Home News Start Growing and Preserving Your Own Food

Start Growing and Preserving Your Own Food

Adapted pic, sourced from ecodiy-chrisjs.blogspot.com, and not Terry’s garden

[Editor’s note: I really like the idea of posting this, as it presents a positive solution to one’s well-being and survival in this mad-mad world.]

by Terry Shulze

I don’t proclaim to be a good, let alone professional farmer. I’m probably like most of you, agriculture is/was not my main focus in life. However, I have picked up a few ideas over the years which I will pass on. Those who may take issue with any of those ideas, please discuss it with me, I really don’t want to make any more mistakes.

We all should start growing our own food. First, because this Covid-19 plandemic has not only compromised the supply chains we need for food distribution, but is destroying some food industries. There are many stories on the ‘net of abattoirs being shut down and farmers dumping milk, onions and other vegetables in the fields. Many of those farmers will not survive the losses and will go out of business.

Second, we are going into a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) where crop losses will be sever. The GSM has begun and it will be deep until 2055. The worse period is predicted to be between 2028 and 2035 – famine will grip the world.

We have discussed in other threads whether this confluence of the Covid-19 plandemic and the beginning of the GSM were intentionally planned to create ‘plausible deniability’ of the DEPOPULATION agenda. At this late stage, debating that issue does little to assist us, this is where we are – so if we want to survive we have to come up with some strategies of survival.

I live on a ¼ acre block up on a volcanic plateau. I did considerable research at the Lands Department to find an area with good soil, reliable rainfall, access to rail and other facilities. There were six areas that interested me and I visited all of them before I made my decision. Even though the area is composed of rich volcanic soil, it still is not optimum. The pH of the base soil is around 5.5. In order to get the broadest release of soil nutrients the soil should be around 6.5. However, as a caveat, not all plants prefer 6.5 as their optimum soil pH. I’ve had to tweak the pH around different trees and bushes.

I sent a soil sample away for an analysis and while waiting for the results talked to a local. I had done a pH test and knew I needed to raise it. He suggested Dolomite, which contains both calcium and magnesium. After spreading multiple bags of Dolomite around on the property, the results came back. My soil had more than adequate magnesium, what it needed was extra calcium to create a better calcium/magnesium balance. What I should have been spreading was Lime, that is, just calcium carbonate. In other words, I had further tipped the soil to a greater magnesium imbalance.

Lesson number one – get a soil analysis before you start trying to ‘fix’ it.

Here is an excellent source of information on soil analysis. I wish I had read this before all the stuffing around I did. I didn’t find this resource until just a few years ago. There’s lots of good gardening books and other sources of information, but this book put it all together for me.

OK, what to plant?

Every area will have a different environment so you have to take that into consideration, further, as we go into the GSM you will want plants that are more frost resistant. I went for a PERMACULTURE approach and planted a broad spectrum of trees, vines and bushes in my sub-tropical location. If something didn’t work out (and some didn’t) out they would come and in would go something else.

Permaculture Designs – from permaculturetn.wordpress.com

Here’s what I presently have on the property.

Pomegranate, Apple, 2 Pecans (cross pollinators), Blue berry, Feijoa, Cherry Guava, Kumquat, Lemonade Lemon, Malabar Chestnut, finger banana, 4 coffee bushes, 3 figs, Jaboticaba, 3 Grapefruit, Kalamata olive, white guava, Macadamia, 2 grape vines, Grumichama, 2 Limes, Tangerine, 3 Oranges, Lemon, Mandarin, 2 Kiwis and a Mulberry.

If that spectrum of plants seems broad, consider also that the multiple Pecans, Figs, Grapefruit, Grapes, Limes, Oranges and Kiwis are all different varieties. For example, each of the 3 oranges comes in fruit at a different time, the 2 grapes and 2 kiwis vary year to year in production, I don’t know which one of the two is going to produce more. I feel the broader the spectrum of plants, the more resistance you have to the vagaries of the climate. For example, the macadamia only produced a small bucket of nuts last year, the rain came just as it was flowering. This year the rains held off and I got two large hessian bags of nuts.

Sourced from gardenpicsandtips.com (not Terry’s garden)

Along with the permaculture, I have four raised gardens of built up soil. Around a dozen pots with trellises for beans and peas. The greenhouse is going in as soon as the new sewer line is finished. I wanted to have everything finished long before now, but lots of things got in my way, especially the new town sewer system which put a 5 year delay on the greenhouse.

I mentioned making some mistakes. One that should never have happened was the wood ash I spread on the property from my wood stove. Since I heat the house with wood and throw all the bones in the stove, I have a constant source of minerals for the property. Here’s where I messed up, I was cleaning the glass on the front of the stove with oven cleaner and then throwing the paper towel in the fire. All that caustic soda from the oven cleaner got spread on various areas. The olive stopped producing and the coffee bushes all lost their leaves, I thought they had died. I figured out what I had done with a pH test and started lowering the pH with Sulphur. The coffees are now back to production, but the olive is still dormant (probably next year).

Lesson – watch what you spread on the property. I also never burn treated wood in the stove as the chemicals would get spread out with the ash.

This property had been ill-treated in the past. The tangerine had so much scale on it that I didn’t know what it was, probably some sort of orange I thought. Now that I have increased the nutrition in the soil, all the scale is gone along with all the parasites that used to attack the citrus trees. Once the plants can fend for themselves, you don’t need any chemical sprays to protect them – and the fruit tastes a lot better.

If I had been working with the soil minerals book, I could have achieved better results much sooner. As it was I was just winging it from year to year trying to tweak the pH, add some kelp granules, wood ash, refuse from the kitchen, etc.

The NSW government soil analysis wasn’t that much help unfortunately, the soil minerals book has a lot better analysis and approach. The NSW analysis showed my Molybdenum was in the low range and everything else was alright. I added some molybdenum to the soil, but it didn’t do anything. I figured from doing various reading that some sulphur should help the citrus to repel parasites, so I mixed up some sulphur with wood ash to neutralize the pH and applied it. The next year the parasites were gone. I refuse to use pesticides or herbicides on the property.

I am presently rebuilding the raised gardens with brick work. Within 6-9 months I should have the rear chain link fence garden finished (so beans, peas, etc. can grow up the fence) and the greenhouse finished. After that the big work will be finished and I can then just spend my time weeding and harvesting.

Preserving your own food. This is a resource, https://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/canning/home-canning

As far as harvesting, I had to move my macadamias inside the house as the rats love them. I even put them in bags and hoisted them up in the shed to get them away from the rats – they still got to them. I also dry a lot of fruit and also make fruit leather using a drying machine. I’ve got a pressure cooker and lots of jars and lids. I like Mexican style jalapenos and can a bunch every few years. Making sauerkraut is very easy, although my first batch was ruined as I didn’t keep the top of the cabbage covered with salt water.

