Home Maxwell The Key To Recognizing Blame in the Covid Affair

The Key To Recognizing Blame in the Covid Affair


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This morning I was reading a huge anthology (could hardly lift it), in which

certain aspects of health were discussed. The individual authors are not connected to one another. Some of them bumbled along, unenlightened by the reality of dishonesty in science. Others had “the key.”

This led me to imagine how helpful it would be if all new medical students were handed a one-page explanation of ordinary human deceitfulness and deal-making. They’d be told that this may help them understand why some research conforms to “the official narrative” versus that which challenges it.

Also in regard to fights, such as today’s fight about vaccinations, a budding doctor should be told that it’s not enough to adopt one position or another. She must get to the mature point of realizing that each “camp” has predispositions. The professor should require her, for example, to evaluate the content of both the pro-vax and anti-vax ideas and give an explanation of why they differ.

Cancer Science

I am currently updating my 2013 book Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status. The term “legal status” in the subtitle was meant as a euphemism for “Is the scientist who discovered this cure now in jail?”

Most of the discoverers I listed did get some form of punishment. Several lost their job and/or their medical license, some lost their life, two had their houses burned down, two were arrested, two were exiled, one was driven into alcoholism, one was hit by a car. All had their lives shaken up.

In the US, you can almost count on the AMA — American Medical Association — to go after a “dissident” doctor (e.g., an intellectually honest cancer researcher). They ruin his or her reputation.  As a result, the public usually accepts that the doctor is a quack and believes that the cure lacks any merit.  It would help to ask why the AMA does this. If they are not there to support doctors, why do they exist at all?

As for the government crucifying the person who discovers a good cure for cancer, or for rheumatoid arthritis or polio or whatever — what is the motive? And how does the DoJ or FDA, or state medical official get involved? Then, when the case comes to court, why are judges so lacking in understanding of what has happened?   Doesn’t a judge know what scientific research looks like?

I think I’ve got the key to all this, and I bet you do, too. What I am asking for is a discussion of “The Key” as such. I want the public to be as aware as I am, that if a doctor has good news for humanity, a beautiful cure, part of the “fact-checking” that needs to occur is the checking on why the cure does not get a fair shake in journals, clinical trials, the courtroom, etc.

I say: Discuss it. Insist that it all be put on the table. Don’t chicken out.

All hospitals nowadays have an ethics committee.  Someone should appoint 10% of those hospitals — alphabetically or randomly each year — to be on duty, if needed, to look into medical ethics on a wider than the individual-doctor basis. They should open their mouths and discuss, say, the propriety of the fortnightly visits that Pharma reps make to almost every practicing physician in the US. (Yes, that be the norm.)

Ventilators, Steriods, and Dr Pierre Kory

The rest of this article is about a particular doctor, Pierre Kory, as told in his book The War on Ivermectin (2023). Today he is known as the man who championed ivermectin as the best cure for Covid. But Chapter Nine of his book, which I quote below, is about the early days of Covid — from March to April 2020, when he did not yet know the magic of ivermectin.

Everybody was running around like mad when the hyped-up emergency pandemic began. Dr Pierre Kory, in Wisconsin, was Clinical Service Chief, running an ICU (intensive care unit).  Looking at the symptoms of the patients, he did not want to put them on a ventilator. Nor did he agree with the new formula that used oxygen levels as the deciding factor for intubation or ventilation.

His experience suggested, and colleagues around the world agreed, that the appropriate treatment was corticosteroids plus a blood thinner. Kory could not get his hospital to agree, as there had not been a Randomized Clinical Trial for using that treatment for this brand-new disease, Covid.

He says, on pages 60-61:

“…the entirety of US academic medicine, over the last 20 years [2003 to 2023], has been reduced to a ‘Church of RCT Fundamentalism,’ a church that was wholly fueled by Big Pharma, as they essentially control the funding, design, and even outcome of such trials.”

