Introduction by Dee McLachlan
The astonishing video below is part of the Beforeitsnews article, “Have You Noticed People’s Personalities Suddenly Changing After They Took The COVID Shot?“
In the video, a ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee) session held in June by Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich shows an extract from Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s presentation, and then discussions with Professor Dr. Karina Reiss, Dr. Naomi Wolf and Dr. Peter R. Breggin. Dr. Naomi Wolf suggests how people’s wills were being broken by these injections, and Dr. Breggin added that some of the effects were akin to the effects from a lobotomy as centers of the brain become impaired.
I was sent an email chain by a regular gumshoe reader as a result of him sending the above video to some long-standing university friends of high intellect and social recognition. a. The reply from this gentlemen is astonishing.
Heading: Have You Noticed People’s Personalities Suddenly Changing After They Took The COVID Shot?
After a few minutes you might appreciate the good doctor’s address for about 20 mins. Yes, AS HE EXPLAINS, the politicians have NO IDEA and only follow flat earthers.
Feeling lobotomised? If you could feel! Listen to all of it … particularly the psychiatrist after the doctor and Naomi Wolfe. It explains our politicians and government policies. (link https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2023/07/have-you-noticed-peoples-personalities-suddenly-changing-after-they-took-the-covid-shot-video-3052510.html)
(Wife) and I have had the 5th COVID shot and are now totally immune to conspiracy theories.
Well, that enlightenment was quick when you have not listened to the presentations with Reiner (German) running the show and those explaining why the Nazis were so successful.
Well the program clearly explains your attitude and perspective. Case proven. [End of email chain]
Dates are required on these videos to identify timelines of research.
This is an astonishing video.
To the normies with at least half a brain surviving, just go to the one hour timeline for twenty minutes to the end.
If that does not spike the remaining half of your brain to cause you to go back to the start, to listen to all of the commentators, then duck into a time wormhole and enjoy Germany under Hitler….. have fun there and enjoy the historic experience that you are now imposing upon your grandchildren in your ignorance and apparent cowardice.
OT This is from legitgov.org re ASSANGE. The square bracketed words are not from me:
U.S. rejects Australian plea to drop Assange case | 29 July 2023 | U.S. Secretary of State [and Grade ‘A’ sociopath] Antony Blinken has confirmed that Australia has raised the case of Julian Assange’s continued prosecution, but declared that Washington will not cease seeking the extradition of the former WikiLeaks boss and intends to try him for espionage. Speaking alongside Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong in Brisbane on Saturday, Blinken said that while he understands “the concerns and views of Australians,” Assange’s alleged actions “risked very serious harm to our national security, to the benefit of our adversaries, and put named human sources at grave risk — grave risk — of physical harm, and grave risk of detention.” …An Australian citizen, Julian Assange is currently being held in London’s Belmarsh Prison. He is fighting extradition to the US, where he faces 17 charges under the Espionage Act and potentially a 175-year prison sentence.
WikiLeaks did no harm.
None zero nil.. NO HARM. NO ONE WAS PUT AT RISK.
Blinken is repeating the same old lies upon lies !
Chelsea Manning said there were thousands – literally thousands of such recordings as Collateral murder – but most are much, much worse. US supports and promotes a rogue and polemic culture of brutality and inhumanity.
Australia must FREE ASSANGE – he is completely innocent and has only done great (indeed the greatest ) good in the public interest.
Maybe Assange is Trump’s Trump card just waiting to be exposed?
When does a bird sing? – ‘Q’
I have no doubt whatsoever that Assange will be receiving the Medal of Honor for service to Humanity. Assange is in a very safe place until needed.
Please expand on “a very safe space”- Preferably source/sources that are not Q based.
“a very safe place”
I am not your teacher sandra – so why don’t you look at what ‘Q’ has been presenting to the world since October, 2017?
As a very wise man once quoted – ‘Seek and ye shall find.’
Life in this world tends to be a learning place for those who wish to learn from what they seek out, and not learn, from what they are told to believe.
As much as I’m disinclined to agree with all of their positions t’s good to have one Qanon and one Neo-Nazi on the bloggs in the interest of broadening the range of input. If they can’t or won’t substantiate that just adds, like a black background adds contrast to coloured objects in front.
