by G5
Ukraine is a large area. To descunge it of America is going to take time. Russia has captured the essential infrastructure and resumed utilities back to The People after eight years of terrorism, subjugation, economic devastation, and creeping blackmail, by the puppets of The American Invasion of 2014.
Russia now controls the electricity grid, gas pipelines, and water supplies.
The People are being relieved of the pressures of American occupation and corruption, and non-criminal controlled industry is being restarted.
Russia also took control of eleven main bio-weapons laboratories established by America, to have been used; not only to strike Russia but virtually all of Western Europe; as part of the WEF NWO insanity. The usual suspect genocidal talking heads having hinted at a pandemic greater than their C19.
Control of the world’s financial and payments system through the legendary Ukrainian fraud system has also been captured by Russia.
Careful attacks on American military installations and caches, as well as targeted assassinations of those who have not already fled to Poland or America, is underway. The war machine infrastructure on Russia’s doorstep by the insane America, must be destroyed.
The perseverance and patience of Russia; over the past eight years in particular; is to be admired.
The Freak Media; to be expected; propaganda war, is grasping for credibility. As it moves further and further out on the limbs of ridiculous and absurd exaggeration.
Ukraine on one internationally positive aspect has moved C19 from the news cycle. Thereby leaving tyrannical opportunists, their manufactured experts and allied repurposed psychopathic gangs, holding their mandates in their permanently soiled hands, and following their theatric Freak Media concurred fake science, of no further interest to The People.
There are always collaborators and the pavlovian lemmings addicted to authority; the mask classes. They are dealt with over time by being shunned by community. Many of whom we will not need to suffer for too many more years.
Russia has advised that any efforts by any nation to obstruct it from liberating its area called Ukraine; as previously Crimea; will be regarded as an unprovoked Act of War against Russia’s sovereignty and will be dealt with appropriately.
Moron Macron posturing to have moved a carrier group to block Ukrainian and Russian airspace would be a most courageous gesture, if it were true. Drivel for domestic political consumption is hardly reality. Particularly since the terrified and impotent NATO has just confirmed that it will not be attempting to block any air traffic that would involve Russia.
We still see the paperless void advising its addicted and believing captured, that America is the greatest military on earth. One wonder as to what parameters were used to determine that fiction. No doubt by the same Freaks who fact check and decide to shadow ban or remove anything that doesn’t meet their delusional neuron disfunctions. Tick Asperger’s and clueless as skill sets.
One of the recent imaginings of the self-confining dead end alley brigade: being that Maersk Shipping has cancelled rhythmic movements concerning Russia; in compliance with American sanction serenades. Not true.
On 27 June 2017, Maersk foolishly responding to a previous American sanctions illusion; had its Microsoft attached systems crashed by the manipulation of NotPetya hacking by GRU. It learnt it’s lesson.
To suggest that Maersk will now suicide on the high altar of American moral high ground insanity, is hardly a reality.
Apart from whistleblower Jerry Brown (one of the few who escaped murder by Soetoro the great believer in free speech and honesty), exploding on Maersk; there are many incidents concerning Maersk’s shady history, that would not be to its advantage to be displayed in the tabloids.
A culture concerning monstrous American government cost frauds and collusion with American political elites, with regard to military supplies to Iraq and Afghanistan. Apart from separate issues concerning: Dubai, Iran, Bangladesh, and Sudan. Despite the posturing, I doubt Maersk will play.
Particularly also: if its history of paying meagre thirty million dollar fines, is further exposed as manipulation for public consumption in concert with the same corrupt American elites. And a payment of three point six million for Jerry Brown’s silence is also scrutinized.
It was very simple for America and its cohorts to negotiate a self-exclusion from its invasion of Ukraine. The now suicidal American sponsored Azov Fascists left to the own resources. NATO now having advised it will not be involved in any attempts to interfere with Russian airspace, and that further; Ukraine will NOT be admitted as a member of NATO.
