Home News Dealing with the Mega-Bullies: Leadership and Creativity

Dealing with the Mega-Bullies: Leadership and Creativity


Dutch Farmers protesting in 2019Dutch Farmers protesting in 2019, Photo: Robin van Lonkhuijsen at Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

My previous article on this topic of dealing with mega-bullies was an inquiry into human nature. I didn’t get any further than trotting out some history of how we have reacted in the past, and what instincts we have for obedience, for war, and so forth. I also mentioned mind control, such as the work of Tavistock.

Now we have to buckle down to “the facts on the ground.” The facts as I see them are that a more-or-less secret group intends to run the world. Klaus Schwab is not secretive, as he needs to boast.  Bill Gates gives some predictions, but with a nice spin. Many of the major operators have never been identified other than as “banks.”

It’s probably correct to say that all of the leading corporations, the monopolies, take part in the planning for a world takeover.  See my book Keep the Republic, Kill the Takeover. As for the elected presidents and prime ministers who attend “G-7” or “G-20” get-togethers, they are probably not the planners — they seem to me to lack imagination — but they all support the bullies. They subscribe to whatever is proposed. “Each human baby to have three ears instead of two from now on? No problem.” Note: leaders have thereby lost all their traditional prestige.

The New Stuff

The mega-bullies’ stuff is very new.  Oh, by the way, the young had better listen to the old.  At least we, the old, were around to see another way of life, one that is “standard office procedure” for modern humans. If the young are exposed only to new stuff, they won’t have an observation post from which to judge it.

As a lass of 75 summers, I judge most of the new plans to be garbage. Really weird garbage. Things like merging our bodies with machines shouldn’t even be taken seriously. And those who propose it need to have their hides tanned.

(Well son of a gun, I just googled for “tan their hides” to make sure I was not breaching a rule, and was offered the prices.  It’s $16 to tan a red fox’s hide, $20 for a badger, and $22.50 for a bobcat.)

The new stuff includes things that we have already been subjected to for a few decades: geo-engineering, vaccines with harmful contents, fluoridated water, propaganda to break the family down. (Marriage? have you been to a wedding lately?  I presume shops that sell bridal gowns have had to go out of business.)

“The new” also includes Patriot-Act type stuff, and the general governmental crackdown on everyone’s freedom and privacy.  By the way, Young Folk, privacy used to be a really beautiful thing, worth fighting for. it gave a certain flavor to life, to relationships, and to sense of self.  All gone bye-bye because a few mega-bullies think they are so clever. (Note: some say that the bringing in of anti-privacy “security equipment” was done simply to make a profit on that new line of machines.)

What Resources Have We Got for This Job?

It occurred to me while writing the previous article — “Biologically, What Powers Do Humans Have for Defeating Mega-Bullies?” — that I kept dodging or running away from the main topic. I pussyfooted my way around it, sensing the poor odds of us being able to succeed. No doubt the entire society is avoiding it like mad. But I am now resolved to work it through, and if we are in a truly hopeless situation I will say so, K?

Yesterday’s article listed two biological mechanisms that we have for confronting trouble. I believe they are outdated.  They’re not obsolete, as the old uses for them still occur, but they can’t encompass our new problem: world takeover. I said we have selfishness and altruism, both are innate and are strong when triggered by certain events in our environment.

It seems that our habit of selfish behavior won’t be useful in a confrontation with mega-bullies.  The baddies are well coordinated — Imagine 100 of them acting against 1.  No matter how selfishly concerned with your own survival you may be, they can kill you. I think that if you try, alone, to beat the bullies today, you don’t stand a chance.  (I could be wrong, of course.)

So next we turn to altruism. Can it be useful today, in regard to the takeover? Altruism of soldiers is a basic instinct called into play when the tribe needs defending. But soldiering implies one society united against another. Today we have the leaders of most countries united — with each other– against their tribes. So how can soldiers get into formation to fight? They would be immediately struck down for doing that.

What Is Leadership?

Like love, leadership is where you find it; it happens.  In some bird species, I believe, there is no particular leader but when one of the birds rises up to fly, the others instantly respond to that signal and fly with her. In humans there may be some of that, but also there are individuals whose personality predisposes them to take action and encourage others.

Unfortunately, as we have seen, leadership in modern Western society is equated with position and so the holder of that position, with its official powers, can “lead” in the sense of oppressing his/her people. The female prime minister of New Zealand appears to me to have no sense of  helping her people overcome the evil plans afoot — she does not even acknowledge the problem.  In Australia, a layperson nicknamed Aussie Cossack has shown leadership on the street during the Covid restrictions.