Joe – you fall into the deceiving media trap by repeating that there is such a thing as Qanon. There is only, ‘Q’.
And it is everyone’s journey in this world to seek out their own Truth and not be subject to what someone will tell you where to look or what to believe – I know that to be a very obvious and instructive point that I make, and that you take to discounting – Why?
If we all took to the path we came into this world to be on, we would not be having to resort to saving the rest of the flock who have fallen into the mind controlling matrix.
The truth of anything will always be self-evident to the beholder.
“Qdrops” on a “3 year delta” will only work if the entire production comes from central control. But on the ground we have no results, just the M$M and court cases dragging on. NATO and Russia killing people while most places try to break out of USD hegemony. Quoting realrawnews written by some deviant 3rd rate fiction writer only confirms. Obviously I wish you were right but waiting for the 2024 election is simply not the deal. The destruction of the USA continues apace and all we have is slow transitions, a few politicians get taken down, a few facts emerge, this is just the normal process, not a covert operation.
Joe – if you lived near any air force base in this country right now – you would be wondering that the hell is keeping the air force on an almost 24/7 operational basis since November 2022.
And military exercises last no longer than six weeks max.
What is going on around us all, right now, is just normal? Really?
You would be saying it is evidence of “white hats”, I would be suspecting it is communist ALP government or Globalist infrastructure of some sort going in.
But always you are the one who “knows” for certain what it is and doesn’t like to come up with any source apart from Qanon and realrawnews. Do you have other sources.
You insist my mind could be expanded and my wisdom enhanced if I knew what you know. I try not to accommodate unwarranted prejudice, or optimism / pessimism, I am interested in evidence.
Joe – the question you should be considering is this: How come Ned and I know what is actually occurring and you don’t?
There is no Qanon Joe – you’re just parroting the lying media.
I could point you to a thousand different places – but what I have come to know takes decades of research, and the seeker is prepared to suspend the urge to discount subjects that may seem at first glance, to be outlandish.
One should always remember that we all have been conditioned from birth to follow a particular path of control that when complied with, keeps us within ‘their’ restrictive learning box.
On everyone’s path to enlightenment they must be willing to leave no stone unturned in their quest for the Truth. Everything can be verified as worthy or unworthy, of personal acceptance – that is everyone’s choice – but nothing should be discounted until fully investigated.
And one must be willing to learn before one’s mind can be fully expanded, and be prepared to accept, that even what was once accepted as a common fact, in the end may have always been, a red herring.
Never close your mind, to anything, ever, unless you know it to be against God’s Law..
I think that far from being the super-guru you say you are, you have been programmed by too many Hollywood movies to think the cavalry will come in the nick of time and you will be saved without having to do anything.
“saved without having to do anything.”
“painlessly; at no personal cost” is more to the point
“No pain, no palm;
no thorns, no throne;
no gall, no glory;
no cross, no crown.” – William Penn
As you state, you are not (their) teacher.
Nor am I.
I think we are in the same paddock in that context.
Since March 2018, when I found Q references, I have spent about 5 plus hours ( up to eight hours) PER DAY TO DATE ‘teaching myself’ and now have reached the stage where I could not give a stuff about those who have neither, taught themselves or deigned to consider the opinions of those who have and continue.
In due course all will come to fruition.
For the normies who have not done the pain and time, here is a starter.
I do not think a single commentator here ( that I have noted) has conceded that they have listened to him and considered is analysis’ and been able to refute any of his analysis.
They are Not my problem…… they are probably on their FIFTH BOOSTER AND “IMMUNED” FROM PATIENT RESEARCH AND ANY COMMON SENSE. In short; they are just so stupid and that cannot be fixed as those who are, are too stupid to know that they are stupid, by nature or have chosen to be…… it is often referred to as Denial…… I am no psychiatrist, but claim some very common experiences from 50 years of knowledge.
As you would know and have experienced, in any investigation of a crime.
In that respect, we are brothers with delinquent siblings who have had no experiences.
It can be frustrating, eh, Ned? We simply put up our experience and knowledge gained from years of research, but get poked and prodded to prove that what we put out in comment form has the substance of Truth to it.
I have read many of your comments over the years – you only offer good advice – yet there are those who choose to discount what you and I write, while disregarding how that could be in their favor, if they chose to at least look at what is on offer via their own research before rejecting out of hand, decades of combined knowledge that you and I have gathered.