Only further enhancing the already entrenched idiocies of: BoJo, Macron, Turdeau, Biden, Ardern, and ScoMo. On the back of forthcoming elections. The political posturing by the ill-informed that Putin might be cast aside in March 2024; should read correct Russian history. He is more than secured until 2030, with Lavrov and the hidden hawks poised and guarded until 2042.
Somehow I do not see any good future for the disarmed, and socio-economically suicided America. Its Bretton Woods grip has been taken from it, and its petrodollar fraud has also been dissolved.
Perhaps they could all hold hands in a circle, sway and sing ‘America The Brave’, while wearing imperative, progressive wokist tee-shirts.
Ned requested this to be posted:
First minute.
‘ ….The main stream media cannot be trusted…”
Fancy that💁
Hey msm tell us again about building 7 on 911, the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, the covid failing scam and so on.
When are you liars going to be charged with aiding and abetting war, mass murders and being globalist NWO Klaus ‘Shrub’ fascist control freaks.
Explain why Australians are not being treated with HCL and IVM with no side affects.
If one does not treat a dog with necessary treatment the RSPCA prosecutes and the shock jokes cry, evil and cruel.
Hey shock jokes, why cannot humans be regarded as important as a dog?
You lot are sick, sick and sicker.
Morrison, that makes our governments and medical bureaucrats heading for manslaughter charges……. Ask the RSPCA.
Well Ms Knight, how are you going to compete with Maria ‘Zee’ 🤣🤣🤣
Bye bye NINE.
Dogs are cheaper and have a short retirement.
Meanwhile the lying filth MainStreamMedia has quickly come up with an alibi for the sudden death of world citizen Warnie formerly of Brighton, Vic. It seems he went on a liquid diet for as much as 2 weeks and this has produced a heart attack. Yes this is what the bankrupt sewage pumps of MSM are serving up, with all the authority of their talking heads and file photos. Yes we trust you MSM, we trust you to deliver lies of every size and shape, continuously, mixed up with live crosses to car crashes, fallen trees, dogs stuck down holes, etc. Dog stories are so cheap and they sell ads as well as anything.
As a retired physician I would love to know which “medico” gave Shane Warne the all clear when he presented himself (with chest pain, sweating and cardiac risk factors)prior to his departure to Thailand.
Probably one of the brainwashed in the “profession” who’ve done such a great job caring for their patients during the plandemic.
I was sent a message that had a photograph with this guy and Warnie. It read “he got his booster two days before…(to get into Thailand) ” Messages from friends posted somewhere.
Anyone media studies student out there with spare time should do a poll in Acland St asking people “Did Warnie die from juice fasting or from the experimental serum”, the numbers would be interesting at this stage
Thank you Dee.
The booster shot 2 days prior to departure! Interesting.
A thorough postmortem may well be able to differentiate between a “classical” myocardial infarction and a vaccine induced cardiac event-?microthrombi occlusion or myocarditis with malignant arrhythmia.
Autopsies post vaccination/COVID are starting to finally ramp up.
If anyone wants to really know about the true injected death statistics and the injected mysterious concoctions into a deceased person.
If you want to have some idea of the ingredients of products sold at the supermarkets, read the labels with the contents to be disclosed.
But do not ask your injector what is in the needle or the side affects; they have no clue, because it is not on the label of the syringe.
The medical profession does not give a stuff about you, it is under THE ORDERS OF GOVERNMENT.
Disgusting video of poisoned blood of an injected person (5 min)
I spent the two minutes on the ‘stern message’.
Clearly it demonstrates that our education and political system does not
assist in advancing any idea of a thought process that should, umm, ….. be BASIC?
Oh well, we suffer the consequences of what we tolerate from our politicians, medical mob and shock jokes.
Now that is really BASIC.
I think he’s piss-funny but Americans might not be up to speed with this type of humour, not dissing Americans but look what they did to “The Office” for example
I have been waithing patiently for a couple of years for an indication of G5’s core values. Finally, it has arrived… “pavlovian lemmings addicted to authority”. Now i know you are on the same side, mate.
some receive G5 not published material often over the years.
He has been on ‘the same side’ persistently, he cannot tolerate lemmings.
The precision of language is very impressive
Ah… lemmingesque riposte indeed.
