Home Awakening War on America, War on Humanity

War on America, War on Humanity


Antarctic — USAP

Comment by DM

It seems obvious by now that the final battle for control over humanity is unfolding.

The Guardian writes: “Wild conspiracies about the weather are spreading online. The media can help”. “Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has earned the dubious honour of being one of the most unhinged US politicians in recent memory, has an important message for the American people:Β theyΒ control the weather.”

We do not heed “help” from the media to keep propagating the narrative lies.

Wild conspiracies? Please!

This quote from Science History Institute:

“In 1946 Nobel laureate Irving Langmuir believed he and his team at the General Electric Corporation had discovered means of controlling the weather with such cloud-seeding agents as dry ice and silver iodide. A year later, in conjunction with the U.S. military, they sought to deflect a hurricane from its path. After seeding (but not because of seeding) the hurricane veered onshore, owing to what were later determined to be natural steering currents, and devastated Savannah, Georgia. The planned press conference was canceled, but Langmuir continued to claim he could control hurricanes and influence the nation’s weather. He even proposed seeding the entire Pacific basin in a mega-scale experiment intended to generate climate-scale effects. An image of a technocrat pulling the levers of weather control appeared on the cover ofΒ Collier’sΒ in 1954. The United States was in a weather-control race with the U.S.S.R., and a Strategic Air Command general had just announced in the press that the nation that controlled the weather would control the world.

Maybe we should take note.

Redacted interview with Eric Hecker:

Kerry Cassidy on the choice for America And the (Reptilian) agenda.

Redacted interview with Dane Wigington



  1. It is beyond ridiculous, they are constantly repeating the nonsense that 0.04% of CO2 in the atmosphere is altering the weather and then they say that nobody can control the weather, the stoopidity is off the scale

  2. One may wonder about the catastrophic east coast fires we had here during, 2019. From south east Queensland, all the way down to, south east New South Wales.

    A catastrophic event, a continuous line of fire, never before noted in our 244 year history.

    Lots of cloud, no rain, no thunder, but plenty of lightning only, during so called, ‘dry storms’.

    How do lightning flashes not generate noise, such as in a ‘normal’ thunderstorm, and that hundreds of witnesses up and down the eastern seaboard noted?

    How does a ‘low trough’ of moist air, sit off the mid-north coast of New South Wales, for 44 days, without moving, while causing one of this country’s worst floods – the 1955 flood event, that impacted millions?

    What about the devastating floods along the mid north coast of New South Wales, during, 2022 – a ‘natural’ event?

    They’ve been playing their deadly games against us all for a long time now, we were never awake to the their many games over the past decades, but now, some of us are very much aware!

    • yeah they started a couple of thousand years to an eon ago. With large burns of dry wood enhanced by chemicals of the sacrificed.for the rains. The process also noticed by dispatches from the successful front line generals. The dispatches noted by the commander in chief and noticed by witchdoctors.

      I’ve noticed that the tech for fire still needs pyromaniacs, be they often uncharged patsy’s, ADF landing lights or C130 firefighting Dresden bombers. Those 2009 Victorian black Saturday bush-fires, were controlled by the bush-fire brigade Generals.

      Those “continuous lines” of fire will be through towns to be BBB 15 minute zones or rewilded. The fire lines through national parks will be the zones, future high speed railway, that the green Generals/witch-doctors want and not the purported Greenpeace

      • In my duty as a police officer, I got caught in an approaching fire heading toward a house I was ensuring was unoccupied, and that was directly in the line of the fire’s approach.

        If not for the quick action of the local bushfire brigade, who had heard my predicament over the police radio, the house and probably myself, may have become just more statistics.

        That particular fire was deliberately lit – the person of interest was seen in the act lighting up the bushland – but due to being on a trail bike with accompanying headgear – could not be readily identified.

        That person’s action caused the death of a man in his forties who was burned to death in his vehicle.

        That person of interest, was never caught.

        And that fire was a local event caused through an act of Arson, and that was eventually contained.

        So, that memory was in the back of my mind when faced with the reality of a line of fire, and that had been burning for many days up and down the coast, and that was now heading our way during November, 2019, and as much of the east coast continued to burn.

