Home World Politics Bitchin’ USA

Bitchin’ USA


ThunderPro-Video Clip, Surfin' USA, Beach Boys, remastered Photos: ThunderPro-Video Clip, Surfin’ USA, Beach Boys, remastered

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

The Beachboys, 1960s song:

“We’re waxin’ down our surfboards/  We can’t wait for June/
Tell the teacher we’re surfin’/  Surfin’ USA.”

I woke up this morning saying “We can’t allow this.” The particular thing that had been on my mind was the latest “January 6 hearing.” But I had also seen, last night, the story of Peter Ganz, in Germany, who has designed a veritable “traveling Vietnam memorial wall.” It’s not about soldiers; it lists the deaths of Germans in the last year, from vaccines. He carries his wall (papers hangable on a clothesline) to any city where anti-vax activists invite him.

So here I am today, June 28, 2022, ready to start bitchin’ as loud as I can.  I happen to be a currently registered candidate for Congress. Picture this: “Mary Maxwell (R-NH).” Ha.  I don’t know if I’ll win the primary on September 13 or the election on November 7, 2022. I don’t even know if I will still be alive on those dates.  But I have to get busy shouting:  WE CANNOT PUT UP WITH THIS.

Let me start with the Jan 6 hearings.  They are somewhat fun. Everybody likes seeing someone get caught out.  Everybody likes little surprises. To have nine Congressmen arrayed in a row, discussing attacks on democracy, is not a terrible thing. It could even be a nice thing. But it is full of lies.  The whole affair is a lie. As I wrote in an article yesterday (at RumorMillNews.com), “Jan 6 Was a Psy-op, and the Hearings Are Part 2 of That Psy-op.”

Dear Reader, if you are a loyal Democrat, don’t go away.   I am not interested in “saving Donald Trump.” Nor do I really think the Party-versus-Party aspects of January 6 are important.  What matters is that the mainstream media, as always, is clobbering us with misinformation. And worse: the people accept it.  I don’t mean every member of the audience believes what So-and-So Congressperson says. I mean we accept that this sort of truth-less scene is OK.

Generation Gap

I am old. I don’t feel old but, hey, I was around when that surfin’ song by the Beach Boys was all the rage. Guys would blast it on the street from their car radios. It united us, as music often does. It gave us “good vibrations.” We lived in the huge luxury of a predictable society. The only talked-about worry was a possible nuke hit from Soviet Russia.

Essentially, we knew what was right and wrong.  Therefore, we had no qualms about trying to fix a problem. But now, in 2022 — and this is my main bitch — we don’t make the assumption that when something’s wrong it deserves fixing.  Rather, we concentrate on the trend and assume that a trend will do what a trend must do: it will continue in the direction it’s headed.

“We’ve got Omicron today and we’ll have Paniticron tomorrow.  Oh, all right.”

I did not know until recently that this is partly a generational problem. The education system — as secretly directed by some creeps — changed in mid-20th century. Charlotte Iserbyt first discovered this, as she had two sons in primary school in the 1970s.  She was appalled at what they brought home, and ended up writing the influential online book “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.” Iserbyt documents the ways in which kids are trained NOT to think logically.

The “kids” being referred to here are now the bulk of the population — anyone born after 1960.

So this may explain why adults don’t make the logical step from seeing a problem in society to clamoring for its solution. Some do, of course. As soon as Covid began, some doctors, nurses, scientists, and laypersons, jumped into action.


Those folks took the normal steps: criticizing the maltreatment of patients (e.g., by using ventilators instead of proven cures such as Ivermectin), pleading with government to let us visit Grandma in the nursing home, rallying members of certain unions, such as pilots, to fight the mandates, identifying ways in which the lockdown was a “Reset” move by big business to squelch small businesses, and so forth. I did my thing, too, viz., I filed a lawsuit, Maxwell v Secretary of Defense.

The powerful weren’t going to put up with that. They got their minions, worldwide, to smack us down. I guess one method consisted of bribery — as when hospitals were paid a big bonus for each patient they ventilated. Another much-used method was to discipline doctors who did not follow the rules. Apparently the courts, too, are minion-esque. Predictably, they came to the rescue of the bad guys, usually by refusing to adjudicate a case. (They do this by dismissing it as unworthy to be considered on the merits.)

However, the MSM, the mainstream media, is the outstanding minion. I mean the low-level personnel are minions. The high-ups are among the big decision-makers, I guess.

Media Kills

Media kills democracy, rule by the people.  Instead of rule by the people, who don’t know anything since the MSM blocks knowledge, we have rule by the media.  The media are in your living room for more hours than any other visitor. They are there, there. If they give you crap hearings for the Jan 6 invasion, that is what you will absorb. Do you really want that to happen to your brain?