This is the first time I have ever heard of Derek Johnson, it is just absurd to complain so much, and still not a peep from commenter nemesis about sources. Just totally absurd.
OK Derek Johnson is a guy who supports the “Trump is still president” thesis, I have no issues with the frauded election narrative and various criminal shenanigans of the politicians, but for everything to end with Biden in chains followed by a big friendly handshake between Putin and Trump leading to Nesara Gesara and income tax refunds for Americans, is a real stretch of the imagination.
Dear Joe,
I have mentioned Derek Johnson.
Perhaps you conflate many theorised scenarios without examining concepts and outcomes without isolating the issues.
Perhaps when you look into the chook pen, you might isolate the ducks, quails, the parrot up high and the rats scrounging for a seed feed in the dirt.
That is what a real investigator and researcher does
Another comparison would be that you would not buy a newspaper and actually read it and isolate because being unable to discern details of;
The editorial.
The crossword,
The sports reports, the comics or the astrology forecasts,
Not to for get the weather forecast.
A real researcher reads the paper every day and looks for an overview and discards crap.
Actually, if you had ever served on a criminal jury of 12, that is what your duty in law would be as directed by the court and in so doing, consider pertinent differing opinions on the evidence presented during the trial. Indeed you may even accept one witness in part and accept other parts. It requires discernment and intellect after applying serious concentration.
Someone’s life may depend on the joint objective consideration of ALL THE EVIDENCE.
I know of a presiding judge who was relieved of his position for exactly that.
Well my argument is really with Nemesis and the “do nothing” strategy, if you want to argue too that’s a different thing. But you can start by stating roughly when you last mentioned Derek Johnson, excluding today.
In any case he sounds like nothing special, just Trump still notionally leads some faction of the army etc., reading Proust would be a lot quicker than this
So you apparently had a glimpse of Jim Willie…good, I have heard him every week for over a year, even though he can be as painful as Dave at xreport.com
Now whilst you might be inclined to really do some detailed work, try Mike Rivero’s headlines at
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com. New site.
I have just finished a 20 min skim over about 4-5 pages from 1/8;20 to 31/7 where I finished off yesterday.
In that regard I presently have the 2GB Hadley show on as well and have heard complete BS on the11.00 news regarding the alleged insurrection charges against T.
Joseph, If you understood the circus show game you would be able to comprehend what is really happening, despite your lame reasons for the apparent belief that nothing is happening because you really do not understand a ‘sting operation’ exposing the enemies AND YOU ARE NOT RINNING THE SHOW. SORRY, BUT YOU ARE NORVRELEVANT……. AS WE ARE NOT ALSO. some of us are just in a front seat watching.
A old mafia tactic; have friends but keep your enemies close …… to see who they are and how to knee cap them, particularly when prosecutions, as precedents, can be pivoted against the treasonous players……. WITH PUBLIC PERMISSION, SUPPORT AND INFORMED UNDERSTANDING.
Joe; “it is a game and you are not in on it”. YET!
Out of time Line.
Oops, 11.18 above belongs in the next section below.
Again, you assume too much
Dear OH dear Joseph..
I am not going to spend time looking up what you have missed either directly from me or contained in a references have I referred to.
So you say that he sounds like ‘nothing special’.
Right that must tell you something if you look in a mirror after stating that he Sounds’ like NOTHING ‘SPECIAL’, ON WHAT BASIS DO YOU MAKE THAT INTELLECTUAL OBSERVATION?
Do you expect Nemisis to give you hours of his (and my research): address on the law of war manual (2015 updated 1916), all the relevant executive orders, military protocols and custom, ( 3 v 4 gun salutes, military band music etc) AND WHEN CONSIDERED AS A WHOLE IS ABSOLUTELY INDICATING TO THE SIMPLE MINDED NORMIES AND LAZYS ONE’s FACE WHAT IS REAL, AS BLOODY OBVIOUS.
( work it out)
Bugger, you are giving me a headache just thinking of what it all means.
You say you are arguing with Nemisis, why? If you cannot direct your attention to all the material N and N have referred to for months……. There could be no argument if minds are not directed to claimed or contrasting evidence that is available,
If you go back to the ‘biff up’ that Nem and me had over the USS LIBERTY MURDERS you may receive a lesson in witnessing a brawl based on a reasoned dispute on contrasting interpretation OF FACTS AND AGREED EVIDENCE.
