J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
Which came first, the Vatican or the Bank?
According to the current official version, the bank was created by Papal decree in 1942, an interesting enough choice, but even moreso since Jewish Holocaust survivors attempted to sue the bank in 1999, but were defeated by “sovereign immunity”.
The name was reconfigured to the Institute for Religious Works and running along the lines of any other Foundation it recently funded a statue of Moloch, potentially more than one.
This modern Vatican Bank seems to have been created not only for immediate World War II wealth-shifting circumstances but also to fulfil a need, to solidify all the centuries of swirling speculations into something concrete and of course sanitised, another bait and switch.
What of the past?
Out of the turmoil of the slowly decaying Roman Empire, with its cherished hegemony being eroded by silversmiths everywhere, its mercenaries becoming fickle and disloyal, its leadership losing its edge and sanity in equal measures, Emperor Constantine the Great (27?-337 AD) created the Vatican itself, and with it the illusion of a secular state.
At the Battle of Milvian Bridge, outside Rome in 312 AD, Constantine defeated his brother-in-law Maxentius and gained the mantle of western Roman emperor.
The story goes that Constantine and his forces saw a cross of light in the sky, along with the Greek words for “In this sign conquer.” That night, Constantine had a dream in which Christ reinforced the message. The emperor marked the Christian symbol of the cross on his soldiers’ shields. The Danish later followed exactly the same formula, and the Muslims and others too have similar stories, from their semi-divine leaders. Successful divination is essential to leadership, and divinity also helps with the vagaries.
So when Constantine triumphed at Milvian Bridge, he attributed the victory to the God of the Christians. Constantine’s conversion, like many others, might be considered a political manoeuvre. Regardless, in 313 AD, Constantine met with Licinius, the eastern emperor, and together they issued the Edict of Milan, which granted Christians freedom of religion.
Bearing in mind the empire was so vast it was always teetering on the edge of collapse.
The Vatican was named after the Etruscan (pre-Roman) goddess of the underworld, Vatika, who had a claim on the site, as well as on the souls of the recently deceased. The word Vatika has more recently become a trade name for coconut oil cosmetics so useful references on the internet have been blocked and flooded by mediocre commercial interests, nonetheless they still exist, so here is one for convenience:
The pope took his distinctive mitre hat from the Phoenician (Lebanese) fish-god priests of previous centuries, no doubt in order to consolidate the Catholic brand, starting from its origins in Judea, northwards towards Rome.
In the same way, the temples of the victors are built over the temples of the losers. A few generations later the past is forgotten. This fact establishes the time-scale of statecraft, as well as a basic principle, that the bloodlines maintain continuity, while the commoners are fragmented, with short-term goals, missing elements to their education, essentially lost creatures, always wondering where they came from and where they are going.
The Catholic Church then was always a business enterprise, and its adherents understand well that there is a criminal element well infiltrated, with mafia and paedophiles catered for, and a colourful history featuring such events as the Spanish Inquisition, etc.
But this story should not be dismissed as simply founded on an agnostic or anti-Catholic cynicism. The underlings of Catholicism have carried the torch through the ages and as with political organisations, many individuals are corrupt but somehow the nation holds together for the benefit of the people.
The Bible has been elevated throughout the millennia and parts of it ring uncannily true, for example (this transposition by the writer):
…I saw something standing, in proportion like a human figure, clad with a single robe down to the foot, and ringed at chest height with bright gold. The top of it was white like wool; and inside that were flames of fire. The base looked like a furnace, and the sound of it was like thunderous, roaring water. It cut down everything in a circle around it as if with a sword and it was as bright as the sun.