The consequences are dire. I have recently published a book entitled “Unreality: Sandy Hook Messes Minds.”  Let me assure you, I did not appreciate it when certain friends told me that the massacre of 20 children at a school in Connecticut was fictional. I resisted such a weird conspiracy theory — hell, we saw the kids’ funerals didn’t we? After a while, somebody stuck my nose into it and eventually I caved.  The story IS fictional.

Sandy Hook is a psy-op, designed to make the people think a certain way about the people around them. In this case, we think that a 20-year-old boy for no reason goes into a school and does the unthinkable. In other words, mass killing is no longer unthinkable — why, it’s practically the done thing. Next, we are told that Republicans stormed the Capitol in order to take over the government. (How long were they going to stay? Did they bring a toothbrush?)

And next we have Congressional hearings, or something that physically looks like Congressional hearings, at which various persons present evidence that the US president committed a crime by encouraging a coup d’etat. Who would believe it?  Most people would believe it.

So What’cha Gonna Do?

What can you do?  You need to bitch. Some synonyms for the verb “to bitch” in Roget’s Thesaurus are:

“attack, beef, bellyache, carp, cavil, contravene, defy, denounce, dissent, fret, fuss, gainsay, grouse, indict [I like that one!], look askance, object, oppose, protest, reproach, snivel, take exception to, wail, whimper, whine, and yammer.”

I recommend you turn on your TV right now and after the very first thing they say, you say “I take exception to that.”

Of course, that’s by no means enough. And the media’ lying is not the only thing to bitch about.  You’ll have to bitch about the things they are lying about. As mentioned above, Peter Ganz in Germany displays his list of vax fatalities. There’s no question now that Pfizer and Moderna worked in cahoots with each other to create a genocidal vaccine for Covid. They planned it before the pandemic, and they hid their records. The goal was depopulation.

Well, that brings us to the next point — why do they want to depopulate us?  Won’t they miss us when we’re gone?  Oh and by the way, Jose Sousa-Faro, president of PharmaMar, a European pharmaceutical giant, has been charged with the crime of faking his vax passport.  Yes, that’s right, he “knew enough” not to get vaccinated. Indeed, many doctors over the years have refrained from having their own children vaxxed, yet they did not speak out. (In my heart of hearts, I think they want to get off this track, but someone up above has them in a vice grip.)

The depopulation agenda has been planned for decades and is scheduled (unless we stop it) to occur by 2050. About 90% of us must go. The bad guys — the monsters — already achieved one lesser genocide. They dispensed the Salk vaccine for polio with SV-40 in it (Simian Virus #40), which twenty years later causes cancer. In my opinion, they let loose the polio first, circa 1955, so folks would be scared enough to line up gladly to get their shot.  No one has ever been held accountable for any of this.

They all have impunity.  That is not the same as having immunity, which is legal. The word impunity simply means “without punishment.”  And whose fault is that?  Basically, it is your fault. You took the easy way out when you saw hugely guilty parties getting away with murder.

Oh, you say, all you did was leave it up to the proper authorities? But the proper authorities ARE the monsters. That’s the fabulous system they’ve got going. And we are the dumb victims!

Getting Even Dumber

Wait, I’m not finished. These monsters employ brilliant scientists. I suspect such persons work under hypnosis and are enslaved. They have been carrying out two revolutionary changes, and it is not a secret. Documentation can be found in libraries — and at times the mad scientists boast of their prowess. One of the revolutions is control of the weather, which entails re-organizing God’s work (and spoiling much of it — these guys are no gods). The other is a redesign of human DNA.  Any citizen vaccinated for Covid may be experiencing some DNA changes already.

Although researchers have fairly well figured out that these extreme experiments with Mother Nature are part of the general desire of a few people to run the world, I’d also blame it on a more ordinary human trait.  Namely, when we start a project and then see that it can go much further, it is rare for people to say “No, that’s enough.” The possible will always pull you along.

Plus, there is a competitive factor. One’s national group — that is, one’s tribe — fears that another tribe may get ahead. This must be avoided!  Academic political theorists speak of “the Hobbesian dilemma.” Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), who was no slouch, saw that even in regard to smaller evils, a group might reckon “If we don’t go and do that to Ruritania, somebody else will.” I imagine that our weather-controllers proceed with their crazy tsunamis, volcanoes, and so forth under Hobbesian pressure. (Or, as I said, under hypnosis.)

Therefore we, as members of the human community, need to step in and turn this nonsense around.

Please start bitching, and give it your all. The fact that this is a very different situation from any we have ever encountered is not a reason to shy away. It’s a reason to hop to it.

UPDATE: I have just watched a Congressperson’s townhall at which a pediatrician spoke. She said the Covid vax for children age 6 months to 5 years has no side effects. How would she know that?  The shot has only been in use very recently.

