J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
Once again, the old slogan “Most Liveable City Melbourne” is being rolled out, particularly convincing to those who like to present in layers of fashionable clothes, but otherwise not completely unrealistic. Another old slogan being rolled out simultaneously is “Melbourne will overtake Sydney”, in this case soon after 2030. To this end, vast waves of immigrants are proposed, no surprises there.
Immigrants don’t waste any time wondering why they should be gifted a share of an entire continent upon arrival, they take it without question. Like a Macquarie bank public offering, the trick is in the fine print.
Australia’s National debt is presently around one trillion dollars, which is about $50,000 per viable individual and rising fast. Immigrants arriving in Melbourne will have missed the heyday of the manufacturing era by decades and if they should ever manage to buy a cheap flat to live in, they will be unaware that the national debt underpins it. The State debt in Victoria is over $100 billion, the worst in the country, so this is added to the potential liability. Further, the outgoings need to be assessed, and the new trend is to pay stamp duty in installments, so altogether the purchaser of a flat or “apartment” will be billed starting at about $100 per week even if they leave it empty. The State debt will never be repaid and will keep rising. The debt is owed to foreign entities, some of which masquerade as the Reserve Bank of Australia, which was split out of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) in 1960.
The CBA went on until “World’s Greatest Treasurer” Paul Keating, taking his lead from the British Thatcher government, began his partial privatisations of the CBA, Telstra, Qantas and other assets. But Thatcher was not Keating’s only inspiration, the Liberal (conservative) State government of NSW had already set the pace.
NSW Premier Nick Greiner, a part-Jewish Hungarian, in 1989 showed the way in his State privatisations included port infrastructure in Sydney and Newcastle, power stations, water assets, and plenty of others. Despite all these sell-offs, the States and the Nation tended to remain in debt and paying interest to anyone who would buy their bonds.
Just look at all these sell-offs, start at page 5:
By the time government has sold out its responsibilities to the United Nations and private interests, there is almost nothing left for it to do but regulate the activities of its citizens, who are already regulated half to death.
John Cain Jr, the Premier of Victoria until 1990, also tried his hand at speculation but ended up failing spectacularly, partly due, one must imagine, to coming from the other side of politics and having no worthwhile friends in business. His VEDC (Victorian Economic Development Corporation) along with government backing for other failed financial enterprises led to the State Bank of Victoria being sold to the CBA and Cain resigning in disgrace. The entire bundle of State Bank Victoria and CBA being subsequently and quickly tested at market.
Keating’s selloffs were enthusiastically backed by the conservatives and when it was their turn to govern they converted partial privatisations into complete privatisations, then banged on a GST for good measure. (This pattern was echoed by short-term Prime Ministers Gillard and Abbott who between them sabotaged the Australian car industry just as it was transitioning to hybrid electric cars). By privatisations, the wealth of the citizens had been successfully funneled to the capitalist classes, by agents of communists controlling the ALP, and by the capitalists themselves, running the conservative parties. A very smooth transition from something to nothing. But nothing was given the appearance of something because house prices and the corresponding debt was engineered to go higher and higher, relative to stagnant wages anyway.
The Australian Nation, States and private citizens are now all wallowing in debt with their assets mostly sold, and this is what the waves of immigrants are buying into. By deft financial manipulations, they are not getting something for nothing, they are getting nothing for something. The danger of all this debt is not entirely that the interest rates might go up, partly as a result of the credit rating slipping, but more so that the politicians become further addicted to pork-barrel type spending, as we have seen with the present government of Victoria, headquartered in possibly “Australia’s Most Liveable City”, Melbourne.
Here’s an interesting chart from the International Monetary Fund, which shows all the countries in the world, with a few notable exceptions such as Cuba, North Korea, Lebanon etc., are in debt with significant servicing requirements assumed.
Japan’s debt is the real standout, while US debt is at 3rd world proportions.
Russia’s debt is relatively low and falling, China’s debt is quite large and rising.
This simplified Australian government chart is derived from the world figures:
If the shareholder of the Reserve Bank of Australia was really the Commonwealth of Australia there would be no problem, we would simply pay ourselves. Australian debt is shown to be around 60% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) therefore interest payments should be something like 3% of GDP. Politicians such as the Premier of Victoria have worked out that the debt position can get a lot worse before he needs to stop pork-barrelling.
A fairly scathing expose on Victorian State debt:
The centerpiece of proposed Victorian government spending is the suburban rail loop. Watch for subliminal promotions of this policy on agencies such as the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, formerly “Commission”). Note that politicians’ promises of debt reductions and balanced books will invariably be long forgotten by the due date, and the politicians themselves will be off to their post-political corporate career jobs by then.