I had chickens for a while, but I gave that away. There are four people in town that offer me eggs and I’d rather get them that way then have the little dinosaurs scratch the Hell out of my garden. Three chickens can produce a heap of eggs. I was canning pickled eggs for a while to try and keep up with them.

There is lots of ways to set up a garden. Back in the States I had my garden along the North wall so that the sun could shine down under the fruit trees. Instead of using a chain link fence, you could use a trellises up a wall. Check out some gardening books for lots of great ideas.

Useful items: a grinder, a dehydrator and wood stove

I’m likely well ahead of most of you when it comes to producing my own food. However, if you make it a priority and get organized, you be in a lot better position in a few years.

The weather and social problems will only get worse from here – protect yourself, nobody else will.



  1. I bought a cheap food dehydrator from Aldi 7 years ago, but regretfully gave it away a few years later. Nothing like dried food. That’s what we used to take mountaineering. Light and calorie rich.

    • The dehydrator is a ‘must have’ item in my opinion. For example, the first year my bananas came in I gave a bunch of people ‘hands’ of bananas from the stock that came in. The hands took a long time to ripen and I regretted putting those people through the process of trying to get the damn bananas to ripen in their kitchens. So, next year I ripened all the stock in my house and when they were ripe I split the bananas and dried them in the dehydrator.

      I gave the dried bananas away in plastic bags and as one mate said, I probably didn’t get home before he had eaten all of them.

      Jerky is another item that is easy to make. If you are making jerky you can split it along the length of the muscle tissue. However, if you want to make pemmican, the cut the muscle cross-wise. It makes it easier to break up the jerky for the pemmican.

  2. @shulze, what is it about otherwise solid sheepdogs on gumshoe such as shulze circling the sheeple statist normies out there away from gumshoe? I mean, the dogs make wise protective comments based on valuable life experience?

    apparently it is shulzian-style cognitive dissonance based on belief in infinite extractive gdp growth on a planet which in his view cannot be finite, else his stock dividends and hence mortgage repayments or gifts to grandchildren are cruelled,depending.

    in brief,there is no pending ice age,the article on which he pins his denialist faith has been retracted, , https://www.iflscience.com/environment/mini-ice-age-hoopla-giant-failure-science-communication/

    contrary to frost hardy plants across the board, the need is to grow food that is your local climate zone as it will be in say 10 years, as the hadley cells are moving to the poles.

    it has been possible for years in europe and aust to see how the isotherms are moving poleward since 1900.

    which is why i have six ficus indica, although it is still a bit wet for them here. but bom forecasts for 2030 for my location show 100sof mm less rain.

    i have apple and hazel but have mentally written them off because they will shortly lack the requisite vernal chill hours.

    • DS, cut your own path in life. The article was to advise people of alternatives, you don’t want to go down that path – it is a matter for you, I don’t care.

      Here’s a recent article that just came out – https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/the-sun-has-gone-into-lockdown-and-this-strange-behavior-could-make-global-food-shortages-much-worse/

      LOL, “The sun has gone into lockdown and the STRANGE behavior COULD make global food shortages much worse”.

      It is not STRANGE if you had been paying attention, this is NORMAL! All you had to do is pay attention to the science and laugh and disregard the MSM narrative of ‘Greta’.

      And it is not COULD make global food shortages much worse – BS, it WILL make food shortages much worse. That is a given, just do the research.

      Funny thing, NOW we have articles about a GSM and what it COULD do. Like, hello, this information has been available for years, where have you been?

      • @shulze, the usual ad hominem pseudoreply. the fact you quote an investment blog supports my point about what is driving you.

        let us assume you had a crack shot in your unit in nam who was also loopy.but he was a fine marksman.so his loopiness did not matter. if you did not have such a man,others did,

        same for al gore,silvertail hate object for all westie bogans and the msm beatup greta as well.

        because their personal qualities as fat cat or shrieking autist are irrrelevant to the science.

        your faith in your maunder minimum is so extreme that you are not planting anything that implies less rainfall and higher temps,.atyour location.

        quite unscientific of you not to hedge your bets.

  3. Terry, I’ve been trying for years to get a large enough plot of land together to do exactly as you have.

    I feel an intense impetus to move to higher ground and grow my own food.

    Thank you for this sage advice which resonates.

  4. Great article Terry – much to learn. I will be perusing in more detail later this evening.

    I have an ample (abundant) supply of fruit and herbs with some seasonal vegetables but you soon realise that this merely supplements your diet and to be fully self-sufficient it needs to be a communal effort.

    Here is my list:

    • Two large pear trees – the fruit of one come on just as the other one is finishing giving us around six months of perpetual supply of fresh as well as stewed pears – peeled and diced.
    • Apples x 4 – Golden Delicious, Pink Lady, Fuji and Granny Smith
    • Two Nectarines – dwarf
    • Peach – dwarf
    • Apricot
    • Loquat tree – massive – new crop just flowering for late October picking
    • Figs x 3
    • A massive Kalamata Olive tree –usually pick last week of April. Wife has a great recipe with Red wine vinegar (diluted about 1:3), garlic, fennel seeds, oregano, salt and pepper.
    • A bed with combined rhubarb, raspberries, strawberries and asparagus.
    • A bed with mixed varieties of strawberries, thornless blackberries (new) and gooseberries
    • A herb garden bed with the usual stuff – parsley (actually that’s all over the place), oregano, rosemary, thyme. Basil, mint and bay leaves in separate pots. Chilies, tomatoes and garlic mixed in there.
    • Washington navel Orange.
    • Tahitian Lime – planted just recently.
    • Mandarin
    • Passionfruit vine.
    • Lemons we get from the neighbour’s overhanging tree.
    • Another neighbour across the street has beehives and his bees love our garden (as do the birds). He supplies us with honey in exchange for whatever is seasonal.
    • Cabbages, broccoli, peas and beans seasonal.

    And no, it’s not a big garden – but not much room left. Some neighbours choose to have a swimming pool (!)

    I like to visit sites like the following – just from time to time.

