J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
“L.A. is a great big freeway, put a hundred down and buy a car”
Do you know the way to San Jose – Bacharach & David
Counterfeiting is not the crime of the century, it is one of the crimes of eternity. The way it’s done these days, government borrows money from banks by giving them bonds (most common is the 10 year bond at predicted interest) and pays out the interest accordingly. Every year, more and more bonds, they roll over and keep paying interest. They aren’t allowed to print their own money, they have to borrow it and pay interest, like a big credit card. The government takes the bank-created money and spends it pork-barrelling, or paying off its various sponsors, such as party donors. Remember this is extra spending money, a surplus to all the taxes they collect. When they have done too much borrowing and spending the dollar devalues so eventually prices start rising. Lately, they have been borrowing $200 billion each year, which is Australia living heavily on the credit card.
Australia’s governments cannot function economically without this steady infusion of credit.
Our government’s cure for the consequent inflation is to blame the victim, then to crash the economy, by allowing mortgage interest rates to go up. If they wanted to take money out of the economy they could tax petrol or any number of other things but their intent is to direct the money to the banks, in the largest portion possible, this is via mortgage interest. This means the banks create money, loan it out for interest, then while it is still loaned out they actually collect it back, while the government goes on accruing and paying interest. It’s like your money is going backwards and forwards past a speed camera and paying the fine every time.
The government never runs out of excuses for the inflation, never once admitting it is caused by their engineered money printing. The latest excuse is the Russians, who are actually selling oil cheaper, but insist on being paid in an acceptable currency. Previously their bank accounts full of Eurodollars were frozen, meaning, the Euro banks heisted their money.
Their next excuse for inflation will be Climate Change.
Recall the news cycles for Trump the Chump, Brexit and Russia Russia Russia, which ran for years each, until they had Covid-19, and brace yourself now for years of Climate Change fake news.
Jamie Dimon, longstanding CEO of JP Morgan on “Eminent domain”:
Dimon suggested that the U.S. government and climate-conscious corporations may have to seize citizens’ private property to enact climate initiatives while there is still time to stave off climate disasters.
This shows that what they need is an agenda to work with.
From a fake agenda they create fake initiatives.
Video broadcast endlessly of eskimos in mid-summer with no ice, of glaciers melting probably sprayed with salt, the entire legacy media operation of global television networks pushing out the same highly questionable “Sky is Falling” routine, month after month when the empirical evidence is that weather since 2014 has been getting slightly cooler.
The weather office talks about La Nina and El Nino without ever attempting to offer an explanation of what drives these things. It’s taboo. You can lose your job – instantly.
The simple fact, from ice ages to droughts, is that the climate comes from the sun.
Currently, the newish ALP government is reading reports from welfare advocates asking for more money for rent assistance, unemployed and single-parent allowances. These needs are driven by government-created inflation and RBA-created mortgage interest rises. This is the knock-on effect, not to fight inflation but actually to create more of it.
They want to make it look like the people created the inflation. They want us to focus on symptoms not causes. You can treat the symptoms endlessly and they will never stop manifesting, as Big Pharma well understands. It’s their business model, and so it is with government economists.
The quickest way to get money is to simply lie.
The reason they increase inflation then crash the economy is to cement in the devaluation of the dollar. They pretend they didn’t do it, that we did it. It’s another case of politicians offloading responsibility. There are so many such cases now, they are offloading Heath to the W.H.O., and immigration is rumoured to soon be handed over to the U.N.
Government spends and spends, mostly on itself, creating more and more layers of administration and responsibility avoidance, while piling it all back on the citizens.
Now they want to increase the number of MPs by 55%.
Newly white-haired Philip Lowe, the disposable patsy, was last week reading his job application from notes prepared by unknown persons. Will his next job be with CBA or ANZ? Every word he read out directly from the notes, almost looking as if he had never seen these notes before.
He would get a Covid-19 week off for media training if he wasn’t so expendable.
After misleading the entire population on interest rates, arguably to the benefit of the banks, an RBA inquiry took place at lightning speed, with the implementation of recommendations a billion times faster than any inquiry into aboriginal (Australian First Nations) people.
Persuasive ALP puppet Treasurer Chalmers said he would legislate to implement all recommendations of the RBA Review, including the first one which, critically, says “The government should remove the power of the Treasurer to overrule the RBA’s decisions.”
In his 1937 election launch speech, Labor Party leader John Curtin declared: “If the Government of the Commonwealth deliberately excludes itself from all participation in the making or changing of monetary policy, it cannot govern except in a secondary degree.”
This principle applies to any area of government.
They are shirking their entire job responsibilities while remaining on full pay.
They have even offloaded their pay arrangements to their friends, the remuneration committee. Nothing is their fault, after all they are just actors.
From Citizens’ Party:
The strangest thing about the RBA Review making the removal of this [Treasurer Veto] power its first recommendation is that it has never been used! It’s there as a backstop, a fail-safe, but there is no history of governments using it to override the RBA.
