by Joachim Hagopian
Editor’s note: This article first appeared at The Government Rag.
“Epstein referred the following individuals to the bank as clients: the sixth richest man in the world, Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates; the ninth richest man in the world, Google co-founder and billionaire Sergey Brin; businessman Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem of Dubai. Also: media and real estate billionaire Mort Zuckerman; former U.S. Treasury Secretary and former Harvard President Larry Summers, and numerous others. — Pam and Russ Martens, at wallstreetparade.com
My [Hagopian] extensive work exposes the Epstein-Maxwell entrapment operation for the benefit of US and Israeli intelligence services to control political puppets supporting wars for the Greater Israel Project. Initially it was financed by billionaire luminary Zionist Les Wexner and supported by Wexner’s Jewish billionaire Mega Group, laundered by the largest Rothschild affiliate bank in the US, JP Morgan Chase, aided and protected by its CEO Jamie Dimon.
It’s refreshing to see that occasionally other journalists like Whitney Webb and Pam and Russ Martens focus beyond this wag-the-dog diversionary gossip to also link the blackmail operation to the biggest Rothschild banks. In a January 8, 2004 article on the Pam and Russ Martens’ website wallstreetonparade.com, they examine recent court depositions in lawsuits against JP Morgan that served as Epstein’s criminal money laundering accomplice from 1998 to 2013.
[It’s] definitive proof that his laundered billions benefited America’s largest bank. From the in-depth Martens piece: “Epstein’s cult and network needed one essential ingredient to thrive: a financial institution willing to look the other way at vast sums of hard cash being withdrawn monthly and suspicious transfers of money between Epstein and his accomplices.”
Pam and Russ Martens astutely point out the recent hype focusing on unredacted names from the 2015 Ghislaine Maxwell lawsuit settled in 2017, serves to take all the attention off the far more significant bombshell court records from last year’s settled out of court lawsuits with Epstein’s criminal money launderers. This also includes Epstein’s second bank after Morgan dumped him in 2013 – Germany’s largest bank Deutsche that continued his dirty business until 2018, all the while knowing Epstein was a notorious convicted child sex offender.
While Deutsche Bank paid $75 million to Epstein victims in June 2023, JP Morgan also settled in the same month a pay-out of $290 million to victims and $75 million to the Virgin Islands in September 2023.
JP Morgan’s two cases were filed in late 2022 in the New York Second Circuit Court with 80-year-old Judge Jed Rakoff presiding. From the outset Rakoff issued a protective order whereby no information gets leaked. In other words, the judge protected both the criminal banks and criminal VIP child rapists that Epstein and Maxwell served for so many years. Even beyond the protection order, among the 800 plus documents, some were not subject to the formality of being sealed, they just up and disappeared, a supposed no-no in Rakoff’s federal district court. As the legal pedo-gatekeeper, the judge allowed CEO Dimon’s obvious perjury to go unchallenged with Jamie’s boldface lie from his deposition taken in May of last year:
“I don’t recall knowing anything about Jeffrey Epstein until the stories broke sometime in 2019. And I was surprised that I didn’t even — had never even heard of the guy, pretty much, and how involved he was with so many people.”
Court documents show that 15 bank executives were guests at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion, and one even at his New Mexico Zorro Ranch years after JP Morgan supposedly ended its relationship with Epstein. JP Morgan waited till Epstein’s 2019 “death” to belatedly file “Suspicious Activity Reports” to the US Treasury. These bankers are guilty as sin, yet with drop in the bucket, settlement payouts used as hush money to protect unreachable VIP criminals, to this day they remain shielded from accountability by our two-tiered injustice system.
Again, the Martens article shows how neither Judge Rakoff nor even Epstein victims’ attorney David Boies bothered to follow up on substantial evidence indicating that Dimon knew and had met Epstein. Both the judge and even the victims’ lawyer clearly went out of their way to protect current CEO Dimon, along with Epstein and America’s biggest money laundering bank, of course with assistance from the complicit corporate media, all consistently protecting criminals deemed too big to fail in the eyes of the Deep State crime cabal.
Yet other than the rare exposure by real journalists, they’re all given a free lifetime pass. For so long this level of evil corruption runs so deep in the US and throughout the world, an impenetrable pedo-crime network has always been in place to ensure that the powerbroking guilty are never held to account, because every time they’re shielded by carefully selected gatekeepers.
