by Malcolm R Hughes
- Who was present at the Port Arthur massacre – Ned Kelly or Martin Bryant?
- Neither.
Introduction by Mary W Maxwell
This is an unusual article by Mal Hughes who often writes succinct comments (as “Aussiemal”) at GumshoeNews.com. He has learned, from chatting with millennials – people born after 1990 – that their generation has not been told a lot of our history. Mal is a serious local historian, having published in 2018 a history of Kwinana where he grew up, south of Perth.
Mal is no doubt the citizen who has done the most to get government attention to the unfair treatment of Martin Bryan. He has stacks of correspondence to “anyone he could think of” to pester about the matter. Usually Mal received the bedbug letter for his efforts, or no reply at all.
Still undaunted, Hughes has now decided to put more effort into passing the torch. The following is a conversation that I helped him reconstruct. Picture it happening in a pub. We cleaned up the language a bit, OK?
A Torch-Passing Conversation
Mal: It’s amazing how fast the years are flying by me. I’ve just noticed that next week is the 25th anniversary of the Port Arthur massacre. Do you remember that? It was in 1996.
Millennial: No. I was born in ’91, so I was only in Kindy. Who got massacred?
Mal: About 35 people were shot, most of them in a café. it must’ve been a good marksman who did it.
Millennial: Did they catch him?
Mal: Definitely not, but they caught an innocent guy named Martin Bryant.
Millennial: So what did they have on him?
Mal: The main thing they had on him was that he had long blond hair; he was a surfer. I mean the real Martin Bryant had long blond hair and if they wanted to set him up to cop the blame, they only had to find another young man with blond hair. Or find a young man and put a blond wig on him.
Millennial: Well, if they’ve had 25 years to work it out, why didn’t they get the real guy?
Mal: I guess you could say they don’t want to catch the real guy.
Millennial: I know what you mean. It must have been a false flag. What were they trying to fool the people about?
Mal: In my best guess, John Howard’s government set out to take everybody’s guns away. No sooner did he come into office in’ 96….
Millennial: Who’s John Howard?
Mal: Prime Minister, Liberal Party, right after Labor, Paul Keating. No sooner did Howard move into The Lodge than he was gung-ho anti-gun. Here is a photo of him talking to a crowd that was not too pleased about him offering to buy back all the guns in Australia.
Millennial: What if you had five guns, you could just admit to two of them.
Mal: I suppose there was some of that. The buyback cost a half billion dollars. Anyway, they worked laboriously to pin it on Martin and the media helped by dressing up the Martin story with lurid details.
Millennial: Like what?
Mal: Like that he was wild. Look at the picture of him that appeared on the front page of The Mercury about 24 hours after the massacre. They bugged out his eyeballs.
Mal: And there’s a shot of him (above below the title), after the hospital, looking more normal.
Millennial: What was he in hospital for?
Mal: They captured him by setting a cottage on fire and he came staggering out with burns on his back. It’s terrible that your generation is unaware of these things. If I tell you about it, can you pass it on to other young people?
Millennial: Sure, but wasn’t there a court case? Couldn’t he appeal?
Mal: Not exactly, because he’s intellectually handicapped and the lawyer he had, John Avery, got him to plead guilty.
Millennial: Like the Boston Marathon guy.
Mal: Holy cow, you know about the Boston case and you don’t know about Tasmania!
Millennial: Is Port Arthur in Tasmania?
Mal: Yes. There’s a big tourist operation there at the Port Arthur Historic Site.
Millennial: OK, I do know that the prison there was for the convicts that came over from England, like in the song.
Mal: Right. Look, I went there a few years ago to sleuth around and took this photo.
Mal: I also took this photo of the Broad Arrow Cafe where the shooting occurred, but they have part demolished it as they always do.
Millennial: How could the cafe have yielded any clues about the gunman?
Mal: Well, one example is that some of the employees in the gift shop tried to escape that day, but they were blocked by a faulty locked door. It is pathetic that their families did not get the compensation they were entitled to.
Millennial: So who arranged for that door to be locked?
Mal: Wendy Scurr had all the details. You can watch her on YouTube. She was close by when the shooting started, as she worked at the Historic Site as an Information Officer. I wrote her up in my Great Australians series at GumshoeNews.com. But now she is deceased.
Millennial: Crikey, I think my mates will be interested in this case. But aren’t all the main characters dead?
Mal: No. If they were age 40 when it happened, they are only 65 now. One character was Ray Groom. I believe he was one of the main actors, or somebody’ slave, in planning the Port Arthur Massacre. He had been a cabinet member for the Liberal Party in Federal Government but stood down in 1984 and was elected to the Tasmanian Parliament in 1986 becoming Premier in 1992. He stepped down from that position in February 1996, when the Libs couldn’t form a government in their own right.
Millennial: Crikey, nobody steps down from federal to state parliament.
Mal: And wait till you hear this. Six weeks before the massacre, Groom took on all the relevant cabinet portfolios. So later if people had questions at parliamentary Question Time, they would be questioning just him.
Millennial: You have to give them credit, Mal. They’re not stupid. Do you think the action to disarm Australia’s population was so that when authorities try to enforce Covid-19, and things like that, outraged people would not be able to rebel violently?
Mal: Almost certainly. The UN mandates disarmament worldwide. Very funny. I call it long-term planning.
Millennial: Is Port Arthur still an open case?
Mal: No it’s not open. As far as the police are concerned, Martin did it.
Millennial: Can’t he appeal?
Mal: Technically he could get a fresh look at it by the courts, based on some law that Vanessa Goodwin brought in.
Millennial: Who is Vanessa?
Mal: Get out your handkerchief.
Millennial: We don’t do handkerchiefs anymore, Mal.
Mal: You know what I mean. Vanessa Goodwin was a lovely attorney general, age 48, but she died.
Millennial: It’s not a handkerchief I need; it’s a gun.
Mal: Now let me tell you about Martin Bryant’s trial. Namely, he didn’t have one.
Millennial: Everybody gets a trial.
Mal: Nope. For one thing, he was intellectually handicapped. But that did not cause Justice Cox to inquire if a guardian should speak for him.
Millennial: Maybe they’d let Ray Groom speak as his guardian.
Mal: Hey, you should get a job with these people. You’re a quick learner. Funny thing is, Martin wasn’t poverty ridden — he had inherited quite an estate. But Tassie parliament did a one-off legislation to seize his property, and so he had to depend on Legal Aid. Enter, John Avery a not particularly ethical lawyer.
