Editor’s note: Maria Zeee interviews Mike Adams on Israel, Gaza, vaccine genocide and global war escalations
This is a clip from ‘A Bug’s Life’ that I used in talks around the world for years. It brilliantly symbolises how the few control the many and where the power really lies. An ant challenged the grasshoppers, but they said so what? It’s just one ant. Then the grasshopper leader… https://t.co/2I1AxLfThM
— David Icke (@davidicke) November 22, 2023
And Charlie Ward in Switzerland and his BOMBSHELL about the WEF.
Get your face nappies folks…
Disease X — coming to a theater near you — probably just in time to scare the nations of the world to sign up to the PANDEMIC TREATY
Like Covid-19, Disease X will be a fantasy. Both those so called vaccines of prevention will be intentional killer drugs. So stay away from them.
Has nobody learnt anything in the last four years?
Well Dee is not the ABloodyC, nor SillyBS..
Time for we pissants’ to realise.
Note in the Ward interview the reference to the MotherWEFer website that they want to genocide us.
You there ABC, SBS AND FALE MSM WITH your simple minded overpaid SHOCK JOKES?
Fine, they came for the old, then they came for the sick, then they for the children, then they took the Jews then for the intellectuals and rounded up the free press, then they came for me, but I had no one to defend me ….. poor-sucked in dillybag me!
Well this is not the ABloodyC, nor SillyBS
Anyone who does not think they are killing us note the reference to the Klaus motherWEFERS WEBSITE.
The latest situation update/s by Mary is a must at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news that has much for the ants and normies.
We being played!
And how?
Search ‘the eleventh marble’ at Mike Rivero’s http://www.whatreally happened.com – new
It is old, but suckers have been around well long before.
Awake yet? See his video.
Attention, Ms Rowland MP, Minister for Communications in the Australian Albanese federal government.
Are you aware that the greatest misinformation and
Disinformation (lying) source is the United Staes.
No? Then listen down from about 13 minutes?
Do you think we are to be ‘deemed’ stupid by our governments and our governments are to get away with?
I got an email saying their misinformation bill had gone down in flames and they are having to start the whole thing again from scratch. Anyone knows, the misinformation comes straight out of the dirty little cakeholes of government ministers and ALP controlled ABC-TV presenters so it’s going to be quite a challenging bill to write. I wish we had a Javier Milei here to throw them all on the rubbish tip.
Too late, She and the rest should be chucked out for even contemplating such ANTIDEMOCRATIC TOTALITARIAN BOOK BURNING HYPOCRISY.
They dor not belong in our parliaments.
Who gets to hide in the shadows, and while hidden, gets to dictate what direction politicians -who are simply the shop front, the public face of all the agendas that have been pushed onto us, and that a still largely gullible public believe their vote will cause a change of direction – will take against We the People?
The non-elected and therefore, unaccountable, Bureaucracy, are the pushers of the NWO.
Those at the top of the heap are the ones we need to tackle – not the puppets in parliaments that have been controlled by those at the top of the heap, and who can found in bureaucracies all around the country.
Dig a little deeper folks – we currently live in a period of INTERREGNUM. Please allow that to sink in and then begin digging a little deeper as to who really controls this entire country.
As described by WEF itself, the Alt-news turns into an echo chamber which is fed by suspect agents such as the very creative operator behind RealRawNews, of course there are plenty of others, most not even on the payroll. The problem with saying the USD will go to zero is that a lot of the BRICS money is worse but even bigger than that, the fact that the same BIS runs all the money except in a few places like North Korea. Rumours of the death of the USA are greatly exaggerated and if Globalists wanted an uncontrolled ww3 they could surely do it but what would they gain, individually many of them would lose vast amounts of profitable assets.
Everything has to be done stealthily and tactically and feeding the public as many lies as possible keeps them working hard and going nowhere because they have no concept of how much they are being ripped off, from their registration and baby injections through to their entire education and career up to their funeral.
Being cremated used to be regarded as a punishment a few centuries ago.
Royalty is exempt from death duties / inheritance tax.
What they want to do is as stated, remove useless eaters, the most expensive will have to go first, that would be first world baby boomers. Their trick is to make the victims pay for their own demise, to even turn a profit on it, for example selling them machine guns to kill each other with, or selling them medical facilities which then go on to be used to force-inject them and get rid of them by stealth.