( N lost!💁🏼🤣)
Yes I’m aware of elements of the war manual, they fired 4 cannons for a funeral when he was inaugurated or whatever it was. As I said, I agree some faction of the military is on side with Trump, but how about the rest, with General Milley and congress doling out the printed money. You two need to think a bit more deeply and outside of the square instead of just patting each other on the back.
If no militia was on side with Trump he would either be 100% controlled opposition or 100% dead.
Also, none of it indicates that Trump is going to come to Australia and save Australia.
If the boring vectors line up ( aren’t they already lined up now ? ) and the stoopid SCOTUS does something to earn their pay I will readjust to suit.
Why the 6 months delay on SCOTUS, you tell me.
Have a look at the tail end of this, it’s totally fucked
Don’t you look nemesis, it’s a link
Joe – timing is important -‘Q’
So, on that score, there appears to be, to me at least, three timelines converging into the ‘final battle’ – and the SCOTUS decision is just one of them.
In reference to Barry Lyndon: Our enemy uses all the ancient arts with which to confuse us and nothing that they do to us, must have consequences to them, – hence the need for the existence of Hollywood to divert karma from their activities against us.
Hollywood has been playing us all as the gullible sheep that many still are, and have yet to awaken from. From the get go, Hollywood has been inserting exactly what they intend to do to us all – one only needs to pay attention to the clues.
Linda Paris over at McAllisterTV on Rumble, has been excellent at exposing Hollywood – pay a visit if you can suspend your thinking?
In this world there are no coincidences – everything is for a purpose. Time, space and Soul are all interconnected – nothing is impossible – nothing!
I’m no Guru Joe, nor do I pretend to be, I am just a humble Human who embraces the blessing of our Lord.
You are too obtuse for me, in one sentence you refer to 4 cannons or ‘whatever’ and the law of war manual.
I am not going to bother to inform thinking readers that they are not related as one is as per military custom and protocols whilst the other is according to international law. Seems you have not researched the distinctions nor appreciated parts of the jigsaw. If you did with other pieces you may be able to detect the representation/s formed.
In any case, Nothing anyone here thinks will make any difference to future events and at this time I will in due course abide my time and if necessary, cite your comments if required for assessment for readers to consider.
As for Milley, money being doled out and questions re military, there is much information dealing with those matters…. I could not be bothered giving you a ten thousand word essay.
In a short three day jury trial my usual address to a jury averaged out at over three hours, after a review of all the evidence and opposing submissions written the evening before. I rarely, if ever referred to those notes in any address and if so it was a quick flip through the written sus to wonder if I had missed something…. Never did!
I do not have the inclination to do your job at this time.
If you wish to start something, look up the hour plus interview with Jim Willie at BIN on fiscal matters. For a quick view of many topics to discern, listen to Mary at ‘situation update’ and separate the BS from the pearls…… you might even be able to taste the differences if you bite hard enough.
You both repeatedly insist I submit to your superiority and this forms the substance of your argument. The discussion stemmed from a request for more information from commenter Sandra. This comment was rejected ( by nemesis ) on the grounds of superiority. This premise is absurd. Events have unfolded over the exact same time frame for all concerned. Everyone has a different perspective on the same set of events.
Now we see Trump being blamed and indicted for Jan 6 events which were done by the FBI and have now been “investigated” by the FBI. The Jim Willie thesis is that we are waiting for “vectors to align”. Older variations are that we are waiting for people to wake up. Most of those not woken up will not wake up. I would suggest the two demographics of “awake” and “woke” are nearly set in concrete by now.
So we are waiting for a long and boring legal process in which certain corrupt individuals need to be taken down before the protections built into the constitution can even begin to function. We are now investigating the SCOTUS !!!
Refer the last part of https://ralandbrunson.com/
What next, another stolen election. Watch the water. What water !!! It’s all the Q-drops filling up the barrel.
Personally I like to look at demographics over coincidences.
The demographics here are that they all voted for Elbow !!!
Reply in section above at about 11.22 belongs here.
It’s beneath my dignity to persist with this particular debate about x22 and so forth, so I am starting again with Brunson over in the current story as I think it is more deserving of attention.