Millennial: OK, you said they did a Boston on him.
Mal: Yes, Avery forced him to toss his innocence plea. Here’s another photo. From 2017, in The Mercury. Amazingly, John Avery has described the whole set-up and yet that does not get Martin out of prison.
Millennial: Can I visit him in prison?
Mal: Please do. They will try to tell you he refuses visits. My friend Cherri Bonney, who’s a well-known singer in Perth, tried to see Bryant. Her excuse was that she was delivering to him a CD of a song she wrote about him called “Wish I Knew How to Be Free.” But they kicked her out.
Millennial: This is getting better by the minute. I am surprised I never heard of it.
Mal: Go to GumshoeNews.com. In fact, while you’re there, download the book by Maxwell and McLachlan. They spewed out as much as they knew in 2015. And Keith Noble’s book, Mass Murder, is somewhere on the Internet.
Millennial: Have you pursued it beyond 2015?
Mal: There’s a retired barrister at GumshoeNews, Terry Shulze. He wants to push the fingerprint aspect. The real gunman had his hands on a tray in the cafe and drank from a Solo can. But as I said, police don’t go there.
Millennial: Are you hiding any clues?
Mal: There are two aspects I wish I could pursue. One has to do with the apparent involvement of ASIO in the massacre. Mary Maxwell and I investigated the 2014 shooting in the Lindt Chocolate cafe in Sydney, and she is sure the feds called the shots. I have it from my sources that 30 Intelligence Agents have been identified at the Port Arthur Historic Site that day, April 28, 1996. Seven of the dead are known to be Intelligence Agents.
Millennial: Shite, they needed to be bumped off for some other reason. And what is your other lead?
Mal: Some years ago, a young man was accused of having been the shooter, Benjamin Overbeeke. I can’t say that there is any proof of it, but soon after his name started to be bandied about on the Internet, the boy fell from a crane or something and died.
Millennial: Sounds suspicious.
Mal: Yes, and his father was also a possible suspect. Someone said he was seen riffling thru the pockets of the deceased victims in the Broad Arrow Cafe, wearing wellington boots, which would protect from bloodstains.
Millennial: Is he dead now, too?
Mal: No. Mary Maxwell interviewed him in Adelaide around 2017 and she came away thinking he was no killer.
Millennial: Mal, please sum up — how do you feel about the case?
Mal: Easy. I want them all to rot in hell. But you are cheering me up by your interest. I have felt that when my group dies out nobody’s going to bother. Martin will still be locked up.
Millennial: I’ll see what I can do, Mal. Thanks for putting some trust in me.

This is from Wikipedia, retrieved today:
“The Port Arthur massacre of 28–29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The murderer, Martin Bryant, pleaded guilty and was given 35 life sentences without possibility of parole. Fundamental changes of gun control laws within Australia followed the incident. The case is the worst massacre in modern Australia committed by a single person.”
Hmm, “………. the worst massacre in modern Australia committed by a single person”.
Perhaps a correction:
“,,,,,,,,, the worst massacre in modern Australia planned and committed by a number of persons still unknown and at large, in the most diabolical conspiracy for mass murder, ever known in Australia, for a distinct political purpose.
Ah yes, that’s much better!,
Of course there is another mass murder being undertaken right now. Its called Covid vaccination. Far more deaths than 35 are planned and many more injuries.
Mal… here’s something to dwell on, an aspect of the Covid pandemic that never sees the light of day yet is central to the transmission factor:
Several Australian studies, using electronic surveilance, have demonstrated that, at least half the time, doctors and nurses do not wash their hands after touching infectious patients. Occasionally, the surveilance shows compliance with hygiene protocols is as low as 30%.
I think it was the year 2012 that I listened to an ABC interview with a doctor/author of an expose- book about this problem. Yet I can now find no record of this book ever exisitng.
Likewise, the studies are very difficult to locate on the Internet.
My ears pricked up because in that year some scaffolding collapsed and I got lacerations on my legs from fractured aluminium. Emergency doctors patched me up nicely but I had to visit a local clinic a few days later to change the dressings. The clinic doctor handled a woman’s leg, said “it is infected”, then came and poked my injuries with the same bare hand. It took six months for the infection to clear up but the untouched injury was healed in weeks.
i have since discovered this is endemic to medicine. Are doctors lazy? Are they stupid? Personally, I think it is policy because more infection spread means more income. That conclusion is supported by the evidence of censorship of this very worrying behaviour.
And, of course, one might well conclude that the easist way to catch Covid is to visit your doctor. And it appears that doctors are the lobby keeping Ivermectin banned, even though Zimbabwe has used this to defeat Covid.
A while back I met up with a bloke who said he got around with Martin Bryant in his younger days. One comment he made that has stuck with me is that Martin was a bloke who was always quoting the Bible. They are the sort of patsy that the Jews love.
Interesting that the clear coverup of the murderers causing the fire in the 1979 Luna Park ghost train murders is now gaining public traction and many are requesting a PROPER inquiry and that was 42 years ago.
Yes, You Port Arthur Murderers are not out of the woods yet, even after just 25 years.
Right, Ned, they are sooo NOT out of the woodsies.
Would our community please hold back on anything Off Topic?
Maybe Mal will be able to give this whole gig to the youngies, so let’s not try to cure Covid tonight.
The “official story” has more holes in it than a Pastafarians colander”
Very witty.
Or more holes then Swiss cheese
Have found out recently, via Keith Allan Noble that the Tasmanian Police records regarding Port Arthur have been locked away until 2075. If that doesn’t tell us something nothing does. Must be plenty to hide.
Check Nicki Ottavi, Tasmanian Government archivist:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdxGQK0Dow8 warning no vision.
Whom or what cowardly mob is responsible for the records to be hidden from the public for 75 years.
I take it that they think they will be dead by that time and they think they will have avoided justice, but will they avoid such…… so they should be having a marvellous party in hell by then and their descendants will want to change their names in disgust.
The 21-piano salute:
“locked away until 2075”
In other words locked away until there’s no longer any possibility of holding the key players to account
The same thing was done with my Dad’s 1925 – 26 M 16 file( “not to be released till 2020”) but my sister managed to get hold of it in Jan ‘16 so I guess someone must have mucked up.
