time of the year, and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated, prove its origin. In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, was born at this very time, “about the time of the winter solstice.”
The very name by which Christmas is popularly known among ourselves–Yule-day –proves at once its Pagan and Babylonian origin. “Yule” is the Chaldee name for an “infant” or “little child”; * and as the 25th of December was called by our Pagan Anglo-Saxon ancestors, “Yule-day,” or the “Child’s day,” and the night that preceded it, “Mother-night,” long before they came in contact with Christianity, that sufficiently proves its real character………………
Hi Ho all and the wheelbarrow pushes too, with a Merry CHRISTmas.
Enjoy our holiday……… for you too.
Surprise! Look under your tree, there is a brand new red wheelbarrow for your New Year’s brigade pursuits.
Jan 6th could be fun……….a New Year. maybe a New decade too.
Gerald Celente from the Mohican on the fascist system and some business reality.
Down about 5-6 vireos for 23 minutes.
“More fake $ ….etc”
After ten minutes……..beautiful: he sums it up.
‘SATANCLAUSE’11111111111 season.
Modern monetary theory (MMT) is about printing money or in company shares terms this would be called “dilution”, for this the gold price needs to be artificially lowered, it has gone from USD/oz to USD2000/oz but has been restrained by sale of “paper gold” and similar instruments, basically claiming to be parallel currency backed by gold but when the crunch comes the backing disappears as always. Money printing is not only QE but also Chinese counterfeits, share options, dilution, all sorts of parallel currencies such as frequent flyer points through to bitcoins, so MMT is hyperinflation in disguise as automation keeps the price of ordinary consumables going down. How else can kids think it is normal to pay $500k for a one-bedroom shitbox, when they only earn $30/hour. The mystery is how it all ends, that is, it was a mystery until we heard about “the great reset”. I think Rockerfellas bit off more than they could chew this time. Can they do a complete takeover using just Banks (state), BigPharma (religion), TheElites (nobility) and MSM (4th estate), given the stupid complacence of some of the peasants I would give them a fighting chance, they are certainly going for it, but I don’t think Trump will ever agree to lose so it will at least require his death and quite a number of others with him.
*from USD30/oz to USD$2000/oz
Just as there were no verifiable attempts of the lives of Donald and Melanoma Chump, there will be no premature demise of Donald J Chump (unless he has a heart attack in the interim – he is, after all, quite a fat C_ _ T).
No, like Hillary, Chump has served the Zio-cabal well and they’ll be looking after him very nicely.
Speaking of Zio-sock puppets that are living the good life, let’s not forget the bringing of a millennium’s worth of death and despair from his 10 years tenure as British P.M (Prime Muppet of the Zio-cabal), none other than Tony Blair.
Not content with being outdone by medical-know-nothing Bill Gates providing commentary on the Covid Deception, Tony Blair tries to one-up Gates with this effort (listen from 19:15 – 30:30) :
Mary, you’ll particularly enjoy the part from 21:40 – 22:30 as it relates to Blair’s ‘Miranda years’ whilst at Oxford.
Gumshoe readers, the 1 min audio above is not to be missed – it demonstrates that Tony Blair’s lifetime C.V of criminality and immorality is far from finished.
More importantly, in relation to what Richie Allen said about Blair in the 21:40 – 22:30 section, bear in mind that Blair’s net worth (in pounds sterling) is nine figures.
Richie says the most LIBELLOUS thing you’re likely to hear said to anyone, knowing full well that Blair will not litigate – such is the overwhelming evidence available to confirm said claims.
Also readers, in relation to the Richie Allen audio I posted above, for those of you that are fans of the Irish band ‘The Pogues’, and have a soft spot for Spiro Skouras (who’s been a good mate of Richie Allen’s for some years now), be sure to listen to the 25 mins or so beginning around 1:32:00 for a great story from Skouras.
If you want to listen to the entirety of the Skouras interview, start around the 43 min mark.
Pennsylvania Health Department Issues Recommendations for COVID Safety at Sex Orgies
From the Pennsylvania Department of Health:
……………….Large gatherings are not safe during COVID19, but if you attend a large gathering where you might end up having sex, below are tips to reduce your risk of spreading or getting COVID-19 through sex:
Limit the number of partners.
Try to identify a consistent sex partner.
Wear a face covering, avoid kissing, and do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Wash your hands with soap and water often, and especially before and after sex. If soap and water are not available use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
If you usually meet your sex partners online, consider taking a break from in-person dates. Video dates, sexting, subscription-based fan platforms, or chat rooms may be options for you.
3. Protect yourself and your partners from COVID-19 during sex.
Avoid kissing. Kissing can easily pass the virus.
Wear a face covering or mask.
During COVID-19, wearing a face covering that covers your nose and mouth is a good way to add a layer of protection during sex with those outside your household.....................
Maxine Waters: If President Trump doesn’t leave White House, he should be ‘marched out of there’ — possibly by military or Secret Service
‘We want him out, and we keep hearing these rumors about everything that he’s doing to try and stay in’
Democratic U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) said that if President Donald Trump doesn’t leave the White House by the time his term is over, he should be “marched out of there” — possibly by the military or the Secret Service.
Unbelievable that it has got to this stage and its not over yet with anything, the recount and court cases not someone opinion or the declaration by the prostitute MSM
How long does it take to cremate a body?.
Cremating at the optimum temperature (1,400-1,800 degrees), the average weighted remains takes 2 to 2 ½ hours. Several more hours may be required before the cremated remains are available to the family.
Is it true that the bones are crushed after cremation? I’ve heard you don’t get ashes back-what do you get?
A complete cremation is a two-step process. First, the actual exposure of the deceased to several hours of intense heat and flame; after which the remains are mostly ash except for certain bone fragments. Then, the entire remaining elements are gathered and these remains are placed in a processor, creating a uniform powder-like texture.
Re 6 million Jews cremated by Germany in the 2nd World War
6 million x 2.5 hours = 15 million hours = 1,711.1919 years –
So with one oven = 1,711 years, then divide by the number of ovens you reckon were used.
Remember Germany was suffering from a severe fuel shortage and the whole performance had to be carried out in a 2.5 year period.
Exactly and I have seen various mathematical models but not this one! Well done! 🙂 The Hoax has been exposed for decades but the prostitute MSM keeps lying and there is heavy heavy suppression and censorship and jail time for even talking or writing about ti. Why is that? They don’t want the Hoax exposed through their sinister lies
They are an evil corrupt people that call themselves jews and are not. They have no conscience and will do anything to their own ends at the direct expense of the goyim
Germany: Jewish Population in 1933
According to the census of June 16, 1933, the Jewish population of Germany, including the Saar region (which at that time was still under the administration of the League of Nations), was approximately 505,000 people out of a total population of 67 million, or somewhat less than 0.75 percent. That number represented a reduction from the estimated 523,000 Jews living in Germany in January 1933; the decrease was due in part to emigration following the Nazi takeover in January. (An estimated 37,000 Jews emigrated from Germany during 1933.)
6 .000.000 “JEWS” got holocausted they say, and then 4.1 MILLION “JEWS” CLAIMED REPARATIONS FROM GERMANY after the war?????