In the US, a government person, Senator Rand Paul, has been the lone voice against the “gain of function” scandal involving Dr Fauci. One ex-DoJ prosecutor, Sidney Powell, strode forth with news about the software crimes of election-theft and tried to litigate it. An ex-government official, Paul Craig Roberts, yells from the rooftop every day about our perilous situation.

Many doctors tried to communicate with colleagues and the public about the dangers of the vaccine. Among the most leaderly are: Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr Peter McCullough, and Dr Pierre Kory in the US, Dr Vernon Coleman in the UK, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi in Germany. They have all been punished by government.  How so?  Isn’t there a powerful union to help them? Ah, but the medical union, like that of other industries, works for the bullies.

The leaders mentioned so far have made their mark on the public.  Even though none of their demands got satisfied, they have proved to mankind that leadership exists. They proved that there is a concept of right and wrong that can be understood in any language.  I suppose their main accomplishment has been to “make the case” for opposing the mega-bullies.

Today a friend instructed me to watch a 9 July 2022 video by Alex Jones.  It started out by showing an amazing scene of a protest in Sri Lanka, accompanied by some violence such as tipping a bus over and setting fire to a building. Alex presented the problem very clearly, playing back old clips of Gates and Biden in which they announced the Plan.

Jones then disappointed me by ending with “If they come for me, I will be happy, as I love God and will go to meet Him.” Well, that’s not leaderly — that’s throwing in the towel. Nevertheless, I credit Alex for saying (earlier) that belief in God gives strength to the people. I believe that is so. Religion, to a suffering people, is not just a comfort; it sparks action.  It says we prefer right to wrong, and God will see us through the fight — so gather up ye bayonets, men.

Human Creativity

It’s time for me to come to the moment of truth about any innate human ability that we could use today to solve the mega-bully problem (aka the Takeover). I think the honest answer is: we do not have any such innate ability. The fact that some men have now risen to the top of the whole human population just did not happen before the 21st century. We have had no chance to practice, much less to evolve, a way to counteract those monsters.

Certainly the fact that our presidents’ coziness with one another replaces inter-national conflict is unique!  All of them are but acolytes to the top elite.  And that top elite, instead of opening up the halls of creativity, have said that they’ve already worked out which plan for the human species is best. My oh my. Do they need to have their hides tanned, or what.

I think the way around the impasse is human creativity, which, after all, has got us around every other impasse thus far. The person with the deepest sense of the role of creativity in our generation is Philip Allott of the UK, author of Eutopia. Here at GumshoeNews I wrote a series of eight articles about that book. I won’t cover it again now, but it is easy to find. I shall give one quote from Eutopia.  It is from page 292:

“We are perfectly capable of being more intelligent and more selective in what we do. Remaking the human condition must start with a maturing of the collective human mind, growing out of its wild adolescence into some sort of stable self-knowledge and self control, not losing its youthful vigour and enthusiasm but learning to channel it in better ways.  Such a thing does not require a miracle. It requires a concerted effort by those who know this truth to proclaim it and practice it. We are a pre-human species with the capacity to become a human species.” — Philip Allott, Eutopia: New Philosophy and New Law for a Troubled World.

I’ve also taken the following “Inspirational Quotes” from goodreads.com:

Haruki Murakami“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Marianne Williamson“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world….. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

Dr. Seuss“You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!



  1. I’m carrying this over from Frankly’s comment at 1:44pm on July 11, 2022:

    “Every large corporation has a piece of us or is in our lives now and unless we can disconnect from them we will be a slave to whatever they throw at us.”

    • “What is it that makes A Course in Miracles so successful? All in all, the Course is a masterpiece of spiritual strategy. It claims to be a revelation from Jesus Christ Himself, and it is intelligently organized and simply written. It appeals to personal pride and can become almost addicting emotionally. It is carefully designed for radically restructuring a person’s perception against Christian faith and toward New Age occultism. ”

      “A Course in Miracles is more New Age “dribble” meant to sidetrack and confuse us.  What is not widely known about this “course” is that it was received by demonic revelation by a Jewish atheist psychologist named Helen Schucman in 1965.  In this “cutsy” course, Satan attempts to hide his existence, while at the same time “revealing” to the gullible Ms Schucman, an entire list of things that contradict Holy Scripture – which only the father of lies could concoct.”

