Home World Politics The de-Indianation of Twitter by Musk

The de-Indianation of Twitter by Musk


Note from DM: More correspondence from G5 as received on Twitter and the new UK prime minister. 

by G5

Twitter deskunged has removed the levers of what was propaganda by force, rather than attempting to lead by truth, fact, and reality. Had there actually been any reality to the slime pit that it had become?

Beyond the blue-haired c*nts of silicon valley: Twitter had become a vestige of all that is absurd and obtuse in America. A paroxysm of reality. An epiphany of truth has flushed them.

Dorsey had allowed his invention to wander into the unknown. Much as the Arsebook supremo The Zuck. The difference being: Dorsey is saved, and The Zuck is doomed. Arsebook will be saved as an enterprise for its owners, while its propagandists will go screaming into the night.

The scum expunged from Twitter are gone, with their pay, but to an empty CV. THE infected with their contagion can only use the Nuremberg Defence to a point. Beyond which: reality arises.

And of course, The Democratic Communist Party is already top-heavy with experts. Even the bought UK Conservative Party developed a stench, as soon as The WEF Moderna Tax Avoider Class began to rear its ugliest.

To have the double ticket of Truss and Riski alone was a monumental signal. Then Starmer; a looming PM following the de-Corbynisation of Labour; was leaked the dirty underwear of Truss.

A valiant effort by the egalitarians who hatched Thatcher, May, and Truss. But as in America: skill sets are not manufactured amongst the vagina whisperer set. Nor are they amongst the Of Colour delusional. A reality that has just befallen Twitter.

I watched Riski worm through to a safe seat, arse-licking and coin tossing all the way with the incompetent delusional May and then the intellectualised disengaged Johnson, crawling to the front bench, then mysteriously; as all Goldmanites; appearing at the steps of No.12, then No.10. Father-in-law Murty ubiquitous for his shiney little boy, destined for greatest, of some fashion. No matter the tax-free cost to daddy-in-law, or The People to suffer in the shameless drag through.

A disgusting absurdity and aberration of reality by any other definition.

And the price will be paid.





  1. We need Musk to buy our ABC and SBS and re-staff the fake obscenity.
    We need the money to finance more bush masters to be stolen/laundered in the Ukraine.

  2. Tony Abbott will probably try to muscle his way into the queue now, he must be sucking up to KC3 as I write, why else would he give a medal to PP1 for no reason.
    Abbott’s views on ClimateChange™ as a cult and GayMarriage™ as an abomination may swing back into fashion sooner rather than later, and he is just the man to shirtfront Putin, as he has a history of wanting to shirtfront Putin, he was obviously a little ahead of the pack with that. Scenes from Bondi Beach will thrill the crowds. What next for Abbott, after conservatising the world and humiliating Putin ? Perhaps a title, and a nice estate ?

  3. 18 British prime ministers in my lifetime: Clement Atlee, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, Harold Macmillan, Alec Douglas Home, Harold Wilson, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major born 1943, Tony Blair born 1953, Gordon Brown born 1951, David Cameron born 1966, Theresa May born 1956, Boris Johnson 1964, Liz Truss born 1975, Rishi Sunak born 1980.

    I wonder if there is something special that they all have in common.

  4. when the new UK prime minister went to see chuckles to be sworn in, he said, “Gday, im here to replace liz.”

    to which the new king responded, “me too!”

    • This is an excellent talk about free speech. Tulsi mentioned, also, that “the force of the fed gov will now come against Elon Musk, whether ot not there is any evidence of his having done any bad thing” — they will humliate him.

      On the preceing commnents page, Dee inserted a video by Rachel Vaughan, where she says she has decided to put all her shame behind her (as it has been a mens of the baddies contriolling all the survivors — e.g. all newsreaders!!)

      You go, Rachie. Say goodbye to it all, all the shameful memories…

      Goombye, farewell, ta-ta, auf wiedersehen, hasta la vista, adios, bon voyage, like toodlesville, bye-di-ho.

      • BTW Mary That video was not by Rachel Vaughan Mary I actually alerted her to it
        Its was posted on Gabbi Choong Channel

        Wonderful that she is posting it across the networks she is involved with

        • Mary I may have confused the video Dee posted re Rachel. But it has prompted me to refer back to The Odyssey to Verity–a very valuable very timely piece of research.

          Mary a bit more about the correction above re
          The Odyssey to Verity by EALillie

          “A beautiful tribute to the many raising their voices around the world for our children, survivors and advocates exposing these horrific crimes against our most vulnerable.

          For every voice speaking out there are many that are no longer with us. In honour of all these precious souls taken too soon.

          May the truth set us free, especially our children

          Together we are the change 💖🔥


          I hope all Gumshoe Readers really take the time to read every word of this document and S.E.E.E Stand Expose Eliminate Evil

          I would also like everyone to forward this to at least 2 of whatever media they follow -social mainstream -also check out the Gabbi Choong channel link above it holds a wealth of information as does Gumshoe News

          Aishe Spark for the Conglomerate
          with deep gratitude to EALillie. There is so much more to discover and learn from this document.

          “All roads lead to Rome but first via the Tavi”
          Thank you my friend.

  5. l’d like to add a thought about court doctrines. As you know, courts don’t just rule by the law. They add in some considerations that they have made up. So now that we see Trump being deliberately humiliated (e.g., his NY tax case), and everyine now worrying that here are no limits on one’s files or conversaitons being broaddcast (Robert Deep Throat Woodward is openly selling the recordings of his converations with President Trump).