“Jesus, what happened to us” by Five Times August.
Oz has 5 bio weapons factories. Doherty Institute is the mouthpiece for Frydenberg government. Advance Australia Fare. Nearly 11pm, planes keep landing every 5 minutes to cover the shortage in labour, as locals line up at Centrelink manned by krown agents from former Eastern European nations. Spare me the BS. Carry on, all good here, so it seams, dirty faces never seen.
Pavlovian lemmings suffer from not having a theory of society.
Kids are delivering take away, at night on pushbikes without headlights, battling it out with vehicles on roads. This is war in Sydney, wonder what the casualties really are, never reported. Oz has became a lawless outpost, where oligarchs only rule.
As Eddy correctly pointed above, let’s stop focusing on global wars elsewhere, and observe the mess we’re in here, at the hidden hands of the same mafia (not Italian, never has been) holding this nation by the balls. I guess, the deals are done and nothing can be done, but as with Covid, their propaganda is falling apart people are waking up, to the serious side effects of the mRNA jabs in vials 01, 02 or 03.
Excuse the pun, it’s Russian roulette.
$6,000,000,000 donated by Scomo to keep the Jewish/American war industry happy while our Australian flood victims get a pittance.
Think how many poor people, surviving on the periphery’s, can’t afford insurance. Many have been devastated, demoralised and will find it very hard to recover. What happens, when our children realise they are homeless in a nation their grandparents built? What we had was a commonwealth bank, in theory, in practise it all went to the banksters. The flock has been fleeced to the bone. Mass migration will erase the memory. Oz fell on 911, recovery was impossible even then.
ant56, Good comment.
Since the Sydney Olympics, the price of a home (interest included) has increased 20 fold. Wages have remained the same, and less, if you’re still lucky to have a job in the not so lucky country. Dismal has devolved to utterly dismal.
GDP is a measure of productivity. What is product is newly created in Australia or are we just a quarry?
We can also make Astro-Zeneka and McBurgers under licence
Nobody can afford flood insurance, so councils should stop letting people build on flood plains. But the councils are too useless to implement anything of any real value so the state governments need to take responsibility.
The fact is all rivers should have a buffer along the length where farming and building shouldn’t be done. The way to “save the great barrier reef” from coral bleaching is to have a buffer to stop the superphosphate from getting into the rivers. Whether the buffer is 10 metres or 100m probably depends on the terrain.
In Europe, established cities like Paris and Rome, the rivers are treated in a totally different way, compared to eg Brisbane.
Probably in most places in the world the shanty-towns get swept away from time to time, everyone wants some good real estate and that’s the price.
It now takes twenty lifetimes to pay for a home, that was formerly managed in one lifetime.
Yes Gough Whitlam Lima Declaration and Bob Hawke Union Accords dismantled rising wages, setting us on the path to “you will own nothing …”. At the same time, some places like inner Sydney and Melbourne, you have to be born into, otherwise you won’t have much of a chance. Everyone wants to be in the middle of “Fun City”, even the homeless.
In retrospect – hypocrisy comes to mind
US Grovels to Israel: Washington Approves Territorial Theft
Robert Fisk – The Independent (Britain)
Is there any other country on Earth with which America would dare collude on such a scale? … There’s only one special relationship that matters right now – and we all know what that is. Having given its blessing to all Jerusalem as Israeli property and having now handed Golan to Israel as a possession – for “to annex” means “to take possession”, does it not? – Donald Trump has undermined the entire foundation of “land for peace” enshrined in Security Council Resolution 242 … The media, in its grovelling, cowardly, craven obeisance to Israel – and its absolute fear of being cast into the accusatory hell of “antisemitism” – has a lot to answer for … By recognising Israel’s annexation of Golan, Trump merely recognised that Israel has annexed America.
