G5 Information Report. 25.03.10:
Trump threw Z out of the lunch and ate Z’s lunch as well.
Vermin does not disappear of its own volition. It will fight, for many of THE PEOPLE not to understand.
Give me the reference. But Zelensky was thrown out by both Trump and Putin. A deal is being struck between Putin and Trump. Starmer and Macron ran to Trump to be involved. No. Putin will get his Ukraine back. Trump wants first option on its natural resources. They will also join on the development of Gaza and the pipelines to Europe from the Gaza fields.
As I have written: America caused the problems from 1994. Because Ukraine did not sign the CIS agreement in 1991, it remains a Russian State after the break of the Soviet Union.
America invaded Russia (Ukraine) on 22/2/2014. Fought back by Russia, but wanting to hold America and NATO to a war of attrition which destroyed America and NATO. America wasted 5 trillion in Ukraine. Not the 350 billion advertised. Before that it wasted 8 trillion in the 7 countries 5 years lunacy through Iraq. Now owned by Iran.
There is 11 trillion in resources just under Dombass.
Russia protected Israel and handed it Syria and Lebanon. As well as helping with Gaza.
NordStream supplies Northern Europe. The newlines by America, Russia, and Israel from Leviathan off Gaza and Lebanon will supply Southern Europe. Qatar is owned by American Intel, a separate entity at this time, still fighting America. Gaza and Ukraine will be redeveloped and resources sold.
America will buy the resources of Ukraine. The big power station in Zaporizhzhia is capable of supplying power into Eastern Europe.
The Intel Americanized Ukrainian idiots have been pushed onto the borders of Poland and Belarus, and held under Russian martial law, as I have written.
It has been Putin’s peaceful visions that have kept America and Europe out of their suicide of a WWIII. Read the history from at least the Kursk and Virginia incidents off Murmansk, KAL007, U-2 and SR-71 incidents, and the Murmansk Incident.
It has been Russian restraint to American aggression.
The Russian Orthodox Church has elevated Putin to Tsar. He actually doesn’t face elections.
Trump also plans to remain permanently as President of America.
Starmer’s visit to Trump concerned The Chagos Islands Mauritius Affair, not trade.
Macron’s visit to Trump concerned The EU, not trade.
Zelenskyy’s second and final visit to Trump also concerned his being seen at the final settlement of Ukraine with Putin and Trump, having been rejected by Putin. Read the correct history of Ukraine since1991.
Putin and Trump will meet to finalize a ceasefire in Ukraine and the division of lands and resources. Not spoils for America. But rather America being a preferential buyer of resources. America also to run the Gaza pipeline in cooperation with Russia and NordStream. Qatar being a puppet of the fading American intel can peddle its resources about Africa and the Middle East. Having chosen many years ago, not to sit at the table with the adults.
Zelenskyy wants America to escalate with Russia. That will not occur. American Intel invaded Russia on 22/2/2014; after destabilizing since 1994; conducted two regime changes, and looting in between. Russia reoccupied its territory (Ukraine) on 22/2/2022.
Both Macron and Zelenskyy based on their demand meetings with Trump, will share nothing of Ukraine. Both their pressers were PR disasters.
Trump Reactionaries and DOGE
The court obstructions to Trump’s orders are seeing the activist judiciary, governors, and commissar collectives (using government money to fight the government) find their paths to reality. Very slow learners. Virtually retarded.
Departments and Agencies can be shut down as the President determines. They are accountable to audit and being questioned. All government employees must attend work as required. They are fired as determined by Trump.
Musk is the Trump appointed head of DOGE. Under him are administrators and an army of hackers in six divisions. Who had already hacked into all government departments and agencies, before the evidence was being presented.
Where software was found that did not meet the requirements of a transparent government, it has been changed.
Apart from the requirement to close the Federal Department of Education; which was glaring; decisions had already been made concerning the frauds, wastes, and illegalities through; State, DHS, USAID, SBA, ATF, FBI, CIA, EPA, Treasury, Federal Reserve, IRS, OMB, NSA, NSC, DOD, DOJ, ICE, CBP, Energy, etc. What to close and what to merge. I had written of this about a year ago.
There were 14,000 empty office blocks and expensive houses in DC. Leases were terminated by Trump, and owned properties either repurposed or listed for sale.
There were also 55,000 NGO’s found in money trails. Characters as Soros were funded through USAID to in turn fund activist Attorneys General and Judiciary.