Your claim that we insist on our ( N &N) superiority is nonsense so far as In am concerned.
So far as I am concerned I do not give a stuff about your stance.
Perhaps my comments (and Ns?) have a collateral alternative purpose?
If you thought on that you may realise that comments are mainly directed for the benefit of other open minded readers, so as to realise that from your responses, you may not be the superior guru that you apparently believe that you are.
Yes Joe, the Brunson case is very deserving of consideration and glad you have raised it.
Many other readers would not have heard of it.
There are many rumours/theories about it and one would wonder why it is still underway despite ‘apparent setbacks’.
I will wait with interest whilst you may wish to research it and inform us of your conclusions.
I will not report on my take on the possibilities, lest I present as being superior.
However, in your research consider Derek Johnson’s take on the war of law manual, clauses 11.1 -12 in regard to a invasion and foreign belligerents within and the continuity of government with T appointed as COMMANDER IN CHIEF BY THE MILITARY ON OR ABOUT 21st March 2021.
Have fun with the purpose and intent with all the relevant executive orders.
Do not miss the flight logs for the Epstein Lolita Express passengers.💁🏼👩❤️👨🧟♂️🧙🏿♀️🧛🏽♂️😩😩🙈🙊🙉
Joe – your insistence that SCOTUS will somehow short circuit what has to be played out as to a ‘final battle’ against the controllers of this world, is really just one timeline as to how events will actually unfold.
So, lets assume that SCOTUS will declare for the Brunson boys and the 2020 stolen election What happens then? Which corrupt agency within the United States will act against their paymasters and begin arresting all the wrongdoers,that includes their paymasters?
There is no such agency – Joe – and that simple is not what you are taking into consideration and any decision, for or against, the Brunson boys will only affect those still waking up or already awake.
That will be the sum total of any decision that SCOTUS hands down on the 2020 stolen election.
So, for any action to occur against the Deep State, an outside agency not corrupted by the controllers/Deep state, has to be employed.
In the end, the military is the only way -‘Q’
If you watch the whole video there is some stunning information to be commented on. I think this is one of the most astonishing and disturbing videos I have watched for a long time. There is so much on this…
I can’t say this strongly enough — the brain for society seems to have been attacked and most likely injured.
From Dr Breggin’s site…
“Psychiatry as an Instrument of Social and Political Control. The Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin, MD and Ginger Ross Breggin stopped federally funded racist projects involving psychosurgery, eugenics, and other means of behavioral control…
“organized psychiatry … is controlling the individual in the interest of “society” in the form of the government or other social interests.
The video….
But what WOLF and BREGGIN and BHAKDI are talking about and suggesting is …
THE PLANNED INOCULATION and INSERTION (by the vax) INTO THE BRAIN — LIKE A VAX-LOBOTOMY — to form a controllable and docile subservient society.
(They had done all the experiments to work out how to damage the brain and the outcome in personality and function)
If this is true, and was deliberate then this is possibly the biggest element for humanity at the moment.
Anyone disagree?
Sorry it’s an one and 40 mins — it’s a long watch but worth it.
Or just go and watch Barbie and Ken do what ever globalist Hollywood conditions you to do….. be stupid and distracted to keep the remaining half of your brain turning to totalitarian pinkish mush.
At least in those days the politicians and would be Roman Emperors put a good show on in the collaseum for the peasants. They were the days of real bloody entertainment.
Now what do we have, a ABC, SBS and globalist MSM shock joke entertainers massaging the conditioned peasants and even, now no free bread supplied. The Globalist now want us to buy their crickets and worms for their games.
The fluoridation of the water supply is also assisting with docility
Surely the Covidocracy is an engineered depression, destroying middle class globally, as billionaires become trillionaires. Millions have died in wars and revolutions, and now they kill millions with jabs, using the media to deny that vaccines are the cause.
Most people still in the dark about this war against us. This ain’t the same Oz it was at turn of century. Oz was built by workers producing useful products sold at fair price.
Now the plan is mega-city prisons where every move is tracked by AI surveillance.
A satanic system controlled by the antichrist, we have arrived at the point where technology is no longer good. In the beast system no one benefits, we can’t do jack being slaves in it.
Where are our wannabe WEF Klaus Schwab globalist compromised toady emperors?