Trump’s Stance on the Golan Will Allow Israel to Operate With Impunity Elsewhere
Jonathan Cook
When President Donald Trump moved the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem last year, effectively sabotaging any hope of establishing a viable Palestinian state, he tore up the international rulebook. Last week, he trampled all over its remaining tattered pages … Mr Trump, meanwhile, has made no secret of his disdain for international law. This month, his officials barred entry to the US to staff from the International Criminal Court, based in The Hague, who are investigating US war crimes in Afghanistan … Israel’s right can now plausibly argue: “If Mr Trump has consented to our illegal seizure of the Golan, why not also our theft of the West Bank?”
Must the West Beg the World for Forgiveness?
Patrick J. Buchanan
U.S.-GERMAN SECRET TREATY means Berlin is Washington’s vassal until 2099
Is it time to write America’s obituary? Is it time to say, ‘Goodbye, America’? .
“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
Kevin MacDonald’s review of Wilhelm Marr’s pamphlet, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum, 1879, (“The Victory of Judaism over Germanism”), is a fascinating compendium of pessimistic quotations in which German political pundit Marr concludes gloomily that there was no hope left for Germany.
It was finished — yes, as early as the 1870s. The Jews, he lamented, were simply too formidable a foe.
Marr’s pamphlet ends with these chilling words: “Let us accept the inescapable, since we cannot change it. Its name is: FINIS GERMANIAE—the end of Germany!”
1. Is America the new Germany?
Patrick J. Buchanan is a fool.
“The West” is not a geographical entity. Nor is it reflective of any part of humanity.
“The West”… AKA the “International Community”… is a psychotic alliance of thugs that even bigger fools permit to criminalise the planet with their absurd Peaceful Protest movement; a strategy that by now should have exposed itself as “lambs to the slaughter”, on a path laid by the enemy itself 80 years ago..
2nd video first few minutes are very interesting, all the different mafias and protection rackets, some mafias tolerated by police, presumably at the same time police getting protection money from businesses getting hassled, political arms to all the organisations, all they are probably doing is pumping gas in this country, is this a way to bring nations down, keep them funded from resources, gradually take away all the jobs, then let them fight each other as it all falls apart. In Western Australia I can see parallels, there is no actual crime but a lot of dodgy ripoffs, which are crime in all but name.
Kiev nazis bombing Donblass state (east Ukraina) stuck in a ww2 timewarp (10 min)
@ 5:20 map of US bio-labs
We are drowning in fake stream media info about how the West wants to/is supplying the Ukrainian puppet regime with lots of military equipment.
Me: “Doesn’t Russia control all roads, rail leading into Ukraine?? Air traffic is said to be under Putin’s control. How do then rockets, tanks, jet fighters and the like get in?
I enjoyed this short 5 mins video. Foxnews:
Former Defense secretary senior adviser Ret. Col. Douglas Macgregor discusses the Russian military operation with FOX news’ Stuart Varney.
Like with Stan Grant and the interviewer on French TV the other day, facial expressions and body language give the viewers lots of information guiding us towards the truth..
Well a lot of people have said before that Stan Grant is a joke and probably they have said that for the wrong reasons but in this case his is a joke, Q and A should be changed to Q and E “Question and Ejection”, the guy asked about thousands of people getting bashed around by neo-nazis and Stan Grant said he was advocating violence, HELLO TINPOT CELEBRITY STAN GRANT OF LYING FILTH FAKE NEWS – YOU’RE A FRAUD
FEB 11 2022:
“During the Holocaust, over 1.2 million Jewish people were murdered by Nazis and their collaborators in Ukraine.
Ukraine is now experiencing a militarized resurgence of Nazism.”
The same article goes on to claim that “Right now, NATO is fueling a resurgence of Nazism in Ukraine for the sake of a stronger position in its struggle with Russia.”
What sort of logic is that?
When the best way of sabotaging the NATO goal would, very obviously be to fuel internal discord
Re: Putin
Various people are saying Putin is the good guy, getting into the simplified, binary thing.
I would say Putin’s pre-emptive strike is timed as he sees the US cabbal falling apart, which is clear enough to anyone, from Biden falling over 3 times on the airplane stairs, to Afghanistan, to Biden jr., to Durhams indictments,it’s all crumbling, what better time for Putin to progress his agenda.
i) Pay for the invasion by taking over Ukraina infrastructure including all energy ii) shut down bio-weapons labs on the border ii) control the Black Sea also with a view to controlling Turkey and safeguarding Iran iv) blocking NATO eastward expansion plans.
