by Malcolm R. Hughes
Once upon a time in a far-off land, there was a Ruler of his country who had eight Lieutenants, one in each of the 6 provinces and two territories. These leaders were instructed by two foreign organisations to run a program that would have a detrimental effect on the population of that land, which is known as Downunder Land.
These organisations, although separate, were being led by two Ogres, respectively, who had conspired to greatly reduce the World’s population. Their theory: βIt is more likely that a smaller population, in panic would accept domination by a One World Governmentβ.
However, Downunder Land had a law that stipulates if a person follows an order of a foreign body or person which has a negative effect on the local population or country, implementing that order is treason. The penalty for treason is hanging by the neck until dead.
These evil beings, both international and local, used the Main Stream Media to create a panic situation worldwide. The tactic was to spread a false narrative that a new deadly virus was killing thousands of people around the globe, with the possibility of millions becoming victims. So desperate measures were needed to be put in place to save humanity.
Every nation was ordered to mandate to its population, the wearing of face masks, to stay inside and not socialise with others and that a test was required to be undergone if moving around. This would detect the people with the disease so they could be quarantined. The apparent killer disease was a respiratory (flu) virus named Covid-19.
A big problem being that the test for presence of the virus (“the PCR test”) was a farce. The inventor of the test, who just happened to die just before the epidemic was announced, had stated in interviews that his technique could not to be used to diagnose disease. That didn’t make any difference to the scammers, they just employed a professor who stated that this technique could be used successfully. However, scientists in Africa found that this PCR test could come up with a positive reading on some fruits, such as paw-paw.Β John Magufuli, president of Tanzania, said so and the next thing you know it was funeral time for him.
The Media lies were so incessant and frightening that the people forgot that the World is split by winter in the northern hemisphere while it is summer in the southern hemisphere. Flu viruses are not a problem in the summer months. However, in Downunder Land, the population swallowed the lies of the virus being rampant during their summer months as well as winter for two and a half years.
In Downunder Land, in the Province of Big Vee, the Main Stream Media was announcing that the number of deaths in that province had never previously been seen. So mandates were more strictly enforced. The police became brutal during enforcement.
Ah, but a thoughtful fellow in the Province of Black Swan, decided to check government statistics of the Province of Big Vee and discovered that the death numbers were slightly less than the previous year of 2019. He relayed that information to the Lieutenant of his province but no changes were made to the mandate orders.
This same fellow had been doing research on the Internet and was finding information from numerous scientists and doctors that contradicted the fatal condition of this βvirusβ. In fact, it was argued that there was no Covid-19 virus! It had never been isolated.
He forwarded this information, also, to the province leader, in the form of video interviews. Still, the mandates and restrictions carried on. This intrepid guy also never wore a face mask for the duration. Guess what, he never had so much as a common cold or influenza (flu).
A truckload of a known cure for influenza-type diseases was forbidden to cross the state border by the Lieutenant of Black Swan Province. He had previously unlawfully declared that the border of Downunder Land with other States be closed as part of his mandate program. It is believed that this decree created extra deaths in that province.
To relieve the situation that developed from members of the public protesting that the PCR test was invalid, the authorities employed another scam. This time they began using the RATS test which had been advertised in 2017 over the internet for testing Covid-19. But the supposed Covid-19 didn’t exist until December 2019 — very bad planning, eh?
Not to be impeded, this scam was carried on until the end. Those tests were then issued free to the public for use at home after the supposed danger was over.
In February 2021, a βvaccineβ to prevent Covid-19 was launched on the world. Immediately extra deaths and injuries became evident. Embalmers started to report not only massive blood clots in victims of the βvaccineβ but also filling the blood vessels in some corpses was a tissue of lengthy almost spaghetti-like substance.
It had never before seen in human bodies or any blood vessel. Of course reports passed on to the provincial Lieutenants were completely ignored. The greater the tragic results in injected people, the more the leaders pushed the βvaccinationβ program.
Even more ridiculous was the announcement that βWe don’t know what is causing the excess deaths.β Sports people around the world were dying of heart attacks while participating in their sports. Airline pilots were having heart attacks while at the controls; passengers died in the cabin. But still, the authorities were playing ignorant.
Worse still, the orders were given that children were also to be injected. Many died or were found to have various autoimmune diseases after their injection. Many schools would not allow non-vaccinated to attend. There were reports that the non-vaccinated were also acquiring the spike protein from the βvaccinatedβ.
