Editor’s note: Terry Shulze has contributed significantly to Gumshoe about the Port Arthur massacre. See also his article “Review of Australian Law and Its Decline” which gives the legal history and reasoning that is conspicuously absent from Australian Constitutional Law. In today’s article, however, he tests our mental agility on scientific matters.
by Terry Shulze
I checked with Dee McLachlan whether she would be interested in an article like this. It is a bit ‘woo-woo’ for most people, however, there seems to be a number of posters on this forum that would find the topic ‘interesting’. It also takes a break from Gumshoe’s heavy articles concerning the corruption that is engulfing the world.
I’ll provide some links as the article progresses to help readers to get up to speed on various concepts. I strongly suggest the reader view each link as the article progresses.
Probably most of us took science classes in school. Classes like chemistry, physics, mathematics, geology, astronomy, biology, etc. These classes familiarized us with PHYSICAL reality and the RULE SETS involved in that physical reality. A chemistry class taught about the various elements and the mathematics involved in their combination. Physics taught us about the various rule sets (things don’t fall UP) and how we could use those concepts to do a multitude of tasks.
However, the science of physics has been going deeper and deeper in the understanding of our reality. Theory of Relativity, Quantum Physics, String Theory, deeper and deeper we go trying to figure out the nature of reality. The issue of consciousness in all this exploration is becoming more relevant the further we go.
So to begin, if you aren’t familiar with the ‘double slit experiment’ here’s a video to help explain why the topic of consciousness (observing) is important.
As the exploration continued, more and more physicists concluded that we live in a VIRTUAL REALITY.
Perhaps you remember the scene from the movie ‘The Matrix’ where Neo looks and sees the ‘ones and zeros’ of the virtual reality, comprehends it and then starts breaking the ‘rule sets’ of that virtual reality. (Matrix video here.)
There is more to that movie than it being just an ‘action film’. The concept of reality being a virtual reality based upon a form of computer programming is becoming more mainstream.
In the video below is part of a conference where the virtual reality concept is discussed by a panel of physicists. Pay particular attention to where Dr. Gates is discussing String Theory and finding deep within it ‘computer code’.
OK, now that we have a bit more of a foundation in physics for this article, here comes the woo-woo bit.
I have been examining the ‘MANDELA EFFECT’ for a few years. At first, I found it amusing that various popular culture items, names and the like would be altered. (e.g. the Rock of Gibralter, the names of food changing, etc.) Some people could notice it and others couldn’t, that presents a whole different side issue to what is going on. There are a number of websites that have a truckload of different theories about this, here’s one you can explore. – Just quickly scroll through it, we’ve got more to discuss. (Explore here.)
Here’s a very good video from a computer programmer, Christopher Anatra [and CEO of NECS], that is involved in inventory control. The changing of various products’ names was driving him and his clients crazy. [NECS technical support was spending a large amount of time and resources helping clients determine if there is a problem such as a software bug, corrupted data, etc.]
He finally did the following video to help explain to his clients what was happening.
Below I provide a link to a longer 48-minute interview with software designer Anatra. It is a good interview with someone that is up to speed on the Mandela Effect and that can ask relevant questions and also has intelligent commentary to add. (48 minute interview.)
What I found interesting in Anatra’s interview is that he believes in the ‘alternative universe’ theory regarding the Mandela Effect and that he wants to write his own programs using a quantum computer like a D-wave computer – (I wonder what he would like to get up to?) – What is a D-wave computer?
Here’s the D-Wave lecture by Geordie Rose
Is the ‘alternative universe’ theory correct?
Bugger if I know, but I hope Anatra does get his computer and has some success. That success would go a long way to helping me understand what is going on.
Now if you haven’t experienced the ‘Mandela Effect’ in your personal life. When it does happen to you, it is a paradigm shift.
Here’s a video where a guy has ‘stepped through the looking glass’ and freaked out. (Video.) Like me, he has a specific memory of the Rock of Gibraltar being at the mouth of the Straights of Gibraltar. It was an island about halfway across the straights and more towards the Atlantic Ocean. Now the bloody thing is inside the Mediterranean and attached to Spain. I handled that shift a lot better than he does, LOL! – (when the ‘light comes on’, it can really freak people out!)