Any “good guy” stuff is incidental, and the local mafias will find a way to continue business as usual, smuggling, trafficking etc. Putin isn’t a charity, he will make the invasion pay for itself.
Re: Aussie Cossack video above
Question time the rollback is not the end, they are putting in more measures around the world to eradicate useless sheeple, including universal basic income ( you will own nothing … ) etc
Starting at 1:23:00
According to some Putin is covering for getting out of the Great Reset and reserve banking system, the Mach 17 ICBMs would appear to be necessary for this alone. Putin’s survival instincts would appear to be serving us, in terms of escaping Globalist control. The best thing for The People to do then might be to take control of Globalist assets such as Australian politicians, by asymmetric means, so they still pretended to serve their Globalist masters by imposing curfews and other nonsense, but not enforcing any of it.
Australia banned bitcoin quite a while ago, you can’t buy it with a bank transfer. Everyone should resist the e-money for starters. We have good cash here, very hard to counterfeit. Push cash wherever you go and help to defeat the invading Globalist banksters.
Push cash.
Now you are talking. Paying cash for everything sends a message to the corporations, who in turn send a message to the banks, … “Do not fuck with our profits.”
As the goodie-baddie mindset is prohibitive to having any real clarity about anything it plays right into the hands of the PTB: putting any past or present political figure-head on a pedestal has exactly the same effect as vilification
CNN Clears its desks and heads for the doors as Putin signs order to arrest purveyors of Fake News
CNN notorious throughout the Western world for brazenly broadcasting fake news and comment announced they will immediately discontinue operation in Russia after President Putin introduced jail time for Fake News on the Russian army.
Breaking news at 1:11 PM Putin signs law introducing jail terms for ‘fake news’ on the army. Breaking news at 3:53 PM CNN to stop broadcast in Russia.’
RT ( Russia Today cable news channel ) already cancelled by SBS fake news channel last week, our controllers really want to buy into this reformation of the USSR.
Keiser Report ( RT regular ) #1819 was ten days ago, should have been 3 or 4 out since then but they’ve stopped. One of Max’s last comments before disappearing into El Salvador was the Durham indictments are going to see a lot of US politicians put in the slammer.
Punitive measures work. Words do not.
That is what i read from that; in fact, from the entire two year episode.
Seriously, Folks, no seriously — I have just got this email from NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, MARCH 6:
I wonder it that includes the downing of MH17 …
13min timeline at x22report.com
What the fake phoney false msm ignores:
The regime change by the US in 2014.
‘Wet works’ on Putin signillaled with knuckle rubbing by Pelosi during ‘Biden’ state of union address. MEANS ☠️ To……. !?
I heard that was to cover up the energy company deals they are all involved in …
Like they are going to bomb the Ukraina “Building 7” with all cameras rolling and say “Putin did it” (my speculation)
Russia Sinks The Pride Of Ukraine Navy Frigate Hetman Sahaidachny
by GGI Staff
Reports are surfacing that Russia has sunk the symbol of pride for the Ukrainian Navy Hetman Sahaidachny. The Ukrainian navy flagship was taken out at Nikolaev, as per images.
Read more of this post
NZ has frigates, it’s their turn to donate one, remember, to stop the war we all have to donate weapons, to defeat the undefeatable Russkis. That’s how Hillary and Obama stopped the wars in Syria, by supplying ISIS and others, until the silly nationalists were all dead. That’s how you stop wars !!!
If you can’t understand that you probably don’t belong in the New World Order.
“That’s how Hillary and Obama stopped the wars in Syria, by supplying ISIS and others”
It looks like Israel is still trying to stop the war in Syria
• ISIS and Israel Coordinated Attacks Kill 15 People and Injure 18 More in Syria
“… until the silly nationals are all dead’
3 Judge Court In Peru Rules COVID-19 Pandemic Started By Bill Gates, George Soros And Rockefeller
February 4, 2021
A three judge court in Peru has ruled that the COVID-19 pandemic was started by the billionaires Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller. Despite the ruling (read the resolution in full below), “fact-checkers” concluded that the Peruvian court had no evidence to make such a judgement citing declaration from the WHO and CDC who have lost all its credibility.