As I explained here, for all age groups over 5 years the number of VAERS-reported injuries related to the covid shot is over a million. Specifically, for all reports processed though June 3, 2022, it is 1,285,329 injuries and 28,714 deaths in the United States.

Further Update: As reported at NationalFile.com by Cullen McCue on Jue 28, 2022 Sesame Street is pushing the Covid shot for tots. This was done in a segment where Elmo, a beloved puppet character, has taken the shot at his doctor’s office. The dad says: “You were super-duper today, getting your COVID vaccine Elmo,” the dad says, to which Elmo replies “There was a little pinch but, it was ok.”

Then the father says: “I had a-lot of questions about Elmo getting the COVID vaccine … Was it safe? Was it the right decision? I talked to our pediatrician so we could make the right choice …

I learned that Elmo getting vaccinated is the best way to keep himself, our friends, neighbors and everyone else healthy and enjoying the things they love.”

“The show previously aired a special where puppets talk to CNN’s Sanjay Gupta about the vaccine’s supposed safety and effectiveness. All of the puppets end up taking the vaccine, including Big Bird.”

Dear Citizen, it is, of course, your duty to bitch about that. No child can protect him/her self.



  1. Globalresearch.ca for june 29, 2022 is carrying a story by Dr Mercola about food shortage:

    We’re told looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet in July 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it, and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it

    “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” published by The Rockefeller Foundation July 28, 2020, describes how the COVID pandemic caused “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S. “unlike any this country has seen in generations”

    According to The Rockefeller Foundation, the pandemic revealed deep problems in the U.S. food system that need to be “reset.” “Reset the Table” was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset,” and many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members.

    Right now, we’re told looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet, back in July 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it, and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it.

    Problem, Reaction, Solution

    There are interesting tidbits in this document. For example, on page 3, it states that “94% of deaths from COVID-19 among individuals with an underlying condition, the majority of which are diet-related.” This is surprising, considering diet and nutrition were essentially absent from public discussions and reporting about the infection.

    Equally surprising is that, on page 4, the Foundation actually admits its role in creating the problems currently plaguing our food system:

    “The Green Revolution — which The Rockefeller Foundation played a role in seeding and scaling — was effective and successful in addressing calorie-based hunger and averting mass starvation. But it left a legacy that we see clearly today, including overemphasis of staple grains at the expense of more nutrient-rich foods, reliance on chemical fertilizers that deplete the soil, and overuse of water.”

  2. Dear Mary,
    An awesome summation of modern history post JFK.
    Thank you, Dee and others for articles always worthy and relevant to ‘these changing times, changing the hearts of all man/womankind’.

    • Crisscross, I don’t know if you noticed but that Makow item references Port Arthur. Just think how long Martin Bryant has gone without his surfboard.

      The guy who wrote the Makow aricle is Fozdyke. Now here is something funny. One of the comments, in July 2020, said Canadians will never wake up. But they did, when some leadership was shown by, of all people, truckies.

      I quote the comment:
      Mick said (July 21, 2020):

      No matter how twisted and dark he appears to be, this Fozdyke guy is right on certain accounts. He is right about the herd mentality and the general compliance attitude. I’m from Canada and I can say there is nothing in this country, not even on the radar, that could indicate any kind of revolt against this COVID medical global tyranny and nonsense.

  3. A tragic article on Henry Makow today.
    Hard to fathom and heavy on heart.
    We need brighter news, like the photo above, sunshine surf in nature seeing brothers sisters the dolphins and others in the real world that are seas.
    No CBDC’s there. His Kingdom is outside the cities.

    “It’s a dark, multidimensional occult art and practise, used by secret societies in the last few hundred years for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in America in our era.
    The blood of a sexually abused infant is considered highly ‘enriched’ and is highly prized. The money changing hands, the favors, the kickbacks – you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all their own. Babies are their premium brand of
    high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.”

    Mel Gibson

    • Dr Day in a address in 1969 forecast that people at 75 years should have a party and drop dead with the ‘demise pill’.
      I can think of all the globalists over 75 years that should have taken the pill up to 25 years ago.
      Just search:
      ‘NWO exposed by insider’ at jeffrense.com or back here at Gs by Mary Maxwell.
      The address in March 1969 by ‘Doctor’ Day was reported upon in the late 1980’s by Dr Dunegan who was present with about 60-80 paediatricians.
      Seems that our ‘doctors’ are implementing the UN-NWO agenda so far as they can.
      I thought it was murder? No, just government policy. Silly me.
      Well, what are the parameters/limitations of justified self defence?