Chelsea Clinton received 84 million dollars for what has yet to be determined. Stacey Abrams received 2 Billion dollars. NGOs funded lobby groups to harass Congress and buy media for constant increases in funding.
Inflation is caused by government spending all it can force raise by revenue and all it can attain from borrowings, printing and digitally inventing currency and false assets.
All producing a worthless currency, together with worthless government bonds and notes. The situation with America; which affects the entire West, is far worse than generally understood.
The insanity of any objection to that which must be undertaken to recover America, is beyond rationality. The Inflationary worthless currency and government bonds and notes assets, caused by America, was to have been exported to the rest of the world, to cause a worldwide devastation.
Fake wars, fake pandemics, fake divisions of gender, race, and nationality (Israeli) and concocted climate, food chain, and regulatory obstructions.
The WEF, UN, and EU are theatres of the insane.
What has been missed by media, is the fact that Trump has not only managed to push through all his nominees as fronting the various entities, but packed the entities deep from the top with his appointments, which require no approval.
If DOGE required approval, it would never have occurred. Musk has already hacked everything that opens and shuts in America. He has all the receipts. The bad people need to line up and behave. Which they eventually will. After the pouting, screeching, foot stomps, and meaningless judiciary power plays.
America has not entered Fascism. It has just been saved from Fascism. Either understood or not.
Trump’s 2025 inauguration was his return to office of his first term, Constitutionally paused as I have written. It is also a broken term as The 22nd Amendment roughly defines. He is eligible to run again in 2028, and indeed beyond that again. As he has indicated.
The coup of 2020, not returning as believed by the deluded. He has Vance as the Camelot Factor, and presented a family as a continuum. Even if nominees were not passed by The Senate, his appointments would conduct the work required, without The Senate and the silly committees playing into the wilderness.
McConnell had paid Murkowski, Collins, and Ernst, 20 million dollars each from the Democrat slush funds to block Trump in The Senate. That failed and McConnell, Murkowski and Collins, are a nuisance of the past, following The Nov. 2026 midterms.
There should also be a major sanitizing of The House.
In the meantime, Trump will celebrate the 80th. Anniversary of the end of WWII, in 2025. At which time he will push The EU from 2% to 5% of GDP for NATO.
Not to strengthen NATO, but move the pestilence to the extinction it has failed since the disbanding of The Warsaw Pact and The Bucharest Agreement.
He will also celebrate on 4/7/2026, The 250th AnnIversary of the foundation of The Constitutional Republic of America.
America is currently in a Civil War.
Trump is firstly allowing the polite way, to destroy the evolved Communist, Fascist, Totalitarian, Tyranny of Congress, The Government, and The Judicial System. Every aspect of socio-economic existence was entered and damaged. Don’t be confused by the noise. View the overall for an understanding and realize that you have been inculcated and incessantly tutored by fake morality and fake intellectualism.
USAID was shut from over 10,000 employees to 300 managing the important issues of Ebola and HIV-AIDS funding and placed into the State Department.
The ATF (Bryan Malinowski murder and insane regulations) is shut, with the remnant under The FBI. FBI harassments as that of Mark Houck, Kash Patel, whistleblowers as Matt Taibbi, and attempted murders as that of Trump, have ceased.
IRS harassments as that of Pete Hegseth have ceased, as with the removal of the armed IRS force, put forward by Biden’s owners. The IRS is now firmly under The Treasury. Which itself is to be reordered, as America moves away form direct taxation to indirect (30% sale tax, no income tax).
There is no Gesara, Nesara, Quantum or other stupidity as no cash. All of which is the hidden agenda of Mastercard and Visa, as they are unable to make money and control cash. Those affected by political harassments and prosecutions in America; not just Trump; have been dropped onto those who were responsible. Good Luck with that.
The hundreds of domestic murders by The Clintons and Obama are tragic, and are being avenged; Mark Middleton, Seth Rich, Vince Foster, David Kelly, Robin Cook et al.
Remember that Ukraine belongs to Russia (CIS from 1991). American Intel and NATO invaded Ukraine on 22/2/2014. Russia did not invade Ukraine but formerly reoccupied its territory on 22/2/2022.
America and NATO were played by Russia into a War of Attrition in Ukraine. America learnt nothing from Vietnam.