Read on –
Putin signs a law to increase the punishment for paedophilia. Life imprisonment for paedophiles
MARCH 6: Vladimir Putin signed a law toughening penalties for crimes against the sexual integrity of minors. In particular, the document expands the list of persons to whom the provision on aggravating circumstances will be applied if they commit a crime. Along with this, criminal liability is introduced for forcing children to engage in sexual activities using the Internet or the media, as well as for harbouring serious crimes against minors.
The President of Russia signed a law on improving measures to combat crimes against the sexual inviolability of minors. A document amending a number of articles of the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation has been published on the official portal of legal information……………………..
Well that should be interesting
Manlinda Gates is scrambling to put some distance between herself and Epstein, media blitz (about 5 minutes)
• Babylon Before Hitler (Part 27 of TGSNT)
Looks like the Germans and the Russians have finally identified the common enemy of their civilisations and of humanity in general.
Tom Grauer: Jewish Leader of The Paedophile Movement
Tom Grauer is a 23-year-old Jew from Zionist-occupied Palestine who maintains a blog that is, in his own words, “dedicated to the legalization of rape, pedophilia, and child prostitution.”
The Jews never rest from their schemes and corruption. They always seek to violate and abrogate more and more norms of decency, until Gentile society descends into a state of utter barbarism, at which point the Jew feels himself most at ease, having removed all manner of opposition to himself, and having humiliated his hosts and taken down their will to live. No moral code is above the Jew’s scrutiny and (((critique))); no law can ever be seen as holy in his beady, dark eyes, except the laws he makes for himself.
But, inhuman as the Jew is, he is not dull-headed. Satan’s Chosen People constantly evolve novel strategies to bring degeneracy and sin into the societies they parasitize. The crafty Jews, unencumbered by any sense of morality, free of the very emotional inhibitions that distinguish the human race from the lower animals, pursue their unholy strategies with great ingenuity. Indeed, one has to marvel at just how intricate and elaborate some of their trickery is.
Read more.
Jews use pornography “to destroy gentile morals”
Who are the richest and most successful entrepreneurs of the $100 billion year porn industry? [1] The peddlers of pornography belong to all races, but one race above all stands out as preeminent in this field. Selling sex, like slave trafficking and moneylending, has always been a Jewish speciality. Jewish academic Dr Nathan Abrams: “Though Jews make up only 2 percent of the American population, they dominate porn.”
Jewish academic Dr Nathan Abrams:
“Though Jews make up only 2 percent of the American population, they dominate porn.”
Jewish academic historian Dr Nathan Abrams, perhaps the world’s most renowned authority on the Jewish role in pornography, let the cat out of the bag a few years ago in his controversial essay, Triple-Exthnics. [2]
Published in the prestigious Jewish Quarterly in 2004, this essay spelled out in detail how the world’s multibillion dollar porn industry was dominated by Jews.
Dr Abrams not only admits that Jews are the world’s most successful pornographers, he celebrates the fact. Jews, he tells us, have a grudge against Christianity, an “atavistic hatred of Christian authority” rooted in centuries of humiliation, and pornography is one of the ways in which they get their revenge on their Christian persecutors — the hateful oppressors who expelled them from 109 countries since the year 250 AD, always without justification. [3]
So it’s now payback time.
Read on –
35yo woman bashed around very badly by Pzifer (2 mins)
Performance art (1 min)
Putin gets some new banking services
Polite invasion (1 min)
Well, Well, Well…
by barovsky
MOSCOW, March 6 – RIA Novosti. Moscow received documents from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory. This was stated to journalists by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov.”In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered”
Read more of this post
Pierre Trudeau (Canada PM 70’s) and the BIS (Bank of International Settlements, Switzerland)
How Canada got screwed by the banksters and now it’s everyone else’s turn (10 min)
Great Reset is called “Going Direct” by banksters (from 2019 bankster meeting in Wyoming, Cheney’s state) Nice overview of the last few years in a short time
That video is the best summation of the global disorder. Needs to be sent everywhere.