    Self Sufficient Me (despite his logo)


    I must look into that dehydrator – thanks Dee and Terry

  5. Kudos Terry for your efforts. BUT, the sad reality is very few people these days, can afford a 1/4 acre block. Indeed many are being encourage to buy blocks of 400 squares, and the push is on for even smaller blocks. You need to see the house, (dunno if the name fits what I’ve seen, but I wouldn’t call them houses) they build on such a block, there’s no way in hell they can grow anything but little kids, who then will be denied any sort of play area. On top of that, there is the water issue. Don’t know what the situation is where you live, but in my area, (S.W. W.A.) the water issue is a serious one. Relying on rainfall is a very risky business here. Majority of our water comes from underground aquifer which wont last forever and is added to with three desalination plants. However all water for agriculture is from ground sources. A few years back, I shared thoughts similar to yours and established a garden in my back yard, (luckily still 1/4, despite having real estate agents on my door once a week trying to get me to sell so they can knock down the house and develop infill housing on the block) as I had ample water from a bore. Had no trouble growing anything, the BIG problem I ran into was pests. FRUIT FLY Number 1 pest, Lorikeets No 2, pest, Ants, No 3 pests, Scale No 4 pests. The veges grew in such abundance, I ended up supplying the whole street with fresh produce keeping very little for our own use, despite drying and preserving. You need ROOM to store such produce, space is not infinite. One day the wife said to me, and I quote, “Do you realise the money you outlay to grow this stuff, I could use one tenth of that to buy the stuff from Woolies, and that’s not counting the labor you put in ” ? She was dead right, economicly, what I was doing, was crazy. Now the vege garden is a flower bed with hundreds of flowers Bees love, and my two Bee hives are producing more honey than I know what to do with. Thank goodness it keeps extraordinary well and makes an excellent barter item. I often wonder, how folks will manage things when the shit hits the fan, living in those tiny brick boxes. Guess time will tell.

    • “One day the wife said to me, and I quote, “Do you realise the money you outlay to grow this stuff, I could use one tenth of that to buy the stuff from Woolies, and that’s not counting the labor you put in ” ? She was dead right, economicly, what I was doing, was crazy.”

      I understand what she was saying. I give away more that 90% of what I grow. However, within my community I am known as being generous. Other people reciprocate in their produce, notice that I do not have an avocado tree on the property. That’s because virtually EVERYONE on the Plateau has a bloody avocado. I’m constantly thanking people for avocados that I don’t need.

      The idea is to produce enough food that you are fine and can donate to others and their family, especially if they have kids.

      I grew up in poverty and suffered from malnutrition most of my youth. I was 147 lbs from age 14 until I went into the Army at age 19. I suffered from scurvy for most of my youth, not just sub-clinical but clinical scurfy. I remember a doctor at a summer camp when I was 12-13. I was bleeding into my pillow and was sent to the camp doctor. I remember him saying, “I never thought I would see a case of scurvy in my life.”

      We all have different experiences in life. I’ve been through a few lessons in life and have learned from them.

      Nobody has to build a garden or get some chooks, it is entirely up to them how they want to live their lives. Deal with it, it is your life.

    • You spent less money going to Woolies?
      I’d be interested to see the calculation
      But quite apart from that it appears you need to re-think the whole prosperity issue and where we’re headed.

      As an older W. A. resident you might recall that, up until the mid-80s, there were a number of other smaller supermarket chains that, one by one, just disappeared. Now we’re down to IGA. There are 3 in Albany, and they are all happy to take my excess produce, likewise a number of small, locally owned greengrocers.But as everyone knows(or should do) that’s not how Woolies and Coles operate, small wonder that the fare on offer is usually over-priced and frequently sub-standard

      Prior to becoming fully self-sufficient I’d buy primary produce from the local Farmers Mart. That way you can actually talk to the growers; the whole quickie-mart mindset is fundamentally aristocratic/hopelessly out of touch with the real world

  6. “Two Nectarines – dwarf” – I have a number of my trees being a ‘dwarf’ variety. If you are going to have a broad diversity/spectrum of various trees, the dwarf variety allows you to do it on a small property. The only full size trees I have are the macadamia and the pecans.

    • Jackie, Terry didn’t send pics, so you’ll see in the caption — not Terry’s garden, but he’s heading in that direction.

    • No Jackie, I’m just a hack. I read a bunch of stuff and started to put something together for myself. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but it seems to be working out. Perhaps if I give a bit of my rite of passage, others can avoid some of the errors I made and use some of the valuable information I discovered.

    • Jackie, you can also see that Dee posted a picture of a hand cranked meat grinder. Not only have I ground scrap meat in the grinder to make mince, but I have also used a ‘sausage tube’ to make sausage from rough meat, it’s easy to make sausage. Next year I expect I will be grinding ‘dent’ corn in the grinder to make into tortillas, grits, corn pone and corn bread.

      Dee also posted a picture of a wood stove. That is the wood stove I use. I can boil things on top of the wood stove and cook things in the oven underneath. If you don’t have a lot a room, that oven is a nice addition to the house. There are lots of different wood stoves, I chose that one as it fit where I wanted it. – While you are heating the house, you might as well cook the dinner.

  7. Growing food has been my life long preoccupation, but we are taking it seriously this year.
    Times are uncertain and people need independence.
    Nothing to do with the silly old climate debate.
    Weather is relevant to us, global climate is not.
    We have a movable chook cage.
    The chooks do a great job of digging and fertilizing.
    Every year they produce a lot of pumkins for us.
    A lot of other good stuff grows out of the kitchen scraps we feed them, including tomatoes and potatoes.
    Most of my life I have used other people’s land for gardening.
    Hope you all have fun, and Coles goes broke.

    • Richard, I built a ‘chicken tractor’ and moved it around. After a while I felt guilty for keeping the hens in the tractor. I suppose it mostly had to do with a chicken that showed up and adopted our property. We called her ‘nuss’, which was short for nuisance. With her walking around outside the tractor I felt guilt and let the other dinosaurs out to pillage the property.

      I gave the chicken tractor to a mate that was raising chickens. He uses it for when the chicks have just hatched.

      • Thanks Terry your story promoted a few comments–I have a compulsive gardener part–and hours in the garden a central part of my life now—and my survival and connection to life in the past. Also memories of food shortages in London during and after WW2. Rabbits, nettles, cress, weeds by waterways–and of course cockles and muscles alive alive oh

        International bee day today—hundreds hives lost during fires—-also strange diseases wiping colonies out–maybe a good community project– for gumshoe-ers to “seed” initiate establishing some hives—- and plantings– without the pollinators the food chain is broken–I love it that bees have no boundaries but they know where they belong

        The information re GSM very important– predictive programming tells me we have 7 years before another major shift–where famines will grip the world

        ” we are going into a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) where crop losses will be sever. The GSM has begun and it will be deep until 2055. The worse period is predicted to be between 2028 and 2035 – famine will grip the world.”

        start preparing educating for survival longer term–water food scarcity part of the controllers plan. The custodians of this land can teach us about land management strategies Bruce Pascoe’s book Black Emu worth looking at–grasses yams clean waterways–native bees.