Come on Albanese, Wong, Gallagher, Dan and the federal communications ‘would be’ censoring controller, et.al,
Where are you?
Come on defend yourselves here at gumshoe and answer the comments.
Right, you are afraid and want us to disappear, but want the constitution amended to give a select group a VOICE in the Constitution.
You lot are all BS ….. we want a VOICE AS WELL and it is being denied to us under the directions of the UN, THE WHO, THE IMF and your other globalist totalitarian controllers.
TOTALLY off topic:
Pzifer CEO in Freudian slip
I haven’t lined up a straight hour for the main video yet but speaking of Barbie I think if the mRNA was any good they would be making mDNA to make women’s hair go blonde, then the women would be lining up for injections and wouldn’t care what else was in there. The whole DNA control ( & diagnosis ) is way overblown as is ChatGPT as is The Earth Is Boiling, the real problem just now is we are being flooded with bullshit all the time.
And that reply was given by a so-called ally of Australia. Thanks for nothing.
Call off all our political contacts with U.S. and any military contracts with same country. Just do to them what they do to others around the world.
Sorry this comment was in regard to Assange.
That is brilliant strategy, Mal, and not only re the Assange matter….
“(Wife) and I have had the 5th COVID shot and are now totally immune to conspiracy theories.” – I was trying to think of something clever to say in response to the comment, but Hell, I couldn’t do any better than the actual comment. Freaking classic! I tend to protect mentally disabled children, but in this case….
Our politicians could learn from China –
How China Became So Powerful
The Chinese can achieve this sort of infrastructure for a population of 1.4 billion while asset rich Australia is doing nothing (in fact dismantling our society) to improve living conditions for a mere 26 million.
END of DOLLAR DOMINANCE! China Dumps $450 Billion US Debt, Yellen Questions Dollar’s Status.
High drama in Niger as the military tries to exit French hegemony
It’s a timely warning that these spike proteins etc are designed to get past the blood / brain barrier and in terms of the size of the spikes perhaps visualise hairs on the outside of the virus, and the virus is small enough to slip inside holes in the outer membrane of a cell. These spike proteins are something like a few dozen atoms stuck together, very tiny, so how are cells belonging to the immune system supposed to get into all the small corners where spike proteins may gather. Maybe your tubing is scarred or corroded by cancers or contaminated by gall-stones or just residues of junk food stuck on here or there. Maybe there are crevices where the immune system cells can’t go, and these start to react forming blood clots. Well it’s a great advertisement for nattokinase and tempeh. But as for the spikes targeting parts of the brain to shut down rational thinking, I would say you don’t really need them, people are already stuck on their belief systems and don’t like them challenged. Just expect the worst from humanity and then you will often be pleasantly surprised.
One of the interesting things in the video was Naomi Klein reacting to the second holocaust affecting her family. It was a strong reaction and this from a jew ( jewess as people used to say once ), they have over time developed quite thick skins. It’s a shame “jews” are mistakenly targeted by individuals with some axe to grind, often imaginary. The jews have been set up and would be the best allies having already been through one holocaust. As would no doubt Armenians and others.
Individuals such as the simpering Veggie and the whimpering Ju*fish who used to cut and paste loads of rubbish every day in these bloggs, are basically another bunch of genocidal maniacs who devote themselves to some concept of ethnic cleansing instead of trying to find the truth. Jews, Irish, Russians and a few others are noted for the amount of literature they produce, particularly interesting literature related to persecutions in their countries. If people want to tear down “jews” it is a self-inflicted wound, as I wrote here a long long time ago, this is a class war. It’s totally unfair to attack “jews” but if you are stuck on the idea that Rotschilds own $4 trillion and run the world etc etc then its reasonable enough to expand on that, or if you have dirt on the KM or some such factions fair enough, but to obsess about all “jews” is a mental illness ( not requiring spike proteins ).
Commenter Foffa still having a lie-down so here is a story translated from the German
Here’s an interesting video, the Chinese discussing how everyone that took the ‘vax’ is doomed. Essentially, mandating the US military to take the ‘vax’ is a military of dead men walking.
Yes I remember that video but wait, there is a conspicuous cure for the injections and it appears to be Chlorine Dioxide. The place to look up Chlorine Dioxide is Brighteon with tons of material.