Which is what tends to happen re any web of deceit
Port Arthur –
In an interview with Frank Robson in the Sydney Morning Herald on 10 April 1999, Brigadier Serong makes it plain that Martin Bryant could not have been responsible for the mass murder at Port Arthur. “There was an almost satanic accuracy to that shooting performance” he says. “Whoever did it is better than I am, and there are not too many people around here better than I am”. He continues “Whoever did it had skills way beyond anything that could reasonably be expected of this chap Bryant … if it was someone of only average skills, there would have been many less killed and many more wounded. It was the astonishing proportion of killed to wounded that made me open my eyes first off.” Brigadier Serong believes more than one person was involved and directly infers that the mass murder at Port Arthur was a terrorist action designed to undermine Australian national security. “It was part of a deliberate attempt to disarm the population, but I don’t believe John Howard or his Government were involved. Howard is being led down a track. He doesn’t know where it’s leading, and he doesn’t much care….
http://vitaln ewsaustralia.blogspot.com.au/2012/12/the-truth-about-port-arthur-brigadier.html
The specially designed and built mortuary van brought from the mainland, just one of the many “curious” unexplained occurrences.
The Morgue Truck
One of the strangest co-incidences about the Port Arthur incident is the fact the Tasmanian authorities had at their disposal a special refrigerated morgue truck capable of carrying 22 bodies. ( A picture of this truck is below ).
Why this is strange derives from 4 facts. The State of Tasmania had prior to the incident on average 6 murders per year – and they did not all occur on the same day, place or time – that works out to one murder every 2 months – so why would such a truck be needed ? No other State in Australia had one like it. These facts are compounded by the fact the truck was acquired and specially built shortly before ( June 1995 ) the Port Arthur massacre and sold 2 years later ( see fax copy of advertisement offering for sale below ) .
The Coroner in his initial report ( see copy below ) mentions this morgue truck and says how timely it was having one like this available calling it a “highly prized possession”.
Was it built especially for the massacre to control access to the bodies from the Broad Arrow Cafe ? .
Why was this truck, acquired at great expense, sold ? Had its use been fulfilled and they knew it would never be needed again ?
This Page archived from this Site:
I have posted from this site /or parts thereof /previously.
Mass Murder Incorporated?
Compiled from 16.05.97 Investigation
authors names with-held email us if reasons needed
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high (places}”. — Ephesians 6:12.
‘There will be little doubt in the mind of the reader of this report, that whether or not it was Bryant who committed the massacre, Bryant was indeed suffering from a mental disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder [MPD], that he exhibited a tendency towards bizarre sexual behaviour, and satanic activity. That he was not a “healthy, normal personality”, that he acted as if he was “programmed”.
He was “programmed.” Alison Miller’s book Healing the Unimaginable. Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control explains what it means to be programmed MKULTRA Monarch programming. As does Fiona Barnett and hundreds or others.
I would like to think everyone takes the time to read this but stay in “realtime” and link to the current global events–more rewriting of history, censorship, deals done -time to reconfigure and explore the multiverse
over and out–
for Mary who introduced me to Dr Jose M R Delgado
“We need a program of psycho-surgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is their own existence, but this is only their personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. People do not have the right to develop their own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.” – Dr Jose M R Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School – US Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974.
4. Martin Bryant has never been properly identified as the gunman. A young woman who ate her lunch near the gunman just before 1.30 said he had a freckled face. Graham Collyer, the wounded ex-soldier, who had the best opportunity to observe the killer, said he had a pock- marked or acned face. Neither description fits Bryant who has a beautifully smooth complexion. Graham Collyer says that it was not Bryant who shot him in the neck.
Yeah, and then there was Jim Laycock, the former owner of the Broadarrow Cafe. He had known Bryant since he was 10 years old and watched him grow up.
He remembered how Bryant used to like his Devenshire Teas and his hot chocolate, where he used to sit in the cafe and the silly conversations he used to have with his daughter.
Laycock heard the shooting, watched the events at the tollbooth from in front of the general store, then went inside and watched the killer abduct the boyfriend, put him in the boot and then go back and put three rounds of .308 through the chest of Zoe Hall.
Laycock said it wasn’t Bryant. I expect that got him killed (shades of Dallas in ’63)
Exactly Terry, plus the very revealing part of the embalming equipment set up years prior, oh and Nelson Brothers funeral home just helping it along, YET STILL NOTHING talked about or investigated. I should have paid a visit to Mr, DAM Avery while in Hobart, I think my disgust and anger may have got the best of me! He’ll keep!
“…….Wendy Scurr was the lady who held the phone out of the window to convince the police there was shooting in progress. The police don’t want to acknowledge Wendy. She doesn’t believe the “official” police version. In fact, Wendy tours Australia on speaking tours telling all that the “official” version is fiction. Wendy is pleading for a trial for Bryant…………………”
“Wendy Scurr was the lady who held the phone out of the window to convince the police there was shooting in progress.”
This 1999 publication draws attention to the ubiquitous misconception that the Po have some sort of rescue mandate:
Exert from Intro:
“Dial 911 and Die” explodes that myth with true stories from all over the country. It boils down to this: in most cases, the police do not have to protect ordinary private citizens from criminal attacks. The law and the courts shield the police departments and governments from liability. That means the citizens are left in the cold. When the thug breaks down your front door, is dialing 911 really your best defense? ”
That is, of course, a U.S. publication, but the Aus situation is actually worse.
As anyone can make a submission to Wikipediia
And the content is only as good or bad as what’s received
Perhaps some erudite person would like to forward an oh-so-diplomatically worded piece that outlines the extant Port Arthur errors & Omissions:
I nominate Terry Shulze
Yeah, well Wikipedia is a joke. It is controlled and censored so any significant editing would just be a waste of time. However, Dee has indicated that she may be going to run the rough draft screenplay of the Port Arthur Massacre. The dialogue between various characters helps considerably to understand the evidence. Instead of spending months wading through witness statements, videos, audios, pictures, yadda, yadda – the characters can condense it all in an easy to understand dialogue.
The character of Terry Hill is actually a combination of Terry Hill and Stewart Beatty (Stewart did the firearm analysis). Several characters are fictitious, like ‘Mary’ at the Broadarrow as we didn’t want to infringe on a familie’s privacy. ‘Emily’ is also another fictitious character to help the plot flow along.
I was mostly interested in communicating the evidence. However, Dee has a wealth of further information to develop the characters. For example, Wendy Scurr – Dee has all the information about the psychiatrists trying to mess with her mind.
There’s a lot that could be done with a full length movie, but not surprisingly NOBODY wants to get involved. We’ve corresponded with various parties, some are well known, the usual reply is SILENCE.