What powers Melbourne besides a few legacy industries and debt?
In other places without legit industries, the citizens turn to crime.
In Myanmar, some states adjoining the central Burmese state are notorious for drug production and export. Some of the refugees from pre-CCP Chiang Kai Shek era China made their way southwest to Burma and illegal drugs would appear to have been the dominant industry, maybe for centuries. It’s the same in Afghanistan and in North Korea they produce weapons as well. In these endeavours the various hermit kingdoms simply emulate the major economies of the world. They are a little bit behind on some of the tech. One of Melbourne’s projected high-growth manufacturing sectors would appear to be good ol’ Big Pharma. Government is ultimately expected to pay most of the bills for Big Pharma. Even Big Pharma exports may be subsidised up to 100% by the foreign aid budgets. The Victorian government in this way gets federal funding under the radar for its state-based product, ordinarily provided it meets the right criteria, which is ultimately supplied by the W.H.O. in Geneva. In this way, the W.H.O. may direct the activities of the government in Marvellous Melbourne with almost no evidence visible to the public.
The entire functionality of Melbourne now relies on increasing debt. Bringing in immigrants just extends the life of a failing economy. Without the debt, the state would fail. There are just too many passengers for this train to go anywhere except downhill.
“In other places without legit industries, the citizens turn to crime.”
The political class turns to crime.
There are laws to deal with common criminals,…… what about the serial criminals that have sabotaged our sovereignty to bankers, globalists, the UN, the WHO, IMF, DAVOS and Klaus ‘Scab’ et.Al.
Then why are so many not dealt with?
Well, they write the laws and impose policies in accordance with the control freak’s fascists agendas,being paid or compromised to do so.
From ralandbrunson.com
January 9, 2023
The SCOTUS denies Raland’s petition
(Without explanation, The Justices voted to not hear the case. The brothers move forward with the plan to file a petition for reconsideration, along with more support from we the people.)
Why do I suspect a ‘controlled’ delay (per military leverage??) considering the republicans getting through the house deals from McCarthy! On THE SIXTH.
Hold back the leftie/Soris reason for civil war?
All fun and mirrors.
Look up Derick Johnson at BIN on the COG.
Takes a while to get going but dishes up all the dirt
Well we are in for an interesting year I guess
Shorter version starts at 4:00
Not sure what people will make of it if they didn’t see the fencing off of the WhiteHouse and the weird swearing in of Biden and the gold-fringed flags popping up on sets
Now how are they going to fix all these injection injured people
We are currently living in an age of Interregnum – no law or government. Our governments were made bankrupt in 2020. Those who sit in parliaments around this country do so illegally and unlawfully..
Agreed and they always have bean, financial is a word for basic math, no more maybe less than.
Liking our legs, here and now, peeps
From your comments you present as knowing much, but alas I do not think you are really up to speed.
The US has been under martial law since March 2021 when T was confirmed as the Commander In Chief and the military is running the movie, with a drip, drip here and there, as a planned tactic to awaken the public to garner a awakening public to have such support to avoid a US civil war, as the SHTF
Do more research, rather than expecting G5 to answer your naive questions.
Ps. From January 2021 I knew that. B was a pretender has never occupied the WH as a alleged president.
Come on: TELL US
Where have you been? And the rest of the commentators here?
Now tell us about the USS LIBERTY💁🏼💁🏼
Perhaps I should explain re Nemesis, me and the USS LIBERTY.
We go back many years, about 2015 plus when the Israeli murder of USS Liberty crewman by Israel in June 1967 was the subject of much discussion by me and friendly Nemisis.
Just a. search here at Gs will bring up Dee’s article and commentary and readers may have a look at NEMESIS.
btw what happened to commentator ‘truthvigilante’ or something similar?
I have a long memory!
The absurd Veggie was unfriended by MM and ran away in tears
LOL, he was then a bit of fun for GS,
Probably dealt with by a familiar Twittering problem?
Ned – your goading has no place in a site put up for learning, especially at this time in history.
Have you never given a thought to considering that maybe both of us are wrong on that 1967 incident?
All will be revealed – facts – in the coming months and years, so you’ll need to be a little more patient.
Ex Defence Minister and Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser said it was deliberate.
I conversed with Joe meadows who was on the ship and he saw his fellow crewmen murdered and the Israelis attack for about two hours and then run away without offering any assistance.
