by Mary Maxwell, LLB
This is extremely serious. You may recall the article we wrote about Michelle Melendez, who hosts an almost daily YouTube show from the Big Island. Now she tells us (at her website) that she needs one resident of KAUAI by tomorrow to file a court pleading to stop this awful thing — which probably won’t work but should still be filed anyway.
(My anti-vax federal case, Maxwell v Sec’y of Defense was filed as a sort of request for court to write a restraining order “Don’t let those basted hurt me!). Of course it fell in deaf ears at the district and circuit level.)
The person running this effort is a young candidate for state legislature. Pearly shells personified.
Many years ago I heard an allegedly benign announcement that such-and-such a group of scientists in France were studying how the winds affect the distribution of malaria on Africa. Yeah, right.
Like why would they care?
So today I see in AP News a fact check situation. It is almost guaranteed to mean the opposite of what it says. Here we go:
“CLAIM: Rare malaria cases reported in Florida and Texas recently were caused by a disease-control initiative backed by Bill Gates that involved releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in the U.S.
“AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation doesn’t finance any modified mosquito release projects in the U.S. And experts say the types of mosquitoes that are used for that initiative in Florida are not capable of transmitting malaria.
“THE FACTS: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced this week that the U.S. has seen five cases of malaria spread by mosquitoes in the last two months — the first time there’s been local spread in 20 years. There were four cases detected in Florida and one in Texas.”
And worse, here is a Hawaiin official’s two cents:
“The idea is to release a different species of male mosquitoes into the wild, which would stop the female mosquitoes from reproducing and transmitting the disease to the birds. “When two mosquitoes have an incompatible bacteria and they lay eggs, they don’t hatch,” explained Jin Harlow of Haleakala National Park”
Like somebody cares?
Oh,no, wait a minute This is from “The Hill”, a daily based on Capitol Hill, in Washington DC:
Why are some people mosquito magnets and others unbothered?
“The environmental assessment for the project was available for public review between Dec. 6, 2022, and Jan. 23, 2023, with a total of 853 pieces of correspondence received.
“On Friday, the state’s Board of Land and Natural Resources heard emotional testimony, and unanimously voted to move forward with the IIT plan as well. [Emotional? which emotion?]
“Experts explained that female mosquitoes have been transmitting avian malaria to Hawaii’s native birds for decades, and now, as temperatures rise, mosquitoes are moving higher up mountains and infecting the birds.
“Bret Mossman, an avian technician for the Hawaii Island Natural Area Reserve System, testified on Friday, saying he’s seen the damage these mosquitos can do first-hand.
“ ‘As someone who works with these birds every day I’ve seen the impacts that the disease spreads by these mosquitoes; maimed limbs, missing eyes, even losing their bills because of lesions from pox, and a slow decline of even the largest and healthiest birds to malaria to the point where the birds can no longer move, and eventually die’,” Mossman said.
Sorry, Mossman, we cannot by any means trust a venture that has the Gates name on it. Nor does your team have any right to fiddle with the biosphere without major public awareness. I don’t know those the 853 correspondents were. I just go by instinct in saying it was not your basic citizen — who at this moment is crushed by the fire….
Saint Edward, pray for us!! (I mean St Edward O Wilson, who went to heaven last year, age 92. slightly exhausted from gunning for biodiversity
Maybe “gunning”is not the right word.
Or maybe it is. I need some Tonys’ tea. Help nurse, bring me Tony’s tea, I am fainting!
Cuba, Dengue, as Noted in India
I now must append part of an article by Ajey Lele, entitled “Dengue; A Germ with Weapon Potential”. It’s a lot more than POTENTIAL. It was published in 2006.
Gp Capt Ajey Lele (Retd.) is a Consultant at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.
He wrote:
In May 2002, the then US Undersecretary of State for Arms Control, John Bolton, in his speech at the Heritage Foundation had accused Cuba of having a limited offensive biological warfare programme. But a cursory examination of history shows that the Cubans were in fact ‘victims’ of American ‘germ’ attacks in the past.