Terry, scroll down to where Dee asks Justice Michael Kirby what to do about PA and he says “Look at sec 75” of the Con:
The legal recourse for an appeal on ‘new and compelling evidence’ is there – it stands out like ‘dogs testicles’. However, you need a lawyer in Tazzie that has some courage. From what I’ve seen, ain’t gonna happen.
TERRY, Yes I think I must run the screenplay as a series of articles.
A better option is to raise $15,000 to make a smashing PODCAST of the screenplay. It was excellently researched by T,
Any thoughts how we can raise some $ to make a top rated podcast for international release. I have the music sponsored with composer and a co-producer waiting in the wings.
You’re probably going to get something within another couple of weeks. Hopefully, you will get your full $15,000.
If you run the draft screenplay, perhaps others will take interest and chip in to get it out there with the masses. I’m in…
Dee, I’m in too. Let us know when the account is set up to receive.
Might be prudent to present it as a drama not a documentary, after all you are not up against just a wild dog and a few dopey NT cops, I personally would not like to trade Dee for a podcast, look at Kubrick, did we gain anything by his message being a bit too blunt, they cut 20 minutes out, and we lost him. Not a good trade. The film probably would have been better serialised like Twin Peaks, and scrambled a bit like Nostradamus or Q. Let’s have a little bit of consideration for self-preservation, that’s all I would suggest
The Melbourne Herald-Sun also bugged out the eyes. For me that was a defining moment in realising what a load of bullshitters the Mainstream media was made up of.
I remember the Sydney Telegraph that day made his eyes orange or yellow, SMH had all the deceased arranged in rows across the front page. The official story must have been worked out long before, it was just slotted into place.
Scroll down to see the “Dramatis personae of Port Arthur”
Mal’s eulogy for Wendy Scurr
Five years ago Dee wrote this hum-dinger about the Pat Allen item “This has to happen.”‘
Would Pat Allen please call Dee. 0429 0429 51. Thanks.
That’s a good article with a lot of good information.
As I finished my reply, I realized that you were referring to an article that was 5 years old. This is going on ridiculous, five forking years!
I was at a party about two weeks ago and the issue of police ‘evidence’ came up. I made a comment about ‘yeah, just look at Martin Bryant’. The whole lot of them (about 20) came to a halt. Like “What?” So, I started to explain some of the evidence – dropped jaws, big time.
This is ridiculous, after 25 years that a large segment of the Australian population is totally ignorant of what really happened at Port Arthur.
I have mixed feelings about this. The dummies that believe the Port Arthur BS will likely believe the Covid 19 BS. As such, I expect them to willingly stand in line to get the ‘vaccine’. – Good luck!
I’ll gladly help them have the shot! Terry lol might ‘knock’ some sense into them!
Terry, ” a large segment of the Australian population is totally ignorant of what really happened”. About the world they live in. Period.
No-one has mentioned a connection to a specialised reconn Regiment located on the west coast.
I have spoken to a retired Regiment trooper, and he adamantly said MB did it, and I do mean adamantly, way too adamantly.
A workmate was socialising with an active member and when he broached the topic, the same response.
And finally I had opportunity to speak to a similar trooper from across the pond, and he positively confirmed there was an involvement.
LOL, Peter you are either very gullible of full of shit.
Hey, I’ve just got one of those ‘premonitions’ that this thread is going to get hit by a bunch of trolls. Anyone want to bet?
I’m putting five dollars. Maybe we should have the Comments Minotaur seal it off before it starts. Quelle pity, everybody was being so helpful for the Millennials’ sake.
Probably just another ‘wanna be’. Talks crap, but has never done, nor will ever do anything of substance in it’s life. They don’t realize how pathetic they sound (probably sounds good bouncing around in their skull).
I drafted a comment on sunshine Pete’s comment above and mentioned some facts in detail, but lost my comment.
We know his interpretation of some facts are in complete ignorance or indeed, he is a troll.
No time now to pull the idiot apart, he actually says nothing.
Shall we give him some more rope and then hoist him?
Yeah, why not. If he is that stupid, then why not let him expose himself to the rest of the stupids out there. –
The biggest problem is to trying to communicate with such idiots. It is like dealing with an entity from an ‘alternative relativity’ – you just can’t communicate on an rational basis, or truth telling, or logic analysis, or facts basis ‘ – it is going to be dealing with deflections, crazy making absurdities and personal insults.
I may be tired of it all before, but I have become immune to the absurdities of it all. Now it is just a joke of ‘crazy making’ lunatics that have lost their rudder in life.
peterbro as I understand was making the point that the Regiment trooper was way over the top in making the claim that MB was the culprit.
Quotation marks “I have spoken to a retired Regiment trooper, and he adamantly said MB did it, and I do mean adamantly, way too adamantly”.
The Comments Minotaur may have to offer an apology. But can we skip over it for now? Thanks. I’m not up for the full litigation, and any Rome is burning like mad.
Ok Peterbro, not sure who you are! BUT, I personally spoke to the guy who sold Martin the AUTOMATIC car he ONLY drove, meaning MB was NOT any where near PA on this day, and meaning he could not drive a manual so also meaning MB did NOT have anything to do with this despicable set up! Peter, this is only scratching the surface on the whole subject. Id suggest you read up on the truth, not what others and MSM tell you. All this crap has been said before, Im sick to death of it just like many others, either grow up or keep out of the link…
My apologies as I now see two important words were unintentionally missing, “he adamantly said MB did it” should read “he adamantly said MB did not do it”.
No I am not a troll, and you should not be fearful to go where the truth leads, nor entertain other possibilities based on probable evidence.
We are dealing with a diabolical conspiracy here, and there will be many intentional false trails laid to create discord and fractioning.
I didn’t say it happened thus, just sharing some personal knowledge.
There are other lesser aspects not shared for the sake of brevity that add to some link.
In the words of Captain Jack Sparrow:
“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your reaction to the problem.”
Excellent response Peterbro
As we still have nothing to go on other than a highly implausible and incongruous official story that was repudiated by a number of eye-witness accounts all that anyone can conclude is that Bryant “wasn’t there”
Getting drawn into the incompetent-retard/victim narrative is just as foolish as taking the villain spiel on board, the former being a classic decoy.
Due to what my Dad’s file revealed I question whether he’s even in prison; there’s nothing to go on but a handful of dodgy out-of-focus photos in any case
Take it away, Hughes!