      “The Course also teaches that evil does not exist. It is an illusion that must be overcome by right thinking. The Text (i.e., volume one of The Course) reads, “Innocence is wisdom because it is unaware of evil, and evil does not exist.” In essence what is meant is that evil does not stand on its own, that it only has reality as the individual believes its existence. So, you might say that the rape victim created her own evil situation and thereby caused her own suffering. The victim is guilty; the perpetrator had no choice.”

  2. Mary W. Maxwell, RE: Dealing with Mega Bullies, Leadership & Creativity. Your writing has me both inspired & fired-up.
    1) We know the false ‘power’ of our society devolves through our false system of ‘Money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’).
    Those of us who study the history of money, see how the fractal (distributed) worldwide indigenous String-shell time-based integrated equivalency accounting system in the ~100 person Multihomes (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) & specialized Production-Society-Guilds) was replaced by central issue of metal-coin false ‘money’ amnesia for domestic, industrial & commercial contributions to these ‘communities’ (Latin ‘com’ = ‘together’ + ‘munus’ = ‘gift or service’). String-shell integrates a) ‘Capital’ (L ‘cap’ = ‘head’ = ‘collective-intelligence’), b) ‘Currency’ (‘flow’), c) ‘Condolence’ (‘social-security’) d) Collegial mentored-apprenticeship educational Credit, e) time-math Communication, f) professional Costume & much more into a single coordinated system of time recognition entry into public memory & celebration.
    Indigenous Economic Democracy enabling people to regain control of their ‘economy’ (Gk ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’) provides the only sustainable foundation for ‘Political’ (L ‘poly’ = ‘many’ + ‘tics’ = ‘workings-of’) ‘democracy’ (Gk ‘power-of-the-people’). Economic Democracy means empowerment & decision-making throughout the ‘body-politic’, much as the human body is governed by memory & ‘fractal’ (‘multiplier, building-block where the-part-contains-the-whole’) decision-making capacities of all its organs, tissues, cells, parts etc. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/8-economic-democracy
    2) Centralized versus ‘fractal’ (‘fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole distributed leadership) led to false hierarchy, but also the cutting down of rich productive 3-D Polyculture-Orchards. 2-D Agriculture (L ‘ager’ = ‘field’) brought scarcity, climate-shift, desertification, fear, drying of creeks, rivers, lakes, human poverty & oligarch command & control, which has ruled colonial society for 7000 years.
    The oligarch edited story of Noah as one of colonialism’s mega-boat builders, cutting down hardwood Polyculture mostly oak (acorn) forests, which at the time collectively held millions of cubic metres of water, millions of species & photosynthesis of 92-98% of solar energy into food, materials, energy & water-cycle is the story of oligarch colonialism creation of the flood & other catastrophes. Noah, exemplifies what humanity should not be doing to our biosphere & each other.
    i.e. Don’t fly off into the vacuum of ‘space’ to save a ‘few’ (meaning of ‘oli’), wrecking the earth’s biosphere in the process, but work with people & all species to re-plant, the polyculture-orchards, which in the time & resource, Noah had to build his boat, would have stopped the flood to begin with & re-nested humanity & all species, in plenty. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies
    NB: The Torah & Bible are essentially documentation of colonialism of that time, valuable to us today, essentially as an ‘exogenous’ guide about ‘what-not-to-do’ but missing (edited-out) the ‘indigenous’ positive proactive ‘Great-good-way-of-kindness’ aka ‘Great-Law-of-Peace’ aka ‘Constitution’.

    • Douglas, you say:
      “Agriculture brought scarcity, desertification, fear, drying of creeks, lakes, human poverty & oligarch control….”

      This made me picture an interviewer asking a member of a self-sufficient indigenous community, and a city-dweller (say, me), if they want the world to be at pre-agricultural level today, given — as you mention — fear, drying of creeks, oligarchic control.”

      Wow that’s a hard one. You seem to say the indigene would opt for erasing the discovery of agriculture (right?). Naturally, ‘Me’ blanches at the thought. It would mean no books, no chocolate bars, no washing machine, and other creature comforts that I am used to.

      But what will I have in the way of creature comforts as soon as they turn off the electricity, empty the petrol pumps, DNA-vax the kids, and generally herd the Me types into re-education camps?


    • “13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

      14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

      15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

      16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.

      17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die”

      GENESIS 6 13 – 17

      .But you’re so arrogant as to claim that “Noah, exemplifies what humanity should not be doing to our biosphere & each other” ?

      Notwithstanding the fact that, bar the adherence to said instructions you & I would never have come into existence !

