Home Corona Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast


Yesterday’s mainstream news — the CRICKET CRAZE is coming.

Introduction by DM

Today for Sunday Roast there’s a selection on the menu — apart from cricket news above.

The first item is the most extraordinary exposure of the vaccine injuries (deaths and harm) with three people from Holland in an Interview with Clayton Morris. The analysis of data from the Europe demonstrates the catastrophe that unfolded in 2021.

Dutch Freedom Fighters and Truth Seekers, former Dutch Parliamentarian and business entrepreneur Wybren van Haga, Businessman and Data expert Wouter Aukema and Anne Merel Kloosterman who is representing many vaccine injured join Redacted to share this story.

The interview:

The MSM finally realizing that the more they weaponized the DOJ, the more popular Orange became.

An video by Benjamin Fulford — an interesting view of the power struggle regarding the US, China and Russia, and the players on the global stage.



      • Hodgepodge — Just like the world at the mo.

        I have yet to see clarity provided by anyone.

        I found one point very interesting… We need to keep Russia strong to balance China, whereas the US is intent in destroying Russia — and therefore is suiciding itself.

      • Keep it up, just insults, no examination reflects either bigotry, ignorance
        and/or a fear of reality.
        Is the ‘Biden’ really a Biden and is he the president? AS A EXAMPLE FOR THE SIMPLES!

    • Sandra and MM,
      Wake the FIRK UP!
      See if you can bear for five minutes the report on what was found UNDER THE HELL HOUSE.
      at BIN,
      Mary just hear the description of what was found beneath.
      You Mary Maxwell LLB will not face hearing it!
      I saw the videos of the activities at the WH IN JAN 2021.
      How ling have you two been considering some of the matters raised by fulford and I wonder if either of you have either watched and considered his report for about the last three years?
      Have you both any idea that you are the real hodgepodges that will have trouble facing your friends when the reality is exposed and your contributions to reality, apparent to anyone who has examined the developments from NUMEROUS SOURCES, is here on record is examined

        • Indeed, I saw and heard the reports back then, have you just caught up?
          Because I saw the January 21 videos with the activity at the capital or WH.
          Old news, when did you firstly discover?
          The information has been reinforced ever since.
          Have YOU EVER NOTICED THE VIDEO FOR THE OPENING IF MARY’s situation update?
          So iits oldcnews, so what, is it still happening and is any one bothering to do anything.. or the only comment that they can think of is its… JUST OLD NEWS!!!!.
          Disgusting response. 💁💀💀💀💀

          • Do you believe that a Biden occupied the hell house ever since the discoveries?
            Do you believe that other leaders of the world are so stupid that they do not know?
            Where do you stand .. they all just hodgepodge TOO.?

            MARY, what about you?

            Someone has to bring you two to find reality… for your own sakes💁🙀 and for all other readers to wake them up as well,

            Listening to the really sad lost normies here is a health hazard for the stupid.

          • Sandra,
            How about passing on from ‘OLD NEWS’ and listen today to Mary at the situation update, even for the first ten mins or so to GET UP TO BLOODY DATE IN REGARD TO THE MOST EVIL BUSINESS IN THE WORLD KNOWN IN HISTORY AND TO DATE – THE ABUSE, SLAVERY, AND SACRIFICE OF CHILDREN, and those who have been SILENT AND JUST OLD NEWS.
            ‘DITTO’ to you too, Mary LLB.
            Do either of you have a inclination to listen to Mary?

          • Melania told us when they moved out they wouldn’t be back, thereafter a lot of speculation about Mar-a-lago. She hated doing the Xmas trees every year. As for normies, they are all about “I’m alright Jack” and staying in the groove, if they aren’t at least half awake by now, what will it take. Lots of reasonably affluent people in my area with the curiosity of a cabbage, but people I work with are more switched on.

    • The best avenue for learning is to keep an open mind. Keeping an open mind will always be your best assistant in learning.

      One should never criticize anything, without first knowing what it is that caused them to become critical in the first place. And, It is a common courtesy, to then provide some logical reasoning, via example, for the criticism.

      • T.O, we are wasting our fingers, some must have steel reinforced skulls.
        With a large sign on the forehead.

      • Ned – they can only keep deflecting from what they should know, until what they should have learned, when they had the time to easily assimilate what has been there in front of them all along, hits them all like a ten pound sledgehammer right between the eyes. They are still so self-absorbed within their own beliefs, that what they will be confronted with, soon, is not going to be easily accepted.

      • Big show over at Mary’s place this afternoon, and full of BIG info, which seems to be pouring out.

        Fluoride, not only in our water supplies, but also in the jab – 20% increase in early onset of dementia from the jabbed, according to some medical folk in Japan.

        There’s other info that if I printed it here would probably set the howler monkeys off – so I will let them find out for themselves – if they’re ready to expand their thinking.

        • T.O.
          Only those using objective courage or as a duty. can examine evidence, even if it is circumstantial and only those with a basic intellect and a moral backbone can recognise the truth AND ACCEPT IT, at least on the civil standard; being on the balance of probabilities.
          Some people should never be allowed on a jury in a criminal trial let alone a civil case. Not even a LLB may mean a Zac.
          We have seen it in our professions even.
          How many lawyers have accepted the genuine scientific evidence for the mass murders with 911.
          Then they even vote💁🍿🍿🤪

          • 🤪🤪🤪💁
            911 reminds me of 911 when some ‘corrupt’ liar was asked if they had detected any signs of explosives in the building/a rubble and he said no.
            The he was asked if they then the obvious question, why not.
            looked for any and the reply, no.
            Then the question, why not.
            The MM, Sandra et.al reply,,,, there was no need to look for what was not there.