Media Silence
Media silent on the recent spate of stabbings of Jews in; Toulouse, Paris, Brussels, and Copenhagen. As with the False Flag Westfield Bondi Junction stabbings in 2024: press releases were preemptively issued blaming a Jew and a member of my shul. Reversed to CIA Joel Cauchi.
His CIA handler having taken any identification and given him the knife, in The Bondi Junction Mall, before heading to Westfield where that stage was set, contrary to the beliefs of MKUltra Cauchi. As RFK, Christchurch, etc.
Nationality, Race, and Religion, politically conflated against Jews. There are 56 Islamic Nations and 103 Christian Nations. Israel occupies .25% of The Middle East.
Apart from flatulent driven ships of fools and their paid owners, as American Intellectualized and Moralized idiots, UN, EU, ICC, ICJ, Columbia, Harvard, and Oxford campuses, and American left media, no one added real objection to Gaza being turned into a Mediterranean resort with the idiotic squatters; since 1947; being evicted.
The genuine realty of Gaza and the contemporary events, are there for the reading.
Z in Miami and Division
Zelenskyy (living in Miami, his wife renting Highgrove from Prince William) has generously offered to resign. A media theatric posturing some pathetic relevance. He blurted to an admiring CNN panel that his condition was NATO taking his role in Ukraine. Not only is he non existent, but his lie of the non existent NATO follows.
After the break of The Warsaw Pact, NATO had no reason to exist. As confirmed at The Bucharest Agreement.
During the 2016-2020 Trump presidency, Trump with Putin destroyed two major NATO caches moved into Ukraine. Similarly Putin ordered the removal of a NATO cache moved into Poland. I have written of these matters. Putin was not amused being woken from his sleep by his intel, advising that the children had moved toys into Poland.
Guterres was woken, who in turn phoned Duda. As Putin was heading to The Kremlin for a council of war. After lifting fully layed out TUs heading for Poland, and opening all silo covers.
By which time, China and America were on level one.
Frantic calls from Duda and Guterres accompanied by an exhibition of warp speed by NATO, saved Poland returning to the stone age. That was the line. Putin would have hit Europe through to France. China and America would have stood off each other. Children will always stretch boundaries if not shown consequences.
Zelensky is an American Intel puppet of as much meaning as Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk. He has nothing to say. He is marketing waffle to fools. As the heads of federal departments and agencies in America advising that Trump cannot fire them, because they resign. Even as Wray on a ten year contract, ran for the door. Nothing to do with retirement payments.
Ukraine is being carved up by Putin Russia and Trump America. Zelenskyy was not invited. Nor was NATO EU or IMF. They can continue their suicide mission if they choose. The IMF is not being paid their attempted fraud. As they did with Greece. If it has a problem with that, it can get further demand warrants from the vaudeville stages of; ICC, ICJ, UN, or Mickey Mouse Club. The adults are deciding separately as to the territory and resources of Ukraine. Zelenskyy is not at the table, because he has nothing to say.
As I have advised; from The CIS of 1991, Ukraine remains Russian territory.
The Expert delusional empire of US foreign policy, has lost on every outing from its Cold War to the present. 65 times of 65 attempts. Even your cat can learn French faster. Members of Skull and Bones and CFR have grandfather clocks set permanently at 5 minutes ahead. Ostensively of the rest of the world. But instead of 5 minutes ahead, they remain 11 hours and 55 minutes behind.
EU, UN, NATO and Americanized Ukraine 0, Putin Russia and Trump America 1.
Thanks for coming and have a nice day.
Woke Mind Virus
The Kennedy Centre is a good example of the woke mind virus. It had become the haven of the ultra woke, as expressed in song, dance, and theatre. The performers convinced that progressive nonsense is an advance on art, not any regression. Whenever Congress managed to steal; as with government funding, the Ukraine War, or however; there was always a hidden grift for The Kennedy Centre.
The commo-fascist elite would be treated as that which they could never become, the fantasyland wokistas would be present for free, and anyone sane would be charged prohibitively, to suffer the inserted messages.
It only took a phone call from Trump’s office to have the senior apparatus run for it. The art centre returning to its original purpose and not any glorified activist hidey hole.
The requirement for performers to be mentally sanitized, brought them deciding to show their distaste for sanity. They performed a long conga line of hate for the sane, around the centre. When that didn’t phase anything, or gain traction, despite the fixation of deranged media: they went to phase two.
That was: phoning in bomb and fire threats whenever a performance not to their approval was staged.