So here’s where we’re at in all this discussion. ‘Reality’ is like a big computer game and your ‘body’ is an avatar in that computer game (like and elf or whatever). Your consciousness is outside the computer game, it is like the actual ‘you’ sitting at the computer console controlling the avatar.
When I first ran into the Mandela Effect I thought it only related to PHYSICAL objects within the computer game. Things like rocks, trees, etc. I thought that the RULE SETS within the computer game would likely be unchanging and couldn’t be broken. Now I even question that presumption. Here’s a video on MAGIC.
Perhaps some people, like Neo in the movie ‘The Matrix’, can bend the Rule Sets of this physical 3D reality. I don’t know, however, I’ll continue to research these topics and if I ever get an answer that makes sense I’ll let you know.
There are some people that have developed some amazing abilities. Perhaps you have seen various magicians blindfold themselves and then drive around or perform stunts. Tom Campbell is a physicist who helped Bob Monroe develop his systems for out-of-body experiences. Campbell took a course on ‘seeing without eyes’ and he says that it is ‘remote viewing’ in real time. Here’s a video about people developing the ability to see without eyes.
As far as discussing the Mandela Effect with most people (unless they have experienced it) you may not want to try it. If you thought discussing 9-11 or Port Arthur with the NPCs of the moronosphere was a challenging task, this one could get you thrown into a psychiatric hospital. Here’s a scene from the movie ‘The Matrix’ that may offer a bit of guidance.
If you learn to see without eyes, you can put together a stage act.
Terry, I could not even ken the Double Slit test.
But as this whole package is coming from you I would trust it.
It’s not from me, that’s why I referred to all the links.
I threw it out there as some other people may have similar experiences and may be trying to sort things out. Perhaps, if I was lucky, someone could have already have figured everything out and would give me a lead.
There’s heaps of theories, but nothing positive that I can feel complete confidence in. I’ve tentatively have my own theory, but I’m a long way from confidence…
Thanks Terry for bringing up this very important topic. My Mandela moment is seeing C3P0 with a gold leg. There are some more but… CERN. That is where you start looking. LHC wasn’t built to smash atoms, but to access the otherworld. This “otherworld” is refered to as supernatural or paranormal in Western talk. The ClA ( OSl back then was refered to) found all this occult stuff in Berlin and took it back to the US where they spent decades of black budget R+D. I have so much more info on this but it is book type length. Think this – if, and if, they pulled off the Me, what are they playing with now? And, this is where UFOs and aliens reside – they are ultraterrestrial and created right here on erff. This is a sentient intellegence they are playing with.
Again thanks Terry, well sorted article.
Annie Jacobsen is a USA based journalist and researcher. I have 3 of her books – Operation Paper Clip, Area 51 and Phenomenon, which details the MlC wrestle with the paranormal, remote viewing especially. Takes a woman with balls to tackle these subjects. l highly recommend all 3. Operation Trojan Horse and Mothman Prophesies by John Keel are essential reading. Hunt for the Skinwalker by Kelleher PhD is also invaluable reading.
David, thanks for the reply. I think you mean C3PO with a SILVER leg. A lot of people have twigged to the ME on that one. The first one to really flatten me was ‘Dolly’ from the James Bond movie ‘Moonraker’. She helps push off the big wheel from ‘Jaws’ and they look at each other. He smiles with his metal teeth and then she smiles back with BRACES on her teeth. That is the moment they connect. – Now, she no longer has braces on her teeth.
I’ve got a heap of them, ‘White Out’ now being called ‘Wite Out’ – that doesn’t even make sense. Oscar Meyer now Oscar Mayor. Crikey, I remember as a little kid thinking that they spelled Mayor wrong. – There are THOUSANDS of these ‘glitches’ in the matrix.