        The crazy extremes in weather patterns seem to be confusing some plants–also other GMO etc impacts— and food control measures need some creative thinking

        years ago- when living out of Apollo Bay–I set up a garden–a local assured me –this won’t grow –this won’t ripen too damp–cold winters etc–so I built a hot house and enclosed a night shelter in the middle for the geese that free ranged during the day-this provided the warmth –(and manure) for plants seedlings to thrive.

    • “Weather is relevant to us, global climate is not.”
      Couldn’t agree more.
      Better to work with what you’ve got than get fizzed up about something over which you have no control

  8. Scotus , I see you’re at it again with your mainstream media indoctrinated fixation with the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) hoax .

    Doesn’t it worry you that they ( the One World government miscreants behind this fraud ) have to ‘revise down’ temperature data from the past to make modern temp data sets appear higher in a relative sense ?

    Are you aware that Canada’s forests ALONE absorb more CO2 each day than the entire output of this planet ? :

    Are you aware that Climate prediction after prediction by ‘ Team Apocalypse ‘ alarmist mouthpieces for the AGW hoax have ALL failed to materialise ? :

    Have they ever got anything right ? ( rhetorical question – only those like you that hang on every utterance from the MSM still haven’t worked it out ) .

  9. @truth vig,

    if i want references to the prattle of a right-libertarian humanities graduate in english and adiabatic oil nutter like corbett on a subject requiring maths and science i ll ask you.

    corbett is useful on politics to a point,but his red baiting supplyside economics was well destroyed by paul craig roberts in their interview.

    i laugh my posterior off at your hallucination that i believe the msm,because unlike you i know about this, for example,

    all your agw denialism has long since been refuted,but you will have been reading lads mags with a fag behind the bikeshed while the other boys were studying physics and chem.

    so you cant comprehend the refutation.

  10. Scotus berates Terry about ‘ the science ‘ of AGW yet , like 9 out of 10 of the climate alarmists I’ve met , they know next to nothing about the objective science behind the alleged Climate Change .

    ( The 1 out of 10 are not appreciably better , repeating made-for-simpletons MSM sound bytes which they’ve never bothered to investigate in any depth ) .

    These same ignorant climate-cultists are so fixated with the ‘ We’ve only got 12 years to act before it’s too late’ narrative , that they’d probably sacrifice their first born as an offering to the gods in defence of the proposition .

    • Australia’s six south Pacific sea level monitoring stations, whilst under Andrew Grey’s management, showed that there had been no appreciable change in sea level in 20 years.

      Aboriginal coastal hunters here in NE Arnhem Land, who know every tidal confluence with rocks and mangrove trees throughout the year, also have noted no change in their lifetimes.

      It also points to unscrupulousness and dishonesty of the AGW alarmist brigade that they never point out to the NWO-compliant media that Kiribati is sinking, not the seas rising.

      The easily speculated reality is that the globalist investment bankers, who also own the oil/plastics and chemical industries which are polluting the oceans, wish to divert attention from the real environmental disasters. Their research showed that the most gullible demographics are greenies and teenagers, hence the Gretas of this world.

      Terry has his head screwed by making himself self-sufficient. Moreover, his wife is wrong… WW food is storage-damaged, substandard, polluted with pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, and a vast array of toxic chemicals ranging from dyes to texture enhancers.

      As to the forecast famines, these are being generated by the same ol’ corporates who have been doing this since the British East India Company destroyed indigenous Indian permaculture regimes and launched the first famines.

  11. All my neighbours are farmers…. if the SHTF – one nights “scrumping” will keep my larder full for weeks

    saves me the worry about buggas coming onto my plot to nick my carrots.


  12. Full credit to you Scotus in being up to date with the latest offerings from The Unz Review & Phil Giraldi – you’re certainly well informed there.

    It’s just a pity you’re not consistent in all fields of research .

    That the Climate Change obsessed have to resort to calling people ‘ deniers ‘ ( echoing the orchestrated campaign to ridicule those that don’t believe in the 6 million of the Holocaust nonsense ), tells you how desperate they are.

    The fact of the matter is that , the Zionist Dominated Usury banking cartel is so obscenely rich & have such unimaginable political clout that , among the many institutions they have complete control of in western countries, academia is front and centre in the mix.

    They control the narrative in the world of Big pharma , vaccines , epidemiology ( eg: control of the CDC , W.H.O ) & can thus engineer the necessary scare mongering to pull off the COVID hoax.

    They control the narrative coming from the Faculties of Engineering & Physics in western countries.

    How else can you explain the fact that none of the Engineering or Physics departments of any prominent university in the western world has come out & said the collapses of the Twin Towers & Bldg 7 ( at or near Free Fall speed ) on 9/11 could not possibly have occurred as a result of a fire induced gravity collapse ( as per the official U.S government / NIST narrative ) – when even a high school kid familiar with Newton’s 3rd Law would be able to see the implausability of said explanation ?

    Of course these faculty members know the truth.

    They also know they’re forbidden from coming out publicly and saying anything about it – lest their academic careers and tenure go the way of the dodo.

    Similarly , just like the Fauci’s of the world in relation to vaccinations , there are a ‘ handful ‘ of alleged ‘experts’ trotted out in the field of Climate Science , who are so obsessed with career advancement & lavish renumeration, that will say anything their puppet masters tell them , so as the agenda can be fulfilled.

    • Yeah T V, the Climate Change cultists never stop telling you how they “trust the science”, but when you show them proof of ‘weather modification’, and ‘atmospheric geoengineering’, (all very scientific) they don’t, or wont comprehend, because they haven’t seen it on TV.

    • @truth vig, if you get back on your meds to save your sight,you might still be able to read that it was corbett and not yourself or shulze that i called a humanities major.

      have all isotherms been moving poleward since ca 1900 or not,yes they have. among many other things.

      secondly, as you are some sort of latter day douglas reed and hence concerning your faurisson-butz-zündel axis, have the honesty to call them jews. because i dont recall victor ostrovsky writing 30 years ago that sayanim need be israeli passport holders.

      so according to you the usury jewish banking cartel controls everything.you go way beyond your hero phil giraldi, who argues his case for usa.

      so why is mossad even needed.

      and now regarding public health,the canadian youtuber with 250ksubs called amazing polly shows public health mafia graphics organigram-style in her last 3 videos

      .there are many photos and names and interlocking board memberships, not an evident jew among them

      .polly is saying that it is governments paying,she means with fiat money, the 6 or so big pharma firms such as sanofi and pfizer.

      she is not saying that it is e.g. new york banks headed by jewish ceos beholden to israel making loans to them to develop their vaccines.

      netanyahoo runs a very tight covid 19 surveillance in israel but according to you, that should have happened worldwide,but it did not.