When I saw it, I fell down as if dead. Then I heard a voice saying, “Fear not; for I am the first and the last…”
The writer, in person, was walking along the Seine river south bank floodway a long time ago contemplating exactly the above, and when passing through the bridge vault over, under the Rue de la Cite, he had the thought that the paragraph above, especially in consideration of the voice, seemed to ring true. At this exact instant, he became aware of a sensation, one might say, like a spirit filling his physical body, which was simply as if he had a sudden awareness, like a switch being turned on and flooding him, of his entire body being composed entirely of tiny particles, like microscopic stars floating in mostly empty space, but this empty space had been instantaneously filled with the spirit, something like particles of matter floating in the “space-time”, to use the newer Einsteinian terminology instead of the old word, “ether”.
The most acute sensation he felt was the one of a change, from no special feeling to this sudden consciousness of particles suspended in the ether. Continuing to walk out from under the bridge vault, he was immediately struck with the solid image of the front facade of the Notre Dame cathedral, as if to infallibly reinforce the origins of the manifestation.
There is a small and unsatisfying denouement to this, that is upon going up the floodway stairs and crossing over the river to enter the cathedral, he felt nothing more than a sense of absence, as the main hall of the building was apparently completely unstaffed and sparingly furnished almost as if abandoned, and no further sensations of any sort were in the offing.
The Cathedral de Notre-Dame has already been burned as part of certain actors’ end-times agendas, and according to interpretations of the works of Nostradamus, the Vatican itself will be nuked, one might guess probably sometime around the middle of this 21st century.
At the front corner of the Notre Dame is a statue of Charlemagne, on a plinth big enough for him, his horse and attendants, as if to proclaim, “Our Founder”. His unconfirmed birthplace, possibly Aachen or Liège (near Belgium) are close to where the Merovingian and Carolingian families originated. The common history goes that in the so-called Dark Ages, Charlemagne made great conquests all over Germany and France, building his Holy Roman Empire, which was neither Roman nor Holy and since he apparently hadn’t succession managed, was not even an Empire after his death. However, he was in fact funded by the Vatican and his job was to enforce Catholicism throughout the northern territories of Europe, by point of sword if necessary, because being Catholic meant paying tithes, which were 10% of everyone’s income. Tithes were of course not entirely distributed back to the vaults of the Vatican, part was used for social purposes and funding the various duties of the local priest who was the only person who could read and speak Latin. Of course modern European languages are spiced with plenty of Latin but in Charlemagne’s time the populace everywhere used local dialects. Tithes also went to fund the art of masonic craftsmen who built churches all over Europe, out-competing all the pagan religions. Slowly the funding trickled in from every direction, and eventually from the four corners of the earth via the Doctrine of Discovery (1493 AD).
Tithing is not often cited as the most substantial reason for the expansion of Catholicism but the reason for the omission could be that most authors are motivated by their own possibly noble ideals or career interests. Also consider, as with any new technology, people will pay a premium, cathedrals, fish god hats and books hand written in Latin no exception.
The Vatican effectively gave Jews a banking licence nine centuries ago, apparently as part of a series of carrot and stick arrangements, the multinational Jews being clever, stubborn, unified and intractable, while the Catholic religion was basically attempting to usurp certain Jewish traditions. Infiltrators to Judaism centuries later are another discussion.
This abrasive teamwork of Romans and Jews has delivered since the trial of Jesus and continues to this day. When considering the nature of the Roman Catholic church, notice that they provide us with an explanation in the name.
Charlemagne virtually founded (or re-founded) modern Zurich, but fairy tales have now taken precedence over reality:
His legendary fortress seems to have disappeared from the internet while the maps of his empire deliberately leave Zurich off, even though it and Swabia itself were at the centre of his empire.
So we can see quite clearly the business model of the Vatican and the swelling of the Vatican Bank’s coffers in the period of Charlemagne and after, the reason for the enforcements of Inquisitions, the manipulation of the Jews and so forth, but what of before?
The Vatican has been stuffed with money and bonded to Switzerland for more than a thousand years and we can see clearly how this was achieved, but where did the original seed capital and the entire concept of secrecy and an other-worldly empire spring from?
These new ways were not structured in the traditional Roman style, where the family members of the ruling bloodlines murdered one another, routinely and as a matter of course, and battled it out with their armies.