Sounds like yet another reason why Hitler was the dumbest European leader of the 20th century, he tried to accomplish so much in a short time, the Jews turned him into an absolute punching bag if your statistics are near enough to accurate. But the Germans plug on regardless, now today their 4th Reich in Frankfurt has taken a hit from Boris. Why do they Germans bother with a dream from Charlemagne about 1500 years ago. Bismark was a disaster, better for Germans if he was never born. At any stage in the last 150 years you could tell the Germans “quit while you’re ahead” and they just keep blundering forward. I would feel sorry for them but I don’t care enough.
Well that was before most of us were born.
Now we have Mein Trumpf who chooses his battles more carefully. Personally I don’t care about the accuracy of old statistics such as how many Jews went through crematoriums vs how many went into a pit. Far more interesting is, are we going to have plandemic right up to March 2025, and then full surveillance socialism under Lockstep™ ?
I am not Jew or anti-Jew, but I’m pretty sure Lockstep™ is a Rockerfella product.
Is the Zio-Smokescreen™ also a Rockerfella product ?
We know you’re not anti-Jew Rabbi ‘w3’.
That’s pretty self explanatory since you’re a Judaic cleric.
As for the ‘Zio-Smokescreen’, it’s pretty obvious it’s coming from your direction – in view of the obvious fact that the Rockefeller’s are a ‘nothing entity’ in the present day and age, relative to the Zio-cabal.
Even at the height of J.D Rockefeller’s fame 100 years ago, he was always a minion to and subordinate to the dictates of the Zio-cabal.
J.D Rockefeller at his peak, was estimated to have a net worth of 2 % of U.S GDP. (The combined wealth of ALL the branches of the Rockefeller family today would be lucky to be one-tenth of that percentage – and that’s being verrrrry generous).
Meanwhile, just one subset of the Zio-cabal** (the Rothschild family), have an estimated net worth of 200 % (or more) of present U.S GDP.
(** The Zio-cabal, as a whole, includes all the other mega-billionaire and trillionaire Zionist family dynasties like the Schiffs, Warburgs, Oppenheimers, Sassoons – not to mention the present day moguls like Adelson, Soros, the Bronfman, Pritzker and Crown families – to name just a few.)
The collective net worth of ALL these families, which together form the Zio-cabal, need scientific notation to quantify – as there are not enough hours in the day to write down all the zeros.
Investigative Journalist Found Dead After Reporting Alleged Bill Clinton Rape Case to DHS/FBI
The Dead Pool increases..
Dec 23
UN Expert Urges Trump To Pardon Assange: “In pardoning Mr Assange Mr President, you would send a clear message of justice, truth & humanity to the American people & to the world” ~
Torture Investigator #PardonAssange
They are saying the court will rule on Assange extradition Jan 4, after this extradition I would guess the pardon would come after another tedious legal procedure, I think most likely the dark forces will find a way to procrastinate it in the hope of a Biden inauguration. Now here’s the question, have any lefties anywhere been demanding their president (Biden) state a position on Assange ? I don’t remember hearing anything of it. I heard Joe talk about how the kids used to stroke his hairy legs.
He is a sickening piece of work. I haven’t seen anything pronouncements from him on Assange. We will have to wait for the final chapter
Everything on Assange up to 24 Dec
As usual, Rabbi ‘w3’ only sees what he wants to to see.
There are lefties yelling at the top of their lungs for the release of Julian Assange – none more so than left leaning John Pilger.
Also left of centre that have been screaming it from the rooftops is : Dr Kevin Barrett, Jimmy Dore, Max Blumenthal, Caitlin Johnstone (not to mention our own resident Gumshoe contributor , left-of-centre lifelong Labour voter and champion bloke – Aussiemal), to name just a few.
On the matter of John Pilger, here’s a great article of his from a couple of weeks ago titled ‘ THE MOST LETHAL VIRUS IS NOT COVID. IT IS WAR’ :
The article deals with the visit of Pilger to the British War Memorial in Staffordshire in the U.K, which has the names of more than 16,000 British servicemen and women listed .
This, from the article :
“On the day I was there, a stonemason was adding new names to those who have died in some 50 operations across the world during what is known as “peacetime”. Malaya, Ireland, Kenya, Hong Kong, Libya, Iraq, Palestine and many more, including secret operations, such as Indochina.
Not a year has passed when countries, mostly poor and riven by conflict, have not bought or have been “soft loaned” British arms to further the wars, or “interests”, of empire.
Empire? What empire? The investigative journalist Phil Miller recently revealed in Declassified that Boris Johnson’s Britain maintained 145 military sites – call them bases — in 42 countries. Johnson has boasted that Britain is to be “the foremost naval power in Europe”.
In the midst of the greatest health emergency in modern times, with more than 4 million surgical procedures delayed by the National Health Service, Johnson has announced a record increase of £16.5 billion in so-called Defence spending – a figure that would restore the under-resourced NHS many times over.
Exploring the serenity of the National War Memorial, I soon realised there was not a single monument, or plinth, or plaque, or rosebush honouring the memory of Britain’s victims — the civilians in the “peacetime” operations commemorated here.
There is no remembrance of the Libyans killed when their country was wilfully destroyed by Prime Minister David Cameron and his collaborators in Paris and Washington.
There is no word of regret for the Serbian women and children killed by British bombs, dropped from a safe height on schools, factories, bridges, towns, on the orders of Tony Blair; or for the impoverished Yemeni children extinguished by Saudi pilots with their logistics and targets supplied by Britons in the air-conditioned safety of Riyadh; or for the Syrians starved by “sanctions”.
There is no monument to the Palestinian children murdered with the British elite’s enduring connivance, such as the recent campaign that destroyed a modest reform movement within the Labour Party with specious accusations of anti-Semitism.
Two weeks ago, Israel’s military chief of staff and Britain’s Chief of the Defence Staff signed an agreement to “formalise and enhance” military co-operation. This was not news. More British arms and logistical support will now flow to the lawless regime in Tel Aviv, whose snipers target children and psychopaths interrogate children in extreme isolation.
Perhaps the most striking omission at the Staffordshire war memorial is an acknowledgement of the million Iraqis whose lives and country were destroyed by the illegal invasion of Blair and Bush in 2003.
ORB, a member of the British Polling Council, put the figure at 1.2 million. In 2013, the ComRes organisation asked a cross-section of the British public how many Iraqis had died in the invasion. A majority said fewer than 10,000.”
The citizens of Britain are more or less like we Aussies in terms of our educations (mind you, a few Poms out there will tell you they’re a lot better educated than we colonials).
So Gumshoe readers, how is it that most British, in believing that fewer than 10,000 Iraqis died in that conflict, were out by a factor of 100 ???
How is it that commenters, right here on Gumshoe, are also out by a factor of 100 (perhaps more) on the alleged crimes being perpetrated by the Chinese government, and by the same token have a mindset where the crimes of the two Great Satans ( the U.S and the Apartheid Israeli State), are MINIMISED, at least in their minds, by a factor of ONE THOUSAND ??
How can that be ?
I ask all Gumshoe readers to reassess their positions.
Think carefully. Where did you source said information to give you your present perspective ?