I am sure the children and families of those murdered on the USS LIBERTY by Israel in June 1967 enjoyed the children’s entertainment.
So some blessings we have received since 911;
a lower standard of living
the loss of good jobs thanks to free trade
government sponsored mass immigration
destruction of honest home grown business
with the exponential rise of corporate monopoly fuelled by greed
increasing personal debts
promotion of beastiality with more violence and mass murder
more divorce more rapes
more unemployable useless eaters
millions sacrificed in pointless wars
dangerous GMO foods
rising food prices
chemtrails and fluoridated water
a bloated medical monopoly mafia profiting from expensive pharmaceuticals
and surgery by butchers now enhanced by AI robotics
increasing taxes
universities pushing communism and white genocide
destruction of middle with psycho BS propaganda to accept genocide as normal.
Now to the curses……….
We are being PLAYED💁🏼🤣🙀🤷 well most are.
Some thoughts that fit in and are part OF THE REAL GAME.
ENJOY SOME FUN., if you do not listen to all of it maybe one will not appreciate ‘PROJECT LOOKING CLASS’. I have noted the forecast by T that November will be fun and in other reports that 7 trumpets shall sound and others with some picking November the 27th …… sometimes forecasts pull themselves up with their own bootlaces.🍿
I am not into what some say about the rapture …… misunderstood?
At beforeit’snews.com – people powered news
Bugger, we will have to wait till November 28th, in our time zone. TUESDAY.
OH WEll, BE ENCOURAGED BY VERA LYNN; ‘ We’ll Meet Again’ …. Don’t know where don’t know when …… say hello to the folks I Know….
Come on Mary, let’s here it for a sunny day.
Ant, join MM in the duo, chin up Old chap.
Mm…. ‘HEAR’ IT…
“We’re all being played”
As evidenced by the automatic acceptance of the pop mantras of the hour, e.g:
Watching tv tonight? Another James Bomd? Pussy stuff!
Listen to Jako at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
After the first ten minutes, you will not get in the msm. this account of various events .., JFK, 911, Pat Tillman, Hastings and latest NY incident.
Thus far I am up to’ I know of first 4 mentioned above.
‘.NEW MICHAEL JACO LIVE: NY concentration camps coming, then spreading ‘mmmm 2nd amendment steal.’ Who are the dummies who do not know that MVs can be hacked and CONTROLLED…. Old news for last ten years , when I realised.
Remember Mr Files confessions on JFK recently …. Much more. WAKE UP. Child trafficking exposers …. DEAD.
When you listen…..Then you will realise that you have been played for your whole life, no matter what you may believe.
Just get a good seat In the grandstand , bible on knee (for a few) a hot dog and a beer in each hand for the rest. …….keep safe, the game is on, watch the scoreboard.🙀🙈
If you can get to a cinema go watch “Killers of the Flower Moon.”
Money worship, oil and shootin’
I wonder what’s the back-story on Leonardo de Cappucino, like he has no presence and barely any ability, I would like to see him with Nicole Kidman try to get anything off the ground … ANYTHING
I don’t know what happened to G5 who used to have a lot to say about different things. All I can say is it certainly looks like we are being played when the creator-owner-producer of “The Simpsons President Trump” cartoon ( from March 19, 2000 ) is a big freemason and friends with probably-still-living Epstein. “In the episode, after their picnic in the park is cut short due to a mosquito infestation… ”
If a big freemason can show the Trump presidency is built into the NWO planning then Trump is not the cure, he is just a palliative, he calms down a section of the public that is otherwise liable to start shooting. Meanwhile the NWO infrastructure keeps going in, faster than ever with every type of tracking and database as well as Elon Musk’s skynet to map and control everything including you. Space-Force is just another Globalist thing with branches in China, Russia and the USA, it’s not going to save you. BRICS gold backed money is a hoax. The Alt-news echo chamber is fed by people like “The Simpsons” script writing team. The freemasons’ sense of humour is immature, they like silly pranks. Yuval Harari is simply being honest. Soon guns will be as obsolete as spears and pole-axes, when you are hit by a pre-programmed drone with your name on it, delivered to your local minion by Amazon. The minions will cop it too, after their duties are done. Every last worthless one of them will go no matter what the deal they thought they had, because unless they are of the bloodlines, they have no value, just a bunch of schmucks. The dream is that the AI will soon take over all the tech-heads too. The real future leaves normal people with far less wriggle room than “Brave New World”, “Future Shock”, “Soylent Green” and even “1984” is just a step on the way. Soylent Green was not arthouse, it was a major MGM production starring Charlton Heston. You will own nothing is just the beginning. A computer the size of a shoebox will be able to out-perform the whole 7 billion. Forget racism, politics and the rest of it, you have shown you can’t fight and you can’t even identify the enemy so you are all going to go, the whole lot of you.
