Home News Dr McCullough’s “Mass Negligent Homicide” Interview on X22 Report

Dr McCullough’s “Mass Negligent Homicide” Interview on X22 Report


Introduction by DM

A summary interview by Dr. McCullough on “The Pandemic, Crime Of All Crimes, It Never Had To Be This Way, [Knowingly]”

Dr McCullough points out that the vaccine developers defrauded the world, undermining early treatment and propagating the vaccines as the only solution. (crimes — 19:00 min)

He says this is “Mass Negligent Homicide” by denying effective early treatment — and with 30x underreported injuries and deaths leading to 500,000 deaths from the vaccines. There are over 3,000 papers on the subject.

He offers some solutions to the spike proteins.



    • It is very important to watch the link immediately above.
      I think it is a lying pharma presstitute Chanel in Sydney vilifying anyone who had questions on the mystery injection the msm promotes.
      Remember their faces and every other msm injector trying to get us killed or injured.
      Now listen to McColough on what should be done about all those evil greedy drug pushers.
      Come on tell them what should be done to them after the military tribunals find them aiding and abetting, at least ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE.
      MSM, politicians, ABC and all the complicit medical world. This is no joke, just look around at what you have done …… and it is getting worse.
      BTW, where is Dr Phelps now, on all this? Is her medical practice keeping her patients up with their covid boosters as still promoted by government and mass lying media?
      Come on Doctor and ex politician for the federal seat of Wentworth in the Australian parliament.
      Remember how you called for illegals to be brought into Australia for medical attention and succeeded?
      Now what about our medical protection against the pharma profiteers? Silence!!!!!!!!!
      Were you MUZZLED and if so are you wearing it?

      • At the very end of the 2 min twitter video Celebrity Doctor Kerryn Phelps finally admits Craig Kelly and others were on the money months or years before her and for whatever reason there is an uncomfortable sort of ‘gulp’ throat readjustment

  1. With an estimated 20 million deaths and 2 Billion injuries world wide – what the big pharma Globalists set out to do, is nothing less than a genocide.

  2. Clive Palmer UAP:

    An important message about the conduct of the TGA
    Dear Members,
    I am writing to you all because the party needs your help and assistance.
    At the recent United Australia Party vaccine conferences held around Australia, the Chair of the party’s Health and Policy Committee, Dr Melissa McCann, a prominent general practitioner, was able to provide some expert material which evidenced the incompetence and criminal neglect of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in carrying out their proper function.
    The response from the TGA was to threaten and bully Dr McCann and to overstep their authority by threatening her medical registration.
    I acted immediately to protect her and the party’s interests. You can see a copy of the letter the TGA sent to Dr McCann by clicking HERE and a copy of my response HERE.
    [ If links don’t work see below ]
    I have decided it’s time that we as a party should act as the woke cancel culture acts and demand that the bully Adj Prof Robyn Langham resign from her position as Chief Medical Adviser.
    Prof Langham tried to deny UAP member Dr McCann freedom of political speech which the High Court of Australia has found is protected by the Australian constitution.
    Below are the full contact details for Prof Brendan Murphy, head of the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care (who is responsible for the functions of the TGA), and The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care.

    Prof Brendan Murphy AC
    Secretary of the Department of Health and Aged Care
    GPO Box 9848
    Canberra ACT 2601

    Email: Brendan.Murphy@health.gov.au
    Phone: Switchboard 02 6289 1555 Freecall 1800 020 103

    The Hon Mark Butler
    Health Minister
    PO Box 6022 House of Representatives
    Parliament House
    Canberra ACT 2600

    Email: minister.butler@health.gov.au
    Phone: 02 6277 7220

    I ask you all to exercise your right of free speech and either email or write to both of them separately, to:
    Call for the dismissal of this bully from the TGA, and;
    Remind them that Dr Melissa McCann has every right to report deaths that are taking place, including the deaths of children.
    It is now an established fact, confirmed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), that over 25,000 more Australians have died this year than last. This is the equivalent of one jumbo jet crash every week killing all passengers, but you don’t hear about it in the media because of corruption and cover up within the TGA and other authorities who should be focused on protecting Australian lives.
    Many of you have felt helpless as individuals and not known what you should do, but now you know!
    Please support me and support your party. It’s time for action!
    All the best,
    Clive Palmer

  3. ABC TV news on in the other room.
    “20 year old AFL player dies after tackle.”
    Well I didn’t hear about that type of thing before.
    Followed by a story on “Long Covid”.

  4. Why are people still talking of a Covid pandemic instead of a Covid scam? Just compare the deaths in 2020 to 2019. There were no unusual death numbers even in the U.S. If you must mention a Covid problem, also mention that Covid Sars 2 in mankind was crafted by man in a laboratory in U.S. Only Dr David Martin talks about this situation. He has the proof. He has shared that knowledge over the internet for about three years, but the msm still wont mention it.

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