Was it from the Zio-shills Sean Hannity on Fox News or Steve Bannon or, heaven forbid, the epicentre of disinformation (none other than Sayanim Sam /aka Rabbi ‘w3’, right here on Gumshoe) ??
If so, you’ve got a LOT of unlearning to do.
As for left-of-centre champions that have been calling for the release of Julian Assange, don’t forget RFK Jr.
Of course, that also seems to have escaped the attention of Rabbi ‘w3’ – since it doesn’t fit in with his Zio-dictated narrative.
You just drone on and on like a bug in the night
TV if it is any comfort, my 1970 article ” the arab side of the story”, about Palestine, Israel, and the bullshit six day war, won me threats of burning alive, stopped, ironically, by Jew Sir Dove-Meyer Robinson, then Lord-Mayor of Auckland.
I’ve been the target of a lot of death-threats and pretty much spat in their faces. They are dead and I am alive, but my antivax position means I will not be around for much longer. Brandy was one of many. As some Victorian once said, “Such is life”.
Tony. I’m not comforted to hear that you were threatened and received death threats.
But I am comforted to know you’re alive and well and with us here on Gumshoe providing your insightful comments.
Category Archives: George Webb
Where is the link? Can you give me the link please? Thanks
Ive got it
Arlyn, why are you asking Sayanim Sam for a link ?
Are you researching disinformation and lack of empathy ?
I didnt know what he was talking about. I found out
“Mass” in religious usage means a “death sacrifice.” The impact of this fact is horrifying and shocking; for when the millions of people are saying, “Merry Christmas”, they are literally saying “Merry death of Christ!”
They’re only lying when their lips are moving
Sky News is great on exposing the Covid Deception and alleged man-made (Anthropogenic) Global Warming.
But, as far as getting any truth from them on Chinese hegemonic aspirations or on who to choose between Trump and Biden (answer: they’re as worthless as each other), Sky News is no more than a CIA disinfo mouthpiece.
Contrary to what the Sky News fool in the video says above, ScoMo will fall right in line with whatever agenda Creepy Joe rolls out – you can bank on it.
The ‘Israel’ Lobby at the University of Sydney
The governments focus on China is to obfuscate the huge influence that Israel has.
By Tim Anderson – The American Herald Tribune
Documents released under freedom of information law show that an ‘Israeli’ organization has, over many years, privately contributed millions of dollars to the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences [FASS]. A sub-branch of the ‘Israeli’ World Zionist Organization [the Fund for Jewish Higher Education] contributes around half a million dollars to FASS each year, with contributions peaking at $819,000 in 2019. The WZO is committed to the ‘Israeli’ colony in Palestine, where more than half the population is denied full citizenship rights.
These amounts are way out of proportion to the nominal beneficiaries at the University: Hebrew, Biblical, Jewish and Holocaust Studies, and give the ‘Israeli’ lobby influence with University of Sydney management. This ‘Israeli’ funding is sustained while federal ‘foreign influence’ laws are trumpeted against China, and form part of a much larger private fund pool – one billion dollar plus, announced with pride in the University’s 2019 Annual Report – at the University, for which there is little public accountability. The door is wide open for corruption, alongside secret foreign influence………….
……………….At the political level the ‘Israel’ lobby remains influential. A 2018 study by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute [APRI] found that an ‘Israeli’ lobby group in Australia [AIJAC] was the biggest single foreign funder of Australian MPs’ overseas travel. MPs from both major parties were beneficiaries of these ‘study tours’. While the public focus of foreign influence in Australia has become China, with special new laws to criminalize ‘foreign influence,’ the APRI study showed that influence peddling from ‘Israel’ has been greater than that from China or the USA. While Australian MPs had been funded for nearly 60 trips to China and 45 to the US, AIJAC had sponsored around 100 visits to ‘Israel,’ “nearly evenly split between Labor and Liberal.”
“Jewish and Holocaust Studies” – you’re shitting me! The University of Sydney has Jewish and Holocaust Studies? What worthless degree is that credit to? Do the instructors actually discuss the FACTS of the alleged holocaust, or, do they push the BS narrative? Wait, let me guess, they push the BS narrative – forget a real education, just cop the indoctrination, it will help you in the future…
Yes Terry, The Univ. of Sydney has (as has the rest of academia in the western world), been hijacked by the Zio-lobby.
Meanwhile, seeing as Criss X mentions the great Prof Tim Anderson in his post above, here is a neat little summation on who the backers of ISIS were :
And please, let’s not hear any OBVIOUS falsehoods about ‘Trump being responsible for the destruction of ISIS’.
Yes, we all heard him say it, like we also heard him say the U.S economy was the best ever pre-Covid (when in actuality it was the most indebted house of cards on the precipice of collapse in world history).
We also heard Trump say he’d build that wall bordering Mexico and the Mexicans would pay for it.
Actual Outcome: Not ONE peso was extracted from the Mexicans.
We also heard Trump say: ‘He will appoint a Special Prosecutor for Hillary on his first day in office’.
Outcome: Well, do I have to elaborate readers ? (Seeing as not one of Trump’s substantive promises was kept – NOT ONE).
Well, seeing as Trump is the ultimate contrarian indicator (whatever he says, the truth is the exact opposite), then we know for sure that Trump’s CIA in conjunction with the Mossad were training and giving logistical support to the head choppers.
Putin’s Russian army working in conjunction with Assad’s Syrian Army (ably assisted by Iran’s General Soleimani), and these entities ALONE, destroyed ISIS.
Next time that apologist-for-Zio-criminality (found lurking in the comments section of Gumshoe like a Usury Cartel Banker ready to pounce on a prospective borrower), opens his mouth about Trump’s input into destroying ISIS, by all means slap him down quickly readers.
Dengue fever laden bugs like this apologist need to be slapped down fast – lest their venomous Zio-scripted bile infects the unsuspecting and the gullible.
I urge readers to click onto the link in my post above as it has the backers / creators of ISIS in tabulated format – courtesy of Syd Uni Prof Tim Anderson.
The tabulated format ensures that you need only spend 30 seconds to absorb the information about who’s responsible for the head-choppers depravity. (You guessed it – none other than the Anglo-Zionist Empire).
To the extent that there are one or two other Arabic nations contributing, these are Anglo-backed puppet regimes that were coerced and intimidated into funding the ISIS mercenaries.
I read years ago “neutral” Jordon is on it as well
Can’t believe that after all the evidence available, some folks still peddle the crap coming from the U. S. In nearly every such case it is self serving propoganda and not worth the time it takes to read it
I support every word you’ve written.
‘Does Congress Know That This Is How Communism Starts?’: Trump Condemns Big Tech Policing of Free Speech
We have the same insidious problem in Australia
also from Epoch
“Chinese-Made Vaccines Under Scrutiny as Hundreds of Vaccinated Chinese Workers Get Infected Overseas” – no wonder when a pawpaw tests positive
It again proves that you cannot trust any politician. It again shows you cannot trust any of the vaccines as every single one is toxic and contaminated. Here are some of the poisonous ingredients or substances. You have to have rocks in your head to go and get any vaccine!