Wow.  And it was all a departure from:

“the long-standing reliance of physicians on the power of medical knowledge, logic, observation, reason, pragmatism, and the precautionary principle of relying on risk/benefit assessments….”

I was surprised to hear that hospitals, including his, had embraced a new protocol — convalescent plasma, which is blood from people who have recovered from an infection. P 61:

“Yes, they were enthusiastically soliciting blood donations from the Covid recovered, and transfusing that into the newly ill.  It was insane. There was no evidence for the efficacy of this therapy outside of bloodstream infections and Covid was a respiratory virus.”

Opposing such doctors as Pierre Kory, the New York Times Magazine quoted a bioethicist as follows, P 62:

“Panicked rhetoric about right-to-try must be aggressively discouraged in order for scientists to learn what regimens or vaccines actually work…. “


Kory was in touch with many doctors via social media. One of them stated, P 63:

“Since we started using steroids, we were able to get elderly patients out of hospital without using a ventilator.  Patients who were crashing quickly, who we had to have end-of-life talks with, were able to walk out of the hospital. At no point did any of our patients worsen because of steroids.”

Who’s Got the Key?

The key, as introduced at the beginning of this article, is something in the brain of the doctor or medical student. It is a sense that there is more than one thing to consider.

My field is law, so you can be sure that one of the things that my “key” automatically searches for is breaches of law. That is to say, crime. I don’t think we need to horse around, commenting on which way was best for care of the elderly who had Covid. Physicians like Pierre Kory already knew.

We should be asking Why did many doctors (and journalists reporting on them) keep nagging about the role of “Science”?  Or the need to use only “evidence-based medicine”?  What the hell was the experience of well-trained doctors if not evidence-based medicine? Were these guys floating around offering blueberry scones as the correct treatment for Covid?  I don’t think so.

So, we come back to the matter of crime. Thousands of people died from being put on ventilators. Sorry, I have not stated that correctly. Thousands of people who were put on ventilators — without being offered any treatment, died. I suppose it is correct to say that they died from lack of treatment, if, by comparison, those who got treatment did not die. (Of course, calculated with age-matched, co-morbidities-matched, patients.)

My lawyer key wants to know whom to nail for the deaths. There are two considerations we can push aside here. One is a legal “doctrine” known as strict liability. That means that if an employee does something wrong (e.g., the blood technician accidentally mixed up two patients’ blood samples) it is always the responsibility of the employer. That rule applies in lawsuits for damages. You’d only sue the employee if he/she acted with intent to harm.

The other nicety that I am pushing aside — as we are working with keys here, not adjudicating a case — is the matter of diminished responsibility.   Much jurisprudence favors lighter punishment, or no finding of blame, when an accused is senile, low-IQ, etc. Remember General Pinochet of Chile being let off by Britain’s Home Secretary, for the crime of torture, because he was elderly? (Poor thing. Poor torturer.)

Granted, many a doctor may have honestly thought it was appropriate to put the patient on a ventilator. She may, in a court case, be found to have “diminished responsibility” for the patient’s death.  But, again, I don’t care about this as there isn’t any real case before me. I’m just scanning the old cerebrum for ideas about blame. Who dunnit?

Was It Murder?

Recall that we are dealing with the pre-vaccination period. Perhaps some vax manufacturers were doing harm even at that stage, though. What if they demanded that the early patients be non-treated, so as to make the vaccine look like the savior of mankind? OK, I am only saying that deaths resulting from vax are not being addressed in this article.

(Note: My lawsuit, Maxwell v Secretary of Defense et al, seeking an injunction against mandatory vax, was filed in December 2020 at US District Court, as a preemptive strike.  I appealed it in April 2021 at the First District Court, in Boston. It was dismissed.)

So were those deaths-for-non-treatment in 2020 homicide, manslaughter, or neither? Manslaughter means the person died as a result of the accused’s action, but it was not the intention of the accused to kill. Thus, if you drive your car at 130 miles an hour and someone dies as a result, you are more likely to be charged with manslaughter than with homicide.