So why is removing this provision such a priority now?
The answer is because in the last few years of financial turmoil, some Senators, including Gerard Rennick from the LNP, Nick McKim from the Greens, and Malcolm Roberts from One Nation, have been asking the RBA in Senate Estimates why it can create hundreds of billions of dollars to prop up the private banks, but it doesn’t invest in things that would benefit the Australian people, like infrastructure.
The RBA has answered, correctly, that such decisions are a matter for the government, and admitted that under the current law, the government could indeed direct the RBA to act as a national bank by investing in the infrastructure needs of the nation.
With the economy in dire straits, and a growing coalition of political forces—including the Greens, One Nation, Katter’s Australian Party, the Australian Citizens Party, and individual members of the major parties—calling for a national bank again, the private banking monopoly and the global central bank mafia are in a panic.
They have manipulated this RBA Review to pre-emptively remove this all-important power in case the growing political revolt forces the government to use it.
Q: What is the fastest way to export the entire property of Australian citizens to private ownership?
A. Mortgage it to the hilt until they can no longer pay the interest.
Excellent explanation. This sums up it brilliantly: ” Lately, they have been borrowing $200 billion each year, which is Australia living heavily on the credit card. Australia’s governments cannot function economically without this steady infusion of credit.
“They are shirking their entire job responsibilities while remaining on full pay”. [PAID PUPPETS]
“Nothing is their fault, after all they are just actors.
Abolish RBA, usury and taxation.
Gaddafi did it, why can’t we with way more common wealth. All that’s needed is getting off the gadgets and start building Oz again, without the banksters.
Mel Gibson on Bishop Vigano (1 min)
By their fruits ye shall know them
Australian Citizens Party
Bankers’ Mate Jim Chalmers….
Good morning, ANZACS, start this video at 3 minutes
It’s all history, soon there won’t be any jobs anymore (1 min)
Unfortunately due to internet censorship very primitive AI bots you will have to remove the XXXX from the address bar
I hardly know why the Red-Blue coalition was so desperate to sell us out over the decades when Elbow Gump’s friend Bill Gates is promising his SPARS/SEERS 2025 when we will have a new super deadly virus which is most probably injections + 5G and people will be losing their marbles and dropping dead in the street, fighting each other over a toilet roll and a tube of cricket paste, being e-tagged and told to remain in their 5-minute zone under penalty of $1000 fine.
All the bullshit we have been fed over our lifetimes coupled with the scamdemic response is proof that the Red-Blue coalition along with the Green-Teal morons are capable of anything, anything at all. And we will be encouraged to shuffle around some weird masonic-type temple down St Kilda Rd or some other monument such as the local hospital, praying to God and our pantheons of professional liars.
Tramps living in rubbish bins, Waiting for God. (Beckett, 1952)
Australia’s TGA run by Secretary of Death Brendon Murphy will not relent or retreat.
Complaints please
TGA controllers ( note BM is doing a runner soon )
Prof Brendan Murphy AC
Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care
Postal: GPO Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601
Email: Brendan.Murphy@health.gov.au
Phone: Switchboard 02 6289 1555 Freecall 1800 020 103
The Hon Mark Butler
Health Minister
Postal: PO Box 6022 House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Email: minister.butler@health.gov.au
Phone: 02 6277 7220
Email: complaints@humanrights.gov.au
Postal: Australian Human Rights Commission
GPO Box 5218
Sydney, NSW 2001
refer full story
Bit o’ Brel, anyone?
Ghillar: Are you ready for the truth?
[…] Source […]
Honouring the Spirit of the ANZACS
Thank you Daniel Vincent for your “raw and unplugged” heartfelt and emotional message. Upholding the sanctity of the children, calling for full disclosure of he truth, -a message to hold “them” all accountable. Standing for Freedom itself- strong passionate words- calling on us all to be informed -have the conversation -shake hands-plant the seeds- let it grow—speaking truth to power.
At the end of the conversation —shake hands -plant the seeds -let it grow—
In Honour of the ANZACS, finish the Job. God Bless you all. Pray.
Strength to you all.
Considerably better rant than the annual rites going on elsewhere. Note the soldiers suicidal invasion of Gallipoli was on 25 April 1915, Feast of Moloch. Why accept their date ? Reject their date along with Australia day date.
From internet:
“The Gallipoli campaign was a military campaign in the First World War that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula, from 19 February 1915 to 9 January 1916.”
So have Anzac day on 10 January, reject their Feast of Moloch, their temple, their baubles, their “Red Shield” appeal, their nationalism ( the next step to top-down globalism ), it’s all infiltrated and controlled so reject it, every chance you get. Feast of Moloch is the clue, “All Hail Lord Moloch” or whatever they say over there at Bohemian Grove.