      • Just think of all the financial benefits of ‘demising’ our politicians, bureaucrats et al., at 75 years and consider the savings for the rest of us if we do not have to provide their superannuation after their 75 years.
        Yep step right up and here is your pill.

  4. Dr Vlad (Zev) Zelenko (New York area) is in ICU.

    Drs have given him a 50/50 survival chance. Most alternative media readers know who he is and what he has achieved. For me he has meant lots as he recognized that early Covid treatment is imperative and his prophylactic protocol is in my humble view the best in the world. (He even wrote back to me to say that the prophylactic regimen that I had cooked up mid 2020 would work.)
    For the last couple of years he has suffered from lung cancer. The first radical OP was not a full success and he knew that when he goes in for a second operation, he may not survive.

    Many, many around the globe are praying for a miracle.

        • WHA? how can it be off topic? Dr Zelenko says: “I plead with everyone to up your game and stand up and resist.”

          He calls Gates a criminal sociopath and says people are worshipping false gods, such as science, money, and fame.

          He says fight it now — “it’s worth dying for” — or our progeny will never be able to breathe free.

          Thank you, Foffa. Also thanks to Gumshoe commenters who bring their stuff here as a link.

          P.S., Zelenko says “RESIST GIVING IN TO FEAR.”

          F**k fear! (He didn’t say that. )

          Of course I didn’t say it either. I would say “Abjure fear.”

          (Wouldn’t I?)

        • Sing to the Lord a New Song!
          (Psalm 98:1-9; Isaiah 42:10-17)

          PSALM 149

          “Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.

          Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.

          Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

          For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation.

          Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

          Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand;

          To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;

          To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;

          To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints.

          Praise ye the LORD.”

          Problem is that most people don’t read properly
          So this brief October 22 1990 exegesis will probably also be lost

  5. I am adding to Ned’s reflections on the 1969 speech by Dr Richard Day. In a 2018 Gumshoe article about Day, Tony Ryan commented:

    For example, the “strangers may live with you” excerpt referred to refugees. And it is here that the Rothschild signature appears, as transpired in the old Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. To avoid compensation for and resistance to oil and gas pipelines, civil wars were initiated which required NATO intervention. The flow of refugees was directed into Europe, with calculated three-fold effect; (1) To cause disruption and conflict; (2) To dilute national identity (and hence resistance to globalisation); and, (3) To generate cultural, religious, civil, and economic breakdown.

    The reference to feminism is the least understood. Prior to 1973, the feminist battle cry was for equal opportunity and equal pay for equal work. This was the subject of my very first survey and I found that 99% of men supported these objectives. But in 1973, Zbigniew Brzezinski completed David’s Trilateral Commission and the very next day he invited Rupert Murdoch to become an American citizen and to take command of tax avoidance and media, world-wide. This is when News Ltd seduced those feminists who were elitist and provided them with unlimited public exposure, thereby changing the movement’s direction to anti-man, anti-husband, and anti-father. Essentially, the goal was the destruction of the Family Unit.

    • Yes interesting how the word “chauvinist” was manipulated, a chauvinist is someone who loves war, for example military regalia, marching and the whole package, so “chauvinist” was used as a pejorative in the Vietnam war … then it got manipulated and “male chauvinist pig” became a women’s liberation catch-cry, now the meaning is totally lost on most people who use it like the words “fascist” and “radical” and even (in Australia) “Liberal” with little or no idea of the actual meaning. Who actually engineered this, perhaps orchestrated infiltrators to some extent. The last edition of ABCTV “4 corners” was about vaping (e-cigarettes) and showed clearly how politicians would argue vigorously for anyone who was greasing their palm. Instead of a logical conclusion you just get a huge argument. Both sides deflect the questions and go on the attack about something else. If someone promises to pay for your re-election advertising, it’s a fight for survival, so they will say anything. The hideous toad Skerritt was being grilled by the Senate and instead of keeping his toad-hole shut he went on a pre-emptive attack. The senator had an empty bottle of some chemical and Skerrit put on his ugly toad-face and demanded, “I hope you have a prescription for that”. I would like to see him in chains, because I think his behaviour would be the same. Fauci is similar but even slipprier. They will turn black to white, wrong to right, day to night, it’s quite an insight.

  6. From 18:40 (surfing theme) but you can go back to the start if interested …

    Original related video …

    • Glastonbury Witchcraft / Hugo Talks

    I was not following it so I did not realise they had Zelensky AND Greta opening up Glastonbury.

    While we are there …

    • No SIGN Of INTELLIGENT LIFE Anywhere / Hugo Talks

    but seriously, speaking of aliens …

    • Aleksandr Dugin on the Alien, Substantially Jewish Elite in the U.S. and Its War Against Traditional American Individualism


    • The Humiliation of Babylon

      Isaiah 47

      Therefore evil shall come upon you;
      You shall not know from where it arises.
      And trouble shall fall upon you;
      You will not be able to put it off.
      And desolation shall come upon you suddenly,
      Which you shall not know.