I am very happy with the response to this article, because I was worried that some of our followers could be thinking this “old hat”. Unfortunately there is no way we will know if any of our more recent followers are of the younger brigade unless they mention this in our comments. Please speak up.
Me, I’m in the second half of the seventies.
Good for you, crisscross767. Your name may have been a clue?
NOT off topic. Christchurch massacre
The bloke in court looks similar but is not the person filmed doing the shooting and driving the car, IMO.
Sadly Not off Topic either
Two years since Assange was seized from the Ecuadorian Embassy
Thomas Scripps
9 April 2021
According to his so called manifesto the Christchurch shooter was an American and not an Australian –
Quote –
“………………..You are a bigot, racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, nazi, fascist!
A. Compliments will get you no where.
B. That isn’t a question.
C. What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo……………….”
The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel
A suspect confronted the court, two other under investigation; reports about another suspect who left for Israel faces the silence of authorities.
The attack to two mosques in Christchurch, a city in eastern New Zealand, has led to the death of 49 people leaving dozens seriously injured. The terrorist, holding a camera on head live-streaming the attack on Facebook, rushed the Al-Noor mosque with a gun and then fled to streets continuing to shoot the passers-by.
The live-stream stopped a few streets away while minutes later another mosque, Linwood mosques, was targeted by another attack. Most casualties, nevertheless, were reported in the first attack.
The local authorities announced that less than an hour after the attack, the main suspect, a 28-year-old Australian, was arrested while three others were also put under investigation. One suspect was released from custody after the end of primary investigations.
It remains unclear if the attackers of the two mosques were the same or there were five attackers involved. One of the terrorists managed to escape the country hours after Friday noon. The fifth attacker has defected to Israel with the help of unknown aides. No official reaction has been made by Tel Aviv or local authorities on the issue yet.
While the main suspect has confronted the court a day after the terrorist attack, the local authorities has made no remark about his partner(s) in the brutal act.
The distance between the two mosques seems to show that the terrorist would have no chance to get to the second mosque if he were alone. Besides, considering the fact that the attack was terroristic in nature, as the New Zealand Prime Minister asserted, the involvement of other individuals, or other countries, seems probable.
“On 28 April at Port Arthur, some of the best combat shooters in the world used a total of only 64 bullets to kill 35 people, wound 22 more and cripple two cars. The first 19 victims in the Broad Arrow Cafe each died from a single 5.56mm bullet to the head, all fired in less than 20 seconds from the right hip of a fast moving combat shooter. This awesome display of marksmanship was blamed on an intellectually impaired young man called Martin Bryant, who had no shooting or military experience at all.”
Joe Vialls (Ari Ben Menashe)
Vialls claimed that Martin was wrongly convicted for this crime and did not receive a fair trial. He added that it was an Israeli operation carried out by Mistaravim, a counter-terrorism unit of the Israel Defence Forces.
“When asked about the crime scene a Australian commando commented, ‘Only Jews kill like that’.”
The gun was a rare Israeli commando model,
CAR 15.
Wouldn’t it be a stitch if it turned out that a Hindu did it.
The Hindus did 911. That would be a hoot. But we know better.
MB was left handed, the shooter was right handed.
The reason why progress is so torturous on this is because of the national collective psyche which is fairly disappointing, unchristian and basically a lynch mob. As we all know the stoopids are mind controlled by the TV to an amazing extent, they even confuse advertising for reality, they swallow the political agendas gleefully, it is so primitive. So all this type of hard evidence is passed over for the emotive stuff, such as we might see on “60 minutes” ( a US invention). The evidence that you need and that isn’t being used is the Lindy Chamberlain experience. The “millennial” person was not around when the national psyche was turned against this woman, who has since abandoned her life and run away to the other side of the world. We are beyond dealing with facts unfortunately and in most of these subjects we are dealing with primal emotive stuff. I know there was a movie about LC but I didn’t pay much attention to it. The subject matter needs to be the psyche of the mob, as much as the story of the villain. People seem to need to be shown that their “opinion” is a mob opinion, injected into their brains by the TV, and then they might be persuaded to abandon it.
“I know there was a movie about LC” – I went to the premier of the movie in Sydney. I was standing in the lobby with a bunch of other people. There were 6 dingbats there that swore up and down that Chamberlain killed her baby. I replied that I had gone to the Morling Inquiry and that she didn’t do it.
After the movie we got together in the lobby and I asked the dingbats what they thought about Chamberlain’s innocence. They were all in a subtle state of shock. One finally said, “Well, it’s the story from her perspective.” I replied, “yes, about time people got to see that”
From my experience of what happened after watching ‘Evil Angels’ a movie about Port Arthur is the strongest way to turn the dumbed-down Australian population around.
Lindy was officially exonerated prior to the making of that movie
over and above which there really is no comparison between a strategically orchestrated cover-up and a mere sloppy investigation
The point I was trying to make had to do with W3’s post about the Australian ‘consciousness’. The programming needs to be broken, a movie can be very effective in replacing that programming.
The dingbats in the lobby after watching ‘Evil Angels’ were different than they were before the movie. It had destroyed their confidence, the ‘peer pressure’ of the mob was dissolved.
A full movie about Port Arthur would likely do the same.
What was the name of that movie, “Meryl in a Black Wig” or “Streep in Desert + Dog” or some Hollywood workshopped thing like that, I’m just trying to refresh my memory now
Well that’s interesting you were talking about movies last night while I was thinking about the Lindy Chamberlain experience, and now it seems Dee is doing all the initiative and work as usual. Maybe Rolf de Heer would like to direct it and maybe go out on a high 3 days after release like Kubrick, legacy you know. Nicole Kidman could probably handle the lead role with enough padding.
What needs to be acknowledged is that the MSM only ever pushes that which is most comfortable/palatable to mass consciousness. The P. A. rot was automatically swallowed because the truth would have been, and still is, indigestible.
Hearts, my boss is AWOL so we can’t pin up a new article. Hence it is now “legal” to discuss Covid. Start with this:
Nearly 40% of Marines have rejected coronavirus vaccine as Dems call on Biden admin to make shots mandatory for troops – reports
10 Apr, 2021 05:21
Just shy of 40 percent of Marine Corps service members have refused to take the coronavirus jab, new data provided to the media shows. The revelation comes as Democratic lawmakers push to make the vaccine mandatory for soldiers.