Want heaps more? Like the lies and coverups, oh ‘so sorry’ just a mistake!! Gutless cowards!
As J Faine of the ABC claimed as one example together with a spokesman from the the Jewish board of deputies and the attacks on Fraser for STATING THE OBVIOUS TRUTH. headlined in the Jewish Times/News? published in Bondi Junction. Meadors tried to correct the writer there as well.
Who was the Persian King who ordered staff every day to remind him. ‘Sire, remember the Greeks’.?
There is a wise precedent there. NEVER FORGET.
From my old schooling and education, not google, I now recall a ‘darereUs’.
u no 3000 Liberty ships were struck(made).
If I was commander of a Iowa Class battleship and I was on the battlefield that day. Men man your mops, turrets turn to the aggressor, fire. but i was not there that day and now we have a history of tears
Brilliant article, J.G. Olsen. The Political Class has been deliberately destroying Australia for many a year.
Until about the seventies Australia was the envy of the World. That is why so much attention has been on us by the World Banksters since that time. We were young inventive had good educational standards, raw materials, workers had incentives, like affordable housing and a great climate in which to enjoy their leisure time.
Now the worker’s have huge debt, (deliberately created by the Banksters) probably wont pay off house before retirement, little leisure time (used catching up on sleep) and broken marriages, Quite often caused by wives having to enter the work force. Many young people being unemployable because of their upbringing in the above society.
There are 6 million mortgages in Oz now, many probably at 1 million $ each!
Calculate that figure, then banksters cut the same amount on top.
Our children deserved much better than this slavery, paying back 150% interest minimum to gangsters who create it from nothing.
At 10% that’s 300% over thirty years.
In our times, workers wages haven’t budged for thirty years and in real terms their value a fraction of what they were then.
Aussiemal – the political class are just the shop front for the real controllers of this country – and many others including the U.S.
They action their orders or else – voting hasn’t worked for decades due to the one horse race and the corruption within the Australian Electoral Commission.
I point to what was done to One Nation Party during the 1990’s as a prima facie example of that corruption.
What many seem to miss, is how the West has been moving in lockstep for hundreds of years toward a destination that is not beneficial to all of Humanity.
Secret Societies and the exposure of such societies, got Kennedy murdered.
Whitlam made the British Monarch Queen of Australia – an absurd and treasonous political move that took away the People’s ability to appeal directly to the British Monarch as remedy against out of control governments.
We were then made a part of the U.S. Corporation and became even more subject to the Globalist/Deep state agenda and the fascist corporations.
Corporations pay no tax and have no national loyalty to any country, only the Agenda.
Its been a rapid ride downhill ever since..
see, traitor is a “human” law discipline
and when did we stop talking Don Dale, not me(i am), or endever(its a spell), but the suffer is real that manifests and required by them, not me and i like to think not you either
“Bob Katter blasts Parliament” Start at 7:00
Bob Katter’s State of the Nation
Bob Katter hasn’t come up on my computer
It seems to have reset itself to the end of the video so you have to move the dot back to the start
The private federal reserve is the parasite JFK wanted to get rid of. He knew it was killing all people and transforming US into communist tyranny. To the horror of banksters, he printed some money through treasury with no interest attached.
The perpetraitors for the crime of the century were never exposed nor punished.
Interesting to consider how many times Australia has been sold and re-sold, as management strategies from London evolved
First, appropriated from ab-originals as “Terra Nullius” then converted to RoyalEstate and sold
Second, Trees, whales, seals, certain aboriginies, artefacts etc seized and sold
Mineral deposits appropriated from farmers and “Crown” land and sold
Third, Criminals and petty criminals “transported” ( sold to build colonies )
New colonies supplied with fresh printed pound notes, ie Crown purchases made for nothing; land held in reserve subdivided and resold
Fourth, gold rushes commandeered, rebellions put down, gold seized by the crown, finally when exhausted, sons of farmers lured to war against the other crowns of Europe
Fifth, citizenship sold to ten pound poms (1945-72), and, as “exposited” above, the assets built by the population sold, for fiat currency, subsequently eaten away by interest and controlled inflation, and
Sixth, hasn’t happened yet but expecting soon, useless eaters to be removed and through our corrupt politicians, the entire continent to be bankrupted and seized by creditors, that is, sold for “nothing”
*note 10 pounds in 1950 was roughly an ounce of gold, worth about $2,700 today
Un-vaccinated pilots in demand for the flying the elite
I wonder if our politicians have now awakened and only fly with un-injected Air Force pilots and crew?