When one is using a “Key,” it is possible to wiggle out of one’s time and place. So, let’s ask: Would the deaths described by Dr Kory have been seen a hundred years ago as murder? Also, will they be seen a hundred years from today as murder?

I doubt that anyone would have been in a position to know the nature of such deaths a hundred years ago. I myself had no clue that staff at any American hospital would behave as Kory described. I found out only by reading his 2023 book, The War on Ivermectin.

By the way, the AMA’s ban on ivermectin is much more outrageous than what I have discussed above, as ivermectin had been the drug of choice for decades with full approval for use to cure malaria and other diseases in humans. It was widely used on farm animals, too.

A hundred years ago, the family doctor was a revered figure. One would shudder at the thought of calling him a killer in those days. Did medical mass killings take place, back then? I’m ignorant of it.  Note: in 1924 there was not yet a Big Pharma, so the motive for killings would not have been profit.

The kind of control, whereby a government entity in the US could tell doctors what to do, had not yet arrived. The Rockefellers in the 1920s were only starting to grab up the medical schools and medical journals.

As for the question “Will folks a hundred years hence call such deaths murder?”, it is impossible to say, as humanity may be very different by then. Still, if we, today, clamp down on malfeasance within the medical profession, that may become a norm and future generations will use it, too. “Yes of course it’s criminal; everybody knows that.”

At this moment, evidence of foul play (pre-vax) is being gathered. Ms Astrid Stuckelberger, who worked in the W.H.O. in Switzerland, has made the stunning claim that the pandemic was arranged years ago as part of the worldwide march toward totalitarianism.


My key tells me it was murder — I know of other, worse things that “The Powers That Be” have done for centuries, so I can see it as pure malice. The reader may not have that same Key and thus might not vote “homicide.” As for identifying the guilty by name, this article doesn’t deliver sufficient tools. Personally, I tend to go for the highest-hanging fruit. The whole Covid affair was run from the top, including media.

Please read Kory’s book.  I have only reported a minor part of it. And thank you, Lucky Pierre (his nickname) for working for us. Note: in a beautiful dedication, Kory says he did it all for his wife and three daughters. Well, that’s fine, too. 

You go, Doc!

[Photo credit: Amazon. The key is on sale for $6.99]

— Mary W Maxwell has a PhD in political science and a law degree, both from Adelaide University, Australia. Her latest book is “Society Is the Authority.” She can be contacted at MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com



  1. Regular readers of Gumshoe will have noticed that today’s article is unusually tame for me, and is very narrow. The much bigger question, as regards medical students, is How in the world can they be inspired to feel virtuous about the practice of their “profession” when it is now mainly a business?

    The Biggies to whom they answer are Blue Cross, the AMA, the state government bureaucracy, Medicare, etc. The ethos of doing the right thing for each patient simply does not enter into their calculations when interacting with the aforementioned entities.

    Same for lawyers. In my youth, the local lawyer was automatically a pillar of the community. But now it is “accepted” that he/she will, for example, refuse to take a case from a prospective plaintiff if it would entail standing up to a big defendant, such as a corporation.

    The situation is hopeless. Please comment.

    • The Nuremberg 2 ethos goes to a total eclipse re the fact that what took place in 1945 – 46 was nothing more than an absurd attempt to superimpose humanistic justice on something that was unmistakably supernaturally contrived

  2. The need to hang the blame for anything on some-body always goes to a reluctance to acknowledge the “everybody” dynamic – which is, of course, the only way of ruling out a repeat of the same scenario

    • I agree with the Everybody dynamic, Berry. In a recent article I said I take full responsibility for US foreign policy even tho’ I am only 1/340th of the population.

      Still, on a practical level, ‘Everybody’ did not ban ivermectin. A few people did, and if you were a doctor working with Covid patients, wouldn’t you want to know whose ban you are being asked to obey? If it were a bunch of killers, you would choose not to obey.

      As far as I can tell, it was a bunch of killers.

    • E.B. – this planet has been controlled for a very long time by entities that can only be described as being pure evil. Evil cannot be negotiated with, it must be destroyed completely.