Some 75,500 Marines have agreed to be vaccinated as of Thursday, while around 48,000 have declined the inoculation, CNN reported, citing numbers provided by the branch. That puts the rejection rate at 38.9%, slightly higher than the 33% rate for the whole military given by defense officials.
Thank God for honest politician Craig Kelly who says just enough and not too much, the Liberal Party should be begging him to come back in by Christmas. He mentions reference doctor names at 10:00: Brian Tyson, George Fareed, as well as Pierre Kory and,,, they like bandying out the term front-line doctors.
Tyson (with embedded youtube)
Kory (well known to students of gumshoe)
And for pudding, J&J blood clots now on menu
Great work Mal. Unfortunately not many people at all seem to be on the ‘ same page ‘ as you Mal or myself.
Another great Injustice is the Illegal Invasion of West Papua by Indonesia in 1963 after the Dutch departed in 1962. Neither the Australian Government nor the United Nations ever challenged Muslim Indonesia over this Traitorous and Murderous Occupation. It is estimated that upto 500,000 West Papuans may have been murdered.
GEW… Yep, basically, 1000 village headmen were lined up opposite a machine gun nest and asked to agree to the “transmigration”… or else.
The Menzies Australian Government was utterly OK with this. And this was the same people who OK’d Vietnam, the sacking of Whitlam, the Port Arthur massacre, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the current lockdown.
And atomic testing Maralinga Emu Plains plus —Ground Zero–Human guinea pigs–human experiments–radiation contamination
Ok, I have just listened to this twice.
https://before it’s news.com/alternative/2021/04/the-q-plan-revealed-did-military-intelligence-operation-think-mirror-arrests-military-tribunals-coming-3747744.html
Probably from past comments I suspect only w3 will bother to take the time to examine it.
However, for all the skeptics and for the enlightenment of genuine lawyers, you have the opportunity to learn a bit about the law of war…….. treaties, biological weapons ban and much.
You will be particularly interested in non combatant civilian belligerents and what ends they are subject to.
Bloody brilliant, it now all fits on the interpretation explained.
It is a bit long, detailed and if necessary, watch it three times until the thick brains understand the picture and foreshadow the consequences.
In short some country invaded the US using biological weapons and traitors and hold Washington DC as invaders. Look up the consequences available to defend and defeat the invasion.
No joke. Watch it or wallow in ignorance.
Bugger, I stuffed up the link with some spaces, just delete the spaces or go to begoreitsnews.com and link the article from there.
Ned asked me to link this (mentioned above)
This is the most fascinating video and the War Manuel. The KEY?
A must watch:
Can someone please tell me what this insufferable jerk is talking about? Has he ever heard of editing?
In one paragraph, is the US military taking over the US? if so, when? And who is the boss?
Please. Some of us are very busy.
It’s saying the manual has to be followed, the laws of war, (otherwise non-compliant persons will end up being prosecuted). Here, China is taking all the heat for the attempted overthrow of Washington via Biden and the corrupted election. Washington DC is a bolted-on piece of the union and can be unbolted (ie walled off as it appears to be). So the military is evidently well ahead of all this but they are ponderously following the legal procedure, at the same time, everything is being done discreetly as they try to pretend everything is “normal”. As for who’s the boss, the day after the election Trump appointed a new boss of military. The military does not apparently recognise Biden but simply pretends to. They go on with their predetermined programs.
The thing about the government is that it is so huge and it runs on funding so some parts are cauterised and other parts may still go on funding, via the printed money of the Fed (inside treasury now we’re told), so certain programs and things like welfare keep on going even though things like executive orders may be getting delayed or only implemented depending on the will of each particular state.
Imagine trying to do a large factory maintenance shutdown while keeping the factory going at the same time, and also the cops are upstairs in the boardroom working out who is a crook and who isn’t. Then multiply the complexity by a very large number.
Me Ryan,
The ‘insufferable jerk’ is trying to explain a intelligence operation underway before Trump and a foreign invasion. That’s usually referred to as a war.
As I predicted w3, seems to at least understand.
You might also if you had been following the Q posts.
That jerk has done your work, so if you do not have the time to listen, it would be more kind to not presume he is a jerk and reflect upon those who really are.
I have been following closely since I noticed the MSM and Bushs were trying to do a hatchet job on Trump in 2016, I know people personally who get their opinions from “Samantha Bee” and “Saturday Night Live” but I haven’t seen them for a while now
Whilst Mr Ryan is to busy to listen to developments, hopefully others might find the time to listen to the latest X22Report .com No 2449, April 11th
Do the time understand the line, take no time, suffer the controlled mass media line.
Hey Ned, remember when BeforeItsNews announced that the Pope had been arrested and Hillary Clinton hanged for her crimes – and a similar fate befell numerous other well-known global psychopaths?
Byington, Judy. “Pope Francis Found Guilty Of Child Trafficking, Rape, Murder.”
Before It’s News. 20 July 2014.
… and then they were all replaced with clones who continued to do the exact same things that the originals were doing … just so that they would fall deeper into the trap that had been set –as per the Plan … and how we all had to be brought to the precipice to wake up?
Steven Wright – first gag (20 seconds)
In do not read the nonsense that seems to attract your attention.
I presume you read the astrology forecasts in the msm press as well.
(Shhh … We don’t want to attract too much attention to X22 – or the Deep State Rockerfellas might start watching and wake up to the fact that we’re on to them … we need them to continue to commit their crimes against humanity so that there’s nowhere left for them to hide. When the depopulation is complete we’ve got them right where we want them.)
PS – just as well we’ve got Lindsey Graham on our side exposing the “China Virus”.
Nice angle but the tie in to your relentless diatribe is that the yanks used to all get around in raccoon hats until Rockerfellas and that crowd changed to top hats, eventually (after ww2 they were taken seriously) they crossed the Atlantic and got Club of Rome type of meetings with your crowd the Italo-Zio bankers and it seems all agreed to work towards “Lockstep” and depop etc. Why do you think they have meetings of 100’s of them, on the royal yacht, the Swiss lake and so forth. Do you think they might be there just eating lamington cakes ?
(Rockerfellas most lusting for revenge after breakup of Standard Oil, never allowed themselves to be exposed again with their new interest, BigPharma.) Yes “they’re all in this together” as they like to tease us.
I did hear some dirt about Pope Francis long ago but it’s a peripheral thing for me. Look at the Ricky Gervais video I posted above. He is putting it right in their faces. And nobody is even bothered, except Tom Hanks who was a gold member of Epstein Island ??? or whatever.