I thought it was funny/interesting in the Anatra interview that he posed some questions to his disbelieving father about the Bible. His father being a scholar on the Bible, with 7 different versions to reference, was blown away with the new passages.
Yeah, the CERN concept comes up often in the discussions. There is even a picture of one of the leading physicists holding up a ‘Mandela’ sign.
As far as you comments about what are they up to now, when the Rock of Gibraltar moved, that told me this stuff was serious. It is one thing to tweak the name of a product, or change a scene or line in a popular movie (Mirror, Mirror on the Wall), but when the physical Earth starts getting altered, Holy Cow, what else is going to change.
Did you mean silver leg?
Terry much of this topic is way above my head. (Five year high school only.)
However the mention of the Mandela Effect with regard to islands and continents, may be false. It has been known all my lifetime that our planet is in a continuous state of change. That is, the land masses are in constant motion. That is the theory of how the continents formed in relation to one another. It is not a state of memory fault, but geological fact.
In my local area, Garden Island, W.A. is supposed to be moving towards the mainland, Point Peron at a rate of 3 (inches or mm) per year. I don’t know if this is true. But if it is the speed is that slow that people alive today will not know if this is the case in their lifetime. But if people of the future see a map from the year 2000, and in reality they see the island and mainland joined, the phenomenon can hardly be called the Mandela Effect. Physical reality does change.
Do we know that all the product names mentioned in the video were not changed by man? After all the Globalists are changing names, history and language continually as part of the dumbing down, required by their evil program. The MSM continually mispronounce words and names to sensationalise. The same as they do with information.
Mal, for people that have not experience the ‘Mandela Effect’ it sounds like complete nonsense. The usual fall-back position of explanation is that people have faulty memories.
Admittedly, some people’s memories are atrocious. They ‘re-construct’ what happened rather than remember what really happened (perhaps some are living in a fantasy world and want to re-create what they want to have happened). Tom Campbell in his Trilogy of ‘My Big Toe’ (Theory Of Everything) refers to the ‘actualized database’ and the ‘future unrealized database’. This is similar to the Eastern spiritual concept of the Akashic Records for each soul.
When you access the ‘acutalized database’ it is profound/solid. EVERYTHING is there. You can’t BS it, it just IS, deal with it. I’ve done it three times in my life – you are THERE at that moment.
For people that have not experienced the Mandela Effect, I use the analogy of trying to explain a sexual orgasm to five year old child. It can’t be done, it is something you have to experience in order to discuss it.
I received an email wondering what NPC meant towards the end of my article. NPC is a meme from the internet. It stands for ‘non-programable character. They are the lifeless characters you may run into in a computer game that has a limited response to what ever is happening. They have no independent ‘will’, they just exist in the game as an object.
Here’s a video about the ‘Left’ freaking out at being associated with NPCs.
A animal died in this scene!!
(about 50 seconds …. watch from 35 carefully.)
Heaps more on u tube re humans passing.
My dad told me years ago that when one of his sisters died, as a heryoung brother he went to the door of the room where she was dying and he describes it thus; “As I was at the door a ‘whoosh’ (of air) {no wind draft otherwise present} went past me”. (at the time she passed!!!)
I know of many anecdotal reports from friend’s with experiencing or feeling the loss at a time when the deceased died in another place and at the reported time of death. One I recall was a friend having a nap on a Saturday afternoon. She felt the presence on her bed and felt the strokes on her forehead of her brother who had died, as she later determined, the experience being at the time of his reported death.
Too many reports not to make one curious and others, ‘aware’!
What about walking the wall? I mean Hadrian’s Wall. Or the Roman colosseum? Not to put a kibosh on anything, guys, but I just know Dee is licking her chops and I gotta get in here.
I told Our Beloved Editor last year that the day she publishes on the topic of ETs is the day MWM is no longer at GS.
And don’t think I won’t do it, Dee.
MM, you can relax. This is not ETs. Regular programming will continue as normal.
Dear Mary, there is a big world out there and some want to explore beyond your desire and experiences …………..why the threatened problem?