G5 is up the hill in clover.
Seems that there might be those 30,000 Chinese guillotines stored in the US after all together with the readied concentration camps. Just a bit of WD40 should get the blades sliding efficiently.
The greens would prefer the head cutters rather than anything of old producing evil green house gases and stuffing up the planet for the few remaining privileged.
Now Joe there is only one mystery with two halves.
Who will be operating them. Which side? When that is known, the other half of the puzzle falls 🤷 it place.
There are only two options.
We know about 6+ million infiltrators are ready in the US…. All being sustained by ……. which side?
(25 hotels in London booked out with provided inputs, ref: mate Charlie, his smile is suspicious)
The latest good theory is that they are going to deal with the covid criminals, profiteers, scammers and social trouble makers. Having all the records of hospital administrators collecting heaps for covid murders is a good clue as to a possible one half…….why bother with them, as by nature they would be useful for the NWO.
Then again there is another theory……
I suppose we all need a bit of ‘Vera’ ……. Lynn. I.e., either way ….maybe, one sunny day!
Now we have a quartet…… growing into an uplifting choir. Dee, you in?
Terry. Gold 2,002. Holding in there.
Joe – Operation Looking Glass – Kerry Cassidy did an in depth interview with one of the ‘advisors’ – fairly long interview available on Project Camelot.
Still on YouTube or Rumble.
You need to comprehend how the controllers of this world have been able to plan their agendas before you can appreciate what the Simpsons represent.
Another pointer for you Joe – but I’ll bet you choose to ignore looking at it.
A link would be more useful than your regular condescension and insults.
These talking heads go for 90 minutes about pre-GPS tomahawk missiles and so forth before they even get to the Patriot Act. At 2:17:00 he finally reveals he is another ( Californian ) positive thinker, who has discovered a probability theory, new-ageism etc. All I can say is be careful when putting a great awakening inbetween the average punter and a bag full of money, even if it is only e-money.
Now a question for you, apart from listening to old videos and so forth have you actually done anything, eg. written to ministers, put up signage, talked to your local politician, joined a minor party, contributed to public debate apart from talking yourself up in this particular comments section ?
You find that pointing out the obvious about you is now insulting?
Maybe if you could rid yourself of your personal bias Joe, and look where I point for you to gain some more knowledge, you might actually comprehend the bigger picture.
But instead of looking at where you will learn, you attempt to counter your reluctance to seek out that which could give you a whole new world of comprehension by demanding my own credentials before you proceed?
Really Joe – are you truly that selective in what you wish to learn?
Hey, go and pick on someone your own size you inflated midget
What’s interesting is that the guy who popularised the “NWO conspiracy” concept in 1978 is largely ignored:
He’s still around, but I guess his failure to join the “jews-are-pigs&dogs” chorus could have something to do with the boycott:
Well the host of said channel and his ilk might not overtly ascribe to the ““jews-are-pigs&dogs”agenda, but the “support weight loss with a solution derived from Mother Earth/ Help take years off the clock with Collagen” sell is clearly every bit as insulting to the Chief Cornerstone there-of
As is the focus on all “biblically-inspired” speculative claims that have no bearing on the Requirement of the Hour:
Such claims serving as nothing more than a time-waster/distraction
Which of course means that they’re being pushed by the Old Serpent himself
A more recently-formed business that panders to a slightly different form of the very same entrapment/addiction:
“the truth shall set you free” is supposedly emblazoned on one of the T-shirts marketed via said site
A slogan that’s become an ubiquitous corruption of the original edict, quote:
“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, ‘If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’ “
JOHN 8 31 – 32
In other words freedom isn’t predicated on anything more or less than:
1) believing that Jesus is exactly who He said He was
2) adhering to His teachings accordingly
If you want to believe otherwise, if you’re convinced that “being free indeed” rests on uncritical acceptance of every rumour that happens to get a foothold via Facebook, fine.