Both sides are controlled by the Khazar oligarchs. Chabad head office is in Russia. They want to establish their Khazarian Empire in Ukrania and surrounds and are warring for world domination.
They want us to choose a side, but as we have seen in all wars, they control both. We must oppose these wars, realise they are two sides of the same coin. All good people in all countries are terrorised by these talmudic tyrants. We must stop them, before they lead us into organised global war, by not participating and swallowing their propaganda.
Switch off the 📺, just like pig pharma and military industrial, they own all the networks. They win on all fronts, by murder, rape and terror on innocent people simply trying to live. The end game is the Noahide Laws, completely destroy nations and unite the world for hell on earth. There’s a photo of Vlado, with cap surrounded by Lubavitchers, being advised by Mr.Lowy. It’s a club and we ain’t in it.
Re the photo of Putin with the Black Hats –
The phrase “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” is said to be an ancient proverb. It goes back thousands of years to the philosopher Sun Tzu.
The positive on Putin is, he wants the BSL4 labs out.
“If a traitor mentions the Ukrainian Nazis, switch your mind off as quickly as you can and hit them with that thought-terminating cliché … “THE PRESIDENT OF THE UKRAINE IS JEWISH!” Or “EVERY COUNTRY HAS NAZIS!” That’s another good one!
The other thing we need to look at, and dismiss, and never think about again, is the role the United Forces of Goodness played in orchestrating this mess, starting with how members of the US government stage-managed that coup in 2014, and how they funded and worked with known neo-Nazis — not secret, dog-whistling, half-assed Nazis, but big fat, Jew-hating, Sieg-heiling Nazis — to foment and eventually execute it. All that, of course, is just “Russian propaganda,” despite the fact that it has been thoroughly documented, not just by the usual “conspiracy theory outlets,” but by official mouthpieces of the Forces of Goodness, like the BBC, The Nation, and even The Guardian”.
Food prices up 20% due to the effects of many years out-of-control money printing, kicked off by Bill Clinton / W Bush / Barry Obama bankster project ( terminated Glass-Steagall Act 1999 )
In 1971 they blamed the inflation on the A-rabs and OPEC, they called it the “oil crisis” or somesuch, never once mentioned the USD went off the gold standard that year.
Now they are going to play the same trick again but instead of the A-rabs it’s the Russkis fault.
Come on it’s 50 years later the stupid sheeple have forgotten everything.
Wisconsin 2016 election decertification has gone quiet, yet more work needed.
The legislature of Wisconsin passed a bunch of election reform bills but the Democrat Governor is expected to veto the whole lot.
It seems as if a lot of pedophile charges may be the best thing to unseat all these crooked politicians standing in the way of following the law and natural justice etc.
Exactly what was the intent of the US constitution and 2nd amendment, I would guess it is there precisely so the citizens of Wisconsin can capture their governor and lock him up.
“Morgan says, “It’s shocking. He got away with it for another 30 years.”
Lydon responds, “Not only him, there were a whole bunch of them.”
11 Ways That Western Powers Are Escalating The End Times War In Ukraine
March 6, 2022 11:38 pm by IWB
Nostradamus called this “the time of troubles”, I think the “end times” are some way off.
The lying filth MSM all running the same video of a panicked guy running away from a burning house. It’s high rotation advertising. And the internet fills up with “block & flood”.
So how is your flood going anyway.
In Perth last winter they had the most rain ever, it was good, all rivers and lakes were very full, and the fruit season was excellent helped on by a moderately hot summer.
Climate change means we live in “a land of drought and flooding rain” – Dorothea McKellar 1904.
Matthew 24:6-8
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Well it’s been nation against nation etc since that book was written
Forever War in Ukraine or End of Unipolar World?
Scomo and Dutton might get some intelligence if they watched the video.
