by G5
The White House (WH) controls NOTHING. There are illusions concerning the Military, the Government, and the Economy.
After the 9/11 Lie, the handlers of GWB put the US under Martial Law (the DHS-TSA), and this was followed by Obama (44) destroying America’s economic foundation. Yes He Could; and HE DID. During 44’s unlawful WH occupation, he gave them all what they wanted — hence the trillion dollar a year deficit, ABOVE ALL INCOME. The deficit that doubled in eight years out to an admitted (and sleight of hand) twenty-one trillion. In reality, it’s in excess of one hundred and sixty-five trillion dollars — due to no allowance for future debt, including the already stolen (44) pension funds.
Debt and Treasury Bonds
America is the greatest defaulter in history. The REAL DOMINO EFFECT.
America can never service its debt — let alone settle it. America settling its ‘Debt’ is actually America honouring its Sovereign Debt Obligations — not stealing precious metals held in trust for other nations and actually paying out on its Treasury Bonds. (As US Government Funding is actually secured by a revolving bill, Government Closures are a functioned lie. Expect another Dem Senate cheek flexing rendition of the same, just prior to the 6 November 2018 Mid-Terms.)
There is an industry in having other nations buy into American Treasury Junk Paper — as China, Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, et al — only redeeming part of America’s defaulting commitments. The borrower is beyond bankrupt. The ‘Selling Down’ Narrative is part of America covering the reality of its true financial position in the real world.
The American Treasury Junk Bonds held by Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Georgia, Chechnya etc., as those of the massive fraud of Project Hammer (disguised on the net), have been destroyed. Nothing owing by the US Treasury.
America has defaulted on everyone. The problem being that all the other players, excluding the BRIC Bloc, have been exposed by America. Albeit the public service fantasyland of the EU (Totalitarianism by redefinition), and its idiotic front running of the NWO stupidity, has created additional baggage.
The World Financial Reset is progressing (from 2010) not by design, but floundering from one idiocy to the next. Those who caused the problems will never admit they caused them, and are incapable of resolving what they caused.
Tax and Tariffs
The Tariff War will move further industry out of America and into China and Europe. What was actually discussed behind the populist theatre and photo ops of the recent G20, and agreed by the consultative committees some six months ago.
Harley Davidson is out of America for sound commercial reasons. It can sell bikes in America made in America, but they cannot sell bikes out of America made in America.
Trade and Tariff Wars are nonsense, designed for herd consumption, as the impotent pout of Sanctions Serenades. Tariff Walls are regressive and typically expertized economic stupidity. As are high rates of tax, oceans of regulation, Deep State insanities, and a disengaged industry of law.
Trump’s tax cuts mean nothing. The alleged tax cuts return the same economic asset confiscation to the government — as do Regulation Cuts return the same punitive regimen. (I will publish government graphs that demonstrate this sleight of hand.) The tax and regulation cuts postured, are economically devastating for America, or at best, meaningless.
Hiring more public servants is not a decrease in unemployment. Public Servants create activity which theoretically equates to employment. But they produce nothing in the economy. They damage the economy by virtue of their existence and activity.
The Parallel Universe
The American Intel Community is rogue with funding (Black Economy from the days of the Yamashita Affair, to the world’s drug cartels of today) and proxy forces. Trump does not control it. He recently (Fox and Friends, West Lawn interview) hinted at it — beyond the problems of Deep State. Brennan and Clapper, as McCabe, were knifed by their own. The International Intel Community is a parallel universe.
If you want to see Trump’s total control by US Intel, study early 2017 and the idiot statements he made concerning North Korea and the USN’s alleged responses. He was script reading that which he should never have accepted as reality. He fought back and regained his ground.
Further, you gain everything in negotiations when you pay and receive nothing (e.g. the North Korea, Singapore photo op.): As you can’t kill a dead Bin Laden — as Jarrett and HRC pretended. And North Korea cannot denuclearize that which it does not possess. As the WMDs of Iraq were UK and US property. As Syria is off the news cycle. And there is a stark lack of information ‘officially’ released concerning Africa — from The Mediterranean to The Cape.
