Bo Polny delivers a broadcast that’s not just urgent but downright intense. Brace yourself for the impact as he navigates the emergency landscape, unraveling a unique perspective….
15 seconds
15 seconds
Bo Polny delivers a broadcast that’s not just urgent but downright intense. Brace yourself for the impact as he navigates the emergency landscape, unraveling a unique perspective….
Well this is timely. If we get something bubbling through the media by the end of this year, then at least we had a ‘heads-up’. If those guys are right, then we need to prepare accordingly using their suggestions. Thankfully, I’m already braced for impact.
Yes Terry a absolute must to consider.

The bible v reality.
Strange, both fit.
Have fun Joe, CC, EB , Ant, T O.
Terry is polishing his thrippences
Shillings and Florins would be better.
Clif High discusses Bo Polny
Interesting he thinks Bo has been following Clif’s analysis. Bo even mentions $600 silver just like Clif did, maybe Clif is right. Since Clif has built a fair bit of credibility over the years, Bo would be wise to have used Clif’s analysis.
What will be even more interesting is if there are significant rumblings in the financial markets by the end of the month. If so, Katy bar the door!
Thanks Dianne.
Cannot wait to read some of the discussion.
BTW, I have never referenced Polny ANYWHERE before.
Come on EB, your views will be fun, as usual,,but I leave that fun to others
I know both Dale and Max –part of the discussion Ned 2023
Exploring Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism
The heros journey
The soul and the ego
For heaps more fun, go to beforeit’ – people powered news and listen to SGAnon.
‘New sganon FILE 67: Pope death coming 2024. Plandemic
2.0 Attempt: France US mill army/navy “Q” comms US mill domestic continuity ops entering crucial stragesys – A.”
Make sure to listen for the last ten minutes.
Must video/ opinion conservative”.
Why do I have a gut feeling that so much historic BS is going to be flushed out to deep sea outlets.
Ok naysayers. call me a conspiracy theorist…. We shall see

Sorry Joe.
It is getting better.
Listen to Ben Fulford.
“B ……….F………. Bombshell12.25 2023 B….. F……. Weekly news 12.25.2023 happy Christmas Eve ……..”
I think I will try and find where I buried all those silver Crowns and polish them up.
Avoid midnight vans.
Can’t believe, a hybridised gold-bug evangelist. This one is really jumping the gun.
I would listen to Clif High’s take but he lost me on the hologram moon. Why o why do all these people have to use the horrible facts as a launch-pad for idiot fantasies.
Elbow and his organised crime gang the “ALP” is trying to pull off the most massive heist of all time, they are still pushing their boosters while the CIA has given us “white hats” as a sort of new religion. The white hat that I can think of is Colonel Sanders and we’re the chickens. The big trap isn’t quite ready to be sprung yet, we can all keep laying eggs a bit longer, while our Young Global Leader infiltraitors and other major party ilk build our legal e-prison. No need to be impatient, it’s coming soon enough. Major rally at Canberra Feb 6, we should see some very major crowd control in action. Hope the farmers all understand clearly, they have been short-listed for extermination. Meanwhile the TV will be showing soft-focus scenes from “Farmer Wants A Wife” on high rotation. TV news will breeze over the entire event. Farmers will have to do better than dumping manure.
Listen to SGanon referred to up a couple of comment, especially from about 11 mins and you might find out who is doing what. Those who manufacture victims for example to sucker in a following for their agendas.