I ain’t stoppin’ anyone from exploring. Let them explore. But each website has a certain color to it and I am maintaining our color. Believe me it took a lot of work to get this far.
Ned, I would stop to explain more about my. ET position but just can’t. Too frickin busy.
And it’s not a rainbow colour 🙂
Terry, or anyone, please clue us in on “Me”.
‘ME’ is shorthand for ‘Mandela Effect’. Sometimes I’ve seen it referred to as ‘Quantum Effect’.
The ME got it’s name from people who remember Nelson Mandela dying back in the 1980s. Then when he later died, people freaked out. They began to ask around and found that there were heaps of people just like themselves that remember Mandela dying in prison back in the 1980s. They gave the name, Mandela Effect, to the phenomena and it stuck.
Here is a webpage that was started in 2009 on the ME. This phenomena has been around for more than a decade.
The “parallel universe”, also known as the second heaven is, in fact, the place where all the fallen angels(demons) take refuge when they’re cut off from their one and only source of power, namely tormenting/destroying human souls:
Luckily or possibly unluckily I realised very young I was swimming in BS. Think the hypocrisy was my driver. You have to be a little careful with your own memories, but when you realise it can be tricked with subtle inputs of media(Chinese whisper affect{or whatever now called}) you can harden the accuracy of your memories(warning, you will then be considered a proverbial….).
Do I remember Nelson Mandela hanging out with the pope and Nicki Minaj at Vatican City.
I love the old national geographic magazine’s because how they freeze time and you can see old mockingbird sometimes conflicting with current mockingbird. The book burning is to help erase some of the old inconsistent facts. Book burning is now carried out by electronic warehousing of record by our tech big brother.
I agree with Mary about the colour/flavour of Gumshoes, and ET type articles should have solid link to facts and be unique in nature(thats not going to happen often). Otherwise Gums risks disappearing in to the noise.
I go with “I think so therefore I am real”. Some take from the VR theory that it does not matter what they do, say, or think. I play this for real because if I am a simulation it does not matter, BUT if I am real IT REALLY MATTERS.
“does not matter “ is just another way of saying “has no physical effect” and so far as any sort human output goes it’s an outright lie.
And as for the memory issue, the need to keep written records is a reminder of just how flawed everybody actually is. Any immutable truth can be obfuscated or warped out of recognition just by getting a simple sequence wrong particularly when one is caught up in a high-stress situation such as a court scenario
“Some take from the VR theory that it does not matter what they do,” – On the contrary, it matters VERY MUCH what you do.
What I got from reading Tom Campbell’s trilogy is that this physical reality is a ‘kindergarten’ to develop the ‘quality of your consciousness’. You leave the physical body behind when you ‘die’, however, it is your individual unit of consciousness (some refer to it as a soul) that continues.
The lessons you learn can either decrease the entropy (say, ‘light’) to your consciousness or increase the entropy (say, ‘dark’). In other words, you can increase the quality of your consciousness by what you do in this virtual reality.
Nice balanced article that is compelling, thanks Terry.
Off topic
Back into the mud for me.
University of Queensland professor Patrick Parkinson, said a child sex abuse conviction could “absolutely” give a parent grounds to seek to quash custody rulings linked to the psychologist.
Thats it Patrick, thats all your’ve got, and your a professor, wow. Spoken like a true swamp monster.