            Some just do not appreciate or have any idea as to how silly they appear and actually are.
            Or maybe, they have a purpose or instructed not to look.

          • You should broaden your scope, have a look at the video below. Whatever purge you are hoping for may be only scratching the surface. Whatever golden dawn you are certain of, may be short-lived. But you will require the patience of not just 7 minutes, but 3 or 4 times 7 minutes.
            It’s just stuff about how the Elohim created various types of slaves using their own DNA spliced into other creatures, perhaps they made the DNA on their computers to produce the best slaves to suit the environment. But it’s good to hear it from a confirmed Bible basher instead of the customary denials. Maybe the aborigines are the most authentic humans. Mein Trumpf has deflated himself to an election cycle thing and if Hillary was hung at Gitmo ( I assume she wasn’t ) it doesn’t mean much, she is overrated, a bit of an idiot, like most of the cast. Is the USA really going to break free from Novus Ordo Seclorum ??? I’ll suspend judgement until I see the US army blowing up the Washington Monument, which could at least indicate the brainwashing is finally over.

  1. A bit of old testament religion, then about halfway through a new theory on why Iraq was invaded, well above W. Bush’s pay grade

    • Well I have ruminated on this all day and as they show above 14M views, well 14M views can’t be wrong

      • Joseph
        Above a bit you suggest that I should broaden my scope.
        Bit presumptuous I suggest. I do not think you have any idea how far I have broadened my journey in the universe.
        Even at 53mins for a few at today’s situation update. You might find something seriously broad back a million or so on this planet..
        As you apparently have a very broad scope, enlighten us on how some people can see into a future time …. If your broad experience has enlightened you so. Otherwise I think I will just plod along seeking my own broadening and leave you to your own efforts.

        • Broadening in terms of this prevailing singular focus on Trump’s Golden Dawn, the video I reposted above from Sandra lays a lot of it out but no doubt you are familiar with the material.
          Well I have always had a dim view of humanity and events just go on reinforcing that.
          Look what happened right this moment, I got a work-shirt for weekend building jobs etc from Rivers shop who got it from Bangladesh and the actual threads are dissolving, they seem to be dissolving in the wash, I never used anything except ordinary washing machine detergent, this product is self destructing !!!
          In the background the TV is alternately telling me everyone is lonely and in the next breath a housing crisis, perhaps they should all consider squeezing up a bit. It’s bizarre the mess everything gets in to. Trump isn’t Jesus 2nd coming, all these messes large and small are unfixable. “We” are out of our depth by now.

      • I watched it Joe – the man makes sense, but does not go far enough into who, and how many, has had a hand in our creation.

        We did not come from monkeys, but the monkeys most certainly share some of our DNA, as do many other Earth species.

        As the Bible tells us – we came to this planet, we were not created from it.

        That we are alien to this world, should become obvious when one considers our innate inability to survive without, shelter, clothing, footwear, weaponry, etc.

        Take on board, that this planet is apparently very old – so how many other life forms have had a hand in adjusting the planet to suit their own needs?

        As Ned has indicated to you above, Mary, is just beginning to expand on the above question.

          • E.B. It will always be one’s choice what one will take out of the Bible – which is a book put together by vested interests, and not always Human – on which to base a belief.

            Too many books with far too much information that has been deliberately kept from us, by those vested interests, are missing from the Bible, and that holds the key to comprehending our ancient past.

            The Bible was put together for the religion it serves.

          • ‘A major gaff?’ Your accusation holds no water as what you judge my opinion to be, is by your own standard, not to my standard.

            When you finally come to realize, that we as Humans on this planet, are not the only Humans in the Creator’s multiverse, as Jesus told us, then you will have to come to terms with that book you put far too much faith in.

  2. Most Aussies have no say in government because we don’t have representation. We have a government crammed full of lying deceivers who don’t give a rats about what we want or need.
    Many who love this country and hate seeing it go down the toilet are too busy trying to survive as bank accounts are drained by inflation and their health failing from poisons in the air, food, water, prescriptions and death shots all thanks to the merchants of death, who are bringing in people who work cheap and drive down wages, displacing Aussies once used to a higher standard of living in this banana republic now downunder.

    Some say from experience that the final stage of parasitic infection is communism where the state owns everything and a small group of oligarchs own and control the lot, and if you protest you’re unemployable. In this AI dystopia we have an enemy that works from within who have turned this place into a global gulag since 2000 Olympics at Homebush Bay.

  3. Sisters and brothers,
    if you have 5 minutes, please read Archbishop Vigano’s open letter to President Trump, Sunday October 25, 2020.

    This letter maybe, with others he wrote, the reason why he was excommunicated by the powers not visible, superior to the Pope.

    I’m only a sinner with many faults, yet still feel faithful knowing that our role as elders is to save the children with love and guidance from Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ 🙏

  4. Is the obscene enrichment of the already filthy rich a coincidence?
    As millions are out of work and can’t buy food, with countless thousands of small businesses destroyed and many now newly homeless living in cars and on pavements.
    We see essential corporate monstrosities have picked up the lot, with their owners and investors profits now exponential from the misery they created by attacking small business.
    Covid wasn’t about saving lives, it was about killing, enforcing Maoist communist control and keeping us all at bay, prohibited from receiving truthful news. Trillions stolen by banksters and investors WHO have sucked this place dry, gathering all common wealth as the middle class is crushed by the jackboots of inequity. Nothing good can come of this in the hands of a few.

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