Introduction by DM
Ashley Biden (above) inadvertently confirmed that the diary was, in fact, genuine.
I have lost count of how many times showers were mentioned in the stories of Australian parents that have reported sexual abuse of their children — and then lost those children through deceptive court processes to the state or to the abuser/s.
And showering seems a significant part of the abuse. Many of these children became fearful of showering. And Ashley Biden mentions “showers with my dad — probably not appropriate” and wrote (pages 67-68) that she waited until late at night to take a shower, because she was afraid of her father coming in with her. So when Biden asked herself “Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma” this falls into the patterns I have heard.
Having watched Biden sniffing the hair of young girls, and listening to Tara Reade’s account of how Biden treated her… we can only imagine.
This was reported in the Western Journal:
“Biden Nightmare: Ashley Confirms to Judge That ‘Showers with My Dad’ Diary Really Is Hers“
“…The establishment media outlets have tried for years to paint him as a loving and caring, almost tragic figure, losing his first wife and baby daughter in a car accident and his son Beau to brain cancer. But, his wayward son Hunter Biden’s drunken and debauched antics, never mind Daddy Biden’s influence-peddling to enrich his useless son, has long cast doubt about Biden’s parenting skills.
“And now, with the diary of his 42-year-old daughter, Ashley Blazer Biden, re-entering the public eye, the geriatric president has become a downright disgusting figure. Ashley Biden’s diary first entered the news cycle during the 2020 presidential campaign, when it leaked after it was obtained through unclear circumstances.
“… for years the debate raged over whether the diary was genuine, with many on the left trying to dismiss it as a right-wing hoax… (Snopes called the connection then “unproven”, now accepts the as “true.”)
“In April 2024, Newsweek reported, a Florida woman was convicted of stealing the same diary and attempting to sell it, prompting Biden’s daughter to write a letter to Judge Laura Taylor Swain, in lieu of testifying, asking Swain to sentence the defendant, 41-year-old Aimee Harris, to prison time. (Harris was sentenced to a month behind bars.)”
And below, a report from The People’s Voice:
Minor-attracted Biden’s casting couch for 13 year olds
All tees up perfectly with every other “disconnect” from the real world:
“Biden’s unforgivable betrayal of Israel:
Imagine if, in 2017, the world told the Kurds to hold off from attacking Raqqa. Imagine if, following their valiant liberation of 2,000 square miles of Syrian territory from the barbaric diktat of the Islamic State, the Kurdish-led forces were told to down arms. To leave Raqqa be. To leave intact the capital of the cruellest pseudo-state the modern world has known. We would have looked upon such a request as lunacy. We might even have considered it an essentially pro-ISIS position. After all, the flipside of telling the enemies of ISIS to cease fire is that ISIS would gain the breathing space to regroup, rearm and revisit its apocalyptic sadism on the people of Syria and beyond.
Well, just such an unhinged demand is being made right now, though of Israel, not the Kurds. From the White House to those whiffy tents on campus lawns, from the leader pages of the liberal press to the Israelophobic pulpits of social media, the cry goes out: don’t attack Rafah. If Israeli forces launch an invasion of that southern Gazan city, in pursuit of Hamas, it will be a bloodbath, the posing peaceniks cry. It would be ‘genocide in action’, insists former Corbynite bigwig John McDonnell. If you do it, President Biden warns Israel, we will stop providing you with certain weapons. In short: leave Rafah be. Which means leave Hamas be. Leave in peace the army of anti-Semites that butchered a thousand of your people – this, fundamentally, is the request being made of the Jewish State by the self-righteous of the Earth.”
Who bombed the Beirut port area a couple of years ago.
I think we can all guess who, but who supplied the weapon ?
Israel is not a real country, it’s a beachhead.
Biden is a miracle worker, reconciling pedophilia, massive corruption, genocide etc all under the banner of the progressive “left”.
I have a new respect for Biden as one of the leading villains of history.
It is becoming obvious that some countries are being liquidated, which countries and why? Is it that the debt cycle has run its course or from Earth changes that are repeating on a cycle and the productivity will decline.
The somewhat obvious question is, who in their right mind would leave hand-written notes of a personal nature in temporary accommodation/someone else’s house?
It appears to me that she(Ashley) acted on some sort of unconscious “message-in-a-bottle” impulse
Re the Sept 2020 telephone conversation with Veritas(2:29 on Rumble vid):
In WA it’s a criminal offence to publish any such exchange without the consent of the other party:
I don’t know anything about U. S. law but I can’t imagine that it would be significantly different
So why did she consent?
Why did she deposit a swag of personal gear in a notably un-private place in the 1st instance ?
And what was the exact basis of her stay there ?
As per norm the Rumble vid centres on sensationalistic invention( “My Dad Joe Raped Me” ) so it’s hardly surprising that it doesn’t venture anywhere near such matters
Another Rumble vid entitled “Ashley Biden Was Molested By Joe Biden: Diary Should Be Used As Evidence In Criminal Trial” is equally obstructive ( is Stew Peters genuinely incapable of grasping the fact that such a prosecution could only proceed at the behest of Ashley herself or is he controlled opposition? – 6 to one, ½ a dozen to the other)
A read between the lines of an ABC article indicates that the prosecution against Aimee Harris was based on the pretext that the gear had been “stored”
Whereas her defence was based on the pretext that it had been “abandoned”
But as no other details are provided “planted” sounds more realistic to me
“stored” vs “abandoned”:
419 views 15 May 2024 #News #wikileaks #legal
The fight for Julian Assange’s freedom will go on, says the WikiLeaks founder’s wife Stella Assange, as a crucial court ruling on May 20 could see him extradited to the US, where he will face 18 charges, nearly all under the Espionage Act.
Why is it that it is the innocent that are sent to jail these days? Bryant, Assange and now McBride, to name a few. Yet we have the murderers of the pharmaceutical industry and the murderous politicians knowingly sending innocent people to their death are all walking free without being brought to court because of the criminal Judicial system.
Clif High
Time is not complicated, it is complex.
Reject simplicity. Harmonize with irreversibility.
King Charles III’s 1st portrait as king draws mixed reactions online
Charles unveiled the portrait himself at Buckingham Palace.
ByKatie Kindelan via logo
May 15, 2024, 3:51 AM
The Monarch Butterfly
More weirdness from our ruling classes who make Alice Cooper seem normal even pedestrian