  13. Lastly Scotus , be careful when you dismiss others who disagree with you as being ‘ humanities graduates in English ‘ , when you know nothing about them – or risk having even more egg on your face than you’ve managed to date .

    ( From my observations , there is something approaching a one to one correlation between those with Mickey Mouse humanities degrees & gullibility in swallowing the AGW hoax ).

    That pejorative term that you’ve applied to me would best describe yourself – judging from your utterances .

    For the record , I have tertiary qualifications in a S.T.E.M based discipline .

    • Me too, I used to be a top electronic engineer in complex mainframe computer systems. You have to be able to work your way though miles of Boolean logic to trouble shoot some faults, especially if it was a transient fault.

      Most people can’t get beyond their assumptions and biases to trouble shoot something like that. – I’d love to been on the Apollo 13 team that figured out the shut-down and start-up of the Command Module, freaking brilliant, something to feed your head.

      • On that vein, Terry, I studied agriculture and dairy science for four years and my final conclusion 60 years later is that almost everything I learned had its genesis in corporate profits… broad-acre ‘farming’, pasteurisation of milk, harvesting machinery, and the laughable green revolution.

        It was all lies, posing as science.

  14. I’m fainting with admiration, Terry. I live on packaged foods. My husband used to say “You’re gonna get scurvy, you’re gonna get scurvy.”

    In his youth, during the Great Depression, a real treat was to go to the shop and ask for “thruppence worth of damaged fruit, please.”

          • Sorry, I did not Know that Nancy Pelosi appears and starred as per her character.
            Seems that the spider’s name is Donald.

          • That’s a good one, Julius.

            When I was a youth, back in the ’60’s, an old bloke who lived just up the road from us told me that he went to a “housewarming barbecue” for his daughter who’d recently married and moved to the city. After they’d been eating and drinking ’round the barbie for a while he needed to relieve himself. Having fruitlessly searched the whole backyard for the necessary convenience he was forced to ask “where do you go?” “In the house and it’s the second door on the left”.

            When he was telling the story he looked at the ground shaking his head. “Struth! We always go inside the house to eat and out the back to st. Now they go out the back to eat and inside to st.”

            Where I grew up all the ablutions were outside about 6′ off the back veranda; the washouse (laundry), bath and shower, and the dunny at the end.

            When I got married she who must not be obeyed wanted all that stuff in the house we built (by hand). I couldn’t have that but a compromise was reached. All the ablutions are in a separate building but ON the back veranda. We still have to go out of the house to wash and all that.

            I have vague recollections of a little book that my Dad had that described the “secrets” of an expert dunny builder. He was most pleased with the “8 holer” that he built for a busy pub somewhere out bush. He also recommended that the dunny should be near the woodheap because some shy women would make several trips to the woodheap before they furtively slipped into the dunny thus saving the gallant man-about-the-house from having to bring in the wood for the kitchen fire.

    • We didn’t have thruppence in the depression, we were lucky to get a farthing at Christmas and buy a bit of cardboard to chew on.

  15. Outrageous if true. Veterans Today has just reported that the US burnt wheat fields in Syria by using a thermal bomb.

    Every soldier should mutiny. Trump must go, sorry, must go.

    That is a domestic war crime in US. I shall ask the DoJ to prosecute.

    Mind you, Barr said today that he wont touch Biden because that would be “political.”

    • Shouldn’t that be “Pompeo must go”, and then Trump will have to appoint someone equally evil or worse, and if Trump goes you will probably get Pompeo because Mike Pence will have to be a good boy and do what he’s told by VP Pompeo. So you may get 12 years all up of Pompeo and lots of covert actions instead of Trump’s informative blabbering, which is non-stop and unfiltered. Trump has done more than anyone to “out” the lying MSM. Why on earth would anyone want to get rid of him, apart from deep state, CCP etc.
      Trump “gave” Syria to Russia and the Russians want Turkey in a pincer. Trump has very little, almost nothing, to do with all this strategy, he swapped Syria and all the expense of wars with Russia, in exchange for Golan Heights going to the Zionists to bribe them to help him with the election (and probably security too via Mossad).
      The battles of Syria have gone on for 4000 years (paradoxically since they invented wheat agriculture). Everyone around there has too many kids and this is how it ends.

  16. A significant -shift– re plandemic. WHO to WHA

    “The World Health Assembly has formally adopted a resolution calling for an independent review into the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and researchers call for a visa amnesty for undocumented workers in order to reduce the risk of infection clusters.”

  17. The most significant advance in small-time food production during the last 15 years would have to be the amount of freely available on-line information. Seems like the Fat Controllers are oblivious to the phenomena or the implications thereof; either way there doesn’t appear to be any censorship or politically driven counterintelligence

  18. NWO to OWG–a major shift

    Also Mary re soldiers mutiny– Australia is using soldiers -recruits to test vaccines for covid –or what ever and a veteran said this must stop he experienced this during his service and it has left him with major disorders.

    Just now on abc an announcement that “they” are trialling a vaccine on health workers in australia– an operation called covid–shield– hydroxychlorine mentioned — coordinated with trumps taking substance— I have the makings of this substance in my cupboard –

    I fear this will activate the second wave–targeting the newly Serco recruited care workers, security staff providing the “fodder” who will fill the buildings built for the pandemic– and result in mass “deaths” said to be due to corona virus–keeping control of the masses through fear and terror and propaganda –while the “elite” carry on business as normal– while the mentally unwell, homeless particularly those who have a history of prescribed drugs and mind control experiments –the drug addicted (including prescription drugs designer drugs- alcohol- sugar chemicals) and those suffering “complex ptsd” all with compromised immune systems –will succumb.

    • It’s always good to observe Thailand to see how the masses can be commandeered successfully. They wanted to clean up all the traditional street food to remove competition from the big chains who pay more rent so they made a rule, all street vendors have to pack up their stalls and make the footpath clean every Monday. This means half of them have nowhere to go with their rickety old carts. Soon Bangkok will resemble any place, with just hirise and McDonalds, but this agenda remains “covert”, and the means of achieving it is not for discussion or debate. What was an exquisite urban centre evolved by people is becoming just another boring financial hub, for want of a better term. Thailand shows the world how things can be done, places like China and Davos watch and learn.

