by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Until recently, there were no individuals, or cabals of individuals, capable of commanding the whole human species. There were probably — from the earliest village time — bullies who could run their whole society of, say, 200 souls. Unhappy members could escape and start a new group.
We are now faced with a unique situation. It appears that a cabal has a real plan to command all of us. The World Economic Forum, the WEF, is headed by Klaus Schwab who happily boasts of his plans to lead all people — eight billion, mind you.
Schwab has got “form” — he was involved with the IMF. That bully organization would go into a Third World country and impose “austerity measures.”Β On what grounds? On the grounds that the nation had defaulted on repayment of a loan (which it had been forced to take in the first place by some bank bullies). If it would agree to austerity, such as no free hospitals, it could get a rescheduling of its loan.
Why did none of the victims escape? In retrospect, knowing what we now know about the clubbiness of all First-World governments, it must be that the suffering countries had no one to turn to. We see that France did not reach out to help its former African colonies, for instance.
What Is the Mechanism of Control?
This article is about human biology. I wish to address our biological capacity for acting in our own interest when an enemy threatens us. Generally, persons with coinciding interests form alliances. At times in the past, persons could go about secretly establishing such alliances. Today, however, it is not possible to do that, thanks both to surveillance and to our not knowing whom to trust.
Let me dwell briefly on how that came about.Β How did WEF emerge in 2020 with its clever weapon, the Covid-19 pandemic? It must have done so with the help of two things. The first is people’s shyness — yes, I think it’s as simple as shyness — about discussing the many clues of the bulliies’ wrongdoing. (“We just couldn’t believe it.” “Don’t want to make a fool of myself when I lack solid evidence,” — etc.)
The second is the bullies’ “new technology” by which it has mind-controlled us, and thus prevented our forming alliances. No, I don’t mean fancy instruments. Much mind control was accomplished by the bullies learning how the human animal operates. They asked “What human behaviors are predictable?”
They could acquire much knowledge by mere observation. It’s well known that a mother cat will fight hard to save her kittens. In the MK-Ultra program, some human females were impregnated specifically to give them a “kitten” so their maternal behavior could be played upon.
If the boss wanted “Susan” to perform a service (say, a murder), a childless Susan might be able to refuse, even knowing it could lead to great punishment for her.Β Β But Sandra, who had a baby, could be threatened with harm to the baby and that was unacceptable to her — so Sandra would do the bidding of the boss.
“Tavistock,” the name of a mental health gig in London, is a word that is used, accurately or otherwise, to refer to quite a long list of ways to control people by their own minds rather than by, say, leg irons or the withholding of food.
Reportedly, Tavistock started by experimenting on shell-shocked soldiers of World War I. Later it helped develop the profession of psychiatry and the academic field of psychology. The bullies must have been fascinated at all the various ways to control people, including by education and other cultural means. Daniel Estulin says in his book, Tavistock Institute, that the children’s TV show Sesame Street is used to train kids.
In the long run, British Intelligence, the CIA, and Mossad all used mind control in their work. (See my book Deliverance! on this.) No doubt their interest is in finding ways to subdue a population on behalf of their globalist bosses. But the torturing of prisoners at Gitmo may also reflect ordinary sadism. As Orwell said, in 1984, “The purpose of torture is torture.”
It must be noted that some of the most cruel practices used by governments were already present in society. Sexual abuse of children, and torture of them, Β is a major one, which, oddly, appears in some of the most wealthy families — they do it to their own children.Β See Joachim Hagopians’ book Pedophilia and Empire or Rabbi Antelman’s The Opiate of the People.
International Bullies
Now back to the matter of how we can deal with mega-bullies. Today we hear that nations will be starved out deliberately and that the process is already underway, with the burning of food businesses, internationally. Apparently, high-level persons — and their lackeys — are carrying out a genocide that knows no borders.
This interferes with alliance formation. Consider your chances of getting English-speaking nations to band together against globalist bullies. The persons at the top of the Five Eye nations: Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Anthony Albanese, and Jacinda Ardern are unified with the globalists — against their own people.
Wasn’t it amazing to watch the Freedom convoy in Canada last winter? The people were all for the truckers, but Trudeau’s Parliament defeated them. The truckers’ manliness was on display, but they eventually had to go home. They did not achieve their goal of a lifting of vaccine mandates, nor did the military get any vaccine relief via court action.
What Did Evolution Produce?
Being short of time, I can make only a crude sketch of human evolution here. Taxonomically, humans belong to the phylum chordata (having a backbone), the class mammalia (warm blooded), and the order primate (dwell in trees).Β Apes and hominids are our primate relatives, with each species evolving a different family structure. For instance, gibbons have pair bonding for life, while chimpanzees have sexual promiscuity, with mothers sharing some of the care of the young communally.