America militarily is a hot air factory. It has no problem in this regard with weak and divided nations. After four plus ‘Accidents’ and ‘Incidents’ (attempted rammings by the USN of Chinese Freighters), the 7th Fleet is in ‘Operational Pause’. The full reality is even worse. From ‘elite’ P8 pilots shitting themselves, to blatant lies about USN [US Navy] vessels patrolling North Korea. (The vessels were docked in Oregon and Yokosuka.)
Apart from the US Navy (USN) Incident List being that of a tragi-comedy routine — the USN hasn’t accomplished anything of even marginal significance. If it had, it would have been shouted from the rooftops.
But if The Bear marches, the World changes. Despite incessant provocations by the deep-thinking moron brigades, the Bear is asleep and there is a strong emphasis on trade, and protecting certain interests, and preventing others.
The Real World operates on trade — not militarism, looting, and blackmail. Unless its determined adolescence is adjusted, America will continue down the path of isolation from the civilized world.
The Cartel Owns The World
The current fake narrative round of China’s consumer debt about to pull down the world economy doesn’t even deserve comment. America’s debt position — government and private — has rewritten the economic reality landscape. Anything the Fed loots from the Real Domestic Economy more than pays for the cost of operating its printing machines, and the book entries of fictional international credits.
The 240 ‘Owners’ of the private Fed have many sources of income streams, and palliative care of America is not such an issue. The cartel OWNS THE WORLD.
The USD is no longer the World Reserve Currency. That position stolen from Sterling, during the Bretton Woods Accords, has been altered. China currently holds sway in the basket of currencies that had to be established to remove the USD from devastating the world. Adventures into the Petro-dollar invention, failed. Only the division between Foreign and Domestic USD needs to be maintained by blocking repatriation for credit. The ‘Overhang’, or Finger in The Dyke scenario.
The US is spinning in the plughole. Correctly examine the REAL economic data.
America has a Gross Public Debt Ratio as a percentage of GDP, in the range of other Third World Nations. While those of the nations it criticizes are far lower.
Russia and China have domestic economies and export markets to be envied by America. Not criticized and propagandized. The sources of American issued economic statistics also needs to be correctly viewed.
Junk Bonds and Blue Chips
One of the major issues leading to the 2007-2010 American Sub Prime Collapse, was the American Rating Agencies (S&P, Moody’s, Fitch) incorrectly rating the securitized junk bundles.
I remember when Milken and Boesky were gaoled (for selling the then prosecution invented ‘Junk Bonds’) as ‘White Collar Criminals’ to the New York City Treasury. Great moments in concocted rhetoric. The net version is somewhat pasteurized and adjusted to protect the real guilty. It happened that the expert market traders of the New York City Treasury, in reality, had no idea.
They created a black hole for themselves with their fictional notions of ‘Blue Chip’, in volatile markets. As the irresponsible and incompetent self-esteem addicted they were, they felt they needed to trade bonds with greater return. The higher the potential return, the higher the risk, the further from the fiction of ‘Blue Chip’.
The bonds they wanted to trade were denied them as not being licensed for them. Chasing brokerage houses that had access to high risk high yield bonds, they approached Drexel Burnham Lambert (DBL). Expert public servants never know when enough comedy is enough. Michael R. Milken was the lead trader at DBL. His bonus package for a four year period was over a billion dollars, alone.
The New York City Treasury had the SEC approve high yield bonds for it to trade, despite all the warnings from Milken. It was the handing of a Formula One to a learner driver.
The New York City Treasury went broke. But it couldn’t possibly be their fault. Lateralizing in good style, it had to be the fault of Milken and Boesky of Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. The problem being they were not responsible and there were no existing laws that would allow the necessary inventions to be allocated.
Not a problem with governments. Laws and Regulations can be invented, backdated and even made retrospective, as required. So Milken and Boesky are bundled-up and a media campaign was run concerning the inventions of ‘Junk Bonds’ and ‘White Collar Crime’. After all, the people of New York City had a right to know, that their garbage was not being collected because the White Collar Criminal Michael Milken and his off-sider had sold Junk Bonds to the New York City Treasury.