These new ways were collaborative and founded on grand deception.
The new ways came to use money as if it were a religion in itself, with funding by created money (debt) the only thing that counted in political endeavours, with banks and casinos replacing temples and paper notes eventually becoming sacred objects.
The secret of this reconfiguration lies on the waves of the Adriatic, a place where it is widely supposed, is and always was, quiet, sleepy and virtually devoid of any historical events of interest.
A hint:
Please refer to the previous essay for more on this topic.
Pay up to enter heaven….
These days the Vatican is bust.
Looking at the Oz perspective,
local church in a suburb of 80,000 minimum, Sunday Mass 100 to 150 people at $5 donation average ain’t much left to send Rome, barely enough to feed the priest, let alone running costs.
Google’s new religion, selling porn with abominations, deliver better dividends for investors hell highway.
Jesus taught in the open sky, message same as it ever was and will be, for free.
After usury and taxation, ain’t much coin left in most pockets.
Central banks in conquered nations, with corporate monopolies controlling all lines of trade. Lending trillions made from air through fractional reserve banking.
As a bonus, war debts added to national debts, meanwhile giving all profits to private investors, as thousands of young men and women get slaughtered on battlefields daily.
That’s why property prices MUST go up…
Prophesies of “The West” getting slammed (5 min)
Looking at the map in the main story and contrasting with this video is quite instructive. The Empire of Charles the Great was sometimes referred to as the 1st Reich and if you notice, Cologne and Hamburg are in but Berlin and eastern German areas are out, in fact the whole eastern half of Germany is called “Slavic”, also you can see Jugoslavia is called “Croats”, so the loose confederation we might call Slavic seems to have pushed down towards the Mediterranean later, maybe in response to global cooling in the 1300’s. The connection with the video above is that the Slavs seem to have an historical claim on half of Germany. The Slavs would have been weakened by Swedish Viking incursions down the rivers making it easier for the Germanics to expand east, but nowadays the Slavs there are hybridised with Swedish and if you compare new Putin with old Putin the new one looks more Swedish.
Is the MIC behind the latest arrest of Trump ?
Preconditions for a CCP invasion of West Coast USA are being arranged, left-wing do-gooders are shutting down San Francisco and Portland (Oregon) by depriving homeless of tough love and depriving aspirational of everything
On Nov 5 2024 we will take back our country and I will obliterate the Deep State, I know who they all are, etc. etc.
Nov 5, a great date for mischief, chosen by James I for his own 9-11 of antiquity, a 9-11 that never even happened.
Like the SCOTUS ruling they were supposed to deliver but which never happened, because of SCOTUS we see Ukraina is being trashed, directly because of SCOTUS, all the blood on their corrupt hands.
Biden trying to mount Eva Longoria
“She was 17, I was 40 (50)” – or something
“Alois Irlmaier was a normal man, living a normal life when he had a vision of Our Lady”
No doubt the same “Lady” who commandeered the 2017 Fatima scenario:
And any other number of other such “visitations”
The Vatican ordered Marshal Masters books to be burned. It was about the dwarf planet coming… shooting past earth around 2027 2028 going to envelop earth in a iron cloud. Fascinating stuff… I listen to the second half
“The Vatican ordered Marshal Masters books to be burned.”
Proof positive that a good many Roman Catholics aren’t as lost as most so-called evangelicals claim
The ten plagues of exodus are: “water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children”
Well if the earth stops turning by 2030 I’ll eat my hat.
truth + deception=deception
What’s significant is that most people are oblivious to the nature of certain “signs and wonders” that preceded “the ten plagues of exodus”:
“Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
“When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Prove yourselves by working a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.’ ” So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the Lord commanded. Aaron cast down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent.
Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they, the magicians of Egypt, also xdid the same by their secret arts.
For each man cast down his staff, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.”
EXODUS 7:8 – 12
The point being that, although not as powerful as God, Satan, formerly one of God’s highest angels, has the power to emulate miracles, and even tell the future with a certain degree of accuracy (see Luke 4; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Acts 16:16–18).