Between the 1960s and 1990s, Cuba has been subjected to an enormous number of outbreaks of human and crop diseases, which are difficult to attribute purely to natural causes. In the backdrop of the recent pandemic of Dengue in India and its neighbourhood, it would be of interest to note that during 1981 Cuba was in the grip of Dengue, which was probably intentionally spread by the Americans. Naturally, such accusations mostly emerge from the victim country and it is not necessary that the complainant should always be correct in its assessment.
However, Cuba had a reason to point a finger at the United States. Cuban officials felt that there was enough circumstantial evidence available to prove their contention. During the 1960s, the United States intentionally attacked Cuban agriculture many times. According to a Washington Post report of September 16, 1977, the CIA had maintained an “anticrop warfare” programme. In 1970 the CIA engineered the introduction of African swine fever into Cuba, which killed more than a half million pigs. Subsequently, The Guardian and a few other Western newspapers reported extensively on these operations. Thus, in short, there was a history of US usage of agriculture/biological weapons against Cuba.
Moreover, in the spring and summer of 1981, the Cubans found themselves facing an unprecedented epidemic of hemorrhagic Dengue fever. The epidemic, which had hit Cuba in May 1981, generated serious suspicions about American involvement because the country did not have much of a history of major Dengue outbreaks (except for 1944 and 1977). But suddenly between May and October 1981 there were more than three lakh reported cases and 158 fatalities. At the peak of the epidemic, more than 10,000 cases per day were being reported.
Experts say that diseases like Dengue are ideal as biological warfare weapons for many reasons. First, Dengue is highly incapacitating and it can be transmitted easily through the introduction of infected mosquitoes. Second, it spreads rapidly and hence, as a weapon, it can cover a larger target area. Third, the Dengue mosquito bites during the day when people are more active and less protected; moreover, under favourable wind conditions, these mosquitoes can travel hundreds of miles. In such cases, population density and hygiene conditions also become instrumental in deciding the extent to which the disease spreads. Lastly, since dengue fever is found in nature very easily in many parts of the world, a human role in its spread is hard to detect thus enabling an attacker to easily hide its role.
War Crimes
The US is not a signatory to some of the Protocols of the Geneva Conventions. Nevertheless, for one reason or another, Congress passed, in 1996, a domestic law called The War Crimes Act. I will quote from it, as I think it is relevant to the bioweapon of mosquitos.
18 U.S. Code § 2441 – War crimes
Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.
(b)Jurisdiction.—There is jurisdiction over an offense described in subsection (a) if—
(1) the offense occurs in whole or in part within the United States; or
(2)regardless of where the offense occurs—
(A)the victim or offender is—
(i) a national of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; or
(ii) a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, regardless of nationality; or
(B) the offender is present in the United States, regardless of the nationality of the victim or offender.
(c)Definition.—As used in this section the term “war crime” means any conduct—
(1) defined as a grave breach in any of the international conventions signed at Geneva 12 August 1949, or any protocol to such convention to which the United States is a party;
(2) prohibited by Article 23, 25, 27, or 28 of the Annex to the Hague Convention IV, Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, signed 18 October 1907;
(3) which constitutes a grave breach of common Article 3 (as defined in subsection (d)) when committed in the context of and in association with an armed conflict not of an international character; or
(4) of a person who, in relation to an armed conflict and contrary to the provisions of the Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as amended at Geneva on 3 May 1996 (Protocol II as amended on 3 May 1996), when the United States is a party to such Protocol, willfully kills or causes serious injury to civilians.
(d)Common Article 3 Violations.—
(1)Prohibited conduct.—In subsection (c)(3), the term “grave breach of common Article 3” means any conduct (such conduct constituting a grave breach of common Article 3 of the international conventions done at Geneva August 12, 1949), as follows:
(A)Torture [I am abridging all that are not about bioweapon — MM]
(B)Cruel or inhuman treatment.—
(C)Performing biological experiments.—
The act of a person who subjects, or conspires or attempts to subject, one or more persons within his custody or physical control to biological experiments without a legitimate medical or dental purpose and in so doing endangers the body or health of such person or persons.
(D)Murder [by DEW, anyone?]