Milken signed off on whatever he was given in the insane Plea Bargain that was put forward. He collected a 22 month suspended sentence, and cut a cheque for a $600 million. So he helped the experts out of their black hole. The experts went on to well-deserved retirements, the trading rules were readjusted to what they were, with even stricter controls to guard against expert government cowboy traders and New York City was boosted towards its recovery by Milken, who also retired — but with about 2.5 billion dollars. He has spent his time investing in legitimate medical research projects.
The credibility of the American Agencies was already zero. Who was going to believe anything further they might posture. So 44 was play acting to the herds, pretending he had relevance and America had some mythical economic power.
For those still connecting Taxation with paying for Government function, go back to economic retardation 101. Treasury Bond Issues as Sovereign Debt is a sleight of hand. As NO Economic Expert and Government Monetary and Fiscal Advisor could correctly rationalize.
The Ivy League, Keynesian-Samuelson Cross Curve, is one of the greatest eras of World Financial Governance and Economic Management ever concocted. The moron apprentices of morons went forth from their Ivy League regurgitation shelters, and spewed all over their government economically enslaved populations, destroying those people’s lives and futures. The Power Base we had to have.
No one ever even questioned the foundations of Smith, Malthus, or Ricardo. So it was an easy suck for Keynes then Samuelson. More devastation than Marx, Engels, the Freuds, Jung or Adler could ever swing through the manipulations of ideological paradigms.
Casus Belli
The raison d’être, and evolved casus belli [justification of war] of the pretenders of entitlement and frogshit morality. Primarily, Government, however composed or ideologically defined, is THE ENEMY (WITHIN).
‘Communism’ as ‘Fascism’ is not an intellectualized ideology of great moral and humanitarian interpretation and value. It’s Totalitarianism. It’s Big Government. It’s Globalism by installments. It’s Socio-Economic Enslavement, by the manufactured tensions of The Foreign Enemy.
It starts with what is belatedly becoming to be understood as: the Fraudulent International Banking Systems (200 plus years), the Industry of War (200 plus years), Deep State and Power Base Manipulation (100 plus years), and Mass Media Manipulation (100 plus years).
You are not free and do not have rights. Think of what you are forced to do and why. Is it for your security, your better lifestyle, the betterment of all, or even really what you want?
It all changes when the servant is empowered and becomes the controller.
This was an additional titbit of info from G5 — suggesting Obama’s (fake) birth certificate, was processed through Fact Check Org — which is allegedly owned by Annenberg Public Policy Centre (A Foundation) — and that Obama may have been employed by Annnenberg — which allegedly received some USD 60 million in government contracts when O was in the White House.
Does this mean that the US Fed is the Cartel’s money launderer?
I wonder if they really played this.
and whether the ship really had a flag painted on it.
Someone email me regarding having comments not being accepted — or difficulty commenting. If this is a problem email me
“It all changes when the servant is empowered and becomes the controller.”
Here’s hoping..
Oh yeah? Let’s see some action.
Remember when Dee asked Rupert to write just that one email that would change everything? Do it, Rupe, do it.
“Treasury Bond Issues as Sovereign Debt is a sleight of hand.”
Too right!!
As if the Ponzi scheme of Rothschild Central bank, debt based monetary system wasn’t bad enough, now we find out that the U.S. Government is “missing” 21 TRILLION DOLLARS , from DoD,(Defense) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Professor Mark Skidmore from Michigan State University forensic accounting department says it’s more like 30 TRILLION DOLLARS.
How do you steal 30 Trillion Dollars?????
I reckon Trump is going to use the Executive Order (Blocking the Property of people Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse & Corruption) from the 21st December, 2017 to “re-appropriate” the wealth of the world from the Rothys, Rockies, the Vatty’s and the Royal Lizzys, and the Julie’s Julia’s, Kevins and Malcolms of the world.
I guess one needs to consider unfeeling corporations as a foundation of society’s structure?