    I reommed that a new court doctrine be defined. I can’t think of a name for it yet (any suggesitons?) whereby the court, when about to delve into something, has to foresee the reverberations for the social value of privacy.

      • “All court procedures should be televised on the web”
        With plenty of zoom focus on the faces of the professional performers
        You’d be hard pressed to come up with a better way of cramping their style

  6. Fair Dinkum, remember this one?

    On the last occasion that Prince Charles visited Australia, he attended a function at Wagga Wagga, where he was met by various dignitaries, including the Mayor of Wagga Wagga. Whilst having a cocktail, the Mayor said to the Prince “Your Highness, it’s quite a hot day and yet you have chosen an unusual style of headwear, a fur cap. Isn’t that quite hot and uncomfortable?”

    The Prince replied “Well, yes, it is actually, but it was Mummy’s idea.”

    “I’m sorry, Her Majesty told you to wear it?” said the Mayor.

    “Oh, yes,” replied Charles. “I spoke to her by telephone this morning. She asked me what I was doing today and I told her I was attending a reception at Wagga Wagga. She then said ‘Wear the fox hat.’ “

  7. Prince Charles, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn’t seem to get to work on time.

    Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, a credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their “Older Person Friendly” policies.

    One day the boss called him into the office for a talk “Charles, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you finally get here, but your being late so often is quite bothersome.”

    “Yes sir, I know, and I am working on it.”
    “Well good, you are a team player.

    “Yes sir, I understand your concern and I’ll try harder.”

    Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, “It’s odd though, you’re coming in late. I know you’re retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you showed up in the morning so late and so often?”
    The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. “They usually saluted and said:
    “Good morning General, can I get your coffee sir?”

    • That is what ‘they’ intend.

      The ‘colonels’ are the ones who run the joint. The generals just think they do. The rich are always out of touch, surrounded by yes men. It is always a surprise when a revolt happens. As always, the mice die when elephants dance.

  8. The legal system (judiciary) of the U.S.A. is controlled by the Crown Temple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements.

    The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. “He who controls the gold rules the world”.

    • Crisscross, can you provide anyrthing more specific on the US judicary being controlled by the Crown Temple? I had not heard it; it sounds interesting.

      (and the same in Five Eyes countries?)

        • Crossy, that article about “the Black Nobility” etc. is very good, it describes in more meticulous detail what I had known mostly as general concepts.

          However, in usual Judaeo-Masonic style they describe what is going on and just summarily ascribe it all to their most hated institution of all; Apostolic Christianity.

          It is fairly universally common for good movements (like the Templars) to be targeted by the Synagogue for clandestine corruption and manipulation. I’m pretty confident that the secrets of “fractional reserve usury” was acquired by certain “adepts” during the Middle East campaigns and it was carefully guarded in occult initiation ceremonies so that only compliant “initiates” knew how it worked.

          Anyhow, once Christendom’s Episcopacies, Monarchies and nobilities became addicted to credit the dictatorship of plutocracy was a creeping inevitability.

          • Credit would be invented quick enough by anyone who had access to a suitable currency infrastructure, that is, coins &/or notes, issued by some entity with a suitable army to enforce its use and eradicate the competition, which was what was happening that famous day just before easter

    • Close!

      Hierarchies do exist, but not across borders national and otherwise.
      The power of gold, or massive borrowing, is very strong. The scale of the corruption suggests a large nuimber of managers of the corruption. Freemasons, banks, etc all have reach and access.

      Epstein type operations play a very significant role.

      Privacy assists all these operations. State funded police, spies are all threaded with those who respond to others outside the organization. UIs abound, deluded into thinking they are doing ‘good’. They are cover for the real control of others.

      The Irish Supreme Court and other courts all have unofficial places reserved for Jews and Protestant christians.

      The City of London has its own police force and cctv controls. Tradecraft is observed, given that electronics and radio is monitored totally.

      Governance is invisible! Privacy is essential for its operation.

  9. Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee Says COVID ‘Vaccines’ Can Glow Blue, Likely Contain Luciferase, Graphene Oxide, Nanotech, and Parasites

    In this interview with Pure Media Australia, Melissa McAtee—who went viral online for exposing the use of aborted fetal stem cells in the development of Pfizer’s COVID “vaccine”—claims that the pharma giant’s novel injections glowed blue when she was inspecting them. McAtee also says she believes that Pfizer’s COVID injections contain luciferase, graphene oxide, nanotechnology, and parasites.


    Take note also that the same substances are now being put into all flu vaxxes. Unless they are stopped, they will be putting it into everything they possibly can. McAtee also shows that the gene-editing material is creating a triple helix in our DNA, whereas God created us with a double helix. This will not end well.

  10. Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint | 21 Oct 2022 |

    In another foretaste of potential future ‘carbon allowance’ limits, a major bank in Australia has introduced a new feature that links purchases to a customer’s carbon footprint and warns them when they are going over the average. Australia’s Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has partnered with Cogo, a “carbon management solutions” company, to launch the new feature, which is part of CBA’s online banking platform. The bank gives the customer the option to “pay a fee” to offset their carbon footprint, with the average listed as 1,280 kilograms, a long way from the ‘sustainable’ figure of 200 kilograms.


    • I’m still using cash for everything. – I just stare in disbelief at the people that are continuing to use ‘plastic’ because it is so convenient. Likely, they are also fully vaxxed.

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