      Civilizations fall, not due to the enemy at the gate trying to break in, but to the Traitors within, who betray their own for the 30 pieces of silver that is offered.

      Nuremberg 1945 was about destroying the roots of Nazism – for which it failed due to the lack of appreciation as to how far Evil had permeated itself throughout Human history and even then, into Human Institutions. And even at that time, Evil was staging a come back under the guise of Operation Paperclip. But, Nuremberg 1945, gave to the world the knowledge and the parameters with which to expose what Evil truly is, as well as the reality, that Evil, if left to flourish, will destroy God’s creation.

      They’ve been hanging, shooting and guillotining the Evil since 2019, and all around this great big planet of ours.

      Soon, we will all get to see the evidence for those events.

  3. All this talk as if it’s over, they have used Covid-19 to put in place all necessary legal and funding arrangements for forced injections, mercenaries, detention camps etc., presumably to be implemented next year, for the next 5-year-plan. There is some chance some persons like eg. Gates and a few others might go under the bus to add a bit of atmosphere “trust us we are doing our job” but what is there actually in place to stop the program which like Covid might get started a few months before the target date, that would be in 3 or 4 months from now. If there is an airborne ebola ready by now will people have enough chlorine dioxide in their cupboards to antidote it ? NO. In the panic, will the mercenaries round up dissenters and throw them into quarantine ( death camps ) ? YES, because all the preparations have been put in place. We had the practice run, now is everyone ready for the real thing ? NO

  4. Oops. Above, I said I am 1/340th of the US citizenry. Of course I meant to say 1/340,000,000th.

    Oz’s population at the 2021 census was 25,422,788. Although I belong to that citizenry too, I have never felt that I am directing Australian foreign policy. Must have had “sovereignty” so well beaten into me as a kid in Boston that I became delusional about my Murkin powers.

    S’far as I know, I have never had any influence on anything.

    That’s pretty disgusting at age 77.

    (Still tryin’ though.)

    • “S’far as I know, I have never had any influence on anything.”

      Bullshit 🙂 @ 77 and still fighting, writing and influencing many, more guts than a thousand so called busted cops, lawyers, doctors, judges, soldiers rolled into one, far from disgusting or sad, and even if you only had a fraction of influence on another single person, who knows what sort of butterfly effect that could have in the future if then that person went on to become the sort of person like yourself, or Dr Kori, then it can not be a waste of time and effort.

      I think you hot the nail on the head when you said the key is to keep talking. of course they can censor the tv, radio, newspapers and internet, but they cant stop people talking amongst themselves. some are still not brave enough even to speak what they truly think amongst their own friends and family, lest they be thought of as mad for going against the grain, let alone giving talks in open forums like yourself, on so many issues.

      Ive notice recently that even mainstream media is starting to voice more – alt voices now, as they continue to get louder, its like they are incapable of not, and with every voice that is heard, it may well mean others find similar courage as yours, to simply speak their truth.

      Thanks for your courage and inspiration.

  5. The Key is to know who you are and where do you fit in the Republic of Gilead

    The Handmaid’s Tale
    “The Handmaid’s Tale is a futuristic dystopian novel[6] by Canadian author Margaret Atwoodpublished in 1985.[7] It is set in a near-future New England in a patriarchal, totalitarian theonomic state known as the Republic of Gilead, which has overthrown the United States government.[8] Offred is the central character and narrator and one of the “Handmaids”: women who are forcibly assigned to produce children for the “Commanders”, who are the ruling class in Gilead.