  19. Your advice to newbies on soil ph is very good and the rest of the doomsday prepping is speculative, I think as with most doomsday people the actual doomsday may occur after you have left the mortal coil. For solar activity I have heard a few thoughts from the great Harry Dent who is pretty reliable on big picture stuff, and he has been talking about sunspots 11 year cycle, so any evidence you may think you are collecting from a solar minimum, even if you just track your rooftop pv system output over a few years, will be influenced by the sunspot cycles which I think are now in retreat. So it should be warming again in about ten years, but by then hopefully we will have more solar and more electric cars, to offset any hothouse effect, which I am a bit skeptical about these days anyway, seeing as algae takes up so much CO2, and algae can quickly grow more to take up more CO2, if the sea water they live in does not get too contaminated by runoff etc.
    Algae is food for plankton (tiny prawns), and everything else eats that.
    Now please tell us what you are going to do about the urban cannibals, when they find out about you.

      • I did see that story when it came out and it’s very interesting but you can’t put exact time frames on such things or even guarantee them.
        In keeping with your ph advice we sometimes hear something about seawater acidification but we don’t hear very much.

      • Just looking at that chart again it seems to suggest the solar cycles are 22 years not 11 years unless you count a cycle as trough to peak. So anyway roughly where is your plot of volcanic soil, is it near Cairns or Darwin ? ? ?
        And should we worry all the crocodiles freeze and there will be nothing to put in the croc-burgers except microsoft petri-dish chicken

  20. Highly recommended new book by Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow, re weather patterns, bee dropouts, mainly about 5G, also influenza historical writing. You won’t regret spending money on this book. I am told he is coming to the Pentecost thing in Concord, MA, 31 May, 2020, arvo. Be there or be Pi R squared.

  21. I am adding here what Diane said at Gumshoe on November 14, 2019, as she mentions food security:

    “See Tavistock Agenda Timeline 2012. “Unbeknownst” to many it has moved into cyber warfare, transhumanism, interplanetary evil plans — part of the One World Government agenda. This includes a one-world religion: Mormons, evangelicals, Pentecostals, 33-plus degree Masons-Jesuits-super powers, total control.

    “Breeding programs are now about creating super soldiers, e.g., North Korean military and mind-controlled robotic soldiers. Also Manchurian candidates to respond to triggers/commands and hand signs etc. Not to mention the next world war about food security and water security, population control, etc.

  22. ‘bg’ , seeing as you brought Pompeo up , WHY is Pompeo threatening the ICC with ‘consequences’ if it investigates Israel for war crimes ? :

    As Secretary of State , he should be pursuing the best interests of the U.S , not a foreign entity.

    Yes, no disagreements from me on the ‘Pompeo must go ‘ bit – only what’s with the ‘Trump will then appoint someone like him ‘ or worse ?

    WHY appoint a rabid war-monger like Pompeo in the FIRST place ?

    Of course we both know the answers to the two previous questions .( ie: We both know that Trump has no autonomy to appoint anyone . He is TOLD who to appoint by his Zio-controllers ).

    As to your comment ‘ Why on Earth would anyone want to get rid of Trump ? ‘ , ummmm ……. hello ….. is anyone home ?

    You can’t think of ANY reasons to ditch Trump ?

    Let’s start with the fact that he’s appointed a procession of rabid Neo-con war mongers & Rothschild Usury cartel lackeys in key cabinet positions.

    Trump has appointed long term Goldman Sachs affiliate Steve Mnuchin ( Secretary of the Treasury) who is working hand in glove with the Fed to escalate QE to levels FAR beyond that of any previous administration – not to mention the N.M Rothschild journeyman Wilbur Ross who’s in Trump’s inner circle .

    Utilising ANY metric you choose , the indebtedness the U.S is accumulating to combat the phony COVID hoax ( ie: stimulus , welfare cheques to the unemployed , bail-outs to corporate cronies & Trump campaign donors ) , will ensure a crushing debt burden for generations of Americans to come.

    Yes ‘bg’ , this is the Orwellian way in which Trump makes America ‘ great ‘ .

  23. Fish , we must have been separated at birth .

    The Four Yorkshiremen Sketch is one of my all time favourites .

  24. Mary , the thermal bomb in Syria allegation is not out of character in light of other U.S military atrocities inflicted on hapless brown-skinned peoples in recent years.

    Take the war crimes perpetrated in Fallujah (Iraq) by the U.S military – led by the Butcher of Fallujah ( aka General ‘ Mad Dog ‘ Mattis – who Trump admires no end ) :

    A quote from the video above : ‘ The amount of congenital malformations [of newborns] is FOURTEEN (14) TIMES GREATER than the rates measured in the cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki in the aftermath of the A-bombs ‘ .

    That we were / still are allied to this demonic U.S regime , is a shameful indictment of Australia’s elected representatives .

    • “in light of other U.S military atrocities inflicted on hapless brown-skinned peoples in recent years.”

      Oh come on TV, you usually have some credible comments, but to slip into the ‘progressive’ jargon of the wack-jobs and use ‘racisss’ should be beneath you. The PTB don’t give flying fork at a rolling do-nut what your skin color is, or your eye color, your religion or whatever. Crikey, how many ‘white skinned’ people have been wiped out in the last century?

  25. So we all agree the world is run by giant mafias and lots of people get exterminated, in the Congo, in Latin America, in the middle east, everywhere really, but some people want Trump to stop blabbering out interesting facts and popularising them, they prefer someone like Obama who just reads the teleprompter ? Or drug crazies like Biden and Pelosi ? Or insiders like W Bush ? Or total sellouts, up for anything, like the Clintons ? Or master manipulators like HW Bush ? Or Pompeo ?
    You people are waiting for Jesus to fun for president, but if you were around in 30AD and Jesus got crucified, you would be the ones complaining most bitterly that he was a fizzer.

  26. Scotus , in relation to your having attributed to me , the belief that’ Netanyahu’s tight Covid surveillance should’ve happened worldwide ‘ , I think you have me confused with someone else.

    That are not many people commenting on Gumshoe who desire more an END to the surveillance apparatus utilised by the powers that be to spy on us than I am ( be it here in Oz or anywhere else in the world ) .

    I’m in favour of a radical dimunition of Big Government & government overreach – in whatever form it takes ,

    As to your comments about Amazing Polly , I wouldn’t disagree that Fed money is going towards paying off Big Pharma ( assuming Polly is indeed saying that ) , seeing as Fed money in the trillions tends to find its way into all the nefarious agencies that aid & abet the Zio-cabal .

    That said , the fact that Polly is not mentioning the Zio-owned banks with CEO’s whose allegiance is with the Israeli Apartheid state, is a real worry.

    I’ve seen more than a few Amazing Polly videos & I’ve noticed that she NEVER calls out Trump & NEVER mentions the Israel lobby , the Zionists in corporate America or indeed within Trump’s own cabinet who are up to no good ( quite unlike an objective observer like a Phil Giraldi who is consistently pointing it out ) .