      “Stand now with your enchantments
      And the multitude of your sorceries,
      In which you have labored from your youth—
      Perhaps you will be able to profit,
      Perhaps you will prevail.

      Comment: The prophetic description of the self destruction of modern day Babylon continues.

      Sorceries, the NT Greek word is pharmakia from which is derived pharmaceutical.
      Is it not witchcraft?

      ‘ Double double toil and trouble/Fire burn and cauldron bubble ‘ is a rhyming couplet from Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, chanted by the supernatural three witches. It is among the most quoted lines from Shakespeare, mainly because of its sing-song rhythm and its rhyming. The witches represent pure evil.

  7. I’d rather lose with you lot, than win with them.
    What have we learnt, well, how wrong we can be. Don’t lock in the depopulation and all the “alt’ suppositions”, sure they are odds on, but we are being lead down the garden path, still.
    Stay loose like a twin fin, don’t lock in like a thruster. Long boards are fun and the only ride in small swells and guns are too slow on transitions. Surf lingo, don’t worry about it, surfers don’t.

    I’m a poor loser and I pity an elite that that thinks I’m out. We came here as young raw children, and I’m confident that if push comes to shove, in our sphere, the focus will be on them.

    • Repeating 1-2-3, repeating 1-2-3:

      “I’m a poor loser and I pity an elite that that thinks I’m out. We came here as young raw children, and I’m confident that if push comes to shove, in our sphere, the focus will be on them.”

  8. Dear Julius, Your Hugo Talks item led to his mentioning The Pet Goat, which led me to this ABC video.

    I note the narrator refers to the event as Evil, and says “the children’s world was changed forever.” (Imagine if they take the vax…)

      • “Foffa, how did he become ill”?

        Of the countless hours I have spent trying to get my head around the virus, a good number were spent listening to Zev.

        2018 Zev was diagnosed with lung cancer. This may have been a result of passive smoking, considering his family background. The cancer had spread to his heart (right ventricle), so when they performed the 2nd OP yesterday, I assume that the surgeons would have tried to fix this – close to impossible, without a heart transplant.

        Zev would have been as far away from taking the Quackzine, as myself.

        He will never be forgotten.

    • Australia has no bill of rights, no 1st amendment
      Would Americans be locked up on this charge ?
      “Violating a court order not to disclose information”
      Where is the list of court orders published ? I don’t know.
      Do they pertain only to a state, how about the internet ?
      Mrs Cossack (1 min)

      From the Russian Foreign Ministry (3 min)

      They are going to try to grab all his assets and run him out of town.
      He doesn’t want to be injected.
      Meanwhile in Queensland road crashes are up 10% or more on last year.
      The solution is to double the speeding fines.
      How many people died of heart attack while driving ?
      Maybe drinking too much celery juice like Shane Warne.
      Deaths overall up 17.5% this year so far.
      “In 2022, there were 44,331 deaths that occurred by 31 March and were registered by 31 May. This is 6,609 deaths (17.5%) more than the baseline average.”

      • Best placed Globalist Jane Halton probably going to get us all forcibly injected (allegedly)
        Communist ALP figurehead Elbow is staying well away from Australia while the place falls apart. Looking for his itinerary, a dead end. He is in Gay Paris now cosying up with Globalist minion Macaron and his (allegedly) ambiguous wife.
        https://nothing there .gov
        Vic government now has “Viper Force”, no it’s not real snakes it’s some type of heavily armed stormtroopers who don’t need a warrant to do anything they want. (allegedly)
        Nice photo of a guy with bullet holes in his chest
        How much responsibility does Dicktator Dan have in breaking down society with his bogus lockdowns and economic destruction ?
        Around here I have noticed a few people (families) living in vans appearing, I didn’t get close enough to see if they had out-of-state plates. We already have lots of beggars at the intersections with cardboard signs. Apparently there is a worker shortage, but a beggar and homeless surplus. Maybe channel 7 or 9 could do the government’s job for them and start “beggar boot camp”.

      • What’s the benefit in broadcasting that “I’m shocked and devastated” ?
        What good could possibly come from telling an enemy that you’re powerless ?

        • How about saying “good news: a court officer just swallowed the bait hook line and sinker; everything’s going according to plan”.
          Rocking the PTB is as simple as taking hold of the fact that bluff is THE most powerful weapon ever

      • From what I can gather he(Cossack) breached suppression order
        But there doesn’t seem to be any info as to:
        * Whether that entailed identifying a minor
        * What, exactly, his defence plea was based on
        * What legislation the 10 month sentence is based on
        * What the basis of his prospective appeal is based on

        Why the secrecy?