Humans have more than one option for family structure. Some human societies have harems, i.e., polygamy, and others have the nuclear family. Polygamy preceded monogamy — it takes cultural discipline to maintain monogamy. (Note:Β in our own lifetime, pair bonding has been culturally altered.) As for social grouping, the tribe developed from the family. Neighboring tribes did, however, swap members by way of exogamy — trading females out.
Nomadism preceded settled life. Agriculture was discovered only three millennia ago. The planting of seeds meant that food could be produced without every individual having to grow gather food.Β Hence a division of labor developed, including such occupations as artisans, traders, and priests. One person could emerge as the village chief based on leadership talent, but the role of chief tended to become hereditary.Β People followed the sons of a talented person even if he lacked talent.
It is a result of late-maturing offspring that the human species has a long period of child-training. Some animals “know what to do” from the minute they are born, but we have to find out from parents. The biological urge to follow parental direction is no doubt the basis of our trait of obedience and respect for authority.
As I have often written, willingness to submit to authority is a mixed blessing. Consider, today, how the wearing of a Covid mask became known as virtue-signaling. People got very agitated by non-wearers of the mask. And some wore the mask when driving alone in their cars — talk about blind obedience!
It was a surprise to me that people could accept the “science” of doctors who spoke on mainstream TV, but were able to dismiss all doctors of the criticizing variety. Educated people did this — even those who had previously valued rationality and the questioning nature of science. Even Steven Pinker. Even persons whose job description is “philosopher of science”!!!
Mammalian Selfishness
Being mammals, we are unavoidably selfish.Β I don’t mean selfish as in greedy, mean, or egotistical.Β I mean “self”-ish, protective of self. On reaching adulthood, every mammal has to look out for himself. This is a good thing — we have liberty, we can control our own fate. But it does put a limit on our ability to band in a cooperative group.
What is the source of unselfishness, a.k.a. altruism? I grew up thinking we got our morals by adhering to our religious beliefs, in my case Catholic. Sure, I must have noticed that some people, in fact many people, had kindness as a personality trait. But I had no insight into the biology of altruism until I read Wilson’s Sociobiology in 1976.
Wilson got the basic idea of kin altruism from William Hamilton of Oxford. Hamilton found, in animals, that unselfishness could prosper if it helped relatives. (As in, “the gene for unselfishness can make it into the future via sons or cousins who benefit from the unselfish deed of the altruist.”)
In the 1980s, Wilson was in rivalry with Richard Alexander who claimed that human altruism is the evolutionary result of group-to-group competition. As in “one of our ancestral primate species had groups (societies) living near each other who fought one another for resources. And the winner was … may I have the envelope, please?Β The winner was the group that had unselfish members.”
How so? Alexander meant that unselfish members acted for the whole group’s sake instead of for their personal sake. Such a group would have cohesion, for example in battle. The soldier would gladly die. Richard Alexander was of the same background as Wilson — an entomologist by trade. Both guys were aware of ants’ ability to submerge themselves for the good of the ant colony.
Alexander said that the noble human emotion of loyalty came about as a product of group selection, not kin selection, a la Hamilton. But, as I said, a cat automatically protects her kittens. This entails an emotion that must have evolved not by group selection, but by individual selection, also known as Darwinian selection.Β As in “a cat whose genes direct it to feel an emotion of helping the young will end up leaving descendants that have her genetic type. As opposed to a selfish cat who doesn’t protect Kitty and so Kitty never even reaches reproductive age.”
Late in life, Wilson switched over to preferring group selection. Dozens of his former sociobiologists wrote a condemning letter about that, to Nature or similar journal. I’m pretty sure kin selection and group selection have both contributed to human evolution.
I must conclude this article, and postpone to a later article the matter of humans’ ability to cooperate in the face of a threat. I hope I have shown that we have selfishness.Β (Oh boy, do we have selfishness — and the ever-smart bullies have trained us to INCREASE our selfishness!). But we also have altruism or selflessness, or whatever you want to call it.
Any society could culturally increase its proclivity for banding together. At this very moment in New Hampshire, we are attempting to do this by lowering the hostility between “Labor and liberal” to use the Aussie lingo. I have decided to pitch my campaign talk at Dems as well as Repubs, even though Dems can’t vote for me in the 13 September 2022 primary.
Banding is vital now. When I lived in the United Arab Emirates, there were many Sudanese people there. They were known for banding together to an amazing degree.Β Recently, in the USA, I met a Sudani taxi driver. I told him that we used to say “If you go into a room and there are five Sudanis there, there is really only one Sudani there.”
He smiled proudly.