In regard to others, so you take issue with an opinion on a matter, so you chuck out the lot.
That is a silly as ignoring the contents and throwing out a newspaper because some headlines are BS in your opinion.”………. BUT YOU DO NOT GET TO SEE THE RACING RESULTS IN THE PUNTING SECTION, even if you have some TAB receipts for the races…….so do not bother to collect,… silly as! F’n SILLY
I think Mr Odgers has made a few points.
“he lost me on the hologram moon” – Did he really say the moon was a ‘hologram’? Crikey, I know the moon is bizarre, it has a void inside on the backside of the moon that is estimated to be around 9,000′ high, the craters are unusual as they only go so deep, its size compared to Earth is highly unusual compared to other moons, etc. In fact, most scientists that have studied it have concluded it shouldn’t be there, that it is easier to argue for its NONEXISTENCE than for its existence – but there it is. Although, there are historical records that state that it wasn’t always there. It is a very curious celestial body, but I’ve never heard anyone refer to it as a hologram.
I’m going to be watching the markets as this year ends. We don’t often get a ‘heads-up’ on events, usually we have to use hindsight to figure out an event.
And NASA has determined that the moon is hollow…..they blew up something on it and it rang like a bell.
And the relative size to sun and earth are proportional as with the size.
God clearly knew her maths and has a sense of humour as well ….. look at some of her animals. …… maybe God formed a committee to design the animals?
Replace one ‘size’ with ‘distance’.
Well I await an “improved” theory on what causes the tides
Yes, ‘tide’ may tell.
Also it affects some people….. more reported crime when the moon is full. It affects me ….. I have to close the curtains when trying to sleep. I discovered that at boarding school when I had a dormitory bed next to a window…….I had to use a large towel covering the window. ….. zzzzzzz
As for a hologram, I considered that would contrast with the NASA [never a straight answer] report…….hard to have an explosion on the surface to cause a hologram to ring like a bell. But moon lady might have some tricks for mere mortals?
Then again David Niven wrote a book: ‘The Moon is a Balloon’. Balloons are filled with pressured gas etc.
As I recall the proof supplied of the moon hologram was that it was equally bright at the edges unlike a model spherical object lit from a single source. Perhaps that’s because of the contrast with the black sky. I can’t be bothered trying to unpick every theory, they all distract from the organised crime gangs running Canberra. Seriously the whole lower house is unrepresentative swill installed by the crooked AEC.
Only the bullshit Teals broke the rigged system in any numbers with their “Sky is falling” routine, abetted by our lying and treacherous ABC-TV who never shuts up about ClimateChange™ never stopping to consider the sun drives climate. It is all so utterly inane, and then we have “realrawnews” thrown into the mix. Stoopidity is already off the scale.
What we can all be assured of – is that 2024 is going to be like no other year in Human history.
Many will get caught up in the trials and tribulations set to arrive.
Biden has to be removed first – publicly arrested? or forced out by a panicky Demonrat Party? But, removed he must be before the financial collapse of the old Babylonian system can occur – trust the Plan – before the new system can be activated.
Many shortages of food and consumables with prices for what remains on supermarket shelves reaching an all time high – so stock up if you are not already ahead of what is coming.
Remember when stocking up to buy those products that have a long shelf life, without the need for refrigeration.
The QFS – Quantum Financial System and BRICS – which is already operating apart from the old system – will merge as part of the World Free Trade arrangement that will use tokens backed by gold or other precious metals and commodities.
Get God and lose fear.
‘Get God …….lose fear’ and stock up on beer.
Sorry! Lawyers have black humour…….. it is a professional defence mechanism.

It gets worse, I read that the moon is a ‘soul trap’.
When one dies the soul calls in on the moon mobsters and is introduced to past relatives …….. AND THEY ARE THE HOLOGRAMS or ’souls’? stuck in the same program.
The claim by some is that souls do not get to heaven/God/Source, whatever, as they are waylaid and reincarnated back to our ‘prison planet’. Some claim the ‘follow the light’ reported ‘death’ experiences is the snare.
Seems that death is a minefield.
I understand that Limbo has closed its doors, so that option is out for heathens.
Down to four determined by some alien choices? (To them we are primitive life forms that have not been house trained)
Hell, with uncle lucifer.
Return trip to the moon …… for a nap and reconditioning.
Choose wisely, some claim that you could return and end up as a cockroach etc., or even a politician.
Oops, reply meant for Terry S. Then again T.O might be amused as well?