Not to omit all those parliamentary seat warmers on all sides who lack any concept of reality or integrity and only managed to occupy their seats because they are just the puppet political pet lemmings of the anti-democratic banker globalists.
Oliver Stone produced movie
Ukraine on Fire, The Real Story – (2016)
(94 min)
Bush fingerprints are all over this going back many years
New. “Carnage everywhere”
I saw somewhere that Senator Kennedy, full of anger, said: “ I cannot believe it, USA just paid Russia US$ 18 Billion!” (Via IMF as payment for an oil deal??)
I found it. Check the picture with Putin and Sleepy Joe.
They are all acting dumb, this wasn’t money, it was SDR’s which is the same as credit cards. You start off with very low interest and when you are loaded up with fake debt, the interest goes up, refer the video I already posted above where they did it to young Turdeau’s father, or should I say, Turdeau’s fake father did it to Canada. Here it is anyway for convenience
So with the SDRs from Switzerland you can buy the injections and pay later, this is the plan Rockerfellas were pushing for in a document from maybe a year or more ago.
Queen jumped on the Lear Jet to go and see Young Turdeau.
“Oh Turdeau I am awfully pleased with everything you have done, you are my favourite minion.
I will be faking my own death shortly and everyone will be corporatised according to our plan.
We have a nice hotel for you with views of Lake Geneva when the mobs come after you.
Klaus sends his regards, I’ll leave these secret documents here on the side table, ta-ra !!!”
I heard wrong, it was Turdeau on the Lear jet, the Queen had the blue and yellow flowers out on the table, has been assisting the crypto-jew by the sounds.
Now Turdeau is hopping around Europe meeting the “dignitaries”, much better than staying at home where he is liable to be shot I would guess
The ‘Nuland-Kagan Plan’ To Kill The Minsk-2 Peace Agreement
April 14, 2015 By NEWS WIRE 6 Comments
21st Century Wire says…
There is a small but highly influential and powerful faction embedded throughout Washington’s top political institutions and policy think tanks, whose primary objective is the promotion of regional and global military conflicts.
They will not rest unless the world is on fire, and the share prices of ‘defense’ corporations like General Electric, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Blackstone Group, and Carlyle Group – are hitting record highs. To do this they must also keep Israel relevant, if not the center of attention, regarding US foreign policy.
They want war, and they want it often and they will do anything to see it happen…
Damned and Humiliated Dual-Passport Victoria Nuland Finally owns up to Illegal Biolaboratories hidden from the world in Ukraine
“During a Senate hearing, Nuland was pointedly asked if there were chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine. Evasively, Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who is also an Israeli citizen conceded the revelation.
‘Ukraine has facilities for biological research. We are concerned that Russian troops may try to take control of them, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how to prevent any of these research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces,’ Nuland replied.”
More evidence of US funding for bio-weapons labs in Russia ( there are roughly about a dozen )
Trying to work out the details of who is doing what to whom in a foreign war is boring and facts are all disputed but our MainStreamMedia pumps the narrative, Scotty went off like a button was pressed on top of his head. They are all saying the Russkis deliberately exploded a children’s hospital. What next, impaling babies on pitchforks and drinking their blood I suppose. The lying MSM here has bullshitted us for two years solid about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and everything related to this Globalist flu-vax push story. The only thing to do is look at RT.
RT says the refugees going into Finland are all Russian, well this makes as much sense as anything. ( More refugees are claimed to be Ukrainian men 18-60 avoiding conscription. )
Russia says some random conscripts got into their invasion force somehow, the comments say they were Ukraina-Nazi infiltrators looking to smash stuff up
Putin wants Russians to get out of fiat currency
BBC (British Bullshit Corporation) is doing advertorials for McDonalds
Wonderful humanitarian McDonalds with their white bread and children’s hospital and the clown guy. Their marketing dept is totally cynical and opportunist.
Ingredients for McBurger
Mince pattie 20 cents
White bread 10 cents
Sauce, pickle, lettuce 10 cents
Box and paper bag with logos 10 cents
Staff costs 50 cents
Premises costs 50 cents
Total $1.50 sold to you for $7.50