Great article Terry. I too am fascinated with quantum physics and string theory. My favourite, M theory, takes a handful of the most well known string theories and combines them to postulate an (at least) eleven dimensional universe. When I first saw the double slit experiment I came to the conclusion that light is conscious. I prefer this idea over the computer simulation theory. Quantum symmetry is another area which needs to be considered if the belief that light is conscious can be fully explored. When I came to this conclusion, I then contemplated the possibility that other, if not all aspects of the electro-magnetic spectrum are similarly conscious. That’s when the studies at CERN took on a different flavour for me. As far as the Mandela effect is concerned, I have always believed that terrestrial beings are ‘souls’ having a ‘physical’ experience. In that sense, life is like a lucid dream. Lucid dreaming is what occurs when you are in a dream, and realise that you are dreaming. Once this concept can be fully understood, it becomes possible to manipulate your existence through thought form. This is the true aim of alchemy (in my opinion) whether in the dream state or whilst fully conscious. In relation to remote viewing, the evidence for this human ability can be found in the ancient and disarmingly accurate maps of vast tracts of land in times when it was not possible for humans to fly. Remote viewing was possible long before science told us that it is impossible. As far as the Akashic record is concerned, the information therein has always been available to humanity, just as it is available to all other creatures on earth. Access is as simple as trusting the first thought which comes to mind when posed a question about the future. Finally, binary code, the language of computers, existed long before computers made use of it. The ‘magic’ comes in the ninth – or ‘parity’ – bit.
You brought me back to the esoteric. The magic of parity bit is it checks for corruption, but is not totally infallible. The binary is light/dark, yes/no or on/off in a physical circuit. Boolean logic can then start a cylindrical process.
Covalent bonds can then be used to get information to travel faster than the speed of light or remote view if there is a modulation and demodulation capable “instrument-harmonics”. Think the modems we used to pass information down the old phone lines.
Lucid dreaming is real. I have done it(trained myself). Like a lot of “contacting the other” it is a two edged sword. I learned I dreamed in a really washed out colour, that became incredibly vibrant and could control the outcome. Third time in, I could not control the outcome but could eject myself by the realisation that I am dreaming. Got caught in a ground hog type loop. Wake up, not really awake, dreaming, realisation, wake , not really awake. On and on till i eventually regained this reality drenched in sweat. 20 years ago, never again for me.
“parity bit”, I haven’t used that concept since I worked in computer engineering. The parity bit is used to detect errors, so I’m reluctant to ascribe ‘magic’ to a concept dealing with possible errors in the matrix. It seems the magic is intentional, that is using INTENT.
When Jim Gates referred to Shannon Coding in string theory, I had to look it up. Here’s a quick definition –
In Shannon coding, the symbols are arranged in order from most probable to least probable, and assigned codewords by taking the first l i = ⌈ − log 2 p i ⌉ {\displaystyle l_{i}=\left\lceil -\log {2}p{i}\right\rceil } {\displaystyle l_{i}=\left\lceil -\log {2}p{i}\right\rceil } bits from the binary expansions of the cumulative probabilities
Notice that there is an emphasis on ‘probabilities’. Now THAT rings a bell with me. At any moment to the next moment there can be a number of probabilities that may happen. When reading Campbell’s books, he mentions the use of INTENT to change the PROBABILITIES of something happening. It seems to me that the conscious use of intent is the key. It is the force of consciousness that is altering the physical reality – thus, consciousness is the MAGIC.
When those people developed the ability to see without eyes, they had to focus their intent to develop that ability.
Kevin Woodman called me, apparently he has problems with his computer. He stated he knew a fellow that had gone blind in a prisoner of war camp during WWII. The fellow was totally blind, but could play championship billiards.
When Kevin did some more research, he found another bloke from WWI that was also blind and could play championship billiards.
Apparently, this seeing without eyes is more common than I thought.
We clearly live in two worlds, the world of nature and the artificial world of man. The artificial world of man is a lie. Only nature holds the truth.
The scientific method was developed to try to understand observed natural phenomenon by way of an hypotheses test where the manipulation of a presumed cause effects the observed phenomenon. This is a study of the natural law principle of cause and effect relationships.
Observations of natural phenomenon followed by a just so story is pseudo science and we are unable to manifest this residing in the mind into physical reality. It has to be believed instead. The solar system, spinning ball earth, walking on the moon etc, require belief. They are not necessarily reality. They can not be verified by the scientific method.
There are only two ways to be fooled, to believe whats not true, and refuse to accept what is not true.
Most people live in a belief system, the matrix, and are unable / unwilling to take an inventory of what they know to be true and what they believe to be true. For example, when I cross a road I check for oncoming vehicles, no vehicles safe to cross, belief not required.