    The novel explores themes of powerless women in a patriarchal society, loss of female agency and individuality, suppression of women’s reproductive rights, and the various means by which women resist and try to gain individuality and independence. The title echoes the component parts of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, which is a series of connected stories (such as “The Merchant’s Tale” and “The Parson’s Tale”).[9] It also alludes to the tradition of fairy tales where the central character tells her story.[10]

    The Handmaid’s Tale won the 1985 Governor General’s Award and the first Arthur C. Clarke Awardin 1987; it was also nominated for the 1986 Nebula Award, the 1986 Booker Prize, and the 1987 Prometheus Award. In 2022, The Handmaid’s Talewas included on the “Big Jubilee Read” list of 70 books by Commonwealth authors, selected to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II.[11] The book has been adapted into a 1990 film, a 2000 opera, a 2017 television series, and other media. A sequel novel, The Testaments, was published in 2019.”

  6. “how helpful it would be if all new medical students were handed a one-page explanation of ordinary human deceitfulness and deal-making.”

    Maybe all medical consent forms should be headed by the same preamble. Back in the snake-oil days at least one copy of a respective warning manual was kept in every household . It was called the “good book”.
    These days everyone has instant access to the very same info together with a complete run-down of all the potential “side-effects” of every prescribed medication & every product displayed in every supermarket “health & beauty” aisle . Most people just choose not to look

  7. 12,935 views Jun 24, 2024 #documentary #history #historyfacts
    History is full of lost stories and forgotten peoples, however the fall of the moriori tribe on a remote set of islands 500 miles from the New Zealand is one of the most remarkable and dark tales in human history.
    In this documentary, we explore the origins and ultimate fall of the Moriori people.”

    History Matters History of People and Place Matters Even More

    • Probably a lot more common than might be imagined.
      I heard some similar part of this story a long time ago and once asked a white NZer about it and he disputed whatever story I had but the video looks well researched
      btw Maories were not fully Polynesian, they were from Taiwan, as recently discovered by ancient song lines, they had a lengthy stopover somewhere in the Pacific before going on to NZ which they probably heard rumours about.
      It seems Taiwan’s fate is to be invaded and re-invaded over and over

    • Without any wishful stretch of the imagination, anyone with an open mind can see the obvious failing of the old system, which has to collapse – and it will soon – before the new system, QFS, becomes fully operational.

      BRICS is in place in over 100 countries – and still growing. Do you know anything at all about why BRICS came about? Would it be due to the adverse economic effect the Petro-Dollar was having on every country around the world?

      Instead of putting up videos, that others tell you what they think may be happening, why not look at what the QFS is and how beneficial for all of humanity it really will be?

      And presented by folk who actually know what they are talking about.

      • T.O.
        You probably will be one of just a few who might really look outside the box with this at BIN.
        “Live new Dick ALLGIRE: July 4th remote viewer special report”.
        I ASSURE YOU THAT actual ‘forecasting’ can be done. It can relate to surrounding circumstance and often is specific. Various methods can be used, some are just naturally able.

        T.S I have sent you the link as Clif High is discussed.🙀💁
        Dee also has the link.
        For most of the rest, I do not care as you are not even looking for a KEY and even if you find it you will not find the correct door.
        Unless ……..

        • As an aside for those who think they may have found life’s KEY, shove it through your ear and turn your brain on or at least try…. If you can locate it.

          • BRIC and the concept of BRICS was invented at Goldman Sachs who were doing famous ripoffs in Malaysia (1MDB) and a double-or-nothing ripoff in Greece around the same time

          • I watched that show because it featured Dick Allgire.

            He was the only ‘remote viewer’ with any real credibility on a show I once watched some years back.

            Project Blue Beam came to mind when he presented the ‘event’ for July, 15.

            If so, it will become a ‘fizzer’ because too many people know about it.

            I hope he unloads his Bitcoin – if he knew where they were made and for what purpose, he would probably ditch them tomorrow.

            Too, bitcoin, and all the other ‘crytos’, will not survive into the QFS which will be operating under its own digital coin – XRP.

          • Sandra, I may presume that you listened to it.
            Again for the record it can be done. I am about 60 years of personal PROOF.