J.B., Elly and C.C. Ant can skip, as they already know
Ned, I’ve read about some of the things you refer to. Essentially, the theory that our Earth is a prison planet. I don’t know, I tend to look at objective evidence and the evidence that the moon is bizarre and shouldn’t be there is overwhelming. As to the ‘why’ it is there? The jury is still out on that issue.
J.P. Skipper – now deceased – had a couple books out on Mars of which I purchased one of.
A very good purchase on my part as I have an interest in many things never shown or taught, as they must be.
I was able to exchange a few emails with him concerning his knowledge on what Planet Earth was all about – his belief was that we are an isolated solar system and we live on a Prison planet, although, he could not be tempted to venture further in his comprehension for his belief.
Mars, I have no doubt was once a populated planet – too much evidence for that belief to be ignored.
Research also revealed the ‘Soul cages’ of the Moon, and how the Moon was once used to flood this world in negative frequencies that kept us from getting too uppity toward our non-Human enslavers.
Apparently, that all changed some years back when those who once had control over this planet were defeated by the Alliance working in conjunction with Q and the White Hats.
According to some sources – the Moon is now the central control of the coming QFS world financial system.
Got a lot to get your head around guys, especially Joe, and we’re not even into 2024 yet!
You’re a mug
It’s a done deal, we’ve been handed on a silver plate (not golden) to CCP by krown kabal overlord poo-bahs counting the cash. It is conclusive following the trails of shekels and shackles, as our silence becomes deafening, with the commercialised genocide of Ukrainian and Palestinian children, just ice for ‘chrome juice and associated abomingnations.
With Serco and Doherty we’re next in the cleansing, having reached tipping point
on the scales, with the invasion and replacement that is building back better, more than 50% of Sydney population are newly arrived punters. The oil on top CCP youth, with P plates, buying up the lot.
Anthony A enforcing the scribe, welcome to the komunist woke kolony of Oz, with CCP groomed as the new wank, and bride in power still zion pilgrims. Don’t worry, AI 5G making sure we don’t stand a chance. How do we rebel, when slavery is soo convenient, having coles on ground floors and most stuck in towers glued to iPhones in fear of the next screening.
I keep saying Oz is the launching pad. Look at fake smiles of our 2 leaders, Xi and Albo last night on ABC nightmare, with masonic hand shake for all to sea and backdrop of 3 not so free Ozzie and 3 CCP komunist party flags, reminding us what Covid (code of vax ID) is really all about.
Ant, welcome to the world of the abnormals, misfits, cynics, gullibles, comedians, intellectual riff riff and bogans.
”please God, when I pass on, give me a map and may I die laughing when you let me know in time, that I am reading it upside down”.
The greatest invention, after the control of fire accomplished by our ancestors now has found a new purpose.
THE COMMON ELECTRIC TOASTER. …… how to be a modern ‘woke’ leftie and keep your electric car lithium battery warm.
8.11 on 26/12 at
Hand me the butter and Vegemite please.
Also a U.S. has billions of dollars of lithium under a lake.
Heaps more for analysis of the world’s misfits…….
Even (reading room) is filled with wold delights only found in a box of chocolates
We are in for a brilliant 2024.
Happy Xmas from AZ governor Katie Hobbs
According to the realrawnews she was scheduled for execution by hanging at Gitmo on the 22nd but here she is two days later currying votes from the demented at an old folks home.
Realrawnews doesn’t let facts get in the way of a good story
And ex VP Joe Biden is now President of the District of Columbia in the US and lives in The ‘WhitLess’ House

Ref: Charlie Ward in the interview for the next article.
They say he has been lobbing bombs onto Iranian soil for xmas
Yes, he was aiming at Madagascar, but thought he hit Greenland.
Pity he is not the C in C with the ‘football’ nuclear codes…..then he could do Hobbit.
Whitney Webb with Jimmy Dore
Ant56, I believe that what is about to take place, the peaceful cooperation of Nations (BRICS), is the ant-thesis of your fears of communism.
We have already been in a partial communistic system for some time but have not been awakened to that fact. We have believed we are in a democratic capitalistic society, while all free trade and freedom of speech have been “legislated” away, in the most unlawful way.
We have a lawful document known as the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901, which cannot be changed unless the intended amendments are voted on and carried by referendum. However our “lawmakers” completely ignore what is written in that document and carry on as though there was no such document. Hence there is a free for all for “legislation” to be passed for those that can pay for it one way or another. Either by direct payment to politicians or jobs for the boys or girls after politics, or blackmail using a past indiscretion.
Another ‘conspiracy theory’ cynic.

Probably thinks that Australian politicians and local councils are run from and by: Mr. Geneva, Mr Al Gore, by the UN, bankers, Fauci, Gates and Co as well.
That Charlie Ward is another one, he comments in the next article video that our ‘democratic elections’ are fixed.
Where is our protective and only approved Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland MP with her draw of only approved thought and opinion legislation fire Lighters for her book and internet bonfire?