Not one vaccine is safe as they are all contaminated with debris and injected into innocent newborn babies before the child’s ‘natural innate’ immune system is developed. that newborn has been interfered with medical intervention that weakens the natural innate immune system and create all sort of health problems and diseases which are all on public record and historical records. The robotic chant from the pro-vaxers that “vaccines is safe” is a complete lie and they don’t know nor have they even bothered to read the package inserts of vaccines by the vaccination companies given the clear warnings of the serious side effects, adverse reactions and death from vaccines.
Fear of the Invisible Chapter 8 pgs. 87-89
Other examples of evidence of contamination and lack of safety
44. The ‘innate natural’ immunity does not work with antibodies but works mostly with killer cells which are Vit. D dependent. Innate immunity is the first line of defence and most important.
45. A known fact is that people with antibody/ies to disease will still succumb to those diseases.
46. When there is a community acquired infection i.e. measles or mumps this will engage both sides of the immune system which is the Parotid gland, Sublingual gland and the Submaxillary gland which is TH2 which creates the antibody and the TH1 engages the self immunity automatically. It identifies you and it identifies the foreign antibodies.
47. No studies to show that because you have an antibody that you are immune. No tests either. This is quackery at its worse!
48. The injections can lead and has led to auto-immunity deficiencies.
49. Natural immunity lasts a lifetime whereas the immune response is only temporary and with high risks.
50. No one can claim that vaccines are safe with a combination of antigens or combination of vaccines or a combination of the adjuvants and toxic substances and no one can claim or predict what the auto-immune response is going to do with each individual baby or child or adult that has had no genetic testing or any other tests.
51. The rational or the reasoning of how the drug companies and the FDA conclude that something is safe or not safe is not based in rational science. It is based in a pre-biased setup. A bogus study or no study which is simply a cosmetic study
52. The human organism DNA is being manipulated and altered which is weakening the original innate immune system
53. The vaccine adjuvants containing mercury and aluminium are far above what the EPA says is safe. A blanket cover one size fits all is not safe or scientific. There is the SS Principle to consider. Some are going to be more Susceptible to whatever substance and some are going to be more Sensitive to whatever substance. How can anyone say anything is or has a safe level for various individual with various genetic backgrounds, different cultures, different environments, different nutrition, different ages, different metabolisms, different stages of health etc., etc. They can’t! It is the same with the RDA, same principle
54. The flu vaccine has mercury in it so every year that they continue to get the flu injection more mercury levels is going to the brain neurons shrinking them. We know have an epidemic of dementia which is neural degeneration. It is in the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccination. There are still traces of it in other vaccines liken to the homeopathic concept.
55. The pharmaceuticals have taken most of the mercury out and say see it wasn’t the mercury. We know that it is a combination of all of the substances together and not just the mercury. It is list of 62 types of chemicals foreign to the human organism plus the various combinations of them and the number of vaccines babies and children are forced to get.
56. Known neuro-toxins are readily used to vaccinate newborns, children and adults.
57. Aluminium adjuvant is absorbed 100% in the body however when in-jesting aluminium it is only 25% absorption. “The elimination of half-life aluminium is 7 years, this can result in cumulative damage. Aluminium Toxicity Medscape”
58. The mitochondria is damaged by vaccines which creates autism
59. There is no dosage to weight in the vaccination process in which studies confirm that higher dosages in monkeys confirm severe neurological reactions
60. Producing vaccines is manipulating nature and its highest creation of future mankind creating weakened hybrids which will end in disaster as the last 5-6 decades have clearly shown.
61. The medium of Bovine serum cannot be tested for everything apparently. They only can test for what they know to test for….. We know there is much they do not know!
The question of oncogenes or cancer causing agents is not clear. Remember the 7-8 alternative health practitioners who were by reports to have either been murdered close together last year or all apparently dying of mysterious circumstances. Some of them found out that there was indeed a cancer protein and they were exposing it to the public in certain vaccines and the others had cancer cure.
There is cellular debris from in the vaccines. It is not pure if cellular debris from the dead birds and they actually admit they cannot filter it out so it is in the vaccine that is promoted to be safe in so many ways. They cannot filter out viruses and they also admit that it is only mimimally purified…The Uk representative said if the public knew about this process they would immediately stop it!
Prions cannot be tested! It is in the medium of bovine serum or mad cow disease! They cannot guarantee they say lesser chance…. Science or Frankin-science?
A prion is composed of abnormally folded protein that causes progressive neurodegenerative conditions, with two of the most notable being Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) seen in cattle and livestock and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) seen in humans. These mis-folded proteins do not multiply in the host organism that they infect. Instead, they affect the brain structure by acting as a template, inducing proteins with normal folding to convert to the abnormal prion form.
These newly formed mis-folded proteins, in turn, act as further templates for the conversion of more normal proteins, leading to an exponential accumulation of prions in the tissue of the central nervous system. These abnormally folded proteins form plaques which are thought to cause “entanglement” of neurofibrils and interfere with synapse function. The nerve cells are eventually damaged and lost, which causes tiny vacuoles to form in the brain. These give the brain a sponge-like appearance under the microscope, hence the term spongiform disease arose.
This leads to brain damage and the symptoms of prion disease, which include impaired brain function; changes in personality, memory and behavior; intellectual decline and movement abnormalities, particularly ataxia. These symptoms usually develop during adulthood and worsen over time, eventually causing death within several years or even a few months..
The egg medium can contain campylobacter which is a pathogenic bacteria which causes Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio. It is the number one besides vaccinations that cause this disease. It can look very similar to the myelin sheath which destroys
Manufacturers are required to screen chicken eggs for a number of contaminants in which campylobacter Jejeuni is potential contaminant in vaccines and lead to the same Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio or death. They can go into full paralysis from vaccines and be unable to breathe.
The Polio vaccine SV40 had a cancer virus that affected 1/3 rd of the population that was inadvertently found out. It took another 30 years for the medical community to embrace this and write about it in the medical literature! It causes tumours and brain tumours. 40-60% of children had these tumours! It was believed that the virus was only in monkeys and not humans! Belief is not science! Monkeys carry lethal diseases! They used tens of thousands of monkeys!
Dr. Maurice Hillman who worked at Merck said in taped conversation, and was asked by medical historian Dr. Edward Shorter “I brought African greens in. I didn’t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.” “We had wild virus in those days.” “The yellow fever vaccine had leukaemia virus in it.” “This virus has cancer.” Vaccines are made on very crude material.” We have managed to keep from the public many other similar instances.”
I nominate this post for contribution of the year 2020, I especially like the word “quackery” being resurrected from the Dickensian era and I would be interested to follow up more about item 46
46. When there is a community acquired infection i.e. measles or mumps this will engage both sides of the immune system which is the Parotid gland, Sublingual gland and the Submaxillary gland which is TH2 which creates the antibody and the TH1 engages the self immunity automatically. It identifies you and it identifies the foreign antibodies.
Also 54
54. The flu vaccine has mercury in it so every year that they continue to get the flu injection more mercury levels is going to the brain neurons shrinking them. We know have an epidemic of dementia which is neural degeneration. It is in the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccination.