In the 60’s they started talking about the “Neutron Bomb” which was going to kill everything but leave buildings intact, seems they never got it working quite right, it would have been so much easier. Like the Chrysler jet-powered car, it didn’t happen but the guy working on the mini-jets ended up putting them in tomahawk missiles. So you see it all goes round and round. These elites, for centuries, have wiped out the masses, why would they stop now, they are telling you, that’s what they want, but perhaps you don’t want to hear it, you can only join dots one way, 6 dots into 2 blue triangles and you’re done. It would be better if you could prove it rather than just relentlessly insinuate it
How a virus went viral by GKM
A reader sent this….
Some believe there is no such thing as a coincidence…
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan where the “COVID-19” was “accidentally” released, is owned by Glaxo-Smith-Kline, which (coincidence?) owns Pfizer, the primary source of the “genetic therapy” which the media refers to as a “vaccine”, is who fabricates the “vaccine” that was not tested or approved by the FDA, but are protected by US law against lawsuits, from an unproven “vaccine” (“genetic therapy”) which is supposedly for the entire world population to have injected into them to prevent the “COVID-19” “virus” from hurting us, which was stated by medical experts for months, to be not as severe as the seasonal flu (unless you received the shot), after which thousands of people who were otherwise healthy, have died…but it supposedly it wasn’t from the “gene therapy” “vaccine”).
According to Judy Mikovits – who was involved in the early development of the “vaccine”, what became the “COVID-19” was (coincidence?) started at Fort Dietrich in Maryland, moved to the National Institute of Health under Dr. Fauci, but transferred to the Wuhan Biological Lab, a process which was (coincidence?) helped along, approved by, and funding which went to the Wuhan lab approved by(?), Dr. Fauci, who (coincidence?) is invested in and promotes the “vaccine”!
Glaxo-Smith-Kline is (coincidence ?) managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which (coincidence?) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (coincidence?) manages the French AXA! “Soros (coincidence?) owns the German company Winterthur, which (coincidence?) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, that (coincidence?) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidence?) is a shareholder of Black Rock,” which (coincidence?) controls central BANKS and manages about a third of GLOBAL investment capital. “Black Rock” is also (coincidence?) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidence?) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which – remember? Sells a MIRACLE vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the WHO!
Now, do you understand how one dead bat sold in a market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET?!
And every company mentioned is Jewish owned.
Healthy 27-Year-Old Chicago Doctor DEAD 3 Months Following COVID Shots Raising Long-term Safety Concerns
Your source looks unreliable, Black Rock is a funds manager, and I would say Rockerfellas probably have the biggest share of outfits like Pfizer. The funds manager is being used as a front, the same as our TV presenter politicians. The Jews and Italians of the new world are doing OK but I’m not convinced they have wholly taken over from the Anglos who got there first. Nobody will ever be allowed to know in any detail who owns what so you have to try to get a big picture view in my opinion. In any case, nobody disagrees with this thesis that Rotshcilds are involved, that Jews are a big part of a lot of banking and finance, there is no dispute, the disagreement is that some people think Zionists are 100% of everything and others think somewhere vaguely around 50%, but the reality is, it’s not countable, it’s secret, and no individual will ever know clearly who owns and controls exactly what. That’s even before you consider the derivatives market !!!
Some very astute stuff by Crisscross and W3, all of which I was aware of, but as to the rest, who cares? A bunch of psychopathic bastards have delivered a secret coup on the psychopathic bastards who ran Washington previously.
Thus, Australia is in the grip of a different strain of psychopathic bastards. Considering the vast range of problems bourgeoning in Australia, why would I give a toss about Washington?
Ned. I had long identified a long list of perpetrators who were running the world, back in 2001, and published a book in 2007 about the impacts on Australia. I suspect I was onto the investment banker elite long before you. And a lot of information came my way by a Latvian lady who sent me laboriously photocopied pages of the two secret books on the Rothschilds; at risk to her life, I might add.
Some of my informants have been passing data my way since 1970, because they trusted me on past performance.
You should not dismiss people merely because they do not share your love for the esoteric.
And Q? I do not know who or what is Q. If this denotes anything of substance then identify this by name or be ignored as the purveyor of plots more appreciated by the readers of Enid Blyton. Q indeed!
In general, I detest and despise people who are addicted to acronyms. This is the opposite of effective communication.
Mr. Ryan,
There are two latest X22reports, 2450 a and b of 12 April.
I am not going to be bothered explaining the theories on who Q is or what.
If you had taken the recommendations to follow q as reported by many sites you might have been your own assessment, rather than bleating unkind vilifications of those studying Q in ignorance.
However I note you know all about the investment banker elite and presume you might include some more time in your busy schedule to place Q’ s information into consideration as to what is being proposed for the future of those you have so much knowledge about.
So if you have about 18 minutes to spare from your busy schedule you might deign to contemplate the X22Report 2450a titled:
[CB] is now self destructing message received. (18 min)
Then again if you like Dear Enid, don’t bother as you will never catch up with Q. The intellect and time required would cause too much strain for you in your busy world……….. you would have to research back to October-November 2017 and all the observations by many since then.
Perhaps, do not worry yourself with Q, stick to Enid.
Mr. Ryan,
This little summary is not for you, but for others who might be interested in a lovely Enid ‘Blyton’ plot which goes a bit like this.
Right, young Tony is down in his bunker commissioned to receive scripted messages from a unknown contact, apparently tracked to locations in occupied France.
It is World War two, during a very dark period.
Tony once worked for the UK postal service for many years tapping away in Morse code, sending and receiving messages.
Now he is in a secure bunker outside London.
His keen hearing picks up on some dots and dashes that do not appear to form words in English.
He persists for a while and decides to return contact.
Who are you.
Where are you.
What nationality are you.
Do you work for anyone.
Are you male or female.
In English comes a reply. Why ask me all those questions, I have information for the English Government ……. I can provide it in code.
Tony not going to fall for that, so replies, then piss off.
Meantime young lassie Enid is in a another section in another intelligence establishment also carrying out similar tasks as Tony.
She replies to the same contact,,, could be in France, she muses.
She asks, do you have a contact name. The dots and dashes reply. Call me dotty.
Fine says Enid. Go ahead with your message.
Dotty replies, but it is a puzzle for Enid so she types it up and sends it down to the deciphering department.
The months go by and Enid consciously flirts with Dotty and passes the messages for analysis.
Enid, surmises that Dotty is an alias and could be a male person with enemy military knowledge.