(E)Mutilation or maiming.—
(F)Intentionally causing serious bodily injury.—
(H)Sexual assault or abuse.—
(I)Taking hostages.— ….
(3)Inapplicability of certain provisions with respect to collateral damage or incident of lawful attack.—
(4)Inapplicability of taking hostages to prisoner exchange.—
(5)Definition of grave breaches.—
The definitions in this subsection are intended only to define the grave breaches of common Article 3 and not the full scope of United States obligations under that Article.
(e)Nonapplicability of Certain Limitations.—
In the case of an offense described in subsection (a) and further described in subsections (c)(1) and (c)(3), an indictment may be found or an information may be instituted at any time without limitation. [Bolding added by MM]
(f)Certification Requirement.—
(1)In general.—
No prosecution for an offense described in subsection (a) shall be undertaken by the United States except on written certification of the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, or an Assistant Attorney General, which function of approving prosecutions may not be delegated, that a prosecution by the United States is in the public interest and necessary to secure substantial justice.
Not to confuse Jessica Priya (pictured above) with Ms Michelle Melendez. Here is the article about Michelle,
which includes links to other Maui-related articles. I am going to be in Maui next week. I am almost hysterical about the Gates thing — he also is (admitteldy) injecting farm animals with mystery medicine.
Two more days till we find out if the Ontario board “deletes” Dr Mrk Trozzi.
If they do, that is more than we can tolerate.
Queensland(Oz)could claim some of the Island of Doctor Moreau. Two different dengue’s, other milder variants plus a veritable cornucopia of historically unheard of zoological transgression’s
Also a bit of regular mosquito news in Western Australia, they like to scare us whenever possible. Homoepathic remedy for puncture wounds is LEDUM 30c, don’t make the mistake of not having some around for bee stings and anything of that nature, it somehow focusses the immune system and makes short work of many things, maybe even some aspects of the dreaded medical injections, though I doubt it would stop the mRNA.
Thanks Simon
Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet begins his research career at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.
“From about February 1942 to about April 1945 experiments were conducted at the Dachau concentration camp in order to investigate immunization for and treatment of malaria. Healthy concentration-camp inmates were infected by mosquitoes or by injections of extracts of the mucous glands of mosquitoes. After having contracted malaria the subjects were treated with various drugs to test their relative efficacy. Over 1,000 involuntary subjects were used in these experiments. Many of the victims died and others suffered severe pain and permanent disability. The defendants Karl Brandt, Handloser, Rostock, Gebhardt, Blome, Rudolf Brandt, Mrugowsky, Poppendick, and Sievers are charged with special responsibility for and participation in these crimes.”
“This research focused on human experiments dealing with: malaria, tuberculosis, petechial typhus, viral hepatitis, and those regarding sulphonamides as antimicrobial agents. The concentration camps involved by experimental programmes on human guinea pigs were: Natzweiler Struthof, Dachau, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz. Overall, around 7,200 deported prisoners went to their deaths during or because of these experiments (also considering human trials other than previously quoted ones). At the end of the war several physicians were charged with war crimes in two trials (Nuremberg and Dachau), and those found guilty were sentenced to death, or years of imprisonment.”
“The SS was the key structure which ensured maximum efficiency for these experimental programmes, from both logistic planning through to an operative control system carried out in concentration camps, and thanks to an autonomous, dedicated medical structure, which included a rigid hierarchy of physicians directly dependent on the head of SS forces (Reichsführer), i.e. Dr. Heinrich Himmler. Moreover, it is worth noting that also physicians who were not part of the SS corps collaborated in the above experiments on human guinea pigs: these included military personnel belonging to the Wehrmacht, academic physicians from German universities, and researchers who worked in some German pharmaceutical industries, such as IG Farben, Bayer and Boehring.”
“The malaria epidemics in Papua New Guinea in 1942–43
The war against malaria in Papua New Guinea soon proved as crucial as that against the Japanese. It was led and conducted by a group of remarkable senior officers of the Australian Army Medical Corps (AAMC) who had trained in tropical medicine during the inter-war decades of 1920s and 30s.