Just don’t try to kid yourself or anyone else re the ramifications of redacting the Word, as spelled out in MATTHEW 4 by the Lord himself, quote: “it is written”, “it is written”, “it is written”:
The dynamic of false prophets/prophecy also called out here:
Pardon for being stuck on repeat,
Doherty calls the shots around here in krown kabal komunist dystopia downunder.
The BSWL4 (csiro) franchises are in all global colonies, China inclusive, head orifice Oxford where skolars are skooled in nomenklatura for damnation.
Unless we turn back, repent and pray for forgiveness to the Maker of all things, they will murder everyone. They told us so and they are doing it, unless we say enough bs and save our children from the hell demons have constructed here, using our blood sweat and tears, now replaced by AI BS.
Who actually owns the US dollar?
MICHAEL WALSH REPORT: As it seems obvious, I have never heard anyone question who owns the U.S dollar. The democratically elected state owns and manages America’s currency. Not quite so quick: It belongs neither to the government of the United States nor, being a republic, to its people.
The actual dollar has not existed for 110 years. It ceased to exist in 1913 when it was effectively killed off. Since then, what we think of as the American dollar is actually a Federal Reserve Note. Next time you pick up a dollar bill, check it out: It says so right at the top.
Does it matter? Well yes, it does actually. Before 1913 the U.S. dollar had a global value just as silver or gold does. On the other hand, a Federal Reserve Note is a DEBT dollar. Like credit on your bank card, it doesn’t actually have any real value.
It is a figure on a digital spreadsheet and that is all. Don’t try this at home but print counterfeit notes and offer them in exchange for goods or services and you’ll see how valid YOUR dollar is. Do you get the picture?
Read on –
China’s Renminbi means people together money
Give Me Control Of A Nation’s Money… | Gold Eagle
August 10, 2016. “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”. Supposedly, this is a quote from Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. Ignore the distinct possibility that he did not make this statement, but let’s assume the concept, if not the quote is accurate. The Federal Reserve and other central banks exercise …
“people together” sounds like a translation of “communist”
When a few of us shared a house together in the early 70’s, the household currency was in club 33 chips and TAB winning tickets to collect.
Now if we and all had a garden with produce just imagine ……. We would have to feed a banker’s family as well.
Terry. what you offer for four fresh home eggs?
Four potato’s!🤪
Really! try 12…… and 50 ml of that clear stuff😂😂😂
yeah nah yeah, right crop selection and assuming you could support the local coppers – wink. The bankers did not get a look in til the 90’s. Cash in hand mate and you could be in Rose Bay now.
warning, some profanity here
No power outages in Rose Bay, here in leafy gum lower north shore power out so far since 1pm, a suburb of 50,000 people!
Interestingly, traffic lights working.
Been here 57 years, never had power off when Lake Macquarie had 9 coal power stations.
Now we generate like Germany did in ww2, diesel via straitz of Hormuz to generate electricity when windmills and solar don’t meet demand.
Are they just testing the waters or watts up? Like interest rates positive for collectors loaded.
Main concern freezer loaded.
Relief, power back on after 2 hours.
The creators of the Mike Nolan Show were seriously inspired
“Terry. what you offer for four fresh home eggs?
Four potato’s!🤪
Really! try 12…… and 50 ml of that clear stuff😂😂😂”
I’m trying to get rid of all the organic chicken eggs I have. Crikey, I ended up with three dozen extra one day. I’ve also got two lots of potatoes coming in.
You’ll have to lift the offer – I’ve got plenty of local beef (beef stew tomorrow), but if you offer me some lovely beef backstrap I may be interested.
I’ve also been swimming in organic chicken eggs for the last 3 years.
I’ve sold a few and given away heaps
Don’t forget you can preserve/value-add by pickling them
Make custard pies great again, they have a secondary use too
well as far as missile use goes, just letting them go rotten would more effective and less work
God made some souls to believe Him, and others not to believe. Those who don’t believe the Truth, are people that have risen to power, making an unethical satanic money system where rich get richer, middle class disappears and poor get poverty with slavery.
It’s God who makes us all unique, and we are destined to whatever befalls us according to God’s plan.