Home World Politics Reforming the UK

Reforming the UK


Comment by DM

Tomorrow (4 July 2024) is the UK election. A video of Nigel Farage.

It seems the Tories are crashing and burning.

inews.co.uk. “Tories deserve to be kicked as hard as possible into the history books. The simple truth is that the dismal Conservative Party has failed our country over the past 14 years.”



      • At face value he might appear to be a tad more enlightened than his opponents, but so long as he continues to entertain the idea of nominal Islam his proposed reforms are bound to remain a pipe-dream.

        “The idea of nominal Islam” – as spelled out between the lines of the following commentary:

        “In 2013, Farage said that while some Muslim immigrants integrate into British society, which he supports, others are “coming here to take us over”. This stoked nationwide outrage, but Farage stuck by his position. 

        In 2014, Farage said on his radio show that he had detected “quite a sharp rise in antisemitism” in Britain and across Europe: “What’s fuelling it is that there are many more Muslim voices, and some of those Muslim voices are deeply, deeply critical of Israel. In fact, some of them even question the right of Israel to exist as a nation.”

        In 2015, Farage said public concern about immigration was rising because people believed some Muslims want to become “a fifth column and kill us”.
        “There is an especial problem with some of the people who’ve come here and who are of the Muslim religion who don’t want to become part of our culture,” he said.
        “So there is no previous experience, in our history, of a migrant group that comes to Britain, that fundamentally wants to change who we are and what we are.”

        One of the most notable moments of the 2016 Brexit campaign was when Farage posed in front of a poster depicting a line of non-white refugees, many of whom appeared Muslim, with a slogan reading “breaking point”. The move was widely condemned, including by Conservative campaigners for Brexit. Farage defended the poster”

        • “The idea of nominal Islam” – but what else could possibly be expected re an attempt to prop up a culture founded on nominal “Christianity”

          • What I’ve yet to see any politician of his league acknowledge is that there’s no such thing as a static creed/culture and that atheism is also a religion

      • Farage got about 1/4 or more of the vote but only got a handful of the seats, which number in the hundreds, which goes to show the lower house voting system ( of parties and seats ) is dysfunctional and produces an unrepresentative swill. Parties need to cater to the swinging voter and like any pendulum they know they just have to wait and it will swing their way. Call it a system, I would call it pathetic. In any case in the UK it’s totally rigged with their Senate full of “hereditary peers”, no wonder the place is falling apart with millions upon millions of white bread fatties sitting around looking at television / tiktok all day.

    • After what becomes exposed about how the British Empire has stripped the wealth from so many countries, and made debt slave of their native populations, the last thing anyone will want to shed a tear for, is the bloody British Empire, and its criminal hierarchy.

      And good riddance!

      Nigel Farage will have one hell of job reforming the old into the new.

        • Yes, London is the epicenter of corruption and power, but history and tradition is very strong within the British character, (Monarchy and all its useless appendages) that Farage will have some trouble in removing from the British psyche.

  1. Slavery is the most profitable money making scheme of all. That’s why 5 eyes and Europe are flooded with immigrants. It’s a rinse and repeat of the East India Trading Company that’s now this global melting pot blending to create a slave class worldwide. Only thing that matters to these pigs is monopoly of all trade lines everywhere.

    • It is all slowly changing for the better ant56 – have a look at the recent U.S. Supreme Court finding re- Chevron Deference.

      I don’t think many have any real idea of how much impact on reducing government size all over this planet, this latest finding will eventually have.

      We will all be going back to very small governments, where We the People will have all the say.

    • For those who would just love to know what is actually occurring all around them, beforeitsnews.com and Mike Gill’s program, All The Q News, is for you.

      If you want a comprehensive insight into what the Q Plan is all about and gain some understanding of how Q operates, then tune in to the program above.

  2. For consideration for the informed.and curious from Mary st situation update at
    Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news. Today.
    We have been seeing the Mickey Mouse clock for some years.
    Where did we look at? 💁🤪
    What about Mickey’s feet
    Putting together soma other following development dots, now but has been confusing in the past but how many looked at the ground?
    We await – from about 6 minutes

  3. How many times have I suggested that readers look around and recently, at least listen to Mary at situation update and consider the material, including Ben Fulford and otherwise at SU, the Clinton kill list.
    The opening cites the fraud of the Schofield bible. Bible followers should have noted that fraud decades ago.
    I could not now bother to refer those to BIN.
    As I feel it, those who do not bother hardly would know. Therefore do not deserve to know……God has mysterious ways.
    Matter for each one of us.

    • The expose of all those tunnels under this country, I found shocking! Back in 2020, when the Marines were training the Aussie military in clearing out the DUMB’s, under this country, only an estimated, 15% of the tunnels, were at that time cleaned out.

      The same in New Zealand.

      Thousands of kids rescued at that time, many lost forever. I wonder if the clearing out is still in progress as there was a recent earthquake somewhere in Victoria, just last week.

      Can’t remember the details.

      All the DUMB’s are centered around Ayers Rock with tunnels heading in all directions, and probably to ALL major towns and capital cities.

      Sydney and Melbourne being prominent in mentioning.

      Meanwhile, it seems, just you and I share the heartache, while everyone else remains oblivious.

      • Yes, they have not the courage to face evil.
        That is with nearly everyone that I Know.
        Not even known to a soldier’s parents even …(can’t say mum!) .. I think I know a relative doing the job, ( went back in! Called up?) but his mum has not a clue.
        It is a lonely, suspecting realities and a emotional challenge for most of us – just waiting. 🙏

      • Listening to Mary read what she obviously, has not read previously, as she comes across what is now being exposed within those, DUMB’s, and to hear her falter as she reads aloud the horrendous things that have been done to little kids, only adds to the sorrow of what she uncovers.

        It takes a very special person to do that daily.

        Those soldiers who have risked their lives to clear out those DUMB’S, will soon be celebrated for the heroes, and heroines, that they all are.

        God bless them all.

        • It is beyond my understanding that apparent good moral citizens will not care to note what has been reported for years, even going back to Fiona Barnet’s claims that now must be appreciated and Ts expressed campaign to save the children.
          Then there are some who hate T but support The Biden, despite his daughter’s exposures and other reports.
          Then there has been all the work by Dee that parallels other reported material.
          Some do not even listen to Dee.
          Sorry, most commentators here, by ignoring the subject and Mary at SU, are apparently heartless cowards.
          Thus their failures in effect may appear to enable evil to continue.
          God have mercy on them as they do not know how they fail.

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