Giving old people dementia would presumably be useful to further the agenda of mind-controlling the young ones
The seriously flawed medical model is far too expensive to maintain and that was talked about and written in the 70’s-80’s so all they are doing is discarding the high risk high expense of patients to consolidate. Yes point taken of getting rid of he older however the young are ‘young and dumb and won’t listen and worse than all he previous generations according to many articles. They also don’t have a reference point like the oldies do to compare so there is this generation gap of knowledge and experience. It is a biological war on civilians and now the front line health workers which is sick and illth workers, police and the miltary
Flu vaccines–Hydrogen-Peroxide-Doesnt-Kill-Patients-Drugs-Do.htm
FLU – Biological Warfare ATTACK!
Flu Vaccine Fails 99% in New Cochrane Review
A Senator dies – after receiving the flu vaccine – and what shocks me the most is the reported ‘mystery’ surrounding his death. It’s not right:
The Morgan Family will NEVER get the flu shot again – here’s why:
Subject: FW: Flu Vaccine Contains 25,000 Times More Mercury Than Is Legally Allowed In Drinking Water
Flu Vaccine Increases Your Risk of Infecting Others by 6-Fold, Study Suggests
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine
Possible Side Effects and the Potential Dangers of Squalene
How can anyone possibly determine how much is ’safe’ for any particular person? They can’t!!! It is foreign agent to the human organism and certainly will get a reaction. In their definition of efficacy or effective is if there is a reaction or the antibody reaction from the toxic needle. That is there definition. It is all pretence and gamble as no tests are done to determine or confirm anything…. Its Qackery now called junk science!
How Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non-Vaccinated
The question has yet to be asked will this toxic and contaminated double shot Covid vaccine be active meaning contagious as many are to help spread the disease to make more money while you injure or murder people?
UK health authorities admit they have no scientific evidence of covid-19
It appears that the UK health authorities were unable to provide any scientific evidence that they had isolated the covid-19 virus. Freedom of Information requests finally resulted in the admission that they had no such evidence.
Something is certainly making some people sick, but what is it? Is there a single cause? How many people are being incorrectly diagnosed and therefore incorrectly treated?
Another question is how does one create a vaccine for a virus that they have not isolated?
What is the real purpose of the vaccine?
Close the space – bitchute
Freeze Sperm Before COVID Vaccine To Protect Fertility – Says University of Miami Researchers
December 25, 2020
Researcher at the University of Miami have recommended men to have a fertility evaluation before receiving the COVID vaccine and to consider to freeze their sperm before vaccination in order to protect their fertility.
There has been no evidence as of date from a number of sources concerning “health authorities were unable to provide any scientific evidence that they had isolated the covid-19 virus.”
This is all about Control Containment & Compliance using covid as a mechanism for their more sinister agendas to follow
In case you thought the PCR test detects an actual virus…wrong
by Jon Rappoport
In a CDC document titled, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020 Interim Case Definition, Approved April 5, 2020,” under the section, “Laboratory Criteria,” we have this:
“Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ribonucleic acid (SARS-CoV-2 RNA) in a clinical specimen using a molecular amplification detection test.”
The test referred to is the PCR. And as you can plainly see, it is detecting, not the virus itself, but a piece of RNA.
A piece of RNA ASSUMED to come from the virus, SARS-CoV-2.
I say ASSUMED because, where is the actual virus? Where is the virus isolated from all surrounding material?
If you don’t have the virus, you can’t say, with any degree of certainty at all, that you have a piece of it (the RNA).
As I’ve described many times, “isolated” is a term that is tortured by researchers and public health officials, so that it means just the opposite of what it is supposed to mean.
Numerous studies that claim the virus has been isolated actually turn out to mean: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. The soup contains various types of animal and humans cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and other genetic material. The virus is completely surrounded, but it is there. We know this, because some of the cells are dying, and this dying must be the result of infection with the virus…”
This argument not only turns the definition of “isolation” on its head, it reveals, upon a moment’s consideration, that the dying of the cells could come from the action of the toxic chemicals and drugs; and on top of that, the cells are being starved of nutrients, so they could be dying as a result of that deprivation.
Therefore, to say “the virus must be in the soup in the dish in the lab” because is killing cells…well, that’s completely unproven, and therefore…
There is no reason under the sun to claim that the virus is there in the soup at all.
Hence, the claim that the PCR test is detecting a piece of RNA from the virus is unwarranted. Because, again…where is the virus? Where is the truly isolated virus?
And on that basis alone, the PCR test is irrelevant, useless, and deceptive.
It is set up to look for and detect a piece of RNA material that has never been proved to come from this un-isolated phantom ASSUMPTION, called “SARS-CoV-2.”
A few more moments of clear thought, and you realize the whole string of “science” that leads to the lockdowns and the economic devastation is not science at all.
It is what is called, in the intelligence community, a cover story. A story launched to justify crimes.
In this case, capital crimes against humanity.
It’s just Racketeeirng and the RICO Act needs to be invoked against these criminal of Crimes against Humanity. Australia does not have one but it could be instigated in the US from Australia
Arlyn, whether it’s the RICO Act. the Bill of Rights or the U.S constitution, it’s neither here nor there in the final analysis.
Because, at the end of the day, the Zio-lobby owned SINGLE Party that runs the U.S (yes, I’m aware that there are factions within it called the GOP and the Dems with incremental policy differences), does what it wants and bypasses all these constitutional requirements anyway.
Make no mistake, as bad as Australia is, the U.S is even less beholden to the rule of law.
The U.S is basically a country : OF the Zio-cabal, BY the Zio-cabal and FOR the Zio-cabal.
Yes I know I am just pointing out what we don’t have in place that should be in place decades ago. We are living in a state of lawlessness and I knew that several decades ago. It’s not good here or there and it going to get a whole lot worse!
Trump administration prods Indonesia to recognize Israel with promises of $2B in aid
More proof that Trump is on the side of the evil Zionists and will pay up to $2 billion dollars in US taxpayers funds (bribe) to help them decide.
If Trump is going to separate the Federal Reserve from the globalists (source x22) it might be a smart move to split the Zionists from the Rockerfellas or however you like to see it. As someone else was saying “4D chess” and it really is, time being the 4th dimension, but it’s even more complicated when the chess pieces are not all what they seem.
The outcome could be anything. I ran out of popcorn long ago. Now I have the toothpicks holding the eyes open.
Can Satan cast out Satan?
As No One Watched, Trump Pardoned 5 Megabanks For Corruption Charges— To Whom He Owes Millions
Read more.
Zionists: “Jump!” President Trump: “How High?”
Christian Zionists celebrate another victory under Trump, reversal on settlements policy
Trump is completely controlled by criminal Zionists
Trump is clearly a Zionist puppet
Rouhani: “Trump Has Almost Carried Out Dictates Of The Zionist Regime”
David Wurmser and Trump’s Zionist Occupied Brain, Trump’s brain is not his own.