Pretty much goes in line with your previous article. Who trustingly adjudicates the Grand Jury in the International Criminal Court. And when we donβt see any system of justice that preserves the accountability of truth and justice do we the people naturally react and revolt against a corrupt system. They (Globalist) more than likely know the breaking point and threshold of the human being where this will enable them to accomplish their end game. Every large corporation has a piece of us or is in our lives now and unless we can disconnect from them we will be a slave to whatever they throw at us. Unfortunately I am starting to give up and becoming very reserved in my conversation with people nowadays. Lost the trust in humanity.
Elbow is getting the full media treatment now he has returned from his round the world trip.
He is shown crying close-up because he loves his wife and his mother died, or something like.
The Main$treamMedia has also been promoting Queen and co as much as possible, now they have done their shakeout, it’s M$M rehab time. Old folks homes are full of “covid” they tell us, we are on the next “wave”, everyone is becoming “eligible” for their 4th “shot”. Get shot or get locked down, is their preferred scenario. M$M will sweeten it all up. Hang on, time for sport again !!! This time it’s going to blow over quick, “the Joker” beat “Aussie Nick”. What about the Spaniard, he was clutching his heart then they flipped the video to make it look like pain on the right side. Next he was told to say he was afflicted in the lower abdomen. Next they had to move it even further away, to the foot I think I heard. He is slipping away. Our va666inated hero is falling apart but “the Joker” won Wimbledon. I can’t even remember the Spaniard’s name. They stopped repeating it. Bye-bye
Suddenly, Victoria Police have to release a guy they had locked up for 22 years for a cop-shooting. Who is running Victoria now ? ? ? Who is going down ? ? ?
Germans not the only ones running out of fuel, now Sri Lankans are saying they can’t live without importing oil, how are they all going to live, go ask Rockerfellas for the solution I guess since they think they own all the oil in the world, along with the Kings of Holland, Thailand, Arabia, Norway and a few others. Australia can help Sri Lanka with some near use-by injections, probably working on that now.
Why did Germany and Russia build Nordstream 1 & 2 pipelines if they are so ready to stop using them. Nobody will notice if Sri Lankan income drops to subsistence level, or if millions of old Germans freeze to death in a few months. It appears to be the plan !!!
You can look up refugee camps on google maps and they even have reviews and opening hours, when I have some spare time I will check out a few more
The problem with learning from books written in English, where the topic relies on ancient history and prehistory, is that few if any English-speaking social scientists ever learned the language of their subjects. It was considered a betrayal of race superiorty to do so.
To paraphrase in 1950’s vernacular: “He has gone native. poor chap, and having submerged his consciousness and intellect to that abysmal level, he is now no use to man nor beast”. An outcast. A pariah. Also, thence, unpublishable.
And that, dear reader, sums up Australian anthropology vis a vis Aboriginal culture, law, social structure, and pre-history. Yet much of the world relies on those insights for compehension of hunter-gatherer understanding and, therefore, our own ancient genesis.
The rate of indigenous acculturation is such that access to genuine culture declined dramatically from 1975 onwards. We have been educated by frauds.
Well, not everybody, it seems. In 1992 my Kakadu safaris were invaded by five Austrian anthropologists who had undertaken a three months study of their Australian colleagues, concluding that all should be stripped of their degrees and many prosecuted for fraud, because they had violated the first ethic… of failing to demonstrate linguistic proficiency before launching into trans-cultural interpretations.
But why tell me? Because for half a century, I have emersed myself in a 24,000 year old culture, learning in-language and, as a result, presenting an understanding of that culture that bears no resemblance to that of convential academia. The Austrians clicked to this.
Actually, apart from the French, that has been the behviour of most scientists. And we do not know about the French view because it is published in French.
Other frauds and globalist/elitist scientists (notoriously, the Leakeys) deliberately shaped our kowledge of prehistory to suit their viewpoint.
It has been said that we cannot navigate into the future if we do not know our past, an observation clearly understood by the Leakys, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, who have, since 2003, destroyed any publicly accessable literature that exposes us to reality. Which fate, apparently, befell the five anthropologists of integrity from Austria, never to be heard of again. But the works of frauds, such as Mead, are readily available even after being outed by her victims.
The conclusion? Surely, I don’t need to spell it out.
Mary Maxwell, Nicely said as Petr Kropotkin would in Mutual-Aid, a factor of evolution. There are a number of interdisciplinary socio-economic practices, which enabled all humanity’s ‘indigenous’ (‘self-generating’) ancestors to live in balance described in the CIRCLE-OF-LIFE found on every continent. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/indigenous-circle-of-life
& No, besides all the oligarch-fed & financed false colonial hype for domination, Hunter-gatherer only refers to 1st Nation ‘refugees’. Colonial genocide created Hunter-gatherers, by driving large populations from their rich valley, river, lake & ocean-side homes, typically north & west to colder climates, less fertile forest lands, hence the colonial word ‘savage’ (Latin ‘sylva’ = ‘tree’).