    For me , the fact that Polly never mentions the elephant in the room ( Israel & its Zionist minions acting to subvert the best interests of the American people , be it foreign policy, fiscal restraint or whatever ) , this is an obvious Red Flag about Polly & that’s why I’m wary about her .

    BTW , what’s an ‘ organigram ‘ ? Not familiar with that term .

  27. Agreed ‘ bg ‘ .

    Obama , the Clintons , Pelosi , Biden , the Bush’s etc are horrific alternatives – nearly everyone commenting on GS has said just that .

    All that I’ve been saying all along is that there is NO EVIDENCE that Trump is the lesser of these many evils .

    And , in light of the foreign policy concessions he’s made to Israel ( the reprehensible act of tearing up the JCPOA for example ) , astronomical indebtedness he’s presided over (unprecedented levels of borrowing from the Zionist-Dominated Usury banking cartel ) , one could easily make the case that Trump is the worst of a despicable bunch .

  28. Fair point Terry – when speaking about the FIRST HALF of the 20th century .

    But, let’s dig a bit deeper & analyse the first & second world wars and the Bolshevik revolution which led to the ten of millions that died of famine / purges in the 1920’s / 1930’s .

    First , in the case of the Soviet Union , this was about destroying the Romanov dynasty & the destruction of CHRISTIANITY.
    Because , the Tsars & the white christian peoples that he represented were the perceived enemies of the Zionist-Dominated Usury banking cartels that funded the Bolshevik Revolution .

    The leading figures of that revolution , ie: Trotsky , Zinoviev , Kamenev were all Jewish ( with massive over-representation of Jews amongst the underlings ) .

    Similarly , the Zionist banking cartels engineered World Wars I & II with the intention of pitting Christians against Christians because Talmudic doctrines have ALWAYS taught that the path to world hegemony involved the elimination & subjugation of that class of peoples that stood in their way.

    ie: white Christians .

    With the fall of communism in Europe & the coming down of the wall in 1989 , the attention of U.S foreign policy shifted to inventing an ‘enemy’ so as to justify the flow of funds to the military-industrial complex.

    What better an enemy than the brown-skinned peoples of the Middle East.

    Since U.S foreign policy had long before been taken over by the Israel lobby & the ethnically Jewish Neo-cons , it was engineered as a ‘ two-for ‘.

    ie: arrange for a set of events so as enrage the west so that a western coalition would launch a pre-emptive war on an adversary that allegedly had WMD’s ( Iraq 2003) & thus prevent another 9/11 from occurring.
    In the process, the dumb goyim would be dissipating their blood & treasure in destroying a potential adversary of Israel in the region .

    Step 1 : Concoct a set of circumstances to entice Iraq to invade Iran in the 1980’s ( telling Saddam Hussein that he had U.S diplomatic & logistical backing & that he’d win the war in a cake walk ).

    Step 2 : The U.S would simultaneously supply the opposing side (Iran) with the weaponry it needed ( via Iran-Contra ) to ensure the war dragged on without a victor – because it was never about wanting one side to emerge victorious over the other.

    It was ALWAYS about making sure that the two chief rivals to Israel’s hegemonic aspirations were fighting a war of ATTRITION until they had exhausted each other militarily & squandered the nest egg they’d each accumulated from oil revenues.

    It was ALWAYS about divide & conquer.

    Then, after many years of depletion of Iraq’s military capacity, engineer a war ( First Gulf War in 1991) , whereby Iraq’s residual military capacity was crushed once & for all .
    By the time of the 2003 Iraq War , the Iraqi’s were a shadow of their former strength.

    So Terry, from the First Gulf War ( circa. early 1990’s ) & thereafter, but ESPECIALLY since 9/11 , it has ALL been about genociding brown-skinned peoples – with the sole exception of the culling of a few Serbs in the Kosovo / Balkan conflicts of the late 90’s.

    And, if you look at my earlier video on the after effects of Deplete Uranium (DU) munitions used on Fallujah in Iraq , you can be certain that no white skinned peoples anywhere have ever been subjected to the depths of depravity that Anglo-Zionist foreign policy perpetrated in that conflict .

  29. In the previous comment posted , I had meant to write : ‘ The leading figures of the Bolshevik Revolution (other then Lenin) were Trotsky , etc …. ‘ .

    Of course, Lenin was of Jewish descent & his hatred of the Romanov dynasty was no doubt amplified after his older brother was hanged for his role in an attempted assassination on Tsar Alexander III .

    So, needless to say , Lenin too was accountable to those Anglo-Zionist banking cartel backers who’d funded his revolution & was just as committed to purging & punishing christians whilst consolidating the power of fellow Russian Jewish comrades .

  30. Great article Terry on the drought-like CO2 concentrations that the Earth is currently experiencing.

    If only more people ( hello …. Scotus ) that have been indoctrinated with the Armageddon scenario of Climate Change took the time to read the actual science , we wouldn’t be wasting money on building inefficient & unviable ( not to mention ecologically destructive ) electricity generating devices like these :

    That was an endangered Californian Condor I’m told that you saw chopped up by that wind turbine.

    The video was made over a decade ago so no doubt many more have been chopped up in the interim.
    With that in mind , this species may well have been removed from the ‘endangered’ category in the recent years.

    Extinction has a way of doing that .

    ( Score another one for the tally of Climate Change alarmists who are doing far more harm than good ) .

    • When I first heard about the 180 ppm threshold where many plants went dormant, I had to do further research on it. Sure enough, it was real and so was the 150ppm threshold where various plants died.

      If it hadn’t been for the industrial age increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere up to around 400ppm, this Eddy Ice age would be even more sever for famine.

      When the oceans get cold they can hold more gas, that is what happened in the previous ice age that brought the CO2 levels down to 180ppm (think of a warm beer loosing bubbles of CO2). As I recall, the CO2 levels were around 220ppm before that earlier ice age. If there had been a similar situation for this ice age, then it would have been very difficult to produce food in the depths of the cold. Thankfully, by the grace of the cosmic intelligence, humans were directed to release extra carbon that had been sequestered in the coal and oil of previous eons.

    • TV, you took a shot at the crazy environmental movement and their wind turbines. The Michael Moore movie ‘Planet of the Humans’ gives that whole ‘renewable energy’ con a big serve. I don’t have much time for Moore, but he is a ‘greenie’ that at least looked at the issue and the science behind it. He has take a lot of flak for the movie, so I will give him some credit on this one.


      I’ve watched short clips from the movie and he is brutal the way he exposes the BS.

      • Thank you Terry, and for sharing your in depth research about the 180 ppm threshold et cetera with us. Most informative.