Trump is an Evil Zionist
Trump Pence Jerusalem: The Christian Zionism Connection
Trump Is America’s First Zionist President
How Zionism Wove its Way Behind Russia and Trump
Zionist Puppet Donald Trump and his Emerging New World Order
Why Donald Trump Is A Rothschild Puppet
Trump is parroting Zionist doctrine: U.S. Jews must be loyal to Israel
SECRET Donald Trump Full Documentary 2017 | Illuminati and Zionists and New World Order Is Coming
Donald Trump: Zionist Trojan Horse
Trump and his Zionist companions the Fundamentalist Christian Zionists believe in the unbiblical doctrine of “Dominion Theology”
Christian Zionists celebrate another victory under Trump, reversal on settlements policy
Dominion theology
Inside the Christian Right Dominionist Movement That’s Undermining Democracy
The Woman On The Beast In End Time Prophecy Has Dominion Theology
Dominion theology in Recent History
Dominionism and Dominion Theology
The Deception of Dominion Theology
Greater Israel
People need to understand what type of criminal-corporate system we are all under called “government”
Hocus Pocus, the hidden satanic language of the NEW-WORLD-ORDER administration. For it is coming to light that the whole international administration corporations and the offshore banking system is a counterfeit of the real thing. Our real de-jure governments appear to have been abandoned without the masses ever knowing what happened… People researching the truth in relation to the lawful standing of such corporate foreign governing administrative entities are being victimised and attacked for exposing such fraud, however, if people don’t make a stand or a general effort to expose such lies and fraud in relation to the validity of the administration system governing us, the general outcome could be on a scale of death greater than tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler, the Chinese communist dictators, Pol Pot and the civilian deaths recorded in Africa. Justinian’s, Corpus Juris, is the anti-language used by large corporate militant tyrannical governments of today, the internal language of the dead chambers of the Vatican. This is the return of the dark ages of death and destruction and we, as people, must be vigilant and keep a close eye on governments and their hidden systems of deceptions…
Corrupt Queensland Courts attack David John Walter for questioning the validity of the Queensland Government and the Queensland Courts. The Queensland Police charged him for assault while they threw David to the ground and arrested him. On the second day of the hearing, the Queensland Police withdrew because too much was being exposed in relation to the corruption and poor conduct of the Police and Queensland Courts relating to its invalid standing.
David John Walter 12 10 2018 Court Matter
Can I tell you something about Dave Walter. He has integrity and inteliegence. Judge for yourself…
In 1979, I was orderd by the Director of Welfare (NT) to sort out the dysfunctional community of Bamyili. The kids were sniffing petrol, killed 1500 chooks the previous night, and the parents were hopeless drunks.
I called for the dry season ceremony leaders to meet me behind Katherine Court. I told them that they knew what had to be done but had lost the confidence to say this out loud, so I was doing it for them. ” Send the grandparents into the classroom to make the kids learn to talk proper English (no pidgen) and to write, so they can get good jobs. Second, take the kids out bush every weekend and teach them their own language, culture, and bush tucker. Third, put all boys 13 and over into Kunapipi ceremony”. The old men, previously ready to spear me, were all smiles.
I told the magistrate McGregor a whitefella version of the deal and the local cop, Dave Walter, spat of the floor next to me and stalked out of court.
I later fronted him at the Maranbuy cop shop and said, back me to the hilt in this and if it does not work you can have the first swing. I’ll have my hands at my side. He laughted and agreed.
His 3 month report to the Director of Welfare, as arranged, was: “There has been no petrol sniffing. There has been no juvenile crime of any kind. There has been no adult crime of any kind. I am living in a model community and, as the toughest cop in the NT, my job is at risk”.
Dave wanted it kept secret but I am telling you anyway, he participated in the high-discipline Kunapipi ceremoney and thereby was the first Australian cop to ever support Aboriginal Law.
The magistrates McGregor and Thomas and all Welfare social workers buried this success story because they do not want Aboriginal self-determination, or an end to crime.
Nevertheless, the now-empowered people of Bamyili changed the town’s name to Barunga and started the famous Burunga Festival, with my old mate Peter Abak Miller as the most talented musician and lead singer of Blek Pella Musik. One day, I will play lead guitar alongside him.
Yes I know he is Tony. I also have a friend that knows him. He is another John Hatton and I class him as an Australian not an Aussie. Thanks for your info as that is one of the reason I decided to post the material. 🙂
The CIA’s Afghan Death Squads
A U.S.-Backed Militia That Kills Children May Be America’s Exit Strategy From Its Longest War
………The Americans “step on all the rules of war, human rights, all the things they said they’d bring to Afghanistan,” said Wardak provincial council head Akhtar Mohammad Tahiri. They are “conducting themselves as terrorists. They show terror and violence and think they’ll bring control this way.”
………..Flags mark the graves of a mother and three children, ages 6, 8, and 15, who were killed in a 01 night raid in the village of Sher Toghi, Daymirdad District, on the night of March 2 and the morning of March 3, 2019. The 15-year-old was shot when he ran outside to look for help after a bomb hit the family home. Relatives found the bodies of the mother and daughters beneath the ruins of their house the next morning.
Photo: Andrew Quilty/Agence Vu
The unchecked violence of 01 was in line with U.S. President Donald Trump’s increasing normalization of war crimes. Since late 2019, Trump has overruled senior military commanders who sought to discipline a Navy SEAL for inappropriate and criminal actions, rolled back a ban on the U.S. military’s use of land mines, and pardoned soldiers convicted or accused of murdering Afghans. In September, the U.S. sanctioned senior officials from the International Criminal Court in response to its investigations into whether U.S. forces committed war crimes in Afghanistan. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the court’s efforts “illegitimate attempts to subject Americans to its jurisdiction.”……………
The Evolution of US-Backed Death Squads in Honduras
Have a look at this and see what ya think (Abstract click on link for full article)
How Donald Trump Out-Foxed the Zionists
“History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind.”
– Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) // From: “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Quote to Remember:
“Israel has been placed on notice because our ambassador…as well as Kushner have made a very clear statement, ‘Israel you’re on notice. If you do not make a peace treaty with the Palestinians, there will be more serious repercussions than you imagine. The beginning of the takedown of your Mossad operatives, who are all present and we will put them in prison, is just the beginning of what we can do to the future of Israel.” – Dr. Steve Pieczenik (former U.S. State Department official and Intelligence Analyst).’
Quote to Remember:
“The Mossad incurred so many operatives that were involved with pedophilia under the Epstein ring and under the NXIVM ring, with the two Bronfman daughters, that you’re talking about thousands of people. So, from 9/11 on, Trump understood that the Israelis had been involved in our intelligence service and in compromising America. He never forgot that. And what he did, blatantly was to turn around and on a certain day, he decided he was going to indict every one of the Mossad operatives, as well as the Israelis on charges of pedophilia – not on charges of spying, because that wouldn’t work. – Dr. Steve Pieczenik
Arlyn, I’ll look at the link later.
Sufficient to say though, if it’s signed off by Mossad operative Steve Pieczenik, you know it’s going to be B.S.
You can take it to the bank, Trump has out-foxed no one.
Ok I was not aware of him that’s all. Say no more. It really did not make any sense compared to all of the Zionist & Russian connections.Thanks
Arlyn, I got around to looking at that attachment you posted above.
It’s a pure disinformation piece.
Yes, like all the more sophisticated disinfo it has snippets of truth woven in to suck people in.
All in all, worthy of the dustbin.
The borrower is servant to the lender.