While colonial anthropology is very $$$ dependent upon agreeing with ‘exogenous’ (L ‘other-generated’) government & wealthy corporations, Ethno-history based in indigenous methodologies since such as Kropotkin & Lewis Henry Morgan in ‘Ancient Society’ exemplify integrated research.
In order to understand these human & biosphere ‘balances’ in our time, one has to break out of the colonial worldview, which we have been indoctrinated into. Half of our indoctrination is so insidious, we are unaware of it.
i.e moving from fear & compliance to sovereign association, even & especially, among large populations
A number of researchers & authors such as Henry-F Dobyns in Their Number Become Thinned, 1491 by Charles C. Mann & my following article on Orchard-food-production-Efficiencies show the easy to understand calculations about how all humanity’s ancient cultivated 3-dimensional Polyculture Orchards are 100 times or 10,000% more productive for food, materials, energy & water-cycle than 2-D ‘agriculture’ (L ‘ager’ = ‘field’). Dobyns lay the foundation for understanding the Americas as being the most densely populated continents in the world with some 110 million people & with the largest cities worldwide. I speak from 58 years in indigenous solidarity & 5 decades of experience in both agriculture & polyculture. These calculations are the missing part of the 1st book of the Torah, which help us understand Babylon Eden’s plenty, but missing the story of oligarchy’s perversion of the worldwide string-shell into a system of centralized control into today’s false ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) as a population amnesic control system.
Weβre living in a global electronic concentration camp, crushed by the injustice of usury and taxation, suffering from rapidly rising prices for basic consumption, our mass now relegated to slavery by a collective of the select few.
Their end game is to breed out most races and engineer blended slaves.
Look around say it isnβt so.
Doublespeak peaking with Aboriginal flag to replace nsw crown banner. May be a good thing, unless they replace it with red one and pentagram.
“Until recently, there were no individuals, or cabals of individuals, capable of commanding the whole human species”
So Nimrod/Gigmesh is just some sort of story that was cooked up for entertainment’s sake?
Might as well stick to the baba-speak version then:
The Tower of Babel – Wee Ones’ Bible Stories
The sons of Noah were named Shem, Ham and Japheth. These sons in turn became the fathers of children so that the descendants of Noah were very numerous.
One of these descendants, named Nimrod, was a mighty hunter and a man of power and authority in the land, and it has even been said that the people worshiped him as a god.
In those days men liked to build high towers reaching away up toward the heavens. Perhaps they were afraid of another flood, and perhaps they simply wished to show what they could do; but however that may be, ruins of towers can still be seen in various parts of the world, one of the most noted of which is that of the “Tower of Nimrod.” It is forty feet high and stands on the top of a hill near the River Euphrates in Asia.
Look at whoβs working, only because Aussies and Euros are too lazy to do it. Hey sunshine arseholes in ivory towers, who do you think built this nation before it was shafted post PA and 911?
Age of Obfuscation.
TPTB are resetting. Dumping old industries for new and buying up land etc. They’ve done it before … they know how to keep the mob happy.
Some of them will drop out.
They act collectively, cos they know what happens if one tries to lord it over the others.
Gangster rules.
Now that the educated intelligentsia have explored history and science and still cannot identify the means of redemption, the bogan working class will eventually shove you aside and do it themselves.
It was one little word and still you could not see it.
Dutch farmers torch Gates’ installation
Biden sends emergency oil reserves to CCP
Biden declares body-parts emergency
Maricopa County Rejects Certification (2 min)
Son calls father pedo
Check out what you were poisoned with !!! Naomi Wolf (5 min)
Pro-Tennis news
Nadal falling apart – officially coincidence
Theragripper – nano-sized synthetic hookworm drug delivery system planned to stick up children’s buttholes
The psychopaths of BigPharma and the MedicalIndustrialComplex have made a huge error, they have underestimated how much normal women love health and babies. Before, they exploited women’s passion for health and manipulated it by infiltrating it with a bogus priesthood. As with the Catholics, the big walkout is coming.
There now exists all sorts of special schools and programs for autistic kids who can’t deal with ordinary school. They have so many crippled children of all types now, thanks in various cases to their experiments and denied “side-effects”. The baby came out normal, got all its injections, then one day it was found to be crippled in some way !!! Even Donald trump said, ( before he was president ), a lot of people had told him that their kid was fine until it got injected. Now, who knows what’s going on with Trump.
All these baby deaths, injuries and so forth won’t be forgotten quickly and the victim mothers are starting to wise up.
Coffin orders, from Stew Peters Show:
Child size caskets 5 years worth of stock sold in 7 months
[…] July 11, 2022 at GumshoeNews.com, I wrote two articles: Β “Biologically, What Powers Do Humans Have for Defeating Mega-Bullies?” Β and “Dealing with the Mega-Bullies: Leadership and […]