A youngish woman who, under the threat of losing her employment, had the βvaccineβ and after that first shot suffered a heart attack. The local Lieutenant was notified of this event but the program carried on. There were many other such events recorded.
Partway through this dramatic time of almost three years, the people replaced the Ruler. The replacement was no better. Just another treasonous dictator. When the first Ruler was voted out he resigned from politics. There was a series of resignations from leadership positions over a 12-month period. Four leadership positions were handed in and another from a neighbouring country. Never before had this happened.
The Downunder Land statistics showed that the excess death numbers to May 2023 were 15.01% above the average. Nobody in authority could yet see the forest for the trees, as in the excess deaths being caused by none other than the Covid-19 βvaccineβ technology.
Finally, the people got together. They said “Enough! We refuse to live like this.” They formed grand juries in every province, with Queland doing an outstanding job, and Cookaroo sort of dragging its feet.
They then put their indictments to a group of well-vetted law students for a trial. Those jurors reached guilty verdicts of treason and murder, as committed by all the Lieutenants and Top Leader.
In preparation for the sentences to be carried out, advertisements were placed throughout Downunder Land for someone to pull the lever on the hangman’s platform. There would be substantial remuneration for doing the job.
As the time approached, only one personβs application was registered. Martin of Risdonia was that person. The only remuneration he requested for was repayment of monies stolen from him by the State in 1996, plus release from incarceration so he could go home to his mother.
His application was accepted.
And all the people of Risdonia, Black Swan, Big Vee, Queland, Cookaroo, SaSa, and the two territories (Ryanland and Parlparl) lived happily ever after.
Dining on rabbit stew every year, on the anniversary of the hanging, became a solid tradition, and dance competitions for “The Traitors’ Waltz” were raucous event.
And for the rest of their lives, the good people of the World will be awake — even if too late for many.
Period. Full stop. Amen.
The golden rule not omitted, “happily ever after”.
Martin of Risdon would have a sore arm though.
The biological attack on rabbits was obviously going to come for us, thankyou CSIRO. They are a great source of protein for a family near substance, why they tried taking them out several times.(urr I can not gallop my horse with impunity).
Nona needs to know her stuff, or bake with a broiler chook, nice but can be a bit dry.
Onya mate, where we are
Tie me kangaroo down, sport!!
You need context or madness Grace, its bad out there for the roos as bad as in here
Why the long face horse, “I was just rolfed”
Great prose as usual, thank you.
I’ve often thought our world doesn’t seem real. Now I can see that I’m living in a fairy tale.
Every beating heart, a living miracle.
Every burp a miracle.
(I’m not being sarcastic).
Every downpour of rain a miracle. (unless geo-engineered, I suppose)
Rolf Harris and two little boys.
I have written in the past to “Letters to the Editor” of our local paper, Sound Telegraph and had them printed, as soon as I sent information regarding Covid-19, nothing. However as punishment I have forwarded today’s Gumshoenews article.
Oh goody, Mal. Now that your editor will see this page, let’s ask him if he thinks we get sensible Covid policy from this man:
Bidens crazy plan to fight China and Russia –
RED ALERT: Pentagon mobilizes thousands of planes for WWIII confrontations with China, Russia
June 7, 2023
“………….Once the planes are recovered, they will reportedly be sent to two destinations: 1) the Philippines (a staging area for war with China), and 2) Europe (most likely Poland), a staging area for war with Russia. This indicates that the Pentagon is preparing for a kinetic conflict with both Russia and China in the near future.
After the fall of Bakhmut and the failed counter-offensive that came to naught, Ukraine seems to have run out of energy (and men) to fight Russia. This means that a direct NATO engagement against Russia is probably not far off. In other words, the βproxyβ phase of this war is coming to an end, and NATO forces will soon be fighting directly against Russian forces.
This means that the world will soon be embroiled in a global war, and that war will likely turn nuclear. Russia, it turns out, has the most advanced nuclear ICBMs and nuclear-armed hypersonic missiles in the world, and once NATO unequivocally enters the war, any US city will become a βlegitimateβ nuclear target in Russia’s eyes…………….”
There will be no WW3 crisscross – Trump is the Trumpet and the Peacemaker.
Ukraine to come into focus – public focus.
Biden Intensifies Warning To Uganda, Repeal Anti-Gay Law Or Else
Biden is about to be removed.
New reason to use the over-manufactured masks?