Yes I got that when you said before. Thanks 🙂
Global Research
Fascist US JSOC Assassinations Around the World
JSOC and assassinations
U.S. Holds the World Record of Killings of Innocent Civilians
Terrorism with a “Human Face”: The History of America’s Death Squads
US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II
“Targeted Killings”: Timeline of U.S. Policy Concerning Covert Operations Involving Assassination
The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK
Cambodia and America’s “Killing Fields”
The Cambodia Precedent: Justifying New Crimes on the Basis of Past Crimes
U.S. Holds the World Record of Killings of Innocent Civilians
US is preparing for war with Russia and China
Unipolar vs Multipolar: The Death of McKinley and the Loss of America’s Soul
On December 17, 2020 A new US Maritime strategy was unveiled putting into practice the regressive concepts first outlined in the early National Defense Strategy 2020 doctrine which target China and Russia as the primary enemies of the USA and demanding that the USA be capable to “defeat our adversaries while we accelerate development of a modernized integrated all-domain naval force of the future”.
The Pentagon’s Advantages at Sea: Prevailing with Integrated All-Domain Naval Power continued by saying “China’s and Russia’s revisionist approaches in the maritime environment threaten US interests, undermine alliances and partnerships and degrade the free and open international order… moreover, China’s and Russia’s aggressive naval growth and modernization are eroding US institutional advantages.”
The document continued to describe that “we must operate more assertively to prevail in day-to-day competition as we uphold the rules-based order and deter our competitors from pursuing armed aggression… ready, forward-deployed naval forces will adopt a more assertive posture in day to day operations”…………………….
Such hypocrisy from that article!
Michigan: A Forensic Audit of Dominion Voting Systems Machines Found 68% Error Rate
After the November 3rd election, errors were found in Republican-leaning Antrim County that, when corrected, materially flipped the votes from Biden to Trump. Constitutional attorney Matthew DePerno filed a lawsuit against Antrim County, and a forensic audit was granted. 16 machines were inspected, and a 68% error rate was found.
Deperno explained that 68.05% of the ballots were sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote.” He said that the vote was flipped by an algorithm that can be initiated manually or through a machine, and he believes it was done through a machine. He said the election results were not certifiable.
The report shows internet and adjudication files were wiped clean on November 4th thereby destroying the election results and violating state law that requires votes to be kept for two years. The report also noted that the same votes were tabulated on three different dates, and each time the vote count was different. The system intentionally generates an high number of errors so the batches must be transferred for adjudication at which point they can be manually manipulated………………….
Another censored website.
Ann Coulter: “Trump would have killed us”
“The reason I’m very happy that [President] Trump lost – and lost narrowly – is that a second term of Trump would have killed us. ”
Ann Coulter, the fire-breathing Neocon pundit who once said that she wished Benjamin Netanyahu were “our president” and the author of In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!, is now saying that a second term with Trump would inevitably lead to the deaths of Americans.
Anyway, the New York Times reported on the 22nd of this month:
“In an audacious pre-Christmas round of pardons, President Trump granted clemency on Tuesday to two people convicted in the special counsel’s Russia inquiry, four Blackwater guards convicted in connection with the killing of Iraqi civilians and three corrupt former Republican members of Congress.”[3]
Read on –
It’s no surprise if you know her background. She may even be a female freemason
Ann Coulter
[Search domain]
Ann Coulter is a CFR conservative. Another member of the elite pretending to be conservative. Her goal is to keep Republicans hating liberals. She is not interested in the truth or the constitutionality of Obama’s selection by the New World Order. All she wants to do is use it to keep Republicans hating liberals. They employed her mouth here because she influences the way a lot of …
NAME: Ann Coulter
REAL NAME: Ann Hart Coulter
NICKNAME: Cuckoo Coulter, The American Voltaire, Chairman Ann
Ann Coulter names the Jew See how many jews in CNN
How Trump became Russian Mafia’s Bitch
Editor Note: Longtime VT readers will remember the video footage I was able to take of Gordon when he gave his headline presentation at the Damascus Counter-Terrorism convention, without notes as usual and with the awkward delay of the translation. But he spilled the beans right off the bat that the forces behind the Terror war were not really countries, or religions, or political parties…but international organized crime on a scale that most would find hard to even comprehend.
Veggie would certainly find it hard to comprehend, being totally stuck on Jews like a broken record when everyone has left the house and it just goes on all day
Rabbi ‘w3’, I get it that you have a job to do on behalf of your Mossad handlers and don’t want to be demoted like your colleague Nemesis was after his abject failure to dupe any of the Gumshoe readers.
Many Jews of course, are on the right side of exposing Zio-malfeasance (caused by a tiny subset of filthy rich Talmudic Satanic Ritual Abusing degenerates – who no doubt aren’t practising Judaism by any measure).
It is this tiny subset of Zionists (some of whom are of course Christian Zionists and no doubt there’d be some Islamic Zionists and non-denominational Zionists that have sacrificed their morality for the money, that are in the mix as well).
These are the ones I find fault with.
Not because I have a predetermined and unshakeable resolve to target this group.
I do not . I just follow the trail of the evidence – an absolute avalanche of proof that they’re doing this.
If the evidence leads to the Rockefellers or the Bush gang (as the major – or even minute), makers of mischief, then I would be be drawing attention to that fact.
But, since the evidence does not point to the nickel-and-dime Bush gang (and only involves the Rockefellers to the extent that the Zio-owned MSM are focussing the spotlight on them – to draw attention away from the real scum – the Zio cabal), there is no need to dwell on this non entities.
The Adam Green video posted by Criss X earlier on has REAMS of proof showing who Donald J Chump really is and what nefarious entities (the same ones that back you Rabbi) are controlling him.
I get it Rabbi ‘w3 that you’re not going to bite the Usury Cartel of Bankers hand that feeds you.
I’m not posting these remarks to change you – you can’t be changed.
One cannot negotiate with or try to reason with a rabid dog – one who spews his venom hither and thither.
And, in the interests of the good citizenry of this country, let’s hope the dog catcher gets a hold of you and puts you out of OUR misery.
I am a private individual – it’s more likely you have handlers
You are so presumptuous, you think like an utter retard, therefore your opinions, which are regularly shown to be wrong, are all best treated as rubbish
I am starting to come around to your point of view, w3/bg. Everything this eyewitness says is obviously (((true)))
… and the sausages – I never knew – how awful!
I don’t know why jewtube took this down – the world needs to hear these eyewitness (((testimonies))) and judge for themselves.
I don’t know what happened to Jews in Germany / Poland / etc and I don’t have any numbers so don’t put any words in my mouth. All I know is Hitler was an idiot. You disagree, OK, why not shut up then because you’re obviously wrong and move on while you’re behind.
Now this guy “Health Ranger” on Brighteon is saying there is a nucular bomb under the whitehouse and they were going to get Hillary to declare war on the Russkis using this bomb.
Listen up – I am the person who DOESN’T know and hence my guesses are usually better than your friend Veggie who always DOES know. Funny that isn’t it.
Another of my wonderful characteristics is that I don’t gang up like a little schoolboy, or “Lord of the Flies” casting rejects, which is what you and Veggie remind me of.
I am not the defender of Jews, I am in the interest of unbiased balance, but you two obviously drive me away from your cause partly because you prosecute it in a stupid, schoolboyish fashion.
My view is, your Zio-Derangement-Syndrome and mania may actually repel a wider readership to this website, which is disappointing.