        The very same thing came to mind – “Planet of the Humans” was produced and directed by Jeff Gibbs but all kudos to Michael Moore for presenting it.

        At one point I wondered whether he was pushing the line that yes, there are simply too many humans on the planet – and you know what comes next (per Georgia Guidestones).

        I had been told that ‘greenie’ friends (otherwise good environmentally conscious people who have been cleverly lured into the climate change cult hoax) have broken down in tears when the reality hits home and they realise they have been tricked and betrayed. It’s a barrier we all have to go through and good on them. It could be that Michael Moore has had such an awakening. Otherwise, my thoughts on him mirror yours.

        A definite MUST watch.

        • Julius, yeah, nobody wants to admit they got conned. Especially when they perceive themselves as the ‘good guys’ – then realize they have been working for the ‘bad guys’.

          Such people will often times withdraw from the discussions and shrink away, others get really pissed off and want ‘pay back’. Perhaps Moore is one of those people.

          I’ve mentioned before the woman at the Permaculture class that discovered through me that the Port Arthur Massacre was a psy-op to disarm Australians. After giving her some of my articles, she came into the next class with the front page from the ‘Telecrap’ where she and and a bunch of other air-heads from the Coalition for Gun Control were demonstrating against firearm ownership on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.

          She was livid, she was totally pissed. The four unregistered firearms that she had found when her father had died were not going to be forfeited to the Crown. She had become the worst enemy of the government.

  31. Thanks Terry for the heads-up on the Michael Moore movie & Fish for posting it .

    I’ll be having a lot at it for sure .

    • A quick heads up of a couple of highlights for me.

      In the beginning Jeff Gibbs asks – “How long do you think humans have left on this planet?” … the answer at 1:03 is worth watching and framing 😊

      “- Unless we can get to another planet, but then we’re just gonna fuck it up like we did Earth.”

      I actually stopped watching at around nine minutes when he equated pollution to “climate change” and then featured the likes of Obama, Gore and Branson as somehow having ‘benevolent’ agendas.

      A like-minded friend encouraged me to get past that and I am so glad I then watched it to the end.

      My jaw dropped at around 1:16:40 when I saw on the screen “Blackrock named world’s largest investor in deforestation.“ Hadn’t we just been discussing them as being tied up with managing the Federal Reserve transactions under the new “arrangements”, involving Mnuchin?

      For a bit of light relief this topic (and Terry’s very expert explanation) always keeps bringing me back to this:

      Starship log 1977 …
      “Mr Spock, there appears to be ice forming on the windshield.”
      “That would be caused by the temperature differential, Captain.”

      • In Search Of… The Coming Ice Age (narrated by Leonard Nimoy)

      • Fish, a good introduction to sever cold. I’ve got several stories to tell about survival in that kind of cold, but I’ll wait a bit until people understand that the information is relevant.

        Long john underwear is your friend…

        • Long johns and flannels are much better than bulky, sweaty jackets made of synthetic materials as I found in the long nights I spent before agricultural machinery was fitted with cabins of artificial “environment”.

          There have been many references to “sever” (as in to cut off) in what appears to me to refer to “severe” as in a notable departure from the mean, or average.

          Anyhow, don’t mind me fellas, I could never be relied on to run with the mob even as a little fella.

        • Terry – I look forward to your experiences re severe cold.

          Here are my own to give some framework.

          Temperatures are in centigrade – except of course –40° which is the same on both C and F scales (* see below)

          Let me define a comfort level (CF) as having an arbitrary scale 1-10, 1 being the least comfortable – just for subjective relativity.

          • +40° –CF 1 –it wouldn’t want to get much hotter!
          • +30° – CF 4 –maybe 5 or 6. Warm enough but barely noticeable when younger.
          • +20° – CF 9-or 10 – perfect
          • +10° – CF 5 – starting to get a little uncomfortable and DAMP!
          • 0° – CF 3 – miserably damp and cold from 5° downwards – damp fog doesn’t lift until midday on a good day. Note – all moisture has now frozen and precipitated.by -5°
          • -10° – CF 8 or 9 –clear blue skies, T-shirt weather because it is DRY – great skiing weather – can get skier’s sunburn.
          • -20° – CF 5 – just stay rugged up and active – I probably prefer this to +10°
          • -30° – CF 3 – genuinely cold but you can stay functional.
          • -40° – CF 1 – dangerously cold – no exposed skin – it wouldn’t want to get much colder!

          • (*) Solve the linear algebraic equation F = 9/5 * C + 32 when F = C

          Terry, you and oldavid are perfectly correct – it’s all about the clothing and being mindful and prepared.

  32. It’s amazing how topics and reading material intersect.

    From Dave McGowan’s “Wagging the Moondoggie” Chapter 10:

    “Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change the climates to frigid. There is something more important than the ultimate weapon. And that is the ultrasound position. The position of total control over Earth that lies somewhere in outer space.“ – Lyndon B. Johnson (1958)

    I went fact checking and lost my way down the ‘masters of infinity’ rabbit hole.

    This little video emerged:

    Apollo Program a Deception For Covert Launch of ‘Climate Change’ Satellites

    and this link to WMH (Weather Modification History) Timeline


    I’ll try and finish Moondoggie Chapter 10 tomorrow.

  33. I watched the Planet of the Humans video you posted earlier Fish . There’s was a hell of a lot in it that I wasn’t aware of .

    The Green extremists could learn a lot from it – only they won’t be watching it ( they’ll be shepherded away from it by their indoctrinators & controllers ) .

    One of the main takeaways is that most Green/Renewable energy does not come from either solar or wind power. It comes from Biomass.

    And Biomass = Forests chopped down & burned .

    I checked out the Wikipedia entry for the movie &, not unexpectedly they trotted out the usual cherry picked commentators who were no doubt lavishly remunerated to smear the film & cast aspersions on its credibility .

    What about ‘ Blood & Gore ‘ , the poster boys of so-called Green energy ( aka David Blood of Goldman Sachs & Al Gore ) .

    How appropriate for a representative from that blood-sucking investment bank Goldman Sachs (perhaps the epicentre of financial chicanery in the western world) , to have that handle .

    You can’t make this stuff up .

  34. Further proof that our old mate LBJ , knew 60 years ago that satellite technology was to be utilised for the purpose of weather control ( refer to the last 30 seconds of the clip ) :

  35. Cold day today and the wood stove is on. Might as well put it to work, so I’m cooking up some lamb shanks in the stove. I’m going to try the meat in some fried tortillas and make some tacos – a bit of refried beans, cheese, salsa and sauce, nothing fancy, but tasty and nourishing.

    ‘Social distancing’, seems a lot like retirement to me…

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