“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”
Jews and Catholics in partnership –
The Talmud created at the Babylon Yahsiva (Academy) by BalKhan (Baal Priest) Baba Rabban is properly called the “Babylonian Talmud” and was the only version of Talmud created until the 16th Century when the Venetians through the Jesuits created a hybrid document integrating the Mithraic-Iudaic laws of the Septuaginta to create the “Jerusalem Talmud”.
Jewish Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli said – “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ……. “You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;” …… (pp. 249-252)
What does the word Vatican mean in Hebrew?
The word ‘Vatican’ literally means “Divining Serpent,” and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. The Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. …Jan 27, 2018…Link: Google search.
Not sure if this particular video got a run in GumshoeNews before, the Queensland Police extrajudicial murders seem to be ongoing policy even if paused lately
Well worthy of attention:it would be interesting to see the word-for-word Po report
“Pell left his job as prefect of the Vatican’s economy ministry in 2017 to return home to face charges that he sexually molested two 13-year-old choir boys in the sacristy of the Melbourne cathedral in 1996.”
Is it really too far fetched to consider that he was “relieved” of said job per the prospect of where it might lead?
“but where did the original seed capital and the entire concept of secrecy and an other-worldly empire spring from?”
Well that is the 666 dollar question, JGO.
One of the perverse things like Vatican city, City of London and Washington DC is that they love to be/and raped pillaged and sacked periodically and in Washingtonian, consonantly by a small Swiss army pocketknife
Mel, I think promoted by commenter ant56 the other day
I’m in transit so was having a lot of computer issues, the other day
One hour of Jim Willie shooting his mouth off, the money laundry has moved from Ukraina to Albania
A “grim reaper” ran across the stage of (fake) KC3 crowning, the cabal wants their 15T back
I will contend that the Swiss Guard (a rather pretentious gang of handsome young men in entirely impractical and gaudy uniform) was not gifted to the Vatican to “protect the Pope” but, rather, to remind the “Popey types” of who carried, or controlled, the papal purse; as in Judas the Iscariot who was the purser of the Apostles in Jesus’ time.
4-500 years ago the Jesuits were a community of very well disciplined and educated men who gave the Synagogue a real fright and challenge because they knew how the Synagogue worked and how to combat it. As such they became a main target of Judaeo-Masonic subversion and corruption until, in the last 150 years or so, they have become (in their most publicised “radicals”) the main exponents of judaeo-Masonic Modernism, Liberalism, Communism and a kind of Pantheism. These days the Jesuits are minuscule in number and of almost no influence outside of Church internal politics and epistemological notions.
It is apparent that the “Christian Zionists” who have an abject fear and loathing of Apostolic Christianity simply rename the centres of usury (like the City of London) as “the Vatican” and the influence of Judaeo-Masonry as “the Jesuits”.
Look, I’ve been around for a fair while and I’ve noticed that Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers and the like will not tolerate a disgraced and crucified Messiah unless that Sacrifice gives them power, prosperity and impunity from their sins without appropriate acknowledgement and repentance and restitution where possible.
I think it would be horrible to be present on Judgement Day to witness all sorts of galahs trying to explain to the Judge that His Mother was an insignificant whore or a type of some pagan goddess despised by Her Father, Son and Holy Giver.
A megadose of judeo-masonry as sometimes promoted by commenter Shulze
Trump supposed rival for nomination, Ron DeSantis, promoting child gender-mutilations. Reminds me of a story about Obama talking to Joe Biden saying “Gee I hope there aren’t any pictures of Michael’s penis on that laptop”. Remember when people wanted Michelle / Michael Obama to be the next president. Looks like they want “her” to win on a black woman ticket then surprise !!! “She” comes out as a “he”. Just another prank on the stoopid sheeple who won’t even look up from their hamburgers.
How come the site is not remembering subscribers?
Here is a spin on what’s going on!
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