The AAMC’s specialists in tropical diseases had already performed a prelude to the sobering drama of the 1942–1946 war against malaria in Papua New Guinea. In Syria in June–July 1941 the troops of the 2nd Australian Imperial Force (AIF) suffered the Army’s first malaria epidemic of the war when 1400 troops succumbed to the disease during the six-week campaign against the Vichy French forces there. By a ratio of four to one, most of these were victims of falciparum, the more lethal form, rather than vivax malaria. The victims were promptly evacuated to the military hospitals in malaria-controlled Palestine. [ii]”
“The medical officers feared the worst in Syria. AAMC veterans who had served in the Middle East during World War I remembered the catastrophic falciparum epidemic that had almost brought the Desert Mounted Corps to a standstill in Damascus in 1918. As in 1918, one of the main approaches into Syria from Palestine in 1941 was along the upper Jordan, still a highly malarious region.[iii]”
“A 2nd AIF anti-malarial team disinfecting a malarial mosquito breeding ground using knapsack sprays, Syria, 1941. Left–right are Lance-Corporal A.W. Branch, Corporal R. Griffiths and Private G. Idle (Australian War Memorial photograph no. 021218).”
“This research focused on human experiments dealing with: malaria, tuberculosis, petechial typhus, viral hepatitis, and those regarding sulphonamides as antimicrobial agents. The concentration camps involved by experimental programmes on human guinea pigs were: Natzweiler Struthof, Dachau, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz. Overall, around 7,200 deported prisoners went to their deaths during or because of these experiments (also considering human trials other than previously quoted ones).”
I am one of the guinea pigs
also guess we are all “their” guinea pigs
“Dr Deagle was the doctor of the pilots from the NSA and Fort Carson who were flying these aircraft where they were spraying this from the airplanes.
Also in the chemtrails are Morgellons – silicon based nano machine life forms that do not originate on planet earth… this is a silicon based life form that is intelligent like bee’s or ants and it fights back. Conversion of the atmosphere to a plasma for weather modification, geo tectonic warfare, scalar mind control technologies, the woodpecker, which has been discovered in the 70’s, HAARP, the tetra system in the United Kingdom, the Gwenn towers (The Ground Wave Emergency Network was a command and control communications system intended for use by the United States government to facilitate military communications before, during and after a nuclear war) in the United States and the Iridium Satellite system connected to the cell towers and smart highways is all based on not only a signal to track you, but Nokia, which is one of the leading cell companies has figured out a new way to cut down increasing the amount of signal by 3-5 times as many cell phones in the same area by beaming the signal directly to you. But it can also, besides the cell signal they can have a bio coded signal to your DNA to affect your physiology and insert thoughts into your mind. And they have this technology today. “
Noah has a lot to answer for Elspeth.
Alright, for those annoyed by buzzing mosquitos and want some respite, either try some aerogard or try the latest situation update by Mary at beforeit’snews.com, people powered news.
The opening gunfight in NY sound like fun, then go to 55 mins for the necessary seven or so for reports on a real tunnel gunfight and a possible missile exchange.
If you are injected, go back to some video reports, it does not look good, (millions dead) so best to climb under the blankets. Sorry, but ………. Ewes make their own woolly bed.
I picked up on this a few days ago.
Some more fun for Elspeth,
It is ten days old but Ben Fulford is now at beforeitsnews with his report ‘ T to declare martial L for mass arrests of ….’
Bloody hell, he once had Cheney as a mate
He is on the Q people and pets. 21 mins.
Not sure about tunnels but knows about earthquake signs. … I think he concedes tunnels and trains.
JB is he all fake?
Heaps more at BIN, chose with discretion, pick your own interests.
I heard that Col’ McGregor could be future president, so I listened to him. Also at BIN.
Common sense oozes from him for 17 mins. As usual!
Wonder if Canberra is listening.
I recommend consideration, especially our fiscal black swan coming to roost.
Then there is another 17 mins with Scott Ritter.
Albanese Dutton: MASS MEDIA, STAY OUT OF IT!🙏
Search at DuckDuckGo go ‘WAR IS A RACKET’ by Major General Smedley Butler.
Listen to a speech and also his history In the longer video ‘forgotten history’ series.