Individuals have freewill and can create anything they focus their attention on within the bounds of natural law, however, this creation, if not in harmony with nature can have adverse consequences for the individual.
The Evolution Connection
The idea of “extraterrestrial life” stems largely from a belief in evolution.
So-called extra terrestrials are actually demons that have the ability to appear as an apparition to certain individuals and to do their Master’s bidding accordingly. So glad I was confronted by the nature of the phenomena relatively early in life: much easier to change course in One’s youth than later on.
Are you speaking from first hand experience or is it your opinion? We know that a third of the angels were thrown out of Heaven and those angels who rebelled against God are demons now. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+12%3A7-17&version=KJV
Apparitions are fairly common in the Latin Roman Catholic Church-State and other sects or cults have them. They manifest themselves from time to time particularly amongst the poor and the ignorant with superstitious beliefs
1st hand experience. Both parents were atheists and the family was upper middle class so I didn’t exactly fit the categories you mention. Very frightening experience; no doubt the consequence of seemingly harmless occult pursuits.
Can anyone name any MEs that can be seen in each capital city of Australia? Let’s start making a list.
“If you thought discussing 9-11 or Port Arthur with the NPCs of the moronosphere was a challenging task, this one could get you thrown into a psychiatric hospital.” I’ve realised that everyone operates at varying levels of knowledge and understanding. I’ve got friends who argue that there is no such thing as fractional reserve lending and that our currencies are backed by gold. Oy veh!!
Thanks Terry for frying my brain just a little bit more. I too have memories of Gibraltar being an island. My son stopped recently in Gibralter whilst crewing on a Packer luxury yacht and he confirmed to me that it was definitely connected to the Spanish mainland. The Matrix is tricky. It’s certainly got me questioning the nature of reality, whatever that is…..
Phil, when I heard on a ME forum that the Rock of Gibraltar had been moved, I had to look it up on a map. Sure enough, there the bloody thing was some 400 kilometers away from where it used to be. I burst out laughing!
Crikey, if that doesn’t get the attention of people that this is a virtual reality what will? Then I think, well, what if I have been shifted to a new reality and most of these other people have always lived with the ‘Rock’ being where it is. Then I think, why in the Hell have I been shifted to this totally forked up reality with all the lies and deceptions, and what did I do to deserve this?
The whole ME thing blows me away. I still have not figured out what it is all about, but then this phenomena has been going on for more than a decade and a lot brighter people with more education than me have been scratching away at it – and still there is no firm conclusion of what is going on.
At this point I’m just keeping an open and cynical mind of what ever shows up tomorrow.
“I’ve got friends who argue that there is no such thing as fractional reserve lending and that our currencies are backed by gold.”
Such a deception could hardly be palmed off as “a different level of knowledge and understanding”
theconversaton.com suggests frequently reported errors can become part of collective reality, thanks to the internet. Strangely, there’s no mention of MSM – may I suggest they (MSM) had a hand in 9/11, JFK’S assassination and many more! they seem to think it will work with their repeated ‘connection’ (good “mates”) between Trump & Epstein. say/show it often enough and it’s REAL! I pray this ME doesn’t take hold against the child trafficking victims!
Of course the prostitute media and press and the CIA Mockingbird were part in the aiding and abetting of the massive conspiracy to assassinate a US President, are in involved in massive criminal activities, false flag wars, world wide geo-engineering, pedophilia, full spectrum dominance, of the internet, economy, nations, and space
What Will Happen When Earth’s North And South Pole Flip?
Could the banking scandals and the true reality about “going cashless” (what CEC has been alerting us all to) have this in mind? A global financial cryptocurrency!
Read: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/08/26/vt-syria-the-nightmare-of-the-ruling-elites-19/
So what, exactly, has any of that got to do with personal perception/experience of other dimensions ?
Manage your perception of reality with a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcqKUhU0WDc
Hi berry,
It’s all about the work of the NWO. The NWO and the elite power players have many angles to conform us and this world to what they would like to see – a Luciferian New World Order. That world is based on pure illusion and cunning.