What does our Mr. JOYCE fly with these days, considering his mandate to only have injected crew for QANTAS.
At ground level, just watch how the coppers cover for strange motor vehicle events.
Perhaps the injected should be off our roads? At about 75 years the doctors have to certify driver’s abilities in NSW.
Perhaps an another question should be included : “have you been covid injected and how many times?”
Ok; thrice! Ok you can retain your licence. Dr Chant and our msm says so.
Surely for our safety sake we should be able to demand that our taxi and Uber drivers to prove that they are competent drivers by a certificate from our NSW Minister Hazzardous and the FDA, that they are not adversely affected by some experimental injection.
After all, if they have a illegal substance in their bodies that is banned for good reason, why should the public not also be protected from Some other not known substance that they may have been injected with.
Sit in the back seat or walk.
I take it that all politician’s chaffers have a placebo certificate?
Quite the opposite, Bill Gates is marketing his 3-in-1 mRNA cold flu and Covid™ injections ( suitable for next flu season of unknown variant ) on the M$M news service !!! You know you want it, get one for the kids too.
An injection a day, keeps the terrorists away.
Plus Gates wants to inject all livestock with his concoction.
‘If they will not be injected, “make them eat it”.
Next he will put it in cake and our Dr Chants, politicians et.Al., will even mandate it for lamingtons.💀💀💀💀
Hersey chocolate it seems is a forerunner for a concoction.? From some reports.
The M$M is bringing us lots of obituaries these days.
They said Pell, the most famous son of Ballaarat, was hale and hearty until he clutched at his heart and dropped dead, after a hip operation.
Could be a continuance of a ‘clean up program. Who knows?
But old reports suggest that 600 + plane loads of stuff were retrieved from Vatican ‘facilities’ some time ago.
Serious public Reports from last year were that the Vatican called in all financial investments and assets to be returned by 30th September 2022. Could be that the Rotchilds were skimped?
Brethren be Aware,
The present Pope pretender is a globalist heretic plant.
For the rotchilds.
The Vatican called in all assets to be collected by 30th Dept 2022.
The Vatican assets were collected prior, using about 630 plane loads.
The Rotchilds are skimped and desperate.
I have had Pell in mind and wondering for the last week.
I have no answers in these strange years.
Except, Pell was tasked by a previous Pope to examine Vatican finances and discovered some very suspicious accounts in the millions.
I recall when he was appointed, informed by a world wide wise informer observer, that he should watch his back. Then came the allegations and trials.
Does anyone remember a few million being tracked by our government arriving into Australia from the Vatican and NOT A LOCAL BISHOP KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT IT OR GETTING A CENT?
I still have a decent memory.
May I add a bit.
At about the time of matters pertaining to my comment/s above, I was informed also of two realities.
First. Australian PMs are invited to Washington and shown a folder of photographs of President Kennedy …… DEAD.
I recall PM Gillard on her way to the US commenting to Mark Latham ? With naive arrogance, Jokingly about what she expected in the US.
Secondly and separately; that all who achieved imaginary power and influence WORLDWIDE were given a bottomless ‘Vatican’ credit card with no re-payment obligations. If refused, well there was a lead alternative.
If I know these matters, one can only surmise what the loyal and patriotic members of intel agencies have gathered over the years.
As T has stated: ‘we know everything’.
Sleep well in 2023 TRAITORS. The swamp is being drained.⚖️⚖️⚖️🙏⛓
There are geriatric facilities being prepared in Cuba. ……. If you are fortunate and have done a deal.
Mass media, are you lot so naive as to think you are not to be included? Remember Lord HAWHAW?
With further reflection, I think it was Rudd not Latham.
I remember Lord Haw Haw. I found his book to be very enlightening.
Twilight Over England : William Joyce : Free Download, Borrow, and …
Twilight Over England : William Joyce : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.
The end game is to breed out the white race and engineer a slave race, in a system that promotes evil and ridicules goodness.
The serpent seed have risen to rule the world in secret and have moulded the world into their image. This is full blown scientific tyranny, with jackboots crushing our spines.
At the top masonic kabal satanism is the practised nomenklatura. These beings lack the Holy Spirit and for that reason their work is evil. They have enslaved us with usury taxes wars korporatizm komunizm and perverted abominations now at the touch of a child’s fingertips.
This oligarchy of banksters have sucked all the wealth of the world.
It is absolutely wrong that most young Aussies have to spend most of their lives paying double triple and more the purchase price of a home to satisfy usurious blood suckers.
But here we are, becoming poorer day by day. From being the envy of the world, only fifty years ago, to the most indebted nation in the world today by population ratio.