He had a novel idea adapted from when the king led his army into battle.
He stated …. ( in part paraphrased) Let those who finance wars, those politicians and profiteers supporting war, be conscripted and sent to war. Plus more.
Ok Canberra politicians for war …. Off you go, we will send some goodies via the Red Cross with some home knitted socks to comfort you.
Note the latest Clif High monologue… promising forecast a challenge for normies
We recently had an article bout Eric West on Maui who has the YouTube channel “Hawaii real estate.” Today on that site I see an Aussie comment:
Thanks for the coverage and for having a prayer to Jesus our saviour. I was on kangaroo Island South Australia a couple of years ago when we had those fires. Flinders Chase National Park was on fire at the time and the fire spread extensively to farmland and many properties etc. Most interestingly, I was talking to a local farmer who told me that the farmers offered to bulldoze a fire break behind Flinders Chase National Park. The government declined the offer and tragically much of the Island burned. I put it down gross incompetence at the time. But as other fires rage all over the place and information comes to light (like your coverage), it appears as though they indeed are doing this on purpose. Its unthinkable isn’t it…. God bless you and all on Lahaina and in the USA.”
An observation, hope it doesn’t offend.
For 35 years have been a pescatarian blood group O-, better half eats red meat blood group B+. During mosquito season, we lay in bed she’s attacked constantly, buzzing around they rarely bite me. Can they sense my blood is poor quality?
Being a misfit more so these days, can’t help but feel “Thou shall not kill”, doesn’t apply to just people but all mammals and beyond. And yes we are sprayed 24/7, on clearer days look up at the CON trails.
Interesting observation—I have observed mosquitoes –mozzing particular people- I am not their favourite choice- however when sitting by a river with some Elders guardians of a special place -Murray Cod Songline – I was attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes–this resulted in my second bout of Ross River Virus—very very debilitating—
History and research re Ross River Virus—all connected to Rome but first via the Tavi. Townsville– a Tavistock Node—Ward 10B- “Deep Sleep Therapy”
Strength to you Tony
Just a thought
Would be good to resurrect the 6 parts of a series Dee made about Child Abduction and much much more. This series seems to have been censored at some level.
Maybe a D notice sort of thing. Anyway in the second part there was a reference to Experiments and Cults and testimonies of medical practices children were subjected to. MKUltra subproject etc maybe it is timely to pick up on this research and shine the spotlight on Australia’s history and the Grand Plan.
Discovering Ross River Virus
Strength to you always,
love and peace all hearts.
Sydney New South Wales Doing their bit for indoctrination–part of the Tavistock Portman Plan–yes Wales – Top Docs–
Look what they done to my song Ma –Look what they done to my brain
sorry Mary –yes off topic I know—BUT
It is totally ON topic, Ms Diane.
The Brian’s the thing wherein I’ll catch .. um … not sure what, but I’ll catch something.
Go Harvey Go
About 20 seconds of Milei buried in some ads
lets see if this one pans out
just because they die onset, I have many doubts
Pentagon Publishes Proposal for Ethnic Cleansing and Colonization of Gaza; Destruction of Lebanon
Posted by Internationalist 360° on November 22, 2023
Dan Cohen
“………….While the article notes that “the views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the views of the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, or any other agency of the U.S. government.” the fact that such a radical proposal was published in the top U.S. Army publication, demonstrates that explicit support for ethnic cleansing and genocide is well accepted in its intellectual and policy-making circles.
The article’s publication comes amid Israel’s unprecedented genocidal assault on the besieged Gaza Strip following the October 7 Hamas attack. Israeli occupation forces have targeted residential buildings, schools, hospitals, ambulances, medical personnel, rescuers and first response teams, journalists, United Nations employees, mosques, churches, infrastructure, and have cut off electricity and of communication services. On November 10, the Gaza Health Ministry announced it had lost the ability to track casualties, with its last official count at 11,078 deaths, including 4,506 children, 27,490 injuries and an additional 2,700 people trapped under the rubble. An estimated 1.7 million people are displaced, including 900,000 in 154 UNRWA shelters, some of which have been bombed by Israel…………..”