In the deciphering department after months of analysis they start putting some clues together in the dotty messages that match up later with confirmed enemy armed columns and movements photographed by the mosquito squadron.
For further information, they call up Tony’s messages but there is no record of Dotty.
The Colonel calls in Tony, and asks what about this Dotty person, what have you got.
Sir, nothing, I told him to piss off because I did not find out who he was and I do not have truck with acronyms.
To be continued.
Mr. Ryan,
Kindly write the next chapter, it could be a hoot, perhaps Enid meets Dotty and Enid gets a medal from George whilst tony goes back to the comfort of the UK telegraph office.
Just a concept for a movie for Dee.
“Young Blood” – The Emerging Market for Products Made from the Blood of Children
WOULD you like to live forever?
From daily sessions in sub-zero cryo-chambers to stem cell injection and transfusions of teenagers’ BLOOD, their bizarre attempts to become superhuman have fuelled a multi-million dollar industry.
It may sound like something out of a sci-fi novel, but there’s a growing band of Silicon Valley billionaires who believe they can achieve eternal life through “biohacking” – the process of making alterations to your body to keep it younger.
Netflix’s new drama Biohackers, released on Thursday, (Aug 20) seizes on the terrifying trend by imagining a secretive lab where a young student, played by Luna Wedler, discovers a sinister experiment using the techniques on an entire town.
Here we meet the real Silicon Valley biohackers – the men who want to be immortal.
Peter Thiel – Thirst for young blood
Paypal founder Peter Thiel has a gruesome plan to achieve eternal life – by injecting the blood of teenagers.
The practice, known as parabiosis, is not as impossible as it seems – in 2016, a start up firm called Ambrosia started offering transfusions of “young plasma” for £6,000 a time……….Read on-
A lot of people would prefer these treatments to having to eat broccoli
Some people have invested so much time and energy in this 3D physical reality, that they cannot imagine anything else. If they want to get locked into this realm, that is a matter for them – me, I’ve had a gut-full of this crap and am willing to move on.
Ive heard a lot recently, cases involving Christian Porter, some sort of attorney general, able to be looked after by his mates I guess..
Ben Smith.. some sort of war hero in an illegal war…
and the government bangs on an on about “due process” the presumption of innocence, until proven guilty… not for Bryant though..
I mean.. theres so many examples… no need to go on about it any more because id be preaching to the choir..
thanks for all you do Aussiemal, thanks Gumshoe!
Thanks Fair Dinkum, only wish we were getting some results for Martin Bryant. If he was released into society now, it probably would not be of much benefit to him. However just being able to be with Mother and sister, if they are still alive would be something. Of course being released would be to signify to the masses that a great crime has been played out on Australia by those in authority. The evil ones would be unmasked.
Politicians both State and Federal (the same class acting out the current traitorous crime, Covid virus and vaccine program), Police Forces, and Intelligence Agencies are the real criminals of our society.
A professor Chapman has just published a homily on the great success of the post-Port Arthur measures.
The graphs he provides show plainly that the decline in shootings commenced in 1985 and flattened out a few years later. This PhD is every bit as incompetent as other PhDs.
Actually, deaths by gun have increased dramatically since the buy-back. They are now in the hands of criminals and rogue cops. And, as everybody knows, crime has exploded exponentially and we have no defense.
Something that may have been missed is that the Australian Labor Party was also involved in the planning of this crime. The legislation was drawn up in 1995, Howard won power in March 1996.
When I was writing to politicians about the Port Arthur Massacre, Kim Beasley was just as dismissive as the Liberal pollies and to my knowledge he asked no questions in Parliament after my correspondence.
if only injustice wasnt so bipartisan…
if ever Martin Bryant will be able to be with family again, t’will be down to the likes of yourself, ( and many others here that I will not mention lest I embarrass myself in leaving any out ) –
again. to everyone, so much genuine appreciation.. because in endeavours to see justice for Martin, that will only benefit EVERYONE! – any naysayers argue against their own best interests.
The Shocking Truth Behind EVERGREEN & The Shipping Container Vessel EVER GIVEN That Almost No One is Talking About.
You’re Witnessing The Systemic Destruction of The Old Guard. You Are Witnessing The Greatest Covert Military Operation in the History of the World.
https://www.bit chute.com/video/OpAkFXSvea4C/
https://www.bit huge.
Seems that if one combines bit with chute, then some algorithm ? Takes over and despite repeated attempts we are served with what appears above. Obey or die peasant.
Turks are saying they crashed the boat, nationalists vs globalists
From a Turkish TV interview show.
Synopsis: Stage 2 of the globalist plot was to wind down the flu in April and commence with climate change agenda. The boat was full of chemicals which activate in 5G microwave radiation to cause climate change. The chemicals were to be distributed to 5G towers. Bovine flatulence was to be blamed for the climate change. Gates was buying lots of land even in Turkey. He wants to get everyone eating his petri-dish meat which is deficient in amino acids (making consumers tired and sickly). The boat was crashed by a joint effort from Turkey, Israel, Egypt and Qatar. Turkey was rejected from the climate change conference until this happened then they were suddenly invited. As soon as the boat crashed there were big outbreaks of flu in Europe as Stage 1 was re-started.
My opinion: Turks seem to be all over Gates. The boat crash was definitely no accident.
Love it, must pull out Enid’s transcripts of her messages from Dotty updated to the present. Ref to comments re our Tony.
Mystery, is Dotty Q?.
No idea.
No doubt very few will bother to read between my lines.
If so go read a Enid mystery.
But here is the orthodox (human trafficking) alt-news stuff on the Evergreen boat in all its gorey detail including some good screaming at the start (some will be unwilling to endure the glam-metal soundtrack but the material is a good background to these theories)
https://www.bitc+++hute.com/video/7DQrDCcTudhu/ (delete the +++)
and anyone wanting to follow up on Hillary’s “Frazzledrip” story this is a real gross out but since I’ve heard it before it just merges in with all the usual Hollywood blood & guts stuff
Definitely a good intro to the Clintons’ rumour mill anyway, people can look up “Clinton Body Count” for themselves anytime
And a bit more from mainstream TV, curiouser and curiouser
(Dexter) Child saved from EVERGREEN shipping container. No coincidences!
[…] Mal Hughes wrote an article — a guide — for those Australians born after the […]
Get a life the lot of you. Consider doing something useful with your life than spewing bullshit lies about people who have been severely affected by the horrors they also saw and tried to save people from in Port Arthur.