  3. Mum spends her evenings watching 📺.
    Was having trouble with her fox box connection, called them for assistance, a lady in Kenya kept her on phone for nearly an hour before connecting to an on-line technician in the Philippines. ffs
    The deep state aka ‘black hand’ have been at it since Sarajevo, these days this masonic collective have everyone by the balls. In Oz, as elsewhere, its not what one knows but ‘who’s your daddy and what skool did you go to’. As long as these goons and snoops have all the guns and we none, the oppression will continue, user pays with compounding interest.

  4. Marianne Williamson, quoted in the article above, happens to be touring Oz at the moment, giving talks at 7:30 pm as follows:

    Steak and Kidney Town Hall, July 22
    Brissie City Hall, July 24
    Elder Hall, Adelaide, July 27
    Melbourne Town Hall, July 29. Are ya goin’, Dee? It might pick you up.

    Admission fee $59.00 AUD. I heard Marainne talk in NH in 2020, when she was competing with me for the presidency.

    Imagine if she had won!

    • opened to every doctor. let’s hope there’s at least a few agitators intending to crash this party.

      Anthony Fauci to address AMA National Conference


      ‘DR Anthony Fauci, Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will headline a list of eminent speakers at the Australian Medical Association’s (AMA) National Medical Conference at the end of July.’

      ‘In recognition of the tough few years for the medical profession, the traditionally “members-only” event is opening up to invite every doctor, anywhere in Australia to attend virtually or face-to-face at the Sydney International Convention Centre at stunning Darling Harbour.’

  5. I’m LOL at x22 he is so funny on some of his rants, he is saying “what about all the unva666inated, shouldn’t they all be dead by now ? And what about all the homeless, shouldn’t they all be dying in the streets ? And the Main$treamMedia, wouldn’t they all be showing all these dead homeless all over the streets by now ??? And they would have replayed it over and over, showing you how all the flat-bed trucks had to come and pick up all these people … … … but we didn’t see any of that “

  6. New dirt on the W.H.O. and depop program from Dr Rima Laibow
    Annoying mustic goes for several minutes, Maria Zee, actual interview starts after 3:30
    Dr Rima has been at it for over a decade, here is her old work full length with Jesse Ventura ( former Minnesota Governor ) and on stage, if you never saw it DON’T MISS, it is maybe the biggest interview of all time, in an aircraft hangar with JV who later went “off the grid” in Mexico.

    • This top one was hiding under John O’Looney published a few days ago but I forgot I already heard it, swamped with interviews etc lately !!! Must go out for exercise

    • Both Roger Cook and Mark McGowan should both be charged with treason as I had sent them a copy of the relevant part of the Constitution.

      The quote below proves that state borders cannot be lawfully closed.

      I quote direct from The Constitution of The Commonwealth of Australia. Section 463a. “Residents in Any State.”

      “The privileges and immunities of State citizenship are all comprehended under the following general heads: protection by the Government, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with right to acquire and possess property of every kind, and to pursue and obtain happiness and safety, subject nevertheless to such restraints as the Government may justly prescribe for the general good of the whole. The right of a citizen of one State to pass through or to reside in any other State, for the purposes of trade, agriculture, professional pursuits or otherwise, to claim the benefit of the writ of habeas corpus, to institute and maintain actions of every kind in the courts of the State: to take, hold, and dispose of property, either real or personal, and an exemption for higher taxes or impositions than are paid by the citizens of other States, may be mentioned as some of the principal privileges and immunities of citizens which are clearly embraced by the general description of privileges deemed to be fundamental.”

      There is no mention anywhere of exemptions in this paragraph because of plagues, viruses or other health issues, (such as imposed medical procedures, medical treatment or cures) which have always been where humans reside, whether in the 21st century or the 19th century when the Constitution was written.

      End of submission to McGowan.

      The judge that sat on the Clive Palmer case seems to not understand basic English.

  7. Doctors practisers/surgeries and mandatory mask wearing still in force in Western Australia(?). I had occasion to attend such building for a referral to another health clinic and went prepared for attack on refusing to wear mask. I took some literature about non-existent Covid-19, “vaccine” causing deaths and a few copies of letters I had sent to Premier McGowan. However I had the wind taken out my sails. The receptionist asked ” do you want a mask?” My answer was “no, I do not wear a face mask”. She said “O.K. take a seat over there”. This was the usual practice pre-Covid days. The doctor also made no comment about lack of mask.

    • I had my nose sticking out a few months ago and the receptionist nearly shit herself, I haven’t been back since

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