To restore prosperity, we need to outlaw usury and bring back tariffs for the wellbeing of all youth – Yothu Yindi.
How Hitler defied the bankers
Article from: http ://www. wakeupfromyourslumber. com/node/6720
Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.” There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany.
When we look at all the facts, the charge that “Jews financed Hitler” becomes irrelevant. ……………”
JFK tried to start the same, didn’t get far. As a result of our servitude, for every house mortgage, the banksters earn the value of three houses profit !!!
Our youth won’t lynch the banksters responsible, they’ll come looking for us, for allowing this insanity to be.
I kid you not, we’re lucky Howard took the guns away after PA. Our children, shackled to debt slavery, don’t know who the secret banksters
are but they certainly see all us traitors. Shame fellow Aussies for allowing this injustice to fall on the shoulders of our innocent children.
Talk about a level playing field, our youth competing with overseas investors buying in cash.
How many more seasons before our youth become homeless in this nation grandparents built?
We’re such a spineless lot, too easy for the jackboots gaystapo.
Ukraine War Taking Us To Nuclear War
Klaus Swab: People are not entitled to own their own cars and must be priced out of the market
It started with the most successful psy-op in history – the saturnalia for plebs: Santa Claus. The first lesson kids learn on entering this world – how to be selfish. righteous, and greedy.
What does the Church say about age seven?
And what does Santa do for the other 364 days a year – grants wishes by conjuring up money. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme a Tesla, the latest MeMeMePhone with a selfie app, a government job. Ho Ho Ho – Santa earns interest, compounding/inflating, on every transaction. Pay wave to your heart’s content.
In the name of a guy who kicked the money changers out of the temple.
God knows what Jesuis would think about Santa’s money if he came back. At least he got a true gift for his troubles: a loving foot massage, that we know of.
Despite it being written that Jesuis was bethrothed, (possibly married – the Qanah wedding is rather opaque) to say so is a sentence in hell – this world we asked for while sitting on Santa’s lap.
This run-down might be a bit legalistic in some respects but it’s historically accurate:
the Saturnalia issue disseminated at 8 minutes
It goes without saying that moral bankruptcy is the root of the so-called money issue; fake money is just a reflection of fake authority.
I spent most of yesterday dealing with the same-old; on being confronted by a particular instance in which a local government managed to elicit a source of revenue for 20-odd years by issuing parking fines on the basis of a non-existent law the Minister for Local Government has nothing more to say than:
“The Department of Local Government is working with the City of Albany to rectify any issues”
(John Carey 14 Dec 2022) – not that anybody could possibly be held to account, y’know shit just sort of happens – which is always A Okay so long as you don’t get sprung
it seems a little parking creep here and there. and now after creating climate sanctuaries, u know by plowing trees to smartin up “our cities”, ahhhhh we neeed to regulate parking ahhhhg, can’t even get latte in this space wink
Most people are held to ransom by the fear that they’ll lose their license/car/house if they don’t cough up
But I’ve received fines from Perth “authorities” that I never paid and nothing ever happened
Seems like most people haven’t cottoned onto the fact that WA’s mid-90s fining binge per the intro of the Fines Enforcement Act resulted in the Magistrates Court being bogged up with a plethora of challenges – just one more instance of Big Bro biting off way more than he could chew
You don’t have to look very far:
“Revenue NSW cancels more than 33,000 COVID-19 fines after Supreme Court hearing”
So how much did the NSW government screw us, for the coppers to be issuing fines and behave as paid thugs?
Not To forget the public relations disaster for our Police ‘Service’ white anting public respect.
The relevant police ministers should be walking the streets.
Absolutely agree but there’s never any comeuppance.
At very most those responsible are merely required to attend a couple of “extra training” or “counseling” sessions; fleecing people is apparently considered OK so long as you know how to pull it off without raising any alarm
Sorry-off topic but this is very disturbing but a must watch.
Vaxxed II on Dr Jonathon Couey’s Twitch site.
To get some quick traction on this jump in at 12:00
Malcolm Roberts
How the ClimateChange™ communo-fascists are trying to bankrupt Australia (1 min)
David Bowie always told us kids about 1984, transhumanism, soylent green etc scenarios before we heard it from anywhere else, but some of his references were less intelligible, until recently.
Here assumed probably at the masonic temple before 1970:
“We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn′t there
He said I was his friend
Which came as some surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long, long time ago
Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You’re face to face
With the man who sold the world”
( Melodically not his best but give the video a minute or so at least )