        All one could smell outside for days, was bushfire smoke, that at times was so dense, it even blotted out the Sun.

        Our local volunteer fire fighters were able to stop that fire within two clicks of our house.

        Prior to that event we had many days of overcast, high temperatures, (Spring time?) little to no wind, no rain so the grass underfoot had mostly died off and made crunchy sounds when walking over it.

        There is no doubt that parts of that continuous line of fire was lit up by what you term, ‘patsy’s’, but going on eyewitness reports, it was the lightning that lit up most of the ‘spot fires’ that eventually joined together into one long line of continuous fire.

        You tend to discount the inaccessibility of much of the terrain where ‘spot fires’ could originate through the actions of ‘patsy’s’. We’re talking days of hiking on foot – just to start a ‘spot fire’?

        And these abnormal weather events continued up and down the east coast – over 1200 clicks in length?

        You also tend to discount that over such a length of distance, there are normally, many local and varied weather events, never a continuous line of the same weather for weeks on end.

        At night, the lightning was unmistakable, but there was no thunder that normally accompanies such ‘dry storms’.

        Lightning, by its sheer break the sound barrier speed, will always produce a thunder clap.

        Were witnesses actually seeing lightning, or something else?

        And that experience creates in the observer, that what they are looking at, is plainly not normal weather conditions – which is why so many witnesses chose to speak out about their own experiences.

        Everyone was ignored of course.

        So, Simon, please do not attempt to belittle what I, and so many others, have experienced by suggesting that weather manipulation – as I have read your explanations for such fires to mean – does not occur, and has plainly been occurring for decades.

        Maybe you could look up CSIRO involvement in weather manipulation – which is never described as that – since the early 1950s and their cloud seeding ‘experiments’?

        And are you aware that there are at least two operating HAARP bases in this country?

    • TO Check out Mary’s book Get Up Australia Get Up it covers the Kinglake Fires Feb 2009 Victoria Yes Simon it was comparable to Dresden

  3. One of the nice things of war, is to see our fearless leaders expose their raw ignorance. Be that natural or contrived.

    Case iN point:


    if you can do the math. I don’t know where to start with big Mike, but a smorgasbord of information that will make you cry with laughter or cry before your head gets cut off.

    I make no claims of illegality, this is more than permissible, and for your safety

  4. Any man made attempt to manipulate the weather is miniscule compared to what “mother nature” is about to deliver.Look here not over there.More climate fear porn to add to the distraction pile.
    Prepare to look after yourself and your loved ones.
    Our star continues to deliver.
    Big Solar Storm, Tech Disruption, Electric Surge, Aurora | S0 News Oct.11.2024

  5. Here’s a great interview of real men stepping up to do relief work after Hurricane Helene. These are the kind of guys I got along with in the military, focused on the mission and ‘get it done’. As I listened to them recount their experiences, I was reminded of all the little men with big egos and small dicks that I have run into. When they dropped the bombshell about the photo-op for Kamal and not delivering the supplies, I was further reminded of how Kissinger referred to military men. Just stupid animals to be used for political purposes. This video should go viral to all the military – figure out who the enemy is before you go to war.


    • “real men stepping up to do relief work”

      As calamities invariably reveal who’s who in said regard and as our well-being depends on frating with some folk and avoiding others, maybe the “weather engineers” are doing mankind a favour after all

  6. I have been following the “geoengineering” space for many years and have found Jim Lee from climateviewer.com to be the most knowledgeable and truthful commentator on all things weather/climate related.
    Meet The Climate Changers: Weather Warfare & Control of Resources

  7. Great video. I’ve got a friend that refuses to believe that humans can alter the weather. When I mentioned directing hurricanes years ago he frowned ‘like what a bunch of bullshit’. I’ll send him the link to the video, but he is so rigid in his beliefs that it will be unlikely that he will view it.

  8. Kerry Cassidy tells us to get it through our heads Biden is dead and there are 4 actors
    Is this relevant to anything ? (3 min)

    • If you cannot see the relevance as to what Cassidy has put out concerning a fake Biden pResident – then pointing out the obvious to you would simply be, a fools errand. πŸ™‚

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