It is truly diabolical, grotesque and disgraceful. It must and will end. There are copies of blackmail tapes out there waiting for public release exposing the army of VIP pedophiles. It’s long past time that both the victims and the public see that justice is served with the child rapists exposed and prosecuted, also sending the clear-cut message that crimes committed by the powerful, rich and famous are not above the law, at least not anymore.
In an important article in March 2023, journalist-author Whitney Webb exposed how the same crime cabal players that elevated Epstein to prominence, also were crucial in Dimon’s epic rise in 1999 to take the helm at America’s largest bank. This intricate web of Deep State cabal players illustrates how organized crime’s blackmail operations, the biggest [money laundering] banks, long captured royalty and politician puppets, and America’s corrosive justice system all work hand-in-hand together in the interest of evil power elites, using sodomized children as their stock in trade currency of global control.
The fact is that the world’s largest banks, owned and controlled by the Rothschild banking cartel, generate most of their ungodly income from the black ops organized crime industry, be it through trafficking children/adults for sex/labor slavery, or harvested human organs, illegal drugs or illegal arms trafficking.
This is how the world is run and has been by the same bloodline overlords for centuries, dating back to the British East India Company’s charter in 1600 financing the drug and slavery trades. It’s also why nonstop war and, as of late, bioterror pandemics also generate enormously profitable redistribution of wealth for these same predatory elite controllers.
This is the hydra heads of the crime cabal snake that own and control virtually everything on the planet. That’s why I exposed this centralized pedophilia scourge network like never before in my five fully documented books Pedophilia & Empire. The facts are all there. Justice has never been served because the criminals are still idolized rather than punished for their unthinkable crimes against children and humanity.
We have all the evidence but we just need the collective awareness to reach critical mass, plus the collective will and demand by We the People to finally begin prosecuting these monsters.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.
Lot of stuff, also reported elsewhere in the subject article re the Morgans.
For just another glimpse, look up kangaroo court of Australia for the article on 18/1/24
Did you mean this one , Ned, about Rupie Boy?
Mr Jones.
Little St. James Island is a limited hangout that has salacious details like the recent google earth photos of individual graves. What about the other bigger one, whats with the cleaner, financier Stephen Deckoff.
whats with that cleaner Trump, Epstein was also a cleaner, see , Leslie “Lex” Wexner
whats with Sir Richard Branson Neckher Island, he got quite the deal too, $180,000 an offer not refused
Not sure how many Khashoggi there are.
One disappeared in an embassy in Turkey and was allegedly cut up.
Another came my way when researching 911 …….. allegedly referring out the 911 team…… presumably the one referred to by Simon….he had Parkinson’s.
All way back.
I think he was cited in various places such as:
911commissionreportrevisedDecember2008 ….. the ‘main report’ (381 pages?) and two supplementaries : ‘collateral’ and ‘collateral 1’. (53 and 56 pages)
All together about nearly 500 pages that I printed out and carried around for a week and read it by March 2009…..about.
I often referred to them in comments here at GS together with the Black Eagle Gold Trust Fund. Just search that first to get a grip.
Not a single person here at GS reported following any of it up. So for anyone at that time here at GS who cared🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙀 even when I included the links.
MM, I thought you would have been interested🙈😩
It is all on record……🙀🤣🤷
Many banks and their manoeuvres were cited…. jPM, I think turned up as one.
My interest was spiked when it referred to the Nugan Hand CIA bank in Macquarie Street with a few of our notables of the 1970-early 80s.
Of course not to overlook the murder of Donald McKay in Griffith (1977)/ and Frank Nugan’s ‘suicide’ with a few more puzzle pieces.
operating in the ME before the petro dollar, “the safari club” aye. Didn’t Epstein, Clinton and Keven Spacey tour there Lolita style. Can you see the honey pot trap from way bac?’, this needs cleaning on occasions as the billionaires have to pony up from time to time. Think Branson funded a lot of geo-engineering operations on the sly. Diamond Joe Gutnick losses all his money, somehow. zNugand hand Iran Contra, Imelda Marcos(Black Eagle Gold Trust?) Barry Seal, black banks for black ops
Sam Bankman-Fried just brought a small bank for legal cover, all seems MO to me ie run. drugs(bio things) kids and guns with a pseudo legal cover giving impunity damn near immunity.