Tricky Team Elbow, following the tried and true politicians’ trick of sneaking stuff through during some other distraction
Oh Moloch Entire
Oh Moloch Entire
A military band in waltz time
Another nail hammered into Australia’s coffin by our American “mates”.
Caitlin Johnstone
tippy toe, every town has one, I’m so sorry, it was a blood sacrifice, the lambs separated from the kids, for all to see.
I will not forget
so what did Hawke and Keating have in common beyond freemasonry handshake, well they sold their very own daughters to rumpastilskin, just, for a start
That’s the price to get to the top huh
It’s funny the things people do to their kids
The world is messed up enough already
All exposed on ITNJ—before it was silenced– yes the price to get to the top
Although ITNJ has reconfigured for the next bit –Ahh Natural Justice
May the Truth be Told
re: Turning up someplace and shooting the locals, the Queensland cops are a hard act to beat at the moment, this guy they shot a few days ago was waving a knife, but it took a while for me at least to notice the back story:
“Queensland Police were called to … a suburb of Townsville, about 4.40pm on Friday following reports a man had threatened to self harm” – so they went there and shot him. Problem solved, no time wasted.
Every parent, sooner or later, has to answer their children. How will we answer?
Unless we take back our nation, the insane in absolute power will wipe us all out.
Enemy holds the guns because of our compliance and ignorance. We are betraying our children into slavery, and only by speaking up against the BS. we can save them from hell here now with CBDC.
One belt is coming up the great divide, it is our duty to stop this wicked insanity and help the little ones all born innocent by the grace of the Almighty.
The globalists, through puppets like Hawkeye and Cheating, want to own the entire world with everything in it, creating a slave class to the point of dehumanising with genetic engineering and beyond by replacing people with artificial insane AI robots.
Why and what purpose?
It is the antithesis of everything that is good, leading to absolute slavery and genocide of 90%. People must wake up, before it’s too late. Pray and keep on praying, to Him and Holy Mother crushing the serpent’s head under her feet. 🙏
The only way to understand what’s going on is in light of biblical scripture.
There are demons in power, WHO are destroying everything God created, intent on replacing us with a genetically adulterated poisoned trance human chaotic mess. For the greed of money, the banksters and corporate monopolies are destroying the earth.
Almighty has let this happen so that we gain knowledge of both good and evil, to teach us all a hard lesson. That there is only one faith that is repentance in Jesus Christ, His Son.
We are incapable without Him, because of sin. Greedy, power thirsty, murdering psychopaths always rise like oil on water, therefore all political regimes devolve into systems of enslavement, rule by the seeds of serpents.
Realise, this life and the eternal is absolutely not possible through science.
Global rice shortage looms after rice reported to ’cause climate change’
Rice latest enemy in war against major foods like meat, dairy
A global rice shortage is expected to hit this year as rice production falls to just 8.7 million tons, making it the worst rice shortfall in twenty years. The news follows reports that rice is causing “climate change” by making up 10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Rice, which is heavily consumed throughout Asia, is a staple food commodity in poor households. A rice shortage is bound to seriously impact poverty-stricken populations across Asia, Europe, and even North America.
The price of rice has now skyrocketed, averaging $17.30 cwt year-to-date. Cwt is a unit of measurement used for rice.
But aside from causing “climate change” rice is said to be in shortfall because of the weather, in addition to the war between Russia and Ukraine.
“There’s a short supply of rice as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine, as well as bad weather in rice-producing economies like China and Pakistan,” reported CNBC last week…………..
If science bothers to look it will discover the Sun is alive.
Yet everything under the Sun is dead, including we Persons (corpse-orations), except those Temples of the Crown in the City of London. They claim to be alive to remain above the laws they impose on everyone else on the Sun’s earth.
The Crown’s provider bequeathed the exceptional status because their Sir Knights claim to have found great treasure (euro banking) under the Temple of the Sun (Solomon’s Temple).
With the Secret of the Age in its hands the Provider could now claim legal ownership of all Tenants on the Sun’s earth using the mort-gage. Again with the legal help of those Sir Knights of the Crown Temple in the City of London – which school geography teaches is located in England but the Sir Knights domicile in the aether.
Their aether being a nebulous area that since the swinging sixties has included the Cayman Islands, Jersey and twelve other euro/external tax free h(e)avens around the world.
The good news is, after all the monetary bacchanalia-ing it was the poison pill intrinsic to euro banking that took out ancient Greece and Rome.
Now, where is that fellow with the jar of water? In the City. Oh Ohh!
Prince Harry sues Sun (newspaper), Murdock has to find more to go under the bus
[ Turks getting heavily into English Global News ]
Minions Elton John and Hugh Grant on board.
And RF Kennedy says it was Big Pharma ( Rockerfellas + )
Is RF Kennedy Illuminati, well how should I know.
The Establishment has decided “enough of free press”
As in Ancient Egypt, “We control the sun, not the other way around”
The “Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890” shows the exemption of the Channel Islands from every day law.