I’ll say again, and again and again, until you get it, your friend Veggie’s repeated, paranoid, idiotic allegations against me are proof enough for me that you boys can’t think properly.
Ps I like my old handle bg better but I have said more than once before that it got blocked (with an hour or so delay) – nothing to do with me – but seems to feed your paranoia so that’s interesting.
I hope that finally satisfies you two juveniles because the discussion is just more useless rubbish – but maybe that’s what keeps you going, like little retarded schoolboy bullies.
“Health Ranger” does bother me, too – maybe he is an idiot. See how much we have in common?
Anyway – I know how much you like photos – you know, to reinforce your (((neutrality)))
Bored now
Bored? Oh no! … what will it take to amuse you … I’ll just have to try harder. Let’s see …
“In discussing the history of anti-Semitism in the 1940s, Leonard Dinnerstein, the racist propagandist for the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, reveals that the ADL published various instructions to parents, that they should make sure that their children were aware that a hostile world intended to persecute them. Dinnerstein explains that this is necessary because Jewish children need to know that their “Jewish identity” is not defined by their religious beliefs, but the perceived hatred of others for the “Jewish race. “
Dinnerstein reports that one of the key people who drafted the ADL’s instructions to parents was the psychologist Kurt Lewin, a member of an elite international network whose mother institution was the Tavistock Clinic (now combined with the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations to form the Tavistock Centre) in London.”
Read more …
How Tavistock helped the ADL make the Jews ‘victims’ by L. Wolfe
From here
EIR Volume 23, Number 18, April 26, 1996
[EIR = Executive Intelligence Review by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.]
(and not a single mention of Dr Mengele!)
Fish, I see what you mean after watching that gas chamber survivor and listening to her ‘sausage story’.
She was very convincing and absolutely oozed sincerity.
Sayanim Sam says he’s ‘in the interest of unbiased balance’.
Maybe we should take him on face value ?
After all, look at his track record here on Gumshoe :
He ALWAYS puts forth both sides of the argument.
He’s ALWAYS truthful and never embellishes any story.
He’s never partisan in his views and is always right down the middle.
Maybe 4 – 6 = 5 after all, like the official (Hollywood movie industry / MSM) narrative of the Holocaust would suggest.
( ‘4’ = the approx 4 million Jews that were in German occupied countries at the start of WW II.
‘6’ = the fabled 6 million Jews killed – presumably in the gas chambers – that is claimed by world Jewry.
5 = the approx 5 million ‘survivors’ that received Holocaust compensation from the German government post WW II).
Yes, yes Fish, that equation above does make sense now.
I think Sayanim Sam (aka Rabbi ‘w3’) is on to something here.
It may seem implausible mathematically but, according to ‘w3’, mathematics is a tad overrated anyway.
This is the ‘New Maths’ (Maths 2.0), for the 21st century – brought to you by the same people that said :
‘We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.’
Julius -“not a single mention of Dr Mengele”—how /why is that relevent–not a mention of Sinti Romani or for that matter Dr Cunningham Dax
The Khazarian Bankster Cult Owns Donald Trump the same as they owned Churchill
Criss X, your video above on the Khazarian Cult that owns Trump is a cracker. (Not really surprising to see that it’s Adam Green’s handiwork bearing in mind the quality of his output).
It is arguably the most important video posted on Gumshoe this year (by anyone), on who Trump and his backers really are.
I recall seeing another asinine comment the other day from the chief apologist for Zio-criminality here on Gumshoe who said there are no facts to support the allegation of the ZWO (Zionist World Order) – this statement was all the more disingenuous in view of the avalanche of evidence of Zio-malfeasance that has been furnished here on Gumshoe from the likes of Criss X, Fish, Arlyn and others in recent times.
Others have asked me to watch their videos and audio postings in the past (X22, Not-So-Amazing Polly etc) and as a courtesy to them I have done so.
Now, I ask all you Trump aficionados to take 20 mins to watch the above video and srcutinise it carefully – it is THAT important.
Once viewed, I ask that they tell me one thing, just ONE thing that’s in it that’s not true. (Hint: You won’t – Adam Green has crossed his t’s and dotted his i’s).
I think it’s particularly important to emphasis Trump’s ‘friendship’ with mob lawyer (ie: the REAL mob/mafia – aka the Zionist Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate, that lorded over all the Sicilian/Italian subsidiary gangs), the much older homosexual Roy Cohn who died from AIDS in the mid-80’s.
Now, what would this much older and much more powerful Cohn seek from the, at that time, boyish and not very influential (financially or politically) Trump?
Why would Cohn take the time to nurture this young man and introduce him to all the powerful real estate and mob powerbrokers that ran New York City ?
There must have been some quid pro quo.
You can use your imagination readers to work out what went on between the two behind closed doors.
Also, the video above has that know Piece-Of-Sh_t Steve Bannon – an admitted Christian Zionist (arguably the worst and immoral of all strands of Zionism).
I recall a video posted the other day on Gumshoe where Bannon is interviewing a Congressman whose name escapes me.
My question to the person who posted it is : WHY post anything from Steve Bannon ?
We know anything he says is a BALD-FACED LIE.
I mean, we KNOW that with 100 % certainty, so it’s not as though we’re going to get anything of use from him (unless the video was posted with the intention of exposing Bannon’s complete obsequiousness to his Zio masters).
Breitbart Boasts its Jewish Credentials 20, 2016
Breitbart News was “founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel,” that organization’s Jewish CEO Larry Solov has announced.
Solov was responding to an attack on Breitbart news by Hilary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook after Donald Trump hired Breitbart News’s executive chairman Steve Bannon as his new campaign manager.
Read on –
Excellent video, puts a whole different perspective on ‘Trust the Plan’ (whose plan?).
I bought this book back in 2015
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation Paperback – December 29, 2014
The dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism. It is Technocracy.
With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research, Patrick M. Wood uses Technocracy Rising to connect the dots of modern globalization in a way that has never been seen before so that the reader can clearly understand the globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame.
In the heat of the Great Depression during the 1930s, prominent scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called Technocracy that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of elected politicians. Although this radical movement lost momentum by 1940, it regained status when it was conceptually adopted by the elitist Trilateral Commission (co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller) in 1973 to be become its so-called “New International Economic Order.”
In the ensuing 41 years, the modern expression of Technocracy and the New International Economic Order is clearly seen in global programs such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Councils of Governments, Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Total Awareness surveillance initiatives and more.
Wood contends that the only logical outcome of Technocracy is Scientific Dictatorship, as already seen in dystopian literature such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932) and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1948), both of whom looked straight into the face of Technocracy when it was still in its infancy.
With over 250 footnotes, an extensive bibliography and clarity of writing style, Wood challenges the reader to new levels of insight and understanding into the clear and present danger of Technocracy, and how Americans might be able to reject it once again.
Anna Kraken
This is HUGE if true. This is an international airport!!
Quote Tweet
Stew Peters
· 2h
I’m on the phone getting a detailed account of events from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport from the night of Nov 7. Cannot believe my ears. I have documents, videos, photos and audio recordings that will prove illegal, fraudulent ballots were on planes. @realryanhartwig
Why FBI Can’t Tell All on Trump, Russia