Jamie Dimon explained in one minute
This is quite a few years old now
At the same time they roll out subtle non-EUA but still proven autism pathway “news”. ahhhh 3 children have tested positive for measles ahhhhh, give them free MMR vax, this is a dangerous disease, nobody is safe till everybody is safe…. ahhhhh
Now there’s a military coup I can believe
Comments about the ICJ case from today’s Haaretz:
Deborah Weiss. The application of the convention on genocide has always been cynical, constrained to an appalling degree by the political and trade considerations of international power players who tend to be indifferent to some genocides (Rwanda) and selective in their application of the standard to others, notably their allies.
The other israel. The slogan “from the river to the sea” was ETZL’s (forerunner of todays Likud) slogan for many years, even AFTER the ’49 armistice agreement. In fact their other slogan “the Jordan has two banks: this one is ours, and so is the other one” And in thier case, there was / is no doubt that it meant the removal of all Palestinians (Druze excluded)
Aurangzeb Iqbal. Q: When is a Genocide not a Genocide?
A: When committed by apartheid Israel with arms supplied by America and Europe.
Canadian. In my view the matter now rests in the Court of World Opinion – Laws evolve under pressure from Society and Opinion
John the JEW. There is no court of world opinion. There is fact or non fact.
Canadian. @John the Jew – when World Opinion turns against an Apartheid state – as happened against Apartheid South Africa forcing it to change — one can feel that the Court of World Opinion is a fact, not an abstraction.
A view that simply reflects the delusion that your friend Biden is looking after you as elucidated at 3:27 min:
ICJ ( International Court of Justice ) ( or whatever ) is just another energy-sapping UN agency.
Globalist front for entrenched bloodlines world domination ambitions.
You want a forum, we supply it. Lawyers: ICJ. Financiers: “World Economic Forum”. Pedophiles: Various cross-border do-gooder agencies.
Our world government tentacles:
Sorry, “our” should read “their”
“Apartheid South Africa was forced to change”
An “out-of-the-fryingpan-into-the fire”scenario if ever there was
A scenario that’s no doubt also destined to unfold in the Middle East
In order for another to take place, one that the punters evidently aren’t counting on:
“For the LORD has a day of vengeance,
a year of recompense for the cause of Zion.”
Do you remember the cockatoo that used to talk naughty?
You too!
Albanese et.al.
Plus the globalist ‘home’ ? corporates here.
Swab runs away !!!
Ever turned on a light and seen where the cock-roaches scarper to …… in their jets.
Did you see this guy(allegedly), the next day sans “the black eye” appear on the point of apology to pivot back and denounce again. Hard to believe at one level, hope its on the up n up
with black eye, the black eye is a thing
It’s a fake Simon.
comments have been corrupted…. I am even struggling to post comments
Dee – that could be ‘them’ getting the system ready to shut it all down – too much Truth coming out for ‘them’ to effectively deal with now.
The information against ‘them’ is going to become even more uncontrollable.
Just my thoughts.
“It seems to me that many people these days are engaged in a rather desperate quest for evil. They’re on a neverending hunt for a personification of wickedness, against which they might demonstrate their goodness. They don’t only want the Epstein conspiracy theory to be true – they need it to be. For this is the modern morality tale through which they not only depict the ruling establishment as dangerous and decadent but also, by extension, paint themselves as enlightened and righteous. Epstein’s posthumous role is to serve as a moral contrast for people who feel bereft of moral certainty. He’s become the embodiment of darkness for folk who prefer such binary moralism to the far harder task of understanding our age of turmoil.”
NB: This article appears on the same site:
Point being that it’s about a far more grievous case than anything that Epstein was involved in but it evidently just didn’t have enough glitz to enthrall the social media addicts of the hour
What happened in Rochdale pales when compared to what was going on all those Caribbean Islands and the dark recesses of the Vatican.
Look up Satanism in all its gory details, then come back and tell me that Epstein was not in the Devil’s employ.
Tell that codswallop to the colleagues of the five New York police officers, who, after viewing what Hilary Clinton and Huma Abiden did to a fourteen year old girl – who constantly begged for her life – just to satisfy Satan, committed suicide because they could not handle what they had seen in the video that was found on Anthony Weiner’s laptap.
I’m a seasoned observer of the nasty aspects to life, but there is no way I would want to view something that has Satan written all over it.