Gotta get ready for this! Here is recipe from rusticrecipes.com
4 rabbit hind legs (or 1 whole rabbit)
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided use
3 tablespoons butter, divided use
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
2 large onions, roughly chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 cups vegetable broth
1/2 cup red wine
8-oz can tomato sauce
3 small potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped (or 4β6 small carrots peeled and added whole)
1/2 teaspoon dry sage
1/2 teaspoon dry thyme
1/2 teaspoon dry parsley
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
If using a whole rabbit: divide the rabbit into 5-6 smaller pieces. I usually cut off the legs, then remove the rib cage and divide the saddle. A sharp butchers knife works best for this. See the video in my post for a visual.
Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat and fry the rabbit pieces on both sides, just until golden. Remove from the skillet and set aside.
In a soup pot, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook, stirring frequently, until translucent. Add the garlic and cook about 30 seconds, stirring constantly.
Add 2 tablespoons of butter. When it has melted add the flour and stir it in with the onions and garlic, cooking about a minute.
Add the vegetable broth, tomato sauce, red wine, potatoes, carrots, herbs, salt and pepper. Mix well.
Add the rabbit pieces and nestle them at the bottom of the pot.
Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce to a simmer. Cook on low or medium-low heat for 1 hour 30 minutes. The temperature will vary according to your stove, you want the heat just high enough to keep the stew at a steady simmer.
Stir the stew a couple times during the cooking time. If the liquid reduces too rapidly, add vegetable broth 1/2 a cup at a time. You want the rabbit to be just covered by the liquid.
Remove the cover and add the last tablespoon of butter, stirring until it has melted. Simmer an additional 30 minutes until the liquid has reduced and has a thicker, more stew-like texture. The rabbit meat is done when it flakes off the bone when you test it with a fork.
Taste the stew and add salt/pepper as needed. Serve with a glass of red wine.
hello Nona, finally all that education gets a payday, double wink you
America’s Legacy Is War & Destabilizing Countries That Refused WS Control
America’s legacy will be, that it was the country that saved Western Civilization and the World.
Mary asked me to let her know who was funding the war in Sudan a few weeks ago –
Irish politician Calls Out Western Countries For Funding War In Africa
A social credit system has been enforced in Chinese cities with great success. Cameras are everywhere all connected to mega DC central database, using artificial insanity to analyse all data collected. Every move breath monitored, this database recognises every person in a crowd. Even consumer habits are monitored. A dystopia where individuality must be sacrificed for the common good. Enhancing the happiness is the elimination of cash with digital CBDC.
When 5G is switched on at Gore Hill, the same wonderful future faces all Aussies, the consumers of gadgetry led down a path of pop up ads, like donkeys led on with a carrot always out of reach. The weapons smart are installed everywhere, with luciferace now within most. What could possibly go wrong with such a great future children face downunder?
Who needs loser Jesus,
when satan delivers user pays.
Ah memories we bred and ate Flemish Giants in the war years-grandmother and co sold on black market along with silk stockings and cigarettes.
when we came to country Victoria in 1948-a small town called Teesdale where my grandmother ran the post office- we were taken on what was called a “rabbit drive” banging pots and pans trundling over rocky ridges between gorse and box thorn bushes- great excitement until the reality of the slaughter shocked my brother and I as six and seven year olds.
Later in the early seventies I lived on a property that had thousands of wire frames used to stretch rabbit skins.–ahh that’s another story- a story about gold mines and what that means in the Lucky Country.
Rabbit stew a regular meal when I lived in the Otway ranges, known as Otway Chicken by my sons, they were expert rabbit hunters and used ferrets and nets. Jellied eel was a delicacy with the adults and trout was the favourite. My sons were taught about trout fishing by an old man who lived in the hills he was called Fred. He used agent orange to spray the blackberries- and in his last years when he was totally blind he crawled across his yard with scissors clipping new blackberry shoots -he had a personal war with blackberries. I made blackberry jam and wine.
Thanks Mary for triggering memories –and this morning I watch the rabbits in my garden –and I read about war and food shortages and rabbit stew.
I tell myself to seize the day and give thanks for the gifts I have received.
I have shared some stories on Gumshoe about my Grandmother over the years.
Yes she was the one who set up the Tavistock Node in Geelong –1947–the foundation of the “Cult of the Family” would be good if Gumshoe could provide links to the three Episodes of the Cult of the Family and bring in the survivor testimonies that Focus on MKULTRA in Australia.