My best answer is: is something real because of subjective perception/experience or is it real because it’s true and based on objective facts?
Now the NWO has got many angles to transform us and this world to their mindset.
For example, as we see and hear from CEC, the finance system is being coveted for control of the world, and we (hopefully not) face loss of individual freedoms by going “cashless”. This is a real and true reality based on facts, even if someone chooses to think differently or adopt a ‘she’ll be alright mate’ stance! I posted this article, because of the NWO agenda which is multi-faceted. (Since you have asked, would cryptocurrency be the end of how we might buy and sell?)
Another angle of the global elite is that the education system must be globalized under Sustainable Development Goals/UN style. If you take a look at the Vic Early Years Learning and Development Frameworks one of the aims of this education doc is that the children “are connected with their world”. Now this doc states that it is a guide towards the achievement of a nationally agreed EYLF for Australia 2009.
Today’s philosophy in many places, besides schools, say people are to be “connected” to a whole. The role of the individual being independent is not in the vocab. This connectedness is referred to by physicist David Bohm who stresses quantum interconnectedness and unbroken wholeness…. and science writer Fritjof Capra who speaks of the universe as a hologram, in which each part determines the whole…Consciousness and being are also part of the new globalized educational curriculum under “belonging, being and becoming”.
The exposes of the Family Court could well reflect the warped objectives of the UN Education for Sustainable Development. In years gone by no teacher taught to “develop a child for sustainable purposes”. This teaching is abhorrent to the freedom of children. Teachers are in a terrible position today.
The last angle I’ll mention for the elite to gain spiritual control is via the anti-christ New Age Movement. Marilyn Ferguson, quoting physicist Nick Herbert, explained the New Age view: “Rather it is a ‘simple consequence of the oneness of apparently separate objects… a quantum loophole through which physics admits not merely the possibility but the necessity of the mystic’s unitary vision: ‘We are all one.’” Also scientist David Bohm urged a new order in physics. Let’s not forget New Age author Lola Davis who wrote Toward a World Religion for the New Age.
The biggest con who I have encountered was Chuck Missler.
Some of his quotes to seduce the gullible: “We are stumbling within this interval between the miracle of our origin and the mystery of our destiny. And we are now beginning to realize that the most critical aspects that impact our destiny lie just outside the ostensible boundaries of the veil surrounding only a ‘virtual’ reality.”
“This field of study is called ‘Quantum Physics’ and its philosophical implications can be shattering to our presuppositions about our ‘reality.’ We now discover that the physical reality that surrounds us is only a virtual simulated reality—made up of indivisible, electrically charged particles: in fact, we exist within a digital electrical simulation!”
“Does the ‘Paranormal’ lie within the margins between the ‘Metacosm’ [a larger reality beyond the macro/microcosms consisting of 10 dimensions or more] and the virtual reality established by the digital simulation?”
Hey, didn’t that guy know what Biblical prophecy says of the Anti-christ system: the two beasts … one of his heads ‘wounded to death’ and his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered after the beast. The second beast doeth great wonders; he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name… or the number of his name…666.
Please read: http://herescope.blogspot.com/2010/10/quantum-physics-and-new-spirituality.html
A “Luciferian” is anyone who:
a) believes that a full knowledge of the truth can be obtained via intellectual endeavour and/or sentiment and
b) is oblivious to the fact that there’s nothing more deadly than a partial truth.
However the vast majority of those who fit the bill aren’t aware they’re serving any such entity.
I believe !! the NWO has been usurped by the One World Government
I thought it was odd that Nelson Mandela was a terrorists who was jailed for 27 years yet lived to a ripe old age of 94.
He was a 33 degree Freemason
Let he who be deceived, be deceived.
Should we make it “Let those who deceive, receive their karmic consequences.”
Another video by CEO Anatra about the Mandela Effect. He intends to figure it out and create a better reality. – More power to him.
Thanks Terry
Funny skit of some Hollywood celebrities running into the Mandela Effect.