You need to get your head out of that book you quote from and begin looking at the real world which is chock a block full of Evil!
Just saying!
Was that the event when Hilary and Huma are seen/photographed stretched out on the table tennis table?
That’s old, where has everyone all been🙀🤷😩
AND. did the police officers who saw the tapes actually commit suicide or were they ‘suicided’.
It is a big boy’s game playing for life and death stakes.
Anyway, maybe it will be disclosed, someone is sitting on it all⚖️⛓️🤣
No one curious🙀🙈💁🏼🤣?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 look up today’s situation update by Mary at beforeit’snews.com.
Australia – stood out re child trafficking and torture. Especially in Dan Land.
Let us know about the report Elly……if you are permitted!
I have never seen that video Ned – I relay what I have been told was in that video by others who regretted watching it. Apart from what I have put in my comment, and I have spared the gory details of what was told to me, and just listening to what was done to that child was bad enough, I have no other info as to the killers apart from, they were both naked.
And I can’t remember who did the telling – but it was so graphic in the telling, that I took it as a forewarning to never watch it.
I have attended autopsies as then required by my office, but watching what was done to a living child would be something I would find very difficult to cope with.
From memory, it was the refusal of the FBI to take any action against Clinton and Aberdin, after members of the FBI also viewed that tape, that caused a number of cops to suicide.
It probably will be released at some future date – as Q states – the choice to know will be yours to make.
Yes, the info that came out of Restoring the Republic today, about the numbers of children in those Australian DUMBs is mind boggling.
How are ordinary folks going to get their heads around that one?
How are ordinary folks etc …..
They will just have to pull their heads out of their arse and face it….. and realise who has been doing it and covering for such evil.
Cowardice in denial will NOT BE ACCEPTED IN THE FACE OF REALITY.
Reports of the reality regarding that Synagogue tunnelling in NY are horrendous ….. but we need evidence……
I understand that overall, concerning worldwide satanic evil the estimate is that only about 20% of reality will be exposed and be able to be handled by the normies.
People are slowly being conditioned to reality but many here cannot even realise and crap on about irrelevancies and their other interests…… some of course are important, but what is present and known must take priority.
Trump To Steal Syria’s Oil – Sowing The Seeds Of Blowback? – YouTube
President Trump again swore yesterday that the US was in Syria to take its oil. Even as his staff scrambles for a more legal justification for the presence of US troops in the country….
Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president – The Blogs
h ttps://blogs.timesofisrael.com/donald-trump-ameri
Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president Donald Trump will protect Israel and its supporters, strengthen day schools and move the US embassy to Jerusalem Nov 6, 2016, 12:50 PM Edit…
Revelation 2:9
King James Version
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
MAGA – Hebrew is read from R to L.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: Hebrew 98. (agam) — a marsh …
h ttps://biblehub.com/strongs/hebrew/98.htm
agam Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance pond, pool, standing water From an unused root (meaning to collect as water); a marsh; hence a rush (as growing in swamps); hence a stockade of reeds — pond, pool, standing (water). Forms and Transliterations
‘The Swamp’ has been a supporter of communism for decades.
Some serious Zio stuff
Well they make it like Epstein was the king of America but Anthony Blinken was from Trilateral Commission, Rockerfellas are the hidden hand in this, all these people all come via Hesse-Kassel and who owns what is totally impenetrable. Kennedy’s the “expendable” illuminati ( too many sex tapes )
“The Senate beat back an amendment from Sen. Rand Paul to limit foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Gaza.
It failed 44-50 as the chamber neared a final vote on a short-term government funding patch that would keep the lights on until March.
“The only thing consistent about American foreign aid is that the money continues to flow, regardless of the behavior of the recipients,” Paul (R-Ky.) said. ‘You would think with the massacre and everything else why would we be giving any money to the Palestinians … shouldn’t they have to do something to earn the money?’ ”
The root of the problem outlined in this 2014 write-up:
“U.S. policies are all in a big mess and there is no end in the horizon for the U.S. to be able to repair the damage. While many blame Obama, I can also give several examples in which Carter messed up during the Iranian Revolution, Regan messed up in Afghanistan (he gave stingers to the Mujahideen who later became the Taliban), and good old Bush messed up Iraq. America is a young lion with short history and a very short memory span.”