Ah –time to move on
I’ll pass on the eel delicacy, Diane, but I now react to your perfecctly fine request that we collect stuff about Cult of Family or other things. I can say that Mary and Dee definitely cannot take on any extra work. But maybe there are young(er) folk who would do it. Please contact us if so. McLachlanDee@gmail.com
Diane, you have just reminded me of the blackberry problem. I lived and worked in Apollo Bay in first six months of 1971 for Barry Ash as quarry labourer. The blackberry didn’t cause me any problem but I now remember the dairy farmers having to rid it from their properties.
I just remember that the ferns were a bigger problems than the blackberries. Farmers used a fern hook to cut out these pests. Manual labour, therefore time consuming.
“Tennis Australia”, which basically represents a bag full of partly public money, is pushing to include drag queens in women’s tennis games. Why is “Tennis Australia” running Globalist agendas ? It seems one of our government’s minions is pushing them around.
Previously, the CEO got Djokovic a visa but it seems the Federal Government blocked it on the orders of their Globalist masters I suppose, probably just a phone call from Elbow’s friend Gates to the right person would get that happening. Presumably Gates is the new Kissinger, popping up everywhere to direct Globalist Agendas.
With General Secretary Gates running the vision, do we really need a government, elections, politics and all the rest of it ?
Not sure the correct terminology for cross-dressing males in women’s sport but elsewhere they seem to be called drag queens.
Joe,the same reasoning for Tennis Australia as other sporting bodies during the Covid period. Government grants rule the roost. That is the reason for governments being so generous with taxpayer money. During Covid I gave up playing bowls and haven’t gone back because unless I wore a mask or got the jab I wasn’t for a while allowed on bowling club property. The club had been informed by me of the Covid scam and the dangers of the “vaccine”. Now whenever I run into players I know, they want to know when I am going to come back to the club. Yeah!
Donald Trump Jnr will be here soon – I wonder what he will be talking about, as he and his wife use Biden’s security detail and vehicles, already landed here?
Could he be here as our Military Governor?
Donald Trump: ‘I have been indicted’
Thu, 06/08/2023 – 20:03 β legitgov
Breaking: Donald Trump: ‘I have been indicted’ | 8 June 2023 | Former President Trump has posted the following message Thursday evening on Truth Social: “The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys that I have been indicted, seemingly over the Boxes Hoax, even though Joe Biden has 1850 boxes at the University of Delaware, additional boxes in Chinatown, D.C., with even more boxes at the University of Pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floor where he parks his Corvette, and which is ‘secured’ by only a garage door that is paper thin, and open much of the time.”
Don junior’s partner is Gavin Newsom’s ex
what a mess, but the show must go on
She’s like a mini-Epstein
The stuff you have to do to get to the top
Really Joe? Do you truly have any idea what Epstein was all about?
I said mini
The question still stands, Joe.
Which question, your first question “Really ?” I concede if you insist.
It looks like she was going down the Epstein path but maybe got fingers burned somehow.
If I called Rolf Harris a mini-Saville, it would be similar proportions. What is your definition of mini. 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, you see it has become semantics.
They said Epstein’s Egyptian Temple had a cave underneath, maybe it had a serum factory underneath too, who knows.
The Murdoch press covered his “Lolita Express” around the 2015-2019 period. Probably deleted from the internet by the Clintons. His compromised persons club video collection is well known. Primarily I think he was used as a manager, his specific owners are not disclosed.
Mary – you would know as well as anyone who has just a modicum of knowledge regarding Presidential privilege when it comes to ‘classified documents’ upon leaving office, that Trump is guilty of nothing.
Why is Trump the only President to be targeted as he and his family have been targeted for the past seven years?
Name just one previous President to Trump who has not taken what he believed he should have when leaving office – just one will do.
You’re allowing your personal bias a little free reign there, Mary.
You really are still fast asleep, aren’t you!
Get ready for round 3 or 4, whenever.
Just went too see friend in nursing home at Narrabeen, told at entry βenter at own riskβ, provided wearing full hazmat suit, mask goggles and all necessary testing.
Visited Steve a few weeks ago, no face nappies even visible, soo whatβs changed?
Agenda blunders on in secrecy, msm where are you? Sorry I forgot, tigers lost to titans being the real news.
Chemtrails on steroids today, just look up.
ant56 – maybe the White Hats are trying to conceal some unusual aircraft movements – the aircraft being hidden are silent.
In time of war to protect your troop and tank movements from the enemy, the use of white phosphorous and smoke bombs come in very handy as a means of concealment.
If you’ve done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.
Now roll up your sleeve
Ant56 My one surviving uncle has just entered nursing home, have been told residents do not need face masks but any visitors do. Apparently the Home doesn’t want visitors.