That was defeated by advising over the PA system that a bomb or fire threat had been received, and the occupants could decide if they wanted to leave or remain.
Recall the disturbed Brian Williams as deputy mayor of Los Angeles being under house arrest, at the time of the LA Fires, for phoning in bomb threats whenever an LA council vote was to occur, not to his liking.
It didn’t phase that DEI Hire. The harassments continued. So the great Karen Bass; under Trump demands; sacked Williams (administrative leave on the journey) as well as LAFD Fire Chief, the DEI fixated (remember KImberly Cheatle, wearing it for Ron Rowe) Kristin Crowley.
However the new Deputy Mayor is Bass’ old buddy Jacqueline Hamilton. As Bass apologized profusely for becoming a foreign dignitary for Ghana.
Trump has pumped an endless flow of water into California for Los Angles, and reserves are to be reopened and maintained filled.
Wray running for it from The FBI, as did Muller, Comey, and McCabe before him. All on 10 year contracts, but running for the door as Trump advised: ‘Your Fired’.
Patel cometh for the elite of The FBI, past and present, as he ships 11,000 of the otherwise unemployables out of DC to around America to fight crime. Federal departments, agencies, and accouterments are not required congealed in DC party town.
I have advised that overall, across all departments; there are over an astonishing 14,000 disused properties in DC, before Trump even hit the scene this time. Office buildings and luxury homes not used. DOGE has further discovered over 55,000 NGOs leeched onto government.
All of these rented properties have had the leases terminated by Trump. The owned properties have been given by Trump to The GAO, including their contents. One empty office building was full of art pieces. Some real some what you would expect determined as art by diseased minds. All auctioned for recovery of waste. Trump transferred all real estate away from government departments to General Accounting, to be repurposed, sold, or rented, and department rented properties to have those leases cancelled. As the 3 million federal public servants (wrongfully advised as about 2.5 million) are cut to less than 400,000.
The journey to lead to the closure of the Fed and the IRS. Powell is correct, Trump cannot sack him, but he can shut The Fed from under Powell’s miserable arse.
The 120,000 odd useless of the IRS to be unemployed, as Trump converts America from one of federal income tax to one of Tariff plays, DOGE dividends to The People, and a Sales Tax of 30%.
All to fall under a newly constructed Treasury Department, with its External Revenue Service. As in many western nations; Income tax is NOT LEGAL, but protected as such by the bench warmers we have to have.
Inflation is caused by GOVERNMENT SPENDING not spending by THE PEOPLE. Escalations in taxation; the rich paying their fair share etc; allows government to divert capital and waste it, destroying economies. Spending by The People is a genuine Stimulus; not that invented by Obama along with the fictions of Quantitative Easing and Fed Interest plays; allowing economies to grow and develop.
Money not spent and saved in banks; of a new Trump control model; that can be trusted as in The Japanese not Norwegian model, and not under the Clinton lunacy of repealing Glass Steagall which allowed Goldmans and Lehmans to cause the 2008 GFC through the filtration of the owned; Fitch, Moodys, and S&P. (Vide: ‘The Big Short’ and ‘Margin Call’). As I advised: all test run in The City (London). As was 1929.
Note DEI Hire Yellen ran for it as well. From her Fed disaster to her Treasury disaster. No one to baby sit her at Treasury under Biden, as Stan Fisher seconded from The Bank of Israel, to the Fed, to keep it afloat and not to destroy America.
The Fed has over 250 Economics PhDs as an Expert base. Does that answer any questions.
Well G5 does not appear to be on the ABC staff.
Pity, then the ABC might be worth the billion plus, of borrowed money at banker’s interest that is sucked out of Australians.
6.07 PM
Try Situation update WTPN from Real Mary for 9/3.AT;
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – mermaid powered news.
Lot of fun can be found down on the US-‘Mexcan’s’ border wars.
Try the first 28 minutes for a run down there..
Heaps more DOGE STUFF and Maxine Waters gets a deserved serve.
Some great news for our health killers at about 37 mins where some European
court,I think, has the hide to find that the injector doctor brigade could be facing some needs for some lawyers in Nuremberg.
Interesting prophecy for our health ministers, Lambie, Dan, Hazzardose et.al., with the media shock jokes pushing their imaginary medical knowledge.
At the end: seen any mermaids lately, other than in a gay parade exhibition fish tank 🧜🏾🧜🏻♂️🧜♀️?🤷♂️💁🤪
6.27 PM