        • If, as the publicity suggests, the suppression order in question was innately reprobate, it would no doubt have been invalidated by a failure to comply with
          S. 9 (5) of the enabling Act:

          COURT SUPPRESSION AND NON-PUBLICATION ORDERS ACT 2010 – SECT 9 Procedure for making an order:
          (5) A suppression order or non-publication order MUST specify the information to which the order applies with sufficient particularity to ensure that the order is limited to achieving the purpose for which the order is made.

          But why employ a lawyer ?
          Most of them are worse than useless

          • NB: This is a fair indication that there’s no legal provision for anyone to be incarcerated re breaching a suppression order( I can’t any mention of any such penalty anywhere else either)

            COURT SUPPRESSION AND NON-PUBLICATION ORDERS ACT 2010 – SECT 17 Proceedings for offences

            (1) Proceedings for an offence under this Act are to be dealt with:

            (a) summarily before the Local Court, or

            (b) summarily before the Supreme Court in its summary jurisdiction.

            (2) If proceedings are brought in the Local Court, the maximum monetary penalty that the Local Court may impose for the offence, despite any higher maximum monetary penalty provided by this Act in respect of the offence, is:

            (a) for an individual, 100 penalty units, or

            (b) for a body corporate, 500 penalty units.


  9. Watch this critical video


    Was the plane crash of Dr. Madej an assassination attempt?

    Dear Freedom Warriors,

    many people have asked me if the plane crash of Dr. Madej is an attack to silence her. We know that many opponents of the criminal elites have been found dead the past years, so there is of course always this possibility. We however have no solid evidence as of yet, and therefore refrain from making clear statements. An investigation has started. Meanwhile we ask for your prayers for Carrie and Billy, for protection and recovery.

    There is however a reality of influential people who oppose the agenda of the criminal elites, who lost their lives. For example –

    In Africa five presidents who opposed the vaccines, suddenly died and were replaced by presidents who aggressively promote the injections onto their population. One of them was president John Magufuli of Tanzania, who publicly questioned the c0v!d numbers of his country. There were more than 400 cases and 16 deaths. He accused the National Medical Laboratory of lying.

    In Germany Udo Ulfkotte, the editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers, who exposed how journalists worldwide are paid by the CIA to lie to the public, was also found dead not long after the publishing of his book.

    The inventor of the PCR test, dr. Kary Mullis, had warned against using his PCR test to determine if a person is infected or sick, because that’s not something this test can do. Interestingly, right before the pandemic dr. Mullis died,… and what happened? His PCR test was used as the foundation for the pandemic, telling the world how hundreds of millions of people were “infected”, while Mullis himself had stated that his test cannot determine an infection.

    Recently in Germany, the doctor Andreas Noak revealed the presence of graphene hydroxide in vaccine vials. He died shortly after being arrested.

    At the beginning of the pandemic a young professor named Bing Liu from the University of Pittsburgh, was shot dead in his apartment. Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications, which could have had a profound impact on ending the pandemic.

    Dr. Raymond Rife was born in 1888 and he contributed a lot to technology in the area of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. He also discovered a 100% effective cancer cure. In 1934 he was able to cure 14 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients, while the other two were cured after subsequent six weeks. In 1934 Dr. Milbank Johnson who was to declare the results of Rife’s cancer therapy was lethally poisoned and his documents vanished. Rife’s laboratories were set on fire and ruined. Dr. Nemes who had replicated a part of Rife’s work died in a inexplicable fire along with the destruction of all his research papers.

    These are just a few examples of a horrible reality that has been terrorizing our beautiful world: good people who oppose the criminal establishment, conveniently died.

    Again, we have no evidence that the plane crash of Dr. Madej is the result of tampering, so we will not make any unsubstantiated claims until the investigation has revealed more details. I share this information to show to all who read this, that there is a reality, and we should be aware of this. Her latest work – The battle for humanity.

    Fact is Dr. Madej has one of the most important messages for humanity in our time, as she is unveiling the insane agenda to end humanity and turn everyone into a fully controllable cyborg, through DNA altering vaccines, graphene oxide and self assembling nanobots in the injections, 5G and other techniques.

    • Will Aussie Cossack lawyers be enough to stop him from suiciding ?
      If not, don’t think you will be allowed any “civil unrest”, this is NWO now.
      The old hippies of Vietnam era all got derailed in 1970 by pot, LSD, sexual revolution mk 1, womens liberation -> family breakdown, programmed economic meltdowns, etc etc, now there is just the screen talking to us. What are they saying ? “Go shopping”.