          • I have been told my age of death …… but that is not set, so far as I am concerned,. Two of my ‘close circumstances’ have passed averaging that estimate. So personal surrounding circumstances have to be taken into account, as I have said, only some foreshadowing is SPECIFIC TO ME and they have been many, been proven specific, there is a sad personal burden, a prior sadness precedes me, but there have been two other circumstances fitting that forecast.
            So I must just ‘plod’ on and not worry and follow my destiny.

          • I may as well finish.
            I will be content with death but have ONE REGRET.
            Considering that ascribed to above that appears specific and as such is; that it applies to me. The forecaster would not know of the mindset of the two referred to above.
            There is a great tv series there for someone. The silly man who having being told, spends his whole life trying to discover what it might be and avoid it💁💁🍿🍿🍿🙏
            I claim copyright on the concept. I can foresee what it could be in such a serial ending.

  8. “Did medical mass killings take place, back then? I’m ignorant of it. ”

    I think ancients used versions of poisons, food, starvation, “accidental” fire, I think this style of medical murder is contemporary

  9. Attention Mary Maxwell and others.
    38-42 mins at situation update at beforeitsnews.com. Today.
    In January 202I I watched the reports of the street videos and others from a person referred to as ‘citizen journalist’ showing what Mary is referring to and other material to demonstrate that the WH was otherwise devoid of any administration.
    Have you ever watched the opening promo to situation update? If not do, there is a scene from the 2021 of a snippet on what was going on at the WH.
    Where have you been and how have you been occupied for over three years?…. Writing thousands of words on legal theories when evidence and hundreds of ‘dots’ have been there to be seen and ever since.
    forgotten your keys and have others wasting their intellect looking for them?

    • Correction:
      The children were coming out of the capital building not the WH. Other videos show the WH devoid of any official presence… even the alleged rose garden interview televised was not at the WH. Subsequently the videos showed official buildings in Washington boarded up and little commercial pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
      MM you usually add LLB to your accomplishment’s.
      Well go earn it, look at the evidence.
      Now let us see an abundance of distractions following, rather than a proper consideration of THE EVIDENCE, FROM THE OTHER USUALS WHO DO NOT APPEAR TO HAVE A KEY.

      • The single best evidence was Biden not getting saluted by the soldiers as he departed from the fake swearing in. All the other evidence I can think of could possibly be enhanced with hearsay or faked or just inconclusive. If the SCOTUS keeps delivering it will be more interesting but still great efforts are made to ensure everything appears “normal” if that is the right word. We are still at a stage where anything could happen

        • Dear Joseph, have you not listened to all the other military ‘abnormalities’ reported by Derek Johnson?
          Should I just give up, no one even seems to listen or looks?

        • Joe – do you truly believe that SCOTUS is now overturning all the unconstitutional rulings that the Deep State pushed for, such as, Roe v Wade, and the recent Chevron Deference, for example. There are more findings that have been overturned and many more yet to be announced, if the military was not in control?

          Why would SCOTUS, that has been a Globalist player since, 1878, suddenly reverse course and cause themselves to act under the original Constitution, if they were not being forced to do so?

          The so called ‘justices’ did not suddenly choose to reverse nearly 150 years of unconstitutional findings because they have to live among the Hoi Poloi that they made the unconstitutional findings for, whereas, the new controllers of the Supreme Court, the United States military, don’t care who they upset in overturning unconstitutional findings because they are acting under the Constitution.

          You have acknowledged that the actor Biden received no real military courtesies – that should be an obvious marker for you to consider, as to who is really controlling who.

  10. […] Although Russbacher did not specifically address the manner in which one person replaces another, he did explain how you, for example, could be turned into a new personality. In particular, your moral code, your entire understanding of right and wrong, could be turned upside down. I have been wondering, for years, whether this sort of mind control may account for the “misbehavior” of our national leaders. (And recently in Covid, the bad doctors.) […]

  11. I really wish everybody, especially Mary, would stop using the term ‘Covid-19’, it has never been proven to exist! The ‘Cure’ is the disease. Changing the subject a little, can Mary or Dee enlighten me on why Gumshoe, has so few commenters, and why they comment repeatedly, and often , concurrently?.

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