  10. Exact replica of 1970 – money printing crisis disguised by petrol prices
    BIden recovery strategy
    Biden threatens Russia with ww3 if he touches NATO states, it’s all Russia’s fault
    Russia has more than 6000 prisoners ( Ukraina men under 60 fled the country after Monka Zelenskyy told them they would all be conscripted – a virtual death sentence, presumably “essential workers” remain )

  11. Albanese may be visiting Macaronus to get advice on how to govern like a Roman god –

    Macron Declares He Will Govern Like a Roman God

    French president Emmanuel Macron has declared he will govern France like Jupiter, the Roman king of the gods, shortly after officials told the media his thought process was “too complex” for journalists to understand.


    • And the United States looks much like ancient Rome.

      Washington’s Capitol Hill –

      “…….Capitoline Hill: The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was located on the Capitoline Hill in Rome.

      When designing Washington, D.C., George Washington and others very carefully chose symbols to convey their ideas. It was with this mindset that they desired to have America’s lawmakers to meet on a hill they chose to call Capitol Hill in honour of Jupiter’s Capitoline Hill. As described by Pamela Scott:

      “The iconography of the panels decorating the south (which was to contain the House of Representatives) is derived from the most powerful ancient god, Jupiter, and the strongest ancient hero, Hercules. In the central panel, a single standing figure (representing either collective American patriots or Washington) takes an oath before the seated Jupiter … king of the gods in Roman mythology, … Oaths in ancient Rome were taken at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, located on the Capitoline hill. (emphasis added) [16]


      “…………..But even before the founding of Washington, D.C. – and even before the founding of the United States – there were already some links between the ancient city of Rome and this remote bit of farmland destined to become our nation’s capital.

      The area that L’Enfant called Jenkins Hill was actually known as “New Troy,” dating all the way back to the original Maryland land grant in 1663. In Roman mythology, the ancient city of Troy was a precursor to Rome.

      And the area around New Troy included a 400-acre farm that its owner had actually named Rome. He even renamed the modest Goose Creek, which flowed from the Potomac to the base of what would become Capitol Hill, the mighty Tiber Creek, after Rome’s Tiber River.

      And his name – Francis Pope.

      So there you go – even before its founding, Washington had a Rome, the Tiber, and a Pope.

      Ciao, my work is done for the day.



    • Link to macaron roman god seems to have disappeared, searching the site yields:

      Could Emmanuel Macron be the Antichrist?
      Saturday, 24 November 2018 11:57 am – Posted in Prophecy Watch
      Yet, out of all the Antichrist candidates who have come and gone, Emmanuel Macron, who became President of France on the 14th of May, 2017, has generated more end-time buzz than any other world leader that I know! This is because Macron seems to fit the exact characteristics of the Antichrist in so many ways…

      Globalist Victory: First Climate Lockdowns Announced in France
      Thursday, 30 June 2022 02:28 pm – Posted in Headlines
      In parts of France, around 40 degrees Celsius (104°F) are measured. That is enough to patronize citizens who apparently cannot take to the streets without the help of President Macron, who is loyal to the WEF. All of this, of course, is part of the climate change agenda, which, based on what is believed to be a “majority” …


  12. Summoning over 900 politicians from both houses of the French parliament to a rare Congress at the palace of Louis XIV – the ‘Sun King’ – in Versailles, he threatened to overrule lawmakers with a referendum if they try to frustrate the “reforms” he wishes to impose on the legislature. Such assemblies are usually reserved for times of national crisis.

    Reuters reports him as saying he desires to reign as a “Jupiterian” president – “a remote, dignified figure, like the Roman god of gods, who weighs his rare pronouncements carefully”.


  13. Pre-ramble (nothing new but …)
    These politicians and figureheads are selected for their ability to lie constantly without blushing, and then they go overseas to avoid the worst shitstorms, now they also use their one week quarantine for media training or any sort of avoidance, as we saw with the Elbow election campaign.
    All the celebs, even old ones like their royal personages, are up and running about after a week of quarantine, while the commoners go on ventilators. People like Boris, simply don’t give a shit. Many of them, such as va666ine company employees and government health department officials, are EXEMPT from the injections mandates … we know because Vic CHO Brett Sutton told us.
    What are all the celebrities actually on ? Do they take a prophylactic IVM pill every week, I don’t think that would be enough. They evidently have some kind of reliable anti-flu medication they can rely on, and as we know they have had years to prepare for the Scamdemic.

    • Diane,
      Renaissance masters did it without electricity.
      Their testimony half millenia strong, significant today as then.
      What’s our contribution to the ages, rust and trash? Most skills relegated to typing, slaves without jobs, AI watching every move we make.
      This world desperately needs Renaissance women and men, but how when the skills (even simply holding a pencil) will leave with our departures.
      Faith in better days, for all youth needing unmasked guidance.

  14. Depopulation Of Taiwan (Polysorbate 80 in vaccines causes infertility in women)

    23% Drop in Birth Rate in Taiwan

    According to a Taiwan government report, the birth rate dropped by 23.24% in May 2022, compared to May 2021.

    “…………….I inputted historical birth rate data from Macrotrends for the years 2009-2021, and added the year 2022 as year 2021 adjusted down by 23.24%. Obviously, 2022 is not over and the number of Taiwanese babies to be born this year (or during the next 12 months) is unknown. So the chart below is an illustration of what would happen in the next 12 months if the 23.24% drop stays constant.

    When expressed in “sigmas”, units of standard deviation, the 23.24% drop in the birth rate in Taiwan is a 26-sigma event!

    This is can be described as “unimaginable” in terms of the likelihood of happening due to random chance.

    The Wolfram-Alpha illustration of likelihood by sigma only goes to ten-sigma. They thought that it would be pointless to show more sigmas. Except a 26-sigma drop in birth rate just happened in Taiwan.

    …………Taiwan was a poster child for successful vaccination. 91% of all Taiwanese residents received a vaccine dose. By October 1, 2021, 56% of ALL people of Taiwan received Covid vaccines.
    Depopulation Of Taiwan 6

    They got a fairly usual mix of “safe and effective” AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines.
    Depopulation Of Taiwan 7

    People of Taiwan got their shots, felt assured that Covid-19 stops with every vaccinated person, and moved on with their lives.

    I doubt that the people of Taiwan noticed anything at the end of September. They knew for sure that their vaccines were safe and effective and would not affect their sperm or pregnancies. So they proceeded with family plans just as before, trying to make babies on purpose, or partying and having fun and getting pregnant accidentally, just as people do elsewhere.

    Except for 9 months later, they only gave birth to 77% of the number of babies expected.

    I hope that the people of Taiwan will start asking their authorities: what is happening to us?


    Polysorbate 80 – Vaccines – Infertility in women

    An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproductive Health
    Jul 15, 2008 Joanna Karpasea-Jones

    Read more at Suite101: Polysorbate 80 Causes Infertility: An Emulsifier That Can Damage Your Reproductive Health


    Polysorbate 80 (also known as tween 80) is a stabilizer used in a wide variety of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti-cancer medications.

    It is toxic and should not be eaten, drunk, put on the skin or injected.

    According to Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7), “it is of current relevance as a ‘hidden’ inductor of anaphylactoid reactions”, and “Polysorbate 80 was identified as the causative agent for the anaphylactoid reaction of nonimmunologic origin in the patient. Conclusions: Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.”

    Read on –


    Click to access excipient-table-2.pdf


  15. “These are not blood clots!” (30 min. with Dr Jane Ruby)

    Lots of general medical items are covered during the first 25 mins. From minute 26, things are getting interesting!

    I liked JR’s comments about the embalmer Hirchman’s live video of him pulling out a long and thick whitish “blood” clot from the RHS Carotid artery of a dead, jabbed person. (I do not know, but the person could have died due to no oxygenated blood being able to reach the brain – possibly a similar clot is situated in the left Carotid artery??) JR said that the clots are not visible on MRI, x-rays aso.

    JR also said that Mike Adams (of Brighteon US) has taken on the task of analyzing the “white” long fibrous clots. Results are said to be available in the month of July.

    I will be on the lookout. It could well be that the results are giving away the (parts of the) secret behind the SADS. In this case Mike Adams needs to watch his back.


    • Zelenko’s beard was about 80 years old but the man was claimed to be born 1973 which makes him <50 at death, I wonder how he acquired lung cancer

    • Gates, Fauci, Rockerfellas etc may have to change their strategy from killing Anglosphere USELESS EATERS first and restrict their cull to the very useless, ie old age and cripples, pretty much along the historical Nazi line. Because BRICS are getting serious and even potentially adding Argentina & Iran, it will be BRICKSIA (shades of Orwell), then there will be a flood of applicants, and USD / BIS / SwiftSystem hegemony will be all over. Ukraina is the frontline. The strategy is to deplete Russia. But Russia is selling arms to the BRICS, and according to our lying MSM has seized the grain exports from Ukraina. Russia has all the oil and gas, and now the weather is warming up with the solar cycles, things should get easier for them, while more printing of the USD should result in higher gas prices.
      The USA and British Commonwealth countries are being parasited out from the inside by Globalist nonsense which is falling apart. Whatever bad things may be said about the CCP and Putin, at least they have their hands on the steering wheel.
      Everyone has super-fast ICBMs now so even Taiwan is relatively safe from attack.
      Only the traitor Monika Zelenskyy is willing to send “his people” to their graves.
      Well if they voted for a comedian perhaps they will do better next time.

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